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Health and Wellness Parenting Personal Development

Pride in Parenthood: Supporting Your Child Through Transitions and Transformations

As we step into the vibrant and inclusive atmosphere of Pride Month, Conscious Parenting Revolution stands proudly as dedicated allies of the LGTBQIA2S+ community. Our commitment to supporting parents through the intricate journey of raising children remains unwavering. Every child deserves a nurturing environment where they can thrive, regardless of their identity or orientation.

How to Support Your Child’s Journey

Parenting is a journey marked by transitions and transformations, each stage presenting its own set of challenges and joys. Today, we delve into the profound journey from childhood to adolescence, exploring how we can best support our children through this pivotal phase of their lives.

The Transformation From Childhood to Youth

The transition from childhood to youth is a remarkable period characterized by profound changes and self-discovery. As parents, we often find ourselves navigating a delicate balance between pride and concern as we witness our children unfold into young adults. It’s a time when they assert their independence, question societal norms, and embark on a journey of self-exploration.

In understanding this transformation, we recognize the importance of creating a supportive and nurturing environment where our children feel empowered to explore their identities authentically. Happy Pride Month serves as a poignant reminder of the significance of embracing diversity and celebrating the uniqueness of every individual within our families.

How to Help Young Children Transition Into Young Adults

Guiding young children through the transition into young adulthood requires patience, empathy, and unwavering support. As they navigate the complexities of adolescence, they rely on us, their trusted guardians, to provide guidance and encouragement along the way.

It’s essential to foster open communication and create a judgment-free space where our children feel safe to express themselves authentically. By respecting their boundaries and offering a listening ear without judgment, we empower them to navigate the challenges of adolescence with confidence and resilience.

The Changing Transition to Adulthood

As our children transition into adulthood, our roles as parents evolve from managers to consultants. It’s a journey that requires us to let go of control and trust in our children’s abilities to make decisions that align with their authentic selves. While this transition may evoke feelings of uncertainty and apprehension, it’s also an opportunity for growth and mutual understanding within our parent-child relationships.

Embracing pride month serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of unconditional love and acceptance within our families. As we celebrate diversity and inclusivity, let us also reaffirm our commitment to supporting our children through every stage of their journey, from childhood to adolescence and beyond. Happy Pride Month!

Health and Wellness Parenting Skills

Work Life Balance Mastermind

Work Life Balance

25 Signals you may need to rethink some priorities

Looking for a High-Level Business Executive Mastermind?

Recognizing signs of an imbalanced work-life dynamic is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships with your children and spouse. Here are 25 red flags that may indicate your work life and home life are off balance:

Children’s Perspective

  1. Limited Interaction: You rarely spend quality time with your children.
  2. Missed Events: Frequently missing your children’s important events (games, recitals, parent-teacher meetings).
  3. Emotional Distance: Your children seem emotionally distant or hesitant to share their feelings with you.
  4. Behavioral Changes: Noticeable changes in your children’s behavior, such as acting out or becoming withdrawn.
  5. Increased Screen Time: Your children are spending more time on screens because you are not available to engage with them.
  6. Decline in School Performance: Their academic performance drops due to lack of parental support and involvement.
  7. Lack of Routine: Inconsistent routines for meals, bedtime, and homework due to your unpredictable schedule.
  8. Health Issues: Increased complaints of physical ailments (headaches, stomach aches) that may be stress-related.
  9. Decreased Bonding: Fewer shared activities like family dinners, outings, or game nights.
  10. Increased Anxiety: Your children show signs of anxiety or stress related to your absence.
  11. Lack of Communication: They express feeling unheard or neglected.
  12. Seeking Attention: They act out more often to get your attention.
  13. Dependency on Others: Relying more on friends, teachers, or other relatives for emotional support.
  14. Loss of Trust: They become more secretive or dishonest, feeling you are not available to understand their issues.
  15. Withdrawal from Activities: Losing interest in hobbies and activities they once enjoyed because they miss your involvement.

Spouse’s Perspective

  1. Infrequent Conversations: Lack of meaningful conversations with your spouse.
  2. Increased Arguments: More frequent disagreements or conflicts due to stress and lack of communication.
  3. Emotional Disconnection: Feeling emotionally disconnected from your spouse.
  4. Reduced Intimacy: A noticeable decrease in physical and emotional intimacy.
  5. Unresolved Issues: Leaving important issues unresolved because there’s no time to discuss them.
  6. Neglected Responsibilities: Your spouse feels burdened by taking on more responsibilities at home.
  7. Missed Plans: Frequently canceling plans or not being present for planned activities.
  8. Social Isolation: Less social interaction with friends and family as a couple.
  9. Health Decline: Your spouse experiencing stress-related health issues due to the imbalance.
  10. Resentment: Your spouse expresses resentment towards your job or work schedule.
  11. Feeling Unappreciated: Your spouse feels unappreciated or taken for granted.
  12. Financial Stress: Financial decisions and burdens are not being shared or discussed adequately.
  13. Increased Solo Activities: Your spouse engaging in more activities alone, indicating a gap in shared experiences.
  14. Avoidance: Avoidance behaviors such as going to bed early or late to avoid interaction.
  15. Reduced Patience: Decreased patience and tolerance for minor issues, indicating underlying stress.

Recognizing these signs can help you take proactive steps to restore balance and ensure the well-being of your family relationships.

Work Life Balance Mastermind

Work Life Balance Mastermind Online


A work-life balance coach can be instrumental in helping married entrepreneurs with kids achieve a healthier and more sustainable balance between their professional and personal lives. Here’s how they can assist:

1. Identifying Priorities

  • Clarifying Values and Goals: Helping you define what’s most important in both your business and family life.
  • Setting Boundaries: Establishing clear boundaries between work and personal time to ensure neither is neglected.

2. Time Management

  • Effective Scheduling: Assisting you in creating schedules that allocate sufficient time for work, family, and self-care.
  • Delegation: Teaching you how to delegate tasks effectively at work and home to reduce your burden.
  • Eliminating Time Wasters: Identifying and minimizing activities that consume time without adding value.

