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Health and Wellness Parenting Personal Development

Beyond Obedience: Embracing Consideration in Conscious Parenting

As we embrace April, let’s not forget that it marks National Child Abuse Prevention Month, urging us to unite as families and communities in safeguarding our children against abuse and neglect, which can manifest in various forms, often invisible to the eye.

In the journey of parenthood, the desire to exert control over our children can be overpowering at times. But amidst this quest for obedience lies a crucial question: Does compliance mean obedience? Upon delving into the realms of conscious parenting, many find themselves at a crossroads, torn between traditional methods of rewards and punishments and a newfound approach centered on fostering empathy and understanding. The notion of what is obedience for kids often looms large, but perhaps what we truly seek is not blind adherence, but rather, a deeper understanding of others’ feelings and needs.

Consider this: children taught compliance may clean their rooms upon request, albeit begrudgingly or out of a desire to please. Yet, those raised with consideration exhibit a profound awareness of their environment, recognizing the importance of maintaining a clean space and acting upon it unprompted. They internalize values of empathy and responsibility, choosing actions not merely to avoid reprimand but out of genuine consideration for others.

Distinguishing between compliance and consideration is pivotal in conscious parenting. Traditional paradigms advocate for obedience, often overlooking the significance of nurturing empathy and critical thinking in children. But do we truly desire children who merely follow orders without question, or do we aspire for individuals who possess the autonomy to discern right from wrong, guided by empathy rather than fear?

Dr. Louise Porter sheds light on the historical context of child-rearing practices, highlighting a grim reality where children were once viewed as mere possessions, subjected to various forms of abuse and exploitation. While societal norms have evolved since then, the shadows of this history continue to linger, underscoring the dangerous truth about obedience and the importance of fostering empathy and understanding in our children.

Amidst discussions of obedience, it’s crucial to address the prevalence of child maltreatment, ranging from neglect to physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. Often, these forms of abuse intersect, presenting complex challenges in assessing their prevalence and impact on children’s well-being.

Sexual abuse, in particular, casts a dark shadow, perpetrated predominantly by individuals known to the victim. Such instances underscore the need for vigilance and sensitivity in identifying signs of abuse, as children may not always articulate their experiences directly, necessitating a nuanced approach in offering support and protection.

In navigating the complexities of child maltreatment, it’s imperative to listen to children’s voices, validate their experiences, and offer unwavering support. Punitive measures only serve to exacerbate their trauma, reinforcing a cycle of control and coercion that contradicts the principles of empathy and understanding.

As we commemorate National Child Abuse Prevention Month, let’s reaffirm our commitment to fostering environments where children feel valued, heard, and supported. Let’s empower them to embrace consideration over blind obedience, equipping them with the tools to navigate a world fraught with challenges and complexities.

Should you ever find yourself grappling with suspicions or concerns, remember that my door is always open, providing a safe space for discussion and support.

Health and Wellness Parenting Personal Development

Raising Champions of Character: Cultivating Empathy, Good Sportsmanship, and Integrity in Children

Have you ever heard of Ivan Fernandez?

Ivan is a Spanish cross-country runner renowned for his sportsmanship and integrity on the global stage. While his athletic prowess is impressive, it’s his display of empathy and integrity that truly sets him apart.

In 2013, during an international race, Ivan found himself in a remarkable situation. He was trailing behind Kenyan runner Abel Mutai when Abel, nearing the finish line, became confused by the signage and halted, thinking he had won. Despite the language barrier, Ivan quickly realized the misunderstanding and selflessly urged Abel to continue. When Abel didn’t understand, Ivan didn’t hesitate; he guided Abel to the finish line before crossing it himself.

When questioned by a journalist about his actions, Ivan’s response was profound. He explained that winning without honor held no value to him, considering what his mother would think. Even as an adult, Ivan’s actions were a testament to the values instilled in him by his mother—values of empathy, good sportsmanship, and integrity.

How can I improve my kids sportsmanship?

As parents, we strive to raise compassionate and honorable children. But navigating life’s unexpected challenges with integrity and empathy isn’t always easy. Ivan’s story offers a valuable lesson in how to instill these qualities in our children.

While Ivan’s mother likely didn’t anticipate such a specific scenario, she undoubtedly modeled these values in her everyday actions. Similarly, parents can lead by example, showing children how to act with empathy and integrity in various situations, from sports competitions to everyday interactions.

