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My Kids Love Video Games — Should I Be Concerned?

Dear Katherine: My Kids Love Video Games — Should I Be Concerned? 

Dear Katherine,

My kids love playing video games. They seem to take genuine pleasure in this activity, and while they’re occupied, I have a chance to do household chores and enjoy a little time to myself.

I know there are better hobbies out there—but if they like gaming and it gives me a bit of space, is that so wrong? Am I making a parenting mistake by letting them play?


Guilty As Charged

Hey there, Guilty As Charged,

First of all, you have nothing to feel guilty about here! Check your shame at the door. We’re all human.

Gaming—and screen-time in general—is a sore spot in many parent-child relationships. It’s hard to imagine eliminating these activities because, as you said, your kids enjoy playing video games, and you enjoy having some space. Not to mention that screen-time has become an undeniable part of children’s social lives.

But of course, “too much” of anything can be a problem.

So what constitutes “too much” in terms of gaming? The answer: It depends.

Rest assured that you probably don’t have to put an end to your kids’ gaming. This kind of hobby can have a place in a healthy, well-rounded child’s life. The issue is when it becomes an addiction.

I did a webinar with Cam Adair (founder of Game Quitters, the world’s largest support platform), who once struggled with video game addiction. He dropped out of school, lied to his parents about having a job, and eventually experienced suicidal ideation. At the height of his problem, he was gaming 16 hours a day.

We talked about how one of the risk factors for full-fledged gaming addiction is using video games as a coping mechanism or a means of escape. The amount of time someone spends gaming matters much less than why they’re gaming in the first place.

Here’s a good litmus test: If your child is gaming and you ask them to stop—for dinner, homework, or something else—are they capable of easily walking away? If so, there may not be cause for concern.

If they have trouble walking away, there may not be cause for concern either.  If they are in the middle of getting to that next level at the very moment you call for them, they may just need a few more minutes! 

It’s also important to take a holistic view of your kids’ lives outside of gaming.

Are they doing well in school?

Do they have nice friends?

Are they generally kind and happy?

Do they get proper exercise and nutrition?

The answers to those questions will help you determine if playing video games is a solution for another problem—or just another activity that brings your children joy.  

If you are concerned, Game Quitters—Cam’s game addiction support community—is an excellent resource. But first, start a conversation with your kids about their gaming habits. Good old-fashioned quality time and better parent-child communication may be enough to keep them from entering unhealthy territory.

Tell your child that you want to spend time together as a family, and be sure to plan activities that excite them. Steer clear of using power and control because that is guaranteed to activate the 3Rs (retaliation, rebellion and resistance) and generate a resentment flow.

I hope this response gave you some peace of mind, Guilty As Charged. Your kids’ love for video games is likely healthy and normal.

Love and Blessings, 


P.S.: Do you have a gut feeling that your kid’s gaming obsession is an escape from other unmet needs? Watch our free webinar and take a deeper dive to understand how to get rid of retaliation, rebellion and resistance here.

