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“Getting up, Getting over, and Getting on. I want to show you how in under 10 minutes, you can be Getting On with… Financial Dignity. I will attempt to combine over 40 yrs experience helping others to achieve fiscal health upon divorce.

Two parts “the problems and some solutions for today and tomorrow. It has been said that “two can live as cheaply as one” what we have now for many is:  One will now live more expensively than two. What we have is a loss of economy of scale. We now have two residences, two separate health policies, and sets of everything from autos to flatware. Additionally, we lose multi-car insurance discounts; the list continues. These problems are on top of our country’s dismal economic future.

 A few years back, I heard this story. A couple went for a walk in the woods and deviated somewhat from the trail, where they happened upon an old wishing well. Intrigued, the wife went first tossing in a coin, and she made a wish and walked away. As she walked away, she heard a splash and turned. The husband was gone, she gasped, “Oh my god, I can’t believe it works.”

Another story this one is not funny: a man and a woman both earn the same income, have the same job titles, and have the same amount in their 401(k)s. Both work for progressive companies that treat different sexes equally; everything is identical. Who gets the bigger monthly pension check- the male? Why? Longevity women usually live longer and will collect for a more extended period. (Same reason men pay more than women for life insurance- they die sooner).

Must change all legal six must-have documents, inc beneficiary forms 401(k), etc. company and personally owned life insurance*

  1. Will
  2. Power of Attorney for financial
  3. Power of Attorney for healthcare  
  4. HIPAA release
  5. Medical directive
  6. Retirement plan beneficiaries


For future planning: 

Idea one: A 50-50 split may leave the women short when splitting assets. You must factor in retirement assets differently. (Ask how much these dollars will produce in income future) and most importantly. It would be best if you planned more safely for these assets much differently than when married.

Idea Two: Reduce taxes. It sounds basic, but we need to do three things:

  • Reduce current taxes
  • Plan future taxes 
  • Now for the critical part plan to use the tax saving to bolster your savings and retirement income. In others, words use Uncle Sam’s money for you. A big issue is avoiding and reducing taxes on your S.S. benefits.  

Idea Three:   Understand Social Security benefits, how, when, and on whom to collect. You can collect on an ex-spouse (if married for ten years). Did you know you can collect on both? They can be staggered in certain circumstances:  the Ex first, then your own, or you first, then the ex. It would be best if you planned to maximize this income, and the laws are complex.

Idea Four: use the “Old Age Roth,” which will ensure your later years are spent living with dignity and not relying on others. 

Idea Five: You must provide a lifetime income stream that CANOT be outlived.

Idea Six: use the Dollar Multiplier in everything you do. Get three dollars in value for every dollar. Like getting low or no cost Long term care coverage attached to a retirement plan or life insurance.


For more Healthy Money Tips Listen to our PodCast “Money 911”

Meet with Kris Miller – Financial Fitness Strategy Sessions



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Women Supporting Women

Did you know it’s National Women’s History Month? As a female business owner and entrepreneur, I’d like to say THANK YOU to all those who came before me and paved the way. Sometimes, being a strong powerful woman can feel very isolating. We all know the irreplaceable value of a strong, inclusive, loving support group. From childhood to parenthood, small networks of family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and classmates give us a sense of belonging, protection, and camaraderie.

Support feeds the soul.

Getting the right support is crucial. Whether your kid won’t stop yelling your name or your coworker is clicking their pen incessantly, there are times when you’re frustrated and stressed out. All you want is the sympathetic voice of a friend who knows what you’re going through (and maybe a glass of wine).

You may have been disconnected from your usual support systems in recent seasons of life. I’ve discovered that a great podcast can help rebuild a sense of community. Listening to a wonderful podcast host feels a bit like a conversation with a wise and empathetic friend.

I’ve had the honor of collaborating with several incredible podcasts within the Conscious Parenting Revolution platform. If you’d like a little female camaraderie and support, I encourage you to listen (and subscribe!) to these fantastic shows.


Rachel Harrington and Jessica Hill are certified occupational therapy assistants whose mission is to help families practice health and wellness in their daily lives. They’re light-hearted, funny, intelligent women with a fresh perspective on healthy family dynamics. Listen to my episode with Rachel and Jessica here.


