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Do You Escape Easy Problems by Being Provocative?

“Never run from a temporary problem and allow it to become a permanent solution.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert

When you’re confronted by problems, how do you handle them? Do you choose to be provocative, running the risk of irritating yourself and others, or do you seek ways to finesse them? The way you address problems dictate the amount of life you give them. In some situations, what you perceive as a problem is an opportunity for greater gains.

Perception of Problems:

When challenged by trying situations, consider both the up and downside of the potential outcome. Then, assign a probability to the outcome. That process will allow you to better address the situation’s occurrence along with the degree of severity that it may possess. Never dismiss a problem out of hand simply due to the classification you assign it. When a problem contains an easy solution and it’s one that will add value to you, address it and embrace the outcome of its gains.

Communication is Key:

When considering how you’ll address a problem, the way you think of it communicates its severity. That occurs to whom you speak about your perception and yourself. The latter is true because as you communicate with others, you’ve already consulted your own perception and then you update that assessment by further discussions. The other perspective to consider is, problems decrease in severity with the passage of time and further movement away from them.

Mental Attitude:

The attitude you possess when examining a problem determines its degree of perceived difficulty; that perception places a weight on your mind as you contemplate how you’ll address it.

A study in the Huffington Post in August 2015, indicated that 85% of the misfortunes we consider never occur. It further highlights that there are lessons we learn to our benefit in the remaining 15% of that equation. That means, we spend a lot of emotional capital worrying about difficulties that never materialize.

Your Persona:

Be cognizant of how you project your persona when mulling over the possibility of calamitous outcomes. If you project a situation as being dire to others and they think it’s easy, you’ll be displaying your fortitude to deal with such situations. That display may lead to you not receiving opportunities in the future for fear of how you might address them. If you remember that you’re always negotiating (i.e. what you do today impacts tomorrow’s opportunities), that should serve as a reminder to be watchful of how you project yourself.

As you can see, there’s a lot you can do to shape the appearance of problems and the way you engage them. If you want to be more successful when addressing situations that are challenging, embrace them with a mindset that they’ll be beneficial to you. Don’t think of any problem as being too large to overcome; that’ll hamper your mind when considering actions to address easy problems. Possessing a conqueror’s mindset will help you achieve more goals and positive outcomes … and everything will be right with the world.

What does this have to do with negotiations? 

People perceive problem solvers as being more influential in negotiations. Therefore, their thoughts and suggestions are more acceptable, too. To enhance your repute, be known as someone that deals with challenges by your positive demeanor. That, coupled with the implementation of what’s in this article should lead to better negotiation outcomes for you.

Remember, you’re always negotiating!

After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d really like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com

To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Sunday Negotiation Insight” click here http://www.themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams

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How to Prevent Negotiator Anger Backlash that Kills Deals

“There are lots of ways to kill deals. Don’t let anger be one of them.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert

“That offer angered me. They killed the deal by displaying that they had no respect for me. So, I shoved my chair to the wall, slammed my papers into my case, and walked away!” Does any of that invoke memories or stories of a negotiator’s actions that you’ve seen or heard?

Some form of anger is usually the tempest behind a negotiation’s demise. To prevent a negotiator’s anger and backlash that can kill your deal, always be mindful of your point of anger and that of the other negotiator.


Losing your cool in a negotiation can make you run hot. That wasn’t meant to be funny. Too many times, negotiators forget to control their temper. When they do, they become irrational, engage in non-progressing actions, and infuse a degree of angst in themselves and the negotiation.

When you feel yourself getting upset during a negotiation, identify the cause. If your anger continues to rise, abate it by departing the environment and thoughts that are giving it life. Also remember that there’s another entity in the negotiation that you’re negotiating against. It’s your negotiation opponent. You should be mindful of your temperament as well as that of the other negotiator during the negotiation.

If the opposing negotiator becomes irate, assess the validity of his mood based on what triggered it; he may be using anger as a ruse. If his anger is genuine, alter the mood in the environment by changing elements in it; that may mean departing the environment that you’re in. Don’t attempt to negotiate in such climates. You may acquiesce when such is to your detriment.