Growth Leadership Strategy

How to use the Zodiac to your Advantage

The zodiac is for everyone. No matter race, religion, gender, age or geography. The stars are here for every human to use to their FULL and COMPLETE advantage.How can you do that?Astrology is tied to astronomy, so the first step is understanding that the stars and planets hanging beautifully in the sky have impact on you.Then, here are a few simple tips:Appreciate the limitations of horoscopes.Here’s why astrology gets such a bad rap. There are horoscopes aplenty online – everything from daily to weekly to monthly and are based on your Sun sign. Most people know their Sun sign, so it’s easy for people to search and connect with their solar horoscope. However, these horoscopes are severely limited.  Yes, the Sun is central to your astrology, yet it’s still only 1 of 10 planets. Plus, there’s so much awesome information in your chart – house behaviors, planetary aspects, lunar nodes, your heart’s desires, soul mate imprint, life mission destiny and arc of intimacy to name only a few. It’s your complete cosmic blueprint. Completely ignoring it is unreliable. But, you can have fun with horoscopes. I’m not saying don’t read them. I’m just saying take them in complete awareness of their limitations.Understand the cosmos.Knowing what’s happening in the cosmos every month is really helpful to navigating your best interests on a daily or weekly basis. This is the reason I spend hours analyzing and interpreting the monthly energies and lunar cycles every month. It’s important to know what’s going on generally with tips on what to do throughout the month. Other people do this too. Find your person – the one you like, the one who speaks to you – then sign up for their monthly messages. I offer a FREE monthly forecast to help you navigate each month’s energies. Here you can sign up for my monthly forecast to be delivered to your inbox each month.Follow the Sun.Here’s some fun for you. It doesn’t matter what your Sun sign is, you can lean into the solar energies every month. You just need to know the zodiac calendar and what it means. I’ve done it for you here:
Dates (ish) Sun Sign Meaning
Mar 21 – Apr 19 Aries – ♈ Aries likes to lead. Be brave, bold and confident. Go on an adventure. Get physical. Start something new. Seek inspiration and act with enthusiasm. Get others to follow you.
Apr 20 – May 20 Taurus – ♉ Taurus likes stability. Take a deep breath and seek the silence of nature. Explore anything sensorial – taste, smell, touch, sight or sound. Play with animals. Find the ability to simply be.
May 21 – Jun 20 Gemini – ♊ Gemini likes communicating. Talk, travel, explore, learn – anything and everything. Open your mind to the wonders of the world. Read, teach, speak. Present. Debate. Solve problems, think critically. Do everything mental – literally.
Jun 21 – Jul 22 Cancer – ♋ Cancer likes to experience emotions. Sink into your intuition, Nurture yourself. Be affectionate, sensitive and caring. Heal yourself and your family. Go inward. Stay at home – feel safe and loved.
Jul 23 – Aug 22 Leo – ♌ Leo likes to be in the spotlight. Get cheery, have fun, be generous and inspire others. Be regal, kind-hearted and charming. Express yourself. Open your heart to joy. Trust and celebrate life. Delight in being alive.
Aug 23 – Sep 22 Virgo – ♍ Virgo likes order and neatness. Get to work. Assume your duties and responsibilities. Get organized and set a schedule for routine. Check in with your health. Analyze, research or gain a skill. Find your mentors. Be in service to the world.
Sep 23 – Oct 22 Libra – ♎ Libra likes balance. Collaborate, find your teammates and work together in harmony and justice. Seek balance. Discover calm through art and beauty. Make a commitment in relationship. Find your partners.
Oct 23 – Nov 21 Scorpio – ♏ Scorpio likes to live a secret life. Dive deeply into honest self-reflection. Pursue the mysteries of life. Confront uncomfortable topics. Tell the truth. Investigate the darker edge of your life and heal with penetrating intensity. Forgive and let go of the past.
Nov 22 – Dec 21 Sagittarius – ♐ Sagittarius likes meaningful experience. Socialize, communicate and explore new experience. Open your heart and mind to differing viewpoints. Travel to learn other cultures. Expand through higher learning. Broaden your philosophy of the meaning of life. Begin your quest.
Dec 22 – Jan 19 Capricorn – ♑ Capricorn seeks Great Work. Focus your will, assume responsibility and get to work. Go inward to know yourself to determine your true desires. Be discerning and achieve greatness. Make effort to discover your mastery.
Jan 20 – Feb 18 Aquarius – ♒ Aquarius likes individuality. Be original. Shake off conformity. Go your own way. Express your truth. Create your own rules and structures. Use technology. Invent. Reach for the future. Be a visionary, create and innovate.
Feb 19 – Mar 20 Pisces – ♓ Pisces is one with the world. Imagine. Dream. Intuit. Connection to the oneness of the Universe. Love universally. Find joy in the wonders of the world through your imagination and sensory perceptions. Be gentle with yourself.
Note: ‘Dates- ish’ as the dates may vary by a day or two. It depends on the year.Have fun with this. I encourage you to lean into the strength of the solar energies each month to take the most advantage of the zodiac.For example, get stuff done during the early part of January, have so much fun in early August and delve deeply into introspection in the later part of October. The zodiac signs are more supportive of these activities due to the Sun’s entry into them at these times.Have fun – the stars are here for you!As always, wishing you joy,KimPS Subscribe to my YouTube Channel to receive my short weekly energetic tips
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How to Look Good on a Budget: Recession-Proofing Your Appearance

