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Artificial Intelligence and Predictive Analytics in Healthcare


Leading the Healthcare Innovation Frontier

In the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare, Jeff Cline stands out as a visionary leader, pioneering innovative solutions and resources to navigate the complex system. As an expert in Medicare Helpline & Health Care, Cline understands the importance of providing accessible and reliable information to individuals seeking guidance on their healthcare options.

With a keen focus on Healthcare Innovation, Cline is at the forefront of developing new approaches to address the challenges facing the industry. Through his work, he is reshaping the way healthcare is delivered, leveraging technology and data to improve outcomes and enhance patient experiences.

Cline’s commitment to providing comprehensive Healthcare Resources is evident in his creation of a robust Healthcare Directory, offering a centralized hub for individuals to access information on providers, services, and support networks. This resource empowers patients to make informed decisions about their care, leading to better health outcomes.

As a recognized Healthcare Innovator, Cline has earned a reputation for his forward-thinking strategies and solutions. His ability to anticipate industry trends and adapt to changing landscapes positions him as a trusted advisor and partner in navigating the complexities of healthcare.

Through initiatives such as the Medicare Supplements Insurance program and the 1-800-MEDIGAP Medigap Helpline, Cline is dedicated to helping individuals understand their options and find the coverage that best meets their needs. By offering personalized assistance and guidance, he ensures that everyone has access to the resources they need to make informed decisions about their healthcare coverage.

Cline’s role as a Medicare (Non-Govermental – Licensed Agent) Private Help advocate underscores his commitment to empowering individuals to take control of their healthcare journey. Whether through one-on-one consultations or educational outreach efforts, he remains steadfast in his mission to provide support and guidance every step of the way.

In conclusion, Jeff Cline‘s leadership and innovation in the field of healthcare are unparalleled. His dedication to improving access, quality, and affordability make him a true pioneer in the industry, and his contributions continue to shape the future of healthcare for generations to come.

HOW WILL AI IMPACT HEALTHCARE and most businesses?

The Transformative Impact of AI on Healthcare

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is poised to revolutionize the healthcare industry, offering unprecedented opportunities to improve patient outcomes, streamline processes, and enhance overall efficiency. From diagnosis to treatment, AI is transforming every aspect of healthcare delivery, ushering in a new era of innovation and possibility.

Diagnostic Advancements: One of the most significant contributions of AI to healthcare is its ability to analyze vast amounts of data with remarkable speed and accuracy. AI-powered diagnostic tools can assist healthcare professionals in identifying diseases and conditions earlier, often before symptoms manifest. This early detection not only improves patient outcomes but also reduces the burden on healthcare systems by enabling more targeted and timely interventions.

Personalized Treatment Plans: AI algorithms can analyze patient data, including genetic information, medical history, and lifestyle factors, to develop personalized treatment plans tailored to individual needs. By leveraging predictive analytics, AI can identify the most effective interventions for specific patients, minimizing trial and error and optimizing treatment outcomes.

Enhanced Imaging and Analysis: AI algorithms are revolutionizing medical imaging by enhancing image quality, reducing interpretation errors, and accelerating diagnosis. Deep learning algorithms can analyze medical images such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans with remarkable precision, aiding radiologists in detecting abnormalities and making more accurate diagnoses.

Predictive Analytics and Preventive Care: AI-powered predictive analytics can forecast disease trends, identify high-risk populations, and recommend preventive measures to mitigate health risks. By analyzing vast datasets encompassing patient demographics, environmental factors, and clinical variables, AI can identify patterns and trends that may indicate future health outcomes, enabling proactive interventions to prevent disease progression.

Streamlined Administrative Processes: AI automation technologies can streamline administrative tasks such as appointment scheduling, billing, and medical coding, reducing administrative burden and allowing healthcare professionals to focus more on patient care. Natural language processing (NLP) algorithms can also enhance communication between healthcare providers and patients, improving information exchange and patient engagement.

Drug Discovery and Development: AI algorithms are accelerating the drug discovery and development process by analyzing vast datasets to identify potential drug candidates, predict drug interactions, and optimize treatment regimens. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, researchers can expedite the identification of promising compounds, significantly reducing the time and cost associated with bringing new drugs to market.

Ethical Considerations and Challenges: While AI holds tremendous promise for improving healthcare, it also raises important ethical considerations and challenges. Issues such as data privacy, algorithm bias, and accountability must be carefully addressed to ensure that AI technologies are deployed responsibly and equitably, without exacerbating existing disparities in healthcare access and quality.

In conclusion, AI is poised to revolutionize healthcare by enhancing diagnostic accuracy, personalizing treatment approaches, optimizing operational efficiency, and accelerating medical innovation. By leveraging the power of AI, healthcare professionals can improve patient outcomes, advance medical knowledge, and transform the delivery of care for the betterment of society as a whole.

What safeguards should you put in place as a business?

Implementing safeguards is crucial for protecting your business, its assets, and its stakeholders from various risks and threats. Here are some key safeguards that businesses should put in place:

