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Geopolitics Leadership

Global Shocks Ahead: Can Your Business Survive?

Alright, folks, let’s cut to the chase. The world is getting crazier by the minute, and if your business isn’t ready for global shocks, you’re in big trouble. Geopolitical resilience isn’t just a fancy term; it’s what will keep your business afloat when things go south. So, let’s dive into why you need it and how to get it.

Why Geopolitical Resilience Matters

Global changes are wild and unpredictable. One day, things are smooth sailing; the next, a trade war or political crisis hits, and everything’s up in the air. If you’re not prepared, your business could take a massive hit. That’s why you need to build resilience now.

“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.” – Sun Tzu

Real Impact on Your Business

Imagine this: a sudden political change in a country where you have major suppliers. If you don’t have a plan, your supply chain could be wrecked. But if you’re ready, you can adapt and keep things running smoothly.

“The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.” – William Arthur Ward

The RAMS Approach: Real, Actionable, Measurable Strategies

Here’s where we get into the good stuff – the RAMS approach. This is about making sure your business can handle anything thrown its way.

  1. Real: Understand the real risks your business faces. Look at where your suppliers are, where your customers are, and where your business operates. Know the political and economic situations in these places.
  2. Actionable: Make a solid action plan. What will you do if a crisis hits? Have backup suppliers, diversify your markets, and make sure you can keep operating no matter what.
  3. Measurable: Set clear goals and track your progress. Know what success looks like and measure your readiness. Are you improving? Can you respond quickly to a crisis?

“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” – Charles Darwin

Controversial Take: Most Businesses Aren’t Ready

Let’s be real – most businesses think they’re ready for a crisis, but they’re not. They have vague plans and hope for the best. Hope won’t cut it. You need real, actionable plans that you can measure.

“Fortune favors the prepared mind.” – Louis Pasteur

The CEO’s Role

As the leader, it’s up to you to drive this change. You can’t just pass this off to someone else. You need to lead the charge, inspire your team, and make sure everyone knows the plan and their role in it.

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Peter Drucker

Balancing Act: Profit and Preparation

Look, I get it – you need to make money. But if you’re not prepared for global shocks, your profits will suffer in the long run. Balance is key. Invest in resilience now to protect your future earnings.

“Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it’s less good than the one you had before.” – Elizabeth Edwards

Conclusion: Act Now or Pay Later

The bottom line is simple: if you’re not ready for geopolitical shocks, you’re risking everything. The world is changing fast, and you need to keep up. Build resilience, lead your team, and secure your business’s future.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

Call to Action: Get Ready Now

Are you ready to make your business resilient? Join me for a business consultation and learn how to future-proof your operations. Don’t wait until it’s too late – act now and protect your business from global shocks.

Click the link to schedule your consultation today: The Adventure Call

“Adaptability is about the powerful difference between adapting to cope and adapting to win.” – Max McKeown

Health and Wellness IT News and Politics

Artificial Intelligence and Predictive Analytics in Healthcare


Leading the Healthcare Innovation Frontier

In the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare, Jeff Cline stands out as a visionary leader, pioneering innovative solutions and resources to navigate the complex system. As an expert in Medicare Helpline & Health Care, Cline understands the importance of providing accessible and reliable information to individuals seeking guidance on their healthcare options.

With a keen focus on Healthcare Innovation, Cline is at the forefront of developing new approaches to address the challenges facing the industry. Through his work, he is reshaping the way healthcare is delivered, leveraging technology and data to improve outcomes and enhance patient experiences.

Cline’s commitment to providing comprehensive Healthcare Resources is evident in his creation of a robust Healthcare Directory, offering a centralized hub for individuals to access information on providers, services, and support networks. This resource empowers patients to make informed decisions about their care, leading to better health outcomes.

As a recognized Healthcare Innovator, Cline has earned a reputation for his forward-thinking strategies and solutions. His ability to anticipate industry trends and adapt to changing landscapes positions him as a trusted advisor and partner in navigating the complexities of healthcare.

Through initiatives such as the Medicare Supplements Insurance program and the 1-800-MEDIGAP Medigap Helpline, Cline is dedicated to helping individuals understand their options and find the coverage that best meets their needs. By offering personalized assistance and guidance, he ensures that everyone has access to the resources they need to make informed decisions about their healthcare coverage.