Your child may not be competing on an international stage, but the principles of good sportsmanship are universal. Encourage them to focus not just on winning but on displaying kindness and support for others, whether on the field, in the classroom, or at home.

How to teach your child to be a good sport

Having a competitive drive can be advantageous, as Ivan’s journey illustrates. However, it’s essential to teach children that winning isn’t solely about outperforming others; it’s about personal growth and character development.

Emphasize to your child that success isn’t measured solely by trophies or medals but by the values they uphold and the impact they have on others. Whether playing sports, engaging in academic pursuits, or simply interacting with peers, encourage them to prioritize empathy, good sportsmanship, and integrity above all else.

Ivan Fernandez’s story serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of empathy, good sportsmanship, and integrity in both sports and life. By modeling these values and nurturing a healthy competitive spirit, we can help our children become not only successful individuals but also compassionate and honorable members of society.

So, when you ask yourself how do I teach my child good sportsmanship and as you guide your child through life’s challenges, remember the lessons learned from Ivan’s act of selflessness and integrity. Together, we can empower the next generation to compete with honor, empathy, and integrity

Health and Wellness Personal Development

From Trauma to Transformation: Anissa Hudak’s Journey of Healing and Empowerment

In a world where trauma often casts a shadow over the lives of countless individuals, stories of resilience and healing serve as a guiding light. Anissa Hudak, a Reiki master and yoga therapist, embodies the transformative power of such a journey. Her path to becoming a beacon of hope for women with PTSD and traumatic brain injuries began with a moment of awakening during a yoga training session.

As your host, Baz Porter, I had the privilege of engaging in a profound discussion with Anissa, navigating the delicate intricacies of healing from sexual assault and the crucial role of a supportive community in this process. Our conversation shed light on the fact that recovery from trauma is rarely a solitary endeavor; it is through solidarity and shared experiences that survivors can find the strength to reclaim their lives.

Opening up about my struggles with trauma, I shared the realization that while therapy is essential, it is only one facet of the healing journey. Anissa and I explored the significance of creating non-judgmental spaces for survivors to feel heard, understood, and supported. The decisive question was central to this discussion: “What do you want to do next?” This simple inquiry can shift the narrative from victimhood to agency, empowering survivors to take control of their lives and forge their paths to resilience.

Our conversation also touched upon the profound impact of **Gavin de Becker’s** book, *”The Gift of Fear.”* Anissa and I strongly endorsed this guide, which has left an indelible mark on our understanding of navigating fear, particularly in women’s safety and empowerment. As survivors of violence, we acknowledged the challenge of engaging with such material but emphasized the invaluable insights and sense of control it can provide.

“The Gift of Fear” by Gavin de Becker:
– A powerful guide for navigating fear and empowerment
– Invaluable insights for women’s safety
– Restoring a sense of control in the face of trauma

Anissa Hudak’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of healing and the importance of creating supportive communities for survivors. Her story reminds us that even in the darkest of times, there is hope for growth, empowerment, and a brighter future. By sharing her experiences and wisdom, Anissa illuminates the path for others, encouraging them to embark on their journeys of healing and self-discovery.

In a world where trauma is all too common, stories like Anissa’s are a beacon of hope, reminding us of the resilience of the human spirit and the power of connection in the face of adversity. As we navigate our own paths, may we draw strength from the courage of those who have gone before us, and may we extend our hands to those who walk beside us, united in our commitment to healing, empowerment, and a more compassionate world.

Health and Wellness Parenting Personal Development

What Does Easter Mean to You?

In this ever-changing season of life, it’s natural to ponder the significance of new beginnings. As spring blooms around us and Easter approaches, it’s an opportune moment to delve into the deeper meanings behind these celebrations.

What Easter day means, rooted in early Christianity, holds profound symbolism intertwined with ancient traditions. Originating as a melding of Christian observance with preexisting pagan festivities, it aligns with the rebirth of nature after the equinox. The notion of “Easter eggs,” initially symbolizing new life in pagan customs, has evolved to represent the resurrection celebrated by Christians worldwide. So, what do Easter eggs mean in this context? They serve as a reminder of the new life and hope brought by Jesus Christ’s resurrection.

