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“Change” – Negotiation Insight

“Change is the arbiter of the future.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert

I heard a knock and mindlessly asked, “who is it?” A mumble met my request. As I opened the door, I asked, “who are you?” The response was, change!

Change occurs every day of your life. Sometimes you observe its transitions, most of the times you don’t. Since change is so prevalent, why do some people find it difficult to deal with? Are you one of them?

Let’s examine why it can be difficult to embrace change at times. Our quest will be to obtain insights that allow you to become the beneficiary of change.


What is fear? It’s what protects you from harm. It’s also what prevents you from advancing. Fear stems from not being sure of an outcome. Based on the similarity of the current situation and its propinquity to those you’ve had in the past, you mentally assess the current situation’s probability of success against past occurrences.

To be successful when contemplating change, identify the source of your fear, examine it, assess its viability. Question if it’s real. Don’t let fear dissuade you from grasping the change that moves you forward. If fear is preventing you from advancing, confront the greatest aspect of it. In so doing, your smaller fears will evaporate.

To advance in life, you must adopt a higher-level mindset. You can accomplish that by combating and overcoming the fears that restrain you. The change that will move you forward will be the unshackling of the fears that don’t.


What sense of motivation occurs when you recognize that change has summoned your attention? The answer lies in its degree. If you note how different degrees of change affect you, you’ll begin to note the degree of influence it has. To accept change, recognize its value and its source of motivation. Once done, you can apply it to more positive thoughts and actions. That will be the launchpad to greater success.

Positive Deviants:

To be more receptive to change, observe its positive deviants. As an example, if you work too much and discover that life appears better when you’re with friends, consider how you can utilize your friends’ insights to be productive while spending time with them. The positive deviant, in this case, would be the discovery of changing an environment that’s more beneficial to your well-being. Simply stated, the change lies in maximizing the value of work and friends. Use the model of positive deviants when assessing the value that change offers you.

When it comes to change, it’s constant. You can fight it, deny it, or ignore it. It will occur anyway. If you choose not to engage in change, you’re only divorcing yourself from reality. Everything changes, including you.

So, since you’re always adapting to change, why not control the process and use it to your advantage? You can do that by observing how you engage in change and controlling how it affects your life … and everything will be right with the world.

What does this have to do with negotiations?

Change is prevalent in every negotiation. From the moment of its conception to its conclusion, change is the component that shepherds the negotiation towards its end.

If you’ve planned appropriately and the negotiation is unfolding according to plans, don’t fret when occurrences become out of step. Instead, consider the meaning. The unsuspecting change may be a blessing, not a curse.

Remember, you’re always negotiating! 

After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d really like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com

To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Sunday Negotiation Insight” click here http://www.themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/

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Entrepreneurship Leadership Marketing Personal Development

Business and Marketing Secrets from the Founder of Indiegogo

Watch the full video, The Brains Behind It Ep 16, now!

About David Mandelbrot

David Mandelbrot became the CEO of Indiegogo in early 2016 after spending over two years as COO and SVP of Operations at the company.

Indiegogo is one of the world’s largest crowding funding sites, raising more than $950-million for projects in more than 223 countries and territories. Indiegogo assists in the crowdfunding campaigns through the whole product cycle — not just the fundraising, but also with the marketing, manufacture and retail, and that’s only possible through our strategic business partners.

“Indiegogo is a launchpad for entrepreneurial and creative ideas of every shape and size. There is no better place to validate, fund and launch your product. Hundreds of millions of dollars are raised each year on Indiegogo to enable entrepreneurs and creators to take their ideas from concept to launch.”

Entrepreneurship Health and Wellness

National Entrepreneurs Day- Taking a Deeper Look into the Brain of an Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs are the foundation of our country and society. Unfortunately for the first time in a while, there are fewer businesses starting than are dying. We want to help aspiring entrepreneurs succeed, so in honor of National Entrepreneurs Day on November 20th, we have decided to take a deeper look into the hard wiring of an entrepreneur’s brain.

A question many people wonder is “are entrepreneur’s brains wired differently than an average person’s brain?” Many people have referred to the concept of people using their left and right brain when they are trying to solve a problem. Some studies suggest that the entrepreneur’s brain uses the right side, which is considered the creative side, while others use the left side that is used more for logical thinking.

Why would an entrepreneur approach a situation differently? What makes them solve this problem differently? How did they know to make that connection? Dopamine is a chemical that provides the brain with creativity, and the interest in seeking out to discover and achieve new goals. Dopamine is released into the brain when you make a new connection that can enrich your future or create a new opportunity for you. The difference between an entrepreneur’s brain releasing dopamine and the average brain releasing it is recognition on when and why it was released.

They say an entrepreneur will look at the same type of information as an average person, but will see something very different which allows them to approach life with a completely different view. An entrepreneur has the ability to recognize new opportunities without the doubt; this is due to the recognition of their high active dopamine levels. Once the average brain begins to identify the activity levels of their dopamine systems, they will begin to see an increase in thinking, creating and achieving new things.

From the wheel to the commercial jet, and the taco to the microchip, radical inventions by brilliant minds have shaped the way we live today, along with our future. Since its inauguration in 2010, National Entrepreneur’s Day is an annual event that honors those men and women who have built an empire from absolutely nothing, most of them becoming rather wealthy in the process as well. Supporters of National Entrepreneurs’ Day started a campaign for the holiday official through legislation. It is informally celebrated every year on the third Tuesday in Nov.