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Best Practices Skills

How to Save a Webpage as a PDF

Saving a webpage as a PDF can be a super handy skill, whether you’re looking to preserve a copy of your online boarding pass, keep a recipe for future reference, or save an important article for work or school. The process of how to save a webpage as a PDF varies slightly depending on your device and browser, but don’t worry, it’s pretty straightforward. So let’s dive into how to save one page as a PDF – a webpage, that is.


How to Save a Webpage as a PDF on Mac

If you’re a Mac user, you’re in luck because macOS makes this process really easy.

  1. Open the Webpage: First, open Safari (or your browser of choice) and navigate to the webpage you want to save.
  2. Print the Page: Click on ‘File’ in the menu bar at the top of the screen, and then select ‘Print’ or simply press Command + P.
  3. Choose ‘Save as PDF’: In the Print dialog box, look for a dropdown menu at the bottom left corner. Click on it and choose ‘Save as PDF’.
  4. Save the File: Finally, name your file, choose a location to save it, and hit ‘Save’. Voila! Your webpage is now a PDF.

How to Save a Webpage as a PDF in Chrome

Chrome is a popular browser and saving a webpage as a PDF is a breeze here too.

  1. Access the Webpage: Open Chrome and go to the webpage you want to save.
  2. Open Print Settings: Click on the three dots in the upper right corner to open the menu, then click ‘Print’ or simply use the shortcut Ctrl + P (Cmd + P on Mac).
  3. Select ‘Save as PDF’: In the Print settings, under ‘Destination’, select ‘Save as PDF’.
  4. Save Your PDF: Choose your desired print options (like layout and scale), then click ‘Save’. Pick where to save your file, name it, and you’re done.

How to Save an Entire Webpage as a PDF

Sometimes webpages are long, and you want to make sure you capture everything, not just what’s visible on the screen.

  1. Open the Webpage: Go to the webpage you want to save in your browser.
  2. Access Print Options: This is usually done through the browser menu or a shortcut like Ctrl + P or Command + P.
  3. Adjust Settings: Before saving, make sure to adjust the settings to include all content. This might mean selecting ‘Background graphics’ or changing the layout.
  4. Save as PDF: Finally, save the webpage as a PDF as previously described in the Chrome or Mac section.

How to Save a Webpage as PDF

If you’re not using Chrome or a Mac, here’s a more general approach.

  1. Open the Webpage: Using your preferred browser, navigate to the page you want to save.
  2. Find the Print Option: This can usually be found in the browser’s menu or by right-clicking on the webpage. Alternatively, use the print shortcut for your operating system.
  3. Select ‘Print to PDF’ or Similar Option: Look for an option that says ‘Print to PDF’, ‘Save as PDF’, or something similar in the print dialog.
  4. Save the File: Choose where to save your file, give it a name, and click ‘Save’.

How to Save a Whole Webpage as a PDF

For those extra-long webpages that don’t seem to end, here’s how you can save them in their entirety.

  1. Open the Webpage: Navigate to the webpage you wish to save.
  2. Initiate Print Command: Use your browser’s print function, usually found in the menu or via a shortcut (Ctrl + P or Command + P).
  3. Choose PDF as Destination: In the print dialog, make sure to select a PDF option as your destination.
  4. Adjust Print Settings: Ensure settings like ‘Print Backgrounds’ are enabled if you want to capture the webpage in full glory.
  5. Save the PDF: Name your file, select a saving location, and hit ‘Save’.

Each of these methods should get you a neat PDF of your desired webpage. Remember, the process might vary slightly depending on the browser version or the operating system updates, but the core steps remain largely the same. Happy saving!

Best Practices Leadership Strategy

Board Meeting Agenda – Templates and Samples

Planning board meetings is a crucial aspect of ensuring that your organization runs smoothly and effectively, and having a board meeting agenda as standard practice is paramount to that planning. It’s about more than just getting everyone in the same room – it’s about having a clear and structured approach to discussing and deciding important matters.

Let’s dive into this topic, exploring various aspects of board meeting agendas, why they’re vital, and how to craft them effectively. By the end of this piece, you’ll have a better understanding of the process, along with two practical samples of a board meeting agenda template in table form.


Board Meeting Agenda

A board meeting agenda is the roadmap for your meeting. It outlines the topics to be discussed, allocates time for each item, and ensures that the meeting stays on track. Think of it as your meeting’s blueprint, guiding participants through the matters at hand in an organized manner.

