C-Suite Network™

Growth Investing Real Estate

When to use leverage in negotiations

Negotiation is at the heart of the real estate investing business. Doing it well requires sound analysis and and a solid understanding of a counterparty’s motivations. Together, these elements bring out a calm, patient confidence that enables a company like Alliance out-maneuver a substantially bigger corporation.

A few years ago, Alliance purchased a midwestern shipping facility operated by one of the world’s leading logistics companies. With an investment-grade tenant paying above market-rates, the property looked great. But there was a catch. The tenant was demanding lower rent, and the seriousness of that demand caused the owner to sell his property at a modest valuation. With the lease term about to end, our investment opportunity was the risk/reward of the upcoming  lease renewal negotiation.

Our research showed that there were few comparable properties in the region, so moving to an alternative facility was not an easy option. The tenant had some legitimate complaints about the facility, but they had to be secondary concerns. Location, size, and infrastructure mattered more, and we had that covered. Alliance’s deep dive into the local market gave us confidence that the tenant would want to stay much more than they were letting on.

The second key to our successful negotiation was correctly understanding the counterparty’s motivations. In this case, mid-level managers were negotiating on behalf of their large corporate employer. My long experience in business told me this: Managers are rewarded when they can reduce costs, so they have a strong incentive to negotiate hard. On the flip side, a failed negotiation would leave them scrambling to find a replacement, with major costs attached. That would reflect poorly on the negotiators, so their incentive was to push hard, right up to the edge of the cliff. But they must not go over the edge.

This understanding of the counterparty’s situation gave us confidence to hold on the line on rent. We spent a full year negotiating the new lease, and we never gave in, despite considerable risk to Alliance if the deal fell through. As costly as it would have been for us, it would have been worse for the tenant, and that told us we could make a deal.

Negotiation requires give and take, and Alliance could not expect to have things all our way. In exchange for keeping the same (already high) rent, we agreed to address all the tenant’s complaints, like fixing the gutters, paint, and parking lot. This created a win-win. The tenant’s negotiators could report success in winning needed capital improvements, funded by Alliance. Alliance was able to secure a long-term lease at the same favorable rate.

In the end, we created a gem of a resale property. An investment grade tenant, locked into a long term deal, at a high rental rate. Our capex costs and the time and effort we put into the negotiation were rewarded with a great increase in valuation. We sold soon after, at an IRR of 16%. This success reflected great research, execution, and a correct read of the counterparty — a deal I am truly proud of.

Capital Economics Wealth

Taking Control of Your Financial Destiny: The Path to Wealth and Freedom

Managing money is more than just a necessity; it’s an art that requires careful planning, discipline, and a deep understanding of your financial habits. Every day, we are bombarded with messages about how we should handle our finances—some are cautionary, others impulsive, and a few downright defeatist. But no matter the message, the choice is yours. You have the power to take control of your financial destiny, create wealth, and ensure financial growth. This journey begins with a mindset shift and a commitment to creating income you will never outlive.


Get a FREE Financial Fitness Strategy Session with Kris Miller, LDA and Legacy Wealth Strategist. Sign up now For a FREE Financial Fitness Strategy Session with Kris Miller, LDA and Legacy Wealth Strategist


Taking Control: The Power of Awareness

Imagine this: You take control of your finances with the same precision and attention to detail as any other important aspect of your life. You know exactly where your money is, how much you have, and what you spend it on. This awareness is the first step toward financial freedom. When you create wealth, it starts with knowing the value of each dollar and making informed decisions that align with your goals. By controlling your spending and only investing in what truly matters to you, you set the stage for financial growth.


Seizing Opportunities: The Balance Between Enjoyment and Responsibility

On the other hand, life is unpredictable, and sometimes, it feels like we should seize the moment, enjoy the present, and worry about the future later. Going out with friends, shopping for things you love, or indulging in a great vacation can feel like living life to the fullest. But here’s the catch: while it’s important to enjoy life, it’s equally crucial to strike a balance. This is where the principle of creating income you will never outlive comes into play. By managing your spending wisely, you can enjoy the present without compromising your future financial stability. Remember, wealth creation isn’t about depriving yourself of joy; it’s about making choices that allow for both present happiness and future security.


Avoiding the Trap of Surrender: Empower Yourself

Some people, faced with the complexities of life, choose to give up on managing their finances altogether. They might hand over control to someone else, believing that money is too challenging or stressful to handle. However, this approach can lead to missed opportunities for financial growth and a lack of empowerment. You don’t have to surrender your financial future to someone else. By taking charge of your financial decisions, you empower yourself to create wealth and build a legacy of financial independence.


A Tale of Two Paths: Learning from Billy and Bobby

Consider the story of Billy and Bobby, two eight-year-old boys who each wanted to buy a bike. Billy, through planning, saving, and hard work, eventually bought his bike and enjoyed it for years. His experience taught him the value of setting a goal, making sacrifices, and ultimately creating wealth through persistence and discipline. Billy’s approach reflects the principles of financial growth and the importance of creating income that serves your long-term goals.


Bobby’s story, however, is different. Despite his efforts to save, his older brother took his money, leaving him feeling powerless and afraid. Bobby’s experience highlights the importance of protecting your financial resources and being aware of potential risks. While Bobby started saving again, he learned the hard way that safeguarding your wealth is just as important as creating it.


Igniting the Spark: Recognition Leads to Action

No matter where you are on your financial journey, recognition is the first step toward change. By acknowledging your current financial habits and understanding their impact, you ignite the spark needed for action. Whether you’re looking to take control, enjoy life responsibly, or avoid surrendering your financial power, the key is to create wealth, foster financial growth, and ensure that you create income you will never outlive.


In conclusion, your financial destiny is in your hands. Take control of your money, seize opportunities with wisdom, and empower yourself to build a future where your wealth grows and sustains you for life. Remember, the journey to financial freedom begins with a single step—and that step is yours to take.


