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Entrepreneurship Skills Strategy

Part Time Work from Home Jobs

Why Millions Turn to Side Hustles Instead of Work-from-Home Jobs

The rise of side hustles has become a significant trend in the modern economy, driven by various factors that appeal to a diverse workforce. This article explores the reasons behind the growing preference for side hustles over traditional work-from-home jobs and how this shift is reshaping the labor market.

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Best Part-Time Remote Gigs

Economic Uncertainty and Income Diversification

Economic uncertainty has been a prominent driver of the side hustle trend. In an era marked by fluctuating job security and economic instability, many individuals seek multiple income streams to hedge against potential financial setbacks. Side hustles provide a safety net, allowing individuals to diversify their income sources and reduce dependence on a single employer.

Flexibility and Autonomy

One of the most appealing aspects of side hustles is the flexibility they offer. Unlike traditional work-from-home jobs, which often come with fixed schedules and employer-imposed constraints, side hustles enable individuals to set their own hours and work at their own pace. This autonomy allows for better work-life balance, as people can tailor their work around personal commitments and preferences.

Pursuit of Passion Projects

Side hustles often stem from personal interests and passions. Many individuals use side gigs as an opportunity to pursue hobbies or creative endeavors that they are passionate about but may not be feasible as full-time careers. This pursuit of passion can lead to higher job satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment that traditional jobs may not provide.

Technological Advancements

The rapid advancement of technology has facilitated the growth of the gig economy and side hustles. Digital platforms and online marketplaces have made it easier than ever for individuals to find and engage in freelance work, sell products, or offer services. These technological tools provide the infrastructure needed to manage and grow side hustles efficiently.

Changing Workforce Demographics

The workforce is becoming increasingly diverse, with millennials and Generation Z showing a strong preference for flexible and non-traditional work arrangements. These younger generations value experiences and personal growth over traditional career paths. Side hustles align well with their desire for flexibility and varied work experiences.

Financial Incentives

Financial incentives also play a crucial role in the shift towards side hustles. Many side gigs can be lucrative, often offering higher hourly rates than traditional jobs. The ability to earn extra income without the constraints of a full-time job is a powerful motivator for many individuals.

Social Acceptance and Cultural Shifts

The cultural perception of side hustles has evolved significantly. What was once seen as a supplementary income source or a stopgap measure has now gained widespread acceptance as a legitimate and respectable way to earn a living. This shift in perception has been influenced by the success stories of entrepreneurs and freelancers who have turned their side gigs into thriving businesses.

The Impact of the Gig Economy

The gig economy has fundamentally changed the landscape of work. Companies are increasingly relying on freelancers and contractors for various tasks, creating a robust market for gig workers. This shift has led to the normalization of side hustles as a viable and attractive option for both workers and employers.


The preference for side hustles over traditional work-from-home jobs is driven by a combination of economic, social, and technological factors. As the economy continues to evolve, the trend towards side hustles is likely to grow, offering individuals greater flexibility, financial stability, and the opportunity to pursue their passions. This shift is not just a temporary phenomenon but a significant transformation in the way people work and earn a living in the modern economy. How to make the most out of stacking side hustles and finding the Best Side Hustle for you check our the FREE MATCHING TEST at Random Income.

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Best Practices Management Skills

Mid-Year Business Check-Up: Why July is the Perfect Time to Re-evaluate Your Corporation or LLC

Mid-Year Business Check-Up: Why July is the Perfect Time to Re-evaluate Your Corporation or LLC

Mid-year evaluations are crucial for business success. Just like a regular health check-up ensures your well-being, a thorough mid-year business check-up can determine the health and direction of your Corporation or LLC. July is the perfect time to reassess your business structure, financial health, compliance, and growth strategies to ensure you’re on the right track for the rest of the year.

The Importance of a Mid-Year Check-Up

**Why July is Strategic:**

July marks the midpoint of the year, offering a unique vantage point to review your business’s progress and make necessary adjustments. Conducting a mid-year check-up allows you to address potential issues before they escalate, ensuring that you meet your year-end goals and avoid last-minute scrambles.

**Benefits of Proactive Review:**

By taking a proactive approach, you can identify and resolve inefficiencies, capitalize on opportunities, and make informed decisions that benefit your bottom line. This mid-year review helps you stay agile and responsive in a dynamic business environment.

Reviewing Your Corporate Structure

**Evaluating Current Needs:**

Your business evolves, and so should your corporate structure. Regularly assessing whether your current setup still aligns with your business goals is essential. For instance, if you started as a Sole Proprietorship, it might be time to consider transitioning to an LLC or Corporation to better protect your assets and optimize tax benefits.

**Scenarios for Change:**

If your business has grown, you may benefit from the liability protection and tax advantages that come with forming an LLC or Corporation. These structures can also enhance your credibility and make it easier to secure financing.

Financial Health and Tax Planning

**Review Financial Statements:**

A mid-year financial review involves scrutinizing your financial statements and cash flow. This assessment helps you understand your financial health, identify trends, and make informed decisions about budgeting and investments.

**Mid-Year Tax Planning:**

Mid-year is also an ideal time for tax planning. By reviewing your tax strategies now, you can maximize deductions and minimize liabilities, setting your business up for a more favorable tax situation at year-end.

Compliance and Documentation

**Staying Compliant:**

Ensuring all necessary filings and compliance documents are up-to-date is crucial for maintaining your legal status and protecting your assets. Regularly updating your records helps you avoid penalties and legal issues.

**Role of Documentation:**

Proper documentation is key to demonstrating your business’s legitimacy and operational integrity. It also plays a vital role in asset protection and can be crucial in legal disputes.

Asset Protection Strategies

**Review and Update:**

Your asset protection strategies should be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure they remain effective. This might involve reassessing your insurance coverage, estate planning, and the use of trusts.

**Benefits of LLCs and Corporations:**

Using LLCs and Corporations provides liability protection, separating your personal assets from your business liabilities. This structure can shield you from personal financial risk in case of legal issues or debts.

Planning for Growth

**Evaluate Goals:**

Mid-year is the perfect time to evaluate your business goals and strategies for the second half of the year. Are you on track to meet your targets? Do you need to adjust your plans?

**Support for Expansion:**

The right business structure can support your growth and expansion plans. Whether you’re looking to scale operations, enter new markets, or attract investors, a solid corporate structure lays the foundation for sustainable growth.

A mid-year business check-up is essential for proactive management and long-term success. By reassessing your corporate structure, financial health, compliance, asset protection, and growth strategies, you can make informed decisions that set your business up for a prosperous second half of the year. Don’t wait until it’s too late—take action now and ensure your business is on the path to success.

Is your business structure optimized for success? Take advantage of our mid-year business check-up and ensure your Corporation or LLC is on the right track for the rest of the year. Schedule your complimentary consultation with our Sr. Strategist Stephan today by calling 775-384-8124 or visiting our website. Let’s build a solid foundation for your business’s future!

By performing a mid-year business check-up, you’re not only safeguarding your current success but also paving the way for future growth and stability. Make the smart move and reassess your business today.

Advice Investing Skills

How to Become a Day Trader

How to Become a Day Trader Tips, tricks, Tools and Funding Options

how to become a day trader

Day trading is a fast-paced, exciting way to engage with the stock market. If you’re considering this path, you’ll need to equip yourself with the right knowledge and tools. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you get started on your journey to becoming a successful top funded day trader.

Best Day Trading Books Right Now: From Novice to Expert

One of the first steps in becoming a proficient day trader is to educate yourself. Reading is an excellent way to gain a deep understanding of day trading strategies, market behavior, and trading psychology. For a curated list of essential reads, check out the best day trading books right now. These books will guide you from being a novice to becoming an expert in the field.

Navigating the High-Speed World of Day Trading on Robinhood

Day trading requires a reliable platform that can handle high-speed transactions. Robinhood is one such platform that has gained popularity among day traders for its user-friendly interface and zero-commission trades. To understand how to make the most out of this platform, read more about navigating the high-speed world of day trading on Robinhood. This resource will provide you with tips and tricks to optimize your trading experience on Robinhood.