Board Meeting Agenda Template

Creating a board meeting agenda can be streamlined by using a template. A template serves as a reusable framework that you can adapt for different meetings. It typically includes sections like ‘Call to Order,’ ‘Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes,’ ‘New Business,’ and ‘Adjournment.’

Sample Agenda for Board Meeting

To give you an idea of what an actual agenda might look like, here’s a simple example:

  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
  4. Executive Report
  5. Committee Reports
  6. Old Business
  7. New Business
  8. Questions and Answers
  9. Adjournment

Board Meeting Agenda Sample

This sample illustrates the typical flow of a meeting. However, depending on your organization’s needs, you might include additional items like ‘Financial Reports,’ ‘Strategic Planning Discussions,’ or ‘Special Presentations.’

Nonprofit Board Meeting Agenda Template

Nonprofit organizations often have unique needs and focuses for their board meetings. A nonprofit board meeting agenda template might include items like ‘Fundraising Strategies,’ ‘Community Outreach Programs,’ or ‘Volunteer Coordination.’

The Importance of a Meeting Agenda

Having a well-planned agenda is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Focus and Direction: It keeps the meeting focused and on track, ensuring that all important topics are covered.
  2. Time Management: An agenda helps in managing time efficiently, ensuring that no single topic consumes the entire meeting.
  3. Preparation: It allows members to prepare for the meeting in advance, leading to more productive discussions.
  4. Record Keeping: Agendas, along with meeting minutes, serve as a record of what was discussed and decided.

Problems of Having No Board Meeting Agenda

Without an agenda, board meetings can become chaotic and unproductive. Common problems include:

  • Lack of Direction: Meetings can easily go off-topic, wasting valuable time.
  • Inefficiency: Without time allocations, some items might not get the attention they need.
  • Poor Preparation: Members might not be adequately prepared for discussions, leading to superficial or uninformed decisions.
  • Frustration: This can lead to member frustration and disengagement.

Sample Board Meeting Agenda Template

Time Item Presenter Notes
10:00 Call to Order Chairperson
10:05 Approval of Agenda
10:10 Approval of Previous Minutes Secretary
10:20 Executive Report CEO Update on key issues
10:40 Financial Report CFO Review of finances
11:00 Committee Reports Committee Heads
11:30 Old Business Follow-up items
11:45 New Business New initiatives
12:00 Questions and Answers Open floor
12:15 Adjournment Chairperson

Sample Nonprofit Board Meeting Agenda Template

Time Item Presenter Notes
09:00 Call to Order Chairperson
09:05 Approval of Agenda
09:10 Approval of Previous Minutes Secretary
09:20 Executive Director’s Report Executive Director Updates and announcements
09:40 Fundraising Strategy Update Fundraising Chair Review of current efforts
10:00 Community Outreach Discussion Outreach Coordinator Future plans
10:20 Volunteer Coordination Volunteer Manager Volunteer needs and updates
10:40 Financial Report Treasurer Financial status
11:00 New Business New proposals
11:30 Open Discussion Member-initiated topics
11:50 Adjournment Chairperson

Crafting a clear and effective agenda for your board meetings is a critical skill that enhances the productivity and efficiency of your organization. Whether you’re running a for-profit business or a nonprofit entity, the principles of good agenda-setting remain the same: clarity, structure, and focus. Use these samples as a starting point to create agendas that suit your organization’s unique needs. Remember, a well-planned meeting is a step towards a well-functioning board and, by extension, a well-functioning organization.

Best Practices Branding Growth

Speaking Engagements – How to Get More

Alright, let’s dive into the world of how to get speaking engagements! Whether you’re an author with a story to tell or a coach with wisdom to share, this is your guide to stepping onto more stages and making an impact with your words.


Public Speaking Engagements in Your Niche

Understanding your specific niche is like having a treasure map. As an author, your niche could be the genre or themes of your books. As a coach, it’s the specific area you help people with. This isn’t just what you do; it’s what sets you apart. Tailor your speaking topics to reflect this unique angle, and you’ll attract engagements that are a perfect fit.

Craft Your Story

People don’t just buy into your knowledge; they buy into your story. Create a compelling narrative about your journey, your challenges, and your victories. This makes you relatable and engaging. As an author, share the behind-the-scenes of your writing process. As a coach, talk about what led you to help others. A good story opens more doors than you might think!

Build a Speaker Profile

Imagine a one-stop-shop showcasing your expertise. Your speaker profile should include your bio, topics, past engagements, testimonials, and a video reel. Make it vibrant, professional, and accessible. Share it on your website, social media, and speaker directories. Think of it as your speaking resume, always ready to impress.