Melissa Brown addresses the challenges of having an extended and blended home life with personal stories based on her own family. She tackles difficult topics like having a healthy divorce, managing relationships between non-biological siblings, and “time sharing” with an ex. Her episodes aim to help blended families not only co-exist, but thrive. Listen to my episode with Melissa here.


In our world full of bright, shiny objects, we all need some advice on managing distractions. Dr. Ned Hallowell, a New York Times best-selling author and ADHD expert, lends his expertise on minimizing distractions in your daily life. His bright, enthusiastic show offers practical advice and shows how issues like ADHD can transform into strengths. Listen to my episode with Dr. Ned here.


Jess Gaertner and Laura Bruner embody modern motherhood: Laura is a certified nutrition consultant, Jess is a licensed athletic trainer with a master’s degree in kinesthesiology, both are CrossFit trainers, and mamas to their babies—whew! They interview guests about fertility, pregnancy, parenting, fitness, and holistic health and spirituality. This duo is a blast to listen to! Listen to my episode with Jess and Laura here.


A direct connection into the world of “Trailblazers” who openly share their journeys to success. From step-by-step tips on building their businesses to how they overcame insurmountable odds and turned their dreams into realities. Tune in to our International Women’s Day LIVE Event March 8th!


Bringing you the latest wisdom and neuroscience on how to manifest your goals in life and create abundance in wealth, love, health, relationships. She is the creator of the world renowned meditational behavioral synchronicity (MBS) method. By listening to this podcast, you will learn how to refocus your mindset and thought processes with practical and mindful exercises that you can begin right here, right now, simply by pressing play. Listen to my podcast episode here.


Which episode was your favorite? Hit reply and let me know!

Love and blessings,


P.S. I am thrilled to be part of the 3rd Annual International Women’s Day Marathon!! An event featuring over 25 live interviews hosted by my good friend, TGo, showcasing successful women from small business entrepreneurs to trailblazers from around the world. On March 8, 2023, from 9-5pm PT, you can watch this event for FREE, streamed live from the comfort of your own home. You will have the opportunity to hear from remarkable women who have made a significant impact in their respective fields, inspiring and empowering you to achieve your own goals. This inspiring event is made possible by NOW – the Network Of Outstanding Women, and is sponsored in part by PodNation TV and JD3TV networks. I can’t wait to share with you! iwdm.live


Growth Technology

First Female CTO Of The U.S. Megan Smith Hopes Tech’s History Can Repeat Itself

Megan Smith addressing a gathering of residents of Cheyenne, WY to discuss job opportunities in tech.

American talent is ubiquitous, with entrepreneurial wunderkinds as likely to be born in our heartlands as on our coasts. The problem has been that we’ve done a really unequal job of scouting and scaling it. There are 6 million young people not in school or working, 12 million experienced skilled workers who need to re-train, and 1.5 million veterans who are unemployed or reentering the civilian workforce, all at a time when we have 500,000 open American tech and programming jobs. This matters for more than just the tech sector; who fills these jobs will dictate who sits at the table for many of our key cultural and political decisions over the next generation. Enter Megan Smith and the Tech Jobs Tour. Smith is a former Vice President at Google and the 3rd and first female Chief Technology Officer of the United States. Despite her ever-changing and ever-more-impressive titles, Smith would be the first to tell you she has the same job now she’s always had: evangelist. To watch her work a room is magic, instilling in anyone within earshot both that technology is a large part of our future and that there are no barriers to participation.

Most central to her message, however, is the key insight that is most often lost: not only is inclusivity a part of technology’s future, it was also a seminal part of its past. Ada Lovelace, for example, an English woman born in 1812, was the first computer programmer; Katherine G. Johnson, an African-American woman featured in the Oscar-nominated film Hidden Figures, helped put NASA astronauts on the moon and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2015; Grace Hopper invented coding itself; in President Obama’s words: “If Edison is light and Wright is flight, Hopper is code”.