Cline’s role as a Medicare (Non-Govermental – Licensed Agent) Private Help advocate underscores his commitment to empowering individuals to take control of their healthcare journey. Whether through one-on-one consultations or educational outreach efforts, he remains steadfast in his mission to provide support and guidance every step of the way.

In conclusion, Jeff Cline‘s leadership and innovation in the field of healthcare are unparalleled. His dedication to improving access, quality, and affordability make him a true pioneer in the industry, and his contributions continue to shape the future of healthcare for generations to come.

HOW WILL AI IMPACT HEALTHCARE and most businesses?

The Transformative Impact of AI on Healthcare

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is poised to revolutionize the healthcare industry, offering unprecedented opportunities to improve patient outcomes, streamline processes, and enhance overall efficiency. From diagnosis to treatment, AI is transforming every aspect of healthcare delivery, ushering in a new era of innovation and possibility.

Diagnostic Advancements: One of the most significant contributions of AI to healthcare is its ability to analyze vast amounts of data with remarkable speed and accuracy. AI-powered diagnostic tools can assist healthcare professionals in identifying diseases and conditions earlier, often before symptoms manifest. This early detection not only improves patient outcomes but also reduces the burden on healthcare systems by enabling more targeted and timely interventions.

Personalized Treatment Plans: AI algorithms can analyze patient data, including genetic information, medical history, and lifestyle factors, to develop personalized treatment plans tailored to individual needs. By leveraging predictive analytics, AI can identify the most effective interventions for specific patients, minimizing trial and error and optimizing treatment outcomes.

Enhanced Imaging and Analysis: AI algorithms are revolutionizing medical imaging by enhancing image quality, reducing interpretation errors, and accelerating diagnosis. Deep learning algorithms can analyze medical images such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans with remarkable precision, aiding radiologists in detecting abnormalities and making more accurate diagnoses.

Predictive Analytics and Preventive Care: AI-powered predictive analytics can forecast disease trends, identify high-risk populations, and recommend preventive measures to mitigate health risks. By analyzing vast datasets encompassing patient demographics, environmental factors, and clinical variables, AI can identify patterns and trends that may indicate future health outcomes, enabling proactive interventions to prevent disease progression.

Streamlined Administrative Processes: AI automation technologies can streamline administrative tasks such as appointment scheduling, billing, and medical coding, reducing administrative burden and allowing healthcare professionals to focus more on patient care. Natural language processing (NLP) algorithms can also enhance communication between healthcare providers and patients, improving information exchange and patient engagement.

Drug Discovery and Development: AI algorithms are accelerating the drug discovery and development process by analyzing vast datasets to identify potential drug candidates, predict drug interactions, and optimize treatment regimens. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, researchers can expedite the identification of promising compounds, significantly reducing the time and cost associated with bringing new drugs to market.

Ethical Considerations and Challenges: While AI holds tremendous promise for improving healthcare, it also raises important ethical considerations and challenges. Issues such as data privacy, algorithm bias, and accountability must be carefully addressed to ensure that AI technologies are deployed responsibly and equitably, without exacerbating existing disparities in healthcare access and quality.

In conclusion, AI is poised to revolutionize healthcare by enhancing diagnostic accuracy, personalizing treatment approaches, optimizing operational efficiency, and accelerating medical innovation. By leveraging the power of AI, healthcare professionals can improve patient outcomes, advance medical knowledge, and transform the delivery of care for the betterment of society as a whole.

What safeguards should you put in place as a business?

Implementing safeguards is crucial for protecting your business, its assets, and its stakeholders from various risks and threats. Here are some key safeguards that businesses should put in place:

  1. Cybersecurity Measures: Protect your digital assets and sensitive information by implementing robust cybersecurity measures. This includes using firewalls, encryption, antivirus software, and intrusion detection systems to safeguard against cyber threats such as malware, phishing attacks, and data breaches.
  2. Data Protection Policies: Develop and enforce comprehensive data protection policies to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive data. Implement measures such as access controls, data encryption, regular data backups, and secure data storage practices to mitigate the risk of data loss or unauthorized access.
  3. Employee Training and Awareness: Provide regular training and awareness programs to educate employees about cybersecurity best practices, data protection policies, and potential security threats. Encourage employees to practice good security hygiene, such as using strong passwords, being cautious of suspicious emails, and reporting security incidents promptly.
  4. Physical Security Measures: Implement physical security measures to protect your business premises, equipment, and assets from theft, vandalism, or unauthorized access. This may include installing security cameras, access control systems, alarm systems, and security guards to monitor and secure your facilities.
  5. Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning: Develop comprehensive disaster recovery and business continuity plans to ensure that your business can quickly recover from disruptions such as natural disasters, cyber attacks, or equipment failures. This may involve creating backup systems, offsite data storage, and contingency plans to minimize downtime and maintain essential business operations.
  6. Compliance with Regulations and Standards: Stay compliant with relevant regulations, industry standards, and best practices to mitigate legal and regulatory risks. This includes complying with data protection regulations such as GDPR or HIPAA, industry-specific standards, and security frameworks such as ISO 27001.
  7. Vendor and Supply Chain Management: Assess the security practices of your vendors and partners to ensure that they meet your security standards and requirements. Implement vendor risk management processes, conduct regular security assessments, and establish contractual agreements to hold vendors accountable for maintaining security standards.
  8. Incident Response Plan: Develop a comprehensive incident response plan to effectively respond to security incidents and breaches. Define roles and responsibilities, establish communication protocols, and outline the steps to contain, investigate, and mitigate security incidents in a timely manner.
  9. Regular Security Audits and Assessments: Conduct regular security audits, assessments, and penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in your security defenses. Use the findings to remediate vulnerabilities, strengthen security controls, and continuously improve your security posture.
  10. Executive Oversight and Governance: Establish executive oversight and governance structures to ensure that security is prioritized at the highest levels of the organization. Assign responsibility for security oversight to designated individuals or committees, and ensure that security initiatives are aligned with business objectives and risk management strategies.

By implementing these safeguards, businesses can better protect themselves against a wide range of risks and threats, safeguard their assets and stakeholders, and maintain the trust and confidence of customers, partners, and regulators just ask our Healthcare AI & Innovation GURU Jeff Cline @ 972-eighthundered-6670!


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Inside the FTX Scandal: A Shocking Look at Cryptocurrency’s Dark Side


The FTX Scandal Unraveled: How it Impacted the Cryptocurrency World…

Cryptocurrencies have come a long way since the creation of Bitcoin in 2009. Today, there are thousands of cryptocurrencies available, with a total market capitalization of over $2 trillion. However, with the rise of cryptocurrencies, there has also been an increase in scams and scandals. One such scandal that has rocked the cryptocurrency world is the FTX scandal. In this article, we will discuss the FTX scandal, how it impacted the cryptocurrency world, and what lessons can be learned from it.

What is FTX?

FTX is a cryptocurrency exchange that was founded in 2019 by Sam Bankman-Fried and Gary Wang. The exchange quickly gained popularity due to its advanced trading features, such as leverage and futures trading. In addition, FTX was known for its strong focus on user experience and customer support. By the end of 2020, FTX had become one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world.


Who is Sam Bankman Fried?

If you don’t know him, Sam Bankman-Fried is a computer scientist and entrepreneur. He is the founder and CEO of Alameda Research, a cryptocurrency trading firm, and FTX, a cryptocurrency derivatives exchange. He is also the founder of Alameda Charity, which provides grants to projects aimed at improving the cryptocurrency industry. Bankman-Fried is an outspoken advocate for the cryptocurrency industry and is well-known for his involvement in blockchain projects.

The FTX Scandal

In early 2021, the FTX scandal came to light. It was revealed that FTX had been engaging in wash trading, a form of market manipulation. Wash trading is the act of buying and selling the same asset simultaneously to create fake trading volume. This can deceive traders into thinking that there is more liquidity than there actually is, which can cause them to make trades that they wouldn’t have made otherwise.

The FTX scandal was particularly shocking because FTX was one of the most reputable cryptocurrency exchanges at the time. The exchange had built a strong reputation for being trustworthy and transparent, and had even received investments from prominent firms such as Binance and Coinbase.

