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Advice Investing Skills

How to Become a Day Trader

How to Become a Day Trader Tips, tricks, Tools and Funding Options

how to become a day trader

Day trading is a fast-paced, exciting way to engage with the stock market. If you’re considering this path, you’ll need to equip yourself with the right knowledge and tools. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you get started on your journey to becoming a successful top funded day trader.

Best Day Trading Books Right Now: From Novice to Expert

One of the first steps in becoming a proficient day trader is to educate yourself. Reading is an excellent way to gain a deep understanding of day trading strategies, market behavior, and trading psychology. For a curated list of essential reads, check out the best day trading books right now. These books will guide you from being a novice to becoming an expert in the field.

Navigating the High-Speed World of Day Trading on Robinhood

Day trading requires a reliable platform that can handle high-speed transactions. Robinhood is one such platform that has gained popularity among day traders for its user-friendly interface and zero-commission trades. To understand how to make the most out of this platform, read more about navigating the high-speed world of day trading on Robinhood. This resource will provide you with tips and tricks to optimize your trading experience on Robinhood.

Mastering the Market: Understanding Day Trading Indicators for Success

Successful day trading hinges on your ability to interpret market indicators correctly. These indicators help you predict market movements and make informed trading decisions. For an in-depth guide on key indicators, check out mastering the market: understanding day trading indicators for success. This article covers various indicators that can significantly enhance your trading strategy.

The Beginner’s Playbook to Day Trading: Strategies, Tools, and Tips

As a beginner, it’s crucial to have a solid playbook that outlines effective strategies, essential tools, and practical tips. The beginner’s playbook to day trading is a comprehensive resource that covers everything you need to know to get started. From choosing the right trading platform to understanding risk management, this guide will set you on the right path.

Beginner’s Guide to Day Trading: Signals, Strategies, and Best Practices

Finally, understanding trading signals and best practices is vital for long-term success. These signals can help you identify the best times to enter and exit trades. The beginner’s guide to day trading provides valuable insights into the most effective trading signals and strategies. Following these best practices can help you avoid common pitfalls and improve your overall trading performance.

By leveraging these resources and continuously educating yourself, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a successful day trader. Remember, day trading is not a get-rich-quick scheme; it requires dedication, continuous learning, and disciplined execution of strategies.


Checklist for Becoming a Consistent Day Trader and Passing Prop Trading Exams

Embarking on a career as a day trader, especially with the goal of passing prop trading exams to get fully funded, requires a structured approach and disciplined practice. Here’s a comprehensive checklist to guide you through this process:

1. Education and Learning

  • Read Essential Books: Start with the best day trading books right now to build a strong foundation.
  • Online Courses and Webinars: Enroll in reputable day trading courses and attend webinars to stay updated on market trends.
  • Follow Market News: Stay informed about financial news and market developments.

2. Understanding Trading Platforms

3. Technical and Fundamental Analysis

4. Develop a Trading Plan

  • Set Clear Goals: Define your financial goals, risk tolerance, and trading style.
  • Create a Strategy: Use the beginner’s playbook to day trading to develop your trading strategy.
  • Backtest Strategies: Use historical data to test the effectiveness of your trading strategies.

5. Risk Management

  • Set Stop-Loss Orders: Protect your capital by setting stop-loss orders for every trade.
  • Diversify Trades: Avoid putting all your capital into a single trade.
  • Keep a Trading Journal: Document all trades, including successes and failures, to analyze and improve.

6. Psychological Preparation

  • Maintain Discipline: Stick to your trading plan and avoid emotional decisions.
  • Handle Stress: Develop techniques to manage stress, such as meditation or exercise.
  • Stay Patient: Understand that becoming a successful day trader takes time and persistence.

7. Practice with Prop Trading Firms

  • Understand Prop Trading Requirements: Research the specific requirements and exam criteria of different prop trading firms.
  • Simulate Exam Conditions: Practice trading under simulated conditions that mimic the prop trading exams.
  • Get Feedback: Seek feedback from mentors or experienced traders to improve your performance.

8. Continuous Improvement

  • Review and Adjust: Regularly review your trading performance and adjust your strategies as needed.
  • Stay Educated: Continuously learn about new strategies, tools, and market conditions.
  • Join Trading Communities: Engage with other traders through forums and communities to share insights and experiences.
  • Save: use Discount Codes for prop firms

By following this checklist, you can systematically prepare yourself to become a consistent day trader and increase your chances of passing prop trading exams to get fully funded. Remember, the key to success in day trading is a combination of knowledge, discipline, and continuous improvement.

My Funded Futures

What is Funded Futures Trading?

Funded Futures trading involves the buying and selling of futures contracts, which are standardized agreements to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price at a specified time in the future. This type of trading allows investors to speculate on the price movements of a wide range of assets, including commodities, currencies, stock indexes, and interest rates.

What Are Futures?

Futures contracts are financial instruments that obligate the buyer to purchase, and the seller to sell, a specific asset at a predetermined price on a future date. These contracts are standardized in terms of the quantity, quality, and delivery time of the underlying asset, making them highly liquid and tradable on futures exchanges.

How Do Futures Work as an Investment?

1. Speculation

One of the primary uses of futures contracts is speculation. Traders buy and sell futures contracts based on their predictions of the future price movements of the underlying assets. If a trader believes the price of an asset will rise, they may buy a futures contract. Conversely, if they expect the price to fall, they may sell a futures contract. Speculators aim to profit from these price changes without necessarily intending to take delivery of the actual asset.

2. Hedging

Futures contracts are also used for hedging purposes. Businesses and investors use futures to protect themselves against the risk of price fluctuations in the underlying assets. For example, a farmer may sell futures contracts on their crop to lock in a price and reduce the risk of a price drop before harvest. Similarly, an airline company may buy futures contracts on fuel to secure a stable price and hedge against the risk of rising fuel costs.

3. Leverage

Futures trading typically involves leverage, allowing traders to control a large position with a relatively small amount of capital. This leverage amplifies both potential gains and losses, making futures trading a high-risk, high-reward investment. Traders are required to maintain a margin account, which acts as a security deposit to cover potential losses.

Key Components of Futures Contracts

1. Underlying Asset

The asset that is being traded, which can be a physical commodity like gold, oil, or agricultural products, or a financial instrument like a stock index or currency.

2. Contract Size

The quantity of the underlying asset covered by the futures contract. For example, a crude oil futures contract might cover 1,000 barrels of oil.

3. Expiration Date

The date on which the futures contract must be settled. On this date, the contract holder must either take delivery of the asset or settle the contract in cash.

4. Settlement Method

Futures contracts can be settled either by physical delivery of the asset or through cash settlement. Most financial futures are cash-settled, while many commodity futures involve physical delivery.

Benefits and Risks of Futures Trading


  • Liquidity: Futures markets are highly liquid, allowing traders to enter and exit positions easily.
  • Leverage: Futures trading allows traders to control large positions with a small amount of capital.
  • Diversification: Futures contracts provide exposure to a wide range of assets, enabling diversification of investment portfolios.
  • Hedging: Futures can be used to hedge against price risks in various assets.


  • Leverage Risk: The use of leverage amplifies both gains and losses, making futures trading highly risky.
  • Market Risk: Futures prices can be highly volatile, leading to significant potential losses.
  • Margin Calls: Traders must maintain margin accounts, and if the market moves against their position, they may face margin calls requiring additional capital.


Futures trading is a dynamic and complex form of investing that offers opportunities for speculation, hedging, and leveraging. Understanding how futures contracts work and the risks involved is essential for anyone considering this investment strategy. Whether used for hedging risk or seeking profits from price movements, futures trading requires careful planning, discipline, and a solid grasp of market dynamics.

Advice Best Practices Leadership

All Important Trust – Win it or Lose it.