History books often overlook and under-tell these stories, opting instead to lionize male inventors; for all the stereotypes of the “brogrammer,” we forget that technology – like most things – was birthed by remarkable women. They forgot to teach you all this in 11th grade. As Smith tells it: “So much of my work…


Capital Case Studies Entrepreneurship Growth Investing Mergers & Acquisition Technology Wealth

WATCH: High School Dropout Turns $500 Website into $35 Million Fortune Using This Platform…

Meet the Former MMA fighter, high school dropout, and single father who had absolutely zero business background bought a business for $500 on an online business flipping site. 9 years later, his business is doing $35 million a year.

His advice to you? “Don’t start a business, buy one.”

Here’s how you can do it too…


But first, here’s a quick background on Ramon Van Meer

Today Ramon Van Meer is the CEO and founder of Alpha Paw, a website for pet owners that offers products for every dog breed-specific health issue. Ramon bought the business for $300k and has built it to $35M in revenue within three years.


Where’d he get the money to buy it? Through a series of website flips that started with a small content blog about financial credit, a site he bout on Flippa for $500. He promoted it and built a small following and sold it. He did that again about 3-4 more sites.

You can watch Ramon’s incredible exit story below or listen to it in the Quiet Light podcast, but want I wanted to show you, is the site Ramon and thousands of others go to buy and sell websites. Flippa.com.




Want to Buy or Sell a Website? Meet Flippa.com

Flippa.com is an auction site where you can buy and sell internet businesses. Don’t know how to code or build a membership site or dropping shipping store? No problem, just buy one.


What Can You Buy and Sell on Flippa?

Flippa lets you can buy and sell websites, drop shipping stores, domains, and even mobile apps. The portal is aimed to assist website owners in selling their websites as well as assisting others in purchasing established websites, domains drop shipping sites, and mobile apps.

Sites can range from just created with zero revenue to multi-million in reoccurring sales…

If you’re interested in learning more about how to use Flippa and the pros and cons of the platform, check out this full report and guide from Niches Pursuits.


For more information visit tylerhayzlett.com

Accounting Branding Capital Case Studies Economics Investing IT Leadership Mergers & Acquisition News and Politics Operations Technology

WATCH: Inside the Ever Unfolding TOSHIBA Scandal

Toshiba is a brand that’s been drowning in scandals for years. Including a recent one that involved overstating it’s profits to shareholders by $1.2 billion which resulted in the resignation of their CEO.

The company was once one of the most innovative businesses on the planet, they produced one of the first laptops. They were credited as being the first company to mass produce one. Chances are you owned one…

They were sued and settled to pay $1billion in a class action lawsuit for faulty equipment.

Despite being such an innovative company, Toshiba has experienced some massive setbacks over the years that have resulted from a combination of both poor business decisions and public scandals.

This video y Company Man highlights the most notable ones. Here’s a video that highlights the history of Toshiba’s insane series of scandals.




The Surprising History of Toshiba

Toshiba traces its history in Japan to 1875. The company rode the post-war Japanese manufacturing boom in the late 1950s to high growth portfolio of unique and innovative products. Toshiba began selling products in foreign markets during this period and continued to expand its businesses across the globe during the following decades.

Today, the conglomerate operates business units on a worldwide scale in a variety of diverse industries, including semiconductors, personal electronics, infrastructure, home appliances, and medical equipment.

Toshiba reported net worldwide sales of more than 3.38 trillion Japanese yen or $31 billion for the 2020 fiscal year. The company employs more than 125,648 people worldwide.




For more information visit tylerhayzlett.com

Best Practices Branding Case Studies Entrepreneurship Growth Leadership Marketing Operations Technology

Confessions From a Tech Billionaire: “Why Content is King” in the Digital Economy

Content is king, everybody knows that. But what the hell does it mean?

The phrase “content is king”, came from an essay published in 1996 on the first page of Microsoft, by the soon to be self-made billionaire, Bill Gates.

In his essay, Gates publicly predicted what was predicated for the success of any person or business that wished to grow a business online.

Spoiler alert (it’s content). Here’s why…


Content is King – Summary From the 1996 Essay

“Content is where I expect much of the real money will be made on the Internet – just as it was in broadcasting.