Mastering the Market: Understanding Day Trading Indicators for Success

Successful day trading hinges on your ability to interpret market indicators correctly. These indicators help you predict market movements and make informed trading decisions. For an in-depth guide on key indicators, check out mastering the market: understanding day trading indicators for success. This article covers various indicators that can significantly enhance your trading strategy.

The Beginner’s Playbook to Day Trading: Strategies, Tools, and Tips

As a beginner, it’s crucial to have a solid playbook that outlines effective strategies, essential tools, and practical tips. The beginner’s playbook to day trading is a comprehensive resource that covers everything you need to know to get started. From choosing the right trading platform to understanding risk management, this guide will set you on the right path.

Beginner’s Guide to Day Trading: Signals, Strategies, and Best Practices

Finally, understanding trading signals and best practices is vital for long-term success. These signals can help you identify the best times to enter and exit trades. The beginner’s guide to day trading provides valuable insights into the most effective trading signals and strategies. Following these best practices can help you avoid common pitfalls and improve your overall trading performance.

By leveraging these resources and continuously educating yourself, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a successful day trader. Remember, day trading is not a get-rich-quick scheme; it requires dedication, continuous learning, and disciplined execution of strategies.


Checklist for Becoming a Consistent Day Trader and Passing Prop Trading Exams

Embarking on a career as a day trader, especially with the goal of passing prop trading exams to get fully funded, requires a structured approach and disciplined practice. Here’s a comprehensive checklist to guide you through this process:

1. Education and Learning

  • Read Essential Books: Start with the best day trading books right now to build a strong foundation.
  • Online Courses and Webinars: Enroll in reputable day trading courses and attend webinars to stay updated on market trends.
  • Follow Market News: Stay informed about financial news and market developments.

2. Understanding Trading Platforms

3. Technical and Fundamental Analysis

4. Develop a Trading Plan

  • Set Clear Goals: Define your financial goals, risk tolerance, and trading style.
  • Create a Strategy: Use the beginner’s playbook to day trading to develop your trading strategy.
  • Backtest Strategies: Use historical data to test the effectiveness of your trading strategies.

5. Risk Management

  • Set Stop-Loss Orders: Protect your capital by setting stop-loss orders for every trade.
  • Diversify Trades: Avoid putting all your capital into a single trade.
  • Keep a Trading Journal: Document all trades, including successes and failures, to analyze and improve.

6. Psychological Preparation

  • Maintain Discipline: Stick to your trading plan and avoid emotional decisions.
  • Handle Stress: Develop techniques to manage stress, such as meditation or exercise.
  • Stay Patient: Understand that becoming a successful day trader takes time and persistence.

7. Practice with Prop Trading Firms

  • Understand Prop Trading Requirements: Research the specific requirements and exam criteria of different prop trading firms.
  • Simulate Exam Conditions: Practice trading under simulated conditions that mimic the prop trading exams.
  • Get Feedback: Seek feedback from mentors or experienced traders to improve your performance.

8. Continuous Improvement

  • Review and Adjust: Regularly review your trading performance and adjust your strategies as needed.
  • Stay Educated: Continuously learn about new strategies, tools, and market conditions.
  • Join Trading Communities: Engage with other traders through forums and communities to share insights and experiences.
  • Save: use Discount Codes for prop firms

By following this checklist, you can systematically prepare yourself to become a consistent day trader and increase your chances of passing prop trading exams to get fully funded. Remember, the key to success in day trading is a combination of knowledge, discipline, and continuous improvement.

My Funded Futures

What is Funded Futures Trading?

Funded Futures trading involves the buying and selling of futures contracts, which are standardized agreements to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price at a specified time in the future. This type of trading allows investors to speculate on the price movements of a wide range of assets, including commodities, currencies, stock indexes, and interest rates.

What Are Futures?

Futures contracts are financial instruments that obligate the buyer to purchase, and the seller to sell, a specific asset at a predetermined price on a future date. These contracts are standardized in terms of the quantity, quality, and delivery time of the underlying asset, making them highly liquid and tradable on futures exchanges.

How Do Futures Work as an Investment?

1. Speculation

One of the primary uses of futures contracts is speculation. Traders buy and sell futures contracts based on their predictions of the future price movements of the underlying assets. If a trader believes the price of an asset will rise, they may buy a futures contract. Conversely, if they expect the price to fall, they may sell a futures contract. Speculators aim to profit from these price changes without necessarily intending to take delivery of the actual asset.

2. Hedging

Futures contracts are also used for hedging purposes. Businesses and investors use futures to protect themselves against the risk of price fluctuations in the underlying assets. For example, a farmer may sell futures contracts on their crop to lock in a price and reduce the risk of a price drop before harvest. Similarly, an airline company may buy futures contracts on fuel to secure a stable price and hedge against the risk of rising fuel costs.

3. Leverage

Futures trading typically involves leverage, allowing traders to control a large position with a relatively small amount of capital. This leverage amplifies both potential gains and losses, making futures trading a high-risk, high-reward investment. Traders are required to maintain a margin account, which acts as a security deposit to cover potential losses.

Key Components of Futures Contracts

1. Underlying Asset

The asset that is being traded, which can be a physical commodity like gold, oil, or agricultural products, or a financial instrument like a stock index or currency.

2. Contract Size

The quantity of the underlying asset covered by the futures contract. For example, a crude oil futures contract might cover 1,000 barrels of oil.

3. Expiration Date

The date on which the futures contract must be settled. On this date, the contract holder must either take delivery of the asset or settle the contract in cash.

4. Settlement Method

Futures contracts can be settled either by physical delivery of the asset or through cash settlement. Most financial futures are cash-settled, while many commodity futures involve physical delivery.

Benefits and Risks of Futures Trading


  • Liquidity: Futures markets are highly liquid, allowing traders to enter and exit positions easily.
  • Leverage: Futures trading allows traders to control large positions with a small amount of capital.
  • Diversification: Futures contracts provide exposure to a wide range of assets, enabling diversification of investment portfolios.
  • Hedging: Futures can be used to hedge against price risks in various assets.


  • Leverage Risk: The use of leverage amplifies both gains and losses, making futures trading highly risky.
  • Market Risk: Futures prices can be highly volatile, leading to significant potential losses.
  • Margin Calls: Traders must maintain margin accounts, and if the market moves against their position, they may face margin calls requiring additional capital.


Futures trading is a dynamic and complex form of investing that offers opportunities for speculation, hedging, and leveraging. Understanding how futures contracts work and the risks involved is essential for anyone considering this investment strategy. Whether used for hedging risk or seeking profits from price movements, futures trading requires careful planning, discipline, and a solid grasp of market dynamics.

Investing Skills Technology

FTMO Alternative

FTMO Alternative in the US would be Apex Trader Funding our featured choice for Day Trader Training and funding.

Best Prop Firm Day Trading FTMO Alternative

Day Trading as an Investor

Day trading can play a specific role in an active investor’s portfolio by offering opportunities for quick profits through the frequent buying and selling of securities within the same trading day. Here’s how it fits into an active investor’s portfolio:

1. Diversification of Strategies

  • Complement to Long-Term Investments: Day trading can diversify an investor’s portfolio by complementing long-term investments. While long-term investments focus on gradual growth over time, day trading aims for immediate gains from short-term market movements.
  • Variety of Asset Classes: Day traders often engage in trading various asset classes such as stocks, options, futures, and forex, adding another layer of diversification.

2. Potential for High Returns

  • Exploiting Volatility: Active investors can capitalize on market volatility and price fluctuations within a single day. This potential for high returns can be attractive, although it comes with significant risk.
  • Leverage: Many day traders use margin accounts, allowing them to leverage their positions for potentially greater returns, albeit with increased risk as well as funded prop firms.

3. Risk Management

  • Short Exposure: By closing all positions before the market closes, day traders avoid overnight risks that can result from holding positions when the market is closed.
  • Stop-Loss Orders: Effective use of stop-loss orders can help manage losses and protect capital.

