C-Suite Network™

Health and Wellness

Healthcare Revolution: Len May’s Battle Against ‘One Size Fits All’

Why settle for generic when you can have precision? In the world of healthcare, one size fits all isn’t just outdated—it’s downright dangerous. Meet Len May, a visionary turning the tide with tailored healthcare solutions.

The Current State of Healthcare

Let’s face it, the healthcare system is a giant machine that often throws the same prescription at everyone, no matter who they are. Imagine giving everyone the same shoe size because ‘feet are feet.’ Ridiculous, right? But that’s how the traditional healthcare system works.

“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow is our doubts of today.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

Len May’s Vision for Tailored Healthcare

Enter Len May, the CEO and co-founder of EndoDNA. His personal journey from an immigrant child battling Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) to a pioneering health innovator is nothing short of amazing. His story isn’t just about overcoming obstacles—it’s about using them as stepping stones.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

From ADD to Advocacy

As a child, Len’s experience with ADD medications was disappointing. He felt like he lost his emotions and sense of self. This led him to look for other solutions. He found cannabis, which helped him focus without making him feel numb. This personal discovery not only changed his life but also set the stage for his future in health and the cannabis industries.

“Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.” – Nido Qubein

Neurodiversity as a Catalyst for Success

Len’s story highlights the often-overlooked power of neurodiversity. The mix of dopamine, reward systems, and productivity is complex, but when managed correctly, it can be incredibly powerful. Len’s journey is like that of other neurodiverse people like Richard Branson, showing how ADD can be a strength rather than a problem.

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Power of Personalized Reward Systems

Len’s success also shows how important personalized reward systems are. Knowing how to guide people toward good activities can lead to great outcomes. This is valuable for anyone wanting to reach their full potential, especially in the fast-paced business world.

Transformative Career Moves

Len’s career change from real estate to leading a cannabis company shows how important it is to follow your true passion. His strategic insights are a treasure for aspiring entrepreneurs, especially those interested in niche markets like the cannabis industry.

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Peter Drucker

Resilience in the Face of Adversity

The path to success is rarely smooth, and Len’s journey is no exception. From skepticism in the investor community to personal struggles from his upbringing, his story is a masterclass in resilience. Passion and determination to pursue one’s vision, even when facing rejection and misunderstanding, are key elements of his success.

A Vision for Personalized Healthcare

Len envisions a future where healthcare is personalized, preventive, and powered by genetic editing and artificial intelligence. His work, including his book “Making Cannabis Personal” and his podcast “Everything is Personal,” advocates for a precise and individualized approach to wellness.


Len May’s journey is a powerful story that challenges the standard way of doing things in healthcare. His story is a reminder that our unique traits, even those seen as disadvantages, can become strengths that drive amazing advancements. By sharing his experiences, Len inspires us to dream of a future where health span and lifespan are connected, and where everyone is empowered to take control of their well-being.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

Are you ready to take the first step towards transforming your health and achieving your fullest potential? Don’t settle for less—discover how personalized healthcare can unlock a future of unparalleled well-being and success.

Join us on this adventure! Schedule your business consultation now and start a journey that will redefine your approach to health and performance. Click here to book your Adventure Call today. Let’s create a personalized plan that fits your unique needs and propels you toward a healthier, more vibrant future. Your revolution starts now!

Listen to Len May’s insights on personalized healthcare and leave a 5-star review on the podcast episode Precision Wellness: A New Age of Health with Len May.

Health and Wellness Leadership Personal Development

Emotional Intelligence: The CEO’s Secret Weapon!

Hey there! Today, we’re diving into something super important for leaders: Emotional Intelligence (EI). It’s a game-changer for anyone who wants to be a kick-ass leader. So, let’s dig in and see why it’s so crucial and how it can boost your leadership game!

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional Intelligence, or EI, is all about understanding and managing your own emotions and the emotions of others. It has a few key parts:

  • Self-Awareness: Knowing your own feelings.
  • Self-Regulation: Keeping your emotions in check.
  • Motivation: Using your emotions to reach your goals.
  • Empathy: Understanding how others feel.
  • Social Skills: Building strong relationships and getting along with people.

Why is EI Important for Leaders?