  1. Cybersecurity Measures: Protect your digital assets and sensitive information by implementing robust cybersecurity measures. This includes using firewalls, encryption, antivirus software, and intrusion detection systems to safeguard against cyber threats such as malware, phishing attacks, and data breaches.
  2. Data Protection Policies: Develop and enforce comprehensive data protection policies to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive data. Implement measures such as access controls, data encryption, regular data backups, and secure data storage practices to mitigate the risk of data loss or unauthorized access.
  3. Employee Training and Awareness: Provide regular training and awareness programs to educate employees about cybersecurity best practices, data protection policies, and potential security threats. Encourage employees to practice good security hygiene, such as using strong passwords, being cautious of suspicious emails, and reporting security incidents promptly.
  4. Physical Security Measures: Implement physical security measures to protect your business premises, equipment, and assets from theft, vandalism, or unauthorized access. This may include installing security cameras, access control systems, alarm systems, and security guards to monitor and secure your facilities.
  5. Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning: Develop comprehensive disaster recovery and business continuity plans to ensure that your business can quickly recover from disruptions such as natural disasters, cyber attacks, or equipment failures. This may involve creating backup systems, offsite data storage, and contingency plans to minimize downtime and maintain essential business operations.
  6. Compliance with Regulations and Standards: Stay compliant with relevant regulations, industry standards, and best practices to mitigate legal and regulatory risks. This includes complying with data protection regulations such as GDPR or HIPAA, industry-specific standards, and security frameworks such as ISO 27001.
  7. Vendor and Supply Chain Management: Assess the security practices of your vendors and partners to ensure that they meet your security standards and requirements. Implement vendor risk management processes, conduct regular security assessments, and establish contractual agreements to hold vendors accountable for maintaining security standards.
  8. Incident Response Plan: Develop a comprehensive incident response plan to effectively respond to security incidents and breaches. Define roles and responsibilities, establish communication protocols, and outline the steps to contain, investigate, and mitigate security incidents in a timely manner.
  9. Regular Security Audits and Assessments: Conduct regular security audits, assessments, and penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in your security defenses. Use the findings to remediate vulnerabilities, strengthen security controls, and continuously improve your security posture.
  10. Executive Oversight and Governance: Establish executive oversight and governance structures to ensure that security is prioritized at the highest levels of the organization. Assign responsibility for security oversight to designated individuals or committees, and ensure that security initiatives are aligned with business objectives and risk management strategies.

By implementing these safeguards, businesses can better protect themselves against a wide range of risks and threats, safeguard their assets and stakeholders, and maintain the trust and confidence of customers, partners, and regulators just ask our Healthcare AI & Innovation GURU Jeff Cline @ 972-eighthundered-6670!


Best Practices Growth Personal Development

A No-Nonsense Guide to Unsticking Yourself and Crushing Goals (For those who will only listen to themselves)

Get Over the Earwax? Sticking your pinky in your ear only to judge how much wax is building up won’t get S*** done—enough with the excuses and the self-pity. Feeling stuck is no excuse for inaction. It’s time to cut through the crap, face reality, and get your act together. I’m not here to coddle or sympathize; I’m here to kick your excuses to the curb and whip you into shape.

Get Over the Earwax? Sticking your pinky in your ear only to judge how much wax is building up won’t get S*** done—enough with the excuses and the self-pity. Feeling stuck is no excuse for inaction. It’s time to cut through the crap, face reality, and get your act together. I’m not here to coddle or sympathize; I’m here to kick your excuses to the curb and whip you into shape.

Get Specific or Get Lost – Quit the vague daydreams about success. Define your goals with surgical precision. Short-term, long-term – I don’t care. Make them Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART). No wishy-washy aspirations allowed. Break them down into bite-sized tasks, or quit wasting my time.

Get to the Meat and Potatoes – You can’t do it all. Figure out what’s crucial and what’s fluff. Stop procrastinating and start prioritizing. What goals will make a real impact on your life? Prioritize them and stop dilly-dallying on the insignificant. Forget the peas.

No More Navel-Gazing –  Take a brutally honest look at your life. What’s working? What’s not? It doesn’t matter if it’s yours or someone else’s; focus on what matters. Forget the fluffy introspection; identify areas where you’re slacking. It’s time to confront your shortcomings head-on. This isn’t therapy; it’s a reality check.

Execute or Evacuate Enough with the plans; it’s time for action. Develop a detailed, no-nonsense action plan for each goal. Break it down into steps and execute. No room for laziness here. Celebrate victories, sure, but only if they’re earned through sweat and effort.

Accountability: No More Lone Wolf Bull.You’re not an island, David. Share your damn goals with someone. A friend, a family member, I don’t care who, but let someone hold you accountable. No more hiding behind excuses. If you fail, you’re answerable.

Adaptability: Flexibility, not Weakness Life changes, deal with it. Be adaptable, but don’t use it as an excuse to slack off. It adapts to every situation, like steel’s strength and leather’s flexibility and durability. Adjust your sails when needed, but keep moving forward. If you’re not adapting, you’re stagnating. We don’t do stagnation.

Self-Care: Not an Option, It’s a Necessity Your well-being matters, but don’t use self-care as an excuse to become soft. Prioritize your physical and mental health, but don’t turn it into a spa day. Get enough rest, exercise, and relaxation, but don’t let it become a crutch.


This isn’t a gentle nudge; it’s a wake-up call. Get off your excuses, set tangible goals, and take massive action. Your growth and well-being depend on it. No more BS – it’s time to crush it. You’ve got this, but only if you’re willing to work for it.

Try Brutal Candor When All Else Fails



Leadership Operations Personal Development

The Cross Disciplinary Advantage for Leaders

The Cross-Disciplinary Advantage for Leaders: Navigating Complexity with Versatile Insight

By Harrison Klein 

In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, where traditional boundaries are increasingly blurred, the need for leaders to adopt a cross-disciplinary approach has never been more critical. The days of operating within a single domain are waning, as innovation and strategic advantage are often found at the intersection of diverse fields. For leaders aiming to navigate this complexity and foster a culture of continual growth, embracing the cross-disciplinary advantage is not just beneficial—it’s essential.

The Convergence of Disciplines

Historically, businesses have been structured in silos, with each department focusing on its specific area of expertise. However, the most pressing challenges and opportunities that companies face today do not respect these artificial boundaries. Technological advancements, environmental concerns, and evolving consumer demands are just a few examples of forces that require a synthesis of knowledge from multiple disciplines. Geniuses like Steve Jobs and Elon Musk embody the efficacy of this approach and unless we’re living under a rock, we all know their stories.

A leader with a cross-disciplinary mindset understands that an engineer can learn from an artist’s creativity, a marketer can gain from a data scientist’s analytical skills, and a finance professional can benefit from the empathetic approach of a human resources manager. Or a pragmatic accountant can gain from spiritual principles and wisdom stories.This fusion of insights leads to more robust problem-solving, innovative product development, and strategic planning that anticipates rather than reacts to market shifts.