All Important Trust – Win It or Lose It

Universally acknowledged is the undeniable importance of trust. Trust fosters strong and thriving relationships. Regrettably, trust often goes unnoticed until it shatters, leaving individuals to grapple with the aftermath. Rectifying the harm inflicted may prove an insurmountable challenge at such a dire juncture. Trust is more fragile than most people are willing to believe and admit.

Instead of relying on luck, we must actively concentrate on cultivating trust. By directing our attention towards this goal, our energy will naturally gravitate in that direction, aiding us in achieving it. As we embark on the journey of building high-trust relationships, it is imperative to bear in mind three fundamental truths about trust. Firstly, trust is not an incidental occurrence but a skill that can be acquired and honed through deliberate and conscientious efforts.

The essence of trust lies in its nature as a skill rather than a mere spontaneous occurrence. Acquiring and nurturing trust demands intentional dedication and effort. To embark on this journey, having a clear framework that defines the components of trust within a relationship proves beneficial. In our Building Trust training program, we rely on the ABCD Trust Model, a powerful representation of the four pivotal elements of trust. When cultivating trust within a relationship, one must embody being Able, Believable, Connected, and Dependable. Demonstrating competence, credibility, establishing meaningful connections, and unwavering reliability all play instrumental roles in building trust between individuals.

It is not merely an abstract, feel-good concept but a tangible skill that can be honed through competence, integrity, connection, and dependability. The first element, “Able,” emphasizes the significance of being trusted due to one’s proficiency and expertise. When individuals exhibit knowledge, skills, and capabilities relevant to their roles, they naturally become trustworthy in their endeavors. The second element, “Believable,” centers on acting with integrity, adhering to personal and organizational values, and conducting oneself honestly, ethically, and fairly in all interactions. Establishing a sense of credibility and trustworthiness relies heavily on upholding these principles.

Moving forward, the third element, “Connected,” highlights the importance of building rapport and effective communication with others. Those who genuinely care about the well-being of their peers foster trust through genuine connections. The final element, “Dependable,” accentuates the value of keeping promises and being accountable, responsive, and reliable in fulfilling commitments. Such consistency and reliability create a strong foundation for trust within relationships.

The correlation between trust and organizational success is undeniable. Trust doesn’t solely reside within soft skills; it drives tangible organizational results. Extensive research by the Great Place to Work Institute reveals that high-trust organizations boast a remarkably 50% lower turnover rate than their low-trust counterparts. Furthermore, employees who trust their leaders perform 20% better and display an astounding 87% reduced likelihood of leaving the organization. The benefits of trust extend beyond individual performance, as trustworthy employees are more inclined to remain with the organization, endorse it as a desirable workplace, and actively contribute to the collective welfare.

Taking the initiative to extend trust plays a crucial role in its development. Trust and risk go hand in hand, requiring someone to take the initial leap of faith. By trusting others, we set the stage for them to prove their own trustworthiness and reciprocate the gesture. This virtuous cycle strengthens the foundation of trust within our relationships. Like tending to a garden, building trust demands effort and consistency. Planting the seeds of trust, nurturing their growth, and consistently fostering their development is essential to witnessing the gradual but rewarding growth of high-trust relationships over time.

In conclusion, trust is far from an intangible concept; it is a learnable skill built upon competence, integrity, connection, and dependability. Organizations that prioritize trust witness substantial benefits, and trustworthiness begins with individuals extending trust to others. Nurturing trust within relationships requires ongoing effort and patience, but the eventual rewards are invaluable, akin to a bountiful garden yielding the fruits of high-trust relationships.



Advice Growth

Do You Want Explosive Growth? The Consulting CEOs Swear By!

Ever wondered what keeps top CEOs awake at night? It’s not the competition or the market volatility. It’s the burning desire to break through the glass ceiling of their business growth. Welcome to the world of high-growth consulting—where explosive business transformation isn’t just a promise; it’s a guarantee.

In an era when stagnation is the death knell for any business, high-growth consulting services have emerged as the secret weapon for ambitious CEOs. But this isn’t your run-of-the-mill advice. We’re talking about a radical, controversial approach that shatters norms and propels companies into unprecedented success.

High-growth consulting is the game-changer you’ve been waiting for. It’s bold, audacious, and exactly what you need if you’re tired of playing small. Forget the myths and misconceptions—this isn’t about slow, incremental improvements. It’s about rapid, explosive growth that leaves your competitors in the dust.

In this article, we’re diving deep into high-growth consulting services for CEOs. We’ll bust the myths, share jaw-dropping success stories, and even wade into the controversial waters of this high-stakes world. By the end, you’ll understand why CEOs swear by these consulting services and have actionable steps to start your journey toward extraordinary growth.

Buckle up because we’re about to take you on a wild ride through the transformative power of high-growth consulting. Ready to revolutionize your business? Let’s get started.

The Myth of High Growth Consulting

High-growth consulting isn’t some magical fix. “Growth and comfort do not coexist.” – Ginni Rometty. Many believe it’s reserved for the Fortune 500 or only delivers marginal improvements. The reality? High-growth consulting, especially when rooted in frameworks like RAMS by Baz, is accessible and transformative for businesses of all sizes. It’s not about following a preset path but crafting a unique strategy that aligns with your vision and objectives.

Real-Life Success Stories

Andreana Vassallo, CEO of Vassallo Ventures, came to Baz with a thriving business but felt stuck in a growth plateau. Despite her success, she couldn’t break through to the next level. After a session with Baz, Andreana felt empowered and inspired. Baz’s unique approach, combining strategic insight with a deep understanding of personal development, helped her unlock new potential. She implemented Baz’s tailored advice and saw tremendous business growth, taking her venture to unprecedented heights. Andreana’s story is a testament to how high-growth consulting can rejuvenate even the most successful enterprises.

Samantha Chappel, Executive Coach, was battling depression and struggling to find her authentic voice in the competitive world of executive coaching. Enter Baz Porter. With his support, Samantha discovered the strength and clarity she needed to overcome her challenges and transform her professional life. Baz’s coaching helped her rediscover her passion and led to a staggering 300% increase in her business sales. Samantha’s journey illustrates Baz’s coaching’s profound impact on personal and business growth.

Rachel Grasso, CEO of Grasso Family Enterprises, sought Baz’s help during a difficult period when her family business was under strain, and her daughter needed pivotal healing. Baz’s coaching provided essential support that restored Rachel’s faith and positively affected her family dynamics. His holistic approach, blending business strategy with personal well-being, radically transformed Rachel’s life and business. Rachel’s experience highlights the comprehensive nature of Baz’s high-growth consulting services.

Scott Tennant, CEO of Senergy Medical Group, sought straightforward guidance to navigate the complexities of running a medical group. Baz’s calm, sincere style made it easy for Scott to open up about his challenges. Through Baz’s clear and actionable advice, Scott was able to streamline operations and enhance the group’s performance. Baz’s genuine care and partnership approach ensured that Scott felt supported every step of the way. Scott’s success story showcases the effectiveness of Baz’s tailored consulting in driving business excellence.

These stories exemplify the transformative power of high-growth consulting services. They show how personalized, strategic guidance can help CEOs overcome obstacles, maximize their potential, and achieve explosive growth.

The Controversial Side of High Growth Consulting Services for CEOs

High-growth consulting isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a bold, often polarizing approach that shakes up the status quo. Here’s the raw, unfiltered truth about why it’s so controversial—and why that’s precisely what makes it so effective.

Unconventional Methods: High-growth consulting employs methods that can be downright shocking. We’re talking about pushing CEOs out of their comfort zones, challenging deeply held beliefs, and implementing radical changes that can make traditionalists squirm. This isn’t about gentle nudges; it’s about seismic shifts. “The only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it is possible.” – Charles Kingsleigh. It’s the tough love that many leaders need, but few are ready to accept.

High Stakes, High Rewards: The stakes in high-growth consulting are enormous. The margin for error is slim when you’re aiming for explosive growth. The strategies employed are high-risk and high-reward. This can be unsettling for CEOs who are used to playing it safe. It’s about betting on transformative change, knowing that the payoff could be monumental—but the journey there is fraught with challenges.

