C-Suite Network™

Advice Leadership Strategy

It’s Time to Replace Performance Reviews with Check-In Meetings

For years, managers have been giving performance reviews to the people they supervise.

The idea behind them is sound – to review what employees have been doing, set new goals, and schedule a time to meet again to review the progress they have made.

My issue is that the structure of job reviews has led employees to view them this way . . .

“I am going to have to admit things that I have not done well, and my supervisor will correct and blame me.”

That expectation has caused employees to dislike, or even dread, job reviews. Many of them think the best way to survive one is to hide or misrepresent problems, which obviously will not help them or the organization attack the right issues in the right way.

The solution, in my experience, is to replace classic performance reviews with frequent check-in meetings between managers and the staff members they supervise. These check-ins should be held about once a month, or more frequently during times when a lot of critical work is being done.

Structuring Your Check-In Meetings

It is important to frame the check-in discussions in positive and motivational ways that drain the blame from the entire manager/employee discussion. Here are some suggestions that can make that critical change happen.

Start by asking, “What have you done since we last met that you have felt especially good about?”   

This question encourages the employee to discuss things that have gone right, not wrong. And it sets a positive tone for the entire discussion.

Follow up by asking, “Is there a way the organization can support you better in this area?”

Perhaps the employee needs a temporary worker to do administrative work, a piece of technology or some other resource that will make the work more efficient. When you ask this question, you show that you are there to offer encouragement and support, not blame.

Use what I call the “Five to One” Rule

This means that as a manager, you should make five positive statements for every one that could potentially be viewed as negative criticism. One example of those five positives could be, “I would like to compliment you on the way you have motivated people on your team to complete the recent customer survey.” One statement that could be viewed as criticism could be,  “Why did it take six weeks to gather and summarize the results of our survey?” Note that both questions will lead to an operational discussion about a survey, but the second one will reveal the same information in a positive and proactive way.

Finish the Discussion with Yet More Positive Motivation

A process-centered question like, “When should we follow up to discuss what you and your team have gotten done on this?” can be followed with a positive statement like, “You are doing just a great job on the projects and processes we have talked about today. Great job!”

When the employee leaves a meeting with a positive statement like that still ringing in her or his ears, there will be positive motivation to perform.

Resist the Temptation to File a Detailed Report in the Employee’s Personnel File

Yes, it is a good idea to document what was discussed. But you can note the topics and goals that were set in a short memo that you keep on file.

One thing for certain? Handing the employee a memo that itemizes everything you discussed – and requiring that he or she sign it before it is placed in a folder in your HR department – is not a way to motivate employees or make them feel energized to do great work.

In Summary . . .

If your company’s policies require you to do annual or semi-annual job reviews with every employee, you need to go ahead and do them. But you can also hold frequent check-in meetings like the ones we have discussed in this article.

If you try it, I know you will achieve remarkable improvements in your leadership and your team’s progress.

About Evan Hackel, C-Suite Advisor

As author, speaker, and consultant, Evan Hackel has been instrumental in launching more than 20 businesses and has managed a portfolio of brands with system-wide sales of more than $5 billion. He is the creator of Ingaged Leadership, is author of the book Ingaging Leadership Meets the Younger Generation and is a thought leader in the fields of leadership and success.

Evan is the CEO of Ingage Consulting, Delta Payment Systems, and an advisor to The Learning Network (formerly Tortal Training). Reach Evan at ehackel@ingage.net, 781-820 7609 or visit www.evanhackelspeaks.com


Advice Strategy Wealth

Should My Corporation Or LLC Own A Vehicle

People ask me all the time, should my Corporation or LLC own or lease a vehicle? There are a lot of great benefits for having your entity own or lease a vehicle, such as being able to deduct all vehicle payments, insurance, and maintenance costs. You can additionally take advantage of the Section 179 deduction which allows for accelerated depreciation on vehicles weighing over 6,000 pounds. That is why you see people buying G Wagons and other large SUVs to capture that write off in their company. However, there are some things you need to consider before buying a vehicle in your company. 

First, your entity is assuming ALL of the liability of the vehicle. What do I mean by that you may be asking? This vehicle travels down the road at 50, 60 and sometimes 70 miles an hour. Should that vehicle be involved in an accident, and someone files a lawsuit, the liability is going to fall back to the company and the driver. Now, you may be saying, that is what insurance is for. If someone claims negligence or punitive damages, insurance companies will always find a way out of the equation and not be responsible for paying. This means that if there is a judgement, the creditor could go after the assets of the business and you personally. 