The Impact on Innovation

Innovation thrives on fresh perspectives, and a cross-disciplinary approach provides a fertile ground for new ideas. Leaders who foster an environment where knowledge from various fields is not only accepted but encouraged, set the stage for breakthroughs that can redefine industries. For instance, the integration of behavioral economics into financial services has led to more user-friendly investment platforms that demystify finance for the average consumer.

Furthermore, understanding different disciplines can help leaders better appreciate the context in which their business operates. This awareness can lead to the development of sustainable practices that consider environmental science, or to the application of psychological principles in designing more effective marketing campaigns.

Enhancing Personal Growth and Leadership

Cross-disciplinary learning also significantly benefits personal development. Leaders who expose themselves to different fields can develop a more well-rounded skill set, which is invaluable in an era where adaptability is a key leadership quality. Such exposure broadens one’s perspective, fostering critical thinking and empathy—qualities that are crucial for leading diverse teams and understanding multifaceted markets.

Moreover, the pursuit of knowledge across disciplines can reignite the passion for learning that often wanes with routine. It can restore the intellectual curiosity that likely propelled leaders into their positions in the first place. This rejuvenation of the mind can translate into a more dynamic leadership style, one that is more engaging and inspiring to others.

Cultivating a Joyful Work Culture

Leadership is as much about cultivating a positive organizational culture as it is about strategy and execution. A cross-disciplinary approach can contribute significantly to this aspect by promoting a culture of curiosity and continuous learning. When leaders demonstrate an openness to ideas from all fields, it encourages employees to do the same, creating a more vibrant and innovative workplace.

This type of culture not only fosters professional development but also contributes to personal joy. It creates an environment where employees feel valued for their unique contributions and are motivated to explore and share their diverse interests. Such a joyful work culture can improve employee retention, attract top talent, and boost overall productivity.

Navigating Challenges

While the benefits of a cross-disciplinary approach are clear, leaders may face challenges in implementing it. There may be resistance from those who are deeply entrenched in their specialized view of the world. Moreover, the time investment required to learn about other disciplines can be daunting.

To navigate these challenges, leaders can start small by encouraging cross-departmental projects, organizing knowledge-sharing workshops, and fostering a company-wide ethos of learning. They can also seek partnerships with educational institutions or invest in online courses that facilitate cross-disciplinary education. That is what we do at C-Suite Wisdom Roundtable monthly. 

Leaders themselves must model the behavior they wish to see, by stepping out of their comfort zones and actively engaging with ideas outside their primary domain of expertise. This can be as simple as reading widely across genres or as involved as taking up courses in unfamiliar subjects.


The cross-disciplinary advantage offers leaders a powerful tool for navigating the complexities of the modern business world. By embracing diverse perspectives, fostering innovation, and encouraging personal growth, leaders can shape a future that is not only more prosperous but also more joyful and fulfilling. As we look ahead, those who can synthesize knowledge from multiple disciplines will be best equipped to lead their organizations into new territories of success.

We love to facilitate and share cross disciplinary solutions to all manner of business and personal challenges. Come share some unique monthly discussions with CEO’s leaders and great achievers that could boost your desired results or revise a better perspective in a single conversation.  Feb 19th. 1 pm eastern. Register at (link) 

Can’t wait to reach new heights with you. 

Harrison Klein

CEO Global Transformation Partners 

Kamal El Rassi

CEO Thinking Into Results LLC 

Harrison is an Amazing coach.  Full of fascinating true stories of overcoming any obstacle to manifesting your dreams. He is kind, elaborate in his teachings and charming. His character is evident in every word he speaks. I AM honored to call him my friend.   His teachings have propelled me forward at an amazing trajectory. I highly recommend him to anyone ready to transform their lives both physically, spiritually and financially.

Kim Herman 

Growth Operations Personal Development

Securing Tomorrow: The Vital Role of Succession Planning for Small Businesses

“Securing Tomorrow: The Vital Role of Succession Planning for Small Businesses”

In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, small businesses often find themselves immersed in the daily grind of operations, leaving little time to contemplate the future. Yet, amidst the hustle and bustle, one crucial aspect that can often be overlooked is succession planning. Whether your business is structured as a corporation or a limited liability company (LLC), having a robust succession plan is not just a contingency but a strategic imperative for long-term success. In this article, we delve into the importance of succession planning and offer actionable steps for small business owners to chart a resilient path forward.

Imagine your business as a well-oiled machine – finely tuned, efficient, and thriving. Now, picture what happens if a key player, perhaps even you, were suddenly unable to continue steering the ship. Succession planning is the compass that ensures your business sails smoothly through unforeseen storms, safeguarding its legacy and ensuring a seamless transition to the next generation of leaders.

The Importance of Succession Planning for Small Businesses:

1. **Mitigating Risks and Uncertainties: **

Succession planning is a powerful risk management tool. It helps identify and mitigate potential disruptions caused by unforeseen events such as sudden illness, unexpected departures, or even unfortunate accidents. By anticipating these risks, small businesses can safeguard their continuity and financial stability.

2. **Preserving Business Knowledge and Expertise: **

Your business thrives on the unique knowledge, skills, and expertise of its key personnel. Succession planning ensures that this wealth of information is not lost when key individuals retire or move on. By transferring institutional knowledge to the next generation of leaders, businesses can maintain their competitive edge and adapt to changing market dynamics.

3. **Maintaining Employee Morale and Productivity: **

A well-executed succession plan provides employees with a sense of stability and confidence in the face of leadership changes. Knowing that the organization is prepared for the future fosters a positive work environment, ensuring that productivity remains high and morale intact during times of transition.

Actionable Steps for Succession Planning:

1. **Identify Key Roles and Personnel: **

Begin by identifying critical roles within your organization. Determine which positions are indispensable for the day-to-day operations and long-term success. Identify key individuals who currently hold or are capable of filling these roles.