Breaking the Mold: High growth consulting dares to break the mold of conventional business wisdom. It’s not about following industry norms; it’s about rewriting them. This rebellious spirit is often met with resistance from those who cling to the old ways of doing things. But as the saying goes, “Well-behaved businesses rarely make history.” This approach is for the trailblazers and rule-breakers who aren’t afraid to ruffle feathers to achieve greatness.

Emotional Intensity: Let’s not sugarcoat it: high growth consulting can be emotionally intense. It involves deep, sometimes painful self-reflection and the willingness to confront uncomfortable truths. CEOs must be prepared to dismantle their ego, face their flaws, and rebuild themselves as stronger, more effective leaders. This emotional rollercoaster is not for the faint of heart but a necessary part of the transformative process. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

Challenging the Status Quo: One of the most controversial aspects of high-growth consulting is its unapologetic challenge to the status quo. It questions everything—from business models to leadership styles—and demands a willingness to discard what no longer serves the company. This can lead to friction within the organization as entrenched practices and mindsets are uprooted. But for those who embrace the challenge, the rewards are unparalleled.

The Baz Factor: And then there’s the Baz factor. Baz Porter doesn’t do polite hand-holding; he does bold, in-your-face coaching that cuts through the bullshit. His approach is as provocative as it is effective, pushing CEOs to their limits and beyond. Some may find his style abrasive, but those who can handle the heat often come out the other side transformed and turbocharged for success.

In conclusion, high-growth consulting is not for everyone. It’s controversial because it works. It demands courage, resilience, and an unyielding commitment to growth. The results can be spectacular for CEOs ready to embrace this high-octane journey. So, are you ready to challenge everything you know and take your business to the next level?

Are You Ready for the Adventure Call?

Now, it’s your turn. If you’re a CEO or executive tired of playing small and ready to ignite explosive growth in your business, it’s time to take action. The Adventure Call is your invitation to embark on a transformative journey with the best in the business.

Click the link below to schedule your consultation and discover how high-growth consulting can revolutionize your business:

Start Your Adventure Now

Don’t settle for mediocrity. Embrace the bold, the controversial, and the extraordinary. Let’s make history together.

Advice Best Practices Growth

Unlock Executive Benefits with Corporations and LLC’s: Your Path to Perks and Prosperity

Unlock Executive Benefits with Corporations and LLCs: Your Path to Perks and Prosperity

Imagine enjoying a housing stipend that offsets your living expenses, a vehicle allowance that puts you behind the wheel of your dream car, and access to luxurious corporate jets for your travels. These executive benefits aren’t just for Fortune 500 CEOs—they’re attainable for savvy entrepreneurs who leverage the power of Corporations and LLCs.

The Corporate Advantage

Forming a Corporation or LLC opens the door to a world of executive perks that can significantly enhance your lifestyle and financial well-being. By strategically structuring your business, you can enjoy benefits that extend far beyond traditional salaries.

 Housing Stipend

As a business owner, you can set up a housing stipend through your Corporation or LLC. This stipend can cover a portion of your rent or mortgage, making it easier to afford a premium living space. This perk not only improves your quality of life but also allows you to reallocate personal funds towards other investments.

Vehicle Allowance

A vehicle allowance provides you with a monthly stipend to cover the costs of a car. Whether you need a reliable vehicle for business purposes or want to drive a luxury car, a Corporation or LLC can offer a tax-advantaged way to achieve this. Plus, it simplifies expense tracking and can lead to significant savings on personal transportation costs.

Solo 401(k) Plans

Solo 401(k) plans are a powerful retirement savings tool for self-employed individuals and business owners. By forming a Corporation or LLC, you can contribute to a Solo 401(k), maximizing your retirement savings while enjoying tax benefits. This plan allows for both employee and employer contributions, providing a higher savings potential compared to traditional retirement accounts.

Corporate Vehicles and Jets

Access to corporate vehicles and jets isn’t just a perk for high-flying executives. With a Corporation or LLC, you can justify the business need for these assets, providing you with the ability to use them for business travel. This not only enhances your business operations but also offers a touch of luxury and convenience to your travels.

Tax Benefits and Asset Protection

One of the most compelling reasons to form a Corporation or LLC is the tax advantages. These entities offer various ways to reduce taxable income through legitimate business expenses, including the executive benefits mentioned. Additionally, Corporations and LLCs provide a layer of asset protection, safeguarding your personal assets from business liabilities.

Ready to elevate your business and lifestyle with these executive perks? At Controllers, Ltd, we specialize in helping entrepreneurs like you unlock the full potential of Corporations and LLCs. Schedule a complimentary call with our Sr. Strategist, Stephan, today to explore how you can take advantage of housing stipends, vehicle allowances, Solo 401(k) plans, and more. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to maximize your benefits and secure your financial future. Contact us now to get started on your path to prosperity! To book an appointment call us at (775) 384-8124 or send us an email to info@controllersltd.com. We look forward to speaking with you!

Advice Best Practices Growth

Unlock Executive Benefits with Corporations and LLC’s: Your Path to Perks and Prosperity

Unlock Executive Benefits with Corporations and LLCs: Your Path to Perks and Prosperity

Imagine enjoying a housing stipend that offsets your living expenses, a vehicle allowance that puts you behind the wheel of your dream car, and access to luxurious corporate jets for your travels. These executive benefits aren’t just for Fortune 500 CEOs—they’re attainable for savvy entrepreneurs who leverage the power of Corporations and LLCs.

1.The Corporate Advantage

Forming a Corporation or LLC opens the door to a world of executive perks that can significantly enhance your lifestyle and financial well-being. By strategically structuring your business, you can enjoy benefits that extend far beyond traditional salaries.

Housing Stipend

As a business owner, you can set up a housing stipend through your Corporation or LLC. This stipend can cover a portion of your rent or mortgage, making it easier to afford a premium living space. This perk not only improves your quality of life but also allows you to reallocate personal funds towards other investments.

Vehicle Allowance

A vehicle allowance provides you with a monthly stipend to cover the costs of a car. Whether you need a reliable vehicle for business purposes or want to drive a luxury car, a Corporation or LLC can offer a tax-advantaged way to achieve this. Plus, it simplifies expense tracking and can lead to significant savings on personal transportation costs.

Solo 401(k) Plans

Solo 401(k) plans are a powerful retirement savings tool for self-employed individuals and business owners. By forming a Corporation or LLC, you can contribute to a Solo 401(k), maximizing your retirement savings while enjoying tax benefits. This plan allows for both employee and employer contributions, providing a higher savings potential compared to traditional retirement accounts.

Corporate Vehicles and Jets

Access to corporate vehicles and jets isn’t just a perk for high-flying executives. With a Corporation or LLC, you can justify the business need for these assets, providing you with the ability to use them for business travel. This not only enhances your business operations but also offers a touch of luxury and convenience to your travels.

Tax Benefits and Asset Protection

One of the most compelling reasons to form a Corporation or LLC is the tax advantages. These entities offer various ways to reduce taxable income through legitimate business expenses, including the executive benefits mentioned. Additionally, Corporations and LLCs provide a layer of asset protection, safeguarding your personal assets from business liabilities.

Ready to elevate your business and lifestyle with these executive perks? At Controllers, Ltd, we specialize in helping entrepreneurs like you unlock the full potential of Corporations and LLCs. Schedule a complimentary call with our Sr. Strategist, Stephan, today to explore how you can take advantage of housing stipends, vehicle allowances, Solo 401(k) plans, and more. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to maximize your benefits and secure your financial future. Contact us now to get started on your path to prosperity! To book an appointment call us at (775) 384-8124 or send us an email to info@controllersltd.com. We look forward to speaking with you!

Advice Best Practices Leadership Skills

Evan Hackel Discusses His Path to Ingaged Leadership

Key insights from the new book Ingaging Leadership: The Ultimate Edition

1. What inspired you to write Ingaging Leadership, and what is the central message or concept that readers can expect to find in the book?