Observe Body Language Signals:

Body language signals can be an omen of anger that’s lurking slightly beneath a negotiator’s mental surface. Such signals expose themselves by the removing of one’s glasses and tossing them aside (i.e. I don’t believe what I’m seeing), pinching the bridge of the nose (i.e. it’s getting stuffy in here; I need fresh air), rubbing palms while frowning or pouting (i.e. I’m warming up in anticipation for battle). During such occasions, whether it’s your actions or that of the other negotiator, note body language gestures that may foreshadow anger. Some will not be as obvious as others (e.g. pounding the table with a fist(s), waving the back of the hand with power coupled with words of dread, sounding exasperated).

Deal Conclusion:

The way a negotiation concludes can be the opening of a deal-killer. If anger has permeated the interactions between the negotiators prior to a deal, there may be a lingering angst promoted by that residue. To enhance the probability that the deal will become consummated, address that residue. Be sure it’s completely abated before departing the negotiation table.

Deal-breakers are always seeking life to kill a deal. By being more vigilant to what gives life to anger, you can prevent its backlash from invading your negotiations. You’ll no longer fall prey to the profound and insidiousness that anger uses to rip at the negotiation process. You’ll be in control of yourself, the other negotiator, and the negotiation … and everything will be right with the world.

Remember, you’re always negotiating!

After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d really like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com

To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Sunday Negotiation Insight” click here http://www.TheMasterNegotiator.com/greg-williams/

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Be Alert When Options Are Being Limited

“Limit my options and you limit my beliefs. If I allow you to limit my beliefs, I limit myself.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert

“What do you believe and how do you arrive at your beliefs? Are you a ‘the glass is half empty or the glass is half full’ person?” Those were the questions posed when two individuals were talking. The ‘half empty or half full’ question was limited by its option. It proposed that there were only two possible answers to the question (i.e. half empty or half full). There was a third possible option not offered. The glass could have been the right size for the contents it contained. Thus, the questioner was attempting to control the thought process of the questionee by limiting the questionee’s options to two possibilities.

“Limit the options of what you want me to believe and I’ll give you my limited beliefs. But by doing so, I may give you insincerity in return.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert

When given options, consider what’s omitted. Also, assess if what’s omitted is intentional. Consider if it’s done to keep you from focusing on more salient points that might serve you. When someone limits your options, they’re limiting your choices. By limiting your choices, they’re also limiting your beliefs. They’re controlling you! Don’t take that lightly.

That may sound like it’s obvious, but when you’re presented with specific options, your selections become limited. As an example, if I asked you if you’d rather be rich or happy, what might your thought be? Would you consider other options, or would you focus on the choices I presented to you? Most people wouldn’t consider other possibilities. They would focus on the choices presented.

Always be willing to expand your mind by exploring the possibilities contained in options that aren’t presented. Doing so may expose more value. That’s how you can discover your treasure. Seek yours and you’ll become more mentally enriched by knowledge … and everything will be right with the world.

What does this have to do with negotiations?

When limited by choices, one becomes limited by the options offered. While that can be constraining for you, it can also be a tactic you employ in your strategies against the other negotiator. You can best deliver it by stating your options in a rushed or calming demeanor; choose whichever is best for the situation at hand. To make it more viable, have a combination of options ready to diffuse any possible push-back you might receive. Follow that up with, “I’ve given you options. What else do you want me to do?” Remember, while you have your negotiation counterpart considering your options, you’re in control of the negotiation.

When negotiating, be alert to the choices you’re offered and the ones you offer. If the premise of those choices doesn’t fit within your spectrum of benefits, reject them while attempting to persuade the other negotiator to consider yours. By doing so, you’ll become more reflective and circumspective in your thinking about the choices you consider and extend. That will lead to more fulfilling negotiations, enhanced by more positive negotiation outcomes.

Remember, you’re always negotiating!