Better Decisions: Leaders with high EI make smarter choices. They stay calm under pressure and think things through before acting. “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” – Alan Kay

Great Communication: Good leaders use EI to communicate clearly and kindly. This builds trust and helps teams work better together. “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” – Steve Jobs

Solving Problems: Leaders with high EI handle conflicts like pros. They understand everyone’s feelings and find solutions that work for everyone. “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” – John F. Kennedy

Happy Teams: Leaders who show EI create a positive work environment. This makes employees happier and more engaged in their work.

Handling Change: The world is always changing, and leaders with high EI can adapt easily. They stay strong and guide their teams through tough times. “The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday’s logic.” – Peter Drucker

How to Build Emotional Intelligence

Think About Your Feelings: Spend time reflecting on how you feel and why. This helps you understand yourself better.

Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness helps you stay calm and focused. Try meditation or deep breathing exercises.

Be Empathetic: Listen to others and try to see things from their perspective. This will help you connect with them better.

Improve Your Social Skills: Work on getting along with people. Practice talking and listening in a way that shows you care.

Ethical and Sustainable Coaching Practices

There’s an increasing emphasis on sustainability and ethical practices in coaching. Clients and organizations are looking for coaches who can help them adopt sustainable practices and align their actions with their values. By focusing on ethical and sustainable coaching, you ensure long-term success and positive impact for both the individual and the organization.

Key Areas to Focus On:

  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Incorporate the United Nations’ SDGs into your coaching practices to promote sustainability and ethical behavior.
  • Ethical Decision-Making: Guide clients to make decisions that are not only beneficial for business but also ethically sound.
  • Eco-Friendly Practices: Encourage practices that reduce environmental impact and promote sustainability in the workplace.

Ready to Be a Great Leader?

In the fast-paced world of leadership, Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a game-changer. By understanding and managing your own emotions and the emotions of others, you can make better decisions, communicate more effectively, solve problems efficiently, and create a positive work environment. EI helps you stay adaptable and resilient, guiding your team through any challenge that comes your way. “Success in management requires learning as fast as the world is changing.” – Warren Bennis

It’s time to take action and harness the power of Emotional Intelligence to elevate your leadership. Join me for The Adventure Call, a unique business consultation that will help you unlock your potential and achieve greatness.

Click here to book your session today. Let’s lead the charge and make a difference together!


Start your journey today and see how Emotional Intelligence can transform your leadership and your life. Don’t wait—take the first step toward becoming the leader you were meant to be!

Health and Wellness Parenting Personal Development

From Fury to Forgiveness: Managing Parenting Anger

Can you relate to this scenario?

You wake up and spend 30 minutes coaxing your child to get dressed for school while you rush to get ready for work. They argue with you over what they want to wear, insisting on the same blue shirt they’ve worn every day this week. You finally make it to the kitchen table for breakfast, only to have them refuse to take a single bite of food. You try hard to keep your voice from rising, asking them nicely over and over again to please eat their breakfast.

“Eww, Mom, the yolk’s too runny.”


You’re not sure if this anger has been bubbling up inside you for a while now or if you just woke up extra irritable today. But something inside you has broken in two. Your heart pounds and your hands shake as you let out a desperate yell in response:


Alas, Parenting Rage has reared its ugly head.

Parenting Rage is Real

What you’re experiencing is legitimate — and more common than you think. Parenting Rage is the uncontrollable, monstrous sibling of anger. It’s an emotion we’re all prone to feeling — whether or not we like to admit it. Mum Rage is a thing that many parents experience. No one wants to be the scary mom shoving her cart down a grocery store aisle with a crying child behind her. But when rage takes over, our families often bear the brunt of it.

As parents and caregivers, it’s our job to provide a safe and loving environment for our kids — not traumatize them with our uncontrollable meltdowns. And yet, we’re imperfect human beings who get tired, stressed, and lose our tempers once in a while.

So, what now?

Managing the Fury You Feel

The good news is that parents and caregivers can take proactive steps to manage the fury we sometimes feel. Here are a few places to start:

Ask yourself, “What’s my unmet need?”

When experiencing escalated feelings of stress, sadness, or anger, it’s because an unmet need has been continuously ignored or violated. It’s impossible to take care of your family’s needs when you yourself are drawing from an empty tank.

In the case of parental rage, sit with yourself for a moment and ask, “How do I manage anger as a parent?” Are you stressed about work? Sleep deprived? Frustrated with your marriage? Perhaps you need your co-parent to step up and help out more with the kids.

Be aware of your triggers.