When times are tough, it’s easy to let our appearance slide. After all, who has the time or money to invest in expensive clothes and grooming products? However, caring about your appearance, especially when money is tight, can have a big impact on your personal and professional success. In this article, we’ll explore some tips and strategies for recession-proofing your look and enhancing your personal style, even on a budget.


Invest in high-quality basics

When it comes to building a wardrobe on a budget, it’s important to focus on high-quality basics that will stand the test of time. These might include items like a well-fitted blazer, classic jeans (a dark wash is always best), and versatile shoes. While these items may require a higher upfront cost, they will pay off in the long run by lasting for years and allowing you to mix and match them with different outfits. You should spend 80% of your wardrobe budget on your basics.


Accessorize strategically

Accessories are a budget-friendly way to add interest and style to your outfits. Look for accessories like scarves, pocket squares, jewelry, belts, and hats that can be used to change up your look without breaking the bank. By adding a pop of color or texture to your outfit with a well-chosen accessory, you can elevate your style and create a more polished and put-together look.


Prioritize fit

One of the most important factors in looking good on a budget is finding clothes that fit well. Clothes that are too big or too small can make you look sloppy and unprofessional, while clothes that fit well can enhance your best features and make you look more polished and put-together. Look for clothes that flatter your body shape and accentuate your best features, and don’t be afraid to have them tailored if needed. This is the number one mistake that can cheapen your look if you don’t pay attention to it.


Focus on grooming

Good grooming habits can go a long way in enhancing your appearance and making you feel more confident. This includes basics like regular haircuts, good hygiene, and clean nails. If you wear makeup, focus on simple, natural looks that enhance your features without breaking the bank. By taking care of your grooming needs and presenting a clean, polished appearance, you can feel more confident and put-together, even on a tight budget.


Care about your appearance

Finally, it’s important to care about your appearance, even when money is tight. How you present yourself can have a big impact on how others perceive you and the opportunities that come your way. By taking care of your appearance and presenting yourself in a professional and polished manner, you can position yourself for success even during tough economic times. Remember, you don’t have to spend a lot of money to look and feel your best. With a little creativity and effort, you can recession-proof your look and enhance your personal style, even on a budget.


In conclusion, recession-proofing your look requires a combination of strategic shopping, good grooming habits, and a commitment to presenting yourself in the best possible light. By investing in high-quality basics, accessorizing strategically, prioritizing fit, focusing on grooming, and caring about your appearance, you can look and feel your best even on a tight budget. So go ahead and rock that budget-friendly outfit with confidence, knowing that you’re presenting your best self to the world.


If you’re looking for expert guidance on how to recession-proof your personal brand and enhance your appearance, consider working with Sheila Anderson, The Image DesignerÔ. With years of experience in the branding and image consulting industry, Sheila can provide personalized advice and strategies for success that align with your unique goals and budget.


Whether you’re an entrepreneur, freelancer, or corporate professional, building a strong personal brand and enhancing your appearance can help you stand out from the competition and position yourself for success, even during tough economic times. So don’t wait – contact Sheila Anderson today to learn more about how she can help you recession-proof your personal brand and take your career or business to the next level.

Advice Management Strategy


Hey, what’s almost 50? Many people own one, and everybody wants it, yet very few understand it, including HR and Business owners.

It’s the IRA and its slightly younger cousin, the 401(k).

The IRA and Section 401(k) were established as part of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974 to help people save for retirement. Also, part of the Act is section 404(c), which applies responsibilities to HR and employers to maintain employee education. Your account growing tax-deferred each year was a great idea; therefore, more of your money grow because less is going to the IRS. Two years later, the 401(k) was added to the tax-saving marketplace, and this new plan became the new pension for many workers.