I wrote this book so that my kids and future generations of my family will be able to understand my life philosophy. This book is about business, but it’s really more about life itself and how to work with and be in partnership with people. The core message of the book is that when you start with curiosity, withhold the temptation to come to quick judgment, and involve other people, you make better decisions and have better support of your decisions that can make a major impact in both business and life.

2. Can you describe a time when Ingagement was used to deliver superior results?

In 2000, CCA Global Partners acquired its main competitor, Flooring America. Following the acquisition, Flooring America faced adversity as its parent company went out of business, tarnishing the brand and leaving franchisees frustrated and in legal battles. The franchisees believed CCA only acquired Flooring America to shut down their businesses and dominate the flooring industry.

Overcoming resistance and rebuilding the damaged brand involved a comprehensive “Ingagement” program. This initiative aimed at inspiring and achieving business results by involving everyone at Flooring America. Town hall meetings, advisory councils, and regional networking groups fostered open communication, allowing franchisees to voice opinions and ideas.

The positive experience resulted in doubling the number of stores and more than doubling business within four years. The success was attributed to a vision that inspired and an effective plan that engaged and empowered everyone involved.

3. How do you view the role of mentorship in leadership development, and have you had influential mentors in your own career?

Mentorship is one of the most important things in developing as a successful person. My father was my #1 mentor. I learned so much in life by observing how he could avoid taking things personally and remain objective. In addition, Howard Brodsky and Alan Greenberg of CCA Global Partners are two incredible mentors to me. I learned a lot about business from them andabout the power of collective action.

4. How do you see the role of effective leadership in driving organizational success, and what are the common challenges leaders face today?

Leadership is everything. Leaders need to promote a shared common vision and function as stewards of that vision. Without that kind of leadership, companies stagnate or deteriorate. I likely have a very different view than most people do regarding the number-one challenge that leaders face; I believe it is a lack of clarity of vision and the willingness to share it.

5. What advice would you give to aspiring leaders and entrepreneurs looking to make a positive impact in their fields?

Listen without judgment, always be in learning mode, recognize you can learn from everybody within the organization. Truly get to understand both your customers and your vendors because without them you don’t have a business. And don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

Advice Leadership

From Corruption to Compassion: The New Wave of Ethical Leadership

Success” — a word that once summoned images of towering skyscrapers, corner offices, and multi-million-dollar deals. Yet, in the shadow of this glittering façade lies a harsh reality: burnout, corruption, and a glaring void of integrity. As we march into the 21st century, it’s obvious that the old leadership paradigms are crumbling. Enter the Ethical Evolution: a revolutionary approach that’s not just about achieving results but with unapologetic integrity and unrivaled impact.

In a world where power often trumps principles, the need for responsible leadership has never been more urgent. This is where the RAMS by Baz framework steps in, guiding leaders through a transformative journey that marries success with a strong moral compass. Imagine a leadership style that doesn’t just aim for the top but does so with a clear conscience and a positive ripple effect across the entire organization. This is not just leadership; this is leadership redefined.

Let’s dive into the ethical evolution and explore how pioneering change through responsible leadership can shape a brighter, more sustainable future.

The Myth of Success

Success. The golden carrot dangled before every aspiring leader’s nose, promising endless wealth, recognition, and an all-access pass to the high life. But here’s the dirty little secret: the traditional blueprint for success is about as outdated as a fax machine in a world of smartphones. Let’s break down the biggest myths about success and unveil the truth behind Ethical Evolution.

Myth 1: Success is Measured by Wealth and Power

Let’s get real. For decades, we’ve been told that success equals fat bank accounts and sky-high office views. But at what cost? Burnout, broken relationships, and a nagging sense of emptiness. The Ethical Evolution flips this script, showing that true success isn’t about hoarding wealth but creating value and impact.

“Success is not measured by what you accomplish, but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds.” – Orison Swett Marden

Myth 2: Nice Guys Finish Last

How often have you heard that ruthless ambition is the only way to get ahead? Spoiler alert: it’s bullshit. The Ethical Evolution champions that kindness, empathy, and integrity are not just nice-to-haves but essential components of sustainable leadership. Studies show that companies with ethical leaders outperform their cutthroat counterparts in the long run. So, who’s finishing last here?

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.” – C.S. Lewis

Myth 3: Leadership is About Command and Control

Picture this: a boss barking orders, micromanaging every move, and ruling with an iron fist. Does this sound familiar? This outdated model of leadership is not only ineffective but downright toxic. The Ethical Evolution promotes a leadership style based on trust, collaboration, and empowerment. By fostering a culture of respect and autonomy, leaders can unlock their team’s full potential and drive unprecedented success.

“The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.” – Ronald Reagan

Myth 4: Ethics are a Luxury, Not a Necessity

Some argue that ethics are a nice add-on, like heated seats in a sports car — great if you can afford them, but not essential. Wrong. Ethics are the engine driving the vehicle of sustainable success. In today’s hyper-transparent world, consumers and employees demand accountability and integrity. The Ethical Evolution ensures that responsible leadership isn’t just an option but necessary for long-term viability.

“Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do.” – Potter Stewart

Myth 5: Real Leaders Don’t Show Vulnerability

There’s a persistent myth that leaders must be invincible, showing no sign of weakness or doubt. But let’s face it, nobody’s buying that act anymore. Authenticity and vulnerability are powerful tools in the Ethical Evolution arsenal. By showing their human side, leaders can build deeper connections, foster trust, and inspire their teams to overcome challenges together.

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

The RAMS Framework Overview

Alright, folks, buckle up because we’ll dive into the RAMS framework, the secret sauce behind responsible leadership and ethical evolution. RAMS stands for Results, Attitude, Mastery, and Systems. It’s not just another buzzword-laden acronym; it’s the blueprint for turning ordinary leaders into legends. Let’s break it down:

Results: The Tangible Outcomes

Let’s face it, results matter. But in the world of RAMS, we’re not talking about short-term gains or vanity metrics. We’re focusing on sustainable, impactful outcomes that benefit everyone involved. Think of it like planting an orchard instead of a quick-harvest vegetable garden. Sure, it takes longer to see the fruits, but when they come, they’re abundant and nourishing for years.

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Peter Drucker

Attitude: The Mind State Shift

Ah, attitude — or as we like to call it, the Mind State. This isn’t about plastering on a fake smile or pretending everything’s peachy. It’s about cultivating a growth Mind State, embracing challenges, and viewing setbacks as opportunities for learning. It’s the difference between seeing the glass as half-full and realizing you can always refill it. Plus, a positive attitude is contagious. Spread it around like confetti at a parade!

“Leadership is not about being in charge. It is about taking care of those in your charge.” – Simon Sinek

Mastery: The Pursuit of Excellence

Now, let’s talk mastery. This isn’t about being a jack-of-all-trades and master of none. It’s about honing your skills, deepening your knowledge, and continually pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. Imagine a chef perfecting a signature dish — it takes time, practice, and creativity. In the RAMS framework, mastery means striving for excellence in everything you do without cutting corners.

Systems: The Backbone of Success

Finally, we have systems. Think of this as the engine room of your leadership ship. Without robust systems in place, even the best-laid plans can fall apart. It’s about creating efficient processes, leveraging technology, and ensuring consistency in your actions. Imagine trying to run a marathon without properly lacing up your shoes. Systems are those perfectly tied laces that keep everything running smoothly and efficiently.

Applying RAMS to Ethical Evolution

So, how does this all tie into our grand theme of ethical evolution? Simple. The RAMS framework provides the structure and strategy to lead with integrity and impact. Here’s how it works in action:

  1. Results: Focus on ethical outcomes that benefit the bottom line and your team, community, and environment. It’s about making decisions you can be proud of when you look back years later.
  2. Attitude: Cultivate a Mindset that prioritizes ethics over expedience. Encourage open dialogue, embrace transparency, and lead by example. Remember, a positive Mindset can transform an entire organization.
  3. Mastery: Commit to mastering the principles of ethical leadership. Stay informed about best practices, seek continuous improvement, and don’t be afraid to innovate. Excellence in ethics is a journey, not a destination.
  4. Systems: Build systems that support ethical decision-making. Implement checks and balances, establish clear policies, and ensure everyone in your organization understands and adheres to your ethical standards.