What behaviors send you careening over the edge? Keeping a trigger journal can help you observe words or actions that set you into a rage. If you notice that back talk always gets your temper flaring, do some inner work to find out why. Is there something from your own childhood that makes you react so strongly to your kids having a different opinion from you?

Being aware of triggers helps manage negative emotions associated with them — and hopefully react better next time.

Forgive yourself.

Yelling at your child doesn’t make you a bad parent. It just means you’re human. Forgive yourself for the times you’ve lost your temper — and let your child know how sorry you are for your outburst. Move forward and commit to doing better next time.

If you’re wondering, “How do you control parental rage?” remember that it’s a process. Parenting Rage may be real, but so is the love for our children. By working on our own issues, we can learn to respond with gentleness and compassion instead of anger.

Love and Blessings,

Health and Wellness Personal Development

Cracking the Code: Why Emotional Intelligence is a CEO’s Best Kept Secret!

Hey there! Today, we’re talking about something super important for leaders: Emotional Intelligence (EI). It’s a big deal for anyone who wants to be an amazing leader. So, let’s dive in and see why it’s so important and how it can help you!

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional Intelligence, or EI, is all about understanding and managing your own emotions and the emotions of others. It has a few main parts:

  1. Self-Awareness: Knowing your own feelings.
  2. Self-Regulation: Keeping your emotions in check.
  3. Motivation: Using your emotions to reach your goals.
  4. Empathy: Understanding how others feel.
  5. Social Skills: Getting along with people and building relationships.

Why is EI Important for Leaders?

  1. Better Decisions: Leaders with high EI make smarter choices. They stay calm under pressure and think things through before acting​ (Erickson Coaching Cert)​​ (ATherapyPro)​.
  2. Great Communication: Good leaders use EI to talk clearly and kindly. This builds trust and helps teams work better together​ (ACCC Coaches)​​ (Simply Coach)​.
  3. Solving Problems: Leaders with high EI handle conflicts well. They understand everyone’s feelings and find solutions that work for everyone​ (Erickson Coaching Cert)​.
  4. Happy Teams: Leaders who show EI create a positive work environment. This makes employees happier and more engaged in their work​ (Institute of Coaching)​​ (Simply Coach)​.
  5. Handling Change: The world is always changing, and leaders with high EI can adapt easily. They stay strong and guide their teams through tough times​ (ATherapyPro)​.

How to Build Emotional Intelligence

  1. Think About Your Feelings: Spend time thinking about how you feel and why. This helps you understand yourself better​ (ACCC Coaches)​.
  2. Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness helps you stay calm and focused. Try meditation or deep breathing exercises​ (Institute of Coaching)​.
  3. Be Empathetic: Listen to others and try to see things from their perspective. This will help you connect with them better​ (Erickson Coaching Cert)​.
  4. Improve Your Social Skills: Work on getting along with people. Practice talking and listening in a way that shows you care​ (ATherapyPro)​.

Ready to Be a Great Leader?

If you’re ready to use emotional intelligence to be an awesome leader, let’s get started! Join me for The Adventure Call. We’ll work together to use EI to make your leadership amazing.

Click here to book your session today. Let’s unlock your potential and achieve greatness!


Health and Wellness Parenting Personal Development

Is Working Mom Guilt Real? Ways to Alleviate the Stress

A mom friend sent her a picture this week. It showed her perched on the (closed!) pedestal on the toilet, resting her laptop on the toilet paper holder, while her daughter peeked over the side of the bathtub during her evening bathing routine. This is working mom life today—juggling two jobs at once but feeling like neither is done to the best of her ability.

What can be done to help alleviate the guilt of balancing working responsibilities with being a good parent? Is working mom guilt real? It can paralyze mothers with stress and trigger their instincts of fight or flight.

Ways You Can Ease Working Mom Guilt

The first thing to do is simply breathe deeply. When in a moment of heightened guilt, taking a few breaths can help put much-needed space between the situation and the mother.

Longer-term, changing perspective on guilt is essential. Is it so bad for a child to see their mom working and having to prioritize her time? It sets an excellent example, showing children that they can do or be anything they want to be.

Ordinarily, despite a child’s tears at seeing their mom go (and possibly her own), it’s an opportunity for the child to grow, form their thoughts and feelings, and make personal friendships without always looking to their mom for affirmation. This helps to overcome working mom guilt by realizing that allowing children to be in someone else’s care while working is not detrimental.