Tax savings was welcomed back in 1971-1980; the highest marginal Federal Income Tax rate was 70%. With that in mind, everybody started pouring money into these accounts and took advantage of the tax deduction for faster growth. Another benefit we were told of was that taxes during retirement would be lower because retired people have lower incomes.

People were so stuck on tax savings and poured trillions into these accounts. Sadly, these trillions hastened the ending of many guarantees in traditional pension plans.

Several flaws have developed or worsened over the last few decades with the 401(k) and IRA, yet we were so stuck with what we were doing already that it was hard to see the truth.

Flaw #1 Believing a 401(k) plan is a pension plan.

What is a 401(k) plan? We will tell you what it is not to get to the point. Contrary to what many believe, it is not a Pension Plan-it is a Retirement savings account. And that is very different.

A pension plan guarantees that you will receive a specified sum for your and or your partner’s lifetimes, and a 401 (k) does not have that protection. If the market crashes or your investment decreases in value, there is no floor, and you’re on your own. There is no guarantee of how much income you will get or how long it will last.

To safeguard the guarantee of income for life in pension plans. The US government created an insurance company called the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation (PBGC). The PBGC guarantees you will get your monthly pension up to its legal limits even if the company you worked for goes belly up or the market crashes, depleting pension assets.

Was The PBGC ever used? In 2021 the PBGC paid monthly retirement benefits, up to legal limits, to nearly 1.5 million retirees in over 5,000 employer plans that ended. That’s a lot of protection you do not have with a 401(k)!

Flaw #2 Believing you will be in a lower tax bracket

That high 70% marginal tax rate that was used in marketing only affected a tiny percentage of the population, and the great majority paid much less. It is a very good possibility that taxes will rise and not be lower. I mention this because, in the long-term, the only way to deal with the National Debt, deficit, Social Security, and Medicare trust funds will be to increase tax rates. We can safely say that taxes will not be lower in the future!

Flaw #3. The New Jersey double tax.

Many people are surprised to learn that New Jersey does not allow a deduction for contributions to IRAs and 403(b) plans, even if they are deductible for federal income tax purposes. With that in mind, preserving your tax records showing your deposited amount each year is critical. Keeping old tax records is challenging enough. However, if you cannot show how much you put

  1. Then every dollar you take out will be taxed again. Wow, paying taxes again on the money you already paid taxes on. Therefore. It is critical to permanently maintain tax records to determine how much of the account has been taxed. These records are vital for our beneficiaries of your retirement accounts, who will be clobbered if unavailable.

Flaw #4 Believing your retirement savings plans can pass tax-free.

Most people realize that you can leave a large estate without having estate taxes due. However, retirement dollars like IRA, 401K, 403(b) will always be subjected to income taxes at the state and federal levels. Estates of 6.5 million and more for a couple will pass estate tax-free to beneficiaries. Income taxes will be due, and the beneficiary tax rates from the first dollar.

Flaw #5 For certain people, an additional tax is due – NJ. Inheritance taxes.

Yes, NJ has both an estate tax and an inheritance tax. New Jersey residents must be aware of the effect of the Inheritance Tax, which is applied to 100% of the balance in these accounts. Luckily, spouses, children, grandkids, and even your parents are exempted and charities.

Everyone else is like brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, cousins, and close friends. Inheritance Tax rates range from 11% to 16%, depending on the beneficiary’s relationship with the account owner and the estate’s value. For these reasons, planning for these accounts is essential and should not be delayed.

Flaw #6 Believing the family can continue these accounts.

IRS took away a great family IRA planning tool. The/Stretch IRA, as it was referred to, allowed an IRA owner to continue payments to their children, grandkids, and even great-grandkids over their lifetimes (spouses are exempted). Sometimes, this wealth-producing engine could last 80 years after your passing. Passing wealth over many generations was what the super-wealthy were for generations.

