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Vigilant Quality Control Can Save Your Brand’s Reputation

When it comes to building your brand, your best supporters can become your worst critics—overnight! It takes years of consistent quality to grow a strong base of happy customers who will go the extra mile and actually promote your brand. This is the strongest and most sincere form of advertising.

Your brand supporters will tell neighbors, friends, and colleagues to buy your brand. They are confident doing so, because you have shown a consistent history of quality they now depend on. They want the people closest to them to have the same great experience they had. By recommending your brand to others, they put their own personal reputation on the line.

But, mess with the quality just once, and your supporters will immediately reconsider. They’ll feel compelled to warn others that your brand “isn’t what it used to be” and that its “quality has taken a turn.”

While we built the Barefoot Wine brand, we were offered a wine blend that was not up to par with our products. When we told the producing winery, they said “it will sell through” and that it was “acceptable for general consumption.” We knew that rejecting this wine could result in a loss for us, but our word-of-mouth reputation would be hurt if that product got to our customers. We would let our customers down, and we would turn our loyal supporters into detractors.

When the production people said the blend was acceptable for general consumption, they took the market for granted. We consistently put out a superior product for the money, and our customers were being labeled as, well, general. We constantly worried about our reputation and sales; meanwhile, they’re saying, “It’ll sell through—don’t worry!” Our hard-earned customers would expect this product to have the same quality they had grown to depend on, but they’d stop buying our brand completely after seeing the quality had taken a hit. Accepting that inferior product would mean permanent damage to our brand. So, we decided to reject the wine, which led to a financial loss, rather than hurt our brand’s reputation—which would have been much pricier in the long run.

Michael was shopping for groceries last week to entertain guests for the holidays. Chickpeas for the fresh crab salad were on the list. When he got home, Bonnie said, “Oh, no! Not that brand. I don’t buy their products anymore!” She was upset with Michael’s choice. “What’s wrong with this brand?” he asked. Bonnie retorted, “I used to buy their products. They had the best prices for organic beans, and they were always in stock. But the last time I bought their kidney beans, they fell apart and overcooked! I don’t have faith in that brand anymore.” Luckily for the brand (and for Michael!), the chickpeas were great and Bonnie will give them another try, but maybe not their kidney beans.

Did someone at this company think these beans were okay for general consumption? If Michael hadn’t chosen this brand by “mistake,” would Bonnie have bought it ever again? How many other people out there have gone from supporters to critics? It didn’t sell through—it stopped the brand’s future sales.

This is why diligent quality control is the foundation of brand building. Don’t allow production people to depreciate your branding efforts just to cover their bad quality control. Get on top of it—and stay there! Reputation is everything! It can enhance or completely destroy your brand—even if it’s just a can of beans.

For more, read on: http://csnetworkadvis.staging.wpengine.com/advisor/michael-houlihan-and-bonnie-harvey/

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Maximize Output Using Your Best Times of Day

Need to maximize output each day? Start by identifying the times of day it might be easier for your brain to make decisions, maximize output and be more productive by leveraging your undivided attention.

In our book Folding Time™, we share people have premium productivity work times. For morning birds you are most productive between 7 am – 1 pm, for hummingbirds you are 10.30 am – 3 pm and for night owls 2 pm – 8 pm. See there’s a really a time for everyone to focus their attention and maximize output!

Strategize in your most productive time – if you have decisions to make choose your most productive time. If you have a big project to do or a presentation to prepare for, choose the time your brain is most engaged.

Do routine activities in your least productive time – do you have maintenance type activities i.e. returning email, updating status reports that don’t require as much strategic thought? Leave those for another time of day.

Make your big decisions earlier in the day – Michael Breus, author of The Power of When, suggests saving big choices for one to three hours after you wake up. By then, you have shaken off any sleep inertia you might have. A study by Shai Danziger summarizes the results of 1,112 parole decisions heard over a 10 month period resulted in 65% more successfully paroled in the morning hours. Choose your best time to make important decisions.

Convert sales calls before the weekend and holidays – if you are working with a buyer to get decisions made on important deals consider Friday afternoons and also before major holidays. I have found the week before Thanksgiving is a great time to finalize outstanding speaking engagements for the following year and people pick up the phone on Friday afternoons. Hustle when others are relaxing.