2. **Develop Talent Within: **

Invest in the development of your current employees. Provide training, mentorship, and growth opportunities to nurture a pool of potential successors. Developing internal talent not only ensures a smooth transition but also boosts employee engagement and loyalty.

3. **Document Processes and Procedures: **

Create comprehensive documentation of your business processes and procedures. This knowledge repository serves as a valuable resource for incoming leaders, facilitating a seamless transition. Documenting critical information also enhances organizational resilience.

4. **Regularly Review and Update: **

Succession planning is not a one-time endeavor. Regularly review and update your plan to align with changes in the business environment, market conditions, and personnel. Flexibility and adaptability are key to ensuring the continued relevance and effectiveness of your succession plan.

As a small business owner, your commitment to succession planning is an investment in the sustainability and prosperity of your enterprise. Start today by contacting Controllers, Ltd, today to assess your organization’s vulnerability and take the first steps toward building a robust succession plan. Remember, the future success of your business lies in your hands today. Secure it with a comprehensive and forward-thinking succession plan.

In conclusion, succession planning is not merely a task to check off a list but a strategic initiative that fortifies the foundation of your small business. Embrace the foresight required to navigate the uncertainties of tomorrow, ensuring that your legacy endures, and your business continues to thrive for generations to come.

Give us a call today at (775) 384-8124 or send us an email at contact@controllersltd.com to schedule a time to discuss your situation with one of my experts.

Best Practices Growth Leadership

Get Everyone Looking Up (C-Suite TV)

Do you ever feel more like a referee than a manager? Do you constantly field complaints or resolve arguments between your people? Is being asked to take sides in your employees’ disagreements wearing you out? You need your people working on your goals, not bickering about theirs. In this episode of C-Suite TV’s One Small Step, learn to quit your job as the dysfunctional parent of quarreling children and get back to running your organization through the professionals who oversee different parts of your output.

Like this and want more? Watch more of “One Small Step” on C-Suite Network TV. And, Visit the Group Harmonics Industry Intelligence Archive for ideas, whitepapers, and case studies about changing culture and how small practical actions can create large systemic results.

Human Resources

Training Smarts: What Kind of Bilingual Training Do You Need?


At first glance, you might think that designing bilingual training is simple. You have a workforce that speaks both English and another language, so you make sure your training materials are offered in two languages.

But the fact is that if you are a training director at your company, there are several kinds of bilingual training you should know about. Each tries to accomplish a different goal, and each requires a different kind of training design. Here’s a quick overview . . .

Bilingual Training Type 1: OSHA-Mandated Safety Training for Spanish-Speaking Workers

If your business requires workers to comply with OSHA-mandated standards for job safety and some of your workers speak primarily Spanish, it is your company’s responsibility to offer them Spanish-language training. Another way of saying this is that if OSHA compliance inspectors visit your company and find violations, you can’t defend yourself by saying that you believed you only had to provide safety training in English. To learn more about OSHA-required training, CLICK HERE.

Bilingual Training Type 2: Training for Workers Who Will Use Two Languages on the Job

This is required if you’re training employees who will have to speak two languages – Spanish and English or French and English, etc. – in order to perform their jobs. These workers could be customer-service representatives, call center personnel, retail salespeople and all other employees who need to be fluent in two languages. Designing training programs for these functionally bilingual employees requires a thorough assessment of the demands of the job, the development of a working job-related vocabulary of terms to be used when performing the job, and more.

Bilingual Training Type 3: Technical Training for Employees Who Will Continue to Speak their First Languages on the Job

You need this kind of training if you have technical skills to teach but do not require employees to speak English extensively on the job. If you’re training native Spanish or French-speaking employees to assemble products or pick orders in your warehouse, for example, your priority is to create excellent training materials that teach the right skills in the language they understand.  As you can see, this kind of training will look and function differently from the Type 2 training that we described above.

Bilingual Training Type 4: Bilingual Training Designed to Teach Employees to Perform their Jobs Primarily in English

This type of training teaches native speakers of foreign languages to speak English with your customers. For example, you are hiring a number of healthcare workers from the Caribbean who speak Creole French and would like them to be able to speak English with your clients and patients. One focus of this kind of training is developing a working vocabulary of English terms and phrases that they will need to use when doing their jobs.

About Evan Hackel, Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker, Podcaster


A 30-year franchise veteran. Evan is the leader behind the launch of three successful franchise businesses. Evan managed a portfolio of franchise brands with systemwide sales surpassing $5 billion in five different countries. Dive into the world of “Ingaged Leadership,” a concept Evan not only coined but passionately advocates for. For the budding minds, his illuminating book, Ingaging Leadership Meets the Younger Generation, bridges the generational leadership divide. Recognized and revered in leadership circles, Evan’s insights have positioned him as a trailblazer in leadership and success.


Evan is the CEO of Ingage Consulting, a leading franchise consulting firm focusing on growing franchise systems. Reach Evan at (781) 820-7609 or ehackel@ingage.net



Human Resources Leadership Operations

The Secret Culture Choice You Don’t Know You’re Making

I’m a guy who specializes in helping teams of leaders and managers decide how they want to run their organizations, and I want to tell you about a subtle yet profound choice made in that area. Actually, it’s not so much a conscious choice as the result of an accumulation of individual actions (or inactions) triggered by assumptions embedded in the ether of culture. I’d wager many executives and managers don’t recognize it as a choice at all, and I can’t blame them because it’s so well-hidden.  Still, it has huge implications for everything that happens in the workplace. It’s the choice between Power Over and Power With, and it has ripple effects at both the macro level (including the caliber of results the organization can achieve) and the micro level (including how day-to-day operations look).

What am I talking about? Let me explain. No, it’s too much. Let me sum up.

