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Business Innovator

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Unicorn Makers

The top 1% of these Business innovators are also known as Unicorn Makers and as such, are in ultra-high demand, but often come at a fair price as they typically hedge their long-term value to success so it is a true win-win. Typical as a Fraction C-Suite Leader, Independent Director, or Consultant, these unicorn makers are often Non-exclusive and have several deals going at the same time, which is actually valuable to the business as you get all the brain trust and intellectual capital at a fraction of the price.


Types of Business Innovators


A “business innovator” is a broad term that can encompass various types of innovation within a business context, including technological and profit-related innovations. However, when you specify a “tech innovator” or a “profit innovator,” you’re narrowing down to more specialized domains. Here’s how they differ:

Tech Innovator

A tech innovator focuses specifically on technological advancements and applying these technologies to create new or improved products, services, or processes. Their work is rooted in technical knowledge and is often associated with the development of new software, hardware, platforms, or integration of emerging technologies like AI, blockchain, or IoT into existing systems. The primary goal is to leverage technology to solve problems or create opportunities that didn’t previously exist.

Key Aspects:

  • Develops or utilizes new technologies.
  • Focuses on technological solutions to improve efficiency, capabilities, or user experiences.
  • Stays abreast of the latest technological trends and advancements.
  • Often works in fields like IT, software development, engineering, or data science.


  • Can lead to technological breakthroughs that redefine industries.
  • Often results in patents or intellectual property related to tech innovation.
  • Enhances the technical competencies of a business.

Profit Innovator

A profit innovator, on the other hand, is primarily focused on strategies that increase a company’s profitability. This could involve finding cost-saving measures, developing new revenue streams, restructuring the organization for financial efficiency, or identifying lucrative market opportunities. Profit innovation isn’t necessarily tied to product or technology innovation; it could just as well involve financial restructuring or business model innovation.

Key Aspects:

  • Prioritizes financial outcomes and profitability.
  • Looks for innovative pricing strategies, cost reductions, and efficiency improvements.
  • Focuses on the bottom line, return on investment, and shareholder value.
  • Works closely with financial models and business strategy.


  • Directly influences the financial health and growth potential of a company.
  • May involve changing business practices, adopting new business models, or rethinking market approaches.
  • Often measured by financial metrics and growth indicators.

Business Innovator

A business innovator is a more inclusive term that encapsulates both tech and profit innovators, along with other types of innovation. They could be driving changes in management practices, corporate culture, operational procedures, or market expansion strategies.

Key Aspects:

  • Broad focus on any type of innovation that can improve business operations, growth, or sustainability.
  • May incorporate aspects of tech innovation, profit innovation, and beyond.
  • Seeks to foster a culture of continuous improvement and adaptability.


  • May lead to comprehensive transformations within the company.
  • Can influence all aspects of the business, from internal processes to customer interactions.
  • Aims for long-term sustainability and market relevance.

In conclusion, while a tech innovator is focused on technological advancements and a profit innovator is focused on financial performance, a business innovator could be engaged in driving change in any number of areas within a business. Each plays a crucial role in the overall health and progress of a company, but they focus on different aspects of innovation.

Fractional Business Innovator

A business innovator is someone who introduces new ideas, workflows, products, services, or methodologies into a business environment. Innovators in business are typically seen as leaders and drivers of growth, guiding their organizations towards new markets, increased efficiency, and higher profitability through creative and often disruptive strategies. Here are some key aspects of a business innovator:

Characteristics of a Business Innovator:

  1. Visionary Thinking: Business innovators often have the ability to see beyond the current market and operational limitations to envision future possibilities.
  2. Risk-Taking: They are willing to take calculated risks to implement new ideas, understanding that innovation involves the potential for failure.
  3. Problem-Solving: Innovators excel at identifying problems and are adept at finding unique solutions that improve business outcomes.
  4. Adaptability: They can adapt to changing environments and pivot their strategies accordingly.
  5. Collaborative: True innovators understand the power of collaboration and are skilled at harnessing the collective talents and insights of their teams.
  6. Persistence: They often face resistance to change and must have the persistence to see their ideas through to fruition.

Roles of a Business Innovator:

  1. Product Innovation: Developing new products or enhancing existing ones to better meet customer needs and stand out in the marketplace.
  2. Process Innovation: Creating or improving business processes to increase efficiency, reduce costs, or enhance quality.
  3. Business Model Innovation: Rethinking the way business is done, which can include changing revenue streams, distribution channels, or customer engagement strategies.
  4. Technology Adoption: Integrating cutting-edge technology to stay ahead of competitors and improve business operations.
  5. Cultural Innovation: Shaping the company culture to be more accepting of change, fostering an environment where innovation can thrive.

Examples of Business Innovators:

  1. Entrepreneurs: Individuals like Steve Jobs or Elon Musk who have founded companies based on innovative products or services.
  2. Intrapreneurs: Employees within larger corporations who drive innovation, such as developing a new business line within an existing company.
  3. Research and Development Leaders: Those who head R&D departments tasked with bringing new ideas to life.
  4. Strategic Planners: Professionals who develop forward-thinking strategies to help a company navigate future challenges.
  5. Technology Evangelists: Individuals who champion the adoption of new technologies within their organization.

Impact of Business Innovators:

  • Competitive Advantage: They can give a company the edge it needs to outperform competitors.
  • Market Leadership: Innovators often help companies become market leaders by setting industry standards.
  • Growth and Scaling: Innovative products and services can open new markets and revenue streams, facilitating growth.
  • Resilience: Innovation can make a company more resilient to market shifts and disruptions.

Being a business innovator is not exclusive to company founders or top executives; it can come from any level within an organization. It’s about a mindset and a proactive approach to seeking and implementing change that can bring about significant positive transformations in the business.

Jeffrey Cline
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