After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d really like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com

 To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Sunday Negotiation Insight” click here http://www.themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/

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Anchoring – How to Better Improve Your Negotiation Efforts

“In negotiations, anchoring can tie you down, but it doesn’t have to weigh you down. Used right, it can be the brisk breeze that sails you to greater negotiation ports.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert

Anchoring occurs in every negotiation in one form or another. To enhance your negotiation position, be aware of when it occurs, the intent of it, the mindset you adopt when observing it, and what response you or your negotiation counterpart will have to it. Those ingredients will drastically affect the flow and outcome of the negotiation. Consider the following.

Anchoring Intent:

Know the intent of anchoring. It should align with your negotiation plans. In some situations, it may be prudent to let the other negotiator anchor his position first. The justification would be based on him displaying more of his position than you displaying yours. Regardless of the option you choose, remember the person that anchors first sets a mile-marker that establishes a boundary in the negotiation.

Anchoring Tonality:

When considering how to implant your anchor, consider the tonality you’ll employ to assist your efforts. As an example, if you state your position with a timid sounding voice, you run the risk of sounding unsure and weak. On the other hand, if you convey your intent with a rich and deep voice, you’ll project the perception of authority. You’ll be more believable, influential, and convincing; a deep voice is commanding; It projects authority. In either case, be mindful of the perception your tone of voice has on your pronouncements.

Anticipate Response:

Unlike other tools in a negotiation, you should use anchoring judiciously. It will become the cornerstone upon which an easy or tough negotiation ensues.

Before choosing when and how you’ll anchor your position, consider what the response might be to it. When planning, assemble actions that will buttress up and progress your position while keeping the negotiation away from quagmires.

You should always anticipate your counterpart’s next move. When anchoring, anticipate several future moves that he might make.  Since anchoring establishes the foundation from which you’ll move forward, be more diligent in your timing, thought process, and implementation.

Mental Mindset:

Be aware of your mental state of mind when attempting to use anchoring as a viable tool in negotiations. If you’re mentally weak about making your offer, per how you’ll anchor it, assess why you have that mindset; more than likely, it won’t serve the goals you’re attempting to achieve. If you can’t muster the mental fortitude to deliver your offer in a manner that supports your efforts, it may be better not to anchor it at all. You don’t want to worsen your chance of acquiring a better deal.

Counter Anchoring:

If you’re aware of what your negotiation counterpart is attempting to achieve by anchoring you to his position, and you don’t like the position it places you in, counter to the extreme opposite. The subliminal message you’ll send is, there’s a wide gap to overcome. It will also serve to message that both of you will have to make a significant movement to advance the negotiation. You can signal that you’re willing to attempt that broach if he is, too.

The potential pitfall of responding to the extreme is to risk an impasse due to such a wide gap in anchors. Thus, you should be thoughtful about how you refute an anchor that’s established and whether you’ll set it first.

Anchoring is the persister that sets the boundaries that follow. It also foreshadows the strategies that will persist after its establishment. Used adroitly, it can be the first volley of an enhanced negotiation. Thus, if you use anchoring skillfully, you’ll be on a path to heightened negotiation outcomes … and everything will be right with the world.

Remember, you’re always negotiating!

After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d really like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com

To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Sunday Negotiation Insight” click here http://www.TheMasterNegotiator.com/greg-williams/

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How to Prevent Your Nerves From Getting the Better of You

“Nervousness is a part of life. When it serves you, embrace it. When it dis-serves you, shun it.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert

“I started verbally stumbling. I don’t know what came over me. I heard senseless words coming out of my mouth; they made no sense. It was like my brain had disconnected from my mouth. My nerves were definitely getting the better of me.” Those were the words of an overly exasperated woman recalling a conversation she had with a senior member of her organization. Do you have such moments? We all do. Have you ever stopped to question why that occurs and how you can prevent it?

Continue reading to discover how you can recognize the pending onset of such moments and how to thwart them when they occur.