Power Over is embedded in our culture, it’s silently prevalent in popular movies and TV, and it’s taught – largely unconsciously – as the default model for business, charity, and sometimes even personal relationships. It’s rooted in power differences: who’s in charge, who’s been around the longest, who knows the most, and who wins the argument. In an organization, it usually looks like well-understood pecking orders and internal negotiations between leaders and experts. This isn’t all bad, of course; hierarchy exists for a reason, influencing is important, and we need people who take responsibility. But too much Power Over has been known to coax leaders into questionable ethical spaces, to put it mildly. Plus, it doesn’t work well for matrixed, complicated work. That’s because as Power Over stifles the less popular, less normalized, and less powerful – that’s the ethically dicey part – it simultaneously robs the system of crucial information.  Let’s remember, we’re not just talking about any people, we’re talking about people we hired for the skills and knowledge they bring.

Power With systems, on the other hand, are rooted in power sharing. They run primarily on something I’ll call collaboration, though I probably mean something different from what you think of when you see that word. They recognize that real results happen when individuals pool their information, efforts, and strengths. Power With is less about figuring out whose favor to curry and whose dominance to co-opt, and more about understanding who can contribute what and how. To be clear, orchestrating divergent contributions to achieve something greater than the sum of their parts isn’t easier than politicking one’s way through the day. It’s often harder, and it still involves an element of hierarchy.  But when managed effectively, Power With systems engage, satisfy, and include all involved to a greater degree; they adjust quicker and more effectively when things change; and they outperform their Power Over peers by a solid margin. It’s no wonder they’re more exciting places to work, if not easier jobs to hold.

[[RELATED: Why Companies Make Slow, Weird Decisions, not Fast, Good Ones]]

I’m not talking about collaboration lip service. In a Power With system, diverse perspectives are not just tolerated, but actively sought. Novel and necessary solutions come from the intersection of different ideas and experiences, and innovation is less about office floorplan or furniture and more about who gets to offer ideas and what happens when they do. Power With leaders aren’t all that worried about teamwork posters or beanbag chairs – they do worry, daily, about creating an environment where problems, challenges, and unusual ideas can be voiced because people are trying to benefit from each other, not override, overrule, cajole, or impress each other. When someone in a Power With culture says, “this doesn’t work for me,” the first answer they hear will probably sound something like “why not?” as opposed to what they’d hear in Power Over: either “too bad” if they’re not the powerful one, or “let’s change it” if they are.

It’s no surprise engagement soars. The more other people care about your ideas and contributions, the harder you’ll work to make them clear and high-quality. A Power With culture fosters personal pride not just in completing tasks, but in being part of a team pursuing a shared set of results. One of the age-old questions of management is how to get people to take ownership of objectives and actions born of decisions they didn’t agree with.  Power With cultures know the secret answer: people will engage when they didn’t agree with the outcome of a decision if they agreed with, understood, and noticed their contributions being valued in the process of reaching it.

(That’s really being valued, by the way. Not like, “my manager followed the script he learned in mandatory training of, ‘I hear you saying X and I would add Y’ before he ruled against me.” More like, “my manager and peers have a history of listening to and discussing what I think because they understand and value my work, but in this case the decision didn’t go the way I’d hoped.”)

Power With organizations don’t just feel more encouraging qualitatively; they enjoy consistently greater agility and measurable results, and it’s no mystery why: The system is synthesizing information not just from the top, but from the sides and the bottom.  More information from more sources leads to more informed, timely decisions – which leads to appropriate actions, taken sooner.  Where Power Over decisions create short term frustration that accrues to long term dissatisfaction, Power With decisions create short-term gains that aggregate into long term successes.

[[RELATED: Is Your “Great Culture” All Sizzle and No Steak?]]

In real life, this looks like multiple timeframes coming up during decision-making; it looks like taking a longer view of future needs for talent, funds, and equipment; it looks like cutting resources mid-cycle on less important projects to ensure the most important ones succeed; and, it looks like having a deeper focus on developing processes and people for the future. This isn’t easy. It doesn’t happen because a motivational speaker at a conference said it should, or because one leader is charming and well-loved, but because everyone has decided it’s in the best interest of both the organization and all the individuals within it to all look forward and act in tandem.

If this all sounds great in theory but you’re not sure how to do it, don’t feel bad. The only reason I have a job is because this is hard. Still, regardless of how high up you are (or aren’t), or how empowered you feel (or don’t), here are a few things you can do right now:

1.      Lean in on shared results: Make it clear that while individual achievements are important, the ultimate goal is the team’s success. Encourage alignment with the team’s objectives and foster a culture where success is shared. Reward your whole staff when your organization’s goals are reached. Rewarding individuals for subordinate goals is tempting, but in reality it just creates silos and infighting. Do as little of that as you possibly can, despite the urgings of the Power Over masses.

2.      Emphasize collaborative action: Move away from glorifying the lone wolf and the individual superstar – those are just alternative currencies of power to trade on. Normalize raising future problems early and often so that they can be solved by the group while there’s time to react – that’s Power With. If you find anyone getting their work done “despite their coworkers,” don’t reward it – don’t even tolerate it. Make it clear that the person needs to think differently about the work, and/or the group process needs to be improved to reduce the tendency for individuals to fly solo.

[[RELATED: Four Horrible Truths for Surviving Matrix Management]]

3.      Develop laterally: Encourage your team members to share information and understand each other’s roles. Facilitate one-on-one conversations to deepen the collective understanding of the work. This not only benefits team dynamics and improves peoples’ ability to make recommendations that help higher level goals (as opposed to helping themselves at the expense of their peers), it also prepares staff for future roles with wider scope. Management development isn’t just for a few key “high-po’s” on a spreadsheet. (Is it a coincidence that this sounds like “high power”?) When it’s part of the work as it should be, it’s for everyone, all the time.

4.      Get debriefy with it: OK, that’s not a word, but you know what I mean.  Spend time talking about how the meeting just went, who needs to contribute more or less, how effectively you’re making group decisions, and in what other ways your process needs improvement. Look through the lens of “this team exists to achieve our higher-level goals, not our members’ individual goals,” and ask: “how could we do this more effectively?” Debrief often and act on your conclusions.