4. Skills and Knowledge

  • Market Insight: Day trading requires a deep understanding of market movements, technical analysis, and trading platforms. Active investors who engage in day trading often develop sharp market insights and quick decision-making skills.
  • Continuous Learning: The fast-paced nature of day trading means that active investors must continually educate themselves about market trends, news, and trading strategies. If you are looking for a more hands-off approach but still leverage Artifical Intelligence Trading from an Application, you can connect with our friends at iFLIP.

5. Time Commitment

  • Intensive Monitoring: Day trading requires constant monitoring of the market and quick responses to changes. This high time commitment can be suitable for investors who can dedicate significant time and attention to their trading activities.
  • Discipline and Patience: Successful day trading necessitates strict discipline and patience, as well as the ability to stick to a trading plan and manage emotions.

6. Liquidity

  • Quick Access to Cash: Day trading provides liquidity, allowing active investors to quickly access cash, which can be useful for seizing other investment opportunities or managing cash flow needs.

7. Costs

  • Transaction Costs: Frequent trading can result in higher transaction costs due to commissions and fees, which need to be accounted for in the trading strategy.
  • Tax Implications: Short-term capital gains from day trading are usually taxed at a higher rate than long-term gains, impacting overall profitability.
  • Savings: You can use a coupon to save at Apex Trader Funding


Day trading can be a valuable part of an active investor’s portfolio, providing opportunities for high returns and market diversification. However, it requires a significant time commitment, a thorough understanding of the markets, and effective risk management strategies. Balancing day trading with other investment strategies can help mitigate risks and enhance overall portfolio performance.

Best Day Trading Prop Firm

Best Prop Firm Day Trading FTMO Alternative

When comparing proprietary trading firms (prop firms), it’s important to consider a variety of factors to determine which firm best suits your trading style, goals, and needs. Here’s a checklist to help you make an informed decision:

1. Reputation and Credibility

  • Company History: How long has the firm been in operation?
  • Regulation: Is the firm regulated by any financial authority?
  • Reviews and Testimonials: What do current and former traders say about their experiences with the firm?

2. Trading Capital and Leverage

  • Initial Capital Provided: How much trading capital does the firm provide?
  • Leverage: What leverage options are available to traders?

3. Profit Sharing and Payouts

  • Profit Split: What percentage of profits does the trader keep?
  • Payout Frequency: How often are payouts made (e.g., weekly, monthly)?
  • Payout Methods: What methods are available for withdrawing profits (e.g., bank transfer, PayPal)?

4. Fee Structure

  • Joining Fees: Are there any fees to join the firm?
  • Platform Fees: Are there costs associated with using the firm’s trading platform?
  • Other Fees: Are there any other hidden fees (e.g., data fees, software fees)?

5. Trading Platforms and Tools

  • Platform Availability: Which trading platforms does the firm support (e.g., MetaTrader, NinjaTrader)?
  • Tools and Resources: What additional tools and resources are provided (e.g., charting tools, educational resources)?
  • Technology and Infrastructure: Is the firm’s technology robust and reliable?

6. Markets and Instruments

  • Range of Instruments: What financial instruments can you trade (e.g., stocks, forex, futures, options)?
  • Market Access: Which markets and exchanges are accessible through the firm?

7. Risk Management and Rules

  • Risk Management Policies: What risk management rules does the firm enforce (e.g., maximum drawdown limits, daily loss limits)?
  • Trading Style Flexibility: Are there restrictions on trading styles (e.g., scalping, swing trading, high-frequency trading)?

8. Education and Support

  • Training Programs: Does the firm offer any training or educational programs for traders?
  • Mentorship: Are there mentorship opportunities or support from experienced traders?
  • Customer Support: How accessible and responsive is customer support?

9. Evaluation Process

  • Evaluation Period: What is the evaluation process for new traders (e.g., demo trading period, live evaluation)?
  • Criteria for Funding: What criteria must be met to receive trading capital?
  • Evaluation Fees: Are there any fees associated with the evaluation process?

10. Location and Regulations

  • Geographical Restrictions: Are there any geographical restrictions for traders from certain countries?
  • Legal and Tax Considerations: What are the legal and tax implications of trading with the firm in your jurisdiction?

11. Community and Networking

  • Trader Community: Is there a community or network of traders you can engage with?
  • Events and Workshops: Does the firm host events, workshops, or webinars for traders?

12. Growth Opportunities

  • Scaling Up: Are there opportunities to increase your trading capital over time?
  • Career Progression: What career progression opportunities are available within the firm?

By using this checklist, you can systematically compare different prop firms and choose the one that aligns best with your trading objectives and preferences.

Picking the right prop firm to day trading investment training

Copy Trading

“How to maximize your long term success daytrading!”

Copy trading can be a valuable tool for maximizing your day trading time by allowing you to leverage the expertise of more experienced traders while still maintaining an active trading presence. Here’s how you can effectively use copy trading to optimize your day trading efforts:

1. Choosing the Right Platform

  • Research Platforms: Select a reputable copy trading platform that offers robust features, reliability, and a good selection of traders to copy.
  • Platform Fees: Be aware of any fees associated with the platform and how they might impact your overall profitability.

2. Selecting the Best Traders to Copy

  • Performance History: Analyze the performance history of potential traders to copy, focusing on their profitability, drawdown levels, and consistency over time.
  • Risk Management: Choose traders who demonstrate solid risk management practices, such as setting stop-losses and maintaining reasonable risk-to-reward ratios.
  • Trading Style and Strategy: Ensure that the trading style and strategy of the traders you are copying align with your risk tolerance and trading goals.

3. Diversifying Your Copied Trades

  • Copy Multiple Traders: Diversify your copy trading portfolio by copying multiple traders with different strategies and asset classes to spread risk.
  • Asset Allocation: Allocate your funds across various assets and markets to minimize the impact of any single trader’s poor performance.

4. Setting Copy Trading Parameters

  • Investment Amount: Decide how much capital you want to allocate to each trader you are copying. Avoid allocating all your capital to a single trader.
  • Risk Controls: Utilize platform features that allow you to set maximum loss limits and other risk control measures to protect your capital.
  • Adjustments: Regularly review and adjust your copy trading parameters based on the performance of the traders you are copying.

5. Monitoring and Managing Your Copy Trading Portfolio

  • Regular Reviews: Frequently review the performance of your copy trading portfolio to ensure it aligns with your goals and risk tolerance.
  • Performance Analysis: Analyze the performance of the traders you are copying, and be ready to stop copying traders who are underperforming or taking on excessive risk.
  • Stay Informed: Keep yourself informed about market conditions and news that could affect the performance of the traders you are copying.

6. Balancing Copy Trading with Your Own Trades

  • Time Management: Allocate specific times for managing your copy trading portfolio and conducting your own trades to avoid overloading yourself.
  • Learning from Experts: Use the insights gained from successful traders you are copying to improve your own trading strategies and techniques.
  • Focus on Strengths: While copy trading helps you leverage others’ expertise, continue to focus on and develop your own trading strengths and strategies.

7. Utilizing Automation Tools

  • Automated Adjustments: Use automation tools provided by the copy trading platform to automatically adjust your portfolio based on predefined criteria.
  • Alerts and Notifications: Set up alerts and notifications for significant changes in the performance of the traders you are copying.

8. Risk Management and Capital Protection

  • Diversified Risk: Use copy trading as part of a broader risk management strategy to diversify your trading activities and reduce overall risk.
  • Capital Allocation: Ensure you allocate only a portion of your total capital to copy trading, keeping enough capital for your own trades and other investments.

Picking the right prop firm to day trading investment training


Prop Firm Options & Alternatives for Day Traders

Firm Name Description Unique Selling Proposition


Provides a structured evaluation process to fund traders. Offers a clear path to funding with risk management coaching.


Offers various trading programs to help traders get funded. Flexible funding options and extensive educational resources.


Proprietary trading firm focusing on forex and futures traders. Generous profit split and comprehensive performance evaluation.

Funded Next

Newer firm providing capital to traders who pass their evaluation. Competitive evaluation process and strong support system.

Surge Trader

Helps traders gain access to capital through performance-based funding. No monthly fees and rapid scaling potential for successful traders.


Prop trading firm that funds traders based on their trading performance. Simple and straightforward funding process with transparent rules.
ApexDayTrader.com Specializes in funding day traders for futures markets. Focused specifically on day trading with various account options.