First, recognize that stress is usually the culprit behind your brain-freeze moments. Stress is promoted by several factors (i.e. lack of rest, the perception of your social position related to others, preparedness deficiency, sleep deprivation, physiology, etc.). Identifying the cause and when your nervousness occurs will allow you to better address it.


Psychologically, actions are evoked by triggers that serve as stimuli for those actions. Note and recognize the source(s) and cause(s) behind the triggers that move you to react. Specifically, observe the stimuli that cause you to act a certain way in certain environments. In some cases, the source behind the trigger may be an unsettled action that occurred earlier in your life. Then, when confronted by a similar environment or circumstance, subliminally, you react the way you did years ago. Address that source and you stand a greater chance of controlling the trigger.

Lack of Preparedness

I know what might occur in the upcoming situation. So, I’ll just wing it. A lack of preparedness can be stress inducing. Since no one truly knows what might occur in the future, we speculate. The better we can tap-down the assumptions of what we think may occur, the better we can control the variables that feed uncertainty. Considering the possible scenarios that we could encounter prepares us for those engagements while lowering the mental threat that might otherwise stem from fear of not being in control.


Where physiology is concerned, some people start to mentally shut down. “I don’t want to hear about how a lack of rest, exercise, depleted hydration, and/or the lack of a proper diet can hamper me from reaching peak performance”, are the thoughts of some individuals. But, when your body is physically misaligned, as the result of missing the ingredients mentioned, you become mentally deprived of a coherent thought process. Don’t overlook the value that physiology plays in your overall wellbeing. To do so is to psychologically rob your thought and presentation process of greater consistency.

What does this have to do with negotiations?

Every negotiation is fraught with situations that claims fear as an ingredient of its process. That fear may stem from being uncertain about how to act or react in situations, or being fearful of what might occur if one finds oneself in a no-deal position. Command control over your emotions when contemplating such thoughts. Do so by controlling the thoughts that might lead you down a path laden with nervousness.

By addressing and preventing the nervous tensions that could hamper your negotiation, you’ll enhance your negotiation efforts. You’ll be preventing such nervousness from getting the better of you … and everything will be right with the world.

Remember, you’re always negotiating!

After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d really like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com

To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Sunday Negotiation Insight” click here http://www.themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/

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How to Make ‘You’ a Better Negotiator

 “Small increments add up. Observe the small increments that make you a better negotiator.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert

Did the word, ‘you’, draw your attention to this article? If you don’t think it did, think again. If not at your conscious level, subliminally, it did affect you. Knowing when to use ‘you’ in a negotiation can make you a better negotiator.

The Story:

“I’m canceling my monthly subscription”, stated an irate customer. “Why”, asked the service manager. “Because I didn’t like the way you resolved my issue”, replied the customer. With that, the service manager crossed his arms and retorted in a defensive tone, “what did you expect me to do? I told you we don’t settle that type of claim!”

‘You’ can be an insidious or gravely dangerous word if not used correctly in a negotiation. ‘You’ is very directive. It’s not me, or someone else, it’s directed at a single individual, you. When negotiating, be cautious about when and how you use that word.

The following are ways to use ‘you’ to enhance your negotiation efforts, while making you a better negotiator.

Using ‘You’ Strategically:

  • Consider the other negotiator’s demeanor. The opposing negotiator’s mood will affect his perception. In some cases, depending on his mood, the word ‘you’ can be perceived as being accusatory.
  • Inflection impacts the perception of ‘you’ (e.g. you need help? you need help!) – In either example, the question or statement could be perceived as being heartfelt or sarcastic depending on the inflection of how it’s posed.
  • Since ‘you’ grabs the attention of a person, use it to command attention (e.g. I need you to consider this, now.)

Using ‘You’ Haphazardly:

  • Some negotiations can become very heated. During such times, be aware that ‘you’ can ramp temperatures higher (e.g. you do it too!)
  • Not being strategic when using ‘you’ can dilute its value (e.g. do you mean that? You don’t mean that!) When ‘you’ is the first word in your statement or question it becomes more poignant.
  • Don’t overuse ‘you’. To make it more impactful, use it to stress and/or highlight a point (e.g. that is good versus, you are good.)

