C-Suite Network™

Suzanne Garber

Book Description

SAFETY NETwork: A Tale of Ten Truths of Executive Networking is the story of Ralph Pibbs, former international executive, corporate superstar and family man who, after being made redundant by his company, returns to his downtown apartment to drink his sorrows away and inadvertently causes a destructive inferno. Within a matter of moments, he finds himself not only without a job, career, and riches, but also devoid of family, home, and identity. Forced to spend the night in a homeless shelter for lack of other options available to him, Ralph learns the true meaning of resilience, grace, and personal meaning from five unsuspecting disaster aid workers and guests who give him the courage and purpose to resume his life to the fullest.

Based upon interviews of over 100 C-level executives who have been laid off, downsized or just plain fired, SAFETY NETwork intertwines personal agony and defeat with hope, humor, and humanity. Current and future executives will want to utilize the ten truths presented here to build their own professional safety nets to avoid the pitfalls that most certainly will besiege even the most distinguished of careers.

About the Author

Suzanne Garber has been featured in the NY Times, USA Today, US News & World Report, and BusinessWeek, amongst others, and has spoken dozens of international association conferences focusing on risk mitigation, disaster recovery, medical and security networks, and globalization. Suzanne serves on the boards of several for profit, humanitarian and association organizations, including some listed in this book. She was managing director over a continent for an international transportation icon and COO for the world’s largest international medical assistance organization. She is now building out her own healthcare technology company. A dual US-EU citizen who has lived in 8 countries on 4 continents and traveled to 80 nations, Suzanne holds a master’s degree with honors from the University of Pennsylvania and a BA with honors in foreign languages from Rutgers University. A two-time cancer survivor, Suzanne splits her time between Philadelphia and Miami with her husband, Christopher, a disabled US Army veteran and champion martial artist, who is a saint to put up with her global wanderings.|Suzanne Garber has been featured in the NY Times, USA Today, US News & World Report, and BusinessWeek, amongst others, and has spoken dozens of international association conferences focusing on risk mitigation, disaster recovery, medical and security networks, and globalization. Suzanne serves on the boards of several for profit, humanitarian and association organizations, including some listed in this book. She was managing director over a continent for an international transportation icon and COO for the world’s largest international medical assistance organization. She is now building out her own healthcare technology company. A dual US-EU citizen who has lived in 8 countries on 4 continents and traveled to 80 nations, Suzanne holds a master’s degree with honors from the University of Pennsylvania and a BA with honors in foreign languages from Rutgers University. A two-time cancer survivor, Suzanne splits her time between Philadelphia and Miami with her husband, Christopher, a disabled US Army veteran and champion martial artist, who is a saint to put up with her global wanderings.

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