OneUp Trader

Offers a unique trader funding program with no time limits. No time limits to meet evaluation criteria and daily support.


Provides an education and evaluation program for futures traders. Combines trader education with the opportunity to earn a funded account.

Leeloo Trading

Supports traders with an easy-to-understand evaluation process. Low-cost evaluation programs and multiple account options.


Focuses on forex and futures traders with a scaling plan. Growth-focused program with clear milestones for capital increase.


Funds traders who pass their comprehensive evaluation programs. High-profit splits and extensive evaluation stages for thorough vetting.

Uprofit Trader

Offers futures trading funding with straightforward rules. Transparent evaluation rules and a variety of account sizes.

Trader Career Path

Comprehensive trader funding and career development program. Focuses on long-term trader development with consistent support.


Provides instant funding for forex and futures traders. Immediate access to trading capital without evaluation periods.

T3 Trading Group

Equity and futures trading with professional mentorship. Access to professional trading tools and mentorship from experienced traders.

SMB Capital

Proprietary trading firm offering education and capital to traders. Intensive trader education and support from experienced professionals.

Picking the right prop firm to day trading investment training


Best Practices Case Studies Skills

How Can You Convince Your Best Franchisees to Join Your Advisory Council?

An excerpt from my new book Franchise Advisory Councils: Your Most Powerful Tool for Leading Your Franchise to Ultimate Success. Download your free copy HERE

If you are a franchise, you want your individual franchisees to join your franchise advisory council. But how can you convince some of your best franchisees to join?

There are several reasons why your franchisees should be eager to give their time and join your Council. They feel honored to be asked, they gain a lot from talking and sharing ideas with other Council members who are in the same business, and they learn valuable information about the franchise and the industry. Finally, they are treated nicely. You will find members will be upset when their term is up. I have had Council members cry at their final meeting because they have so enjoyed being a member.

In today’s article we will enjoy some of the best strategies for recruiting franchises to join your council – and some additional strategies for getting the most benefits from their participation once they are there.

Avoid Compensating Council Members

I’ve seen members of Advisory Councils be compensated, and I’ve also seen Councils where members are not compensated.

Compensation is unnecessary, because it confuses the primary purpose of the Council, which is to generate ideas and advise upper management. Sometimes when Council members are compensated, they do not want to leave, because they want the money. And sometimes a member will even say, “I deserve more money than the other paid members, because my ideas are better, and I contribute more.” That is an argument that you can’t win. Because you don’t want people to be on the Council for an unlimited amount of time, offering compensation is not a successful practice.

However, meetings should be managed in a first-class manner with nice accommodations and food. An occasional gift is also acceptable. Of course, the company should cover all costs associated with attending the meeting.

Consider Having More than Just One Council

Don’t have just one main Council. Consider establishing additional Councils too.

In general, this is worth doing when you have somewhere between 25 and 50 franchisees, or even more. And if you have more than 100 franchisees, you should do this.

In addition to your main Franchise Council, specialized sub-Councils could include:

  • A Marketing Council
  • A Training Council
  • A Technology Council
  • An Innovation Council
  • A Sales Council

One benefit of having these additional Councils is that you will get more ideas. You can have these sub-Councils report to your main Franchise Council. And another winning step is to have one or two members from your main Franchise Council be members of the secondary Councils.

Another benefit of additional Councils is that they increase the number of franchisees who feel they have a leadership role within your franchise. They also give management the opportunity to choose from a larger pool of franchisees who can be called upon to evaluate new ideas and programs.

Best Practices for Getting the Most from Multiple Councils

Meetings of your main Franchise Advisory Council should be held in-person. How often should you hold those meetings? It depends on how many decisions you are working on, and on special considerations that are tied to your current activities. If you are launching a new product, starting a new marketing initiative, or expanding into a new part of the country, for example, you will want to have meetings every few weeks during those important periods. If you are in a time of sustainable and steady activity on the other hand, you might want to have your main Council meeting annually, or every six months.

Here are some proven strategies for getting the most from multiple councils – a Marketing Council, a Technology Council, and others you may have:

  • Many sub-Council meetings can be hosted on video. I have found that monthly meetings on Zoom, for example, can work well.
  • One member of your main Franchise Advisory Council should also be a member of each of your sub-Councils. That person can keep the main Council informed of what has taken place on each of them.
  • Participating members from the main Council should implement many of the same rules that are in place at the main Council – regarding length of service on the Council, responsibilities, etc. Those supervising members should also make sure that all members of the sub-Councils take part in setting agendas and that all members are assigned responsibilities in a fair and equitable way.
  • Include not only franchise owners, but also some of their employees. That will give you access to real hands-on people and move engagement past merely “ownership.” The sub-Councils don’t have to meet in person.

Get Your Free Copy of this Powerful New eBook Today

Today’s article in an excerpt from my new book Franchise Advisory Councils: Your Most Powerful Tool for Leading Your Franchise to Ultimate Success. Download your free copy HERE

Advice Best Practices Leadership Skills

Evan Hackel Discusses His Path to Ingaged Leadership

Key insights from the new book Ingaging Leadership: The Ultimate Edition

1. What inspired you to write Ingaging Leadership, and what is the central message or concept that readers can expect to find in the book?

I wrote this book so that my kids and future generations of my family will be able to understand my life philosophy. This book is about business, but it’s really more about life itself and how to work with and be in partnership with people. The core message of the book is that when you start with curiosity, withhold the temptation to come to quick judgment, and involve other people, you make better decisions and have better support of your decisions that can make a major impact in both business and life.

2. Can you describe a time when Ingagement was used to deliver superior results?

In 2000, CCA Global Partners acquired its main competitor, Flooring America. Following the acquisition, Flooring America faced adversity as its parent company went out of business, tarnishing the brand and leaving franchisees frustrated and in legal battles. The franchisees believed CCA only acquired Flooring America to shut down their businesses and dominate the flooring industry.

Overcoming resistance and rebuilding the damaged brand involved a comprehensive “Ingagement” program. This initiative aimed at inspiring and achieving business results by involving everyone at Flooring America. Town hall meetings, advisory councils, and regional networking groups fostered open communication, allowing franchisees to voice opinions and ideas.

The positive experience resulted in doubling the number of stores and more than doubling business within four years. The success was attributed to a vision that inspired and an effective plan that engaged and empowered everyone involved.

3. How do you view the role of mentorship in leadership development, and have you had influential mentors in your own career?

Mentorship is one of the most important things in developing as a successful person. My father was my #1 mentor. I learned so much in life by observing how he could avoid taking things personally and remain objective. In addition, Howard Brodsky and Alan Greenberg of CCA Global Partners are two incredible mentors to me. I learned a lot about business from them andabout the power of collective action.

4. How do you see the role of effective leadership in driving organizational success, and what are the common challenges leaders face today?

Leadership is everything. Leaders need to promote a shared common vision and function as stewards of that vision. Without that kind of leadership, companies stagnate or deteriorate. I likely have a very different view than most people do regarding the number-one challenge that leaders face; I believe it is a lack of clarity of vision and the willingness to share it.

5. What advice would you give to aspiring leaders and entrepreneurs looking to make a positive impact in their fields?

Listen without judgment, always be in learning mode, recognize you can learn from everybody within the organization. Truly get to understand both your customers and your vendors because without them you don’t have a business. And don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

Health and Wellness Parenting Skills

Work Life Balance Mastermind

Work Life Balance

25 Signals you may need to rethink some priorities

Looking for a High-Level Business Executive Mastermind?