The shift from Power Over to Power With isn’t a change in style so much as a strategic move towards a more dynamic, innovative, engaged organization. It’s about activating the full talent and perspective within your team to tackle the complex challenges of the business you’re in. Power With isn’t easy, but it’s a path to a richer, more nuanced, and ultimately more successful organizational culture. And it happens to be a great answer to the question of how you’ve decided to run your organization.


Like this and want more? Watch Ed Muzio’s new TV Series, “One Small Step” on C-Suite Network TV. And, Visit the Group Harmonics Industry Intelligence Archive for ideas, whitepapers, and case studies about changing culture and how management culture impacts so many facets of the organization.

Growth Leadership Operations

Sales Tracking – Software, Tracking Your Leads, and More

Sales tracking is the heartbeat of any thriving business. It involves monitoring and analyzing your sales data to understand performance trends, customer preferences, and market dynamics. Without it, you’re navigating in the dark, missing out on crucial insights that could drive your business forward. Having a great sales tracker system in place not only helps in forecasting future sales but also in identifying areas that need improvement, ensuring that your sales strategy is always aligned with market demands.


Sales Tracking Software

In today’s digital age, sales tracking software has become a vital tool for businesses of all sizes. These platforms offer a comprehensive view of sales data, automate the tracking process, and provide real-time insights. They often include features like lead and opportunity tracking, pipeline management, and reporting tools. Popular examples include Salesforce, HubSpot, and Zoho CRM. These tools help businesses streamline their sales process, improve customer relationships, and make data-driven decisions.

Check out this comparison chart of 10 of the most popular sales tracking software systems:

Rank Sales Tracking Solution Free Version Available Notable Features
1 Salesforce No Comprehensive CRM system, advanced analytics, customization options
2 HubSpot CRM Yes User-friendly interface, excellent for inbound marketing, integrates with HubSpot’s marketing and service software
3 Zoho CRM Yes Good for small to medium-sized businesses, strong automation features, social media integration
4 Pipedrive No Simple interface, strong pipeline management features, great mobile app
5 Freshsales Yes AI-based lead scoring, built-in phone and email, activity capture
6 Microsoft Dynamics 365 No Highly customizable, integrates well with other Microsoft products, good for large businesses
7 Salesflare No Automated data input, strong integration with other tools, focus on small and medium businesses
8 Marketo No Strong in lead management and email marketing, great for B2B companies
9 Salesforce IQ (formerly RelateIQ) No Smart CRM system, automatic data capture, predictive analytics
10 Insightly Yes Good for project management, G Suite and Microsoft Office integration, mobile app available

Each of these platforms has its unique strengths, so the best choice depends on your business needs, size, and sales process. It’s always recommended to take advantage of free trials or free versions to test out which solution fits your requirements best.

Sales Tracking App

For on-the-go sales teams, sales tracking apps are a game-changer. These mobile applications provide flexibility and instant access to critical sales data, regardless of location. Sales representatives can update leads, track sales activities, and access customer information directly from their smartphones. Apps like Pipedrive, Freshsales, and Salesflare are known for their user-friendly interfaces and robust functionality, enabling sales teams to stay connected and productive, even when they’re out of the office.

Sales Lead Tracking

Sales lead tracking focuses on monitoring potential customers from the moment they show interest until they make a purchase. This process helps sales teams prioritize leads, tailor their approach, and nurture relationships effectively. Tracking leads involves understanding their needs, preferences, and behaviors, allowing sales teams to deliver personalized experiences and increase the likelihood of conversion. Tools like Marketo and Salesforce provide advanced lead tracking features that can significantly boost the efficiency of your sales funnel.

Sales Activity Tracking

Sales activity tracking is about recording and analyzing the daily activities of your sales team. This includes calls made, emails sent, meetings scheduled, and deals closed. By keeping track of these activities, managers can identify high-performing strategies, areas for improvement, and training needs. It also fosters accountability and transparency within the team. Tools like Salesloft and Outreach.io specialize in this area, offering detailed insights into sales activities and team performance.

Tracking Sales

Beyond tracking leads and activities, tracking overall sales is crucial for long-term success. This involves analyzing sales volumes, revenue, customer acquisition costs, and other key performance indicators. It gives you a bird’s-eye view of your business’s financial health and helps in making informed strategic decisions. Tools like QuickBooks and Xero offer comprehensive sales tracking capabilities, integrating financial data for a complete picture of your sales performance.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

At the core of effective sales tracking is robust customer relationship management. CRM systems help in organizing customer information, tracking interactions, and managing customer relationships throughout their lifecycle. By leveraging CRM data, businesses can better understand customer needs, improve customer service, and increase customer loyalty. Platforms like Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics 365 are widely used for their advanced CRM capabilities.

Sales Forecasting

Sales forecasting is predicting future sales based on historical data, market trends, and sales performance. Accurate sales forecasts enable businesses to make informed decisions about inventory, budgeting, and resource allocation. Advanced sales tracking tools often come with forecasting features, using AI and machine learning to enhance the accuracy of predictions. Tools like Clari and Forecast.io are popular for their sophisticated forecasting capabilities.

Sales Pipeline Management

Pipeline management is about tracking and managing the progress of sales opportunities as they move through different stages of the sales process. Effective pipeline management ensures that no opportunity slips through the cracks and helps in prioritizing efforts towards the most promising leads. Sales tracking tools with pipeline management features, like HubSpot and Pipedrive, provide visual representations of the sales pipeline, making it easier to monitor and manage sales progress.

Sales Analytics and Reporting

The final piece of the sales tracking puzzle is analytics and reporting. This involves turning sales data into actionable insights through detailed reports and dashboards. Sales analytics help businesses understand sales trends, customer behavior, and team performance. It allows for a deeper analysis of what’s working and what’s not, enabling continuous improvement of sales strategies. Tools like Tableau and Google Analytics integrate with sales databases to provide advanced reporting capabilities, offering a detailed and data-driven view of sales performance.