Impact on the Cryptocurrency World

The FTX scandal had a significant impact on the cryptocurrency world. The news of the scandal caused FTX’s trading volume to plummet, and many traders withdrew their funds from the exchange. In addition, the scandal damaged the reputation of the entire cryptocurrency industry, which was already struggling with a perception problem due to its association with scams and illegal activities.

How Big Was the FTX Scandal?

As 4th largest crypto exchange, at one point FTX was values at an estimated $32B. The Wall Street Journal reports that Sam may have illegally taken about $10 billion in FTX customers’ funds for his trading firm. His company has collapsed and in additional to it’s default on $32b in debt, the FTX scandal caused $800b worth of crypto to leave the crypto market overnight.

Lessons Learned

The FTX scandal serves as a cautionary tale for cryptocurrency exchanges and traders alike. It highlights the importance of transparency and honesty in the cryptocurrency industry. Exchanges must be transparent about their trading practices, and traders must be wary of exchanges that engage in market manipulation.

In addition, the FTX scandal underscores the need for regulation in the cryptocurrency industry. While the industry has largely operated outside of traditional financial regulations, the FTX scandal shows that there is a need for greater oversight to prevent market manipulation and protect investors.


The FTX scandal was a significant event in the cryptocurrency world. It highlighted the importance of transparency, honesty, and regulation in the industry. While the scandal had a negative impact on FTX and the cryptocurrency industry as a whole, it also served as a wake-up call for the industry to address issues related to market manipulation and investor protection.

Here’s the bizarre story here…



For more information visit tylerhayzlett.com

Advice News and Politics

School Shootings -TRAGIC expression of unmet needs, skills deficits, adverse childhood experiences, social isolation, hopelessness

In 2017 Jillian Peterson & James Densley began studying the life histories of mass shooters in the US for a project funded by the National Institute of Justice, the research arm of the U.S. Dept of Justice. They’ve built a database and analyzed every active shooter incident in the U.S. at a K-12 school since 1999 – the year of the Columbine High School Massacre. They’ve interviewed incarcerated perpetrators of school shootings and their families, students who planned a shooting but changed their minds, survivors and first responders, teachers and administrators. They’ve read media and social media, “manifestos,” suicide notes, trial transcripts, and medical records. Here is what they found:

“In every case, when a student had planned a shooting and changed their mind, it was because an adult reached out and made a connection that gave them hope.
School shootings are not an inevitable part of American life.
We can, and must, change our approach to preventing them.”

The TRAGIC EXPRESSION of unmet needs takes the broader look at the “bad kid” myth once and for all.

What’s wrong with these statements?
Spare the rod and spoil the child.
Kids should be seen and not heard.
They’ve got to learn.

Whether you are cringing or nodding along right now, these statements look at the surface behaviors with an unfair bias and even prejudice. So why are we okay with using these phrases that describe our children? Would we feel the same way if we said:

Spare the rod and spoil the elderly.
Europeans should be seen and not heard.
New Zealanders have got to learn.

In my TEDx talk, “The Rebellion is Here—We Created it, We Can Solve It,” I deconstruct the generational misconception that children, because of their youth and impressionability, should not be trusted. Subscribing to the belief that kids’ opinions should not be taken seriously leads to disconnection and a lack of trust between parent and child.

When we punish a kid for talking back, what we’re really saying is that their inner voice or feelings are irrelevant. And punishing surface behavior without addressing the source, the underlying unmet needs, often leads to what Dr. Thomas Gordon referred to as the Three R’s: Retaliation, Rebellion, and Resistance.

Do you want to build an environment where your child feels like they can tell you the truth 100% of the time? Do you want to teach them that they should never stand down in the face of prejudice, injustice—or even being told by an adult to do something they’re uncomfortable with?

Watch my TEDx talk for tips on how to communicate effectively and compassionately with your children, especially when they seem to be acting up. Let them know that they’re not “bad kids” for speaking up.

Love and Blessings,


P.S. If you’re looking for a welcoming, compassionate group of parents that will accompany you on the journey to find solutions to our societal situation, through parental ups and downs, join our Conscious Parenting Private Facebook Group.