Body Language:

To assess the effect of ‘you’ during the negotiation, observe hand, head, and eye movements. Immediately after stating, ‘you’, observe your negotiation counterpart’s body language.

  • Hand – palms extended facing you, he’s defending himself against your proposal/accusation (i.e. whoa, not so fast.) – palms up and shoulder shrug (i.e. what do you want me to do?) – palms down, after having been up (i.e. rejection) – fist (i.e. anger)
  • Head – moving away (i.e. putting distance between you and your assertion) – moving toward (i.e. willing to embrace or confront (definitive action noted by demeanor)) – head tilted (i.e. in thought mode)
  • Eyes – narrowing (i.e. focused, attentive to what’s being conveyed and how it’s being stated) – wide (i.e. excitement, can be good or bad – assess meaning based on demeanor)

When seeking to enhance a negotiation, or threading the needle of doubt, consider how you can employ the usage of ‘you’. When used appropriately, you’ll expand your negotiation position exponentially. You will experience greater negotiation outcomes … and everything will be right with the world.

Remember, you’re always negotiating!

After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d really like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com

To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Sunday Negotiation Insight” click here http://www.TheMasterNegotiator.com/greg-williams/

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That Which Gets Rewarded, Gets Repeated

“Watch what you reward to ensure the value contained is worthy of being rewarded.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert 

Are you mindful of what you reward? What’s rewarded gets repeated. That means, you set a precedent when you reward an action. That action then becomes a guideline to which you compare future actions. Those future actions may serve you to a point and then lead you astray. Thus, you must always be attentive to the actions you reward.

Action Drivers:

Do you note what drives you to action, when it occurs, and the spark that ignites it? When actions lead to positive outcomes, you should note what gave them life. Those are actions that warrant rewarding; they’re serving to advance your goals. Never ignore something that adds value to your life. To ensure that you don’t, note when such value exists.

Routines and Processes:

Do you observe the routines you engage in that lead to greater satisfaction? At the end of the day, take a moment to reflect on the activities you engaged in during the day and assess your degree of satisfaction. By measuring your satisfaction, you’ll note the routines that allowed you to experience it. If you’re truly satisfied, incorporate the routines that serve you best into a process you engage in whenever you wish to experience those sensations again.

Message and Image:

If a message is too harsh, at some point, the recipient may turn a deaf ear to it. One must always be open to matching the delivery of a message to the way the listener wishes to receive it. The better that match is, the better the probability that the message will be received.

Watch the message delivery you reward. If you reward the wrong delivery, the further you’ll be from success.


Heart aches, stomach aches, headaches, are all signs that something’s out of kilter. Always be alert and apprise when life tosses you warnings. The thought or action that promoted it should be a sign to not reward that action in the future. You don’t want to be in that place again.

The more aware you are of what you reward, the more aware you’ll be of how to progress your life. If you note when you receive the greatest return for the efforts you exert, that’ll lend insight into what you should reward … and everything will be right with the world.

What does this have to do with negotiations?

Negotiations are intensely entangled by rewards and penalties. If you observe what fears motivate the other negotiator, you can use negative stimuli to motivate him to action. Then, you can reward him for adopting your perspective by lessening those fears.

When engaged in any negotiation, consider the topics mentioned in the headings above. All of them impact the flow and outcome of a negotiation. Thus, the more aware you are of the stimulus that promotes them, the better you can utilize them to enhance your negotiation efforts. Therein will lie what you should reward during the negotiation.

Remember, you’re always negotiating!

After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d really like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com

To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Sunday Negotiation Insight” click here http://www.themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/

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Game Theory Finite and Infinite – How to Be a Better Negotiator

“The perceptional difference between finite and infinite can belie your thinking. Always be aware of the one that’s serving you and the one that’s not.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert

When we play games, we engage in the wonderment of possibilities. When seeking to negotiate better via game theory, the perspective you adopt determines how you’ll plan for the negotiation and how you should engage in it.