This leads me to the next thing you need to consider. When you switch the vehicle over to an entity, you are now going to have to deal with a whole different type of insurance. Since the vehicle is no longer a personal vehicle, it is now a business vehicle, you will need to obtain fleet insurance. This means that if you do not have a fleet of vehicles, your premiums could be astronomically high. You really need to consider the burden vs. the benefits and speak with an expert! 

So, you may be asking yourself, then how can my business write off a vehicle and not have it be a liability to my primary income source? There are strategies that you might want to consider taking advantage of. Give my office a call at 775-384-8124 or book an appointment with my Sr. Strategist. https://www.controllersltd.com/booking-calendar/complimentary-consultation?referral=service_list_widget. 

Follow me for more tips and tricks and read my next article on: “How To Write Off Your Vehicle Without All The Risk!” 

Advice Best Practices Culture Parenting

The Ultimate Guide to Repairing Your Parenting Relationship: 5 Proven Ways to Become Better Partners

Troubled relationships with parenting partners are all too common. Whether parenting with a partner who sleeps next to you at night, co-parenting with an ex, or even sharing the responsibility of raising a child with grandparents, it is normal to experience ups and downs in the relationship. If you are struggling with parenting together, it is important to work towards repairing your parenting relationship in order to become better partners. Parenting is fraught with daily stresses, and our conversations can very easily sound like this:

Didn’t I tell you they need to get dressed by 8am? It’s 8:30!
How can you let them watch TV when I literally just said they can’t?!

Why do I feel like I’m doing everything and you’re doing nothing?

Sound familiar? You might find it increasingly challenging to manage workingkeeping house, and managing your child’s extracurricular activities. And because of that, your relationship with your parenting partner may be on the rocks. Here are 5 ways to help you repair that relationship and become a better parenting partner:

  1. Practice effective communication. Effective communication is key. Instead of using negative language or showing frustration, try kind and clear communication to raise healthy and secure kids. For example, instead of yelling, “You never help me when I need you to!”, try calmly saying, “I feel overwhelmed because I have a meeting in five minutes. Can you help me by [insert your specific request]?” Repairing your parenting relationship starts with effective communication.
  2. Be strategic.Strategic planning is another important aspect of parenting together. Treat your parenting tasks like business goals, especially when issues arise. Create a schedule, prepare an agenda, have objectives, exchange relevant information with your partner, and keep them in the loop. Work together to come up with solutions that benefit both partners. Repairing your parenting relationship means being strategic in your approach.
  3. Cultivate an atmosphere of respect. Communicating with respect is one of the fundamental values of conscious parenting. As parenting partners, model respectful behavior in how you talk to and about each other. Avoid trash-talking your partner or undermining their authority, especially in front of your child. Repairing your parenting relationship starts with respect for each other.
  4. Agree to be consistent. Consistency is also crucial. Consistency is key for children. Shifting from one set of rules and expectations to another can be confusing for them. Apply consistency to bedtimes, chores, and study and play periods. Get on the same page about what’s permitted and what isn’t. Once you’ve made your decisions, stick to them and be consistent. Repairing your parenting relationship requires consistency in your approach.
  5. Chill out. Lastly, taking time to relax is important. Overextending yourself in too many directions can make you tired, overwhelmed, and cranky. For the sake of your partner, child, and yourself, create time in your schedule to kick back and relax. Even a few minutes of quiet time can make a big difference in diffusing high-emotion moments and bringing peace to your home life. Repairing your parenting relationship also means taking care of yourself and each other.

Parenting together can be challenging, but by using effective communication, strategic planning, cultivating an atmosphere of respect, being consistent, and taking time to relax, you can minimize meltdowns, create successful outcomes, and bring peace to your household. By repairing your parenting relationship, you and your partner can become better partners and raise healthy and happy children together.

Love and Blessings,


P.S.: Looking for more weekly guidance? Join me in my private Facebook group for tips every Tuesday!


Advice Capital Wealth

Secure Your Legacy: Discover the Top Strategies for Avoiding Probate and Protecting Your Estate

How to Avoid Probate and Keep Your Estate in the Family?