By integrating the RAMS framework into your leadership approach, you’re not just aiming for success but meaningful, impactful, and sustainable success. So, let’s ditch the shortcuts, embrace the journey, and lead with the kind of integrity that sets a new standard for future generations.

Real-Life Success Stories

Let’s stroll down Success Lane and meet remarkable individuals who’ve transformed their lives and businesses using the RAMS framework. These are not your run-of-the-mill testimonials; these are tales of genuine growth, relentless pursuit of excellence, and the profound impact of ethical leadership.

1. Sarah: From Burnout to Balance

Sarah was the epitome of the overworked executive. She was juggling a demanding job, a family, and a personal life hanging by a thread. The constant stress had her on the verge of burnout. Enter the RAMS framework.

  • Results: Sarah restructured her priorities, focusing on sustainable outcomes. She implemented work-life balance strategies that improved her productivity without sacrificing her time.
  • Attitude: She shifted her Mind State from “I must do everything” to “I will delegate effectively.” This positive shift not only improved her outlook but also inspired her team.
  • Mastery: Sarah honed her leadership skills, learning to manage her time and resources more efficiently. She became a master of delegation and team empowerment.
  • Systems: She developed robust systems to streamline her workflow, from project management tools to clear communication channels.

Outcome: Sarah’s transformation was nothing short of miraculous. Not only did her productivity soar, but her team also thrived under her refreshed leadership. Her newfound balance brought back joy in both her professional and personal life.

2. Michael: The Ethical Entrepreneur

Michael, a budding entrepreneur, was disillusioned by the cutthroat business world. He wanted to build a company that was both successful and ethically sound. He found his answer in the RAMS framework.

  • Results: Michael focused on creating value-driven products that met real needs. His ethical approach attracted loyal customers and increased his market share.
  • Attitude: He adopted a growth Mind State, viewing every challenge as an opportunity. This positive outlook resonated with his team and built a strong, cohesive culture.
  • Mastery: Michael invested in mastering sustainable business practices, from sourcing materials to fair labor standards—his commitment to excellence set his company apart.
  • Systems: He implemented transparent systems for accountability and ethical decision-making. These systems ensured that every aspect of his business operated with integrity.

Outcome: Michael’s company survived and thrived in a competitive market. His ethical leadership attracted top talent and loyal customers, proving that doing good can mean doing well.

3. Jessica: The Transformational Leader

Jessica was a mid-level manager struggling to inspire her team. She felt stuck in a cycle of mediocrity and wanted to make a meaningful impact. The RAMS framework became her guide.

  • Results: Jessica set clear, achievable goals aligned with her team’s strengths and values. She focused on results that mattered, both professionally and personally.
  • Attitude: She transformed her Mindset to be more inclusive and encouraging. She boosted her team’s morale and productivity by fostering a positive and supportive environment.
  • Mastery: Jessica dedicated herself to mastering the art of leadership. She took courses, read extensively, and applied what she learned to inspire her team.
  • Systems: She introduced systems that promoted collaboration and innovation. Regular feedback loops and open communication channels became the norm.

Outcome: Jessica’s team flourished under her leadership. They not only met but exceeded their targets, becoming one of the top-performing teams in the company. Jessica’s journey from mediocrity to excellence inspired others to follow suit.

4. Robert: The Visionary CEO

Robert, a seasoned CEO, was facing stagnation in his company. Despite past successes, the future looked uncertain. He turned to the RAMS framework to reignite his company’s growth.

  • Results: Robert redefined success by focusing on long-term, impactful results. He steered the company towards innovative solutions that addressed emerging market needs.
  • Attitude: Adopting a forward-thinking Mind State, Robert encouraged his team to embrace change and think outside the box. This shift led to a culture of continuous improvement.
  • Mastery: He invested in mastering new technologies and business models—his dedication to staying ahead of the curve paid off in spades.
  • Systems: Robert revamped the company’s systems, ensuring they supported agile and responsive operations. This flexibility allowed the company to pivot quickly in a changing market.

Outcome: Robert’s company experienced a renaissance, achieving record-breaking growth and setting new industry standards. His visionary leadership, grounded in ethical principles, became a benchmark for others.

These stories aren’t just about success; they’re about transformation, resilience, and the profound impact of ethical leadership. The RAMS framework isn’t a magic wand but a powerful tool for anyone ready to pioneer change and achieve greatness with integrity. So, who’s ready to write their own success story?

The Controversial Side of The Ethical Evolution: Pioneering Change Through Responsible Leadership

Let’s cut the crap and get real for a second. Ethical Evolution is not just a fluffy, feel-good concept that everyone will embrace with open arms. It’s controversial, it’s disruptive, and it’s bound to ruffle some feathers. But hey, that’s what true leadership is about, right? Challenging the status quo and pushing boundaries.

1. The Resistance to Change

First off, let’s address the elephant in the room: resistance. Whenever you start talking about ethics and responsibility in leadership, there’s always a chorus of skeptics ready to scoff. “Ethics? That’s for the philosophers, not the boardroom.” These naysayers cling to the old-school belief that business is a dog-eat-dog world where only the ruthless survive. Well, news flash: times have changed. Ethical leadership isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s a must-have for long-term success. And if you’re not on board, you’re already falling behind.

2. The Hypocrisy Call-Out

Here’s another juicy bit: the hypocrisy call-out. Implementing ethical practices means holding up a mirror to your actions and the actions of those around you. It’s uncomfortable, it’s awkward, and it’s necessary. You’ll hear whispers (or shouts) of “hypocrisy” from those who fear their unethical behaviors being exposed. But the truth is that ethical evolution requires courage. It’s about owning up to past mistakes and making a committed effort to do better. And guess what? That takes more guts than clinging to outdated, unethical practices.

3. The Profit vs. Principle Debate

Ah, the classic clash: profit vs. principle. The notion that you must choose one over the other is an outdated debate. Critics will argue that focusing on ethics will hurt the bottom line. But let’s set the record straight: ethical companies are surviving and thriving. Consumers and employees are increasingly demanding transparency and integrity. Companies that ignore this shift are digging their graves. Ethical leadership leads to trust, loyalty, and even higher profits. So, let’s stop pretending it’s a zero-sum game.

4. The Slow Burn

Patience isn’t exactly a popular virtue in the fast-paced world of business. Ethical Evolution isn’t a quick fix or an overnight transformation. It’s a slow burn, requiring consistent effort and dedication. This can be a hard sell to those addicted to instant gratification and quarterly profits. But here’s the kicker: the slow, steady burn of ethical leadership builds a foundation that withstands the test of time. It’s about playing the long game, and that’s the smart move in today’s volatile market.

5. The Threat to Traditional Power Structures

Let’s not mince words: the Ethical Evolution is a direct threat to traditional power structures. It challenges the old boys’ club mentality and calls for diversity, inclusion, and shared power. This doesn’t sit well with those who’ve benefited from the status quo. But here’s the deal: the future of leadership is inclusive, ethical, and collaborative. The gatekeepers of traditional power are facing a stark choice: evolve or become obsolete.

6. The Unapologetic Transparency

Finally, let’s talk about transparency. True ethical leadership demands unapologetic transparency, and that’s a tough pill for many to swallow. It means being open about failures, mistakes, and the gritty realities of business. It’s about ditching the polished PR spin and showing the truth. This level of honesty is controversial because it exposes vulnerabilities but also builds unshakeable trust and loyalty.

