C-Suite Network™

Dr. Thomas Rose

Book Description

In diesem Buch geht es nicht nur um die Beschreibung einer Reise nach Indien, sondern es geht um Selbstbestimmung und um die Verteidigung des eigenen Weges. Es geht darum auf der Spur zu bleiben, auch wenn man angerempelt wird. Es geht um nicht verhandelbare Eigenverantwortung und darum, dass man sowohl Herz, Verstand als auch Ellenbogen braucht, will man seinen eigenen Weg nicht verlassen. Es geht um Treue ohne Folgsamkeit, um Sanftheit ohne Schwäche, um Stärke ohne Härte.
Einmal im Jahr tauscht der Autor für mehrere Wochen seinen Anzug gegen einen Rucksack und bereist ein für ihn bis dahin unbekanntes Land. In diesem Buch beschreibt er seine erste Indienreise.
“Sinn dieser Reise war, ‘Die Sünden auf meinem Planeten’ zu betrachten”, so der Autor. “Als ‘meinen Planeten’ bezeichne ich die Umstände, die ich unmittelbar kontrollieren kann. Die größte Sünde, die ich auf meinem Planeten begehen kann, ist jemand anderen für meine eigene Verfassung verantwortlich zu machen. Um für mich selber festzustellen, wie weit ich mich auf meinem eigenen Planeten zurecht finde, entfernte ich mich mit dieser Reise weit aus meiner Komfortzone, ich wollte tief in die Lernzone eindringen ohne in die Panikzone abzustürzen.”
Indien, ein Land, in dem es keine Ruhe gibt und in dem man nie alleine ist, ist hervorragend dazu geeignet, seine eigenen Koordinaten wieder zu finden, sich auf seinem eigenen Weg wieder auszurichten.
Von den Höhen und Tiefen dieser Reise handelt dieses Buch.
Auch wenn dieses Buch kein Reiseführer ist, so bekommt der Leser gleichwohl viele Hinweise und Ratschläge, die für jemanden, der ebenfalls in ein unbekanntes Land reisen will, von hohem Nutzen sein werden. Außerdem gibt es viele unterhaltsame und nachdenklich stimmende Geschichten.

About the Author


• dropped out of school at the age of 15
• completed apprenticeship as plumber and gas fitter
• continued as factory worker and electroplater
• delivered civilian service at a school for mentally and multiply-handicapped children
• gained university entry qualification on second-chance school
• studied physics at the universities of Cologne and Bremen (Germany) in less than the standard duration of study; came in top
• pursued academic research projects, studies and publications
• doctorate gained in less then the standard duration of graduation, magna cum laude
• freelancing business consultant (financial and insurance sector, t-com, media, aviation)
• became a certified Reiss-Profile-Master
• started TACHLES Coaching and Consulting
• Double European champion of public speaking (Den Haag: 2010, Borås: 2015)
• established the “Institut für Motivationsanalysen” – personality development and analysis of intrinsic motivation
• established web portal for micro-motivation http://www.tolle-nachricht – Minimal effort – maximum motivation|Vita

• dropped out of school at the age of 15
• completed apprenticeship as plumber and gas fitter
• continued as factory worker and electroplater
• delivered civilian service at a school for mentally and multiply-handicapped children
• gained university entry qualification on second-chance school
• studied physics at the universities of Cologne and Bremen (Germany) in less than the standard duration of study; came in top
• pursued academic research projects, studies and publications
• doctorate gained in less then the standard duration of graduation, magna cum laude
• freelancing business consultant (financial and insurance sector, t-com, media, aviation)
• became a certified Reiss-Profile-Master
• started TACHLES Coaching and Consulting
• Double European champion of public speaking (Den Haag: 2010, Borås: 2015)
• established the “Institut für Motivationsanalysen” – personality development and analysis of intrinsic motivation
• established web portal for micro-motivation http://www.tolle-nachricht – Minimal effort – maximum motivation|Vita

• dropped out of school at the age of 15
• completed apprenticeship as plumber and gas fitter
• continued as factory worker and electroplater
• delivered civilian service at a school for mentally and multiply-handicapped children
• gained university entry qualification on second-chance school
• studied physics at the universities of Cologne and Bremen (Germany) in less than the standard duration of study; came in top
• pursued academic research projects, studies and publications
• doctorate gained in less then the standard duration of graduation, magna cum laude
• freelancing business consultant (financial and insurance sector, t-com, media, aviation)
• became a certified Reiss-Profile-Master
• started TACHLES Coaching and Consulting
• Double European champion of public speaking (Den Haag: 2010, Borås: 2015)
• established the “Institut für Motivationsanalysen” – personality development and analysis of intrinsic motivation
• established web portal for micro-motivation http://www.tolle-nachricht – Minimal effort – maximum motivation|Vita

• dropped out of school at the age of 15
• completed apprenticeship as plumber and gas fitter
• continued as factory worker and electroplater
• delivered civilian service at a school for mentally and multiply-handicapped children
• gained university entry qualification on second-chance school
• studied physics at the universities of Cologne and Bremen (Germany) in less than the standard duration of study; came in top
• pursued academic research projects, studies and publications
• doctorate gained in less then the standard duration of graduation, magna cum laude
• freelancing business consultant (financial and insurance sector, t-com, media, aviation)
• became a certified Reiss-Profile-Master
• started TACHLES Coaching and Consulting
• Double European champion of public speaking (Den Haag: 2010, Borås: 2015)
• established the “Institut für Motivationsanalysen” – personality development and analysis of intrinsic motivation
• established web portal for micro-motivation http://www.tolle-nachricht – Minimal effort – maximum motivation|Vita

• dropped out of school at the age of 15
• completed apprenticeship as plumber and gas fitter
• continued as factory worker and electroplater
• delivered civilian service at a school for mentally and multiply-handicapped children
• gained university entry qualification on second-chance school
• studied physics at the universities of Cologne and Bremen (Germany) in less than the standard duration of study; came in top
• pursued academic research projects, studies and publications
• doctorate gained in less then the standard duration of graduation, magna cum laude
• freelancing business consultant (financial and insurance sector, t-com, media, aviation)
• became a certified Reiss-Profile-Master
• started TACHLES Coaching and Consulting
• Double European champion of public speaking (Den Haag: 2010, Borås: 2015)
• established the “Institut für Motivationsanalysen” – personality development and analysis of intrinsic motivation
• established web portal for micro-motivation http://www.tolle-nachricht – Minimal effort – maximum motivation|Vita
• dropped out of school at the age of 15
• completed apprenticeship as plumber and gas fitter
• continued as factory worker and electroplater
• delivered civilian service at a school for mentally and multiply-handicapped children
• gained university entry qualification on second-chance school
• studied physics at the universities of Cologne and Bremen (Germany) in less than the standard duration of study; came in top
• pursued academic research projects, studies and publications
• doctorate gained in less then the standard duration of graduation, magna cum laude
• freelancing business consultant (financial and insurance sector, t-com, media, aviation)
• became a certified Reiss-Profile-Master
• started TACHLES Coaching and Consulting
• Double European champion of public speaking (Den Haag: 2010, Borås: 2015)
• established the “Institut für Motivationsanalysen” – personality development and analysis of intrinsic motivation
• established web portal for micro-motivation http://www.tolle-nachricht – Minimal effort – maximum motivation

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