Probate can be a lengthy and expensive process that ties up your assets for months if not years. But what if there was a way to avoid probate altogether and ensure that your estate goes directly to your loved ones? With a little planning, it’s possible.

One option is joint tenancy, where you jointly own property with someone else and it passes directly to them upon your death. However, this option has tax implications that may not be favorable.

Another option is to make gifts of your assets to your beneficiaries during your lifetime. This ensures that the property is excluded from the probate process entirely.

But perhaps the most effective way to avoid probate is by creating a living trust. This allows you to transfer your assets to a trust during your lifetime and have them managed by a trustee, with your beneficiaries receiving the benefits. Best of all, a living trust completely bypasses the probate process, saving your loved one’s time and money.

By taking these steps to avoid probate, you can rest assured that your hard-earned assets will be passed down to your family with minimal hassle and delay. Don’t wait until it’s too late – start planning now to secure your family’s financial future.

For more Healthy Money Tips Listen to our PodCast  “Money 911

Subscribe to my Youtube channel youtube.com/@healthymoneyhappylife

Sign up for a Financial Fitness Strategy Session at Meet with Kris Miller – Financial Fitness Strategy Sessions

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Email me at Kris@HealthyMoneyHappyLIfe.com

Call me at (951) 926-4158

Advice Best Practices Women In Business

Secure Your Future: The Power of Emergency Savings and How It Can Change Your Life

Are you ready to take control of your finances and secure your future? It all starts with building an emergency fund. Miller’s book, “Ready for Pretirement: Plan Retirement Early,” is an exciting and inspiring guide that teaches you to be proactive and plan for the uncertainties of life.

In today’s world, emergencies can happen at any time, and having an emergency fund can provide you with the confidence and security you need to face these challenges head-on. Whether it’s a family medical crisis or unexpected job loss, having a cash reserve can prevent you from making imprudent decisions and help you weather the storm.

The current times have given rise to a predominant sandwich generation, where individuals need to care for their elderly parents while taking care of their young kids. This makes emergency cash more critical than ever before. Miller’s book provides actionable steps to create a fund that can cover living expenses for up to 5-6 months, ensuring that you have the financial stability to face any adversity that comes your way.

Cash flows can be volatile, and there will be months when you earn considerably less or have unexpected expenses. An emergency fund sees you through these rough periods in your life and ensures that you don’t fall behind on bills or incur debt.

The best part about building an emergency fund is that it’s never too late to start. Miller’s book provides practical tips and guidance to help you get started and stay on track. You’ll learn how to make saving a habit and create a plan that works for you.

So, what are you waiting for? Take control of your finances and secure your future by creating an emergency fund today. Miller’s book is a must-read for anyone looking to build a strong financial foundation and achieve financial security. Don’t wait any longer to start your journey towards a financially fit life!

For more Healthy Money Tips Listen to our PodCast  “Money 911

Subscribe to my Youtube channel youtube.com/@healthymoneyhappylife

Sign up for a Financial Fitness Strategy Session at Meet with Kris Miller – Financial Fitness Strategy Sessions

Go to my website  healthymoneyhappylife.com

Email me at Kris@HealthyMoneyHappyLIfe.com

Call me at (951) 926-4158

Advice Branding Case Studies Growth Leadership

Building a Trustworthy Brand: The Importance of Values, Behavior, and Context

By Rob Docters author of Ethics and Hidden Greed

Building a trustworthy brand is crucial for any business to succeed in today’s competitive market. However, gaining customers’ trust is not built upon a list of attributes or a checklist but an outcome of ethical behavior and values.  In addition, social media allows businesses to gather information about people’s concerns and express themselves through better targeting the audience.

However, a company builds its brand through behavior, usually transmitted to potential buyers. The most successful companies instill their beliefs in every employee and don’t allow their salespeople to manipulate transactions to build a brand. Customers own brands, and they are not commodities. They want to know they are getting a quality product or service at a fair price.

Values, Behavior, and Trust

Knowing your values is crucial, not just for being suitable, which does not resonate with consumers, but for inspiring many decisions. For example, ExxonMobil aims to know where every gallon of gasoline is, from the well-head to the gas pump. You may say: “Oil is a commodity; it has no brand.” That would be wrong. Customers’ perception can easily alter the distinction between narrow and broad trust. If you are a product manager, then your goal is the value and price of a phone. If you are the company president, you had better think more broadly.