Sadly, the IRS decided you no longer could use what the rich were doing. Even though it is your money, you are being denied the ability to continue payments for decades. They decided that the inherited IRA must have some distributions taken yearly and must be emptied entirely by the end of the ten years. Decades of deferred tax growth are lost forever. I joke; the tax rules are written in pencil – easily and frequently changed.

The Six Flaws will be addressed in a little more depth over the next few days.


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Advice Strategy Women In Business


The majority of people think they’re better-than-average drivers, and mathematically, not everyone can be above average. Being optimistic is excellent, and too much may impair your judgment on many things, especially when planning for your financial future.

Being optimistic is valuable as we live our life. Frequently, overconfidence bias leads quickly to confirmation bias, and both of these biases are problematic, especially when combined.   However, sometimes our abilities begin to skew toward unrealistic, which can impair decision-making behavior.

Either alone or combined, these biases are often linked to us believing we can avoid negative things from happening to us. When it comes to retirement planning decisions, you need to separate your biases from reality; this can present a challenge.

Overconfidence in your retirement planning may cause you to overlook potential risks, underestimate the time spent in retirement, and misjudge how long your income will last. Seeing the bigger picture through another set of impartial eyes is crucial and will help you sidestep the influence of biases. Finding ways to work around these biases will allow you to see the value of long-term planning. 

Let’s be realistic about the financial future:

Over 50% of retirees retired before they planned; the most common reason was health problems. Illness can occur at any time and may lengthen your retirement requiring savings to stretch farther than planned. 

50% of retirees said their health care costs were higher than expected. 

Almost 40% said all other expenses were more than they thought. 

It’s essential to understand no one can avoid retirement risks; however, careful planning can help mitigate them.

While overconfidence can undermine the success of a long-term financial plan, clients who are secure in their decisions will likely be satisfied customers. It would be best if you found a balance between an optimistic yet realistic approach to planning.


For more Healthy Money Tips Listen to our PodCast “Money 911”


Meet with Kris Miller – Financial Fitness Strategy Sessions



(951) 926-4158

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The Art of Networking – Bedros Keuilian’s Masterclass Video

Long John Silver’s is the #1 fast food seafood restaurant in the United States.

But, they’ve been struggling for decades. Long John Silver’s has lost over half their franchises since their peak.  Here’s why…

The Real Reason Long John Silver’s is Struggling:

The original premise for the chain sounded good, at least on paper. During a family, vacation, businessman and restaurateur, Jim Patterson had a flash of inspiration:

Bring the sunny seaside fish and chips eating beach experience from the coast, to families nationwide.

When the chain first started, Long John Silver’s made an effort to impart each location with a seafaring theme reminiscent of the company’s vacation-inspired roots.

The company’s heyday was a ten-year period from about 1979 to 1989, during which it grew from a footprint of one thousand units to an all-time high of 1,500 locations.

Watch the full story on this episode of Company Man.



Then a String of Devastating Decline in Market share…

The chain has been on a decline since at least 1989 when, in response to mounting debt, it first took its business private. In the three decades since, it’s been handed off from one unhappy owner to another.

They’ve also been plagued with bad marketing (often self-inflicted).

For example, in 2017 they’re marketing team posted a video of a hostage being beheaded with a swordfish in an attempt to “go viral”…

They were forced to issue an apology:

Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated

On top of some marketing flops, probably the biggest failure is their lack of vision against the original mission to bring people into a coastal dinner experience.

Long John Silver's

You know that feeling you get when you have a craving for fried cod, but you also  want a root beer float and a chili dog? Apparently, not too many other could relate either…

In addition to loosing half their franchises since their height, they lost 300 locations over the last 5 years alone and another 60 during the 2020 COVID lockdowns.

While millions of Americans enjoy the convenience of fast food, it appears for Long John Silver’s target audience, they preferred the original quality experience and cheap burgers over fish sandwiches.

Biography and History Branding Case Studies Marketing Operations Strategy

WATCH: The Real Reason the Long John Silver’s Business is Sinking…

Long John Silver’s is the #1 fast food seafood restaurant in the United States.