Find me on linktr.ee/healthymoneyhappylife

Do you have questions? Email me at Kris@HealthyMoneyHappyLife.com

Phone (951) 926-4158

Accounting Capital Wealth

Building Generational Wealth: A Blueprint for Financial Growth and Prosperity

In today’s fast-paced world, where uncertainty seems to lurk around every corner, it’s imperative to equip ourselves with the tools necessary to navigate life’s twists and turns with confidence. Just like preparing for an earthquake in California, where having a plan and necessary supplies can mean the difference between chaos and calm, so too must we prepare for our financial future. It’s not just about having a stash of water bottles; it’s about creating wealth, fostering financial growth, and ensuring a steady income that we will never outlive.


Get a FREE Financial Fitness Strategy Session with Kris Miller, LDA and Legacy Wealth Strategist. Sign up now For a FREE Financial Fitness Strategy Session with Kris Miller, LDA and Legacy Wealth Strategist


Imagine sitting down with your loved ones, your family, your parents, your grandparents, and initiating a conversation about the future. It may seem daunting at first, but the rewards are boundless. By setting aside time for a meeting, calling it three or four days in advance, you give everyone the opportunity to prepare mentally and emotionally. And when you ask for 45 minutes, perhaps knowing it might only take 30, or an hour if you anticipate 45, you’re respecting their time while also ensuring that nothing vital is rushed. This is the first step towards creating wealth together, a shared commitment to financial growth.


As you gather around the table, armed with an agenda and a clear purpose, you begin the meeting with a statement of intent. You share that you’ve been guided by an exceptional advisor, someone who has helped countless individuals not only build their wealth but also create income they will never outlive. This declaration sets the tone for the discussion ahead, emphasizing the importance of planning and foresight in achieving financial freedom. With each word spoken, the foundation for future prosperity is laid, brick by brick, as you collectively envision a reality where dreams are not just aspirations but tangible goals waiting to be achieved.


In the midst of the conversation, laughter intermingles with earnest discussions about retirement plans, investments, and estate management. It’s not just about safeguarding what we have but also about creating opportunities for growth, ensuring that our wealth doesn’t stagnate but flourishes over time. The concept of financial growth becomes more than just a phrase; it becomes a shared mission, a journey towards a brighter and more secure future for generations to come.


As the meeting draws to a close, there’s a sense of empowerment that fills the room. Each participant leaves with a renewed sense of purpose, armed with knowledge and strategies to create wealth and sustain financial growth. It’s not just about the here and now; it’s about laying the groundwork for a legacy that transcends lifetimes. And as you bid farewell to your loved ones, you know that this is just the beginning—a beginning filled with endless possibilities and opportunities to create income you will never outlive.


So, let us heed the call to action. Let us gather our loved ones, initiate those conversations, and embark on a journey towards financial security and abundance. For in doing so, we not only create wealth for ourselves but also pave the way for a brighter, more prosperous future for generations to come.


Find me on linktr.ee/healthymoneyhappylife

Do you have questions? Email me at Kris@HealthyMoneyHappyLIfe.com

Phone (951) 926-4158

Capital Investing Wealth

Fortifying Your Financial Future: Strategies for Enduring Wealth and Prosperity

Welcome to a journey of transformation, where you can forge a path to create wealth, foster financial growth, and generate income that you will never outlive. This opportunity isn’t just about monetary gains; it’s about empowering yourself and your loved ones to embrace abundance and security.


Get a FREE Financial Fitness Strategy Session with Kris Miller, LDA and Legacy Wealth Strategist. Sign up now For a FREE Financial Fitness Strategy Session with Kris Miller, LDA and Legacy Wealth Strategist


Let’s delve into the core concept of creating income that you will never outlive. It’s not merely about accumulating wealth; it’s about cultivating a mindset of abundance and security. Fear of financial instability can often overshadow our lives, robbing us of our power and peace of mind. But through this program, we’re not just aiming to create a stream of income; we’re striving to build a fortress of peace of mind and personal power that will stand the test of time.


In Module One, aptly named “Money DNA,” we embark on a journey to understand how our past experiences and beliefs about money shape our present reality. Whether it’s the way we were raised, the financial struggles we witnessed, or the setbacks we faced, they all contribute to the lens through which we view money. By uncovering and understanding these influences, we can begin to dismantle limiting beliefs and pave the way for true financial growth.


It’s time to shift the conversation about money from fear to fun. Yes, you read that right – money can be fun! By the end of this module, not only will you have a clear understanding of your money mindset, but you’ll also be equipped with the tools to infuse joy and excitement into your financial journey.


My own journey is a testament to the transformative power of shifting your money mindset. From facing homelessness and bankruptcy to achieving ultimate prosperity and possibility, I’ve experienced firsthand the profound impact of changing my relationship with money. Now, as a media expert on finance, I’m passionate about sharing my knowledge and empowering others to unlock their financial potential.


Throughout this program, you’ll hear anecdotes from my own life – the successes and the setbacks. These stories serve not only to inspire but also to impart valuable lessons learned along the way. By embracing both the highs and lows of my journey, you’ll gain insights that will guide you towards creating wealth and financial growth that lasts a lifetime.


Create wealth. Foster financial growth. Generate income you will never outlive. These aren’t just lofty ideals – they’re achievable goals within your reach. Join me on this transformative journey, and together, let’s redefine what’s possible and create a future of abundance and security for ourselves and generations to come by going to The #1 Program For Safe Money Strategies.


Find me on linktr.ee/healthymoneyhappylife

Do you have questions? Email me at Kris@HealthyMoneyHappyLIfe.com

Phone (951) 926-4158

Capital Leadership Personal Development

From Cash Flow Crisis to Mastery: A Business Coach’s Confession and Comeback

Last year, I found myself in a situation that might sound familiar to many business owners. My business was losing money. It wasn’t just a minor dip in revenue – we were facing an all-time high in overhead costs while our income was steadily declining.

Here’s the kicker: I’m a successful business coach. My job is to help other business owners increase their revenues and improve their cash flow. Yet there I was, watching my own business become less and less profitable with each passing month.

You might be wondering, “How did this happen?” 

The answer is embarrassingly simple: I was making excuses. The same excuses I regularly call my clients out on, I was using myself. And the grand-daddy of all excuses? “I’m too busy.”

Yes, I convinced myself I was too busy to slow down and pay attention to my business finances. Too busy to look at my cash flow, trim the overhead, or make tough decisions. And while it wasn’t untrue – I am genuinely very busy – this excuse stood in my way for months and cost me thousands of dollars.