There’s a heavy degree of mathematics involved in game theory. Two aspects I relate to negotiations are the perspectives of finite and infinite propositions. The one you adopt should be determined on the type of negotiator you’re negotiating against and how quickly you or he seeks an outcome.

Finite Negotiating:

Finite negotiations have fixed rules that both negotiators generally agree to. The negotiators may stray slightly outside of the boundaries but they’ll come inbounds in an effort not to have the boundaries expand beyond manageability.

Finite negotiations are good when seeking rigidity in a negotiation. There’s an approximate start and end time/date for the negotiation. Rules that dictate how the negotiators will engage in the negotiation must be established, too. Those rules should be rigid enough to maintain control of the negotiation and endowed with enough flexibility to overcome impasses.

Infinite Negotiating:

Infinite negotiations do not have specified end dates. They have mile-markers denoting deliverables at points in the negotiation. The negotiation itself is without hard rules. Thus, the negotiators know that either can change the rules; if not stated, it should be, so everyone understands the rule(s) of the negotiation.

An infinite approach to negotiating takes into consideration how either negotiator might advantage himself by altering the rules of the negotiation. Knowing that the negotiation doesn’t have a set end date means that each of them must consider long-term strategies. That also implies that the negotiation may encounter the changing of negotiators on both sides. This may occur a multiple number of times.

Finite Vs. Infinite Negotiation Strategy:

A finite strategy in a negotiation might entail negotiating with a major supplier, one that provides supplies to you and your competition. To get the best deal, so you can offer your product to the consumer at a lower price, you might make substantially larger purchases from that supplier than your competitor does in hopes of enticing the supplier to give you the best deal.

With an infinite negotiation strategy, you might start off adopting the same position as outlined with the finite strategy. The strategies then differ at the point when you decide that you’re occupying such a large share of the supplier’s business that you begin to dictate better prices than what you received with the finite strategy. At some point, you may even consider buying the supplier’s business or crating a business that competes against the supplier. In so doing, you’re aiming each maneuver at the competitor that you started the original negotiation with. The infinite approach becomes the longer activity you use to deal with your competitor.


As the case in most negotiations, in game theory, a negotiator should negotiate from the assumption that the opposing negotiator will do whatever he can to maximize the outcome in his favor; you should view trust as a vestige virgin. Be prepared to thwart his efforts wherever possible. Thus, even when negotiating from a finite position, be ready to shift to an infinite style of negotiation. By doing so, you’ll prime yourself for a long-term negotiation, one in which you’ll have greater control throughout it no matter what course the negotiation adopts … and everything will be right with the world.

Remember, you’re always negotiating!

After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d really like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com

To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Sunday Negotiation Insight” click here http://www.TheMasterNegotiator.com/greg-williams/

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Aha – What Just Happened?

“Never let thoughts lazily reside in your imagination. Some seek life to serve you.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert 

Do you take note of what’s occurring when you’re in different environments? If you don’t, you’re missing aha moments. Aha moments occur when your paradigm shifts about a perspective. That paradigm shift can lead to greater understandings about how you perceive your environments. Some aha moments are truly life-changing.

Aha – Don’t focus on ‘too’ easy or ‘too’ difficult. Assess the degree of difficulty associated with any task you contemplate, but don’t be over obsessive. If you think a task is too easy, you might put off addressing it because you think it will only take a short amount of time to complete. If you think it’ll be too difficult you might put it off altogether.

Aha – You don’t know what you don’t know. When making decisions, consider what you might not know that could add value to your thoughts. If the possibility of what you don’t know is overwhelming, delay your decision, continue thinking.

Aha – Everyone has the same amount of time and yet some are more successful than others. The account for their success lies in the way they utilize time. There are 1440 minutes in a day. To become more successful in life, don’t ‘kill’ time; use it to improve yourself. Make the most of the time you have.

The moment you embrace aha moments as enhancers in life, you will begin to elevate your life … and everything will be right with the world.

What does this have to do with negotiations?