We all get 1,440 minutes in a day. There is no such thing as time-management. It’s not about time management; it’s about attention management and strategizing ways to maximize output.

If you are a leader in your organization, provide employees an agile work environment that allows them to maximize output by working during the times of day they are able to focus most. Need ideas on how to create an effective, focused workforce? Watch this video and learn:

  • How to give employees freedom to create their workday structure
  • Allow employees to work in their most productive spaces and places
  • Provide flexibility to employees to work during their most productive hours

Know your best time of day to pay attention to what really matters.

Best Practices Entrepreneurship Human Resources Industries Management Marketing Personal Development Women In Business

Don’t Believe Distractions Cost? Think Again!

Did you know it takes, on average, 23 minutes to refocus your mental effort and energy on a task after being interrupted?

Have you ever considered how many times you’re interrupted in a day?

We all know interruptions hamper productivity and make trying to accomplish even the smallest of tasks frustrating, and seemingly endless.  Consider this – If you spend a total of 5 minutes, five times per day responding to text messages and reading social media, you’ve spent (maybe wasted!) 25 minutes of work time. Even still, when you consider it takes our brains 23 minutes to refocus on our tasks at hand for each interruption, you start to see those 5 simple tasks actually cost you almost 2.5 hours in lost concentrated focus and productivity.  How do I know this? Because I have been guilty of this too.

You see, a distraction costs more time than just the activity. It costs us mental space and time to refocus afterward.  This realization helps me to focus when I get off track.

A study was performed by info-tech researcher Basex and found distractions cost U.S. companies $588 billion per year in lost productivity. Imagine how much of that money could have been saved if employees were able to avoid distractions and stop interruptions.

Crazier still, a researcher of digital distraction at the University of California, Irvine found approximately 50% of the distractions were self-induced! Our curiosity to know what was going on in the world on the news, social media, emails, or other people’s lives are creating our productivity demise.

Attention is Key! Attention is vital. A few steps toward mindfulness can help you save time and boost productivity:

1. Count your interruptions. For two days, keep a running list of the distraction types and the number of times is occurs (you will be shocked!). Start proactively finding solutions to stop the self-induced time killers.

2. Master your schedule. Choose brief, 15 minute increments, within your calendar that permit you to take a break, respond to others and allow your mind the downtime it deserves (and craves).

3. Utilize technology to save you from technology. Use apps on smartphones to silence distractions. Better yet, turn them off or use the Do Not Disturb feature until a time you’ve chosen to take a scheduled recovery break. I love the Freedom App.

4. Prohibit devices. Create a no-phone policy for some meetings and important conversations.

5. Schedule. Schedule. Implement tools that manage your time spent online, such as the Freedom App.

6. Do Not Disturb. Allow employees to create Do Not Disturb work times on their calendar where they can truly unplug from email, visitors and disruptions.

7. Go public. Get accountability. We have conditioned ourselves to be available to others all day and every day. Stop. Send messages to your friends, family and colleagues sharing your commitment to productivity. Explain your new schedule has time allocated to respond to their needs. Reset their expectations for your return phone calls, text messages and mid-day visits.

8. Unplug from social media. Consider taking a social media detox to help clear your head of the need to be plugged in. If that seems too radical, consider establishing one or two 15 minute periods of time in the early morning or evening that allow you to log on and play.

9. Choose one day per week. We all want to personally check in with coworkers and establish relationships with our peers. So do it! Only, limit it to one day per week. For instance, Wednesdays allow you find out how their weekend was and hear about their upcoming plans.

10. Weekends are for fun. When you make focus and attention a priority during the workday, make fun and relaxation a priority on the weekend. This will give you the time needed to recalibrate and rest, which will improve your attention and focus throughout the week.

With a few changes and a commitment to focus, your productivity will soar as will the results of those efforts. When you choose to become the Attention Ambassador in your workplace, others will begin to see Attention Pays.

Growth Management Personal Development

Overcoming 3 Feedback Myths – Let’s Use Systems Thinking Instead

A myth is a false belief used to explain natural phenomenon. We tend to hold onto our myths for years and we often continue to use language which is consistent with the myth even after veracity of the myth has been put to bed.  For example, for hundreds of years people believed the earth was the center of the universe.  Thanks to Copernicus and Galileo we know this myth is false, but we still use language consistent with the myth e.g. “The sun will rise at 7:05 AM EST in CT.”  The sun doesn’t rise. The earth rotates.