The context for the pricing decision is what determines the price. For instance, Walmart gets a different price for Coke depending on where it’s displayed—its value changes when surrounded by Pepsi versus sporting goods.

It is crucial to understand customers and which of several categories of decision-making they go to. For example, a consumer bank had customers who hated banks and just wanted to “fly below the radar.” This segment was attracted to the bank, even if their intention did not sit well with the bank. At the same time, online-only consumers were not interested in guarantees and assurance regarding Internet banking and felt comfortable. They felt more adept than the bank, so the entire marketing pitch had to be flipped from safety to convenience, convenience, and convenience.

Building a trustworthy brand is an ongoing process that requires continuous effort and attention.Businesses can establish themselves as reliable and trustworthy brands that customers can rely on by taking a proactive approach to understanding their customers’ needs and concerns. Companies can better target their audience and deliver high-quality products and services that meet their customers’ expectations. Building a trustworthy brand is not just good for business; it’s essential for success in today’s marketplace.


ROB DOCTERS recently co-authored Ethics and Hidden Greed. Your Defense against Unethical Strategies and Violations of Trust. He is Partner at Abbey Road, LLP, leading their ethics practice. He formerly led BCG’s pricing practice in Asia/Pacific.

Building a trustworthy brand should be a high priority for almost any business to succeed in today’s competitive market. How to do this? Gaining customers’ trust is complex, not built upon a list of attributes or a checklist. Instead, it is the result of instilling ethical behaviors and values. These aspects have always been important, but today social media can make ethical issues rapidly grow to be significant.

However, a company builds its brand through behavior, usually transmitted to potential buyers. The most successful companies instill their beliefs in every employee and don’t allow their salespeople to manipulate transactions or customer care to be dismissive of building their brand. Its customers who ‘own’ your brand. They want to know, without checking, that they are getting a quality product or service at a fair price.

Values, Behavior, and Trust

Knowing your values is crucial for product development so that all activities resonate with consumers and inspire many decisions. That applies to almost all markets. For example, ExxonMobil’s profits lie in reaping the value of superior lubricants and oil. You may say: “Oil is a commodity; it has no brand.” That would not be true. Not only do lubricants vary in quality, but buyers get a cue about performance and value from how the company presents and markets these products.

Trust in a brand comes in two forms: narrow and broad, depending on the product. Narrow means evaluating each transaction. Broad means that customers form a view of the seller, and only if disproved does that perception evolve. Customers remember an experience, especially negative ones. If you are a product manager, then your goal might be narrowly the value and price in a specific sale. If you are the company president, think more broadly about the relationship.


The context for the pricing decision is what determines the price. For instance: Walmart obtains a different price for Coke products depending on where it’s displayed—market price changes when surrounded by Pepsi versus sporting goods.

It is crucial to understand the decision criteria customers rely upon. For example, a consumer bank found that some customers, who “hated” banks, just wanted to “fly below the radar.” This segment was attractive to the bank, even if their views contradicted their aspirations. At the same time, online-only consumers were not interested in obtaining guarantees and assurance regarding Internet banking. They felt more adept than the bank, so the entire marketing pitch had to be flipped from safety to convenience, convenience, and convenience.

Building a trustworthy brand is an ongoing process that requires using the right levers. Unfortunately, many companies do not meet that requirement. Businesses can establish themselves as reliable and trustworthy brands that customers can rely on by taking a proactive approach to build ethical standards for all transactions—large and small (often taken as an indication of the overall relationship). Generally, this means employee behavior in customer interactions, ensuring their fidelity to values. Building a trustworthy brand is not just good for business; it’s essential for company success.

Advice Capital Entrepreneurship Growth Investing Personal Development Real Estate Skills Strategy Wealth

Smart Passive Income is a Dangerous Myth: Why You Shouldn’t Fall for It




Are you tired of working hard for your money? Do you dream of living a life of luxury without lifting a finger? If so, you may have fallen for the myth of smart passive income. In this article, I will argue that the idea of passive income is not only misleading but also dangerous. Contrary to popular belief, there is no easy way to make money, and those who claim otherwise are either lying or ignorant. So, buckle up and get ready to have your world turned upside down.