“… the broad opportunities for most companies involve supplying information or entertainment.

No company is too small to participate.
I expect societies will see intense competition- and ample failure as well as success-in all categories of popular content.

Those who succeed will propel the Internet forward as a marketplace of ideas, experiences, and products – a literal marketplace of content.”

How to Compete in a Marketplace of Content?

It means that brands are turning to story telling to get the attention of their customer. It means that in order to rise above the noise we can’t be more noise.

You don’t want to promote content for the sake of creating content (God knows the world doesn’t need more content).

Don’t interrupt the content your customer is searching for. Create the content they are searching for.

List out the 5 biggest obstacles your customer faces (as they relate to your product or service). Then create content to solve that problem.


At the end of the day you just need to build a list of people that share the journey of solving that pain-point to achieve success…and up-sell to that list your solution.

It’s that simple, that hard, and that unavoidable.

“I like it, I love it, I want some more of it!” – Billy Ray Cyrus

If you’re into this topic get the full story below.

Want to learn the strategy to operate as a media company? We created a comprehensive overview, where I can teach you how to operate your business as a media brand in 32 pages.

Learn how to compete in a market place of content. Click the link below.

For more information visit tylerhayzlett.com

Case Studies Entrepreneurship Growth Management Operations Technology

WATCH: Twitter Removing Over 1 Million Spam Accounts EVERY SINGLE DAY!

So, Twitter recently revealed a plan to remove one million fake bot accounts every, single day.

The company announced Wednesday that it will begin removing millions of accounts:

  • Bots
  • Inactive accounts from users’ follower numbers
  • Fake accounts

in all, the update will remove “tens of millions” of accounts from users’ follower number and impact around 6 percent of all follows on Twitter.



All of which begs the question: what the hell are Twitter bots?

What the Hell are Twitter Bots Exactly?

So, I looked it up and it turns out that Twitter bots are automated accounts that can do the exact same things as human beings do on Twitter. Except I picture them singing “I can do everything you can do- better,” while doing it.

For Example:

They can send out tweets, follow users, and even like and retweet postings by others. Which on the surface doesn’t sound nefarious, however in practice, that’s exactly what they are.


So What Are Bots Being Used For?

Spam bots can be programmed to drive traffic to a website for a product or service using fake accounts and reviews.

They can be used to spread political lies and promote messages. Or event disperse links to fake giveaways or financial scams.

Why is Twitter Removing Tens of Millions of Accounts?

After announcing his recent plans to acquire Twitter, Elon Musk said one of his priorities was to force the company to crack down on bots that promote scams involving cryptocurrencies.

Musk has asked Twitter’s executives to share more details on the company’s claim that it keeps the number of automated bots under 5%. Unless it can prove that bots represent less than 5% of the accounts being served ads on the platform, the $44 billion deal might… fly away.


For more information visit tylerhayzlett.com


All Business with Jeffrey Hayzlett Is Now on Amazon Music

All Business with Jeffrey Hayzlett, the leading business podcast on C-Suite Radio, is announcing that it has been added to the lineup of podcasts on Amazon Music. All Business with Jeffrey Hayzlett brings to light conversations with some of the brightest minds in business where nothing is off-limits – the good, the bad, and the ugly, from Main Street to Wall Street.

Amazon Music is one of the largest on-demand streaming music services with over 55 million customers and growing. It’s also integrated with Alexa, giving podcasters the opportunity to reach millions of listeners and target potential customers.

“This is a great opportunity for our show and for our network as a whole. At C-Suite Radio, we always refer to the hockey stick of growth – and while this time has been challenging for many, the network has been growing rapidly and steadily,” said host Jeffrey Hayzlett. “With over 200 shows on our network, this is a great opportunity and I encourage other podcasts hosts to follow in our footsteps. Content is king and the ability to monetize that content has increased significantly.”


All Business with Jeffrey Hayzlett features insightful conversations around the most compelling topics in business today. Guests offer an astute perspective in the form of personal narratives, challenges faced, setbacks overcome, innovations pioneered, objectives met, and lessons learned. Past guests have included Beth Comstock, Steve Forbes, Piers Morgan, Gene Simmons, Kevin Jonas, Bob Guccione, Jr., Christie Hefner, Arianna Huffington, Andrew Zimmern, and more.