Similarly, the blessed month of Ramadan holds deep significance for millions of Muslims, fostering reflection, reverence, fasting, prayer, patience, and charity. But why is Easter celebrated primarily by Christians? It marks the pivotal event of Jesus Christ’s resurrection, signifying hope, redemption, and eternal life.

In pagan traditions, the Spring Equinox marks the celebration of Ostara, named after the Goddess of the same name. These diverse observances underscore the universality of renewal and hope embedded within the changing seasons.

Reflecting on these traditions, Dr. Lombardi aptly remarks, “Just as the seasons change throughout the year, Easter is about the seasons of our lives changing, holding hope for our future even after enduring struggles. It serves as a poignant reminder that separation from our loved ones is but a temporary phase.”

Amidst the flux of life, it’s crucial to pause, breathe, and cherish the present moment. While days may seem long, the years swiftly pass. Let us embrace the beauty of now and nurture the connections that enrich our lives.

As we navigate this season of renewal, may you find solace in moments of light, laughter, and hope.


Love and blessings,

Health and Wellness Parenting Personal Development

Empowering Parents: Strategies for Dealing with Hyperactive Children

Parenting a hyperactive child presents unique challenges, as every day brings its own set of highs and lows. While we cherish our vibrant children with all our hearts, some days can be a joy, while others may leave us feeling overwhelmed on how to deal with a hyperactive child, questioning ourselves, What should I do if my child is hyperactive?

Minimizing meltdowns and misunderstandings takes experience, but with expert guidance on how do you cope with a hyperactive child, you can integrate strategies into your family life that not only foster harmony but also promote growth for everyone involved.

Many children with Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and/or a Hyperactive Personality exhibit impulsive tendencies, restlessness, and difficulty focusing. They may also experience mood swings and a tendency to jump from one activity to another. This can make it challenging for them in various aspects of life, including:

  • Following instructions
  • Focusing on schoolwork
  • Completing tasks
  • Staying organized
  • Engaging in social interactions

However, it’s important to recognize that their behavior often stems from internal factors rather than mere disobedience. Despite external appearances, they are not simply ‘acting up’. Given the tumultuous recent years, it’s vital to approach our hyperactive children with patience and understanding. So, what steps can we take to help them navigate this complex world?

Here are 9 Crucial Tips for Coping With a Hyperactive Child, curated by Katherine herself:

  1. Find a constructive way to channel your child’s energy
    Hyperactive children thrive on activity, so seek ways to channel their energy into enjoyable and engaging pursuits. Whether it’s soccer, martial arts, reading, or a fascination with a particular subject or animal, there are numerous avenues to keep them occupied and learning. Activities that focus on sensory experiences and play-based learning can enhance their concentration, memory skills, and overall development.
  2. Treat Your Child as an Equal
    Gone are the days of the adage, “Children should be seen and not heard.” Research now emphasizes the importance of nurturing, trusting relationships in a child’s development. Showering affection and attention on your child does not spoil them; rather, it fosters emotional growth and attachment. Early emotional development and learning are intertwined, with studies indicating that gentle touch stimulates the right side of the brain, building trust. It’s essential to avoid muting a hyperactive and headstrong child but rather embrace their unique qualities.
  3. Routine, Routine, Routine
    While rigid, military-like routines may stifle a hyperactive child, establishing a regular schedule can provide stability and security. Consistent wake-up times, bedtimes, meal schedules, and assigned chores can help hyperactive children feel more grounded and prevent boredom.
  4. Be Your Child’s Advocate
    Upon diagnosis (or suspicion) of ADHD in your child, everyone seems to become an expert on the condition. From family members to teachers to well-meaning friends, opinions abound. However, you are the one who knows your child best. Collaborate with trusted individuals, professionals, and educators to devise a tailored plan and ongoing strategy. Do not hesitate to assertively guide unwanted advice when it risks being detrimental.
  5. Don’t Let Your Child Get Overtired
    Fatigue can exacerbate hyperactive behavior in children. Studies show that a significant percentage of children with ADHD struggle with sleep, which can impact their self-control. Maintaining consistent rest and bedtime routines can help counteract this. If your child shows signs of tiredness, whether from physical activity or mental stimulation, allow them the necessary rest or quiet time.
  6. Manage Aggression
    Hyperactive children may exhibit sudden, defiant outbursts, with a significant percentage being diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). This pattern can manifest in disruptive, angry behavior towards authority figures, peers, and caregivers. Seeking guidance from a parenting coach or cognitive therapist can assist in managing these behaviors. It’s important to understand that behaviors stemming from a need for autonomy may resemble ODD, but they are not the same.
  7. Use ‘Guidance Discipline’ Instead of ‘Traditional’ Discipline
    Most children, not just hyperactive ones, respond better to non-authoritarian discipline. While this approach may require more time and effort, it fosters respect and open communication. Maintaining a strategy, utilizing positive guidance, and creating a nurturing environment are key aspects of guidance discipline. Consider your child’s likely response and remember that your approach to discipline shapes their self-management skills.
  8. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
    It’s crucial to choose your battles wisely when parenting a hyperactive child. Losing your temper or shouting can exacerbate their anxiety. Instead of repeatedly nagging about tasks like brushing teeth or tidying up, offer assistance or make the activity enjoyable. Providing choices, such as “Would you prefer to tidy up now or in an hour?” can empower your child and reduce conflict. Embrace your child’s limitations while encouraging their potential, avoiding comparisons to siblings or peers.
  9. Ask for Help
    Parenting a hyperactive child can be overwhelming, and it’s okay to seek assistance. If you’re not already receiving advice from professionals, consider scheduling appointments with doctors and specialists. Finding the right support system, whether through family, friends, or a parenting community, can make a significant difference. Katherine offers valuable insights in her Amazon best-selling ebook, available at freeparentingbook.com.

