C-Suite Network™

Best Practices Skills Taxes

Maximizing Returns: Year-End Tax Strategies for Corporations and LLC’s

As the year draws to a close, savvy business owners are strategically positioning themselves for success in the upcoming tax season. For those utilizing Corporations and Limited Liability Companies (LLCs), there’s a wealth of opportunities to optimize tax outcomes. In this article, we’ll explore some year-end tax strategies that can not only minimize your tax liability but also set the stage for financial prosperity in the coming year.

Picture this: You’ve worked diligently throughout the year to grow your business, and now it’s time to reap the rewards. Year-end tax planning isn’t just about crunching numbers; it’s about unlocking hidden potential and creating a roadmap to financial success. Let’s dive into some powerful strategies that can make a significant impact on your bottom line.

1.  **Accelerate Deductions and Delay Income: **

One tried-and-true strategy is to accelerate deductible expenses into the current tax year while deferring income to the next. This could involve prepaying certain expenses or making additional purchases that qualify for deductions. By doing so, you reduce your taxable income for the current year, ultimately lowering your tax liability.

2.  **Leverage Business Credits: **

Research and identify tax credits applicable to your business. Whether it’s energy efficiency, research and development, or job creation incentives, taking advantage of available credits can lead to substantial tax savings. Reviewing the latest tax laws and credits is crucial to ensure you don’t miss out on any opportunities.

3. **Evaluate Your Entity Structure: **

Assess whether your current business structure (Corporation or LLC) is still the most tax-efficient for your situation. Changes in income, business activities, or ownership might warrant a reevaluation. Consulting with an expert can help you determine if a change in structure could result in significant tax savings.

4.  **Employee Benefits and Bonuses: **

Consider providing year-end bonuses or enhancing employee benefits. Doing so not only boosts morale but can also result in tax savings for your business. Certain employee benefits, such as retirement plan contributions, can be deductible, positively impacting your tax position.

5.  **Invest in Capital Expenditures: **

Take advantage of Section 179 deductions for qualifying capital expenditures. This provision allows businesses to deduct the full cost of qualifying equipment and property in the year it’s placed in service. Investing in necessary assets before year-end can lead to substantial tax benefits.

As the year winds down, now is the time to act. Don’t leave potential tax savings on the table. Consult with one of my experts to tailor these strategies to your specific situation. Every business is unique, and a personalized approach to year-end tax planning can make all the difference. By taking proactive steps today, you’ll not only reduce your tax liability but also position your business for a prosperous and financially sound future.

Year-end tax planning is more than just a routine task; it’s an opportunity to strategically position your business for success. By implementing these tax strategies for Corporations and LLCs, you can not only minimize your tax liability but also pave the way for a more prosperous and financially secure future. Act now, consult with one of my experts, and unlock the full potential of your business’s financial success.

Best Practices Operations Skills

Change Management Consultants

Change Management Consultants play a crucial role in guiding organizations through transitions, whether it’s implementing new technologies, processes, or cultural shifts. Here’s a top 10 list of their typical responsibilities:

  1. Assessment of Organizational Needs: Identifying the specific needs and challenges of an organization to determine the scope and impact of the change.
  2. Development of Change Strategies: Creating tailored strategies that align with the organization’s goals and objectives.
  3. Stakeholder Engagement: Engaging with key stakeholders to understand their perspectives and gain support for the change.
  4. Communication Planning: Developing and implementing a communication strategy to ensure all employees are informed and prepared for the change.
  5. Training and Development: Providing training and resources to employees to help them adapt to new systems, processes, or behaviors.
  6. Change Implementation: Overseeing the rollout of changes, ensuring they are implemented smoothly and effectively.
  7. Monitoring and Evaluation: Continuously assessing the progress of the change initiative and making adjustments as necessary.
  8. Risk Management: Identifying potential risks and challenges associated with the change and developing strategies to mitigate them.
  9. Cultural Alignment: Ensuring that the change aligns with the organization’s culture and values, and if necessary, working to shift the organizational culture to support the change.
  10. Sustaining Change: Implementing mechanisms to sustain the changes over the long term, ensuring they become integrated into the organization’s standard practices.

Change Management Consultants must be adept at navigating complex organizational dynamics, possess strong communication and leadership skills, and have a deep understanding of how people and organizations respond to change. Their role is crucial in ensuring that change initiatives are successful and achieve their intended outcomes.

Operations Personal Development Skills

When Wrong Hides an Even Better Right

Imagine having a product in your line that seems like an utter failure, a problem driving you toward solid disappointment. In reality, that problem might just be waiting to be solved. What seems wrong could be right, even if it takes a bit of thought.

What if I told you that within that very problem lies a remarkable opportunity that could transform your entire product line? That’s the power of recognizing the potential in adversity, and today, we’re about to unveil a story that will leave you in awe.