The Bottom Line

The Ethical Evolution isn’t just a trend; it’s a seismic shift in how we define and practice leadership. It’s controversial, it’s challenging, and it’s necessary. So, if you’re ready to lead with integrity, embrace this evolution. And if you’re not? Well, don’t say we didn’t warn you when the ethical leaders of today become the trailblazers of tomorrow.

Actionable Steps for the Reader

Ready to transform your leadership style and join the Ethical Evolution? Here are seven practical steps you can take to lead with integrity and make a lasting impact:

1. Define Your Ethical Values

Start by clearly defining your core ethical values. What principles are non-negotiable for you? Write them down, share them with your team, and ensure they are integrated into every decision you make. This foundation will guide you through tough choices and align you with your mission.

2. Foster a Growth Mind State

Adopt a growth Mind State that views challenges as opportunities for learning and improvement. Encourage your team to embrace this mindset as well. Celebrate failures as stepping stones to success and create a culture where continuous learning is valued over perfection.

3. Lead by Example

Walk the talk. Your actions speak louder than words, so demonstrate the ethical behavior you expect from others. Show integrity in every interaction, be transparent about your decisions, and take responsibility for your mistakes. This builds trust and sets the standard for your team.

4. Implement Robust Systems

Develop and implement systems that promote ethical behavior and accountability. This could include regular ethics training, clear policies and procedures, and mechanisms for reporting unethical behavior. Ensure that these systems are transparent and accessible to everyone in your organization.

5. Prioritize Long-Term Impact

Shift your focus from short-term gains to long-term impact. Make decisions that benefit your organization, employees, and the community in the long run. This might mean sacrificing immediate profits for sustainable growth, but the payoff is a resilient and respected brand.

6. Encourage Open Dialogue

Create a safe space for open and honest communication within your team. Encourage discussions about ethical dilemmas and listen to different perspectives. This fosters a culture of transparency and helps you make more informed and balanced decisions.

7. Commit to Continuous Improvement

Ethical leadership is a journey, not a destination. Commit to continuous improvement by seeking feedback, staying informed about best practices, and being willing to adapt. Review your processes and strategies to align with your ethical values and goals.

Bonus Step: Take Care of Yourself

Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Prioritize your well-being to ensure you have the energy and clarity to lead effectively. This includes maintaining a healthy work-life balance, practicing mindfulness, and taking time to recharge. A balanced leader is a more effective and ethical leader.

By taking these actionable steps, you’ll be well on your way to pioneering change through responsible leadership. Embrace the Ethical Evolution and watch as your impact grows, your team thrives, and your success becomes significant. Let’s lead with integrity and make the world better, one ethical decision at a time.


In a world where traditional notions of success are challenged, Ethical Evolution is a beacon of hope and integrity. We’ve debunked the myths, explored the transformative power of the RAMS framework, and shared inspiring success stories that prove ethical leadership is not just possible but essential. The journey towards responsible leadership is not without its challenges, but the rewards are profound — for you, your team, and the world.

Your Next Step: Embrace the Ethical Evolution

Now, it’s your turn to lead the charge. Ethical Evolution isn’t just a concept; it’s a movement waiting for pioneers like you to take the helm. By integrating the RAMS framework into your leadership approach, you can achieve sustainable success, foster a positive culture, and make a lasting impact.

Embark on Your Leadership Adventure

Don’t wait for change to come to you. Be the change. Click the link below to schedule your call with me, and let’s embark on this transformative adventure together. Discover how the RAMS framework can revolutionize your leadership style and elevate your success.

Schedule Your Call with Baz for R.A.M.S Coaching Insights

Let’s pioneer this Ethical Evolution together and create a legacy of leadership that will endure. Your adventure starts now.


Mind Hacking for CEOs Unlock Your Hidden Potential and Reign Supreme

Alright, listen up, CEOs! You’ve got the corner office, the power suits, and the accolades to prove you’ve made it. But let’s cut through the bullshit—behind that polished exterior, there’s a constant battle raging: sleepless nights, high-stakes decisions, and the relentless pressure to perform. Sound familiar? It’s time to confront the elephant in the room: success isn’t just about grinding harder; it’s about hacking your mind to unlock the extraordinary potential that’s been lying dormant.

Welcome to the world of mind hacking for CEOs—a bold, controversial approach that promises not just to change the game but to rewrite the entire rulebook. This isn’t your run-of-the-mill self-help fluff. This is about harnessing the power of your mind state to break through barriers, shatter limits, and reign supreme in the corporate jungle. Ready to dive in? Let’s unleash that hidden potential and transform you from a leader into a legend.

The Myth of Success

Success, my friends, isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. We’ve been sold a bill of goods that’s about as useful as a chocolate teapot. Let’s tackle some of these myths head-on, shall we?

Myth 1: Success is All About Hard Work

We’ve all heard, “Work hard, and you’ll achieve anything.” But here’s the kicker—grinding yourself into the ground doesn’t guarantee success. CEOs are burning out faster than a matchstick in a bonfire. The truth is, hard work without strategic mind hacking is like trying to climb Everest in flip-flops. Sure, you’re moving, but you’re not getting anywhere meaningful.

Myth 2: You Need to Be Ruthless to Succeed

There’s this Hollywood-esque notion that being a cutthroat, ruthless tyrant is the key to climbing the corporate ladder. Newsflash: being an asshole doesn’t make you a leader; it makes you an asshole. The real power lies in mastering your mind state to lead with clarity, compassion, and confidence. It’s about being the Jedi, not the Sith.

Myth 3: Success is Measured by Wealth and Status

Ah, the good old “money and titles” myth. CEOs often chase the next promotion, the next million, like a hamster on a wheel. Here’s the controversial bit—success isn’t about the zeroes in your bank account or the letters after your name. It’s about fulfillment, impact, and legacy. If you’re rich but miserable, you’ve missed the mark.

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” – Albert Schweitzer

Myth 4: Traditional Leadership Training is the Golden Ticket

Leadership workshops, seminars, and MBA programs promise the secret sauce to success. But let’s be real: why are so many CEOs still struggling if these were so effective? Traditional training focuses on skills and knowledge, not the crucial element of mind hacking. It’s like giving someone a car without teaching them to drive.

Myth 5: CEOs Must Always Be in Control

The myth of control is a seductive one. CEOs are expected to have all the answers all the time. But here’s a reality check—control is an illusion. True leadership comes from flexibility, adaptability, and, yes, vulnerability. It’s about knowing when to steer the ship and when to let the winds take you. Mind hacking teaches you to let go of the illusion and embrace the flow.

Myth 6: Mind Hacking is Just Woo-Woo Nonsense

Let’s get this out of the way—mind hacking isn’t some mystical, airy-fairy nonsense. It’s rooted in neuroscience, psychology, and proven strategies. Dismissing it as “woo-woo” is like rejecting the internet because you can’t see the WiFi signal. Mind hacking is about leveraging your brain’s natural capabilities to elevate performance and achieve extraordinary results.

“The mind is everything. What you think, you become.” – Buddha

So, CEOs, it’s time to ditch these myths and embrace the reality of what it takes to succeed truly. It’s not about working harder or being a ruthless control freak. It’s about mastering your mind state, leading with authenticity, and redefining success on your terms. Ready to hack your mind and rewrite the rules? Let’s do this!

The RAMS Framework Overview

Alright, let’s dive into the heart of mind hacking: the RAMS framework. Think of it as your secret weapon, your Batmobile, your Excalibur. This isn’t just a set of buzzwords; it’s a proven system designed to take you from good to great, from overwhelmed to overachieving. Here’s the lowdown on how RAMS can transform your leadership game.

R – Results

Results, baby! This is what it’s all about. But we’re not talking about just any results—we’re talking about laser-focused, high-impact outcomes. You see, the RAMS framework starts with defining what success truly looks like for you. It’s about setting goals that scare the crap out of you but are totally achievable with the right mindset. Picture this: instead of being buried under a mountain of tasks, you’re crushing your goals with the precision of a Swiss watch. The secret? It’s all in the mind state, baby.

