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Be Alert When Options Are Being Limited

“Limit my options and you limit my beliefs. If I allow you to limit my beliefs, I limit myself.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert

“What do you believe and how do you arrive at your beliefs? Are you a ‘the glass is half empty or the glass is half full’ person?” Those were the questions posed when two individuals were talking. The ‘half empty or half full’ question was limited by its option. It proposed that there were only two possible answers to the question (i.e. half empty or half full). There was a third possible option not offered. The glass could have been the right size for the contents it contained. Thus, the questioner was attempting to control the thought process of the questionee by limiting the questionee’s options to two possibilities.

“Limit the options of what you want me to believe and I’ll give you my limited beliefs. But by doing so, I may give you insincerity in return.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert

When given options, consider what’s omitted. Also, assess if what’s omitted is intentional. Consider if it’s done to keep you from focusing on more salient points that might serve you. When someone limits your options, they’re limiting your choices. By limiting your choices, they’re also limiting your beliefs. They’re controlling you! Don’t take that lightly.

That may sound like it’s obvious, but when you’re presented with specific options, your selections become limited. As an example, if I asked you if you’d rather be rich or happy, what might your thought be? Would you consider other options, or would you focus on the choices I presented to you? Most people wouldn’t consider other possibilities. They would focus on the choices presented.

Always be willing to expand your mind by exploring the possibilities contained in options that aren’t presented. Doing so may expose more value. That’s how you can discover your treasure. Seek yours and you’ll become more mentally enriched by knowledge … and everything will be right with the world.

What does this have to do with negotiations?

When limited by choices, one becomes limited by the options offered. While that can be constraining for you, it can also be a tactic you employ in your strategies against the other negotiator. You can best deliver it by stating your options in a rushed or calming demeanor; choose whichever is best for the situation at hand. To make it more viable, have a combination of options ready to diffuse any possible push-back you might receive. Follow that up with, “I’ve given you options. What else do you want me to do?” Remember, while you have your negotiation counterpart considering your options, you’re in control of the negotiation.

When negotiating, be alert to the choices you’re offered and the ones you offer. If the premise of those choices doesn’t fit within your spectrum of benefits, reject them while attempting to persuade the other negotiator to consider yours. By doing so, you’ll become more reflective and circumspective in your thinking about the choices you consider and extend. That will lead to more fulfilling negotiations, enhanced by more positive negotiation outcomes.

Remember, you’re always negotiating!

After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d really like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com

 To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Sunday Negotiation Insight” click here http://www.themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/

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How to Prevent Your Nerves From Getting the Better of You

“Nervousness is a part of life. When it serves you, embrace it. When it dis-serves you, shun it.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert

“I started verbally stumbling. I don’t know what came over me. I heard senseless words coming out of my mouth; they made no sense. It was like my brain had disconnected from my mouth. My nerves were definitely getting the better of me.” Those were the words of an overly exasperated woman recalling a conversation she had with a senior member of her organization. Do you have such moments? We all do. Have you ever stopped to question why that occurs and how you can prevent it?

Continue reading to discover how you can recognize the pending onset of such moments and how to thwart them when they occur.


First, recognize that stress is usually the culprit behind your brain-freeze moments. Stress is promoted by several factors (i.e. lack of rest, the perception of your social position related to others, preparedness deficiency, sleep deprivation, physiology, etc.). Identifying the cause and when your nervousness occurs will allow you to better address it.


Psychologically, actions are evoked by triggers that serve as stimuli for those actions. Note and recognize the source(s) and cause(s) behind the triggers that move you to react. Specifically, observe the stimuli that cause you to act a certain way in certain environments. In some cases, the source behind the trigger may be an unsettled action that occurred earlier in your life. Then, when confronted by a similar environment or circumstance, subliminally, you react the way you did years ago. Address that source and you stand a greater chance of controlling the trigger.

Lack of Preparedness

I know what might occur in the upcoming situation. So, I’ll just wing it. A lack of preparedness can be stress inducing. Since no one truly knows what might occur in the future, we speculate. The better we can tap-down the assumptions of what we think may occur, the better we can control the variables that feed uncertainty. Considering the possible scenarios that we could encounter prepares us for those engagements while lowering the mental threat that might otherwise stem from fear of not being in control.