What makes a problem a problem? It all boils down to the stark contrast between our expectations and reality. It’s the clash between what we desire and what we see before us. But what if I told you that this conflict can be the birthplace of innovation and success? Take a few moments and consider Oscar the Toymaker’s situation.

Once upon a time, a toymaker named Oscar lived in a quaint little workshop in a quaint little town. He was renowned throughout the region for creating the most enchanting animated toys. His creations were imbued with a touch of magic that made them come to life, bringing joy to children and adults alike.

While Oscar was working on his latest creation, one day, a remarkable idea struck him. He envisioned a toy unlike any other – one that could walk, talk, and even dance. His eyes gleamed excitedly as he started crafting the most intricate mechanisms and enchantments he had ever attempted.

After weeks of tireless work, the animated toy was complete. It was a magnificent sight to behold. This little toy could gracefully move, recite poems, and sing songs. Oscar had high hopes for his creation, believing it would be his greatest success.

However, as soon as he activated the toy, he realized something was wrong. Instead of graceful movements, the toy stumbled and wobbled clumsily. Its voice was a jumble of garbled words, and its singing sounded like a chorus of broken instruments. The enchantment had gone awry, and Oscar’s heart sank.

Hans, a regular visitor to Oscar’s workshop, was there that day. Amazingly, He watched as the animated toy struggled to perform even the simplest tasks. Hans, always one to see potential despite setbacks, approached Oscar with a suggestion.

“Oscar,” he began, “what if we don’t see this as a failure but as an opportunity? What if we embrace the toy’s uniqueness and turn it into something extraordinary?”

Oscar, initially disheartened, was intrigued by Hans’s perspective. He asked, “What do you have in mind?”

With a glint of inspiration, Hans said, “Instead of trying to make it walk and talk perfectly, let’s make it a clown! Its stumbling and funny garbled speech could be its charm. People would love it for its quirks!”

Oscar, always open to innovation, decided to give it a try. He added a colorful, clown-like costume to the toy, complete with a red nose and oversized shoes. He adjusted the enchantments to make the toy’s movements intentionally comical and even rewired its voice to sound like a whimsical character.

The result was astonishing. The once-defective toy now had a unique and endearing personality. Children and adults alike adored its hilarious antics, and it became an instant sensation in the town. Oscar and Hans had turned what seemed like a failure into a triumph.

The animated toy, affectionately named “Gigglepop,” became the centerpiece of Oscar’s workshop, bringing joy and laughter to everyone who saw it. It was a reminder that sometimes, even when things don’t go as planned, you can turn a defect into a complete success with a bit of creativity and a dash of humor.

And so, in that quaint little workshop, Oscar and Hans learned a valuable lesson – that in every stumble, there’s an opportunity to dance, and in every garbled word, there’s a chance to create laughter.


The lesson here is clear: the best way to find opportunities within problems is to separate our desires from the cold, hard facts. Accepting reality, even temporarily, can lead to breakthrough thinking. While you may be unable to change specific immutable facts, you can change how you respond to them.

Picture a product in your line that appears to be a failure, a problem haunting your business. Now, visualize the potential hidden within that very problem. Accepting the facts and divorcing yourself from preconceived expectations unlocks the door to innovation and growth.

Hans, it’s time to turn your product’s “problem” into an astounding opportunity. Embrace the challenge, accept the facts, and let your creative thinking lead. Who knows what remarkable solutions and successes await you on the other side?

Contact us today if you’re ready to transform your product line’s failures into outrageous triumphs. We’ll guide you through finding opportunities within problems; perhaps the Oscar within you will manifest.

Don’t let problems hold you back; let them propel you forward.

To a future filled with success and innovation.


P.S. This same line of thinking may work for numerous if not all services if you think creatively.


Human Resources Personal Development Skills

Brain Training for Executives with The Kennedy Method

The Kennedy Method

John Kennedy spent much of his life understanding systems, building systems and saving some of the world’s largest companies from defective systems.

In 2007, however, his life took a less than systematic turn.

The US Marine Corps asked him to help train its troops, so that they could perform better in the most arduous situations, thereby reducing casualties.

His method of training the brain and body simultaneously – now called the Kennedy Method — forged an entirely different approach to many personal and organizational problems.

John regularly speaks at military, business, sporting and brain research conferences.

How does The Kennedy Method work?

The Kennedy Method simultaneously stimulates multiple parts of your brain and senses, while coordinating muscle movement.

As your body and brain continually adjust to this stimulation, you experience lasting neuronal changes that positively affect the way you think and do.

This robust stimulation is called applied neuroplasticity.

No other method can produce both performative and therapeutic benefits in this short amount of time, with these types of results.

And it’s all through disarmingly simple, interactive and engaging exercises.

It works at the personal and group level, honing individual skills and tightening team dynamics in engaging, powerful ways.

Moreover, organizations can use the Kennedy Method as an internal tool to enhance efficiency and effectiveness across the whole enterprise.

He works personally with well-known military figures, sports stars, CEOs and organizations.