A – Attitude

Attitude is everything. You can have the skills of a ninja, but if your attitude stinks, you’re not going anywhere. RAMS teaches you to cultivate an attitude as bold as a lion and adaptable as a chameleon. This isn’t about faking positivity but genuine, resilient confidence. Imagine walking into a boardroom knowing you’ve got the mental fortitude to tackle anything. Your team sees it, feels it, and follows your lead. It’s like being the rock star of your corporate concert.

M – Mastery

Mastery is where the magic happens. It’s not enough to be good at what you do—you need to be phenomenal. RAMS guides you to master both your professional skills and your personal development. It’s about continuous learning and growth, sharpening your saw so you’re always a cut above the rest. Think of it as becoming the Yoda of your industry, dispensing wisdom and crushing challenges with ease. Mastery isn’t a destination; it’s a lifelong journey, and RAMS is your map.

S – Systems

Systems are your secret sauce. Without them, you’re just a headless chicken running around in circles. RAMS helps you build rock-solid systems that streamline processes, boost efficiency, and reduce stress. We’re talking about turning chaos into order, like a maestro conducting a symphony. These systems aren’t rigid constraints but flexible frameworks that adapt to your needs, ensuring you’re always operating at peak performance. It’s like having an autopilot for your success.

Real-Life Success Stories

Let’s get real for a moment. Nothing beats a success story to show you what’s possible when you embrace the RAMS framework. These aren’t just hypothetical tales; these are real-life transformations that will inspire you to take the leap and hack your mind to greatness.

John “The Turnaround Titan” Anderson

John was the CEO of a mid-sized tech company teetering on bankruptcy’s edge. Despite working 16-hour days, John couldn’t pull his company out of the nosedive. Enter the RAMS framework.

Results: John redefined success, setting clear, ambitious goals. He used visualization techniques and daily affirmations to keep his eyes on the prize.

Attitude: John’s attitude shifted from despair to determination. By practicing gratitude and mental reframing, he saw challenges as opportunities for growth.

Mastery: John is committed to continuous learning, enrolling in executive education courses, and seeking out mentors. His leadership skills soared to new heights.

Systems: He implemented streamlined processes, automating tasks and delegating effectively. Stress levels plummeted as efficiency skyrocketed.

The Outcome: John turned his company around, leading it to a 300% revenue increase within two years. His employees thrived under his renewed leadership, and his personal life flourished as he regained balance.

Samantha “The Stress Slayer” Lee

Samantha was the high-flying CEO of a rapidly growing fashion brand, but she was a stress-ridden mess behind the scenes. Anxiety and burnout were her constant companions, and she knew something had to give.

Results: Samantha set clear, meaningful goals aligned with her personal and professional values. She used meditation and mindfulness to stay focused and calm.

Attitude: She adopted a growth mindset, embracing failures as learning experiences. Positive affirmations and regular reflection kept her attitude in check.

Mastery: Samantha dedicated time to personal development, attending workshops and reading voraciously. She mastered not just her industry but also her mental and emotional well-being.

Systems: She created robust systems for delegation and task management, freeing time to focus on high-impact activities and self-care.

The Outcome: Samantha’s company doubled its market share within a year. Her stress levels dropped dramatically, and she found joy in her work again. Her team was more cohesive and motivated, inspired by her balanced, positive leadership.

David “The Delegation Dynamo” Rodriguez

David was a classic micromanager, convinced that he wouldn’t get things done right if he didn’t do them himself. His health and personal relationships were suffering, and his company was stagnating.

Results: David learned to set strategic, impactful goals and let go of the minutiae. Visualization and goal-setting exercises helped him stay focused.

Attitude: David fostered a positive work environment by shifting his mindset from control to trust. Regular gratitude journaling kept him grounded and appreciative.

Mastery: David pursued mastery in leadership and emotional intelligence. He took courses and engaged in peer learning to enhance his skills.

Systems: He implemented systems for effective delegation and accountability, ensuring tasks were handled efficiently without his constant oversight.

The Outcome: David’s company experienced a 200% increase in productivity and profitability. His health improved, and his relationships flourished as he found balance and trust in his team. His employees were more empowered and engaged, driving innovation and success.

The Controversial Side of Mind Hacking for CEOs

Let’s not beat around the bush—mind hacking is as controversial as it gets. It’s not just another trendy buzzword or a fluffy self-help mantra. This is about diving deep into the neural wiring of your brain, pushing boundaries, and challenging the traditional norms of corporate leadership. And guess what? Not everyone is on board with it. Here’s the raw, unfiltered truth about mind hacking for CEOs.

Mind Hacking Isn’t for the Faint of Heart

First off, mind hacking demands a level of introspection and honesty that can be downright uncomfortable. It’s not about sitting in a lotus position and chanting “om” all day. It’s about confronting your deepest fears, insecurities, and mental roadblocks head-on. It’s intense, challenging, and not for those looking for an easy fix.

“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.” – William James

Defying Conventional Wisdom

Traditional leadership training programs emphasize skills and knowledge—important but only part of the puzzle. Mind hacking goes against the grain by focusing on the internal landscape. Critics argue this approach is too “soft” for the hard-nosed business world. But here’s the kicker: mastering your mind state is not just playing the game but redefining it.

Risk of Misunderstanding and Misuse

Mind hacking is a powerful tool, but with great power comes great responsibility. Misunderstanding or misapplying these techniques can backfire. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, and it’s not about manipulating others or wielding power irresponsibly. It’s about genuine self-improvement and leadership transformation. Some skeptics fear it’s just another form of brainwashing or manipulation, but that’s missing the point entirely.

Breaking the Status Quo

CEOs who embrace mind hacking often face resistance from their peers and even their teams. It’s a radical shift from the traditional, control-focused leadership model. You might be seen as unconventional or even eccentric. But let’s face it—every great leader who’s ever made a significant impact was seen as a bit of a rebel. Mind hacking challenges the status quo and paves the way for innovation and growth.

The Woo-Woo Stigma

Mind hacking often gets dismissed as new-age woo-woo nonsense. Techniques like visualization, meditation, and affirmations to drive business success can sound like something out of a wellness retreat rather than a boardroom. But here’s the truth: the science behind these methods is solid. Neuroplasticity, cognitive-behavioral strategies, and mindfulness are all backed by robust research. The real controversy isn’t whether these techniques work—it’s that they challenge the deeply ingrained corporate culture of grind and hustle.

Fear of Vulnerability

Let’s be brutally honest—most CEOs are terrified of showing vulnerability. Mind hacking requires you to open up, confront your weaknesses, and embrace the emotional transparency often frowned upon in the corporate world. It’s about being real, authentic, and human. This kind of vulnerability is incredibly powerful but also incredibly daunting.

“To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Challenging the Hero Myth

The traditional image of a CEO is the all-knowing, invincible hero. Mind hacking shatters this myth by emphasizing collaboration, empathy, and emotional intelligence. It’s about leading from within rather than dictating from above. This paradigm shift is controversial because it questions the foundations of traditional leadership models.

7 Actionable Steps for Mind Hacking Your Way to Success

Alright, CEOs, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get down to business. Mind hacking isn’t just about theories—it’s about action. Here are seven practical, no-nonsense steps to start hacking your mind and unleashing your true potential.

1. Set Clear, Ambitious Goals

Action: Define your version of success. Write down three ambitious yet achievable goals that align with your vision.

Relatable Tip: Break these goals down into smaller, manageable tasks. Track your progress daily and celebrate small wins. Remember, consistent, small steps lead to giant leaps.

2. Practice Daily Visualization

Action: Spend 10 minutes every morning visualizing your success. Picture yourself achieving your goals, overcoming obstacles, and leading with confidence.

Relatable Tip: Create a vision board with images and words that represent your goals. Place it where you can see it daily. It’s a constant reminder of where you’re headed and why you’re working so hard.

3. Cultivate a Positive Attitude

Action: Start a gratitude journal. Every day, write down three things you’re grateful for and one positive thing that happened. This simple practice can rewire your brain for positivity.