Where physiology is concerned, some people start to mentally shut down. “I don’t want to hear about how a lack of rest, exercise, depleted hydration, and/or the lack of a proper diet can hamper me from reaching peak performance”, are the thoughts of some individuals. But, when your body is physically misaligned, as the result of missing the ingredients mentioned, you become mentally deprived of a coherent thought process. Don’t overlook the value that physiology plays in your overall wellbeing. To do so is to psychologically rob your thought and presentation process of greater consistency.

What does this have to do with negotiations?

Every negotiation is fraught with situations that claims fear as an ingredient of its process. That fear may stem from being uncertain about how to act or react in situations, or being fearful of what might occur if one finds oneself in a no-deal position. Command control over your emotions when contemplating such thoughts. Do so by controlling the thoughts that might lead you down a path laden with nervousness.

By addressing and preventing the nervous tensions that could hamper your negotiation, you’ll enhance your negotiation efforts. You’ll be preventing such nervousness from getting the better of you … and everything will be right with the world.

Remember, you’re always negotiating!

After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d really like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com

To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Sunday Negotiation Insight” click here http://www.themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/

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That Which Gets Rewarded, Gets Repeated

“Watch what you reward to ensure the value contained is worthy of being rewarded.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert 

Are you mindful of what you reward? What’s rewarded gets repeated. That means, you set a precedent when you reward an action. That action then becomes a guideline to which you compare future actions. Those future actions may serve you to a point and then lead you astray. Thus, you must always be attentive to the actions you reward.

Action Drivers:

Do you note what drives you to action, when it occurs, and the spark that ignites it? When actions lead to positive outcomes, you should note what gave them life. Those are actions that warrant rewarding; they’re serving to advance your goals. Never ignore something that adds value to your life. To ensure that you don’t, note when such value exists.

Routines and Processes:

Do you observe the routines you engage in that lead to greater satisfaction? At the end of the day, take a moment to reflect on the activities you engaged in during the day and assess your degree of satisfaction. By measuring your satisfaction, you’ll note the routines that allowed you to experience it. If you’re truly satisfied, incorporate the routines that serve you best into a process you engage in whenever you wish to experience those sensations again.

Message and Image:

If a message is too harsh, at some point, the recipient may turn a deaf ear to it. One must always be open to matching the delivery of a message to the way the listener wishes to receive it. The better that match is, the better the probability that the message will be received.

Watch the message delivery you reward. If you reward the wrong delivery, the further you’ll be from success.


Heart aches, stomach aches, headaches, are all signs that something’s out of kilter. Always be alert and apprise when life tosses you warnings. The thought or action that promoted it should be a sign to not reward that action in the future. You don’t want to be in that place again.

The more aware you are of what you reward, the more aware you’ll be of how to progress your life. If you note when you receive the greatest return for the efforts you exert, that’ll lend insight into what you should reward … and everything will be right with the world.

What does this have to do with negotiations?

Negotiations are intensely entangled by rewards and penalties. If you observe what fears motivate the other negotiator, you can use negative stimuli to motivate him to action. Then, you can reward him for adopting your perspective by lessening those fears.

When engaged in any negotiation, consider the topics mentioned in the headings above. All of them impact the flow and outcome of a negotiation. Thus, the more aware you are of the stimulus that promotes them, the better you can utilize them to enhance your negotiation efforts. Therein will lie what you should reward during the negotiation.

Remember, you’re always negotiating!

After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d really like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com

To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Sunday Negotiation Insight” click here http://www.themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/

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Aha – What Just Happened?

“Never let thoughts lazily reside in your imagination. Some seek life to serve you.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert 

Do you take note of what’s occurring when you’re in different environments? If you don’t, you’re missing aha moments. Aha moments occur when your paradigm shifts about a perspective. That paradigm shift can lead to greater understandings about how you perceive your environments. Some aha moments are truly life-changing.

Aha – Don’t focus on ‘too’ easy or ‘too’ difficult. Assess the degree of difficulty associated with any task you contemplate, but don’t be over obsessive. If you think a task is too easy, you might put off addressing it because you think it will only take a short amount of time to complete. If you think it’ll be too difficult you might put it off altogether.