The Fallacy of Passive Income: Why It’s Not Real

Smart passive income is a term that has been thrown around a lot in recent years. It suggests that you can make money without doing anything or very little work. The truth is, there is no such thing as passive income. Even if you’re making money from investments, you still need to put in the effort to make informed decisions, and even then, there are risks involved. If you want to make money, you need to put in the effort.


The Risks of Passive Income: Why It’s Dangerous

Not only is the idea of passive income misleading, but it’s also dangerous. Many people have fallen for the promise of easy money and ended up losing their life savings. Investing in stocks, real estate, or any other form of passive income carries significant risks. The idea that you can make money without doing anything is a fallacy, and those who believe it are setting themselves up for failure.


Passive Income Requires More Work Than You Think

Passive income is often sold as an easy way to make money, but the reality is much different. Whether it’s creating an online course, writing an e-book, or investing in stocks, all forms of passive income require a lot of hard work upfront. Even after you’ve put in the effort, there’s no guarantee of success. The idea that you can make money without doing any work is a fantasy.



The Reality of Passive Income: Why It’s a Myth

The idea of passive income is a myth perpetuated by those who want to sell you something. The truth is, there’s no easy way to make money. Whether it’s through investing, creating a business, or working a 9-5 job, all forms of income require effort. Those who claim otherwise are either lying or trying to sell you something. Don’t fall for the myth of passive income.


The Limits of Passive Income: Why It’s Not Sustainable

Even if you’re lucky enough to make money from passive income, it’s not sustainable in the long run. Markets change, investments fluctuate, and businesses fail. The idea that you can make money without putting in any effort is not only a fallacy but also a dangerous one. If you want to make money, you need to be willing to put in the effort.


The Importance of Active Income: Why It’s Necessary

In conclusion, there’s no easy way to make money. Unless you’re born from it…

The idea of passive income is a myth perpetuated by those who want to sell you something. If you want to make money, you need to be willing to put in the effort. Active income is the only real income.

Whether it’s through creating a business, investing in your education, or working a 9-5 job, all forms of income require effort. The key is to find something you’re passionate about and work hard to achieve your goals. Don’t fall for the myth of smart passive income. It’s a dangerous and misleading idea that will only lead to disappointment and failure.



The idea of smart passive income is a dangerous myth that should be debunked. While it’s tempting to believe that you can make money without doing anything, the reality is much different. Making money requires effort, hard work, and sometimes a little bit of luck. There’s no shortcut to success, and those who claim otherwise are either lying or ignorant. If you want to make money, you need to be willing to put in the effort.

Active income is the only real income, and it’s the key to achieving financial freedom and success. So, don’t fall for the myth of smart passive income. Instead, focus on finding something you’re passionate about and work hard to achieve your goals.

For more information visit tylerhayzlett.com

Advice Marketing Negotiating

Is Your Small Business Ready to Franchise? . . . A Checklist of Basic Considerations

Many owners of small to medium-sized businesses dream of turning their companies into franchises, and with good reason. Becoming a franchise could let your company expand rapidly into new regions, become a nationally recognized brand, increase your bottom line, and offer other meaningful returns.

But the reality is, not all companies are ready to transition and become franchises. Another reality is that a number of companies try to become franchises but fail in that attempt because they are not prepared.

With that said, what are some of the basic assets you should have in place before you try to franchise your business? Here is a checklist for you to review.

Do you have the following?

  • A proven business model – You should have a proven business model – preferably one that has been successful in multiple locations. If you do, you have a business model that can be replicated in different markets.
  • Strong profits and financial stability – If your company is not performing strongly, don’t expect a franchise structure to cure that problem. Your company should have a strong financial track record with positive cash flow and a healthy balance sheet. This will provide potential franchisees with confidence that they will succeed.
  • Brand recognition – A well differentiated brand is a big consideration. A strong brand is essential for a successful franchise system. Your company should have established brand recognition that can continue to expand.
  • A well-defined customer base – Do you know who your customers are and why they buy from you? If you don’t, you will have a difficult time supporting your franchises as they attract new customers and repeat business.
  • Excellent training – Work with a training development company and create excellent training programs before you start to sell franchises. When prospective franchise owners see that you will train them in all aspects of running your franchise, they will have greater confidence because they will see you are invested in their success.
  • Committed leadership and management teams – The company should have strong leaders who are committed to the success of the franchise system. These executives should have a clear vision for the future of the company and the franchise system.

And Remember, You Can’t Do It All!