However, in conversations with a child’s caregivers, a mother might feel guilt and sadness when she isn’t there for a milestone or when someone else spends more waking hours with her child. This can lead to questioning if she is good enough in all her roles because many mothers have thought, felt, and carried all these emotions too.

Letting go of the guilt comes with acceptance—accepting what is and not clinging to what should be.

This holds true for those balancing working from home. How to stop feeling guilty for being a working mom? When switching on the television or handing a tablet to the child to entertain themselves during a Zoom meeting, knowing that it’s okay to be ‘good enough’ but not perfect offers more peace than trying to do everything correctly. A mother is not going to be perfect, and that’s okay. Being good enough is all she has to be.

Establishing boundaries with the workplace is crucial. A boss knows an employee is a mom, and when she clocks out promptly, it’s not due to a lack of ambition or slacking off, but because of other responsibilities. This doesn’t make her a bad employee or a bad mom for working.

Even if a mother dislikes her job but does it to pay the bills, she provides the means for a safe place to sleep and good things to eat. If she loves her job and is passionate about it, she creates a childhood where little girls grow up to achieve their dreams and little boys see women as equals.

Who Do You Surround Yourself With?

The company a mother keeps is important. Does the support system uplift or mom-shame her? Surrounding oneself with supportive individuals rather than those who impose what one “should” be doing can alleviate working mom guilt.

Don’t Follow The Rules

Relieving oneself from working mom guilt involves not adhering to others’ rules. Forget the rules. When feeling working mom guilt, asking “What’s the worst that can happen if I break the rules?” can bring one back to reality.

Limiting screen time is important, not just during moments of guilt. Giving a child undivided attention, despite the challenges of a busy workday, can bring peace of mind and enhance the ability to be a present and conscious parent.

Do It At Your Own Pace

Taking one day at a time is crucial. Focusing on the present, rather than future weekends or vacations, makes each day manageable. A mother should consider how working makes her feel. If she feels more well-rounded and grounded by working, her child will benefit more from a happy, fulfilled mom.

Don’t Judge Yourself

Self-judgment is often harshest. Forgetting something at a child’s school or comparing oneself to others can lead to guilt. It’s important to think about the bigger picture. Will these moments of guilt affect the child’s performance in school? No one is perfect, and mistakes are part of learning.

Getting organized helps. Utilizing phones for reminders and using apps or planners can keep everyone’s schedules on track.

Would a mother be better off with one full-time job instead of two? It’s easy to think stay-at-home moms are happier because they aren’t trying to do it all. Christy Lilley admits she has asked herself this question many times, believing that lives would be less stressful if she wasn’t working. However, she acknowledges that she might not be happier and that the grass may not be greener on the other side.

We can accept working mom guilt isn’t going to go away completely. But you can work towards alleviating that guilt and see the positives of being a working mom.

Love and Blessings,

Health and Wellness Personal Development

CEOs Beware: Your Performance Sucks – Here’s How to Fix It Now!

Hey CEOs, listen up! If you’re not already crushing it at the top of your game, chances are your performance sucks. Harsh? Maybe. True? Absolutely. But don’t worry – you’re about to discover a revolutionary way to turn things around, courtesy of RAMS By Baz.

We’ve all heard the cliché advice: work harder, stay focused, be a better leader. Yawn. The truth is, traditional performance improvement strategies are outdated and ineffective. CEOs like you need a fresh, no-bullshit approach to smashing through barriers and achieving peak performance. That’s where I come in.

RAMS By Baz isn’t just another coaching program. It’s a high-octane, results-driven system designed to transform you from good to extraordinary. Stick with me, and I’ll show you how to ditch the fluff and embrace a bold new way of thinking that will skyrocket your performance overnight. Ready to shake things up? Let’s dive in.

The Myth of CEO Performance Improvement

Alright, let’s get real. There’s a ton of bullshit floating around about what it takes to be a top-performing CEO. You’ve probably heard it all: wake up at 4 AM, meditate for an hour, drink some fancy green juice, and bam! You’re magically transformed into a superhuman leader. If that were true, every yoga-loving, smoothie-drinking exec would be ruling the world right now. Spoiler alert: they’re not.