Aha – You don’t know what you don’t know. When making decisions, consider what you might not know that could add value to your thoughts. If the possibility of what you don’t know is overwhelming, delay your decision, continue thinking.

Aha – Everyone has the same amount of time and yet some are more successful than others. The account for their success lies in the way they utilize time. There are 1440 minutes in a day. To become more successful in life, don’t ‘kill’ time; use it to improve yourself. Make the most of the time you have.

The moment you embrace aha moments as enhancers in life, you will begin to elevate your life … and everything will be right with the world.

What does this have to do with negotiations?

When negotiating, what do you hear? What do you see? Does your periscope seek aha moments? There’s hidden value in such moments. You’ll only experience them if you’re watchful. Here’s how you can become more attuned to the possibility of aha moments.

Keep an open mind.

Be receptive to ideas, suggestions, and offers that initially may not be appealing. By considering the offer from other perspectives, you may experience that aha moment that leads to a greater outcome.

What’s that background noise?

Background noise can be a metaphor for anything that alters your perception. In some cases, negotiators have manipulated their environment by lacing it with different aromas. The opposing negotiator was not mindful of the fact that the maneuver was stimulating him. Had he realized, he may have recognized the aha that was captivating his senses.

Change environments. 

Changing environments opens the doorway to aha moments. When you feel stumped in a negotiation, call a timeout. Take a break to alter the way you’re thinking.

In your next negotiation, take note of what you’re not paying attention to. Ask yourself why your new thought had not captured your attention before. What you’ll experience is another way to uncover aha moments.

Thank you Mitchell Levy, The AHA Guy at AHAthat and TEDx Speaker

– Watch Mitchell’s TED talk: BEing Seen and BEing Heard as a Thought Leader

Remember, you’re always negotiating!

After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d really like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com

 To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Sunday Negotiation Insight” click here http://www.themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/

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You’re Always Negotiating

“If you seek greater progress in life, negotiate better and greater progress will seek you.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert

Right now, you’re creating your future. And, you’ve done so in the past. That’s what created the environment that you’re in, right now.

My motto is, you’re always negotiating. That means, what you’ve done in the past has led to where you are today, and what you do now will lead to where you’ll be tomorrow.

If you’re like most people, you don’t understand how frequently you’re engaged in negotiations throughout the day. When you’re talking to an associate, you’re negotiating. When you engage in a conversation with a client, your superior, your spouse, you’re negotiating. The fact is in those situations, you’re giving insight into your thought process, your beliefs, and how you might engage in different situations. That’s a negotiation.

Why is it important to recognize that you’re always negotiating? The answer is, the more you’re aware of what you say and do, along with how you say and do it, the better you can shape your persona. By shaping how others perceive you, you can become more aligned with the way you wished them to perceive you in the future.

Here’s the point. Always be mindful that your actions are under constant observation and evaluation. To reiterate, that means you’re always negotiating. Negotiations occur in many places, not just at the negotiation table. Every time you engage in actions that detract from your goals, you’re detracting from them through your actions.

Raise your sense of awareness no matter the environment. If you feel the need to ‘let your hair down’, control the degree. Don’t expose too much of yourself by letting your hair expose too much of you. Once you raise your awareness that you’re always negotiating and align your actions with your future goals, you’ll be in a better position to achieve those goals. In so doing, you will have raised your dreams, hopes, and lights that lead to a better future. That will make living life more memorable … and everything will be right with the world.

What does this have to do with negotiations?

When negotiating, even good negotiators lose their cool. They display aspects of their demeanor that belie thoughts that would be better left unexposed; we’re all prone to being off kilter at times. Not so good negotiators fall into a deeper abyss by not recognizing that their self-constraint and reasoning has deserted them. Good negotiators distinguish themselves by regaining their composure quickly. They do so because they focus on their mental agility. They’re aware that they need to spotlight the long-term goal of the negotiation.

Progress never moves in a straight line. If you remember that you’re always negotiating, you’ll be more mindful of when progress has exited that line. Your attentiveness will serve as the alert to get the negotiation back on track.

Remember, you’re always negotiating!

After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d really like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com

To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Sunday Negotiation Insight” click here http://www.themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/

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What Mask Are You Wearing Right Now?