3. Stress Management

  • Coping Strategies: Providing techniques to manage stress and prevent burnout.
  • Mindfulness and Relaxation: Introducing practices like meditation, deep breathing, and mindfulness to enhance focus and reduce stress.

4. Communication Skills

  • Improving Communication: Enhancing communication skills to ensure effective dialogue with your spouse and children about needs, expectations, and concerns.
  • Conflict Resolution: Teaching conflict resolution strategies to handle disagreements constructively.

5. Building Support Systems

  • Support Networks: Encouraging the creation of support networks both professionally and personally.
  • Outsourcing and Assistance: Identifying areas where outsourcing (like hiring help for household tasks) can free up more personal time.

6. Personal Development

  • Goal Setting: Helping you set and achieve personal goals alongside professional ones.
  • Self-Care: Emphasizing the importance of self-care routines, including exercise, hobbies, and relaxation.

7. Family Involvement

  • Involving Family in the Process: Encouraging family discussions about work-life balance to foster understanding and cooperation.
  • Quality Family Time: Planning activities that ensure meaningful and quality time with family members.

8. Accountability

  • Regular Check-Ins: Conducting regular sessions to track progress, adjust strategies, and ensure accountability.
  • Feedback and Adjustments: Providing feedback on what’s working and what isn’t, and making necessary adjustments.

9. Work Efficiency

  • Optimizing Work Processes: Helping streamline business operations to make them more efficient, freeing up time for personal life.
  • Goal-Oriented Work: Ensuring work goals are clear and aligned with overall life goals.

10. Creating Balance in Roles

  • Role Clarity: Defining your roles and responsibilities in both business and family contexts to avoid overlap and conflict.
  • Transition Strategies: Developing strategies to smoothly transition between work and home roles, reducing the mental load.

Practical Steps a Work-Life Balance Coach Might Implement:

  • Time Audits: Conducting time audits to understand how time is currently spent and identify areas for improvement.
  • Weekly Planning Sessions: Facilitating weekly planning sessions to prioritize tasks and activities for the upcoming week.
  • Boundary Setting Workshops: Conducting workshops on how to set and maintain boundaries effectively.
  • Stress Reduction Techniques: Teaching and practicing stress reduction techniques in sessions.
  • Family Meetings: Encouraging and guiding regular family meetings to discuss and plan for balanced living.
  • Personal Development Plans: Creating personalized development plans that include professional and personal growth goals.

By addressing these areas, a work-life balance coach can help married entrepreneurs with kids create a more harmonious and fulfilling life, ensuring that both business ambitions and family needs are met without sacrificing one for the other.

Get More Information 


Work Life Balance Speaker

Work Life Balance Speaker mastermind host


Executive Business Growth and Personal Fulfillment Program

The Business Freedom Forum (BFF) is a transformative coaching program designed specifically for ambitious entrepreneurs who seek both significant business growth and personal fulfillment. At the heart of BFF is a commitment to not only enhance business performance but also improve the quality of life for its members. The forum utilizes innovative tools like the TriMetric Tracking System and the Alignment Operating System, which together provide a holistic approach to business and personal development.  BFF focuses on diagnosing underlying business issues and leadership challenges, ensuring that solutions are not just effective but sustainable. Through a combination of personalized coaching, strategic planning, and peer support, members learn how to align their business operations with their personal values and life goals. This alignment helps them achieve a balance that fosters business success without sacrificing personal happiness.

Members of the Business Freedom Forum gain access to exclusive mastermind groups, expert-led workshops, and a supportive community that encourages growth, accountability, and transformation. BFF is ideal for business owners who are ready to step into a role of true leadership and wish to create businesses that not only thrive on their own but also contribute positively to their owners’ lives.

Monthly mastermind sessions are on Zoom. Plus, occasional special events in the Portland and Phoenix areas.

Mastermind Leader: Scott Landis Get Info

Scott Landis is an influential business coach and the visionary founder of Awakened Life, where he integrates profound personal development with strategic business growth. His coaching philosophy is rooted in the belief that true success comes from aligning one’s business endeavors with personal values and purpose. Through his flagship program, the Business Freedom Forum, Scott empowers entrepreneurs to not only scale their businesses effectively but also to enhance their overall quality of life.  With a rich background in relationship intelligence and a deep understanding of business mechanics, Scott crafts bespoke solutions that address both the operational needs of a business and the personal development of its leader. His tools, including the innovative TriMetric Tracking System and Alignment Operating System, are designed to diagnose and resolve the complex challenges faced by business owners today.  Scott is happily married to his high school sweetheart and best friend, Tawnya. They are raising their three children: Skyler, Allie, and Brynna in Gilbert, Arizona. His commitment extends beyond mere business success; he is dedicated to helping leaders achieve a sense of fulfillment and freedom that permeates all aspects of their lives. His approach fosters a balanced lifestyle that values health, relationships, and personal well-being, ensuring that entrepreneurs thrive in every area of their lives.

Business Freedom Forum



Health and Wellness Negotiations Personal Development


Imagine a world where unseen forces subtly influence your decisions, thoughts, and moves. Welcome to the dark underbelly of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Touted as a revolutionary tool for personal and professional development, NLP promises to unlock the secrets of success, but beneath its glossy surface lies a murky realm of manipulation and control.

For CEOs and executives like you, understanding the true nature of NLP isn’t just a curiosity—it’s a necessity. In the high-stakes leadership game, knowing the tools and tactics to shape minds and steer decisions can mean the difference between ethical influence and unethical manipulation.

In this article, we’ll delve into the shadowy side of NLP, unmasking the dangers that lurk behind its promises. We’ll explore how these techniques can be used to control and manipulate and why you must recognize and guard against them. As a leader, your integrity is your greatest asset, and by the end of this piece, you’ll be equipped to lead with a clear mind and a steadfast commitment to ethical practices.