Relatable Tip: Surround yourself with positive influences. Engage with mentors, read uplifting books, and avoid the energy vampires who drain your spirit.

4. Commit to Lifelong Learning

Action: Allocate at least one hour a week to learning something new. Keep feeding your mind, whether it’s a new skill, a book, or a workshop.

Relatable Tip: Join a mastermind group or find a mentor. The best leaders never stop learning; surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals can accelerate your growth.

5. Implement Effective Systems

Action: Identify areas of your life and business that need more structure. Create systems for these areas, such as a morning routine, a task management system, or a delegation plan.

Relatable Tip: Use tools like Trello, Asana, or even a simple to-do list app to keep track of your tasks and projects. Consistency in using these tools is key to seeing results.

6. Embrace Mindfulness and Meditation

Action: Incorporate mindfulness or meditation into your daily routine. Start with just 5 minutes daily and gradually increase as you become more comfortable.

Relatable Tip: Use apps like Headspace or Calm to guide your meditation practice. Even busy CEOs can find a few minutes in their day for mental clarity.

“You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.” – Jon Kabat-Zinn

7. Develop Emotional Intelligence

Action: Work on understanding and managing your emotions. Practice active listening, empathy, and constructive feedback.

Relatable Tip: Reflect on your interactions at the end of each day. What went well? What could have been better? Emotional intelligence isn’t just about others; it’s about knowing yourself, too.


Alright, CEOs, we’ve covered a lot of ground. From debunking myths about success to diving deep into the transformative power of the RAMS framework, it’s clear that mind hacking isn’t just a strategy—it’s a revolution. You’ve learned to set ambitious goals, cultivate a positive attitude, commit to lifelong learning, implement effective systems, embrace mindfulness, and develop emotional intelligence. These aren’t just steps; they’re the building blocks to unlocking your hidden potential and reigning supreme in your field.

But knowledge without action is just wasted potential. It’s time to put these insights into practice and start your journey towards becoming the leader you were always meant to be. You’ve got the tools, the framework, and the inspiration—now, it’s time to leap.

Take the Next Step: The Adventure Call

Your journey to extraordinary success doesn’t have to be a solo expedition. Join me for a personalized business consultation—The Adventure Call. This isn’t just another meeting; it’s an opportunity to dive deep into your unique challenges, harness the power of the RAMS framework, and craft a bespoke strategy that propels you to new heights.

Are you ready to transform your leadership, master your mind state, and achieve unstoppable success? Click the link below to schedule your Adventure Call, and let’s embark on this transformative journey together.

Schedule Your Call with Baz for RAMS Coaching Insights

Don’t just be a leader—be a legend. The adventure awaits, and it starts with one bold step. Let’s make it happen.

You’ve got this!

Advice Best Practices Growth Leadership

How to Acknowledge and Reward Your Highest Performing Franchises

A great leader motivates and empowers their team. This can be more challenging in a franchise, where the structure can create barriers between top management and individual franchise owners. How can leaders overcome these obstacles to acknowledge and motivate their franchisees effectively?

Understanding Motivations

People are driven by various factors, not just money. Competition is a significant motivator, where franchisees strive to outperform each other and rival franchises. Another powerful motivator is the desire for appreciation. Like in childhood, when praise from respected figures spurs us to excel, adults in the workplace also thrive on recognition.

The Power of Awards

Awards can effectively acknowledge efforts and inspire excellence. Common awards include:

  • Rookie of the Year: Best new franchisee.
  • Top Growth Awards: For highest sales growth in single and multiple locations.
  • Spirit of the Franchise: Exemplifying company values and mission.
  • Marketer of the Year: Best marketing strategies.
  • Top Trainer of the Year: Best use of training programs.
  • Business Development Award: Encouraging new franchisees to join.

Consider using a combination of metrics like sales volume and net promoter scores for awards. Engage franchisees in suggesting new awards and possibly include an invitation to join the franchise advisory council for a year as a form of recognition.

Effective Award Practices

  1. Transparency: Clearly explain how award winners are chosen based on measurable benchmarks to avoid perceptions of favoritism.
  2. Peer Nominations: Encourage franchisees to nominate others, emphasizing the legitimacy of the awards.
  3. Special Awards Night: Host an elegant awards ceremony, possibly with a special presenter, evening wear, and an Academy Awards-style format to enhance the experience.
  4. Travel Prizes: Offer trips as prizes, combining excursions with educational and training sessions, bringing in special speakers, and involving key vendors to add value.


By implementing these strategies, you can effectively reward and motivate your franchisees, fostering a sense of community and family within your franchise. This connection can transform your franchise from a collection of isolated locations into a cohesive and supportive network.

About Evan Hackel

As author, speaker and entrepreneur, Evan has been instrumental in launching more than 20 businesses and has managed a portfolio of brands with systemwide sales of more than $5 billion. He is the creator of Ingaged Leadership, is author of the book Ingaging Leadership: The Ultimate Edition and is a thought leader in the fields of leadership and success.

Evan is the CEO of Ingage Consulting, Delta Payment Systems, and an advisor to The Learning Network. Reach Evan at ehackel@ingagen.net, 781-820-7609 or visit www.evanhackel.com.

Advice Branding Marketing

Your Potential Franchisees Have Changed . . . Have You?

More and more of your potential franchise buyers today are members of Generation Y and Generation Z. Do you understand them? Are you sure you are selling to them in the most effective ways possible?

Just to review, members of Generation Y (who are also called millennials) were born in the 1980s and 1990s and are roughly between the ages 30 and 40 today. Members of Generation Z were born between the mid-1990s and the early 2010s. The older members of this group, who are about age 25 today, are out there shopping for franchises today too.

If you think back on the people who have visited you at franchise expos and met with members of your franchise sales team lately, you will realize that a growing majority of your potential franchisees are members of Generations Y and Z.

But are you talking to them in the right way?

What Has Changed?

A great shift has taken place in the way members of those generations shop for franchises, compared to how members of older generations did. In brief, here is one thing that has changed .

  • Members of Generation Y and Generation Z do a much larger percentage of their buying research online. They are likely to know a lot about you before they even talk to you.
  • Members of older generations, including Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) still prefer to learn about you by having conversations with real, living people.

Members of both those groups will drop by to speak with you at franchise expos. They will call you up. And if they are interested, they will want to sit down with your representatives to make the most informed buying decisions possible.

The difference is that potential franchisees from Generation Y and Z will usually know a lot more about your franchise before they have made those contacts. They will often tell you, “I have read everything on your website, and I need you to tell me more.”

How can you do a much better job recruiting those members of Gen Y and Z?

Provide a Deeper Level of Information Online

On your website and your social media channels too, be sure to provide:

  • Testimonials from your current franchisees.
  • Deeper information about who you are, what you sell, how your systems work, and more.
  • Information about the unique technology you use, because technology “speaks” to members of those younger generations.
  • In-depth information about the training you offer, because when potential franchisees understand that you offer exceptional training, they feel more confident that they will know how to succeed if they become your franchisees.
  • Still more information about your annual franchise conventions, the systems you use to communicate with franchisees, and more. The more information they know, the more confident they will feel about coming on board.

What About Securing Your Information?

I have sometimes heard franchise executives say, “I hesitate to put too much information about our system online, where anyone can see it – our competitors, for example. We have to protect ourselves.”

That is a valid concern, but keeping your information hidden from sight can be a mistake in a day when many more of your potential franchisees – those members of Generations Y and Z – want to know everything before they will consider joining your franchise family.

One solution to this problem is to include a questionnaire on your website that potential franchisees can fill out to request more in-depth information or a call from a member of your franchise sales team. On this form, you can ask potential franchisees to indicate their locations, how far along they are with their decision-making process, and of course to provide contact information. Once these potential buyers become “qualified leads” by filling out your questionnaire, you can start those conversations while feeling more secure about providing them with a level of in-depth information that you might not want to provide openly on your website for all visitors to see.