Recognizing signs of an imbalanced work-life dynamic is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships with your children and spouse. Here are 25 red flags that may indicate your work life and home life are off balance:

Children’s Perspective

  1. Limited Interaction: You rarely spend quality time with your children.
  2. Missed Events: Frequently missing your children’s important events (games, recitals, parent-teacher meetings).
  3. Emotional Distance: Your children seem emotionally distant or hesitant to share their feelings with you.
  4. Behavioral Changes: Noticeable changes in your children’s behavior, such as acting out or becoming withdrawn.
  5. Increased Screen Time: Your children are spending more time on screens because you are not available to engage with them.
  6. Decline in School Performance: Their academic performance drops due to lack of parental support and involvement.
  7. Lack of Routine: Inconsistent routines for meals, bedtime, and homework due to your unpredictable schedule.
  8. Health Issues: Increased complaints of physical ailments (headaches, stomach aches) that may be stress-related.
  9. Decreased Bonding: Fewer shared activities like family dinners, outings, or game nights.
  10. Increased Anxiety: Your children show signs of anxiety or stress related to your absence.
  11. Lack of Communication: They express feeling unheard or neglected.
  12. Seeking Attention: They act out more often to get your attention.
  13. Dependency on Others: Relying more on friends, teachers, or other relatives for emotional support.
  14. Loss of Trust: They become more secretive or dishonest, feeling you are not available to understand their issues.
  15. Withdrawal from Activities: Losing interest in hobbies and activities they once enjoyed because they miss your involvement.

Spouse’s Perspective

  1. Infrequent Conversations: Lack of meaningful conversations with your spouse.
  2. Increased Arguments: More frequent disagreements or conflicts due to stress and lack of communication.
  3. Emotional Disconnection: Feeling emotionally disconnected from your spouse.
  4. Reduced Intimacy: A noticeable decrease in physical and emotional intimacy.
  5. Unresolved Issues: Leaving important issues unresolved because there’s no time to discuss them.
  6. Neglected Responsibilities: Your spouse feels burdened by taking on more responsibilities at home.
  7. Missed Plans: Frequently canceling plans or not being present for planned activities.
  8. Social Isolation: Less social interaction with friends and family as a couple.
  9. Health Decline: Your spouse experiencing stress-related health issues due to the imbalance.
  10. Resentment: Your spouse expresses resentment towards your job or work schedule.
  11. Feeling Unappreciated: Your spouse feels unappreciated or taken for granted.
  12. Financial Stress: Financial decisions and burdens are not being shared or discussed adequately.
  13. Increased Solo Activities: Your spouse engaging in more activities alone, indicating a gap in shared experiences.
  14. Avoidance: Avoidance behaviors such as going to bed early or late to avoid interaction.
  15. Reduced Patience: Decreased patience and tolerance for minor issues, indicating underlying stress.

Recognizing these signs can help you take proactive steps to restore balance and ensure the well-being of your family relationships.

Work Life Balance Mastermind

Work Life Balance Mastermind Online


A work-life balance coach can be instrumental in helping married entrepreneurs with kids achieve a healthier and more sustainable balance between their professional and personal lives. Here’s how they can assist:

1. Identifying Priorities

  • Clarifying Values and Goals: Helping you define what’s most important in both your business and family life.
  • Setting Boundaries: Establishing clear boundaries between work and personal time to ensure neither is neglected.

2. Time Management

  • Effective Scheduling: Assisting you in creating schedules that allocate sufficient time for work, family, and self-care.
  • Delegation: Teaching you how to delegate tasks effectively at work and home to reduce your burden.
  • Eliminating Time Wasters: Identifying and minimizing activities that consume time without adding value.

3. Stress Management

  • Coping Strategies: Providing techniques to manage stress and prevent burnout.
  • Mindfulness and Relaxation: Introducing practices like meditation, deep breathing, and mindfulness to enhance focus and reduce stress.

4. Communication Skills

  • Improving Communication: Enhancing communication skills to ensure effective dialogue with your spouse and children about needs, expectations, and concerns.
  • Conflict Resolution: Teaching conflict resolution strategies to handle disagreements constructively.

5. Building Support Systems

  • Support Networks: Encouraging the creation of support networks both professionally and personally.
  • Outsourcing and Assistance: Identifying areas where outsourcing (like hiring help for household tasks) can free up more personal time.

6. Personal Development

  • Goal Setting: Helping you set and achieve personal goals alongside professional ones.
  • Self-Care: Emphasizing the importance of self-care routines, including exercise, hobbies, and relaxation.

7. Family Involvement

  • Involving Family in the Process: Encouraging family discussions about work-life balance to foster understanding and cooperation.
  • Quality Family Time: Planning activities that ensure meaningful and quality time with family members.

8. Accountability

  • Regular Check-Ins: Conducting regular sessions to track progress, adjust strategies, and ensure accountability.
  • Feedback and Adjustments: Providing feedback on what’s working and what isn’t, and making necessary adjustments.

9. Work Efficiency

  • Optimizing Work Processes: Helping streamline business operations to make them more efficient, freeing up time for personal life.
  • Goal-Oriented Work: Ensuring work goals are clear and aligned with overall life goals.

10. Creating Balance in Roles

  • Role Clarity: Defining your roles and responsibilities in both business and family contexts to avoid overlap and conflict.
  • Transition Strategies: Developing strategies to smoothly transition between work and home roles, reducing the mental load.

Practical Steps a Work-Life Balance Coach Might Implement:

  • Time Audits: Conducting time audits to understand how time is currently spent and identify areas for improvement.
  • Weekly Planning Sessions: Facilitating weekly planning sessions to prioritize tasks and activities for the upcoming week.
  • Boundary Setting Workshops: Conducting workshops on how to set and maintain boundaries effectively.
  • Stress Reduction Techniques: Teaching and practicing stress reduction techniques in sessions.
  • Family Meetings: Encouraging and guiding regular family meetings to discuss and plan for balanced living.
  • Personal Development Plans: Creating personalized development plans that include professional and personal growth goals.

By addressing these areas, a work-life balance coach can help married entrepreneurs with kids create a more harmonious and fulfilling life, ensuring that both business ambitions and family needs are met without sacrificing one for the other.

Get More Information 


Work Life Balance Speaker

Work Life Balance Speaker mastermind host


Executive Business Growth and Personal Fulfillment Program

The Business Freedom Forum (BFF) is a transformative coaching program designed specifically for ambitious entrepreneurs who seek both significant business growth and personal fulfillment. At the heart of BFF is a commitment to not only enhance business performance but also improve the quality of life for its members. The forum utilizes innovative tools like the TriMetric Tracking System and the Alignment Operating System, which together provide a holistic approach to business and personal development.  BFF focuses on diagnosing underlying business issues and leadership challenges, ensuring that solutions are not just effective but sustainable. Through a combination of personalized coaching, strategic planning, and peer support, members learn how to align their business operations with their personal values and life goals. This alignment helps them achieve a balance that fosters business success without sacrificing personal happiness.

Members of the Business Freedom Forum gain access to exclusive mastermind groups, expert-led workshops, and a supportive community that encourages growth, accountability, and transformation. BFF is ideal for business owners who are ready to step into a role of true leadership and wish to create businesses that not only thrive on their own but also contribute positively to their owners’ lives.

Monthly mastermind sessions are on Zoom. Plus, occasional special events in the Portland and Phoenix areas.

Mastermind Leader: Scott Landis Get Info

Scott Landis is an influential business coach and the visionary founder of Awakened Life, where he integrates profound personal development with strategic business growth. His coaching philosophy is rooted in the belief that true success comes from aligning one’s business endeavors with personal values and purpose. Through his flagship program, the Business Freedom Forum, Scott empowers entrepreneurs to not only scale their businesses effectively but also to enhance their overall quality of life.  With a rich background in relationship intelligence and a deep understanding of business mechanics, Scott crafts bespoke solutions that address both the operational needs of a business and the personal development of its leader. His tools, including the innovative TriMetric Tracking System and Alignment Operating System, are designed to diagnose and resolve the complex challenges faced by business owners today.  Scott is happily married to his high school sweetheart and best friend, Tawnya. They are raising their three children: Skyler, Allie, and Brynna in Gilbert, Arizona. His commitment extends beyond mere business success; he is dedicated to helping leaders achieve a sense of fulfillment and freedom that permeates all aspects of their lives. His approach fosters a balanced lifestyle that values health, relationships, and personal well-being, ensuring that entrepreneurs thrive in every area of their lives.

Business Freedom Forum



Skills Technology

Unmasking the Blockchain Revolution: Is the Future Ready for This Tech Tsunami?