Speaking Engagements Near Me

Start where you are. Local clubs, libraries, and business groups often seek speakers. Visit them as a guest first, get a feel for their vibe, and then offer your expertise. Local engagements are low-hanging fruit waiting to be picked, and they often lead to bigger opportunities through word-of-mouth.

Social Media for Speaking Engagements

Social media isn’t just for memes; it’s a networking powerhouse. Join groups and forums related to your niche. Engage in conversations, offer value, and subtly mention your speaking availability. LinkedIn, in particular, is a goldmine for professional connections. Use these platforms not just to speak but to listen and learn what your audience really needs.

Collaborate and Conquer

Two voices can be louder than one. Partner with other authors or coaches for joint speaking events. This doubles your audience reach and halves your marketing efforts. Collaboration also means sharing insights, which can lead to a richer, more engaging presentation.

Pitch Perfect

Crafting the perfect pitch is an art. Whether you’re reaching out to conference organizers or local clubs, tailor your proposal to their needs. Highlight what you bring to the table and how it benefits their audience. Remember, it’s not about why you want to speak; it’s about why they should want you to speak.

Set Your Stage Online

The digital world is your oyster. Webinars, online workshops, and virtual summits allow you to reach global audiences from the comfort of your home. Platforms like Zoom and WebinarJam make this easier than ever. Plus, online events are often easier to secure and a great way to hone your speaking skills.

How Much Should I Charge for a Speaking Engagement

Determining your fee can feel like walking a tightrope. Start by understanding the going rates in your industry. Consider factors like the event’s size, location, and your own experience. It’s okay to start modestly or even speak for free if the opportunity offers significant exposure or networking. As you grow, so will your fees. Just remember, never undersell your value.

Feedback Frenzy

Every speaking gig is a learning opportunity. Seek feedback from organizers and attendees. What resonated? What could be better? Use this goldmine of information to refine your future talks. Continuous improvement not only makes you a better speaker but also increases your value and demand.

Education Never Ends

The best speakers are perpetual students. Attend workshops, take speaking courses, or hire a coach to hone your skills. Watch TED Talks or other public speaking forums to learn from the pros. The more you learn, the more you grow, and the more attractive you become as a speaker.

Engage, Engage, Engage

Never underestimate the power of engagement. During your talks, interact with your audience, ask questions, and encourage participation. After your talks, connect with attendees on social media or through newsletters. Engagement turns passive listeners into active fans who are more likely to recommend or rebook you.

Chase the Testimonials

Nothing speaks louder than a glowing review. Collect testimonials from every speaking engagement. These golden words are powerful endorsements of your skills and can be the deciding factor for future organizers when choosing between speakers.

Stay in Touch

Networking doesn’t end when the event does. Follow up with organizers and attendees. A simple thank-you email can leave a lasting impression and open doors for future engagements. Remember, in the speaking world, relationships are currency.

Know Your Worth, Show Your Worth

As you gain more experience, your speaking portfolio grows. Update your speaker profile regularly with new topics, testimonials, and videos. Showcasing your growth and success not only boosts your credibility but also justifies increased fees.

Follow the Trends

Stay updated on the latest trends in your niche. Being able to speak on hot topics makes you a desirable choice for organizers looking to offer timely and relevant content to their audience.

Celebrate and Reflect

Last but not least, celebrate every speaking engagement, big or small. Reflect on what went well and what could be improved. Each experience is a step forward in your speaking journey.

Securing speaking engagements is a mix of strategy, skill, and persistence. By understanding your unique value, crafting a compelling narrative, and actively seeking out opportunities, you’re well on your way to becoming a sought-after speaker. So go ahead, step up to the mic, and let the world hear what you have to say!

Health and Wellness Parenting Personal Development

Navigating the Three Rs: Understanding Teen Rebellion and Practical Tips for Parenting

Is your teenager’s defiant behavior taking center stage in your family life?

Navigating the challenging teenage years often leaves parents and caregivers at a loss. However, there’s a perfectly legitimate explanation for their behavior. Adolescence marks the development of the prefrontal cortex—the brain region responsible for judgment, weighing pros and cons, and managing emotional responses.

This crucial brain development continues until the mid-20s, making it challenging for teenagers to think critically and regulate their moods. Research even indicates that teens often misinterpret cues and facial expressions, frequently perceiving them as shock or anger.

Combined with the surge of new hormones, it’s no wonder your teen seems to constantly sigh, roll their eyes, and slam doors!

Understanding the Three R’s

Child psychologist Dr. Louise Porter, co-author of the Guidance Approach to Parenting, identifies that 75% of family disruptions stem from what Dr. Thomas Gordon called the Three Rs: Resistance, Rebellion, and Retaliation.