I’m sharing this because I don’t want to see this little doozie cost you too.

You know, tackling your finances can feel a lot like standing in front of a massive obstacle (like me standing in front of an enormous buffalo statue, looking absolutely tiny in comparison). That’s often how we feel when facing our financial challenges – small and overwhelmed. But here’s the thing: you can approach your finances head-on, no matter how daunting they may seem, and when you do they get smaller, and you can even have fun.

The turning point came when I made a decision. Not just any decision, but a capital-D DECISION to make time to work on my finances. When I truly committed, suddenly the time appeared. It’s funny how that works, isn’t it?

Once I dedicated myself to tackling this issue, things changed rapidly. Not only did I get my own cash flow back in line quickly, but I also ended up developing a tool I could use going forward to keep my hands around it – easily. This tool has become an integral part of my financial management strategy, and I still use it to this day.

But the benefits didn’t stop there. I shared this monthly cash flow tool with my clients, and they’ve reaped the rewards too. It’s been incredibly gratifying to see others benefit from a solution born out of my own struggles.

Now, I want to share this knowledge with you. That’s why I’m teaching my Cash Flow Mastery Workshop on August 14th. In this workshop, I’ll take you through the same steps I used to master my cash flow when it was a bit upside down. Normally, this kind of workshop is reserved for our private coaching clients, but I’m opening it up to select members of our community at no charge.

If you’re ready to take back control of your cash flow and master your business finances, I invite you to apply for a free spot. Just click here to get started.

I know it can be a little embarrassing to admit you’re not managing your business finances as well as you should. Trust me, I get it. As a coach, I felt doubly sheepish about my situation. But here’s the thing – if I can turn it around, you absolutely can too.

Remember, acknowledging the problem is the first step towards solving it. By taking action now, you’re already ahead of where I was when I started this journey. And I can tell you from experience, the peace of mind that comes from having a solid grasp on your cash flow is priceless.

So, let’s do this together. Join me for the Cash Flow Mastery Workshop, and let’s get your finances back on track. It’s time to say goodbye to the “I’m too busy” excuse and hello to financial clarity and control.

Your future self (and your bank account) will thank you for it.

Capital Mergers & Acquisition Real Estate

Heroin Heartbreak: From Pizza Boy to Community Savior – A Transformational Journey

What if a single, low-level panic attack could ignite a journey of transformation that changes everything? In a compelling episode of Rise from the Ashes, we sit down with Grant Shipman, famously known as “the co-living guy.” Grant’s story, a beacon of hope and resilience, is a must-listen for anyone seeking inspiration in the face of adversity.

From his darkest days delivering Domino’s pizza while sharing a cramped room with three others, to the life-altering discovery of his girlfriend’s heroin addiction, Grant’s experiences ignited a profound journey towards self-betterment and compassion for those battling similar struggles. His insights on how a stable home environment can significantly influence success are both powerful and eye-opening.

The Power of a Supportive Household

Ever wondered how a stable home environment influences success? Grant’s insights underscore the power of a supportive household and grounding rituals. Reflecting on personal anecdotes and the COVID-19 pandemic, Grant emphasizes self-awareness, adaptability, and healthy relationships. This episode is rich with practical wisdom on overcoming addiction and infidelity, and building a balanced life through daily practices.

Exploring Co-Living: A Solution to Isolation

Explore co-living and its potential to combat the rise of single-person households and the housing crisis. Discover the benefits of intentional communities, like the housing co-op in Austin, where residents learn conflict resolution, shared responsibility, and mutual support. These environments not only provide companionship but also foster personal growth and unity.

Grant Shipman’s Journey: A Testament to Community Living

Grant’s journey illustrates the transformative power of supportive living environments on personal development and community cohesion. His story is a testament to the financial and social benefits of co-living, challenging misconceptions and highlighting how shared spaces can promote emotional intelligence and well-being.

Practical Wisdom and Transformative Experiences

Join us in this enriching conversation, packed with practical wisdom and transformative experiences. Discover how intentional living can inspire change and foster meaningful living. Grant’s journey from hardship to purpose underscores that true success transcends material wealth.

Listen Now

Ready to transform your life and make a positive community impact? Listen to Grant Shipman’s inspiring story on the latest episode of Rise from the Ashes. Download the episode here and discover the power of co-living. Share this episode, spread the message, and join the revolution in shared living spaces. Visit www.CoLivingInvestment.com/Baz to learn more and get involved.

Share Your Thoughts

What part of Grant’s journey resonated most with you? How do you think co-living could impact your community? Share your thoughts in the comments below and join the conversation.

Capital Real Estate


What if a single, low-level panic attack could ignite a journey of transformation that changes everything? In a compelling episode of Rise from the Ashes, we sit down with Grant Shipman, famously known as “the co-living guy.” Grant’s story, a beacon of hope and resilience, is a must-listen for anyone seeking inspiration in the face of adversity.

From his darkest days delivering Domino’s pizza while sharing a cramped room with three others, to the life-altering discovery of his girlfriend’s heroin addiction, Grant’s experiences ignited a profound journey towards self-betterment and compassion for those battling similar struggles. His insights on how a stable home environment can significantly influence success are both powerful and eye-opening.

The Power of a Supportive Household

Ever wondered how a stable home environment influences success? Grant’s insights underscore the power of a supportive household and grounding rituals. Reflecting on personal anecdotes and the COVID-19 pandemic, Grant emphasizes self-awareness, adaptability, and healthy relationships. This episode is rich with practical wisdom on overcoming addiction and infidelity, and building a balanced life through daily practices.

Exploring Co-Living: A Solution to Isolation

Explore co-living and its potential to combat the rise of single-person households and the housing crisis. Discover the benefits of intentional communities, like the housing co-op in Austin, where residents learn conflict resolution, shared responsibility, and mutual support. These environments not only provide companionship but also foster personal growth and unity.

Grant Shipman’s Journey: A Testament to Community Living

Grant’s journey illustrates the transformative power of supportive living environments on personal development and community cohesion. His story is a testament to the financial and social benefits of co-living, challenging misconceptions and highlighting how shared spaces can promote emotional intelligence and well-being.