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How a Broke YouTuber Invented $4 Billion Business After Being Rejected 40 Times…

In 2012, Jack Conte and his wife, Nataly Dawn, were known as the indie band called Pomplamoose. They were bringing in roughly $400,000 per year in revenue from tour dates, merch, and on ads viewed by their 1.5M followers on their YouTube channel.


But then a mental breakdown a few years ago changed all of that…

After spending three months producing an elaborate music video for their song “Pedals, (it’s pretty impressive for a self-production). But the production came at the heavy cost of maxing out all of Jack and Nataly’s credit cards.

The Conte’s sunk their life savings into making the video popular on YouTube. So far the video has 2.3M views, but the confused couple received almost nothing for their efforts from YouTube…

They spent $10,000 and three months to make just the 1 video go viral on YouTube. He soon realized that, even though he receives an average of one million viewers on his YouTube videos, he’d only make $160 in ad revenue. Kind of a shitty reward for the time and effort they were putting in.

Jack knew there had to be a better way…

So he came up with an idea for creators to get compensated directly from their fans and cut out the middle man.

That’s how he came up with the idea of launching Patreon. He sent a sketch of his idea to his former college roommate, an engineer, who started coding for it that night. They launched soon after, with Jack being Patreon’s first official creator. Within two weeks, he was making six figures…


Wait, What is Patreon?

Basically it’s a membership platform that helps creators to get paid. Creators perform an artistic service and return, their fans and supporters (aka patrons) use Patreon to support them by means of payments. This way, creators can spend more time creating content instead of looking for funding.

There’s a few business models that content creators can use on this crowdfunding/membership platform.


Patreon’s Business Model Enables Creators to Charge For:

  • Community (monthly memberships)
  • Educational subscriptions
  • Gated premium content
  • Pay-what-you-can donations


Jack founded Patreon in 2013, today they have 3 million monthly active patrons generating $100M+ per month on the platform.

At one point for example, author and psychologist Jordan Peterson, was said to be making over $70k per month on the platform just in donations alone.

Patreon currently takes between 5% and 12% of creator earnings (plus a payment processing fee). The pandemic helped increase revenue with over 30,000 creators flocking to the site within the first few weeks of the pandemic. Videos and podcasts are the biggest categories on the site.

Along with all their success, the company is facing an intense amount of competition coming from Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, Only Fans, Substack, and Clubhouse (is that thing still alive?).  It seems every platform these days is doing their best to lure creators by allowing everyone to make money versus just the big creatives.

But for now, Patreon has proven their business model helping participants in the creator economy to get paid more. The result of the couple’s efforts so far has resulted in an estimated $8 million in cash.

The companies’ market valuation is currently hovering at $4billion. Which is a pretty awesome accomplishment that a broken husband fed up YouTube created a rival platform that turned him into a millionaire.




For more information visit tylerhayzlett.com

Biography and History Branding Capital Case Studies Entrepreneurship Growth News and Politics News and Politics

WATCH: Guy Gets Paid to Shoot at Birds All Day in Order to Save Them. Here’s Why….

Somewhere in remote Montana, right now, there’s a guy getting paid to shoot an assault rifle at any bird that lands on his pond. In order to save their lives…

He’s a hero. In order to understand why, you need to know about the Berkeley Copper Mine.


The Most Dangerous Water in North America?

The Berkeley Pit is a former copper mine in the western United States, located in Butte, Montana.

Today it’s full of water. Deadly water…

With water that is heavily acidic (2.5 pH level), about the acidity of Coca-Cola, lemon juice, or gastric acid. As a result, the pit is full of heavy metals and dangerous chemicals that leach from the rock, including copper, arseniccadmiumzinc, and sulfuric acid.

It’s a cocktail of death, especially for un-expecting waterfowl.

The levels of copper are high enough in the water table that Montana Resources has mined copper directly from the water itself!


But the Berkley Pit is a Graveyard for Waterfowl…

In 1995, a flock of migrating geese landed in the Berkeley Pit and died. A total of 342 carcasses were recovered.

After inspecting the corpses, scientists discovered their insides were lined with burns and festering sores from exposure to high concentrations of copper, cadmium, and arsenic.

The water burned them alive…

On November 28, 2016, several thousand snow geese died after a large flock landed in the pit’s water to avoid a snowstorm. Immediately after the event, officials made efforts to scare birds away and prevent more from landing in the area.