Myth #1: It’s All About Hard Work

Here’s the first myth we need to debunk – the idea that working harder is the golden ticket to success. Newsflash: If hard work alone guaranteed success, every factory worker would be a billionaire. CEOs are told to grind, hustle, and put in 80-hour weeks. But let’s face it – that’s a one-way ticket to burnout city. It’s not about the hours you put in; it’s about the results you get out. RAMS By Baz focuses on smart work, not hard work. We’re talking laser-focused, high-impact actions that move the needle.

Myth #2: Follow the Leader

Next up, the myth that you should emulate other successful CEOs. Sure, modeling success can be useful, but copying someone else’s playbook won’t make you a star. Every leader is different, and what works for Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos might be a disaster for you. RAMS By Baz is all about authenticity. We strip away the BS and help you discover your unique strengths. You’re not here to be the next Steve Jobs; you’re here to be the best version of YOU.

Myth #3: Mindset Is Everything

Now, don’t get me wrong – mindset is crucial. But the myth that a positive mindset alone will save your ass is just plain dangerous. You can chant affirmations until the cows come home, but if your systems and strategies suck, you’re doomed. RAMS By Baz combines mindset with mastery, attitude, and solid systems to create a powerhouse formula. It’s not just about thinking like a winner; it’s about acting like one.

Myth #4: The Silver Bullet

Ah, the seductive lure of the quick fix. There’s no shortage of gurus peddling miracle solutions – a magic pill, a secret formula, the one thing you’ve been missing. Here’s the controversial truth: there is no silver bullet. Sustainable success comes from consistent effort, strategic planning, and relentless execution. RAMS By Baz gives you the tools, but you’ve got to put in the work. No shortcuts here, just real, transformative change.

Myth #5: Performance Reviews Are King

Finally, let’s tackle the sacred cow of performance reviews. Annual reviews, 360-degree feedback, blah blah blah. These might give you a snapshot of past performance, but they do jack shit for future growth. Traditional reviews are like looking in the rearview mirror when you should be focused on the road ahead. RAMS By Baz focuses on continuous improvement, real-time feedback, and dynamic growth strategies. It’s about evolving every damn day, not just once a year.

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Peter Drucker

The Controversial Side of CEO Performance Improvement

Alright, let’s cut through the crap. The world of CEO performance improvement is full of sacred cows, and it’s high time we tipped them over. Get ready for some brutal truths, because what I’m about to say might ruffle a few feathers.

Conventional Wisdom Is Killing Your Potential

First up, let’s tackle the sacred texts of corporate wisdom. You’ve been told to follow best practices, stick to the tried-and-true methods, and play it safe. But here’s the kicker: conventional wisdom is a surefire way to mediocrity. Playing it safe means you’re not taking risks, not innovating, and certainly not leading. RAMS By Baz isn’t about fitting into the mold – it’s about breaking it. We challenge you to question everything and redefine what success looks like on your terms.

Most Executive Coaches Are Full of Shit

Yeah, I said it. The executive coaching industry is rife with charlatans selling snake oil. These so-called experts recycle the same tired advice and charge a fortune for it. They give you cookie-cutter solutions that don’t address the unique challenges you face. At RAMS By Baz, we don’t do one-size-fits-all. Our approach is bespoke, tailored to your specific needs, and backed by real-world experience. We’re not here to hold your hand; we’re here to kick your ass into gear.

Self-Help Books Won’t Save You

Look, I love a good book as much as the next guy, but if you think reading the latest bestseller is going to transform your leadership overnight, you’re deluding yourself. Self-help books can offer insights, sure, but they’re not a substitute for action. It’s easy to get lost in the theory and forget to implement. RAMS By Baz is all about execution. We give you the tools and strategies you need, but it’s up to you to use them. No amount of reading will replace the hard work and dedication required to become a high-performing CEO.

Traditional Leadership Training Is Outdated

Let’s face it, most leadership training programs are stuck in the past. They teach you how to manage, not how to lead. They focus on compliance, not innovation. They prepare you for a world that no longer exists. In today’s fast-paced, ever-changing business landscape, you need to be agile, visionary, and unapologetically bold. RAMS By Baz is at the cutting edge of leadership development. We equip you with the skills to navigate the complexities of modern business and emerge as a true leader.

Performance Reviews Are a Waste of Time

Here’s a controversial take: annual performance reviews are a colossal waste of time. They’re backward-looking, demotivating, and often biased. They create a culture of fear and compliance, not growth and innovation. Instead of waiting for feedback once a year, you need continuous, real-time insights to stay ahead of the curve. RAMS By Baz ditches the outdated performance review model and focuses on continuous improvement. We help you build a feedback-rich environment where you can thrive and grow every day.