If you would like to submit your podcast to Amazon Music, visit this link and follow the steps.

If you have a business show you’d like to see on C-Suite Radio, contact us here.

If you would like to be considered as a guest on C-Suite Radio, fill out this submission form.


All Business with Jeffrey Hayzlett Is Now on Amazon Music

All Business with Jeffrey Hayzlett, the leading business podcast on C-Suite Radio, is announcing that it has been added to the lineup of podcasts on Amazon Music. All Business with Jeffrey Hayzlett brings to light conversations with some of the brightest minds in business where nothing is off-limits – the good, the bad, and the ugly, from Main Street to Wall Street.

Amazon Music is one of the largest on-demand streaming music services with over 55 million customers and growing. It’s also integrated with Alexa, giving podcasters the opportunity to reach millions of listeners and target potential customers.

“This is a great opportunity for our show and for our network as a whole. At C-Suite Radio, we always refer to the hockey stick of growth – and while this time has been challenging for many, the network has been growing rapidly and steadily,” said host Jeffrey Hayzlett. “With over 200 shows on our network, this is a great opportunity and I encourage other podcasts hosts to follow in our footsteps. Content is king and the ability to monetize that content has increased significantly.”


All Business with Jeffrey Hayzlett features insightful conversations around the most compelling topics in business today. Guests offer an astute perspective in the form of personal narratives, challenges faced, setbacks overcome, innovations pioneered, objectives met, and lessons learned. Past guests have included Beth Comstock, Steve Forbes, Piers Morgan, Gene Simmons, Kevin Jonas, Bob Guccione, Jr., Christie Hefner, Arianna Huffington, Andrew Zimmern, and more.

If you would like to submit your podcast to Amazon Music, visit this link and follow the steps.

If you have a business show you’d like to see on C-Suite Radio, contact us here.

If you would like to be considered as a guest on C-Suite Radio, fill out this submission form.

Accounting Growth Human Resources Investing Management News and Politics Personal Development Technology

Is This the Beginning of the End for Wayfair?

It’s been a big week for retail…

Wayfair, the online home goods retailer, announced today it was laying off close to 900 employees. This comes after the company announced a hiring freeze back in May.

The layoffs represent about 5% of the company’s global workforce and 10% of its corporate team. 400 jobs are being cut in Boston alone at the company’s HQ).

This announcement came as an alarm to investors, causing the stock to plummet…

Wayfair’s Stock is Crashing…

For the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, the company was profitable. According to The Wall Street Journal, Wayfair’s stock fell by over 17% Friday morning.

Wayfair has been struggling to keep customers after a spike at the start of the pandemic. Earlier in August, Wayfair said it lost 24% of active customers since last summer.

Recent regulatory filings revealed that the job cuts will help Wayfair “manage operating expenses and realign investment priorities.”

CEO Niraj Shah wrote in an letter to employees that the layoffs were a “difficult decision” resulting from Covid-19.

“We were seeing the tailwinds of the pandemic accelerate the adoption of e-commerce shopping, and I personally pushed hard to hire a strong team to support that growth,” Shah wrote. “This year, that growth has not materialized as we had anticipated. Our team is too large for the environment we are now in, and unfortunately we need to adjust.”


Is This the Beginning of the End for Wayfair?

Wayfair had flourished at the beginning of the pandemic, when demand for inexpensive furniture and other home decor upgrades that it broke global supply chains and caused lengthy shipment delays.

But fast forward to the present economy, inflation has killed discretionary spending for  middle-income shoppers, who have pulled back their purchases to focus on paying for necessities like groceries, gas and rent. Wealthier customers have shifted their spending from furniture and other goods to travel and services. Mortgage rates have climbed significantly, cutting into demand for new homes as well (a key demographic for the company).

Overall, Wayfair posted a net loss of $378 million during the quarter. Wayfair’s shares have lost about 70% of their value since the start of the year. The layoffs will cost Wayfair between $30 million to $40 million for employee severance and benefits.



For more information visit tylerhayzlett.com