So buckle up because we’re about to expose the dark secrets behind mind control tactics they don’t want you to know. Let’s dive into the unsettling truths of NLP and arm ourselves with the knowledge to navigate this controversial territory.

The Myth of Success

When it comes to NLP, the success stories are legendary. You’ve probably heard the tales: transforming lives, skyrocketing careers, and turning everyday Joes into charismatic leaders. But let’s peel back the curtain and laugh at the absurdity of some of these myths, shall we?

Myth #1: NLP is a Magic Bullet for Success

Cue the mystical music. Here’s the deal: NLP is often sold as the ultimate secret weapon that can solve all your problems instantly. Need to close a deal? Boom, NLP. Want to charm an audience? Bam, NLP. This myth is about as believable as a snake oil salesman promising eternal youth.

Reality Check: Success requires hard work, strategy, and, yes, a bit of luck. NLP might provide some useful techniques, but there’s no shortcut to the top. Thinking NLP alone will get you there is like believing a gym membership will get you fit while you sit on the couch eating donuts.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”

Winston Churchill

Myth #2: NLP Can Make Anyone a Master Persuader

Imagine a world where every CEO could hypnotize their board with a flick of the wrist and a few well-chosen words. Sounds like something out of a bad sci-fi movie, right? Yet, this is precisely what some NLP proponents would have you believe.

Reality Check: Persuasion is an art form that takes years to master, and it’s rooted in authenticity and trust. If you think NLP alone can turn you into a silver-tongued devil, think again. Authenticity can’t be faked, no matter how many NLP tricks you have up your sleeve.

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.”

C.S. Lewis

Myth #3: NLP is Scientifically Proven and Universally Effective

We’ve all seen those fancy charts and graphs purporting to show how NLP rewires your brain for success. They look convincing, don’t they? Well, as they say, there are lies, damned lies, and statistics.

Reality Check: The scientific community remains skeptical about NLP’s efficacy. Much of the evidence supporting NLP is anecdotal at best and dubious at worst. Believing in NLP’s universal effectiveness is like betting your company’s future on a horoscope—entertaining but not exactly reliable.

“Your true success in life begins only when you make the commitment to become excellent at what you do.”

Brian Tracy

Myth #4: NLP is Purely Positive and Harmless

Here’s a real kicker: the idea that NLP is all sunshine and rainbows with no downside whatsoever. According to this myth, NLP is a feel-good, consequence-free path to personal and professional nirvana.

Reality Check: Like any powerful tool, NLP can be misused. It can be wielded to manipulate, deceive, and control. Those who fail to recognize this dark side risk becoming puppets to more unscrupulous practitioners. It’s like giving a toddler a chainsaw—what could go wrong?

“Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do.”

Potter Stewart

Myth #5: Anyone Can Master NLP Instantly

Some NLP courses promise mastery in a weekend workshop. Just imagine: you walk in on Friday as an ordinary executive and strut out on Sunday as a mind-bending Jedi. Spoiler alert: reality doesn’t work that way.

Reality Check: Mastery any skill takes time, practice, and dedication. Instant proficiency in NLP is a myth perpetuated by those looking to sell you a quick fix. It’s the business equivalent of expecting to become a concert pianist after one lesson.

“In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.” — Albert Einstein

By debunking these myths, we not only expose the fallacies but also highlight the importance of understanding the true nature of NLP. As a leader, you must approach NLP with a critical mind and a healthy dose of skepticism. Recognize its potential benefits but remain vigilant about its darker applications. Remember, success is a journey, not a magic trick.

RAMS Framework Overview

Alright, let’s cut through the fluff and dive into something that works—the RAMS framework. You see, while some folks are busy trying to sell you snake oil, we’ve got a solid, no-nonsense approach to high-performance coaching. RAMS stands for Results, Attitude, Mastery, and Systems. Let’s break it down and have some fun while we’re at it.

Results: The End Game

Results are king, right? In the world of CEOs and high-stakes decision-making, it’s all about what you deliver at the end of the day. Think of Results as your scoreboard—it’s not about how many times you swing the bat, but how many home runs you hit.

In the Context of NLP: Sure, NLP might promise quick wins, but where are the sustainable results? RAMS focuses on long-term achievements. It’s like comparing a sugar rush to a balanced diet—one gives you a quick high and a nasty crash, and the other sustains you for the long haul.

Picture NLP as that flashy diet pill everyone swears by, but RAMS is the personal trainer who gets you in shape—without the funky side effects.

Attitude: The Secret Sauce

Your mindset—or, as I like to call it, your mind state—is crucial. It’s the lens through which you view challenges and opportunities. We’re not talking about plastering a fake smile on your face but about cultivating a genuinely positive and resilient attitude.

In the context of NLP, NLP enthusiasts might tell you to “fake it till you make it,” but with RAMS, it’s about authentic transformation—no gimmicks, just real shifts in how you approach life and business.

NLP’s attitude advice is like putting lipstick on a pig. RAMS? We’re giving you a new breed of thoroughbred to run the race.

Mastery: The Continuous Climb

Mastery isn’t about being perfect; it’s about relentless improvement. It’s the commitment to improving daily, honing your skills, and expanding your knowledge.

In the Context of NLP: While NLP may offer shiny new tricks, RAMS is about deep, sustained learning. It’s like comparing a magic show to a lifetime of martial arts training. One dazzles momentarily; the other builds unshakable strength.

NLP is like buying a Swiss Army knife—you get a lot of little tools. RAMS is enrolling in ninja school—now, that’s mastery.

Systems: The Backbone of Success

Systems are the structures and processes that keep everything running smoothly. They’re the gears and cogs behind the scenes, ensuring that your efforts translate into consistent results.

In the Context of NLP: NLP often lacks a structured approach, leaning more on ad-hoc techniques. RAMS provides a robust framework that supports sustainable success. Think of it as the difference between a rickety shack and a well-engineered skyscraper.

NLP is like trying to build IKEA furniture without a manual, which is frustrating and prone to collapse. RAMS gives you the blueprint, the tools, and a hand if needed.