When negotiating, what do you hear? What do you see? Does your periscope seek aha moments? There’s hidden value in such moments. You’ll only experience them if you’re watchful. Here’s how you can become more attuned to the possibility of aha moments.

Keep an open mind.

Be receptive to ideas, suggestions, and offers that initially may not be appealing. By considering the offer from other perspectives, you may experience that aha moment that leads to a greater outcome.

What’s that background noise?

Background noise can be a metaphor for anything that alters your perception. In some cases, negotiators have manipulated their environment by lacing it with different aromas. The opposing negotiator was not mindful of the fact that the maneuver was stimulating him. Had he realized, he may have recognized the aha that was captivating his senses.

Change environments. 

Changing environments opens the doorway to aha moments. When you feel stumped in a negotiation, call a timeout. Take a break to alter the way you’re thinking.

In your next negotiation, take note of what you’re not paying attention to. Ask yourself why your new thought had not captured your attention before. What you’ll experience is another way to uncover aha moments.

Thank you Mitchell Levy, The AHA Guy at AHAthat and TEDx Speaker

– Watch Mitchell’s TED talk: BEing Seen and BEing Heard as a Thought Leader

Remember, you’re always negotiating!

After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d really like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com

 To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Sunday Negotiation Insight” click here http://www.themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/

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How to Uncover More Hidden Value Opportunities When Negotiating

“Opportunities are concealed in hidden value. Heighten your sense of value and you’ll uncover more hidden value opportunities.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert 

“Did you really want those bananas?” That was the question asked as one friend watched another negotiate the price of a lamp. “Yes, I wanted them”, was the reply. “I love bananas, especially when they’re free!”

Bananas can be a metaphor for anything you get as a bonus when negotiating.

Two friends were at a flee market. One saw a unique USB lamp. He asked the seller for the cost. The reply was $7. The friend offered $5. The seller said he paid more than that. So, the friend offered $6. The seller still said no. With that, the friend turned and began walking away. As he did, he spotted bananas. He turned and said, I’ll give you $7 for the lamp if you’ll give me seven bananas and the lamp. The seller said, okay. He gave the buyer the lamp, along with seven bananas, and that consummated the deal. That occurred even though the seller had the bananas listed at sixty cents each.


When you negotiate, do you note your real objective? In the situation above, the objective was not to get the lamp for less than $7, it was to maximize the purchasing power of the $7. The bananas added value to that purchasing power. That recognition helped the friend bring the deal to fruition.

Hidden Value:

When contemplating the objective of a negotiation, consider the hidden value that might provide added value to the outcome. That will afford you more flexibility in achieving your objective. It will also stave off possible impasses in the negotiation. Not only should you consider what you might seek as added value, you should consider the same for the other negotiator. Considering his perspective of added value will give you a possible bargaining chip to overcome a point of contention.

In part, you can entice the opposition to possess a red herring; a red herring would be something that you professed as having value. Feign extreme hardship at forgoing it, to give it added value. Offer it as a trade for what you’re seeking, or to help bridge the gulf between what the other negotiator seeks from the negotiation.

Know the Needs:

To employ the use of added value successfully, know what added value is. Per the way the other negotiator perceives it, obtain insights from conversations and her writings before the negotiation. Do that by acquiring foreknowledge from friends and associates of hers. For your own means, consider everything you might want from the negotiation and how obtaining it would add value to your outcome expectations. For either of you, that can be in the form of financial, prestige, or perceived as being fair. Whatever it is, know what it is and use it appropriately.

Before you set out to negotiate, consider the different ways you might enhance the negotiation. Consider the possibilities that might present themselves as an added value to the outcome. Some may be things that you don’t really want. Nevertheless, you can use them as chits to enhance the probability of getting more from every negotiation you’re in. By uncovering more hidden value opportunities when negotiating, you’ll enhance your negotiation position, power, and outcome … and everything will be right with the world.

Remember, you’re always negotiating!

After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d really like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com

To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Sunday Negotiation Insight” click here http://www.TheMasterNegotiator.com/greg-williams/

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