Yes, you built your business, and nobody knows it as well as you do. But please be modest enough to accept the fact that you might not personally have all the knowledge that your new franchise will need to succeed. I would encourage you to bring in a franchise consultant – if not permanently, for at least long enough to get your new franchise off to a strong start. And build a top franchise management team that brings you all the legal, business, accounting, supply chain, marketing, and technology knowledge you need to be stronger than your competitors in the marketplace.

Getting the expertise you need can make your franchise a stunning success on the franchising landscape.

Evan Hackel, Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker, Podcaster

As author, speaker and Evan Hackel has been instrumental in launching more than 20 businesses and has managed a portfolio of brands with systemwide sales of more than $5 billion. He is the creator of Ingaged Leadership, is author of the book Ingaging Leadership Meets the Younger Generation and is a thought leader in the fields of leadership and success.

Evan is the CEO of Ingage Consulting, Delta Payment Systems, and an advisor to The Learning Network (formerly Tortal Training). Reach Evan at ehackel@ingage.net, 781-820 7609 or visit www.evanhackelspeaks.com

Advice Branding Entrepreneurship Growth IT Marketing Operations Sales Training Strategy Technology

Revolutionize Your Marketing Strategy: The Top Email Marketing Software platforms of the Year



As a business, email marketing is an essential tool to reach out to prospects, build relationships, and generate leads. With numerous email marketing platforms available, it can be challenging to determine which one is best suited for your business.

In this article, we will discuss the top email marketing platforms for B2B businesses.


What is B2B Email Marketing?

B2B email marketing is the process of sending promotional messages via email to businesses or individuals who work in businesses. The goal of B2B email marketing is to create awareness, generate leads, and build relationships with prospects that may eventually convert into customers.


Why is Email Marketing Important for B2B Businesses?

Email marketing is a cost-effective way to reach out to prospects, build relationships, and generate leads. It is estimated that for every $1 spent on email marketing, businesses can expect an average return of $42. This makes email marketing a crucial tool for B2B businesses looking to grow their customer base.


Top Email Marketing Platforms for B2B Businesses

Here are the top email marketing platforms for B2B businesses:

1. HubSpot

HubSpot is a popular inbound marketing platform that offers a suite of tools for email marketing, CRM, social media, and content management. With its easy-to-use drag-and-drop email builder, HubSpot allows you to create personalized emails that resonate with your audience. It also provides robust analytics that can help you measure the effectiveness of your email campaigns.


2. Mailchimp

Mailchimp is a cloud-based email marketing platform that allows you to create, send, and track email campaigns. With its user-friendly interface, Mailchimp makes it easy to design and send professional-looking emails. It also offers features such as A/B testing, segmentation, and automation that can help you optimize your email campaigns.


3. Constant Contact

Constant Contact is an email marketing platform that provides a wide range of features such as email templates, list management, and reporting. With its easy-to-use interface, Constant Contact allows you to create and send professional-looking emails that are tailored to your audience. It also provides robust analytics that can help you track the success of your email campaigns.


4. Campaign Monitor

Campaign Monitor is an email marketing platform that offers a variety of features such as drag-and-drop email builder, automation, and segmentation. With its customizable templates and responsive design, Campaign Monitor allows you to create emails that look great on any device. It also provides detailed analytics that can help you measure the effectiveness of your email campaigns.


5. Sendinblue

Sendinblue is a cloud-based email marketing platform that offers features such as email design, list management, and automation. With its intuitive interface, Sendinblue allows you to create and send professional-looking emails that are tailored to your audience. It also provides detailed analytics that can help you track the success of your email campaigns.


6. Pardot

Pardot is a marketing automation platform that offers a suite of tools for email marketing, lead management, and analytics. With its drag-and-drop email builder and automation features, Pardot allows you to create personalized emails that resonate with your audience. It also provides robust analytics that can help you measure the effectiveness of your email campaigns.


7. Marketo

Marketo is a marketing automation platform that provides a variety of features such as email marketing, lead management, and analytics. With its drag-and-drop email builder and automation features, Marketo allows you to create personalized emails that are tailored to your audience. It also provides robust analytics that can help you track the success of your email campaigns.