Myths can be fun and useful.  They can also be damaging.  Believing lightning never strikes the same place twice is comforting in a thunderstorm, but this too is a myth.  Lightning strikes the same place often because the taller the object the greater the probability of a second strike.  NASA proved this in 2003. (Rob Gutro, 2003)

Myths about how to communicate feedback to people can be damaging to employee engagement, can increase turnover, reduce productivity, and damage quality.  We need to dispel these false beliefs because, as leaders, we can’t afford to lose good people and we can’t afford to have ineffective feedback upset employees who might then upset customers.

Myth #1: Managers Are Omnipotent and The Most Useful and Actionable Feedback is from Managers

Managers are not omnipotent and yet many organizations continue to rely almost exclusively on a manager’s feedback for performance improvement of individuals.  The reliability of the typical performance appraisal has been discredited and some organizations have rejected it.

Leaders need to reject the idea that managers are omnipotent first because they’re not and second, this myth leads us to the false belief that more frequent feedback from managers will help performance.  Instead, senior leadership must first accept responsibility for the culture of the organization. They must know how to create an environment of trust.  Then and only then can frequent feedback make a difference.

Yes, managers can help set up how employees receive feedback, but there is no way we can depend on managers to be a consistent and useful source of feedback for improvement.  Thinking that managers are omnipotent is inconsistent with systems thinking.  Employees are adults who self-manage at home. Why can’t they self-manage their own feedback at work?

Myth #2: Frequent Feedback Fixes Performance Management Failures

The typical performance appraisal has been largely discredited and rejected as an effective tool for the modern workplace.  Many organizations have instead shifted to managers providing more frequent feedback or check-ins.  PwC, a major consulting firm, found that up to 60% of employees (especially millennials) want feedback either weekly or daily. Virtually all performance management consulting companies recommend more frequent feedback now (in place of annual reviews) because they claim it improves employee engagement.

But, how do you know the feedback is any good in the first place?    If the food in a restaurant was bad, would you decide to eat it in smaller bites more often? This incomplete approach still maintains that managers are omnipotent feedback gurus. It’s still a “manager dependent process of feedback”.

This myth also assumes feedback given by managers is useful, accepted, and implemented.  Many Human Resources executives complain about the quality of the feedback from managers.

Frequent feedback is a great idea but is not enough to create optimum value and optimum performance improvement.  The feedback needs to be credible and useful for it to be acted upon.  Without systems thinking, the feedback quality will fall short.

Myth #3:  Majority of the Feedback Must Be About How the Person Must Improve

In my daily Google alerts there are at least 6 items about performance management.  Nearly all these articles or blogs focuses on how managers must give more frequent feedback to the employee and how managers need to improve their feedback delivery skills. But, is that the highest priority?

We refuted myth #1 above by asserting the need for managers to create an environment where employees can self-manage. This includes finding ways to access their own feedback. Employees are adults who can self-manage.  They don’t need to depend upon the manager.

We have all seen aggressive drivers weaving in and out of traffic to shorten their drive times while ignoring both traffic laws and the safety of other drivers.  When I see one of these drivers, I often provide immediate feedback using my horn.  This is especially true when they nearly cut me off.  Leaning on my horn is my way of providing feedback to the person.  When necessary it can be effective to at least create awareness if not change behavior.  But, 99% of drivers are NOT aggressive drivers.   How do they receive feedback?  Does it make sense to use my horn with them too?  There is no reason to do that because they are following traffic laws and behaving with integrity and with respect.

Feedback about behaviors is appropriate when those behaviors are observed and inconsistent with a standard.  Systems thinking explains how results come from methods and processes not people not just employee behaviors.  Poor results are most often about the quality of the methods people use and not about the quality of their character or their behaviors.  And, individuals rarely, if ever, have control over all the factors of these methods.  Employees are interdependent.  They need to rely on the quality of interactions between all the methods.  One employee’s ineffective method can prevent another employee from implementing their methods. In other words, one employee can impact the performance of another employee.

Therefore, employees need feedback about their methods or processes and the manager doesn’t always have the knowledge to provide credible feedback about those methods.  An alternative is receiving feedback from their customers (internal or external) instead.  Feedback about methods from customers can be much more useful and credible.