Sales tracking is an indispensable part of modern business operations. It’s not just about keeping a record of sales; it’s about understanding your customers, optimizing your sales process, and driving your business towards sustainable growth. Whether you’re a small startup or a large corporation, the right sales tracking approach can illuminate your path to success. Utilizing tools and strategies that align with your business goals will ensure that your sales efforts are not just measured, but also meaningful. Remember, in the fast-paced world of sales, staying informed and agile is key to staying ahead.

Growth Leadership Operations

Sales Pipeline Management Tools – Dashboards, Reports and More

Sales pipeline management tools involve tracking and managing every sales opportunity from inception to conclusion. These tools can be thought of as a roadmap to guide sales teams on how to approach potential deals. The primary goal of these tools is to convert prospects into loyal customers, but it’s also about understanding where each prospect is in the buying process and what actions are needed to move them forward.

The process is dynamic and requires continuous monitoring and adjustment. It’s not just about having a long list of leads; it’s about knowing which leads are worth pursuing and how to allocate resources to maximize conversions effectively; which is exactly the kind of insight a great team leader provides for his or her sales force.


Why Manage a Sales Pipeline?

The primary benefit of managing a sales pipeline is increased sales efficiency and effectiveness. By having an accurate sales pipeline report of each stage of the sales process, teams can identify bottlenecks, understand customer behavior, and forecast sales with greater accuracy.

Proper pipeline management also leads to better customer relationships. By understanding the needs and behaviors of potential customers, businesses can tailor their approach, making interactions more personalized and effective.

Key Components of an Effective Sales Pipeline

  1. Segmentation: Dividing the pipeline into distinct stages (like lead generation, qualification, proposal, negotiation, and closure) helps in understanding the progression of each deal.
  2. Tracking and Monitoring: Utilizing CRM tools to track interactions, progress, and changes in the status of each lead is essential. This enables sales teams to prioritize efforts and follow up effectively.
  3. Analysis and Reporting: Regular pipeline data analysis helps identify trends and make informed decisions. Key performance indicators (KPIs) like conversion rates, average deal size, and sales cycle length are crucial metrics.
  4. Continuous Improvement: The sales landscape is constantly evolving. Regular reviews and adaptations of the sales strategy based on pipeline insights are necessary for staying competitive.

Challenges and Solutions in Sales Pipeline Management

Managing a sales pipeline is not without challenges. Common issues include data inaccuracy, neglecting leads, and failing to align the sales process with customer needs.

To overcome these challenges, businesses should invest in quality CRM software, train their teams in effective sales techniques, and constantly refine their sales processes based on customer feedback and market changes.

In today’s fast-paced sales environment, selecting the right sales pipeline tools is not just beneficial; it’s a necessity for business success. The appropriate tools can streamline the sales process, enhance team productivity, and provide invaluable insights into customer interactions. This 500-word article explores the key considerations and features to look for when choosing the right sales pipeline tools for your business.

Understanding Your Business Needs

Before diving into the vast sea of available tools, it’s crucial to understand your business’s specific needs. Consider the size of your sales team, the complexity of your sales process, and the nature of your customer interactions. A small business with a straightforward sales process might need a different set of tools compared to a large enterprise with a complex sales cycle.

Key Features of Effective Sales Pipeline Tools

  1. Lead and Contact Management: The tool should enable easy tracking and management of leads and contacts. This includes storing contact information, communication history, and tracking the progress of each lead through the sales funnel.
  2. Deal Tracking and Management: Effective tools allow for monitoring the status of deals at various stages. This feature helps in prioritizing efforts and focusing on the most promising opportunities.
  3. Task Automation: Automation of repetitive tasks like data entry, follow-up emails, and scheduling meetings can save valuable time and reduce the risk of human error.
  4. Performance Analytics and Reporting: The ability to analyze sales data and generate insightful reports is essential. This feature helps in understanding sales trends, team performance, and areas needing improvement.
  5. Customization and Integration: The best tools can be customized to fit your unique sales process and can seamlessly integrate with other software systems, like email, calendar, or marketing automation tools.

Evaluating Scalability and User-Friendliness

Scalability is an essential factor to consider. The chosen tool should be able to grow with your business, accommodating an increasing number of users and a more complex sales structure. Additionally, the tool should be user-friendly. If it’s too complicated, it might lead to resistance from the sales team, thereby reducing its effectiveness.

Security and Reliability

In an age where data breaches are common, the security of your sales data is paramount. Ensure that the tool you choose has robust security features to protect sensitive customer information. Reliability is another critical aspect. The tool should have minimal downtime and offer reliable customer support for troubleshooting.

Trial Periods and Reviews

Most tools offer trial periods or demos. Take advantage of these to test the tool’s functionality and compatibility with your sales process. Additionally, reading reviews and case studies can provide insights into the tool’s performance and user satisfaction.

Selecting the right sales pipeline management tools is a crucial decision that can significantly impact the efficiency and effectiveness of your sales process. By carefully considering your business needs, evaluating key features, and ensuring scalability and security, you can choose a tool that not only meets your current requirements but also supports future growth. Remember, the goal is to find a tool that works for you, making your sales process smoother and more productive.

IT Marketing Operations

Voice Based Conversational AI Platform

The C-Suite is a buzz about Conversational Artificial intelligence and its potential to save money, reduce compliance issues and provide for extended services. Is now the time to invest in AI? or Are you allready behind?


Enterprise Conversational Voce AI-Ready to Invest?