8. ActiveCampaign

ActiveCampaign is a cloud software platform for small-to-mid-sized businesses and is based in Chicago, Illinois. The company offers software for customer experience automation, which combines the transactional email, email marketing, marketing automation, sales automation, and CRM categories

For more information visit tylerhayzlett.com

Advice Leadership Networking

The Motivation Show meets Gianni Russo who played Carlo Rizzo in The Godfather

Gianni Russo is a colorful character in real life as well as in the numerous movie roles he played.  Best known for his role as Carlo Rizzi in the original 1972 film The Godfather, Russo sat down with me for a chat about his tell-all book Hollywood Godfather: My Life in the Movies and the Mob which describes in vivid detail his dual life in the movies and in the real life mob as a mafia associate.   Wait til you hear about some of the incredible people he palled around with including some of the infamous ladies he was…well…let’s just say he was associated with. 

When asked what it is what like growing up and how did he get involved with the mob, Gianni says he grew up on Mulberry Street in Little Italy and in 1949, he became bedridden and quarantined with polio for five years. Who was Gianni’s nurse in his ward at Bellevue?  Carlo Gambino’s niece he says!   Destiny?    His primary source of entertainment and distraction from his distressed and depressed state was a transistor radio. When he turned on the radio, he discovered Frank Sinatra was born the same day.   He says Sinatra became his mentor and singing teacher.   Gianni met a guy Sinatra knew by the name of Frank Costello (not to be confused with Lou Costello), the infamous mob boss of the Luciano crime family.   Gianni used to sell ballpoint pens in front of the Sherry Netherland hotel and Costello would go there every morning for a shoe shine.   “He gave me some money, some words of advice…and never took a pen (I’d hate to think where that pen may have eventually ended up if he did).  I stuck with Costello til the day he died in 1973.”  Right behind Gianni as we spoke on Zoom was a dining room table that can seat 16 people.  As a different kind of wise guy that I am, I quipped about “if only that table could talk,” oh what interesting tales it can tell.   Gianni found that amusing and said jokingly “I would be indicted again.”   Oops.   I asked Gianni to further elaborate on what exactly a Mafia Associate actually entailed.  “That’s why I never got locked up. Carlo Gambino and Costello made sure that I was only a messenger.”    He said he was even registered as a bona fide messenger and courier registered with Lloyd’s of London…pretty clever if you ask me.    

What about this famous code of silence and why did wise guys start signing like canaries, I ask?  The new RICO laws (The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) enacted in 1970 changed everything.  “The feds were allowed to take all of the assets you acquired while being in the mob.  Omerta went out the window.  Everybody became singing canaries.  That’s why these guys started flipping.” 

What were the rules that Gianni knew to live by to keep Frank Costello on his good side?   “Don’t lie to me.  Be on Time.  Talk to Nobody.”   In the late 1990’s, I once flew Don Miguel Ruiz, the author of “The Four Agreements” to New York to promote his mega bestselling book.  With these new rules, I can now write a new book destined to be a bestseller called “The Three Agreements: A Mafia Guide to Not Getting Rubbed Out”…bada boom! 

At the age of 25, Gianni came out of nowhere and was cast in the original Godfather movie as Sonny Corleone’s brother-in-law.   How did he feel about getting that plum role?    “I am making a couple of thousand dollars a week already.  I just wanted to do it for ego.”   Gianni says that after 45 minutes of rehearsal one day, Brando tells Coppola he has to rethink the part.  Gianni puts his arm around Brando and says dead seriously “You get me fired, I will suck on your heart.  You will bleed out here right now.”  Brando’s reaction?  Gianni says Brando told him “That was brilliant!”    To Gianni’s amusement, he says Brando “thought I was acting.”    I ask Gianni who is the most interesting person he worked with in his film career.    “Brando!  He was so generous.”

Then there’s the famous nightclub Gianni owned in Sin City, and the night where he shot and killed in self-defense, unknowingly, a henchman of notorious Columbian drug lord Pablo Escobar and had to survive the hit that was put out on him.   Perhaps the most remarkable revelation among many, was his relationship with Marilyn Monroe.   What became of his dalliance with Hollywood’s most glamorous starlet of the day?  You will have to listen to my podcast to find out in an ending that even Hollywood couldn’t come up with!

You can listen to the Gianni Russo interview on The Motivation Show C-Suite Network Radio https://c-suitenetwork.com/radio/shows/the-motivation-show/ or any podcast listening platform     To contact Eli, email motivatea2z@gmail.com.