Dr. W. Edwards Deming helps us to appreciate systems thinking and the learning cycle.  His Theory of Profound Knowledge is way to avoid these three myths. They myth of “managers are omnipotent and can provide effective frequent feedback” needs to be replaced with systems thinking.  Systems thinking helps us to appreciate that feedback about the quality of the interactions between people and departments is what creates performance improvement.

Check out the interview on C-Suite Best Seller TV to learn more about how to stop leadership malpractice and replace the typical performance review: https://www.c-suitetv.com/video/best-seller-tv-wally-hauck-stop-the-leadership-malpractice/


Wally Hauck, PhD has a cure for the “deadly disease” known as the typical performance appraisal.  Wally holds a doctorate in organizational leadership from Warren National University, a Master of Business Administration in finance from Iona College, and a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from the University of Pennsylvania.   Wally is a Certified Speaking Professional or CSP.  Wally has a passion for helping leaders let go of the old and embrace new thinking to improve leadership skills, employee engagement, and performance.

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What Causes Fear in You?

“If you don’t know what to be fearful of, you’ll be susceptible to fearing anything.”  -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert

Are you truly aware of why you deal with fear the way you do, the source of your fear(s), and the impact it has on your psyche? Fear can paralyze you if it’s not controlled. Do you control your fears?

… ‘This is really messed up. I’m really afraid!’ Those were the words that a friend stated to me. He was speaking of a situation that had instilled fear in him. When I probed to understand why he was fearful, he said he wasn’t sure, but, he had a gut feeling to be cautious.

Fear ignites a sense to protect yourself. It may do so to prevent what’s perceived as being harmful. It may also do so to keep you within the boundaries that you deem to be mentally safe; just an FYI, preventing what’s perceived as being harmful and keeping you within the boundaries that you deem to be mentally safe are two separate thoughts. They stem from two different sources of motivation. I point that out as something to be cognizant of (i.e. what really causes fear to become born within you and then what causes the flame of angst to burn brighter).

We come into the world with only two fears. They are the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. The rest of what we learn of fear becomes a part of us that we obtain as we go through life.

It’s important to know what you fear because without knowing, you don’t know what to combat. Without knowing, you don’t know why you’re fearful. Without knowing, you don’t know if what you fear is real.

As you go throughout your daily activities, pay more attention to what at first appears to be angst, anxiety, an uncomfortable feeling, or whatever label you assign to the beginning of uneasiness. That will be the conscious point that fear begins to grip you. If you note when fear begins to grip you, you’ll have a greater chance of defeating it, before it has a greater chance of defeating you.

Here’s the point. Once you consciously recognize that fear has a hold on you, it’s already elevated from your subconsciousness to your consciousness. That means it was already living in your psyche like a virus waiting to potentially harm you. The sooner you recognize it, the sooner you can deal with it. The sooner you deal with it, the less severe it will be. The less severe it is, the better you’ll be able to control what occurs in your life … and everything will be right with the world.

What does this have to do with negotiations?

In a negotiation, fear is always at the heart of broken deals, impasses, and the impediment to a successful negotiation outcome. Sometimes, you’re right to be fearful. If that’s the case, you need to identify the source of those feelings. Even if it’s imaginary, there’s a problem because of the way you’re thinking.

In a negotiation, once you become fearful, take note and assess to what degree it will impede the negotiation. Based on its severity address it then, or put it to the side to possibly be addressed later. Don’t ignore it until and unless your sense the fear has abated.

What are you thinking? I’d really like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com

To receive Greg’s free 5-minute video on reading body language or to sign up for the “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Sunday Negotiation Insight” click here http://www.themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/

Remember, you’re always negotiating.

#HowToNegotiateBetter #CSuite #TheMasterNegotiator #ControlEmotions #Psychology #Truth #Perception #fear

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Behavior Management in the Workplace

I had the great opportunity to work with Board Certified Behavior Analysts and I learned so much from them. These BCBAs specialize in autism treatment. This field may seem completely irrelevant to the business world but there is a clear correlation. It’s all about behavior management.

For a child on the autism spectrum, therapists use the principles of ABA which is Applied Behavior Analysis. Essentially, it’s about breaking things down into small steps until that target has been mastered. The child learns through errorless teaching (adjusted prompt levels until the child makes the correct response) and their positive behavior is strengthened and maintained through positive reinforcement (using their motivator).