He lives in Evanston, Illinois and travels to wherever he can be of help.

Neuroplastician, Executive Brain Coach

Got Questions? hello@thekennedymethod.co

Books Health and Wellness Skills

Neuroplasticity Exercises for Team Building

What is Neuroplasticity Exercises for Team Building?

Neuroplasticity exercises for team building focus on activities that stimulate the brain’s ability to form and reorganize synaptic connections, especially in response to learning or experience. These exercises are designed to enhance cognitive flexibility, creativity, problem-solving skills, and adaptability among team members. The idea is to create a more dynamic, innovative, and collaborative team environment. Here are some examples of such exercises:

  1. Brainstorming Sessions: Encourage free-flowing, creative thinking without immediate judgment or criticism. This can help in generating new ideas and fosters an environment of open communication and innovation.
  2. Problem-Solving Challenges: Present the team with complex problems that require creative solutions. This encourages team members to think differently and work collaboratively.
  3. Role Swapping: Have team members switch roles or responsibilities for a short period. This exercise helps in developing empathy and understanding of different job roles, enhancing teamwork and communication.
  4. Learning New Skills: Encourage team members to learn something new, either related or unrelated to their work. This could be a new language, a coding language, a musical instrument, etc. Learning new skills stimulates the brain and fosters a culture of continuous personal and professional development.
  5. Memory Games: Engage in games that challenge and improve memory. This could be remembering details about each other or recalling complex sequences of information. Such games enhance cognitive function and team bonding.
  6. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practices like mindfulness and meditation can help in reducing stress, improving focus, and increasing cognitive flexibility. Team meditation sessions can also enhance group cohesion.
  7. Storytelling Exercises: Encourage team members to share stories, either personal or fictional. This helps in fostering creativity, empathy, and understanding within the team.
  8. Physical Activities: Engage in physical exercises or sports as a team. Physical activity is known to boost brain health, and doing it as a team can strengthen relationships and team spirit.
  9. Improvisation Workshops: Improv activities require quick thinking and adaptability, encouraging team members to be more spontaneous and innovative.
  10. Puzzles and Brain Teasers: Solving complex puzzles and brain teasers as a team can improve problem-solving skills and encourage collaborative thinking.
  11. Cross-Training: Allow team members to train in different aspects of the company’s operations. This not only increases the team’s overall skill set but also promotes a better understanding of different roles and functions within the organization.

These exercises can be tailored to suit the specific needs and characteristics of a team. The key is to engage in activities that are challenging, fun, and different from the team’s regular routines, thereby stimulating neuroplasticity and fostering a more dynamic and effective team environment.

Neuroplasticity Exercises

Neuroplasticity exercises are activities designed to stimulate the brain’s ability to change and adapt by forming new neural connections. These exercises can enhance cognitive abilities, improve memory, and help in recovering from brain injuries or overcoming learning difficulties. Here are some effective neuroplasticity exercises:

  1. Brain Teasers and Puzzles: Engaging in brain teasers, puzzles like Sudoku, crosswords, or jigsaw puzzles stimulates different parts of the brain, improving problem-solving skills and attention to detail.
  2. Learning New Skills: Taking up a new hobby or learning a new skill, such as playing a musical instrument, learning a new language, or even a new sport, can enhance brain function and encourage the growth of new neural pathways.
  3. Physical Exercise: Regular physical exercise, especially aerobic exercises like walking, running, swimming, or cycling, increases blood flow to the brain and can improve overall brain health and cognitive function.
  4. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practices like mindfulness and meditation have been shown to alter brain structures involved in attention, self-awareness, and compassion. They can also reduce stress, which is beneficial for brain health.
  5. Memory Training: Engaging in memory exercises, like trying to remember lists, practicing recall of past events, or using mnemonic devices, can enhance memory and cognitive abilities.
  6. Reading and Continuous Learning: Regular reading and keeping oneself engaged in continuous learning challenge the brain and keep it active, which is essential for maintaining cognitive health.
  7. Social Interaction: Engaging in meaningful social interactions stimulates regions of the brain involved in emotional regulation and complex thinking. Social activities also often involve memory and attentive listening, which are good for brain health.
  8. Healthy Diet: Consuming a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins can support brain health and promote neuroplasticity. Foods like fish, nuts, berries, and leafy greens are particularly beneficial.
  9. Sleep and Rest: Adequate sleep is crucial for brain health. Sleep helps consolidate memory and allows the brain to rest and repair itself, enhancing its plasticity.
  10. Art and Creativity: Activities like drawing, painting, or crafting engage different parts of the brain and can stimulate creativity and problem-solving skills.
  11. Changing Routines: Altering daily routines, such as using the non-dominant hand for regular tasks, exploring new routes to work, or rearranging the workspace, can challenge the brain and foster flexibility.
  12. Mental Visualization: The practice of visualizing actions, processes, or outcomes engages the brain in a similar way to actually performing the action and can be a powerful tool for enhancing motor skills and cognitive function.