“The mask you wear is a display to others of who you are. Always be aware of when and why you’re wearing that mask.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert

What mask are you wearing today and how many times will you change it? The mask you wear affects your psyche.

A mask is a metaphor for the persona you project to others. It’s how you represent who you are. It’s the way you wish them to perceive you and the way you see yourself. Depending on the circumstances, you’ll wear different masks at different times throughout the day.

Some might say, changing your mask alters who you are; you’re not authentic. But who are you, and who’s to say when you’re authentic? You’re not who you were five years ago, or five minutes ago; you’ve changed. Does that make you inauthentic? No!

Since change occurs daily, moment to moment, do you not continuously morph into who you just became, while transitioning into who you’re becoming? In that transition, do you observe who you are in that moment? By being observant, you’ll note the direction in which your life is heading. You’ll note if you require change before displaying the mask you’re about to adopt. That will allow you to morph into a different mask to cast a different persona if you require it.

The point is, if you recognize the mask you’re wearing at any time and you’re aware of why you’re wearing it, you’ll be more mindful of why you display the personality you project, what promotes you to do so, and the circumstances that lead you to that point. You’ll have greater control of your life, the purpose for which you’re living, and a greater sense of where you’re headed in life.

So, what mask are you wearing right now and why are you wearing it right now? If you have an answer to that question, it’ll be easier to change that mask when it’s warranted. That will also mean that you’re at a higher level of recognition and control of your life. Those are invaluable factors from which to sustain growth, harmony, and success in life. Do that … and everything will be right with the world.

What does this have to do with negotiations? 

In every negotiation, negotiators wear multiple masks. It’s called their persona. They do so to create and project the right image for a phase in the negotiation that’s appropriate for that phase. The mask they adopt adds to the perception you have of them. It may be a mask of harshness, sorrow, bullying, or tenderness. Its intent is to affect your psyche. The mask worn may represent negative manipulation, which is different from one worn to serve the greater good of the negotiation.

You must be mindful of the mask you perceive, as much as the one you project. Your mask intertwines with the other negotiator’s mask. Therefore, the mask that both of you display is based on what’s perceived.

If you want to increase your negotiation abilities, you need to know how and when to adopt a mask that suits the situation. You must be savvy when detecting the purpose of the mask shown throughout the negotiation, too. By enhancing your mental agility to observe, detect, and adopt the appropriate persona during different stages of the negotiation, you’ll experience more winning negotiation outcomes.

Remember, you’re always negotiating! 

After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d really like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com 

To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Sunday Negotiation Insight” click here http://www.themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/

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How Do You Expand Your Mind for Greater Success?

 “You expand your mind based on the way you think. To heighten that expansion, focus on the way you think.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert

“If you could be everywhere at the same time, where would you be?” Puzzled, the recipient of the question said, “If I could be everywhere at the same time, I wouldn’t have to decide where to be.” Wrong, was the reply. “Even if you could be everywhere you’d still have to focus on being in the place that offered the greatest possibility for success”, was the retort.

As we go through life, we learn new things every day. Those that apply learned lessons from one environment into another maximize their learning.

Some people discover new ways to solve problems, apply that new knowledge against other problems and discover that something has changed for the better. Then, they stop, never realizing that they’re more applications for which that new knowledge can prove to be beneficial.

There are times we seek to solve a problem and only focus on one solution. We do so without considering other possible solutions. For example, let’s say you’re looking for a hammer to drive a nail. If you only focus on finding a hammer, you’d omit the thought that you might use a shoe, brick, piece of wood, or any object that wasn’t fragile for that purpose.

By shifting your paradigm from needing a hammer and instead focusing it on what you might use to solve the problem, you expand your thought process. In doing that, you discover new ways to address other challenges. But, you must possess an open mind before that can occur.

Throughout my consultations, trainings, and presentations, I suggest to people that they think about the way they think. I provide the insight above to highlight that.

If you become more aware of the problems you encounter and the resolutions to solve them, you’ll increase your awareness of the wondrous ways of conquering them. That will take you to a higher plane of success from which you’ll view your life’s opportunities from a whole new spectrum … and everything will be right with the world.

What does this have to do with negotiations? 