Buckle up, folks! The Future of Blockchain is Here to Shake Up Your World

Imagine a world where every transaction is secure, transparent, and instantaneous. There are no middlemen, no delays, and no room for corruption. Sounds like a utopia, right? Welcome to the future of blockchain – a technological revolution set to rewrite the rules of business, finance, and beyond. But here’s the kicker: it’s not just for the tech geeks or Silicon Valley elites. This wave is coming for everyone; you might be swept away if you’re not ready.

Blockchain isn’t just the buzzword of the decade – it’s a tsunami of change and about to crash into every industry you can think of. From manufacturing to healthcare and finance to entertainment, blockchain’s decentralized ledger technology promises to overhaul how we conduct business and interact with the digital world. It’s the dawn of a new era, and whether you’re the CEO of a mid-sized manufacturing company in San Francisco or running a startup out of your garage, you need to understand what’s coming.

But before you jump on the blockchain bandwagon, let’s get real. There are myths to bust, controversies to confront, and much hype to cut through. In this article, we’ll dive into the core of blockchain technology, explore its transformative potential, and, of course, throw in a bit of the bold and controversial take you’ve come to expect from RAMS By Baz. Ready to future-proof your business and stay ahead of the curve? Let’s dive in.

The Myth of Blockchain

Alright, let’s cut through the crap and get to the heart of the matter. Blockchain is the buzzword on everyone’s lips, the magic bullet that will solve all humanity’s problems. Or is it? Let’s debunk some of the most persistent myths about blockchain success and see what’s happening under the hood.

Myth #1: Blockchain Is Just for Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies

First, let’s tackle the big one. Everyone seems to think blockchain is synonymous with Bitcoin. Wrong. Blockchain is the underlying technology that powers cryptocurrencies, but it’s so much more than that. Imagine if we thought the internet was just for email—we’d be stuck in the digital Stone Age. Blockchain’s potential stretches beyond digital currencies, impacting everything from supply chain management to voting systems. It’s like saying electricity is only useful for light bulbs. Get real.

Myth #2: Blockchain Is Infallible

Another laughable myth is that blockchain is some flawless, unhackable fortress. The truth is that while blockchain does offer enhanced security features thanks to its decentralized nature, it’s not invincible. 

Remember the DAO hack of 2016? Yeah, that’s when $50 million worth of Ethereum vanished into the digital ether due to vulnerabilities in the code. So, let’s not put blockchain on an untouchable pedestal. It’s a powerful tool but only as strong as the systems we build around it.

Myth #3: Blockchain Will Make You Rich Overnight

This one’s a classic. People hear “blockchain,” and their eyes light up with dollar signs, thinking it’s a get-rich-quick scheme. Hate to break it to you, but slapping the word “blockchain” on your project doesn’t guarantee success or sky-high valuations. The blockchain bubble can burst just like any other. Remember the dot-com bubble? Exactly. Blockchain has immense potential but is not a ticket to instant wealth. It requires understanding, investment, and, let’s face it, a bit of luck.

Myth #4: Blockchain Is Only for Tech Geeks

Oh, the elitism. Many believe blockchain is this exclusive club for tech-savvy individuals who speak in code and wear hoodies. Newsflash: blockchain is for everyone. You don’t need a PhD in computer science to understand its benefits and implement its solutions. Companies across various industries already leverage blockchain to streamline processes, improve transparency, and reduce costs. So, drop the gatekeeping act and recognize that blockchain can democratize access to technology and innovation.

Myth #5: Blockchain Will Replace All Existing Systems

And finally, the mother of all myths: blockchain will replace every existing system we have. Not so fast. While blockchain offers incredible benefits, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. Some systems don’t need blockchain’s level of transparency and decentralization. Plus, integrating blockchain into existing infrastructures can be complex and costly. It’s not about replacement but enhancement and finding the right applications where blockchain can truly add value.

So, there you have it. Blockchain isn’t a silver bullet or a magical fix-all. It’s a powerful, transformative technology that requires careful consideration, strategic implementation, and a healthy dose of skepticism. Stay tuned as we dive deeper into how you can harness the real power of blockchain, cut through the hype, and future-proof your business for the digital revolution.

RAMS Framework Overview

Alright, you savvy leaders and tech enthusiasts, it’s time to unveil the RAMS Framework – the secret sauce to mastering blockchain and transforming your business from the inside out. The RAMS framework is about Results, Attitude, Mastery, and Systems. It’s not just a catchy acronym; it’s a powerful approach designed to help you navigate the blockchain waters and come out on top. Let’s break it down.

Results: Drive the Outcome, Not the Hype

Here’s the deal: blockchain is full of promise, but without a focus on tangible results, it’s just another tech fad. The RAMS framework starts with a laser focus on outcomes. Ask yourself, what do you want to achieve with blockchain? Improved transparency? Enhanced security? Streamlined operations? Set clear, measurable goals and keep your eyes on the prize. Forget the hype and chase the results that matter. Remember, it’s not about being trendy; it’s about being effective.

Attitude: Mind State Over Mindset

Let’s talk about attitude – or, as I like to call it, your mind state. Embracing blockchain requires a shift in how you think about technology and innovation. It’s about being open to change, willing to experiment, and ready to tackle the challenges head-on. It’s about cultivating a growth-oriented Mind State that sees opportunities where others see obstacles. 

Humor helps, too. Remember, if you can’t laugh at the inevitable blockchain hiccups, you’re in for a rough ride.

Mastery: Skills and Knowledge are Power

Knowledge isn’t just power – it’s your ticket to blockchain mastery. But don’t worry, you don’t need to become a coding wizard overnight. The RAMS framework emphasizes practical learning and real-world application. Dive into the basics of blockchain technology, understand its potential, and get hands-on experience with implementation. Whether it’s through courses, workshops, or good old trial and error, aim to master the skills that will give you an edge. Because in blockchain, knowing your stuff is half the battle.

Systems: Integrate and Innovate

Finally, we come to Systems. Blockchain isn’t a standalone miracle; it works best when integrated into existing processes and systems. Think of it as the turbocharger for your business engine. Identify where blockchain can add the most value – supply chain management, financial transactions, or data security – and seamlessly incorporate it into your operations. Innovation doesn’t mean reinventing the wheel; sometimes, it’s about supercharging the wheels you already have.

Bringing It All Together

The RAMS framework is your blueprint for blockchain success. It focuses on results, adopting the right attitude, mastering essential skills, and integrating innovative systems. It’s a holistic approach designed to help you survive and thrive in the blockchain era. And hey, if you can do it with a smile and a sense of humor, all the better.

So, are you ready to embrace the RAMS framework and revolutionize your business? Let’s keep going and see how real-life success stories can inspire your journey. Stay tuned!

Real-Life Success Stories

Alright, it’s time to get real. Let’s dive into some success stories that showcase the transformative power of the RAMS framework in action. These aren’t just tales of tech triumph; they’re narratives of real people and businesses who’ve harnessed the power of blockchain and RAMS to achieve remarkable results. Grab your popcorn.

  1. Transforming Supply Chains: The Tale of Smith Manufacturing

Meet Jane Smith, the dynamic CEO of Smith Manufacturing, a mid-sized company specializing in high-quality consumer goods. Jane was drowning in inefficiencies and supply chain nightmares. Enter the RAMS framework.

Results: By focusing on enhancing supply chain transparency, Jane’s team implemented blockchain to track every step of their product journey, from raw materials to retail shelves.

Attitude: Jane embraced a growth-oriented Mind State, rallying her team around the potential of blockchain to revolutionize their operations.

Mastery: Through hands-on workshops and expert consultations, the team quickly gained the necessary skills to leverage blockchain technology.

Systems: They integrated blockchain into their existing ERP system, allowing seamless data flow and real-time updates.

The result? A 30% reduction in supply chain costs, improved product quality, and a newfound trust among suppliers and customers. Jane’s story is a testament to how the RAMS framework can turn chaotic systems into streamlined, efficient operations.

  1. Financial Services Revolution: Blockchain Meets Banking

Next up is Mike Reynolds, the forward-thinking CFO of a regional bank struggling with outdated processes and security concerns. Mike knew blockchain was the future but had no clue where to start. That’s where RAMS came in.