But, they’ve been struggling for decades. Long John Silver’s has lost over half their franchises since their peak.  Here’s why…




The Real Reason Long John Silver’s is Struggling:

The original premise for the chain sounded good, at least on paper. During a family, vacation, businessman and restaurateur, Jim Patterson had a flash of inspiration:

Bring the sunny seaside fish and chips eating beach experience from the coast, to families nationwide.

When the chain first started, Long John Silver’s made an effort to impart each location with a seafaring theme reminiscent of the company’s vacation-inspired roots.

The company’s heyday was a ten-year period from about 1979 to 1989, during which it grew from a footprint of one thousand units to an all-time high of 1,500 locations.

Watch the full story on this episode of Company Man.




Then a String of Devastating Decline in Market share…

The chain has been on a decline since at least 1989 when, in response to mounting debt, it first took its business private. In the three decades since, it’s been handed off from one unhappy owner to another.

They’ve also been plagued with bad marketing (often self-inflicted).

For example, in 2017 they’re marketing team posted a video of a hostage being beheaded with a swordfish in an attempt to “go viral”…



They were forced to issue an apology:

Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated

On top of some marketing flops, probably the biggest failure is their lack of vision against the original mission to bring people into a coastal dinner experience.


Long John Silver's

You know that feeling you get when you have a craving for fried cod, but you also  want a root beer float and a chili dog? Apparently, not too many other could relate either…

In addition to loosing half their franchises since their height, they lost 300 locations over the last 5 years alone and another 60 during the 2020 COVID lockdowns.

While millions of Americans enjoy the convenience of fast food, it appears for Long John Silver’s target audience, they preferred the original quality experience and cheap burgers over fish sandwiches.

For more information visit tylerhayzlett.com

Branding Capital Entrepreneurship Growth Marketing Personal Development Strategy

Investigating the Highly Profitable Business of Public Speaking

According to Ziprecruiter, as of Aug 5, 2022, the average annual pay for a “Motivational Speaker” in the United States is $68,271 a year. That works out to be approximately $32.82 an hour. Or the equivalent of $1,313/week or $5,689/month.

Want to be a public speaker? Here’s what to expect…


How Much Money Can You Really Make Speaking?

While ZipRecruiter is seeing annual salaries as high as $148,000 and as low as $21,500, the majority of Motivational Speaker salaries currently range between $33,500 (25th percentile) to $118,000 (75th percentile) with top earners (90th percentile) making $145,500 annually across the United States.

The average pay range for a Motivational Speaker varies greatly (by as much as $84,500), which suggests there may be many opportunities for advancement and increased pay based on skill level, location and years of experience.

Newbie speakers will talk for free or for travel cost reimbursements. Meanwhile, celebrities and well known industry experts charge up to an profitable six figures per engagement.

But some speakers are making far from the average. Here’s why…


The Net Worth of These Motivational Speakers is Insane!

Here’s a look at how much the top motivational speakers are worth…

1. Brian Tracy – $15 million


2. Suze Orman – $75 million


3. Robert Kiyosaki – $100 million

4. Dave Ramsey – $200 million


5. Daymond John – $350 million


6. Tony Robbins – $600 million


7. Magic Johnson – $620 million


Some of the dollar amounts they charge per speech will surprise you. For example

Simon Sinek now charges $100k per speech. Gary Vee does too

Sam Par breaks down the world of public speaking and the surprisingly lucrative amount of loot that can be made via the business model in HubSpot’s episode of The Hustle. Check it out.





For more information visit tylerhayzlett.com

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WATCH: From Air Mattress to $31 Billion Company. The Airbnb Story

Airbnb was the stupidest idea for a business. The idea was to rent an air mattress in someone else’s occupied apartment. A Literal air bed and breakfast. I mean, who would pay to sleep on the floor of the apartment of a complete stranger?

Turns out quite a few actually. While no longer air mattresses, today Airbnb has over 150 million hosts who’s properties accommodate more than a half a billion guests a year

You Won’t Believe How airbnb Got Started!