Incorporating these exercises into daily life can help in maintaining and improving brain health and cognitive function over time. It’s important to choose activities that are both challenging and enjoyable to ensure consistent engagement.

Neuroplasticity Books

Our Network Member provides the needed training in several formats using the method that:

We exist because we have a fundamental belief in the power of humanity.

We exist to help human beings reach a potential they previously only dreamed of.

We exist to see our clients get results in real life, not in games on their phones.

We exist to help our clients see success in exactly the areas they want to succeed.

We exist to foster new ways to help the brain and body work as one, to help create a healthier, happier and more successful world.

We exist to brings teams of people together in instinctive harmony, rather than individual conflict.

We exist to bring enlightenment of the brain’s true capabilities, so that humanity can tap into its own innate strengths.

Most of all, we exist to be a force for good in a world where good isn’t always prized.

Neuroplasticity Therapy

Training for business, while it can involve some elements that stimulate neuroplasticity, is not the same as neuroplasticity therapy. Let’s differentiate between the two:

  1. Business Training: Business training typically focuses on developing specific skills relevant to business functions, such as leadership, management, communication, financial acumen, strategy, and technical skills relevant to a particular industry or role. The primary goal is to improve job performance, enhance productivity, and drive business success. While business training can challenge the brain and encourage learning and adaptability (which are related to neuroplasticity), its primary focus is not on altering brain function or structure.
  2. Neuroplasticity Therapy: Neuroplasticity therapy, on the other hand, is often used in a clinical or rehabilitative context. It aims to leverage the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections. This type of therapy is used to recover lost functions (such as after a stroke or brain injury), manage neurological conditions, or overcome learning disabilities. It involves exercises and activities specifically designed to stimulate brain function and promote the formation of new neural pathways.

While there is some overlap – both business training and neuroplasticity therapy involve learning and adapting – their objectives and methodologies are distinct. Business training is about acquiring and refining skills and knowledge for professional development, whereas neuroplasticity therapy is a therapeutic approach aimed at healing or improving cognitive functions through targeted brain exercises.

However, it’s worth noting that engaging in continuous learning and challenging one’s cognitive abilities through business training can have positive effects on the brain, akin to the principles of neuroplasticity. Learning new skills, problem-solving, and adapting to new challenges can all contribute to maintaining a healthy, adaptable brain, but this is a byproduct of business training, not its primary goal.

Neuroplastician Leadership Coach

How to hire an expert Neuroplastician for your business or team!


Powerful Delegation Strategies for Franchise Success


By Evan Hackel

Delegation is a fundamental skill for all successful business professionals. However, I contend that it is especially critical for franchise owners aiming to manage multiple franchise locations while ensuring their overall success and growth.

Many franchise owners struggle with delegation. They often follow a familiar pattern:

  1. Starting Small: An owner begins by purchasing a single franchise and invests significant effort to make it thrive. This hands-on approach becomes ingrained as they continue to closely oversee every aspect of the business.
  2. Scaling Challenges: Transitioning from a sole location owner to managing several or many franchises can be daunting. Even within a single location, growth can pose similar difficulties.
  3. The Supervisor’s Dilemma: As the business expands, one supervisor cannot be everywhere. At this juncture, the owner faces a crucial decision: hire competent employees, trust them, and delegate responsibilities.
  4. Shifting Supervision Styles: The same hands-on supervision that led to initial success must evolve. Effective delegation requires relinquishing some control.

Steps Toward Successful Delegation

  1. Define Roles Clearly: Before hiring, establish a clear vision for each role. Are you hiring someone to open new locations, manage staffing (HR), or oversee retail and sales? Seek individuals with relevant experience, aptitude, and skills for specific tasks.
  2. Choose Delegatable Individuals: Look for candidates who embrace input and suggestions. During interviews, assess their attitude. Will they be open to delegation?
  3. Effective Communication: Ensure candidates understand instructions promptly. Effective listeners who grasp expectations quickly are valuable. And remember that if you have to repeat instructions, that can lead to micromanagement.
  4. Training and Trust: Provide comprehensive training in critical job skills. Once confident in your team’s abilities, loosen your grip on details. Shift focus from working in the business to working on its expansion.

Remember, successful delegation empowers growth and frees you to tackle broader business challenges.


Branding Personal Development Skills

Elevate Your Executive Job Interviews: Mastering Personal Branding Strategies

In the competitive landscape of senior leadership roles, mastering the art of the job interview is crucial. Senior leaders, from VPs to C-Suite executives, need an approach that combines thorough research, self-discovery, and impeccable communication skills. In this article, we’ll explore six essential strategies that contribute to success. By delving into the company’s ethos, understanding your brand pillars, and perfecting your narrative, you can leave a lasting impression that aligns your skills with the organization’s needs.