Practical Wisdom and Transformative Experiences

Join us in this enriching conversation, packed with practical wisdom and transformative experiences. Discover how intentional living can inspire change and foster meaningful living. Grant’s journey from hardship to purpose underscores that true success transcends material wealth.

Listen Now

Ready to transform your life and make a positive community impact? Listen to Grant Shipman’s inspiring story on the latest episode of Rise from the Ashes. Download the episode here and discover the power of co-living. Share this episode, spread the message, and join the revolution in shared living spaces. Visit www.CoLivingInvestment.com/Baz to learn more and get involved.

Share Your Thoughts

What part of Grant’s journey resonated most with you? How do you think co-living could impact your community? Share your thoughts in the comments below and join the conversation.

Capital Growth Leadership



When I was a club manager, I remember acquiring new Members was my main priority. Or so I thought it was my number one responsibility. In my world, Members are customers who not only pay for the right to walk in the door, but if you make a mistake, they still come back the next day. In the rest of the world, distraught customers never return but speak ill of you and your organization across town.

Maintaining a full Member Roster is paramount for a club’s survival. Focusing on new ones is counterproductive to growth if you continually replace those who quit. Treating Members like Kings and Queens to be raving fans is equally, if not more, important.

It’s the same in every business, including nonprofits. Growth and sustainability go hand in hand with retention.

Keeping those involved with your organization is paramount to long-term sustainability and capacity building. To think otherwise is naïve.

Naïve is how you could describe me in my early club management days. I was in the military managing Officer’s Clubs.  My knowledge was limited at the time because I looked at the new initiation fees and growth in the dues, but I ignored a simple truth. We were keeping those happy who were already contributing to our profitability; it cost very little, while new Member acquisition was ten times more expensive.

Once I got my thinking straight (I pulled my head out of…) and developed a comprehensive Member Retention process, the clubs prospered.

But that was then; this is now. Generating leads and performing online client, customer, or patient acquisition is how business is conducted in the digital age. Everyone with a smartphone or computer searches for goods and services online. They can search by brand, item, and cost. You name it. What is being said about the company or the brand online on social media? How is XYZ Company doing against its competitors?

These are the types of evaluations going on routinely. If businesses wish to stay atop their positions on social media, they had better respond to every comment, good or bad.

However, nonprofits might be different from the typical small business. Sure, social media is a valuable tool and should be maximized. New interested parties might seek you out after seeing your postings online if you are consistent, frequently, and consistently. If negative reviews are posted, it’s not the end of the world. Responding sincerely to every comment can mitigate negative reviews.

Like the title’s image, it doesn’t matter how much revenue you bring in; if it is draining out of your business, what’s the point? The holes in your customer retention program need equal attention, lest you run empty.


If your new acquisition revenues cannot exceed efficiency or poor retention, you will not sustain them.


We all know that the value of a customer (or donor, patient, or client) far exceeds that of a new acquisition. If a customer remains loyal for an extended period, it is easy to calculate Customer LifeTime Value (CLTV). CLTV equals the length of the average donor times the average dollar contributions over time minus the cost of acquisition and fulfillment. This is a simplified version of the formula. You can learn quite a bit more here.


Retain Donors by Making Them Sticky


Service is typically the area of focus for a company to ensure the satisfaction of its stakeholders. We also know that leaving it to only a single department is far from correct. Business Insider says more than 20% of online reviews are fake. While it is hard to control what a disgruntled employee, hacker, or even a real customer might espouse, a solution is far from your control.


Everyone on the team should be involved with reasonable customer satisfaction. Of course, that is easy to state, and it’s not so easy to initiate and control.

Online Reviews and Your Online Presence

In this digital age, customer retention is built by online reviews. Those critiques shape the opinions of researchers as well as referrals from friends. According to Myles Anderson of BrightLocal on theSearchEngineLand and Blog, as many as 88% of customers trust online reviews.

Conversely, the same holds true. Negative reviews can kill sales, sales momentum, and productivity of a company, eventually weakening its customer base by having to trim expenses to meet revenues. It’s a downward spiral to the bottom.


Reviews Tied to Individual Performance


Each time an employer evaluates an employee, there are chances that the most recent actions influence the report. It’s human nature, almost unavoidable unless there are excellent records of employees interacting with customers, etc. Now there is.


Customer satisfaction reviews and online surveys aligned with the business and those operating it can be tied directly to individual performance. This is a terrific tool to evaluate periods when you do not oversee employee actions, but from the customers’ perspective, their view says it all.



Accounting Branding Wealth

Fractional Foundation Executive Director

Understanding Fractional Executive Directors

A Fractional Executive Director is a part-time executive who offers their expertise and leadership skills to organizations that may not need or afford a full-time executive for foundation. These professionals work with multiple organizations, dedicating a fraction of their time to each. This model is particularly beneficial for startups, nonprofits, and small to mid-sized companies that require seasoned leadership without the financial burden of a full-time executive salary.

Roles and Responsibilities of a Fractional Executive Director or Foundation Management

A Fractional Executive Director’s role varies depending on the organization’s needs but generally includes:

  • Strategic Planning: Developing and implementing long-term strategies.
  • Financial Oversight: Managing budgets, financial planning, and reporting.
  • Operational Management: Overseeing daily operations and ensuring efficiency.
  • Fundraising: Leading fundraising efforts and donor engagement.
  • Stakeholder Management: Building and maintaining relationships with stakeholders.
  • Governance: Ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

Fractional Executive Directors for Professional Athletes’ Foundations

Professional athletes often establish foundations to give back to the community, support causes they care about, and leverage their platforms for good. A Fractional Executive Director can play a crucial role in these foundations by providing strategic leadership and operational expertise.


Examples of Fractional Executive Directors in Professional Athletes’ Foundations

  1. Athlete Foundation for Youth EducationRole: The Fractional Executive Director focuses on strategic partnerships with educational institutions, oversees scholarship programs, and manages fundraising events.