Now, in order to protect any waterfowl from dying a very painful death, this man gets paid to protect them. By shooting at them…

Don’t worry, he doesn’t hurt them, he only scares them away for their own protection. Crazy job…






For more information visit tylerhayzlett.com

Accounting Branding Capital Case Studies Economics Investing IT Leadership Mergers & Acquisition News and Politics Operations Technology

WATCH: Inside the Ever Unfolding TOSHIBA Scandal

Toshiba is a brand that’s been drowning in scandals for years. Including a recent one that involved overstating it’s profits to shareholders by $1.2 billion which resulted in the resignation of their CEO.

The company was once one of the most innovative businesses on the planet, they produced one of the first laptops. They were credited as being the first company to mass produce one. Chances are you owned one…

They were sued and settled to pay $1billion in a class action lawsuit for faulty equipment.

Despite being such an innovative company, Toshiba has experienced some massive setbacks over the years that have resulted from a combination of both poor business decisions and public scandals.

This video y Company Man highlights the most notable ones. Here’s a video that highlights the history of Toshiba’s insane series of scandals.




The Surprising History of Toshiba

Toshiba traces its history in Japan to 1875. The company rode the post-war Japanese manufacturing boom in the late 1950s to high growth portfolio of unique and innovative products. Toshiba began selling products in foreign markets during this period and continued to expand its businesses across the globe during the following decades.

Today, the conglomerate operates business units on a worldwide scale in a variety of diverse industries, including semiconductors, personal electronics, infrastructure, home appliances, and medical equipment.

Toshiba reported net worldwide sales of more than 3.38 trillion Japanese yen or $31 billion for the 2020 fiscal year. The company employs more than 125,648 people worldwide.




For more information visit tylerhayzlett.com

Advice Biography and History Branding Capital Case Studies Entrepreneurship Growth Investing Leadership News and Politics Personal Development Wealth

Mike Tyson’s Was Arrested 40 Times by 13. His Life Advice Will Leave You SPEECHLESS…

“All my life I’ve seen murders and robberies. I came from that world where everything was dog-eat-dog. If you had money or jewelry, if you couldn’t defend it or protect it, you’re going to loose it.”

– Mike Tyson


Mike Tyson was first arrested at 10 years old. 38 more times by age 13.

Needless to say, he grew up in a rough neighborhood in Brooklyn. If you couldn’t protect yourself, you got taken advantage of. Mike was in over 400 fights in his life.

He quite literally fought his way through life and still is to this day…




How Mike Tyson Blew a $600 Million Fortune

By the age of twenty Tyson was one of the most famous figures on the planet. Namely for being the most talented boxers of all time. And for biting off Evander Holyfield’s ear off during one of the most televised matches in boxing history.

Here’s that throwback…



During his boxing career he amassed over $685 million and he accomplished to spending all of it. Every last penny…

He not only managed to blow through a half billion in cash, he then eventually owed over $50 million in debts, including another $13.4 million to the IRS.


So What Did Mike Tyson Spend $685 Million On Exactly?

  • Mike routinely traveled with an entourage so large it rivaled the size of a small country.
  • He owned Siberian tigers and spent hundreds of thousands/year to care for them.
  • He bought over $400k worth of pigeons too…it’s a long story
  • He had fleets of luxury vehicles, a posse of prostitutes, and a 21-bedroom mansion.


He was known to spend over $240k month for entertainment and another $100k/month for Jewelry and clothes.

During his lifetime, Tyson reached the peaks of fame and fortune most of us mere mortals will never know or experience. He climbed from the gutter to the height of success. But even at the top of the world by the age of 20, he still had a darkness inside of him…

Watch Mike explain his incredible life story and lessons of gratitude from his personal experiences literally fighting for his life.


For more information visit tylerhayzlett.com

Branding Case Studies Entrepreneurship Growth Management Marketing Mergers & Acquisition News and Politics Operations Personal Development Strategy

WATCH. This is What Makes Taco Bell So Successful

Taco Bell is the largest Mexican restaurant on the planet by volume. Here’s how they did it…

Taco Bell has been dominating Mexican fast food since the 1960s. They own over 7,000 locations consistently generating over $10 billion dollars in annual sales.

Watch the full story how or read the summary below.