Thorough Research:

Begin your interview preparation by delving into the company’s background, understanding its mission and values, and staying updated with recent news. Simultaneously, focus on researching the position you’re applying for, to understand its role in the company’s larger goals and strategies.

Self-Discovery and Personal Brand Pillars:

Identify your unique qualities and what sets you apart from others in your field. Pinpoint three key things you want to be known for and determine the search terms that best define your professional identity. Understanding your brand pillars forms the foundation of your narrative, both for interviews and your LinkedIn profile. The higher the position you aspire to, the more important your self-awareness will be to the interviewer, as leaders are also standard-bearers for the company.

Craft Your Narrative:

Develop an authentic personal narrative encompassing the successes and challenges you’ve overcome in your career. Articulate your achievements and how you’ve learned and grown from adversity. Be prepared to discuss failures openly, emphasizing the valuable lessons you’ve gained and your ability to adapt and improve.

Practice and Preparation:

Create a list of talking points and stories highlighting your achievements, emphasizing your abilities and strengths. Rehearse your responses to common interview questions, ensuring your answers are clear, confident, and concise. Authenticity is key; represent yourself genuinely, aligning your skills and experiences with the specific needs of the company you are interviewing with.

Active Listening and Probing Questions:

During the interview, demonstrate your curiosity and active listening skills. Inquire about the reason behind the position being open. Ask insightful questions about how success in the role will be evaluated, showcasing your commitment to delivering results and contributing meaningfully to the organization.

Express Genuine Interest and Gratitude:

Ask if there are any concerns the interviewer may have, displaying your openness to feedback and willingness to address potential issues. Express your genuine interest in the role, outlining specific ways you can contribute to the organization’s success. Finally, thank the interviewer in person and through a thoughtful follow-up email or handwritten note,.

As a senior leader, your journey to success depends on your ability to articulate your unique value proposition. Thorough research about the company and position, combined with deep self-discovery and a compelling narrative, form the foundation. Through active listening, insightful questions, and genuine expressions of interest, you bridge the gap between competence and connection. Mastering these techniques transforms interviews into opportunities to showcase not only your qualifications but also your fit within the company’s culture. Remember, an executive interview isn’t just an assessment; it’s a conversation where your story, skills, and aspirations shape the future, both for you and the organization you’re destined to lead.


If you are looking for personal branding and LinkedIn support, check out my website for the assistance that is right for you. My online course and award-winning book, LinkedIn for the Savvy Executive: Promote Your Brand with Authenticity, Tact and Power, 2nd Ed. are affordable for all. Senior leaders can benefit from my one-on-one executive brand coaching and done-for-you profiles.

Over the past decade, I’ve helped countless C-level and senior executive clients use LinkedIn to frame conversations, impress customers, and introduce themselves before their first conversation. The American Reporter has recognized me as one of the Top 6 Personal Branding Experts. Along the way, I wrote the award-winning book LinkedIn for the Savvy Executive-2nd Edition. It’s received BookAuthority’s Best LinkedIn Books of All Time award, gold status in two categories from International Book Awards, and was named one of the Top 100+ Best Business Books by The C-Suite Network.

Let me help you explore your brand pillars, build your brand story, and use this essential business tool effectively.

Do your due diligence through my website and LinkedIn profile. Then, contact me for a complimentary Executive Discover Call here.

Growth Operations Skills

Choosing the RIGHT Business Growth Consultant for Your Company


You’re thinking you might need to invest in a business growth consultant for your small business. But you don’t know where to begin or how to select the best one for your business.

A business growth consultant plays a pivotal role for companies aiming to expand, acting as a linchpin that connects vision with tangible success. These seasoned professionals offer a reservoir of experience, industry-specific knowledge, and analytical skills designed to facilitate the expansion process.

Navigating the turbulent waters of business expansion is daunting, and missteps can be costly. A growth consultant provides an external, objective perspective, helping identify opportunities and threats that internal teams might overlook. With a consultant’s eagle-eyed view, businesses can steer clear of common pitfalls and align their strategies more effectively with market dynamics.

Business scaling often demands a unique set of skills and expertise that might not be readily available in-house. Consultants specialize in various aspects of business growth, from market analysis and entry strategies to organizational development and change management. Although consultants may not know everything that goes into each aspect of scaling a business, they surround themselves with the experts who help to guide you along the path. They bring to the table a wealth of knowledge and a toolkit brimming with proven strategies and innovative approaches, providing immediate value.

Furthermore, time is of the essence in business. Engaging a growth consultant accelerates the expansion process. With their guidance, companies can fast-track their growth initiatives, reduce the learning curve, and swiftly adjust to new market conditions, gaining a valuable head start over competitors.

Finally, a consultant helps in fostering a growth mindset within the organization. They introduce fresh perspectives, encourage innovative thinking, and help instill a proactive approach toward identifying and capitalizing on growth opportunities.

Selecting the RIGHT Consultant

Selecting the right consultant is a cornerstone for businesses poised for growth. The ideal consultant is a treasure trove of valuable insights and strategies, serving as a beacon guiding firms through the labyrinth of expansion with confidence and precision.