    • Developing partnerships with schools and colleges.
    • Organizing fundraising galas and charity events.
    • Implementing scholarship and mentorship programs.
  2. Athlete Foundation for Health and WellnessRole: The Fractional Executive Director leads initiatives to promote health and wellness among underserved communities, collaborates with healthcare providers, and manages outreach programs.


    • Partnering with healthcare organizations.
    • Launching health awareness campaigns.
    • Overseeing wellness programs and community clinics.
  3. Athlete Foundation for Social JusticeRole: The Fractional Executive Director drives advocacy efforts, collaborates with legal experts, and manages grants to support social justice initiatives.


    • Leading advocacy campaigns for social justice.
    • Managing grants and donations to social justice organizations.
    • Building relationships with legal and policy experts.

Benefits of a Fractional Executive Director for Professional Athletes’ Foundations

  1. Cost-Effective Leadership: Hiring a Fractional Executive Director allows the foundation to access high-level expertise without the cost of a full-time executive salary.
  2. Flexibility: Fractional executives can adapt to the foundation’s evolving needs, providing support where and when it’s most needed.
  3. Broad Expertise: These executives often bring a wealth of experience from various sectors, offering diverse perspectives and innovative solutions.
  4. Focus on Core Mission: By handling strategic and operational tasks, a Fractional Executive Director enables the athlete and their team to focus on their passion and primary mission.

Related Services

  • Fractional Executive Director
  • Professional Athletes’ Foundations
  • Strategic Leadership for Nonprofits
  • Part-Time Executive Solutions
  • Nonprofit Fundraising and Management

Hiring a Fractional Executive Director

When hiring a fractional Executive Director (ED) for a professional athlete’s foundation, it’s important to consider both the perspectives of the athlete’s mother and their agent. Here’s a comprehensive checklist addressing key considerations from both points of view:

From the Mother’s Point of View:

  1. Passion for the Cause:
    • Ensure the candidate has a genuine passion for the foundation’s mission.
    • Look for previous involvement in similar causes or non-profits.
  2. Experience in Non-Profit Management:
    • Verify their background in managing non-profits, particularly those of similar size and scope.
    • Check for a proven track record of success in fundraising and program management.
  3. Cultural Fit:
    • Assess how well the candidate aligns with the family’s values and vision for the foundation.
    • Consider their ability to build strong relationships within the community and with beneficiaries.
  4. Communication Skills:
    • Evaluate their ability to clearly communicate with various stakeholders, including family members, donors, and the community.
    • Look for strong public speaking and presentation skills.
  5. References and Background Check:
    • Perform thorough reference checks with past employers or colleagues.
    • Conduct a background check to ensure their integrity and reliability.

From the Agent’s Point of View:

  1. Strategic Vision and Leadership:
    • Assess the candidate’s ability to develop and execute a strategic plan.
    • Ensure they can provide strong leadership and direction to the foundation.
  2. Fundraising Expertise:
    • Verify their expertise in securing grants, donations, and sponsorships.
    • Check for experience with major fundraising campaigns and donor relations.
  3. Financial Acumen:
    • Ensure they have a solid understanding of financial management, including budgeting, financial reporting, and compliance with regulations.
    • Look for experience in optimizing the foundation’s resources.
  4. Network and Influence:
    • Consider their network within the non-profit sector and their ability to leverage connections for the foundation’s benefit.
    • Assess their influence and reputation within the industry.
  5. Performance Metrics and Accountability:
    • Look for a candidate who can set clear performance metrics and goals for the foundation.
    • Ensure they have a track record of accountability and transparency in reporting outcomes.

Additional Considerations:

  • Flexibility and Availability:
    • Confirm their availability to commit the necessary time and effort as a fractional ED.
    • Ensure they are flexible and can adapt to the foundation’s evolving needs.
  • Technology and Innovation:
    • Evaluate their ability to use technology to streamline operations and enhance the foundation’s reach and impact.
    • Look for innovative approaches to addressing the foundation’s mission.
  • Legal and Compliance Knowledge:
    • Verify their understanding of legal requirements and compliance issues related to non-profits.
    • Ensure they can navigate regulatory landscapes and maintain the foundation’s good standing.

By considering these points from both the mother’s and the agent’s perspectives, you can ensure a well-rounded evaluation process for hiring a fractional Executive Director who can effectively lead the foundation towards achieving its goals.

Got Questions contact League Assists

Trending Topics and FAQ’s:

  1. The Impact of Fractional Executive Leadership on Nonprofit Efficiency and Effectiveness
  2. Strategic Leadership in Professional Athletes’ Foundations: A Comparative Study
  3. Cost-Benefit Analysis of Fractional vs. Full-Time Executive Directors in Nonprofits
  4. The Role of Fractional Executive Directors in Enhancing Fundraising and Donor Engagement for Sports-Related Foundations
  5. Evaluating the Success of Health and Wellness Programs Managed by Fractional Executive Directors in Athlete Foundations

Got Questions contact League Assists or connect with founder Dean Cline

Management Marketing Mergers & Acquisition

Fractional CMO

The Evolution of the CMO Role in the Age of AI: Integrating Technical Expertise and Revenue Generation


The role of the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) has undergone significant transformation in recent years, driven by advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and digital technologies. This thesis explores how the CMO’s responsibilities have expanded to encompass duties traditionally associated with the Chief Technology Officer (CTO), the future trajectory of the CMO role, and the challenges in finding CMOs with the necessary technical acumen to operate effectively at the Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) level making many companies OutSource SEO and SEM to more technical CMO’s


The digital revolution and the rise of AI have profoundly impacted business operations and marketing strategies. As a result, the role of the CMO has evolved beyond traditional marketing functions to include technical and data-driven responsibilities. This paper examines the key factors driving this evolution, the emerging hybrid role of the CMO, and the implications for organizations seeking to leverage AI and digital technologies for competitive advantage.

The Changing Role of the CMO

Integration of AI and Digital Technologies

  1. Data-Driven Marketing
    • The proliferation of data analytics tools and AI technologies has enabled CMOs to adopt a data-driven approach to marketing. This involves leveraging big data to gain insights into customer behavior, preferences, and trends, allowing for more targeted and personalized marketing campaigns.
  2. AI-Powered Automation
    • AI-driven automation tools have revolutionized marketing operations, from customer segmentation and content creation to campaign management and performance analysis. CMOs now oversee the implementation and optimization of these technologies to enhance marketing efficiency and effectiveness.
  3. Digital Transformation
    • The digital transformation of businesses has blurred the lines between marketing and technology functions. CMOs are increasingly responsible for driving digital initiatives, ensuring seamless integration of digital channels, and enhancing the overall customer experience through technology.