What does this have to do with typical adults in the business world?

As business leaders we need to understand what motivates our people. We recognize that everyone is unique and requires a different approach to get things done. When we understand our people’s motivations, we are able to reward them accordingly, retain top talent and onboard new talent.

Here is a list of motivators in the workplace:

  • Money
  • A sense of belonging
  • The work itself
  • Recognition
  • Career Development

We also know that change management can be challenging, but when we understand the barriers around change we are able are to gain consensus and achieve great results. We do this by breaking things down into small steps and slowly introducing change in a positive way.

Using the principles of ABA we are able to gain an understanding of people’s motivations and effectively manage change.

People are so fascinating. We all have subtle and clear patterns, we all have certain expectations. We all have different perspectives. ABA helps us to get to the root cause of why someone does a certain thing and reacts in a certain way.

ABA is especially effective when we are engaging in negotiations, conflict resolution and improving employee engagement.

Executive coaching is all about being open to learning new ways of thinking and doing in order to achieve goals and solve problems. Using ABA in the workplace is just one example of how we can gain insights by thinking outside the box.

Michelle Nasser, Executive Coach

Teaching you how to make the best decisions for your organization.


Growth Leadership Personal Development

From Human to God

“For the first time in history, more people will die today from eating too much than from eating too little; more people die from old age than from infectious diseases; and more people commit suicide than are killed by soldiers, terrorists, and criminals combined.” “The average human is far more likely to die from bingeing at McDonald’s than from drought, Ebola or an al-Qaeda attack.”

Yuval Noah Harari, book Homo Deus; A Brief History of Tomorrow, 2017

What was that? It can’t be right!  Yet in the last few decades, we have been able to move closer to managing famine, plagues, and war. We haven’t overcome them, but we have significantly decreased their effect on us. If we do solve these, what will we work on next. That is the topic of the book “Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow” by Yuval Noah Harari, a Ph.D. of history from the University of Oxford.

What about immortality? If we can overcome the big three; hunger, disease, premature death, aren’t we trying to extend life? If the right to life is humanity’s most fundamental value, death would violate that right. Death would be a crime against humanity.

Our focus would become the re-engineering of our bodies. Extending our life to 150 years would bring us closer to divinity; going from Homo Sapiens to Homo Deus. Harari’s book examines how this can be accomplished. If we become the focus of our divinity then we won’t need God. Consequently, we will no longer focus on faith in God but faith in humanity.

That is what Humanism is about. Humanism is relying on human fulfillment and inner experiences. The practice is stating that the ultimate source of meaning for the entire universe comes from within you, not from a higher authority like God. You can rely on your own feelings and desires to determine what is right.

Humanism teaches that something is bad if it causes someone to feel bad. That’s where all this “me” mentality has come from.  You are out for yourself. You put emphasis on feelings, desires, and experiences. This type of thinking will be the destruction of us.

In my book “Who’s Changing the Meaning?” I address Humanism’s idea of “it’s bad if it hurts someone,” by looking at Relativism.  We define relativism as; “The belief that different things are true, right, etc., for different people or at different times; a theory that knowledge is relative to the limited nature of the mind and the conditions of knowing; seeming to be something when compared with others.”

Relativism is different things to different people. That means it is not absolute. It is at best a shooting target, hoping it lands where the result is favorable to you.

What the definition states is relativism is truth based on what anyone will think even though they aren’t capable of knowing yet if it really is or isn’t something. The entire definition contradicts itself, making no sense at all; nonetheless, we accept relativism when any idiot refers to it. Humanism concurs with the idea that truth changes.

Relativism affirms that what is true is conditional, that no system of truth is more valid than another. Truth is what is relevant to each person. My truth is different from your truth, which is different than the homeless man’s truth, which is different from Charles Manson’s truth, which is different than O.J. Simpson’s truth.

Truth cannot be contradictory. Truth is set, a never changing thing. Relativism defies the very nature of what is true. It changes on a whim, bending for each person but unattainable for all. There is no chance every person will get what is relevant to them in any situation that involves another person. Relativism is impossible to achieve. With Humanism it would be impossible to determine what is right or wrong based on if it hurts another. What doesn’t hurt one person may still hurt someone else.