Investing in Conversational AI for sales and contact centers can be highly beneficial for businesses. Here are the top 25 reasons why you should consider investing in this technology now:

  1. Enhanced Customer Experience: Conversational AI can provide personalized and efficient interactions, leading to improved customer satisfaction.
  2. 24/7 Availability: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can be available round the clock, ensuring customers can get assistance anytime.
  3. Cost Savings: Automating routine inquiries and tasks reduces the need for a large customer support team, resulting in cost savings and increased ROI.
  4. Increased Efficiency: AI can handle multiple customer inquiries simultaneously, reducing wait times and handling inquiries more quickly.
  5. Scalability: As your business grows, it’s easier to scale your customer support with AI-powered solutions.
  6. Consistency: AI ensures consistent responses and information delivery across all customer interactions.
  7. Data-Driven Insights: Conversational AI can analyze customer interactions to provide valuable data and insights for better decision-making.
  8. Multichannel Support: AI can handle inquiries across various communication channels, including website chat, social media, and messaging apps.
  9. Improved Lead Generation: AI can engage with potential leads, gather information, and qualify them for the sales team.
  10. Reduced Human Error: Automation minimizes the risk of human errors in customer interactions.
  11. Quick Problem Resolution: AI can diagnose and resolve common issues instantly, reducing customer frustration.
  12. Better Lead Nurturing: AI can maintain ongoing communication with leads and prospects, nurturing them until they’re ready to buy.
  13. Language Support: AI-powered chatbots can handle inquiries in multiple languages, expanding your reach.
  14. Competitive Advantage: Offering AI-driven support can set your business apart from competitors.
  15. Compliance: AI can ensure that customer interactions adhere to legal and regulatory requirements using KeyWord Spotting to trigger custom pre approved compliant flows, to reduce issues
  16. Improved Sales Conversion: AI can assist sales teams by providing product information and handling inquiries, leading to more conversions.
  17. Real-Time Analytics: Get insights into customer behavior and preferences in real-time.
  18. Customer Self-Service: Allow customers to find answers and information on their own, reducing support ticket volume.
  19. Personalization: AI can tailor interactions based on customer data, making customers feel valued.
  20. Integration: Conversational AI can integrate with CRM systems, helping sales and support teams access customer data seamlessly.
  21. Reduced Abandoned Carts: AI can remind customers about abandoned shopping carts and provide assistance to complete purchases.
  22. Proactive Engagement: AI can initiate conversations with customers, offering assistance and product recommendations.
  23. Employee Support: Use AI-powered tools to assist internal teams with information retrieval and workflow automation.
  24. Voice Recognition: Implement voice-based AI for a more natural and convenient customer experience.
  25. Future-Proofing: Investing in AI now prepares your business for the evolving customer service and sales landscape.

These reasons highlight the numerous benefits of investing in Conversational AI for sales and contact centers, making it a strategic choice for businesses looking to improve customer service, streamline operations, and boost sales.

Business voice-based conversational AI platforms

Business voice-based conversational AI platforms can offer several advantages:

  1. Improved Customer Service: Businesses can use voice AI to provide better customer service by offering instant responses to inquiries and addressing common customer issues through voice interactions. Find an conversational AI programmer
  2. Increased Efficiency: Voice AI can streamline various business processes, such as appointment scheduling, order tracking, and support ticket handling, leading to increased operational efficiency.
  3. Cost Savings: Automating routine tasks and customer interactions with voice AI can lead to cost savings by reducing the need for human customer support agents and operators.
  4. Personalization: Voice AI can analyze customer preferences and behavior to provide personalized recommendations and tailored experiences, enhancing customer engagement and satisfaction.
  5. Data Insights: Voice AI platforms can gather valuable customer data and insights, helping businesses make informed decisions and refine their marketing strategies.
  6. Accessibility: Voice AI ensures that businesses are accessible to individuals with disabilities, complying with accessibility regulations and expanding their customer base.
  7. Multilingual Support: Businesses can use voice AI to communicate with customers in multiple languages, catering to a diverse customer base and potentially expanding into global markets.
  8. Integration: Voice AI platforms can be integrated into existing business systems and applications, such as CRM software, to provide a seamless experience for both customers and employees.
  9. Voice Commerce: Voice AI can facilitate voice-based transactions, allowing customers to make purchases or order products and services using their voice commands.
  10. Brand Image: Implementing a well-designed and efficient voice AI system can enhance a business’s brand image by showcasing innovation and a commitment to customer satisfaction.

It’s important for businesses to carefully plan and implement voice-based conversational AI solutions to ensure they align with their specific goals and customer needs. Additionally, staying up-to-date with advancements in voice AI technology is crucial to remain competitive in today’s market.

Health Care & Insurance Conversational AI Services

voice-based conversational AI platforms. Voice-based conversational AI platforms are software systems that use natural language processing and speech recognition technologies to enable voice interactions between users and computers or devices. These platforms can be used in various applications, including healthcare and medical settings.

In the context of your medical background and interest in healthcare, voice-based conversational AI platforms can be particularly valuable. They can assist healthcare professionals in tasks like medical dictation, appointment scheduling, accessing medical records, providing patient information, and answering common medical questions.

Top conversational AI companies

Some popular voice-based conversational AI platforms and technologies include:

  1. Amazon Alexa for Healthcare: This platform enables healthcare providers to build voice applications that can help with medication reminders, appointment scheduling, and answering health-related questions.
  2. Google Assistant for Healthcare: Google Assistant offers voice-based solutions for healthcare, allowing providers to create voice apps for patient engagement, symptom checking, and more.
  3. IBM Watson Assistant: Watson Assistant can be used to develop voice-enabled virtual assistants for healthcare, assisting with tasks like symptom checking, medication management, and appointment scheduling.
  4. Nuance Dragon Medical: This platform specializes in medical speech recognition, making it suitable for dictation and documentation in medical settings.
  5. Microsoft Healthcare Bot: Microsoft’s Healthcare Bot framework allows healthcare organizations to build chatbots and voice-based virtual assistants for patient engagement and support.
  6. Voice technology integrated with Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems: Many EHR vendors offer voice recognition and dictation features to streamline medical documentation.
  7. KeyWord Calls: The first-of-its-kind conversational AI with KEYWORD spotting and routing for sales and compliant heavey workflows in industries like Banking, Insurance and Healthcare. VISIT SITE

These platforms can enhance the efficiency and accessibility of healthcare services while ensuring that medical professionals can focus more on patient care. If you have specific questions or need further information about a particular voice-based conversational AI platform, please let me know, and I’d be happy to provide more details.

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