So, why RAMS? Because it’s not about quick fixes or smoke and mirrors. It’s about real, tangible, and sustainable growth. As a driven CEO, you need more than flashy techniques—a framework that delivers consistent, meaningful results. That’s RAMS for you: grounded, effective, and much more reliable than a bag of NLP tricks.

Real-Life Success Stories

Let’s bring this home with real-life tales of triumph, where the RAMS framework has turned ambitious dreams into tangible realities. These stories aren’t just about hitting goals but about redefining what’s possible.

Case Study 1: Sarah, The Trailblazing Tech CEO

Background: Meet Sarah, a tech CEO grappling with rapid growth and a fragmented team. Her company had innovative products but lacked cohesive leadership. Enter RAMS.

Challenge: Sarah struggled to align her executive team and make strategic decisions that could keep pace with the company’s explosive growth. The typical quick-fix solutions and motivational seminars weren’t cutting it.

Transformation: With the RAMS framework, Sarah focused on:

  • Results: Setting clear, measurable objectives for her team.
  • Attitude: Cultivating a growth mind state across her organization.
  • Mastery: Implementing continuous learning programs.
  • Systems: Establishing robust operational processes.

Outcome: Within six months, Sarah’s company saw a 50% increase in productivity, a marked improvement in team cohesion, and a 30% uptick in revenue. Her leadership style evolved, making her a more confident and strategic thinker.

Relatable Hook: Imagine going from daily firefighting to leading with clarity and purpose. That’s the power of RAMS.

Case Study 2: Mike, The Manufacturing Maestro

Background: Mike was the CEO of a mid-sized manufacturing firm. Overwhelmed by the day-to-day operational grind, he was unable to focus on strategic growth. He felt stuck in a loop, unable to push his company to the next level.

Challenge: Delegation was a significant issue. Mike was involved in every detail, leaving him exhausted and unable to see the bigger picture.

Transformation: Through the RAMS framework, Mike learned to:

  • Results: Prioritize high-impact projects.
  • Attitude: Shift from a control mindset to a trust-based leadership approach.
  • Mastery: Invest in training his managers to take on more responsibility.
  • Systems: Streamline operations with efficient processes.

Outcome: In just a year, Mike’s firm expanded into new markets, increasing revenue by 40%. He also regained his work-life balance, finding time for his family and personal interests.

Think about transforming from a stressed-out manager to a visionary leader. That’s the RAMS effect.

Case Study 3: Emily, The Creative Visionary

Background: Emily, a creative director at a leading advertising agency, was brilliant but chaotic. Her team adored her vision but struggled with the lack of structure, leading to missed deadlines and burnout.

Challenge: Emily needed to harness her creativity within a structured framework to maintain the agency’s competitive edge without burning out her team.

Transformation: With RAMS, Emily embraced:

  • Results: Defining clear project milestones.
  • Attitude: Fostering a collaborative and positive team environment.
  • Mastery: Balancing creative freedom with disciplined project management.
  • Systems: Implementing agile methodologies to improve workflow.

Outcome: The agency’s project completion rate improved by 60%, client satisfaction soared, and Emily’s team found a new sense of purpose and balance.

Imagine channeling your creative chaos into streamlined success. That’s the magic of RAMS.

These stories aren’t just inspiring—they prove that the RAMS framework can transform challenges into opportunities. Whether you’re a tech innovator, a manufacturing mogul, or a creative genius, RAMS offers a tailored approach to elevate your game. It’s not about temporary fixes; it’s about building a sustainable path to extraordinary success.

“The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.”

Ronald Reagan

The Controversial Side of NLP

Alright, folks, it’s time to pull no punches and dive headfirst into the murky waters of NLP. Neuro-Linguistic Programming has been touted as a miracle tool for personal development and communication mastery, but let’s get real—it’s not all rainbows and unicorns. Here’s the bold, unvarnished truth about the dark side of NLP.

Mind Manipulation: The Puppet Master’s Toolkit

Let’s start with the obvious: NLP can be a powerful tool for manipulation. Techniques like anchoring, mirroring, and pacing are designed to influence others’ thoughts and behaviors subtly. In the hands of an ethical practitioner, these can be beneficial. But let’s face it: not everyone out there is playing fair.

Imagine giving a con artist a blueprint to your mind. That’s what unethical NLP practitioners can do—exploit your subconscious to get what they want. It’s the psychological equivalent of handing over your house keys to a burglar.

“Leadership is not about being in charge. It is about taking care of those in your charge.”

Simon Sinek

Pseudoscience: The Flimsy Foundation

NLP proponents often cloak their techniques in scientific jargon, but much of NLP lacks empirical support. The scientific community remains skeptical mainly, with many studies debunking its effectiveness.

Believing in NLP’s grand promises is like investing in snake oil. You might feel good for a while, but there’s no solid foundation. It’s time to separate the hype from the hard facts.

Unethical Use in Business: The Corporate Snake Pit

In the business world, NLP can be a double-edged sword. Used ethically, it can improve communication and negotiation skills. However, in the wrong hands, it becomes a weapon for manipulation, coercing colleagues, clients, and competitors.

Picture this: your business partner is subtly steering every decision to benefit themselves, using NLP tricks. It’s not just unethical—it’s downright sinister. No one likes to think they’re being played, especially in high-stakes environments.

Psychological Harm: The Invisible Scars

NLP can also cause psychological harm. The techniques can be intense and, when misused, lead to emotional distress. Untrained or unethical practitioners might push individuals to confront past traumas without proper support, causing more harm than good.

Imagine reopening old wounds and being left to bleed. That’s what irresponsible NLP practices can do. It’s not just about “fixing” someone; it’s about ensuring their mental well-being.

The Cult of Personality: Guru Worship

The world of NLP is often littered with self-proclaimed gurus who promise the world but deliver little. These charismatic leaders can create a cult-like following, with followers hanging on their every word, often at great personal and financial expense.