When negotiating, you’ll encounter challenges and impasses that hampers a negotiation’s success. The determining factor for success will lie in the way you attempt to address such challenges. If you rely on tried and true solutions that worked in the past and they prove to be ineffective, you might succumb to the challenge. Instead, if you think with an expanded mind, one that’s not fixated on one solution, you can turn impasses into learning experiences that lead to greater insights.

So, constantly ask yourself in a negotiation and other facets of your life, how can I use what I’ve learned in one environment and apply it to another situation.

If you constantly look at situations as entries to greater opportunities and insights, your endeavors will adopt a platform from which greater knowledge will flow. First, you must open your mind to having an open mind about how you perceive challenges, problems, and situations. It’s through that open mind that new and greater success will flow.

Remember, you’re always negotiating! 

After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d really like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com

To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Sunday Negotiation Insight” click here http://www.themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/

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The Hidden Value of Imperfection

“No one is perfect but knowing your imperfections will help you spot the imperfections in others.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert

When was the last time you met someone that was perfect? If you can recall such a person, you had one of two thoughts. You thought this person is perfect, as you swooned with bliss, or you thought this person is perfect, in a mocking tone to yourself.

No one is perfect. If you’ve associated with someone that’s perfect, you haven’t been with them long enough to see their imperfections. That’s not to speak ill of them because there’s value in imperfection.

The way you view the imperfections of others speaks to the realistic perspective you have of them. That perspective can also keep you from following their leads when such would take you over the edge, off a cliff, into the sublime. Whatever cliché you choose, you get the gist of my meaning. As an aside, that’s also how some people become splayed for swindling.

It’s important to consider the imperfections of those with whom you congregate, because of the shadowy subliminal force of influence they cast. Consider the times when you enter activities that don’t serve your needs or goals, but you do so anyway. Understand, those are moments when you’re moved by unseen forces from your associates. You should consider attributing some sources of your actions to their influence and recognize it as such; you should also attribute your positive actions to such forces. Therein lies the value of an associate’s imperfections. Your recognition of their imperfections will lead you upon a different path.

We all have imperfections. The more willing you are about displaying yours, and accepting others for what their imperfections are worth, the greater will be your recognition of reality. That should lead to greater opportunities for you and those that you engage with … and everything will be right with the world.

What does this have to do with negotiations?

There are benefits to positioning yourself as someone that’s less than perfect in a negotiation; you appear to be more authentic. Thus, what you proport as reality will adopt a more realistic appeal. You may be familiar with the phrase, “keep it real”. That implies that you should keep the B.S. at bay, along with how you present your offers. To maximize your efforts, align your offer/counteroffers with the beliefs of the other negotiator’s reality. The more you match his beliefs (i.e. that which he senses as value and being real), the more valuable and acceptable will be you and your offers.

When negotiating, the display of imperfections can also be a double-edged sword. That sword can serve as fodder or the deliverance of a soul worthy of appreciation and value. You and the other negotiator will make that assessment.

To position yourself correctly, know of the expectations related to the type of negotiator your opponent wishes to negotiate with. Know also how you can match that expectation. Keep in mind that some negotiators want to display their knowledge in a helpful manner, while others will attempt to do so as a form of manipulation. So, be mindful of the role you’re casting as pertaining to how you should cast that role.

Remember, you’re always negotiating! 

After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d really like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com

 To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Sunday Negotiation Insight” click here http://www.themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/

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What’s the Difference Between a Lie and the Truth?

“A lie is only believable if you accept it.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert

Person 1: “I could tell he was lying.” Person 2: ‘How?” Person 1: “Because his words were unbelievable!” Person 2: “I missed that.”

Do you know the difference between a lie and the truth? It’s the degree to which you believe either. Let me explain.

As you’re hearing something, you assess to what degree it may be true; in part, that’s based on what you’ve known to be true from your past experiences. You continue to assess the believability of something the more you hear of it. You wonder to what degree the truth is stretched, at the point when words become suspect. As you continue to listen, once they’re stretched past your point of believability, you then consider the words to be lies.