The Brutal Truth About Your Comfort Zone

Finally, let’s talk about your comfort zone. It’s your worst enemy. Staying within your comfort zone might feel safe, but it’s stunting your growth. Real leaders embrace discomfort. They take risks, make bold decisions, and aren’t afraid to fail. RAMS By Baz pushes you to step out of your comfort zone and into the realm of extraordinary achievement. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it. The greatest breakthroughs come from the greatest challenges.

“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” – Steve Jobs

Actionable Steps for the Reader

Alright, CEOs, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work. Here are seven actionable steps that will transform your performance and set you on the path to greatness. No fluff, just results.

1. Define Your North Star

First things first, you need a clear vision. Where are you headed, and why? Your North Star is your guiding principle – the ultimate goal that drives everything you do. Take some time to reflect and define it. Don’t just think in terms of profit; consider your impact, legacy, and the difference you want to make. RAMS By Baz starts with a crystal-clear vision because without it, you’re just drifting.

2. Focus on High-Impact Activities

Stop wasting time on trivial tasks. As a CEO, your time is your most valuable asset. Identify the activities that have the highest impact on your business and focus on those. Delegate or eliminate the rest. Use the RAMS framework to prioritize Results-driven actions. It’s not about being busy; it’s about being effective.

3. Cultivate a Growth Mindset

Adopt the mindset of continuous improvement. Embrace challenges, learn from failures, and never settle for mediocrity. This isn’t just about positive thinking – it’s about being relentless in your pursuit of excellence. Surround yourself with people who push you to grow and hold you accountable. RAMS By Baz emphasizes a Growth Mindset because stagnation is the enemy of progress.

4. Build Resilient Systems

Your success depends on the systems you have in place. These aren’t just processes; they’re the backbone of your operation. Streamline your workflows, automate where possible, and ensure your systems can scale with your business. RAMS By Baz focuses on building Systems that are robust and adaptable, so you can handle whatever comes your way.

5. Invest in Mastery

Never stop learning. Invest in your personal and professional development. Whether it’s through courses, workshops, or one-on-one coaching, keep sharpening your skills. Mastery isn’t a destination; it’s a journey. At RAMS By Baz, we push for continuous skill enhancement because being at the top of your game means always seeking the next level.

6. Foster a Winning Attitude

Your attitude sets the tone for your entire organization. Be the beacon of positivity, resilience, and determination. Your team looks to you for inspiration and direction. Foster a culture that values excellence and celebrates achievements. RAMS By Baz instills a Winning Attitude because a motivated leader inspires a motivated team.

7. Seek Real-Time Feedback

Forget annual reviews. You need real-time feedback to stay agile and responsive. Create a culture of open communication where feedback flows freely. Use tools and techniques to gather insights continuously and adjust your strategies accordingly. RAMS By Baz focuses on continuous improvement and real-time feedback because staying ahead of the curve means always knowing where you stand.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill


We’ve busted the myths, exposed the controversial truths, and laid out actionable steps to supercharge your performance as a CEO. It’s time to stop settling for mediocrity and start striving for greatness. Remember, the journey to extraordinary leadership isn’t about working harder – it’s about working smarter, cultivating the right mindset, building resilient systems, and continuously improving.

You have the potential to be an exceptional leader, but it requires a bold, no-nonsense approach. The RAMS By Baz system is here to guide you every step of the way, transforming you into the powerhouse CEO you’re meant to be.

Take Action Now – The Adventure Awaits!

Are you ready to break free from the ordinary and step into the extraordinary? It’s time to take the first step on your journey to peak performance. Don’t wait for change to happen – make it happen. Join me for a personalized business consultation where we’ll dive deep into your unique challenges and unlock your true potential. This is your Adventure Call.

Click here to schedule your consultation now and embark on the transformative journey with RAMS By Baz. Let’s turn your vision into reality and create the legacy you’ve always dreamed of.

Health and Wellness Parenting Personal Development

Celebrating Independence: Helping Your Child Develop Autonomy

Happy Independence Day! As the nation celebrated its birthday last Thursday, July 4th, it commemorated the United States becoming independent from England.

This festive holiday is associated with summer, family and friends coming together, barbecues, and fireworks—all to commemorate the day the country was born.