Beware of the NLP messiah complex. These gurus are more interested in filling their coffers than helping you grow. It’s high time we called out this snake oil salesmanship for what it is.

Transparency and ethics are non-negotiable in high-performance coaching and personal development. RAMS by Baz stands apart because its framework is built on authenticity, measurable results, and a steadfast commitment to ethical practices.

So, as you navigate the seductive allure of NLP, keep your wits about you. Recognize its potential for manipulation, question its scientific validity, and demand ethical integrity. The real path to success isn’t through shortcuts and psychological tricks—it’s through genuine growth, continuous learning, and steadfast ethical practices.

“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Actionable Steps for the Reader

Now that we’ve peeled back the layers on NLP and highlighted the RAMS framework, it’s time to arm you with practical, actionable steps. These will help you navigate the murky waters of NLP, enhance your leadership skills, and build a more ethical and effective approach to personal and professional growth.

  1. Educate Yourself on NLP Techniques

Action: Spend time understanding the common NLP techniques like anchoring, mirroring, and pacing. Know what they are and how they are used.

Think of it as learning the magician’s tricks so you won’t be amazed by smoke and mirrors. Knowledge is your first line of defense.

“In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.”

Albert Einstein

  1. Identify Manipulative Behavior

Action: Look for signs of manipulation. If someone’s communication feels overly rehearsed or if you feel unusually influenced by their words, you might be dealing with NLP tactics.

It’s like spotting a sales pitch a mile away—you won’t be easily swayed once you know the signs.

  1. Cultivate a Growth Mind State

Action: Focus on developing a genuine positive attitude. Use affirmations, mindfulness, and reflection to maintain a resilient and growth-oriented mind state.

It’s not about faking it till you make it; it’s about genuinely believing in your ability to grow and succeed. Authenticity is your superpower.

  1. Build Robust Systems

Action: Implement structured processes in your personal and professional life. Use tools and frameworks that support your goals and ensure consistent progress.

Think of it as setting up a solid foundation for your house—without it, everything else crumbles.

  1. Engage in Continuous Learning

Action: Dedicate time each week to learning and self-improvement. This could be through reading, online courses, or leadership and personal development workshops.

Lifelong learning isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the secret sauce to staying ahead of the curve. Stay curious and keep evolving.

  1. Foster Ethical Leadership

Action: Commit to ethical leadership practices. Be transparent, build trust, and prioritize your team’s and stakeholders’ well-being.

Lead like you would want to be led. Ethical leadership isn’t just good practice—it’s good business.

“Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do.”

Potter Stewart

  1. Leverage the RAMS Framework

Action: Apply the RAMS framework to your leadership approach. Focus on Results, maintain a positive attitude, strive for Mastery, and build effective Systems.

Relatable Hook: RAMS isn’t just a framework; it’s a game-changer. Think of it as your secret weapon for achieving sustained success.

By taking these actionable steps, you’re not just protecting yourself from the potential pitfalls of NLP—you’re actively enhancing your leadership capabilities and setting yourself up for long-term success. Remember, the key to true growth and success lies in continuous improvement, ethical practices, and a genuine commitment to your personal and professional development.


As we’ve navigated the dark and twisty alleys of NLP, it’s clear that while it promises much, it also conceals many potential pitfalls. From the potential for manipulation to the lack of solid scientific backing, the dark side of NLP is a reality that savvy leaders like you must recognize and navigate.

But here’s the good news: you’re not alone in this journey. With the RAMS framework—focusing on Results, Attitude, Mastery, and Systems—you have a robust, ethical, and proven alternative to achieve your leadership goals and personal growth. It’s about genuine transformation, not just quick fixes. It’s about building a legacy of integrity, continuous improvement, and sustainable success.

So, as you reflect on the insights shared in this article, ask yourself: Are you ready to elevate your leadership to the next level? Are you prepared to embrace a framework that promises not just success but sustained excellence?

Call to Action: The Adventure Call

Your journey towards extraordinary leadership and unmatched personal growth starts with a single step. Join the visionary leaders who have transformed their lives and businesses with RAMS by Baz.

Take the leap today. Schedule your personalized business consultation—The Adventure Call.

Click here to embark on your adventure. Together, we’ll map out a strategy tailored to your unique challenges and aspirations, ensuring that you meet and exceed your goals.

Don’t settle for mediocrity. Dare to be exceptional. Your legacy begins now.

Health and Wellness Parenting Personal Development

Compassionate Conversations: Explaining Death to Children of All Ages

There is no subject more difficult to discuss with children and teenagers than dying. Tragically, it is also a subject that often must be discussed while adults cope with their own grief. How do you explain death to your child? Discussing death with preschoolers, school-age children, and teenagers should, of course, be approached differently.


Death becomes surprisingly familiar to younger children. Many fairy tales, nursery rhymes, and Disney movies deal with the subject.

Additionally, pet animals die, and there is death depicted all over television screens in both fact and fiction. Evidence of death, such as animals by the side of the road, is common.

The hardest fact for a child to come to terms with, however, is that death is permanent, not temporary. It is also scary and challenging for children to understand that death happens to everyone, including their parents, caregivers, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and siblings.

A young child’s reaction to death may manifest in unpredictable ways.

There may be confusion as to why the adults in a child’s life, including the parents, are suddenly so sad and upset. Their routine, crucial to their stability, may be interrupted, leading to increased clinginess.

Changes in familiar scenarios, such as attending kindergarten, could become traumatic, with the child seeming desperate to avoid more changes in their life. Alternatively, a child may display a nonchalant response, seemingly bothered for a few moments before reverting to normal behavior.

This is a typical response at this age because children process significant events like death piece by piece over time. The release of grief might be delayed until the child is older and more capable of expressing it, especially when the deceased was someone close, such as a parent or sibling.

It’s essential not to avoid any questions about dying from a preschooler. Even if the death of a person close to the child has not occurred, it is a subject that should be discussed to help manage trauma when it does happen.

Answering a child’s questions should be brief, straightforward, and easy to understand. For example, it can be explained that a body has stopped working, so the person isn’t around anymore.