Remember, parenting a hyperactive child is a journey that requires patience, understanding, and a willingness to seek help when needed. By implementing these tips and strategies, you can create a nurturing environment where your child can thrive.

Health and Wellness Parenting Personal Development

Honoring Women’s Achievements: Insights from the International Women’s Day Gala 2024

I am thrilled to share my experience from the International Women’s Day Gala 2024, where I had the honor of being the keynote speaker. Held at the prestigious Taglyan Complex in Los Angeles, CA, this event was a remarkable celebration of the achievements of women worldwide.

The evening was adorned with stunning performances by renowned entertainers, including international recording artist Gene-o Cole, accomplished musician Michael Raye, and April Diamond, a Billboard Charting Recording Artist who topped the National New Music Radio Charts in 2021. Additionally, we were captivated by the talents of up-and-coming artist Natasha Mar.

Being part of such a momentous occasion that commemorates the social, economic, cultural, and political contributions of women was truly inspiring. It reminded me of the ongoing efforts of the women’s rights movement and the significance of International Women’s Day in advocating for gender equality and empowerment.

I invite you to watch my keynote address, where I reflected on the remarkable history of progress achieved by women worldwide.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Sharon Doyle and her team at the Women’s Empowerment Summit for inviting me to speak at this prestigious event. It was an evening filled with love, empowerment, and solidarity among women from diverse backgrounds.

Thank you for joining me in celebrating the indomitable spirit of womankind.

Love and blessings,

Health and Wellness Parenting Personal Development

Fulfilling Support: A Journey of Support, Empathy, and Positive Podcasts

Support nourishes the soul.

Securing the right support is pivotal. Whether your child’s persistent calls echo in your ears or the constant pen-clicking of a colleague leaves you exasperated, moments of frustration and stress can be overwhelming. Sometimes, all you yearn for is the comforting voice of a friend who truly understands your experience (paired with, perhaps, a glass of wine).

In recent chapters of life, you might have found yourself distanced from your usual support networks. Discovering an outstanding podcast can play a vital role in rebuilding that sense of community. Tuning in to an engaging podcast host feels akin to having a conversation with a wise and empathetic friend.

Here’s an exciting revelation—I’ve had the privilege of collaborating with exceptional podcasts within the conscious parenting support system. In honor of National Women’s Month, if you’re seeking female camaraderie and support, I wholeheartedly recommend listening to (and subscribing to!) these fantastic shows.