How To Deal With Rebellion and Resistance In Your Teen: Resistance occurs when your child refuses to walk beside you at the mall, rebellion manifests when they prioritize a party over homework, and retaliation emerges when they are aggressive with siblings due to feeling misunderstood.

Why kids rebel: Teens’ defiant behavior is a reaction to the imposition of power and control, a classic activation of the 3 Rs. Their lack of control over emotions and bodies, coupled with a legitimate need for self-direction and autonomy, leads them to “act out.”

Understanding Teenage Rebellion: As parents, practicing empathy and understanding their perspective is crucial. To address challenging behaviors, we must provide the autonomy they crave while ensuring their safety and well-being.

7 Practical Tips for Managing Your Teen’s Behavior

Eliminating the 3Rs involves using the Guidance Approach to Parenting, avoiding triggering them with controlling discipline. My TEDx talk, “The Rebellion is Here: We Created It and We Can Solve It,” provides more insight into this process.

Here are practical tips that can make a world of difference:

  1. In moments of heightened tension, it is advised to disengage. If the teenager appears defensive or upset, it is recommended to defer weighty conversations to a more opportune time. Providing them with space to collect their thoughts and regain composure can prove beneficial for both parties involved.
  2. Establishing age-appropriate guidelines is essential.Granting adolescents the autonomy they seek involves setting guidelines that align with their respective ages. Recognizing that what is acceptable for a 13-year-old might be overly restrictive for a 16-year-old requires parental discernment. Collaborate with your teenager to formulate solutions, seeking mutual understanding to ensure everyone is on the same page. For instance, inquire, “Would you feel more comfortable if I allowed you to pursue your interests independently from 2-5 pm on Saturdays, as long as you inform me of your whereabouts and companions?”
  3. Discovering common ground strengthens the parent-child bond.Identifying shared activities that both parties enjoy, such as watching a movie together, indulging in ice cream outings, or engaging in a favorite sport, fosters a positive atmosphere for meaningful connection. Encourage open communication by listening attentively when your teenager chooses to share aspects of their life.
  4. Advocating a measured response over a reactive one is crucial.When your teenager confides in you, exercise restraint and avoid overreacting—particularly when it comes to topics like romantic interests. Shift away from the “my baby” perspective and offer objective advice, assuring your teenager that they can confide in you without judgment.
  5. Choose language wisely to prevent defensiveness.Avoiding phrases like “You never” and “You always” is pivotal, as these tend to elicit defensiveness. Reframe statements to be non-accusatory; for example, instead of saying “You’re always late for school!” consider expressing concern by stating, “I’ve received reports about lateness from your school; is everything okay?”
  6. Acknowledge and respect their privacy. Given the myriad changes occurring in their minds and bodies, teenagers often harbor heightened self-consciousness. Fostering trust entails refraining from intrusive behaviors such as snooping in bedrooms, phones, laptops, or social media. Building this trust empowers your teenager to confide in you willingly.
  7. Facilitate understanding of physiological changes. Teens navigate physiological transformations more effectively when equipped with knowledge about what’s happening. If they are hesitant to discuss these changes with you, enlist the support of a trusted family member, friend, or counselor to ensure they receive the necessary guidance and information.

As your teenager navigates this complex period, providing the support they desperately need is critical.


Love and Blessings,



Exploring Annuities: The Path To Create Income You Will Never Outlive

In the intricate tapestry of financial planning, the concept of annuities emerges as a powerful thread, weaving its way through the maze of investment strategies. An annuity isn’t just a financial instrument; it’s a roadmap towards financial security, offering a sheltered haven amidst the uncertainties of the future. It’s a tool designed not only to secure your financial growth but to create income you will never outlive, ultimately contributing to your ability to create wealth.


Annuities are more than just contracts; they’re gateways to financial security. These vehicles, offered by insurance companies, provide a steady stream of income during retirement or a predetermined period, ensuring financial growth and stability. Imagine annuities as the sturdy foundation upon which your financial security rests—a dependable fortress safeguarding your future while enabling you to create wealth.


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One of the most compelling aspects of annuities is their ability to foster financial growth. They operate on the principle of tax-deferred growth, allowing your investment to flourish without being eroded by annual taxes. This mechanism propels your nest egg’s growth, amplifying your financial security and providing the means to create income you will never outlive, thereby contributing to your capacity to create wealth.