Euphemisms for death, such as ‘grandma’s gone to sleep,’ should be avoided as they could give the child the idea that if they go to sleep, they might die. Similarly, telling a child that someone died because they were sick could trigger worries that all illnesses lead to death. It can be explained that not all sick people die.

If a child is directly affected by a death, such as a close relative, they need to be informed about how activities previously done with that person will now be replaced.

Parents should not be afraid of expressing their grief so that children understand that they, too, are undergoing something complicated.

Open-casket funerals for young ones and older children can be traumatic and should be carefully considered before attending. It might be too traumatic for them. However, memorializing the deceased, such as lighting a candle or writing a letter saying goodbye, is a good idea.

Discussing Death With School-Age, Pre-Teen Children

Older children can grasp that death is an end and is permanent. Parents and caregivers can provide comfort just by ‘being there’ to give them a feeling of familiarity.

Grief and sadness at this age may manifest physically, such as through headaches or stomach cramps, accompanying tears and sadness. Mourning is likely to come and go, as the pre-teen processes the loss.

Recognizing that death is final, they may envision the deceased as an angel, skeleton, spirit, or ghost. They will want to know what happened and what will happen to the body. These questions shouldn’t be avoided and must be handled sensitively.

Death may also trigger concerns about their own mortality, leading to feelings of anger, shame, guilt, and possibly physical aggression. Feelings of abandonment and insecurity will surface, and they may even feel responsible for the death.

How Do Kids Cope With Death?

Children of different ages cope with death in various ways. Younger children might seem more clingy or regress to earlier behaviors, while older children may display physical symptoms of grief, such as headaches or stomach aches. Teenagers might react with more severe behavior, including lashing out or engaging in reckless activities. It’s crucial to handle each child’s grief with sensitivity and understanding, providing the support they need to process their emotions healthily.

Discussing Death With Teenagers

From the start of the teen years onwards, children will have a clearer understanding of death and its implications. However, while they have a mature understanding, they lack adult coping mechanisms.

Grief is likely to manifest in more severe ways, such as lashing out at family members and close friends. Reckless behavior as a consequence of grief, including alcohol abuse, drug abuse, fighting, and sexual promiscuity, should be watched for.

Death may lead to profound questions about their faith and fundamental worldview, potentially shattered by the event. As they seek independence, they may shun offers of help and assistance, spending more time alone or with friends. Discussing Death With Teenagers can also involve talking about the family’s religious or spiritual beliefs about death. Encouraging them to speak with someone outside the family, like grief counselors or mental health professionals, is beneficial.

Teenagers should play a role in the memorial and funeral. Visiting the location before the event may help calm nerves and provide reassurance.

Feelings of guilt may arise, especially if a sibling has died. This could be evident following arguments when they might have said, “I wish you were dead.” Guilt is a natural outcome, but teenagers may also take on more responsibilities, assuming roles previously held by the deceased.

Handling questions and reactions with sensitivity and understanding is crucial. Be open to how children of any age process their grief.

Health and Wellness Parenting Personal Development

Memorial Day 2024: Remembering Sacrifice and Service

It is Memorial Day in the USA. 

Happy Memorial Day! It is a day for remembrance, a time for the nation to express thanks and reflect on the brave individuals who lost their lives in service to their country, commemorating the ultimate sacrifice they made.

What is Memorial Day? Memorial Day 2024 is an important holiday dedicated to honoring the men and women who have died while serving in the U.S. military. It’s a time to pause, reflect, and give thanks.

Maya Angelou once said, “How important it is for us to recognize our heroes and she-roes.”

In light of this sentiment, it’s essential to take some time to express gratitude for all those in the service, both present and past, and remember a hero of one’s own.

One poignant story is that my father-in-law who fought in the Battle of the Bulge. His battalion suffered many losses, leaving him in charge. When a white flag appeared from the Germans, offering to take them as POWs, he agreed—they would all have perished on that hill otherwise. As a POW officer, he was not made to work, but he was not fed either, leading to severe emaciation. Not being a smoker, he traded his cigarette rations for another officer’s chocolate, hoarding it for the day he planned to escape.

The camp was liberated when the Allies crossed into enemy territory. He consumed all his chocolate for the necessary energy boost but became so violently ill that he ended up sleeping in a farmer’s barn and was recaptured. Many of his fellow POWs were bombed on the train by American fighter pilots, not realizing it was filled with POWs. The chocolate ultimately saved his life.

As the war drew to a close, everyone was eventually freed. He made his way to Paris, searching for his brother, who was General Patton’s driver. They had lost contact, and he had no way of finding him. Miraculously, when he went to a restroom, his brother was there. The story felt like a miracle each time it was recounted.

When did Memorial Day become a day of remembrance? This significant transformation occurred after the Civil War, evolving from Decoration Day into the Memorial Day observed today, to honor all American military personnel who have died in all wars.

While servicemen and women are vital to the nation’s safety and security, they are also paramount to their family units. While the nation grieves those who have died in the line of duty, it often overlooks the families they leave behind.

If you are a parent dealing with the loss of a family member, offering support to yourself and your children can be an immense struggle and a heavy burden to bear. There are many valuable resources available to help, such as the blog post “How to Explain Death to a Child.

Health and Wellness Parenting Personal Development

United in Understanding: You Are Not Alone in Mental Health Awareness

Every year, an average of 150,000 lives are tragically lost to drug, alcohol, and suicide-related causes in America.

These staggering statistics underscore a pervasive sense of isolation and loneliness among many individuals. Yet, as May unfolds, it serves as a poignant reminder: it is Mental Health Awareness Month.

Throughout this dedicated month, mental health experts, psychologists, and wellness educators come together to amplify a vital message – you are not alone. Despite the isolating challenges, societal upheavals, and profound losses, we stand united, celebrating Mental Health Awareness Month.