Results: Mike set clear goals: enhance security, speed up transactions, and reduce operational costs. Blockchain was the perfect fit.

Attitude: Adopting a proactive Mind State, Mike encouraged his team to see beyond traditional banking methods and embrace blockchain’s possibilities.

Mastery: The bank’s IT team mastered blockchain technology through intensive training sessions, focusing on smart contracts and secure transaction ledgers.

Systems: Blockchain was seamlessly integrated into the bank’s infrastructure, transforming how they handled transactions and customer data.

The outcome? 

A 50% reduction in transaction times, drastically lowered fraud rates, and operational costs cut by 20%. Mike’s bank didn’t just survive the digital revolution; it thrived, setting new standards in financial services.

  1. Health Care Innovation: Healing with Blockchain

Then there’s Dr. Susan Lee, the visionary director of a healthcare network. Susan faced massive challenges with patient data security and inter-hospital coordination. With the RAMS framework, she turned these obstacles into opportunities.

Results: Using blockchain, Susan aimed to secure patient data and improve care coordination across multiple facilities.

Attitude: Embracing an innovative Mind State, she motivated her team to explore how blockchain could enhance patient care.

Mastery: Her team gained a deep understanding of blockchain’s applications in healthcare through dedicated learning modules and expert-led sessions.

Systems: They integrated blockchain with their electronic health record system, ensuring secure and efficient data sharing.

The impact was profound: improved patient outcomes, reduced administrative costs, and enhanced data security. Susan’s network became a modern healthcare model, demonstrating blockchain’s potential to revolutionize patient care.

  1. Retail Renaissance: Bringing Blockchain to the Storefront

Finally, let’s talk about Alex Johnson, the savvy entrepreneur behind a successful retail chain. Alex was keen on improving customer loyalty and product authenticity, and the RAMS framework provided the perfect roadmap.

Results: Alex’s goal was clear: boost customer trust and loyalty through transparent product sourcing and authenticity verification using blockchain.

Attitude: By fostering a positive Mind State, Alex inspired his team to think creatively about blockchain’s potential applications in retail.

Mastery: Through targeted training and pilot projects, his team became proficient in blockchain technology, focusing on transparency and traceability.

Systems: They integrated blockchain into their supply chain and customer loyalty programs, creating a seamless and transparent shopping experience.

The result? Increased customer trust, higher sales, and a more substantial brand reputation. Alex’s chain saw a 40% increase in customer loyalty, proving blockchain can be a game-changer in retail.

Actionable Steps for Embracing the Future of Blockchain

Alright, enough of the theory and success stories – let’s get down to brass tacks. If you’re ready to ride the blockchain wave, here are seven actionable steps to get you started on this transformative journey. Whether you’re a seasoned CEO or a budding entrepreneur, these steps will set you on the right path.

  1. Assess Your Business Needs

Start by evaluating where blockchain can add the most value to your business. 

Is it in enhancing supply chain transparency? 

Improving data security? 

Streamlining financial transactions? 

Conduct a thorough assessment to identify the areas most benefit from blockchain integration. Remember, not every problem needs a blockchain solution—focus on the areas where it can make a real difference.

  1. Educate Yourself and Your Team

Knowledge is power, and in the world of blockchain, it’s your biggest asset. Invest in training and education for yourself and your team. Attend blockchain workshops, webinars, and conferences. Enroll in online courses to get a solid understanding of how blockchain works and its potential applications. The more you know, the better equipped you’ll be to make informed decisions.

  1. Start Small with Pilot Projects

Don’t dive headfirst into a full-scale blockchain implementation. Instead, start with pilot projects to test the waters. Choose a small, manageable project that allows you to experiment with blockchain technology without significant risk. Monitor the results closely, and use the insights gained to refine your approach before scaling up.

  1. Collaborate with Experts and Innovators

You don’t have to go it alone. Collaborate with blockchain experts, consultants, and innovators who can guide you. Join industry forums and networking groups to connect with other professionals exploring blockchain. Learn from their experiences, share your own, and build a support network.

  1. Integrate Blockchain with Existing Systems

Blockchain works best when it complements and enhances your existing systems. Identify how blockchain can integrate seamlessly with your current infrastructure. Whether it’s your ERP system, CRM, or supply chain management software, look for ways to incorporate blockchain to improve efficiency and transparency. This integration will maximize the benefits without disrupting your operations.

  1. Focus on Security and Compliance

Blockchain offers enhanced security features, but it’s not a magic bullet. Ensure that your blockchain solutions adhere to industry standards and regulations. Implement robust security protocols to protect your data and transactions. Stay informed about the legal and regulatory landscape surrounding blockchain to avoid any compliance issues down the line.

  1. Monitor, Evaluate, and Adapt

Blockchain technology is evolving rapidly, and so should your approach. Continuously monitor the performance of your blockchain projects. Evaluate the outcomes against your initial goals and make adjustments as needed. Stay flexible and be ready to adapt to new developments and advancements in blockchain technology. This ongoing evaluation will help you stay ahead of the curve and leverage blockchain’s full potential.


The future of blockchain is not just a tech trend; it’s a transformative force set to revolutionize industries across the board. We’ve debunked the myths, highlighted the successes, and laid a clear path for harnessing this powerful technology. Blockchain is more than a buzzword – it’s an opportunity to innovate, streamline, and future-proof your business.

You can unlock blockchain’s full potential by focusing on results, adopting the right Mind State, mastering essential skills, and integrating innovative systems. The RAMS framework provides a roadmap for navigating this complex landscape, ensuring you’re keeping up with the times and leading the charge.

But remember, this journey doesn’t end here. It’s just the beginning. The real power of blockchain lies in its ability to evolve and adapt, and so should your approach. Stay informed, flexible, and ready to pivot and innovate.

Your Adventure Begins Now

Are you ready to dive deeper and transform your business with blockchain? Don’t navigate this journey alone.

Join me on The Adventure Call, where we’ll explore tailored strategies, innovative solutions, and actionable insights designed to elevate your business to new heights.

This isn’t just another consultation – it’s a call to adventure, a chance to revolutionize your approach and achieve unparalleled success. Click the link below to schedule your call and take the first step towards mastering the future of blockchain with RAMS Coaching:

Schedule Your Call with Baz for R.A.M.S Coaching Insights

Let’s make your blockchain journey legendary. See you on the other side!

Economics Growth Skills

The topstep of funded traders is APEX

The topstep of funded traders is APEX TRADER FUNDING

There are dozens of prop firms but none that have made it to the top like APEX.

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New to investing? Understand your options!

Using a proprietary trading (prop) firm as a new retail investor can offer several benefits and opportunities, but it’s essential to understand the pros and cons before making a decision. Here are some reasons why a new investor might choose to use a prop firm to trade:


  1. Leverage and Capital Access:
    • Prop firms provide access to significant capital, allowing traders to control larger positions than they could with their own funds. This can enhance profit potential.
  2. Reduced Personal Risk:
    • Trading with a prop firm means you risk less of your own capital. The firm typically absorbs the majority of the risk, although you might need to contribute a smaller amount for training or account setup.
  3. Education and Mentorship:
    • Many prop firms offer extensive training programs, mentorship, and resources to help new traders develop their skills and strategies. This can be invaluable for someone just starting out.
  4. Professional Environment:
    • Being part of a prop firm allows you to trade in a professional environment with access to advanced trading tools, software, and data. This can improve your trading efficiency and decision-making.
  5. Performance-Based Rewards:
    • Successful traders can earn substantial payouts based on their performance. This merit-based system can be motivating and rewarding.


  1. Profit Split:
    • Prop firms typically take a significant share of your trading profits. The profit split can vary, but it means you’ll take home less than if you were trading independently.
  2. Pressure to Perform:
    • Trading with a prop firm can be high-pressure, as you need to meet performance targets to maintain your position and access to capital.
  3. Restrictions and Rules:
    • Prop firms often have strict rules and guidelines traders must follow. This can limit your trading style or strategies.
  4. Initial Costs:
    • Some prop firms require an upfront fee for training, software, or account setup. This can be a barrier for some new traders.
  5. Commitment:
    • Prop firms may require a significant time commitment, which could be challenging for those with other responsibilities or commitments.