They understand the subtle nuances of your industry, offering insights that are not only relevant but also crucially timely. These insights, refined through years of experience and expertise, become the compass that directs your business toward opportunities while navigating away from potential threats. They understand the market dynamics, consumer behavior, and emerging trends, providing a lens that brings clarity to your vision and sharpens your strategic focus.

Strategically, the consultant crafts tailored approaches that resonate with your business’s unique identity and goals. They design robust, agile strategies that respond adeptly to the ever-shifting market terrain, ensuring that your growth trajectory is not only upward but also sustainable. With their support, your business can anticipate and mitigate risks, seize opportunities proactively, and drive growth with assured momentum.

What qualities should you be looking for in a growth consultant?

Identifying the right business growth consultant means understanding the fundamental qualities that differentiate the exceptional from the mediocre. There are many consultants ready and able to work with you to position your business for scalable growth. Following are some of the key qualities you should look for when selecting a consultant.

  • Experience & Expertise: Experience and expertise act as the twin pillars supporting a consultant’s capability to provide value. A consultant rich in experience brings a deep reservoir of knowledge, honed skills, and a nuanced understanding of the industry’s landscape. Look for someone who has navigated through diverse business climates. These consultants have experience in anticipating challenges, propose solutions, and are able to guide your business through complex scenarios with finesse. Expertise, on the other hand, refers to specialization in your specific industry. An expert consultant speaks your language, comprehends the unique intricacies of your sector, and offers advice that is both pertinent and practical. Together, experience and expertise provide a foundation of reliability and relevance, essential for your business’s growth journey.
  • Reputation & References: Reputation is the silent testimonial of a consultant’s worth. A stellar reputation is often carved through consistency, reliability, and positive outcomes delivered over time. Positive references reinforce this reputation, providing tangible proof of the consultant’s competence and success. Engaging with references can unveil the consultant’s working style, approach to problem-solving, and relationship with clients, thereby aiding in making an informed decision.
  • Communication Skills: I would rank this higher up on the qualifications scale. Clear and effective communication is non-negotiable. The finest strategies and insights are futile if not communicated efficiently. There are a number of excellent resources out there to choose from. However, a consultant with superior communication skills ensures that ideas are not just conveyed but understood and internalized by your team. They don’t speak over the heads of your team, using terminology and explanations that are difficult for the average small business owner to understand. Clarity fosters a collaborative atmosphere, wherein strategies are aligned, objectives are clear, and everyone is on the same page. Effective communication also facilitates feedback loops, encouraging open dialogue, and continuous improvement.
  • Adaptability: In the dynamic tapestry of the business world, adaptability is key. Markets evolve, technologies advance, and consumer preferences shift – sometimes unpredictably. A consultant with the agility to adapt is invaluable. They not only respond to change but leverage it, turning potential disruption into opportunity. Their flexibility allows them to tailor strategies that fit your business’s evolving needs, ensuring that growth plans remain resilient and relevant amidst the fluctuating business environment.


In conclusion, when selecting a business growth consultant, prioritize experience and expertise, reputation and references, communication skills, and adaptability. These qualities collectively form a profile of a consultant equipped to navigate, strategize, and support your business’s growth with acumen and reliability. With the right consultant, your business is not just growing; it’s evolving, adapting, and thriving in a landscape of endless possibilities.

MarketAtomy LLC delivers expert knowledge and demonstrated experience in the realm of business expansion. Collaborating with leaders of micro and small businesses, we’ve established a dynamic ecosystem conducive to the exchange of information and efficient resource management. This well-structured ecosystem serves as a comprehensive hub providing information, education, mentorship, coaching, and guidance. It is expertly crafted to support small business leaders by offering solutions and insights as they navigate through the stages of growing and scaling their enterprises. For more information go to www.marketatomy.com.

Best Practices Personal Development Skills

The Fruit of Leadership

Just as fresh fruit can elevate a meal from ordinary to extraordinary, a leader must also be imbued with passion. But passion, though vibrant and compelling, is just the starting point. Picture it as the ignition key: crucial for starting the engine, setting ideas in motion, rallying a team, and illuminating the path to a brighter future. However, it’s the initial spark, and a spark alone cannot sustain the journey.

Insightful leaders are acutely aware of this. They understand that while passion sets the stage, it’s just the opening act in the grand opera of leadership. For the story to indeed unfold, for visions to manifest into realities, another element must be introduced: diligence.

Enter diligence, the unsung hero. As passion takes its bow, diligence steps into the spotlight. It’s the steady hand on the ship’s wheel, guiding through stormy seas, unforeseen barriers, and detours. Where passion provides the whirlwind of inspiration and drive, diligence translates it into a structured roadmap. It ensures that this roadmap is aspirational and achievable, leading to tangible, impactful outcomes.