Real Happy Mom Podcast

Step into the shoes of Ton-Ann Mayembe, a wife, mom, full-time dentist, and part-time Navy reservist. In the Real Happy Mom Podcast, Ton-Ann interviews REAL MOMS, delving into their REAL LIFE experiences. These experts and guests provide insights into navigating the motherhood journey, offering guidance on raising children, self-care, confidence & more. Listen to the episode with Toni-Ann here.
The MomShine Podcast

Ever wished for cheat sheets from other moms and experts on mastering the juggling act of life? Alicia Garibaldi launched MomShine to simplify parenting by compiling learnings from her transition from a full-time job to more work at home.  Listen to this episode with Alicia here.
The PedsDocTalk Podcast

Meet Dr. Mona, a Board Certified Pediatrician, IBCLC, and a mom of two. She understands the ups and downs of becoming a mom and raising kids. Dr. Mona helps moms ditch the worry and second-guessing, guiding them to find more joy in motherhood. Listen to the episode with Dr. Mona here.
The Blissful Parenting Podcast

Parenting challenges? Join Michelle Abraham every Thursday as she interviews parenting book authors, coaches, and bloggers on her positive parenting podcast. Get tips for a happier and more fulfilling parenting experience. Listen to the episode here.
Cheaper than Therapy Podcast

Vanessa Bennett and Dené Logan, soul sisters and therapists, explore depth psychology—examining the complex nature of being human. They support others in living authentically while cultivating a fulfilling relationship with the Self. Listen to the episode here. 
The Balance Dilemma Podcast

What’s the talk about work-life balance? Join Maura Carlin and Christie Derrico as their guests share stories on balancing work, life, family, and self. Check out this episode here. 
Expert Talk with TGo

Gain direct insights into the world of “Trailblazers” who openly share their journeys to success. Listen to my episode with TGo on kids and anxiety Listen to the episode with TGo on kids and anxiety here.
Law of Attraction with Natasha Graziano

Natasha Graziano brings you the latest wisdom on manifesting goals and creating abundance. Learn how to refocus your mindset with practical and mindful exercises. Listen to the podcast episode here.

Which episode resonated with you the most? Hit reply and share your favorite!

Health and Wellness Parenting Personal Development

Fulfilling Support: A Journey of Support, Empathy, and Positive Podcasts

Support nourishes the soul.

Securing the right support is pivotal. Whether your child’s persistent calls echo in your ears or the constant pen-clicking of a colleague leaves you exasperated, moments of frustration and stress can be overwhelming. Sometimes, all you yearn for is the comforting voice of a friend who truly understands your experience (paired with, perhaps, a glass of wine).

In recent chapters of life, you might have found yourself distanced from your usual support networks. Discovering an outstanding podcast can play a vital role in rebuilding that sense of community. Tuning in to an engaging podcast host feels akin to having a conversation with a wise and empathetic friend.

Here’s an exciting revelation—I’ve had the privilege of collaborating with exceptional podcasts within the conscious parenting support system. In honor of National Women’s Month, if you’re seeking female camaraderie and support, I wholeheartedly recommend listening to (and subscribing to!) these fantastic shows.

Real Happy Mom Podcast

Step into the shoes of Ton-Ann Mayembe, a wife, mom, full-time dentist, and part-time Navy reservist. In the Real Happy Mom Podcast, Ton-Ann interviews REAL MOMS, delving into their REAL LIFE experiences. These experts and guests provide insights into navigating the motherhood journey, offering guidance on raising children, self-care, confidence & more. Listen to the episode with Toni-Ann here.
The MomShine Podcast

Ever wished for cheat sheets from other moms and experts on mastering the juggling act of life? Alicia Garibaldi launched MomShine to simplify parenting by compiling learnings from her transition from a full-time job to more work at home.  Listen to this episode with Alicia here.
The PedsDocTalk Podcast

Meet Dr. Mona, a Board Certified Pediatrician, IBCLC, and a mom of two. She understands the ups and downs of becoming a mom and raising kids. Dr. Mona helps moms ditch the worry and second-guessing, guiding them to find more joy in motherhood. Listen to the episode with Dr. Mona here.
The Blissful Parenting Podcast

Parenting challenges? Join Michelle Abraham every Thursday as she interviews parenting book authors, coaches, and bloggers on her positive parenting podcast. Get tips for a happier and more fulfilling parenting experience. Listen to the episode here.
Cheaper than Therapy Podcast

Vanessa Bennett and Dené Logan, soul sisters and therapists, explore depth psychology—examining the complex nature of being human. They support others in living authentically while cultivating a fulfilling relationship with the Self. Listen to the episode here. 
The Balance Dilemma Podcast

What’s the talk about work-life balance? Join Maura Carlin and Christie Derrico as their guests share stories on balancing work, life, family, and self. Check out this episode here. 
Expert Talk with TGo

Gain direct insights into the world of “Trailblazers” who openly share their journeys to success. Listen to my episode with TGo on kids and anxiety Listen to the episode with TGo on kids and anxiety here.
Law of Attraction with Natasha Graziano

Natasha Graziano brings you the latest wisdom on manifesting goals and creating abundance. Learn how to refocus your mindset with practical and mindful exercises. Listen to the podcast episode here.