Expansion into Technical Responsibilities

  1. Tech-Savvy Leadership
    • The modern CMO is expected to possess a deep understanding of digital technologies, including AI, machine learning, blockchain, and cybersecurity. This technical expertise is crucial for making informed decisions about technology investments and strategy.
  2. Collaboration with IT and Data Teams
    • Effective collaboration with IT and data teams is essential for implementing and managing sophisticated marketing technologies. CMOs must bridge the gap between marketing and technology functions, fostering cross-functional collaboration to achieve business objectives.
  3. Cybersecurity and Data Privacy
    • As guardians of customer data, CMOs must ensure robust data privacy and cybersecurity measures are in place. This includes compliance with regulations such as GDPR and CCPA, as well as protecting the organization from data breaches and cyber threats.

The Future of the CMO Role

Emergence of the Chief Revenue Officer (CRO)

  1. Revenue Generation Focus
    • The future CMO will increasingly be measured by their ability to drive revenue growth. This shift requires a comprehensive understanding of the entire customer journey, from acquisition and engagement to retention and conversion.
  2. Sales and Marketing Alignment
    • Aligning sales and marketing efforts is critical for maximizing revenue potential. CMOs will play a pivotal role in fostering collaboration between these functions, leveraging data and technology to create a unified strategy.
  3. Customer Experience (CX) Leadership
    • Enhancing the customer experience is a key driver of revenue growth. CMOs must take ownership of CX initiatives, ensuring that every touchpoint aligns with the brand promise and meets customer expectations.

Challenges in Finding Technically Proficient CMOs

Skill Set Evolution

  1. Technical Expertise Gap
    • The rapid pace of technological advancements has created a skills gap, making it challenging to find CMOs with the necessary technical expertise. Traditional marketing backgrounds often do not include extensive training in AI, data analytics, and digital technologies.
  2. Cross-Functional Competence
    • The hybrid nature of the modern CMO role requires a unique blend of marketing, technology, and business acumen. Finding candidates who possess this cross-functional competence is difficult, as it requires both breadth and depth of knowledge.

Market Demand and Supply Imbalance

  1. High Demand for Tech-Savvy Leaders
    • The increasing demand for tech-savvy marketing leaders has intensified competition for top talent. Organizations across industries are vying for CMOs who can drive digital transformation and revenue growth, leading to a shortage of qualified candidates.
  2. Retention Challenges
    • The evolving role and heightened expectations place significant pressure on CMOs, contributing to high turnover rates. Retaining top talent requires offering competitive compensation, opportunities for professional growth, and a supportive work environment.


The role of the CMO is evolving to encompass technical responsibilities traditionally associated with the CTO, driven by the integration of AI and digital technologies. This transformation positions the CMO as a key player in driving revenue growth and digital transformation. However, finding CMOs with the requisite technical skills and cross-functional competence remains a challenge. Organizations must invest in talent development and create a conducive environment to attract and retain the next generation of marketing leaders. As the CMO role continues to evolve, its strategic importance in the C-suite will only increase, underscoring the need for a new breed of tech-savvy, revenue-focused marketing executives.

What is a Fractional Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)?

A fractional Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) is a senior marketing executive who works with a company on a part-time, contractual, or interim basis. Unlike a full-time CMO, a fractional CMO provides high-level marketing expertise and strategic leadership without the long-term commitment or financial burden of a full-time executive. This role is ideal for companies that need seasoned marketing leadership but may not have the budget, need, or organizational structure to support a full-time CMO.

Roles and Responsibilities of a Fractional CMO

  1. Strategic Planning: Develop and execute comprehensive marketing strategies aligned with the company’s business goals.
  2. Brand Management: Enhance and maintain the company’s brand identity and positioning in the market.
  3. Market Research: Conduct market analysis to identify opportunities, trends, and competitive landscapes.
  4. Campaign Management: Oversee the creation, execution, and performance of marketing campaigns across various channels.
  5. Team Leadership: Lead and mentor the marketing team, providing guidance and fostering professional growth.
  6. Budget Management: Allocate and manage the marketing budget to ensure optimal use of resources.
  7. Performance Metrics: Establish and track key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of marketing initiatives.
  8. Digital Marketing: Develop and implement digital marketing strategies, including SEO, social media, email marketing, and content marketing.
  9. Customer Engagement: Enhance customer acquisition, retention, and loyalty through targeted marketing efforts.

How to Get the Most Out of a Fractional CMO

To maximize the benefits of hiring a fractional CMO, companies should follow these best practices:

1. Clearly Define Goals and Expectations

  • Set Clear Objectives: Outline specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for the fractional CMO.
  • Align on KPIs: Agree on key performance indicators (KPIs) to track progress and measure success.
  • Communicate Expectations: Ensure that both parties have a clear understanding of the role, responsibilities, and expected outcomes.

2. Provide Access to Resources and Information

  • Internal Resources: Give the fractional CMO access to necessary internal resources, including the marketing team, tools, and budget.
  • Company Data: Share relevant company data, historical performance metrics, and market research to inform strategy development.
  • Stakeholder Access: Facilitate introductions and regular communication with key stakeholders across the organization.

3. Foster Collaboration and Integration

  • Team Integration: Integrate the fractional CMO into the existing team to foster collaboration and ensure alignment with overall business goals.
  • Regular Meetings: Schedule regular meetings to discuss progress, address challenges, and refine strategies.
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration: Encourage collaboration between the fractional CMO and other departments, such as sales, product development, and customer service.

4. Leverage Their Expertise

  • Strategic Insights: Utilize the fractional CMO’s expertise to gain strategic insights and recommendations for improving marketing performance.
  • Innovative Approaches: Be open to innovative ideas and approaches that the fractional CMO may bring from their diverse experience.
  • Professional Development: Encourage the fractional CMO to mentor and develop the existing marketing team, enhancing their skills and capabilities.