Harari goes further in his book by looking at the biochemical responses in the brain. He covers how our consciousness works and how our brain processes the things around us. As I finished one chapter I found the next to be even more interesting. I don’t agree with everything the author states, but I am fascinated about the thought-provoking ideas Harari presents.

Homo Deus is on the to-read list of Bill Gates. Gates states about the book, “It is a deeply engaging book with lots of stimulating ideas and not a lot of jargon. It makes you think about the future, which is another way of saying it makes you think about the present.”

Bill Gates, https://www.gatesnotyyy6tes.com/Books/Homo-Deus

Homo Deus is a great book to open up the mind. It awakens you to see what is going on around you and how it can affect your future. Challenge your brain and enjoy this great read.

Entrepreneurship Management Marketing Personal Development

5 Things to Avoid Startup Failure

We’ve all seen the depressing stats – over 50% of startups fail within the first 4 years.  This need not happen!  Businesses are launched for a variety of reasons – some are well thought out strategic launches while others are out of necessity when job prospects dry up.  There are many reasons for startup failures; but if you can avoid these 5 key ones, your chances of success go way up.

Product – Market Mismatch

As the chart below demonstrates, the #1 reason why companies dissolve is that they are producing and marketing a product no one wants.  Although this seems somewhat obvious in retrospect, many founders get an idea and accumulate enough funds to launch and work on perfecting their product for extended periods (burning through capital along the way) only to discover that there is no market for their product.  In essence, they have a solution in search of a problem.

The way to avoid this problem is to test the market as soon as possible. Many startups are scrapping the lengthy business plan in favor of a more dynamic approach. One of the key tenants of the Lean Startup Approach centers on creating a minimally acceptable prototype that is then market tested with real potential clients.  Based on customer feedback, the product is adjusted and then retested.

Lack of Funding

Even for those founders who are fortunate enough to obtain some funding, there can be a short runway until the money runs out.  Startups need to develop a summary of all expected startup expenses as well as ongoing monthly expenses….leave nothing out.  A cash flow budget will quickly reveal the burn rate of the business and (in the absence of revenue) how long their funds will last.  This will help founders plan how to allocate their limited resources.  In many ways startups are a race against time – not only to avoid running out of money, but also to stay ahead of potential new competitive entrants who may also be working on the same problem.

Founder Team

Founders may start out as solopreneurs, but soon will outgrow that and need additional expertise and support.  The key potential disruptors here are personalities that don’t mesh and lack of a common vision.  The best founder teams are those that knew each other before joining the company – the longer the better.  As founders add additional personnel, there is a dangerous tendency of hiring quickly to “just get it done” and get some help.  Hiring the wrong people can destroy a startup.  If the new addition is a poor fit with the rest of the team or if they don’t share the same sense of mission this can spell significant trouble. The result will be stress within the team and some loss of momentum.  Startups cannot afford to lose time or momentum.

Founders tend to have a view that they must do everything themselves to be sure it’s done right.  As the business grows, this must stop.  Founders are now leading the company – they need to learn to delegate whether to freelancers or fulltime employees.  Leadership involves focusing on what you do best and letting others do the rest.  Trust but verify is a workable approach.

“It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do; We hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.”

~Steve Jobs

Lack of a Business Plan

Business Plans are not just for Angel Investors or Venture Capitalist.  They keep the management team focused and moving in the agreed upon direction.  The key elements include a mission statement along with the Unique Selling Proposition (USP).  A detailed summary of the competition along with marketing and business development activities is also essential.  Every member of the founder’s team must be part of the process to assure buy-in on all goals.  In addition, the cash flow budgets fits into this process to assure the founder that the burn rate is not too high.  The danger is that funds will run out before the product is fully developed and sales have begun.

Lack of Brand Development

Successful startups need a defined repeatable sales process.  But first they must get their brand noticed in the marketplace.  Once the founder team has developed their Unique Selling Proposition; it needs to be conveyed to potential customers.  Social media can be a big help.  A solid website which includes a call to action and a way for prospective customers to ask questions has become table stakes for all businesses.  Well-crafted informational articles distributed on Twitter and LinkedIn can also reinforce the brand.  This is a slow burn approach, as social media cannot produce results over night. The drumbeat message should always include what specific problem the product is solving.