Drawing from personal experience, having lost my own brother to suicide years ago, I’ve come to understand how shared childhood experiences and patterns often compel us to suppress our emotions and needs. Tragically, unmet needs can manifest in profound ways. It was during this harrowing period that my commitment to conscious parenting and mental health advocacy took root.

Yet, our society requires more than mere awareness of mental illness; it necessitates an active commitment to fostering mental wellness. What is Mental Health Awareness? We must equip ourselves with tools and strategies for empathetic communication, emotional regulation, and navigating challenging circumstances.

In the spirit of promoting mental well-being, I’d like to share three simple techniques to alleviate anxiety, foster inner peace, and clarity:

  1. Draw Figure 8s: Using your index and middle fingers, trace a figure 8 pattern around your eyes. Applying varying pressure instantly integrates the right and left brain, fostering equilibrium and harmony.
  2. Practice Alternate Nostril Breathing: Inhale through one nostril, exhale through the other, promoting deeper breaths, centeredness, and anxiety reduction. Alternate nostrils to enhance balance.
  3. Engage in Ha! Exhales: Clench your fists, inhale deeply, and forcefully exhale with a “HA!” as you bend forward. This technique induces relaxation, dissipates nervous energy, and restores calmness.

Why mental health awareness is important nowadays? For those seeking further mental health resources, I recommend exploring this enlightening video from the National Mental Health & Mental Fitness Summit held in July 2019.

Remember, we traverse this journey collectively. Let’s continually reassure one another that we need not confront our adversities in solitude.

Wishing you resilience and flourishing mental health, just keep in mind that you are not alone – celebrating mental health awareness month.

Health and Wellness Parenting Personal Development

Happy Mother’s Day

Hi Mom,

I hope you’re having a wonderful celebration today!

We understand the joy as well as the struggles and tribulations of being a Mom, that’s why we want to make sure you get all the support you need, and more!

That’s why we’ve decided to offer YET ANOTHER discount this month.

Use MOMSMATTER code at checkout to receive 70% off our marked down prices on all our resources!

(1)‘The Conscious Parenting Kickstart: Mini Course’ Normally $450, marked down to $199, take another 70% off to celebrate Mother’s day (-$130.30) today it’s only $59.70!

(2)Ultimate Parenting Toolbook (Normally $597, marked down to $297, + a discount of another 70% off — $207.90) to celebrate mother’s day just $89.10,

(3)Applying Solutions Mini Course’ (Normally $550, marked down to $199, + a discount of another 70% off less -$139.30) now just $59.70 in celebration of Mom’s mattering so much!

Carpe Diem!!

A heads up, final opportunity to get your $160 gift. Treat yourself! Take a breather, connect with someone who understands, and get some expert support tailored just for you. we can chat about anything and everything related to parenting. This special gift is available from now through the end of Maybut only for the first 10 people who follow this link and grab a spot on my calendar. (My hourly rate is $320 so this is a $160 gift!)

Wishing you a beautiful Mother’s Day filled with love and joy.


Health and Wellness Parenting Personal Development

Empower Your Child with Mindfulness: 5 Techniques to Try Today

Have you ever wondered about mindfulness? It’s a simple yet powerful practice that involves focusing your attention on the present moment while acknowledging and accepting your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations in a calm manner. In times of uncertainty, like the ones we’re facing now, mindfulness can be a valuable tool to help you stay calm and centered.

The benefits of mindfulness are remarkable, ranging from reducing stress to enhancing mood and emotional regulation. And guess what? These benefits aren’t just for adults – children can experience them too. You might be thinking, “How do you teach kids mindfulness? Is that even possible?” Well, it certainly is, and it can even be enjoyable!

Despite not facing the same stresses as adults, children often struggle to connect with their emotions amidst their busy schedules and digital distractions. Mindfulness can help them tune in to their feelings and better understand them. Research shows that practicing mindfulness with children can improve their focus, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote positive behaviors. Plus, it’s a fantastic way for you to bond with your child and find moments of tranquility together – something we all need right now. So, how can I practice mindfulness with my child?

Here are 5 Easy Mindfulness Techniques For Your Kids:

1. Breathing Exercise

Meditation involves sitting down and focusing on your breath, a challenge for restless children. Combat this by creating a calming atmosphere with colorful pillows and soft music. Encourage them to imagine pleasant scents, like flowers or cake, as they inhale deeply and pretend to blow out candles or dandelion clocks. Start with short sessions and gradually increase the duration to enhance their awareness of their rising and falling tummy.

2. Notice 5 Things Around You

Consciously observing the world can ground you in the present, especially during moments of stress or overwhelm. Turn this into a game for your kids. Sit down and invite them to join you in the “notice five things” game. Call out five things you see around you and encourage them to do the same. This activity brings them back to the present moment and becomes more effective with regular practice.

3. Embrace All Feelings

Children inevitably experience tantrums, and mindfulness can help them accept their emotions without judgment. As a parent, it’s crucial to set an example by acknowledging your reactions and taking deep breaths yourself. Avoid trying to engage them in meditative breathing during their outbursts; instead, wait until they’ve calmed down. Then discuss their feelings and unmet needs, practicing breathing exercises together to explore solutions for future situations.

4. Drop Anchor

Stand together with your child and guide them to feel grounded by pressing down through their feet, connecting with the earth’s gravity. Encourage them to tune into different parts of their body, starting with their head and working down. This exercise fosters a sense of stability and presence in the moment, helping them feel more grounded and aware of their surroundings.

5. Silence Game

This classic mindfulness practice encourages children to be as quiet and still as possible, not only with their voices but also with their bodies. Begin with short sessions, aiming for a minute of silence. When the game ends, softly ask your children what they noticed during the quiet, encouraging them to maintain that calm, peaceful feeling throughout their day’s activities.

In conclusion, these playful mindfulness activities offer a unique opportunity for you and your child to connect and develop valuable coping skills. By incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine, you will not think about how to decrease stress and improve your mood but you can create a calmer and more peaceful environment for both of you.