5. Monitor and Adjust

  • Performance Tracking: Regularly review performance metrics to assess the effectiveness of marketing initiatives.
  • Flexibility: Be flexible and willing to adjust strategies based on performance data and market changes.
  • Feedback Loop: Establish a feedback loop to continuously improve collaboration and strategy execution.

What Does a Fractional CMO Agency Do?

A fractional CMO agency provides businesses with access to high-level marketing leadership and strategic expertise on a part-time, contractual, or interim basis. These agencies are designed to offer the benefits of an experienced Chief Marketing Officer without the need for a full-time commitment. They typically serve small to medium-sized businesses, startups, or larger organizations looking for specialized marketing leadership for specific projects or periods of transition.

Services Offered by a Fractional CMO Agency

1. Strategic Marketing Planning

  • Market Analysis: Conduct in-depth market research to understand industry trends, competitor activities, and customer behavior.
  • Strategy Development: Formulate comprehensive marketing strategies that align with business objectives and target market needs.
  • Positioning and Messaging: Develop clear brand positioning and messaging frameworks to ensure consistent communication across all channels.

2. Brand Management

  • Brand Identity: Create or refine the brand identity, including logo design, brand guidelines, and visual assets.
  • Brand Positioning: Establish and maintain a strong brand positioning in the market to differentiate from competitors.
  • Rebranding: Manage rebranding initiatives to refresh or reposition the brand as needed.

3. Digital Marketing

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Optimize website content and structure to improve search engine rankings and drive organic traffic.
  • PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Advertising: Plan and execute paid search campaigns to generate targeted traffic and leads.
  • Content Marketing: Develop and distribute valuable, relevant content to attract and engage target audiences.
  • Social Media Marketing: Manage social media profiles, create engaging content, and run targeted campaigns to build a strong online presence.
  • Email Marketing: Design and implement email marketing campaigns to nurture leads and drive conversions.

4. Campaign Management

  • Campaign Planning: Develop and execute multi-channel marketing campaigns to achieve specific business goals.
  • Creative Development: Produce compelling creative assets, including copywriting, graphic design, and video production.
  • Performance Tracking: Monitor and analyze campaign performance to optimize results and ROI.

5. Lead Generation and Conversion Optimization

  • Lead Generation: Implement strategies to generate high-quality leads through various online and offline channels.
  • Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): Analyze user behavior and optimize landing pages, websites, and sales funnels to increase conversions.

6. Marketing Technology and Automation

  • Technology Assessment: Evaluate and recommend marketing technology tools and platforms to streamline operations and improve efficiency.
  • Marketing Automation: Implement and manage marketing automation systems to automate repetitive tasks and improve lead nurturing processes.

7. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

  • CRM Strategy: Develop and implement CRM strategies to improve customer retention and loyalty.
  • CRM Integration: Integrate CRM systems with marketing and sales platforms to ensure seamless data flow and customer insights.

8. Public Relations (PR) and Communications

  • PR Strategy: Create and execute public relations strategies to build and maintain a positive brand image.
  • Media Relations: Manage relationships with media outlets, pitch stories, and secure media coverage.
  • Crisis Management: Develop crisis communication plans to handle potential PR issues and protect the brand’s reputation.

9. Team Leadership and Development

  • Team Building: Assist in building and structuring the marketing team to ensure it meets business needs.
  • Training and Development: Provide training and mentorship to develop the skills and capabilities of the marketing team.
  • Interim Leadership: Offer interim CMO leadership during periods of transition or while searching for a permanent CMO.

10. Performance Measurement and Reporting

  • KPI Development: Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of marketing initiatives.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Regularly analyze marketing data and provide detailed reports to track progress and inform decision-making.
  • ROI Analysis: Evaluate the return on investment (ROI) of marketing activities to ensure resources are being used effectively.

Finding and Hiring a CMO: Pre-Hire Questionnaire and Checklist

Finding a CMO

  1. Define Your Needs
    • Determine the scope of the CMO’s responsibilities.
    • Decide whether you need a full-time, part-time, or fractional CMO.
  2. Identify Candidates
    • Internal Referrals: Ask for recommendations from colleagues and industry peers.
    • Professional Networks: Utilize LinkedIn and other professional networks to identify potential candidates.
    • Recruitment Agencies: Engage specialized executive search firms that focus on marketing leadership roles.
    • Industry Events: Attend conferences, webinars, and industry events to network with potential candidates.
  3. Screen Candidates
    • Review resumes and LinkedIn profiles.
    • Conduct initial phone screenings to assess fit and interest.

Hiring a CMO

  1. Interview Process
    • Initial Interviews: Conduct interviews with HR and key stakeholders to assess cultural fit and general qualifications.
    • Technical Interviews: Arrange for interviews with senior marketing team members to evaluate technical expertise and strategic thinking.
    • Final Interviews: Involve top executives to ensure alignment with company vision and goals.
  2. Assessment
    • Case Studies: Ask candidates to present a marketing strategy for a hypothetical or real scenario related to your business.
    • References: Check references to verify past performance and gather insights from previous employers.
  3. Offer and Negotiation
    • Extend a formal job offer outlining compensation, benefits, and expectations.
    • Negotiate terms as necessary to reach a mutually agreeable arrangement.

Pre-Hire Questionnaire

To evaluate potential CMOs thoroughly, consider asking the following questions:

Strategic Vision and Leadership

  1. Experience and Background
    • Can you describe your experience with developing and executing comprehensive marketing strategies?
    • How have you adapted your marketing strategies to changing market conditions or company goals?
  2. Strategic Thinking
    • How do you prioritize marketing initiatives in alignment with business objectives?
    • Can you provide an example of a successful marketing campaign you led from concept to execution?

Technical Skills and Expertise

  1. Digital Marketing
    • What is your experience with SEO, PPC, content marketing, and social media?
    • How do you measure and optimize digital marketing performance?
  2. Analytics and Data-Driven Decision Making
    • How do you use data to inform your marketing strategies and decisions?
    • Can you provide examples of how analytics have driven changes in your marketing approach?