Intellectually you may be aware of the process stated above. But, do you raise your sense of awareness to recognize the thought process you’re engaged in when it’s occurring? It’s important that you do so. In doing so, you raise your sense of consciousness to what’s said, which means you may become alert to prior passages that you overlooked. That also means, you may have allowed lies to go unchallenged, which emboldens its purveyor to continue lying.

There’s a thin line between a lie and the truth. Sometimes, it’s thinner based on who’s telling the story and who the listener is. To protect yourself in interactions with others, note what’s said, when it’s said, and the environment in which it’s said. In doing so, you’ll gain greater insight into the motivation behind when and why words part from the truth. That will also be the point when your sense of keenness insulates you from the mental depravity that occurs when one is falsely led by lies. You’ll truly be protecting yourself from mental anguish … and everything will be right with the world.

What does this have to do with negotiations? 

Most negotiators will misrepresent the truth during negotiations. It’s a fact and if you don’t think it occurs you’re being pollyannaish. Recognize that for what it’s worth.

Consider this, if a negotiator completely disclosed his circumstances, he’d expose his vulnerability and weaken his position. Thus, to prevent that from occurring, he’ll withhold aspects of his position to enhance his outcome. He’ll stretch the truth to accomplish that means. By noting his stretch point, you gain insight into his source of motivation. That will lend insight into the importance of the point. You can hone that insight to create discomfort for him. Do so and observe how quickly he wants to move from away from that discomfort. As an aside, the more he wants to move from that point, the more angst he’ll be displaying about his uncomfortableness.

It’s said that all lies are born from truth. That means a lie is only a lie to the degree that the people involved believe it to be. In your negotiations, understand the purpose that a lie serves and you’ll have greater insight as to where the truth lies.

Remember, you’re always negotiating!

After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d really like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com 

To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Sunday Negotiation Insight” click here http://www.themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/

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What Emotional Currency Do You Accept?

“Emotional currency is the exchange we engage in when seeking self-satisfaction.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert

“I was just promoted and received the title of ‘Junior Assistant’ in the PR department. I don’t care if others in the department with my skill set are making $13k more than me. I’m a ‘Junior Assistant’!”

Those were the words of a very jubilant individual that was more satisfied with a title than money. His fulfillment came from the emotional currency he’d received that made him feel complete.

What emotional currency do you accept when seeking to placate your needs and wants? The more you’re aware of how and when emotional currency moves you, the greater the chance you’ll have to control the degree of your acceptance of it.

Emotional currency can come in many forms. It can be in the form of a raise; you have more money and thus, you feel better about yourself due to your new financial status. It can stem from acceptance of you by a group or others; you feel wanted. It’s also born from the elevation of your mental wellbeing as the result of how you see yourself. It can also be a manipulator used against you.

So, why should you be aware of the emotional currency you accept and when you accept it? The answer lies in what you’ll do to obtain it based on the circumstances you’re in. A moment ago, I stated that emotional currency can be a tool of manipulation. That means, when you’re emotionally depressed, you’re more likely to leap at the opportunity to enhance your emotional state of mind; a high state of emotional satisfaction is something that everyone seeks. All of us should know our limits so that we don’t merge into a limitless desire to obtain what we need. Plus, the more attuned you are to your emotional needs, the better you’ll be at making decisions that are beneficial to your long-term wellbeing.

You’ve more than likely heard the statement, ‘get a grip’. That means you should control your desires. Once you raise your awareness about the emotional currency you deal in, and the sources from which it’s refilled, you’ll be more mindful of determining the sources you’ll allow to replenish your needs … and everything will be right with the world.

What does this have to do with negotiations? 

In a negotiation, value is perceptional. That perception is based on where you are in the moment of the negotiation. If someone attempts to assuage your feelings by telling you how great a negotiator you are, depending on your emotional state of mind, that compliment may be all it takes to take you for all you have.

Be keenly alert when someone begins to heap praise upon you during a negotiation, especially if it seems to appear out of nowhere. More than likely it’s a ploy to enhance your emotional currency. The real thought may belie the exact opposite of the compliment that’s used to mollify you. To keep from being ‘played like a chump’, accept compliments given to you, but don’t let them deter you from your goals of achieving what you want. Be steadfast in your quest and see what becomes of the compliments. Therein will lie the uncovering of their real intent.

Remember, you’re always negotiating! 

After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d really like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com

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