Types of investments from the topstep of traders

Types Of Investments And Trading Hours

I have provided a chart listing various types of investments along with their typical trading hours in Eastern Standard Time (EST). If you need further details or have additional questions, feel free to ask!

How much money can a new investor make using a prop firm?

“The process may be confusing at first, but within a few hours, you will start to understand.”

Actual results may vary for each member, but the author of this article has passed 2 prop firm accounts.

Prop Account #1 : ( PROFIT $1637.80) It took about 10 hours to get to know the process, and I traded for 1 hour a day for about 6 days and passed.

At this point I realized 2 things:

  1. You can request deposits at certain times of the month, so I stopped trading in this account to ensure I was able to keep my profit and started a larger account that would allow for a higher profit withdraw and allow me to keep trading. (total out of pocket at this point $87.00) Using a Funded Trader Coupon to get discount!
  2.  So I thought it was easy and blew 3 accounts (cost $120.00) Added a 5th account, and passed so. had to pay $100.00 to convert.

I now have over $1600 coming to me, and have spent about $350.00 with 2 accounts to take profit from.

Trader Profit Training Account $15,257 ( I now have confidence in the process, making over $15k in 10 days) in an eval account that has turned into a PA account that will allow me to take $6k a month!

Goal: $15k a month PART-TIME

This is after about 40 hours of working in the first 40 days,  now have not only the confidence but the tools to make over $150k a year working part time!

Just broke $12k in profit in an eval account….I have started another account to allow for more profit (close to passing in less than 10 days)

Day Trader increase in Profit $28,883.08 in P&L increaase in under 30 days for under $300.00 out of pocket!

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For a new investor, joining a prop firm can be a double-edged sword. The access to capital, training, and professional environment can accelerate learning and potentially lead to higher profits. However, the pressure, profit splits, and potential costs are important factors to consider. It’s crucial to thoroughly research different prop firms, understand their terms, and assess whether the environment and conditions align with your trading goals and risk tolerance.

Why is day trading one of the fastest-growing side hustles?

Why Day Trading with a Prop Firm is Perfect for Part-Time Work and Flexible Hours

In today’s fast-paced world, the allure of flexible work hours and the potential to earn a substantial income draws many to consider day trading as a side hustle. For those looking to dive into this exciting world, partnering with a proprietary trading (prop) firm can be an ideal way to start. Here’s why day trading with a prop firm is an excellent fit for people seeking part-time work with the potential to make full-time money.

1. Access to Capital

One of the most significant barriers to entry in day trading is the substantial capital required to make meaningful trades. Prop firms provide traders with access to their capital, allowing you to trade larger positions than you could with your own funds. This access can significantly enhance your profit potential without risking a large amount of your own money.

2. Comprehensive Training Programs

Many prop firms offer extensive training programs tailored to new traders. These programs cover the fundamentals of trading, advanced strategies, risk management, and the use of trading platforms. Learning from experienced traders and having access to professional resources can accelerate your learning curve, giving you the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the markets.

3. Flexible Trading Hours

Day trading offers flexibility that is hard to find in traditional jobs. Depending on the markets you trade (stocks, forex, futures), you can choose trading hours that fit your schedule. Prop firms often provide access to multiple markets, enabling you to trade at different times of the day. This flexibility makes it possible to balance trading with other commitments, making it an ideal side hustle.

4. Lower Personal Financial Risk

When trading with a prop firm, you are primarily using the firm’s capital. While you may need to deposit a small amount to get started, your personal financial risk is significantly lower than trading independently. The firm absorbs most of the financial risk, allowing you to focus on developing your trading strategies without the fear of losing a significant portion of your own money.

5. Performance-Based Rewards

Prop firms operate on a performance-based model, meaning your income is directly tied to your trading success. High-performing traders can earn substantial payouts, often much higher than what is possible in traditional part-time jobs. This merit-based system can be highly motivating, encouraging you to continually improve your skills and strategies.

6. Access to Advanced Tools and Technology

Prop firms provide their traders with state-of-the-art trading platforms, real-time data feeds, and advanced analytical tools. These resources are often too expensive for individual traders but are crucial for making informed trading decisions. With these tools at your disposal, you can enhance your trading performance and gain a competitive edge in the market.

7. Mentorship and Community Support

Being part of a prop firm means you are not trading alone. You have access to a community of traders and mentors who can provide guidance, share strategies, and offer support. This collaborative environment can be incredibly beneficial, especially for new traders looking to learn from more experienced professionals.

8. Scalability

As you gain experience and demonstrate consistent profitability, prop firms often increase the amount of capital available to you. This scalability means your potential earnings can grow significantly over time. What starts as a part-time side hustle can evolve into a highly lucrative career.


Day trading with a prop firm offers a unique blend of flexibility, education, and financial opportunity that is ideal for those looking to earn full-time money on a part-time schedule. The combination of access to capital, comprehensive training, and a supportive trading environment makes prop firms an excellent starting point for aspiring traders. Whether you’re looking to supplement your income or eventually transition into full-time trading, partnering with a prop firm can provide the resources and support needed to achieve your financial goals.

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Growth Sales Training Skills

Prompt Engineering Jobs

Exploring Careers in Prompt Engineering: Opportunities in AI and Machine Learning


  • Define prompt engineering and its importance in the AI landscape.
  • Briefly mention the growth of AI technologies and the increasing reliance on sophisticated human-AI interactions.

What is Prompt Engineering?

  • Detailed explanation of what prompt engineers do.
  • The significance of prompt design in improving AI outputs.
  • Examples of industries and applications where prompt engineering is crucial.

Skills Required for a Prompt Engineering Job

  • Overview of technical skills such as programming languages (Python, etc.), understanding of machine learning models.
  • Importance of linguistic and cognitive psychology skills.
  • Creativity and problem-solving abilities.

How to Become a Prompt Engineer

  • Educational pathways: Relevant degrees and certifications.
  • Self-learning resources: Online courses, workshops, and seminars.
  • The role of experience: Internships, project work, and other hands-on experiences.

Job Market and Opportunities

  • Current job market trends for prompt engineers.
  • Types of companies hiring prompt engineers (tech giants, startups, AI research labs).
  • Future outlook and potential growth in the field.

Case Studies

  • Success stories of prompt engineers.
  • Impactful projects and innovations contributed by prompt engineers in various sectors (e.g., healthcare, finance, entertainment).


  • Recap of the potential and importance of prompt engineering careers.
  • Encouragement to pursue education and training in this field.

Leverage Your Technical Skills and Creativity: How Prompt Engineering Can Propel Your Day Trading Futures Success and Funded Futures Traders


  • Introduction to the concept of using technical and creative skills in prompt engineering as a gateway to successful day trading.
  • Highlight the statistical advantage (4000% more likely to excel) for those with a background in technical fields or creative roles when venturing into day trading.

Understanding the Skills Overlap

  • Detailed explanation of what skills are shared between prompt engineering and day trading futures, such as analytical thinking, pattern recognition, and strategic planning.
  • Discussion on the importance of creativity and imagination in both fields.

Benefits of a Technical or Creative Background in Day Trading

  • How technical skills help in understanding market data, trading algorithms, and advanced trading platforms.
  • The role of creativity in developing unique trading strategies and adapting to volatile markets.

Steps to Transition from Prompt Engineering to Day Trading

  • Educational pathways: Courses and certifications in financial trading for tech-savvy individuals.
  • Practical advice on starting small, such as using simulators or micro-futures contracts for practice.
  • Importance of continuous learning and staying updated with market trends.

Success Stories

  • Case studies of individuals who transitioned from technical roles or creative fields into successful day trading.
  • Insights into their strategies, challenges, and how they leveraged their prior skills in trading.

Tools and Resources for Aspiring Traders

  • Recommended tools and platforms that cater to technically skilled individuals.
  • List of resources for continuous learning and improvement in trading strategies.


  • Recap of the unique advantage that individuals with a background in prompt engineering or similar fields have when entering the world of day trading
  • Encouragement for readers to explore day trading as a viable side hustle or career change.

Side-Hustles for technical and creative people also include Investing, Futures Trading and Prompt Engineering.

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