The flexibility of annuities is another facet that contributes significantly to financial security. With a variety of options available, from fixed to variable or indexed annuities, you have the autonomy to choose the type that aligns best with your financial goals. Whether you prioritize stability, growth potential, or a combination of both, there’s an annuity tailored to suit your needs, fostering financial growth and empowering you to create wealth.


Annuities are often lauded for their ability to provide a consistent stream of income, especially during retirement—an income you will never outlive. This feature acts as a safety net, ensuring that regardless of market fluctuations or economic uncertainties, you have a reliable source of income to sustain your lifestyle and fulfill your financial commitments. Such certainty contributes immensely to your overall financial security and empowers you to focus on creating wealth without fear of running out of income.


Moreover, annuities offer a hedge against longevity risk, a concern for many retirees. Longevity risk refers to the possibility of outliving your savings, which can pose a significant threat to financial security in retirement. Annuities, particularly lifetime payout options, mitigate this risk by guaranteeing a continuous stream of income for as long as you live, thereby creating income you will never outlive and fortifying your ability to create wealth even in your later years.


The concept of annuities isn’t solely about financial growth or creating income you will never outlive; it’s also about peace of mind. An annuity’s ability to provide a predictable and stable income stream, especially in retirement, alleviates the stress associated with financial uncertainties. This assurance cultivates a sense of security and empowers you to pursue endeavors that contribute to creating wealth and leaving a lasting legacy.


Furthermore, annuities offer a layer of protection against market volatility. While investments in stocks or mutual funds are subject to market fluctuations, annuities provide a shield against these ups and downs. Especially for risk-averse individuals seeking financial growth without being exposed to market volatility, certain types of annuities, like fixed or indexed annuities, offer a secure haven, ensuring financial security while contributing to the ability to create wealth steadily.


Annuities also shine as estate planning tools. Through beneficiary designations, annuities allow for the smooth transfer of assets to heirs, bypassing probate and ensuring a seamless transition of wealth. This aspect is pivotal in crafting a comprehensive estate plan, safeguarding your legacy while simultaneously nurturing your ability to create wealth for future generations.


In conclusion, exploring annuities unveils a pathway—a pathway leading not only to financial security but also to the empowerment to create wealth, foster financial growth, and establish a legacy. Ready to take control of your financial future? Look no further than our Create Income You Will Never Outlive program. With expert guidance tailored to your unique journey, you can unlock a lifetime of financial growth and security by going to The #1 Program For Safe Money Strategies


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Do you have questions? Email me at Kris@HealthyMoneyHappyLIfe.com

Phone (951) 926-4158

Advice Human Resources

How to Free People So They Learn More from Training

It’s a common misconception that employees will enjoy training because it gives them a chance to kick back and get away from their desks. But in reality, your training is probably causing conflicts like these for your trainees:

  • “I get 100 emails before lunch every day, some of them critically important… what am I supposed to do, just disappear during training?”
  • “I’m onboarding three new associates this week… and I’m expected to go sit in a classroom all day long?”
  • “I’m hoping to close a big sale next week… and my company expects me to go to another state for training?”

You get the idea. Training can cause conflicts for executives, middle managers, salespeople, front-line staffers, and just about everyone else. If you don’t address the problem, you’re only causing people to resent training before it even begins, and to resist it even more after it starts. But there are ways to resolve the conflict.

Here are some proactive and humorous ways to resolve conflicts between work and training:

  1. Ask Employees to Help Design the Training that Will Work Best for Them: Do your middle managers really want to travel away from their home offices? Do your salespeople want to leave their territories and sit in meetings without immediate access to incoming phone calls? There are alternatives. Videoconferencing can let you run a virtual group training class for only an hour a day, for example. Interactive online training can allow salespeople, customer service people, and other staffers to fit training in and around their other work. And you can mix and match different delivery systems to minimize the conflict between learning and work.
  2. Help Trainees Stay on Top of Work During Live Sessions: Have you ever been in training classes where attendees are secretly checking their mobile devices and hoping nobody will notice? Everybody becomes irritated – the trainer and the trainees too. But there are some straightforward ways to help trainees stay on top of work during live sessions. For example, you can encourage trainees to take notes on their laptops or tablets, or you can provide them with a list of tasks they can work on during breaks.
  3. Use Humor to Break the Ice: Humor can be a powerful tool for breaking the ice and getting people to open up. You can use humor to lighten the mood during training sessions, or you can use it to help trainees feel more comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas. For example, you can start a training session with a funny video or cartoon, or you can use a humorous anecdote to illustrate a point.

Remember, training doesn’t have to be a chore. By taking a proactive and humorous approach, you can help your trainees get the most out of their training experience and minimize conflicts between work and learning.