Together, passion and diligence don’t just coexist; they harmonize, creating an influential symphony of leadership that resonates and inspires.

Here are ten truths about the dynamic interplay of passion and diligence that leaders are well-versed in:

  • Where passion envisions a horizon, diligence charts the navigational route

Passion is that indomitable spirit, that burning desire to achieve something grand. It’s what paints a vivid picture of the future. However, a vision without a plan is merely a dream. That’s where diligence steps in. Diligence is the meticulous process of planning every step, foreseeing challenges and plotting a course to reach the envisioned horizon. Together, these attributes make a leader’s journey both inspiring and practical.


  • While passion magnetizes a team, diligence fashions its framework

A passionate leader is charismatic, drawing like-minded individuals towards a shared goal. This magnetic pull is the heart of team formation. Yet, a robust structure is paramount for a team to function efficiently. Diligence ensures that the team has a clear direction, roles are well-defined, and every member understands their contribution to the larger mission.


  • As passion fosters sound judgments, diligence drives their execution

Passion enables leaders to make decisions that resonate with their core values and long-term vision. These decisions are both heartfelt and strategic. But a decision without action remains a thought. Diligence is the force that ensures these judgments are acted upon, tasks are completed, and goals are methodically pursued.


  • Passion lays the cornerstone of values, whereas diligence embodies them in actions

Passion instills a set of core values that guide every choice and action. It’s the foundation upon which ethical and meaningful leadership is built. But values are not just to be believed but to be lived. These values consistently manifest with diligence in day-to-day actions, building trust and respect among peers and subordinates.


  • While passion dreams of a thriving culture, diligence puts the bricks in place

Passion dreams of creating an environment where everyone thrives, ideas flourish, and creativity is encouraged. But dreaming alone won’t develop this culture. Diligence takes on the role of a master builder, putting systems, policies, and practices in place to foster the desired culture.


  • Passion outlines the destination, and diligence architects the voyage

Passion tells you where you want to go, providing a clear end goal. It’s the guiding star. But how do you get there? That’s the job of diligence. It maps out the journey, anticipates challenges, ensures resources are in place, and continuously checks if the path aligns with the desired destination.


  • As passion designs priorities, diligence executes the blueprint

In the cacophony of tasks and challenges, passion helps leaders prioritize what’s truly important. It sets the agenda. Diligence, on the other hand, ensures that these priorities are addressed in the correct order, with the right resources, and at the right time.


  • While passion sows the seeds of ideas, diligence transforms them into reality

Passion is the birthplace of innovation. It’s where groundbreaking ideas emerge. Yet, an idea without execution remains intangible. Diligence is the gardener that nurtures these seeds, watering them, providing sunlight, and ensuring they grow into full-fledged realities.


  • Passion goads personal growth, and diligence guides the transformation

Passion pushes leaders to evolve, learn, and better themselves constantly. It’s the internal drive for self-improvement. Diligence, meanwhile, is the mentor ensuring that this growth is structured, meaningful, and in alignment with both personal and organizational goals.


  • As passion fuels innovation, diligence propels its realization

The future belongs to those who innovate. Passion is the fire that sparks innovative thoughts, pushing boundaries and challenging the status quo. But innovation must be brought to life to truly make an impact. That’s where diligence comes in, ensuring every innovative idea is tested, refined, and finally introduced to the world.



Remember, it’s an embrace, a dance, not a competition. Passion and diligence aren’t opposing forces but partners, intricately twining like grapevines in a vineyard, each supporting the other’s growth and strength.

While passion may dazzle and captivate with its vibrant allure, it’s akin to a wine’s bouquet – enticing but fleeting. Diligence, in contrast, represents the depth and body of the wine, giving it character and longevity. Without the methodical nurturing of diligence, the fiery enthusiasm of passion can evaporate, leaving behind mere aromatic traces.

So, as you pour the robust wine of passion into your leadership goblet, ensure you balance it with the structured body of diligence. Much like a perfectly aged Bordeaux, this nuanced blend creates a legacy of achievements that shine in the moment and stand the test of time.

Author’s Note

Many of you know me and my affection and respect for top-quality red wines. I have been known to boast of my keen ability to rescue a glass of cabernet sauvignon from death by evaporation. I am no stranger to fresh fruit when paired with a lovely cheese joined with water crackers.

I do my best when sipping a glass of the profound scarlet gift from God so I can attest to the passion encompassing leadership, just as I have tried to describe it.


Best Practices Personal Development Skills

The Fruit of Leadership

Just as fresh fruit can elevate a meal from ordinary to extraordinary, a leader must also be imbued with passion. But passion, though vibrant and compelling, is just the starting point. Picture it as the ignition key: crucial for starting the engine, setting ideas in motion, rallying a team, and illuminating the path to a brighter future. However, it’s the initial spark, and a spark alone cannot sustain the journey.