Here’s  5 reasons Taco Bell is a household brand:

According to this episode of Company Man anyways…


1. Founder Glenn Bell (hence the Bell logo)

First and foremost, Taco Bell wouldn’t be a thing without it’s founder, who knew how to spot a potential opportunity when he saw one.

A cook who served in WW2, Bell returned home to start a restaurant in San Bernardino CA. Inspired by the McDonald’s franchise, Bell copied the model. Literally, Taco Bell used to be called Bell’s Hamburgers, they originally sold cheeseburgers and hot dogs.

Until one day Glen added tacos to the menu, altering the course of taco history…



2. Taco Bell Single Handedly Introduced the World to Tacos

The second reason for Taco Bell’s now icon status, was their role in introducing tacos the American market.

After 14 years in the restaurant business and having gone through 5 different restaurants and concepts, Glen launch Taco Bell in March 21, 1962 in Downey CA.

At the time, most Americans had no clue what a taco was. When ordering, most customers asked for a “tay-ko”, simply because they simply had never heard of a taco. Kind of like the whole gyro “guyroh” thing…

And they obviously fell in love with them. Putting Taco Bell on the map.

“I always smile when I hear people say that they never had a taco until Taco Bell came to town”. – Glen Bell




3. Pepsi Gave Them a Shit Load of Money

Another reason for their success was their partnership deal with Pepsi.

In the 1970s Pepsi was expanding and looking to invest in new markets. They bought Pizza Hut for $315 million, giving them access to sell their sodas to customers dinning in the largest Pizza Chain on the planet up until that time. Pepsi  wanted to saturate the Taco consumer market too. So they gave Glen a handsome $125 million for the right to sell Pepsi products at every Taco Bell.

Pepsi’s infusion of cash enabled the franchise to massively scale. They went from just under 1,000 locations in 1978 to nearly 7,000 by 1998. Meaning, almost every Taco Bell you’ve ever visited was started between the 80’s-90s Pepsi infused growth period.




4. Absolutely Bat-Shit Crazy But Catchy Menu Items…

While declaring to serve Mexican food, no one buys into that claim when it comes to Taco Bell. That’s because they have become famous for coming up with bat-shit crazy menu items.

The fourth key to the mega taco franchise model was their dedication to marketing. Especially standing out in crowded markets through their off the wall menu item.

Items like the Cheesy Gordita Crunch, the Mtn Dew Baja Taco Blast, their most successful product launch; the Crunch Wrap Supreme, and most recently the Doritos Locos Tacos. Or finally the rather nachos fries.


5. Taco Bell Excels at Marketing to Drunk People too…

Despite how much you want to hate them, Taco Bell continues to stay relevant across generations. They have a consistent track record of being customer focused and keeping their cost low. Something they have been promoting in their ads for decades…

One of their most successful marketing campaigns was “the forth meal of the day” commercials. After noticing a high influx in sales late at night (wink wink), the Bell starting promoting a “4th meal of the day”.



On a more serious note though, probably the biggest reason Taco Bell has been so success over the years has been their commitment to their original mission; “thinking outside the bun”. Mission accomplished…



For more information visit tylerhayzlett.com

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How The War in Ukraine is Causing a Global Shortage For Millions…

Russia and Ukraine export nearly a third of the world’s wheat and barley. And  more than 70 percent of its sunflower oil…

The war in Ukraine is preventing grain from leaving the “breadbasket of the world” and making food more expensive across the globe.

World food prices were already climbing, and the war has made things worse, preventing over 20 million tons of Ukrainian grain from getting into the Middle East, North Africa, and parts of Asia.

According to this article in Intelligencer, West Africa is facing its worst food crisis in a decade, with the number of people in need of emergency food aid standing at 27 million in April and rising fast. Another 13 million face severe hunger in the Horn of Africa, and as many as 19 million will be food insecure in Yemen by the end of this year.

Europe embraces for another mass migration crisis sparked by food shortages in Africa and the Middle East.

Sri Lanka, once more prosperous than its neighbors, applied last month for 100,000 metric tons of food aid from a regional food bank as its debt crisis threatens to leave millions hungry.

Watch this video for a full explanation of the developing food crisis…



For more information visit tylerhayzlett.com