Remember, mindfulness isn’t about having expectations or living in the future – it’s about embracing the present moment. Start exploring these techniques with your child today and watch as they cultivate greater happiness and inner peace, benefiting both of you.

Health and Wellness Parenting Personal Development

Empower Your Child with Mindfulness: 5 Techniques to Try Today

Have you ever wondered about mindfulness? It’s a simple yet powerful practice that involves focusing your attention on the present moment while acknowledging and accepting your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations in a calm manner. In times of uncertainty, like the ones we’re facing now, mindfulness can be a valuable tool to help you stay calm and centered.

The benefits of mindfulness are remarkable, ranging from reducing stress to enhancing mood and emotional regulation. And guess what? These benefits aren’t just for adults – children can experience them too. You might be thinking, “How do you teach kids mindfulness? Is that even possible?” Well, it certainly is, and it can even be enjoyable!

Despite not facing the same stresses as adults, children often struggle to connect with their emotions amidst their busy schedules and digital distractions. Mindfulness can help them tune in to their feelings and better understand them. Research shows that practicing mindfulness with children can improve their focus, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote positive behaviors. Plus, it’s a fantastic way for you to bond with your child and find moments of tranquility together – something we all need right now. So, how can I practice mindfulness with my child?

Here are 5 Easy Mindfulness Techniques For Your Kids:

  1. Breathing Exercise

Meditation involves sitting down and focusing on your breath, a challenge for restless children. Combat this by creating a calming atmosphere with colorful pillows and soft music. Encourage them to imagine pleasant scents, like flowers or cake, as they inhale deeply and pretend to blow out candles or dandelion clocks. Start with short sessions and gradually increase the duration to enhance their awareness of their rising and falling tummy.

  1. Notice 5 Things Around You

Consciously observing the world can ground you in the present, especially during moments of stress or overwhelm. Turn this into a game for your kids. Sit down and invite them to join you in the “notice five things” game. Call out five things you see around you and encourage them to do the same. This activity brings them back to the present moment and becomes more effective with regular practice.

  1. Embrace All Feelings

Children inevitably experience tantrums, and mindfulness can help them accept their emotions without judgment. As a parent, it’s crucial to set an example by acknowledging your reactions and taking deep breaths yourself. Avoid trying to engage them in meditative breathing during their outbursts; instead, wait until they’ve calmed down. Then discuss their feelings and unmet needs, practicing breathing exercises together to explore solutions for future situations.

  1. Drop Anchor

Stand together with your child and guide them to feel grounded by pressing down through their feet, connecting with the earth’s gravity. Encourage them to tune into different parts of their body, starting with their head and working down. This exercise fosters a sense of stability and presence in the moment, helping them feel more grounded and aware of their surroundings.

  1. Silence Game

This classic mindfulness practice encourages children to be as quiet and still as possible, not only with their voices but also with their bodies. Begin with short sessions, aiming for a minute of silence. When the game ends, softly ask your children what they noticed during the quiet, encouraging them to maintain that calm, peaceful feeling throughout their day’s activities.

In conclusion, these playful mindfulness activities offer a unique opportunity for you and your child to connect and develop valuable coping skills. By incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine, you will not think about how to decrease stress and improve your mood but you can create a calmer and more peaceful environment for both of you.

Remember, mindfulness isn’t about having expectations or living in the future – it’s about embracing the present moment. Start exploring these techniques with your child today and watch as they cultivate greater happiness and inner peace, benefiting both of you.

Health and Wellness Parenting Personal Development

Parenting Beyond Expectations: Advocacy and Inclusivity with Autism

As April unfolds, we’re reminded of the importance of understanding and supporting those in our community affected by autism. Autism Awareness Month provides a platform to shed light on the resources and support systems available for families navigating this unique journey.

Feeling overwhelmed by the myriad of options? Fear not! We’re here to be your trusted guide, helping you discover tools and strategies that can make your journey smoother.

First and foremost, it’s crucial to take a moment for yourself. Providing care for others begins with ensuring your own needs are met. Taking a deep breath and maintaining a centered mindset are essential when facing challenges. Sometimes, stepping back and regaining perspective can save time and lead to more effective problem-solving.

When it comes to addressing behaviors, especially in the context of neurological development factors like autism, understanding the root causes is key. By responding in a way that considers these underlying issues, we can build deeper understanding and strengthen bonds with our loved ones.

Understanding your child’s unique needs is like deciphering a secret code – it takes patience, persistence, and love. But you’re not alone on this journey. Building a support system is vital. Whether through local support groups or online communities, finding your tribe can provide the support and understanding you need.

Here are a few resources to explore:

Autism Speaks Resources:

Autism Speaks offers a variety of tools and resources, including tool kits for parents and caregivers on topics such as challenging behaviors and employment for adults with autism.

Find a Local Resource:

Utilize Autism Speaks’ Resource Guide to find local resources including pediatricians, behavioral therapists, and after-school programs.

Preemptive and Proactive Advocacy:

Advocacy doesn’t require a PhD! It can feel like a full-time job, but finding strong advocates for students with autism or learning disabilities in your school or district is essential for accessing impactful programs and resources. Regardless of how autism affects your child or questioning how to explain autism to a child, speaking to advocates can help ensure they receive the education they deserve. Trust your instincts, ask questions, and remember – it’s okay not to have all the answers.

Dealing with the Ignorance of Others:

Life isn’t just black and white; it’s a tapestry of greys. Embracing a more inclusive perspective is crucial for parents, especially when raising or how to support your child with autism. Parenting goes beyond our own viewpoints; sometimes, our children choose the most challenging times and places for outbursts or meltdowns. If faced with strangers in a public setting who don’t respond ideally, try not to panic. If possible, remove yourself and your child from the situation. Your car can provide a safe space to regroup, or a short walk outside can change the environment and possibly address the underlying issue provoking your child’s behavior.

April is not just a month; it’s an opportunity to increase understanding, acceptance, and support for those with autism. As we commemorate World Autism Awareness Day, let’s continue to raise awareness and build a more inclusive and supportive community.