Insightful leaders are acutely aware of this. They understand that while passion sets the stage, it’s just the opening act in the grand opera of leadership. For the story to indeed unfold, for visions to manifest into realities, another element must be introduced: diligence.

Enter diligence, the unsung hero. As passion takes its bow, diligence steps into the spotlight. It’s the steady hand on the ship’s wheel, guiding through stormy seas, unforeseen barriers, and detours. Where passion provides the whirlwind of inspiration and drive, diligence translates it into a structured roadmap. It ensures that this roadmap is aspirational and achievable, leading to tangible, impactful outcomes.

Together, passion and diligence don’t just coexist; they harmonize, creating an influential symphony of leadership that resonates and inspires.

Here are ten truths about the dynamic interplay of passion and diligence that leaders are well-versed in:

  • Where passion envisions a horizon, diligence charts the navigational route

Passion is that indomitable spirit, that burning desire to achieve something grand. It’s what paints a vivid picture of the future. However, a vision without a plan is merely a dream. That’s where diligence steps in. Diligence is the meticulous process of planning every step, foreseeing challenges and plotting a course to reach the envisioned horizon. Together, these attributes make a leader’s journey both inspiring and practical.


  • While passion magnetizes a team, diligence fashions its framework

A passionate leader is charismatic, drawing like-minded individuals towards a shared goal. This magnetic pull is the heart of team formation. Yet, a robust structure is paramount for a team to function efficiently. Diligence ensures that the team has a clear direction, roles are well-defined, and every member understands their contribution to the larger mission.


  • As passion fosters sound judgments, diligence drives their execution

Passion enables leaders to make decisions that resonate with their core values and long-term vision. These decisions are both heartfelt and strategic. But a decision without action remains a thought. Diligence is the force that ensures these judgments are acted upon, tasks are completed, and goals are methodically pursued.


  • Passion lays the cornerstone of values, whereas diligence embodies them in actions

Passion instills a set of core values that guide every choice and action. It’s the foundation upon which ethical and meaningful leadership is built. But values are not just to be believed but to be lived. These values consistently manifest with diligence in day-to-day actions, building trust and respect among peers and subordinates.


  • While passion dreams of a thriving culture, diligence puts the bricks in place

Passion dreams of creating an environment where everyone thrives, ideas flourish, and creativity is encouraged. But dreaming alone won’t develop this culture. Diligence takes on the role of a master builder, putting systems, policies, and practices in place to foster the desired culture.


  • Passion outlines the destination, and diligence architects the voyage

Passion tells you where you want to go, providing a clear end goal. It’s the guiding star. But how do you get there? That’s the job of diligence. It maps out the journey, anticipates challenges, ensures resources are in place, and continuously checks if the path aligns with the desired destination.


  • As passion designs priorities, diligence executes the blueprint

In the cacophony of tasks and challenges, passion helps leaders prioritize what’s truly important. It sets the agenda. Diligence, on the other hand, ensures that these priorities are addressed in the correct order, with the right resources, and at the right time.


  • While passion sows the seeds of ideas, diligence transforms them into reality

Passion is the birthplace of innovation. It’s where groundbreaking ideas emerge. Yet, an idea without execution remains intangible. Diligence is the gardener that nurtures these seeds, watering them, providing sunlight, and ensuring they grow into full-fledged realities.


  • Passion goads personal growth, and diligence guides the transformation

Passion pushes leaders to evolve, learn, and better themselves constantly. It’s the internal drive for self-improvement. Diligence, meanwhile, is the mentor ensuring that this growth is structured, meaningful, and in alignment with both personal and organizational goals.


  • As passion fuels innovation, diligence propels its realization

The future belongs to those who innovate. Passion is the fire that sparks innovative thoughts, pushing boundaries and challenging the status quo. But innovation must be brought to life to truly make an impact. That’s where diligence comes in, ensuring every innovative idea is tested, refined, and finally introduced to the world.



Remember, it’s an embrace, a dance, not a competition. Passion and diligence aren’t opposing forces but partners, intricately twining like grapevines in a vineyard, each supporting the other’s growth and strength.

While passion may dazzle and captivate with its vibrant allure, it’s akin to a wine’s bouquet – enticing but fleeting. Diligence, in contrast, represents the depth and body of the wine, giving it character and longevity. Without the methodical nurturing of diligence, the fiery enthusiasm of passion can evaporate, leaving behind mere aromatic traces.

So, as you pour the robust wine of passion into your leadership goblet, ensure you balance it with the structured body of diligence. Much like a perfectly aged Bordeaux, this nuanced blend creates a legacy of achievements that shine in the moment and stand the test of time.

Author’s Note

Many of you know me and my affection and respect for top-quality red wines. I have been known to boast of my keen ability to rescue a glass of cabernet sauvignon from death by evaporation. I am no stranger to fresh fruit when paired with a lovely cheese joined with water crackers.

I do my best when sipping a glass of the profound scarlet gift from God so I can attest to the passion encompassing leadership, just as I have tried to describe it.