As the country celebrates its independence, it’s important to remember that individuals have the same right to autonomy. Many parents often ask, “How much independence should I give my kids?” As parents, it’s their duty to encourage and develop a sense of autonomy in their children. Understanding how to safely give your child more independence is crucial.

So, in the spirit of the holiday. . . here are a few ways to give children more independence.

. . . hug kids a little tighter today and tell them they’re appreciated for exactly who they are.

. . . let them know their thoughts, feelings, and opinions are valued, and that their ability to self-direct is admired. This answers the question, “How do you increase independence?” by validating their individuality.

. . . reassure them that even though they may drive parents up the wall sometimes, they’re never “bad kids” for speaking and living their authentic truth. Understanding why it is important to let children be independent helps in fostering their growth and confidence.

Whether this holiday is celebrated or not, wishing everyone a Happy Independence Day!

May everyone model the freedom, respect, and equality that every human being—including children—deserves!

Love and Blessings,


Health and Wellness Parenting Personal Development

Creative Ways to Keep Your Kids Engaged During Summer Break

Happy summer, everyone!

As summer approaches, many parents wonder, “How to keep your kids engaged during summer?” It’s a time for relaxation, vacations, and fun, but it can also be an opportunity for growth and learning. Here are a few key points to keep families and their kids stimulated until school begins:

  1. Educational Vacations:

Science museums, historical sites, and nature reserves are all great family-friendly places to go on a summer weekend adventure. Not only do these attractions offer educationally conducive environments that are safe and fun to explore at any age, many offer free admission; allowing families to have fun together while not spending a fortune! For even more excitement, try planning a nature scavenger hunt or historical tour with the kids while visiting the attractions to get the most out of the visits.

  1. Planning Hypothetical (Or Real) Trips:

It may seem strange at first, but actually, allowing kids to plan trips themselves (with parental guidance or feedback!) helps them understand the logistics that go into getting a group of people somewhere and can teach them important lessons about budgeting, travel times, and how to use different resources like the internet. It can even propel them to look inward to figure out what kinds of things they might enjoy instead of looking to parents to provide something interesting for them. In fact, this can even be an important opportunity for parents to practice letting their children figure something out on their own and providing valuable feedback only when necessary: Did you call ahead to see if that will be open then? You’re over budget “x” amount, can you find any cheaper places to stay or eat? Etc. It’s important to keep an open mind and not shut down their excitement, while also being realistic and setting boundaries. This dynamic will only become increasingly more prevalent, vital, and nuanced as they get older!

  1. Creative Learning at Home

Engaging DIY projects can be tailored for any age and interest. For example, the prompt “build an instrument” can have a solution as simple as putting an old shoelace or rubber band over a shoebox with a hole, or as complex as woodworking or digital software synthesis. It can take an hour, a day, or the whole summer! Finding the right prompt can give kids a boost of imagination and creativity, and finding the thing that sparks their interest is key. Maybe a child wants to try cooking or baking something, or maybe they want to write a song or make a painting. How can I make learning fun and engaging? Regardless of the tasks, exploring topics through creation is engaging and can teach countless new skills.

  1. Flexible Downtime:

Finding enjoyable and acceptable entertainment to balance outdoor time and family activities is key. Got a bookworm in the family? Whether there is one or not, establishing reading habits over the summer can be an exceptionally rewarding way for children to stay mentally engaged during their off-season. Instead of forcing a child to start reading, try setting up a cozy reading nook, or hosting a family book club where everyone can share their thoughts and ideas about a certain book. If a child is more oriented towards online games or digital media, parents should keep an open mind! There are online resources and educational games that make learning fun, interactive, and interesting. Even games parents may not think of as conventionally educational can teach history, math, politics, strategy, and more through immersion. Talking to the child, asking questions, and watching them play are all good ways of engaging with what they enjoy and making sure parents feel comfortable with what they are playing. How do I keep my child busy on school break? This can be a great way to explore various interests together.

There are many ways to incorporate a mix of adventure, creativity, and learning to keep children engaged and excited all season long without adding stress and exhaustion to the parents’ plate. With these tips for keeping kids engaged during the summer months, families will be well-equipped to make this summer both enjoyable and educational for their kids. Remember, summer is a wonderful time to foster new skills, create lasting memories, and strengthen family bonds, so don’t forget to enjoy yourselves too!

Wishing everyone a summer full of joy, growth, and unforgettable moments!