Final Thoughts

Starting and running a business is hard work and it may seem that success is a low probability outcome.  But with planning and focused execution, a positive outcome is much more likely.  It is also best not to go it alone.  Seek the advice of professionals – CPAs, and attorneys along with a business mentor or coach will help the founder keep out of trouble and protect their franchise.

Kevin FitzGerald is the founder of KevinBizGobal and a C-Suite Network Advisor working with entrepreneurs and business leaders from startup to international expansion.

Kevin has over 20 years of managerial/consulting experience across a wide range of industries including Financial Services, Pharmaceuticals, Tech and MedTech. Key services include: Lean Startup Advice, Business Plan and Pitch Deck Preparation.  For larger SMEs who are ready to scale internationally – go to market strategies with strategic alliances primarily in the US, Ireland, and the UK.

Kevin’s education includes an MBA from the Stern Business School at New York University and a BA with honors in Economics from Drew University.

Contact Kevin:  kevin@kevinbizglobal.com

Specialties: #startup #startups #entrepreneur #entrepreneurs #businessplans #pitchdeck #pitchdecks #scaleup #InternationalExpansion #CSuite

Growth Leadership Personal Development Technology

Check Your Email Please

As part of my social media advisory business I send out a monthly newsletter.  This month I noticed something as I reviewed my mailing list.  I was surprised to find dozens of people on my list that still have old school mailing addresses.  We are talking AOL, Hotmail and others.   Not only do some of these people possess these addresses, but they publicly display them on professional social networking sites, such as LinkedIn, as well as their business websites.

First impressions matter, and often people’s first impression of you is via Email, or a display of your email address.  The first impression these folks are giving is that I am older and not very technologically savvy.  In a business world where digital is everything, and ageism is rampant, this is the last impression you should give.

The movie “You’ve Got Mail” came out in 1998, near the peak of AOL’s business, which steadily declined in the new millennium.  Ten years later, articles started appearing about how old-fashioned AOL users were. Now, 20 years later, why are folks still using these outdated addresses?  I asked a few of my subscribers, and here is a sampling of their response.

“I didn’t think it really mattered.”  I wish it didn’t, but it does!  Another common response included “inertia.” One person told me “Warren Buffett doesn’t even have an Email address!”  Yes, but Warren Buffett became one of the richest men in the world BEFORE email was even invented.

Lastly, some said “my current AOL (or Hotmail) account is established with my friends, family and business associates.  I don’t want to lose those contacts.” This is a fair, but manageable concern.  No-one wants to disrupt connections unnecessarily.     But you can keep the same address for current contacts while presenting a contemporary one for new ones.

AOL users can set up a Gmail account that forwards messages from your AOL address to your new Gmail account.  Old friends and colleagues don’t have to change addresses, while you look contemporary to new peopleHotmail users can do something similar with more contemporary Outlook addresses.

If you have an AOL or Hotmail Email address, it is time to come into the 21st century.  A contemporary e-mail address will improve the impression that you make with new friends and colleagues.

Now, can we talk about that MySpace account?

Marketing Personal Development Technology

Give Me Another Dollop of That AI

You can be forgiven if the way we talk about Artificial Intelligence makes you think you can order it up like a scoop of ice cream. It seems that way because we constantly read that:

  • AI solves all our problems
  • AI experts cost an arm and a leg
  • AI analyzes data than any person can
  • AI will make us all unemployed

While each of these statements might turn out to be true (well, we hope the last one is wrong), they all suffer from the same problem. They act as though all AI is the same. That all AI is one monolithic thing that can be added to any system if you just have enough money.

It’s not true.

First off, there are many different kinds of AI applications and they require different techniques. Voice recognition is not the same as text analytics is not the same as optimizing search results. These applications are different from each other and they use different techniques to perform their “magic.” Most of them use multiple AI techniques. And they usually depend on the existence of data.

I have been phoned up by more than one expectant client who wants to solve this problem or that problem with AI. Often, that is perfectly reasonable, but just as often I have to tell them they need to take several steps first. Often, they need to set up a standard process that collects data in a standard way so that the AI techniques have something to work with. Luckily, even taking these initial steps has business value, if you do it right, so the clients are usually easily persuaded to move forward.

Wanting to use AI is not a problem. Forward-looking organizations are always pushing the envelope and AI is just the latest way to do it. But let’s make sure that we are getting the business value we expect and that we are ready to take the preliminary steps to get there. We shouldn’t make AI a problem looking for a solution.