Which episode resonated with you the most? Hit reply and share your favorite!

Health and Wellness Parenting Personal Development

International Women’s Day Event

I am beyond excited to announce I will be the keynote speaker at the International Women’s Day Gala 2024!

Come join us for a unique, magical International Women’s Day Gala, a 5 Course Dinner with a specially prepared menu, live music and a fashion show highlighting the designs of international fashion designer Gordana Gehlhausen (GOGA), a Project Runway finalist, and Art by VLADI along with the awarding of the Women’s inspiration Awards. Don’t miss this night to celebrate women!

International Women’s Day designated on March 8th is a global day celebrating social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. This is a day that also marks a call to action for accelerating women’s equality. International Women’s Day has occurred for more than a century with the first one gathering in 1908 supported by more than a million people. Today’s International Women’s Day belongs to all groups collectively everywhere.

Tributes will be performed by entertainers such as international recording artist Gene-o Cole, accomplished recording musician Michael Raye, and April Diamond, a Billboard Charting Recording Artist who was #1 on the National New Music Radio Charts in 2021, and up-and-coming artist Natasha Mar. These performers will be accompanied by an Orchestra, conducted by John Nettles.

Click the BUY TICKETS button to purchase tickets for this event.

Can’t make it in person? That’s OK, we’ve got you covered! This event will be broadcast internationally and will be able to be streamed live with sign ups using the My Premo streaming app.

Fri Mar 8, 2024
5:00 PM — 10:00 PM
Taglyan Complex, 90038

Can’t wait to see you there!

Love and Blessings,
Katherine Sellery

Health and Wellness Parenting Personal Development

Parenting Through Challenges: Helping Kids Cope with Major Life Changes

Dear Katherine,

Our second baby arrived shortly before the pandemic began. While my older son seems to care for his baby brother, I worry that alongside the major adjustment of having a new baby, he might link his brother’s arrival with the negative aspects of the pandemic. Considering my son’s strong-willed and opinionated nature, these events have understandably added stress. I‘m seeking advice on how to support him and help him navigate these two major life changes separately.

Bad Timing

Bad Timing,

In challenging times, our hearts go out to you. It seems like your older son is navigating through big life changes, and we commend you for empathizing with him during this trying period for your entire family.

Raising more than one child introduces a world of both joy and challenges. As supportive parents, our ultimate desire is for our children to harmonize, but older kids may face difficulties adjusting to sharing attention and affection with a new sibling. This adjustment period is normal, and in your case, it’s compounded by a couple of other factors.

Primarily, your older son’s strong-willed nature adds complexity. Autonomous children, by nature, might attract disapproval, especially when adjusting to sharing attention. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy as negative attention reinforces his feeling of favoritism towards his younger brother.

Adding to the complexity, your older son’s world was disrupted by the pandemic shortly after his baby brother arrived. Apart from adapting to the routine shifts with a new baby, he also had to navigate the stress of COVID-19.

So, how can you navigate these challenges and how to help kids cope with major life changes?

The initial step is recognizing the unmet need causing tension within your older son. While he loves his brother, he likely needs reassurance that your love for him remains unchanged despite the new addition to the family.

Once he understands that gaining a brother doesn’t mean losing anything, he may view the situation positively, separating it from the negativity of the pandemic.

Here are parenting tips to assist you during this adjustment period and how would you support your child:

  • Schedule one-on-one time: Dedicate time exclusively for your older son, reassuring him that there’s enough love and affection for everyone.
  • Explain the candle metaphor: Illustrate your love for both children using a lit candle, showing that the brightness of one doesn’t diminish when the other enters your heart.
  • Be more communicative: Acknowledge your busy schedule and, when one-on-one time is challenging, express anticipation for the next special moment. This verbal reassurance boosts his self-worth and emphasizes your love.

In your situation, Bad Timing, your strong-willed son’s expression of need signals a strong foundation in your relationship. Embrace these moments for growth and connection.

Love and Blessings,