Today, Airbnb is one of the most successful short-term rental businesses in the world today. Since its formation in 2008, it has experienced massive growth, starting out with just a few friends renting extra space in their home to an international multibillion-dollar corporation.

Here is the insane inside story of how 3 guys turned that into a $31 billion company.

The story is crazier than the idea. Watch founder, Brian Chesky explain the crazy story of how 3 college kids created one of the world’s largest companies on the stupidest for a business to LinkedIn Founder, Reed Hastings, at a Y Combinator event.








For more information visit tylerhayzlett.com

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WATCH. This is What Makes Taco Bell So Successful

Taco Bell is the largest Mexican restaurant on the planet by volume. Here’s how they did it…

Taco Bell has been dominating Mexican fast food since the 1960s. They own over 7,000 locations consistently generating over $10 billion dollars in annual sales.

Watch the full story how or read the summary below.





Here’s  5 reasons Taco Bell is a household brand:

According to this episode of Company Man anyways…


1. Founder Glenn Bell (hence the Bell logo)

First and foremost, Taco Bell wouldn’t be a thing without it’s founder, who knew how to spot a potential opportunity when he saw one.

A cook who served in WW2, Bell returned home to start a restaurant in San Bernardino CA. Inspired by the McDonald’s franchise, Bell copied the model. Literally, Taco Bell used to be called Bell’s Hamburgers, they originally sold cheeseburgers and hot dogs.

Until one day Glen added tacos to the menu, altering the course of taco history…



2. Taco Bell Single Handedly Introduced the World to Tacos

The second reason for Taco Bell’s now icon status, was their role in introducing tacos the American market.

After 14 years in the restaurant business and having gone through 5 different restaurants and concepts, Glen launch Taco Bell in March 21, 1962 in Downey CA.

At the time, most Americans had no clue what a taco was. When ordering, most customers asked for a “tay-ko”, simply because they simply had never heard of a taco. Kind of like the whole gyro “guyroh” thing…

And they obviously fell in love with them. Putting Taco Bell on the map.

“I always smile when I hear people say that they never had a taco until Taco Bell came to town”. – Glen Bell




3. Pepsi Gave Them a Shit Load of Money

Another reason for their success was their partnership deal with Pepsi.

In the 1970s Pepsi was expanding and looking to invest in new markets. They bought Pizza Hut for $315 million, giving them access to sell their sodas to customers dinning in the largest Pizza Chain on the planet up until that time. Pepsi  wanted to saturate the Taco consumer market too. So they gave Glen a handsome $125 million for the right to sell Pepsi products at every Taco Bell.

Pepsi’s infusion of cash enabled the franchise to massively scale. They went from just under 1,000 locations in 1978 to nearly 7,000 by 1998. Meaning, almost every Taco Bell you’ve ever visited was started between the 80’s-90s Pepsi infused growth period.




4. Absolutely Bat-Shit Crazy But Catchy Menu Items…

While declaring to serve Mexican food, no one buys into that claim when it comes to Taco Bell. That’s because they have become famous for coming up with bat-shit crazy menu items.

The fourth key to the mega taco franchise model was their dedication to marketing. Especially standing out in crowded markets through their off the wall menu item.

Items like the Cheesy Gordita Crunch, the Mtn Dew Baja Taco Blast, their most successful product launch; the Crunch Wrap Supreme, and most recently the Doritos Locos Tacos. Or finally the rather nachos fries.


5. Taco Bell Excels at Marketing to Drunk People too…

Despite how much you want to hate them, Taco Bell continues to stay relevant across generations. They have a consistent track record of being customer focused and keeping their cost low. Something they have been promoting in their ads for decades…

One of their most successful marketing campaigns was “the forth meal of the day” commercials. After noticing a high influx in sales late at night (wink wink), the Bell starting promoting a “4th meal of the day”.



On a more serious note though, probably the biggest reason Taco Bell has been so success over the years has been their commitment to their original mission; “thinking outside the bun”. Mission accomplished…



For more information visit tylerhayzlett.com