Health and Wellness Parenting Personal Development

Understanding Your Child’s Love for Video Games: Finding the Right Balance

Dear Katherine,

A parent expresses concern about their kids’ love for playing video games. The children seem to take genuine pleasure in this activity, and while they’re occupied, the parent has a chance to do household chores and enjoy a little time to themselves.

The parent wonders if there are better hobbies out there—but if the kids like gaming and it gives the parent a bit of space, is that so wrong? They question if they are making a parenting mistake by letting the children play.

Guilty As Charged

Hey there, Guilty As Charged,

First of all, there is nothing to feel guilty about here! Check the shame at the door. Everyone’s human.

Gaming—and screen-time in general—is a sore spot in many parent-child relationships. It’s hard to imagine eliminating these activities because, as mentioned, the kids enjoy playing video games, and the parent enjoys having some space. Not to mention that screen-time has become an undeniable part of children’s social lives.

But of course, “too much” of anything can be a problem.

So what constitutes “too much” in terms of gaming? The answer: It depends.

Rest assured that it’s probably not necessary to put an end to the kids’ gaming. This kind of hobby can have a place in a healthy, well-rounded child’s life. The issue is when it becomes an addiction.

In a webinar with Cam Adair (founder of Game Quitters, the world’s largest support platform), who once struggled with video game addiction, Adair shared his experience. He dropped out of school, lied to his parents about having a job, and eventually experienced suicidal ideation. At the height of his problem, he was gaming 16 hours a day.

The discussion highlighted that one of the risk factors for full-fledged gaming addiction is using video games as a coping mechanism or a means of escape. The amount of time spent gaming matters much less than why they’re gaming in the first place.

Why does my child like video games so much?” is a common question among parents. Often, it’s because video games provide a sense of achievement, excitement, and even social connection. Understanding this can help in managing their gaming habits effectively.

Here’s a good litmus test: If the child is gaming and they are asked to stop—for dinner, homework, or something else—are they capable of easily walking away? If so, there may not be cause for concern.

If they have trouble walking away, there may not be cause for concern either. If they are in the middle of getting to that next level at the very moment they are called, they may just need a few more minutes!

It’s also important to take a holistic view of the kids’ lives outside of gaming.

Are they doing well in school?
Do they have nice friends?
Are they generally kind and happy?
Do they get proper exercise and nutrition?

The answers to those questions will help determine if playing video games is a solution for another problem—or just another activity that brings the children joy.

Do video games affect children’s behavior?” The answer varies, but generally, moderation and balance are key. Ensuring that gaming does not interfere with their daily responsibilities and overall well-being is crucial.

“What to do when your child only wants to play video games?” Start a conversation about their gaming habits and show interest in what they enjoy. Plan family activities that can engage them and set reasonable boundaries without resorting to power struggles.

If there is concern, Game Quitters—Adair’s game addiction support community—is an excellent resource. But first, start a conversation with the kids about their gaming habits. Good old-fashioned quality time and better parent-child communication may be enough to keep them from entering unhealthy territory.

Tell the child that the family wants to spend time together, and be sure to plan activities that excite them. Steer clear of using power and control because that is guaranteed to activate the 3Rs (retaliation, rebellion, and resistance) and generate a resentment flow.

It is hoped this response gave some peace of mind to “Guilty As Charged.” The kids’ love for video games is likely healthy and normal.

Love and Blessings,


Health and Wellness Parenting Personal Development

Happy Father’s Day

Dear Dad,

You spend so much energy taking care of everyone around you…

Now, it’s your turn to be taken care of!

Be on the look out for our emails with the ribbon emoji for all sorts of incredible savings and deals… starting now!

Happy Father’s Day!

In celebration of Father’s Day, I’m giving 10 special dads $160 gift of half an hour consultation with me! Grab it before it fills up! (My hourly rate is $320)

To claim this special offer, you just need to be one of the first 10 mothers to follow this link and grab a spot on my calendar.

You’ll be able to book anytime during the month of June.

What’s the call for?

A chance to troubleshoot an issue you’re having with your kid. 
A chance to get answers to your burning questions about parenting.
A chance to get real about the highs and lows of fatherhood.

Whatever is on your mind, I’m here for you.

No judgment, no shame, no pressure.

Ready to chat? Treat yourself!

Click the button below to make sure you’re one of the first 10 dads to schedule your $160 gift!

Love and Blessings,