Team Leadership and Development

  1. Team Management
    • How do you build and manage high-performing marketing teams?
    • Can you describe a time when you had to resolve a conflict within your team?
  2. Mentorship and Development
    • How do you foster professional growth and development within your marketing team?
    • What strategies do you use to keep your team motivated and aligned with company goals?

Brand and Market Positioning

  1. Brand Management
    • How have you successfully repositioned a brand in the market?
    • Can you provide examples of how you’ve managed a brand crisis?
  2. Market Research and Customer Insights
    • How do you conduct market research to understand customer needs and preferences?
    • How have customer insights influenced your marketing strategies?

Pre-Hire Checklist

  1. Initial Screening
    • Review resumes and profiles.
    • Conduct initial phone interviews.
  2. Interview Process
    • Schedule and conduct multiple rounds of interviews.
    • Use the pre-hire questionnaire to guide discussions.
  3. Assessment and Evaluation
    • Assign case studies or practical tasks.
    • Evaluate presentation and strategic thinking abilities.
  4. Reference Checks
    • Contact provided references.
    • Verify past performance and gather feedback.
  5. Decision-Making
    • Review interview feedback and assessment results.
    • Conduct final evaluations with key stakeholders.
  6. Offer and Onboarding
    • Extend a formal job offer.
    • Plan a comprehensive onboarding process.

By following this structured approach and utilizing the pre-hire questionnaire and checklist, you can effectively identify, evaluate, and hire a CMO who aligns with your company’s goals and vision.

Fractional interim part-time CMO/CTO/CRO Combo

Finding one person to act as your Fractional interim part-time CMO/CTO/CRO Combo is like finding a Unicorn. But leveraging the C-Suite Network MarketPlace you can do just that!

Startups are Leveraging Fractional CMO and CTO Combos to Maximize Their Budget and Make the Most of SEO

In the fast-paced world of startups, maximizing resources and budget is critical to achieving growth and success. One innovative approach that many startups are adopting is leveraging fractional Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) and Chief Technology Officers (CTOs). This strategy allows startups to access high-level expertise in both marketing and technology without the financial burden of hiring full-time executives. This article explores how this combination is helping startups optimize their budgets and make the most of Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

What is a Fractional CMO and CTO?

A fractional CMO or CTO is a part-time, contract-based executive who provides strategic leadership and expertise in their respective fields. Unlike full-time executives, fractional officers work with multiple companies simultaneously, offering their services for a fraction of the cost. This model is particularly beneficial for startups that require top-tier talent but lack the budget for full-time positions.

Benefits of Leveraging Fractional CMO and CTO Combos

1. Cost Efficiency

One of the primary advantages of hiring fractional executives is cost efficiency. Startups can access the skills and experience of seasoned professionals without the high salary, benefits, and equity typically associated with full-time executive roles. This approach allows startups to allocate their budget more effectively, investing in other critical areas such as product development and customer acquisition.

2. Expertise and Experience

Fractional CMOs and CTOs bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. These professionals have typically worked with various companies across different industries, providing them with a broad perspective and deep understanding of market dynamics and technological trends. Their expertise can be instrumental in developing and executing effective marketing strategies, optimizing technological infrastructure, and driving overall business growth.

3. Flexibility and Scalability

The fractional model offers startups the flexibility to scale their executive support based on their needs and growth stages. As the company evolves, the scope and focus of the CMO and CTO roles can be adjusted accordingly. This adaptability ensures that startups receive the right level of strategic guidance and support at each phase of their development.

4. Integrated Marketing and Technology Strategies

By leveraging both a fractional CMO and CTO, startups can create integrated strategies that align marketing efforts with technological capabilities. This synergy is particularly important for SEO, where technical optimizations and content strategies must work together to achieve optimal results.

Maximizing SEO with Fractional CMO and CTO

SEO is a critical component of any startup’s digital marketing strategy. A well-executed SEO strategy can drive organic traffic, increase brand visibility, and generate leads. The combination of a fractional CMO and CTO can significantly enhance a startup’s SEO efforts in the following ways:

1. Technical SEO Enhancements

The fractional CTO focuses on the technical aspects of SEO, ensuring that the website is optimized for search engines. This includes improving site speed, mobile-friendliness, and crawlability, as well as implementing structured data and ensuring robust security measures. A technically sound website provides a strong foundation for all other SEO efforts.

2. Content Strategy and Optimization

The fractional CMO develops and oversees the content strategy, ensuring that it aligns with SEO goals. This involves keyword research, content creation, and on-page optimization. By producing high-quality, relevant content that addresses the needs and interests of the target audience, the CMO helps improve search engine rankings and drive organic traffic.

3. Data-Driven Decision Making

Both the CMO and CTO leverage data analytics to inform their strategies and measure the effectiveness of their SEO efforts. The CTO ensures that the necessary tools and technologies are in place to collect and analyze data, while the CMO interprets this data to refine content and marketing strategies. This data-driven approach enables continuous improvement and optimization.

4. Cross-Functional Collaboration

The collaboration between the fractional CMO and CTO fosters a holistic approach to SEO. Regular communication and coordination ensure that technical improvements and content strategies are aligned, leading to more effective and sustainable SEO results. This integrated approach helps startups achieve a competitive edge in the digital marketplace.


In the competitive startup ecosystem, maximizing budget and resources is crucial for success. Leveraging the expertise of fractional CMOs and CTOs allows startups to access top-tier strategic leadership without the financial burden of full-time executive roles. This combination is particularly powerful for enhancing SEO efforts, as it integrates technical optimizations with content strategies to drive organic growth. By adopting this innovative approach, startups can effectively navigate the challenges of digital marketing and achieve sustainable growth and success.

SaaS Fractional CMO

Why a SaaS CMO is Different from a Traditional CMO

The role of the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) has always been pivotal in driving a company’s growth and brand visibility. However, the requirements and expectations for a CMO in a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) company differ significantly from those of a traditional CMO. This article explores the unique challenges and responsibilities of a SaaS CMO, and why this role demands a different skill set and strategic approach.

Key Differences Between a SaaS CMO and a Traditional CMO

1. Revenue-Driven Marketing


  • Subscription Model Focus: The primary revenue model for SaaS companies is based on subscriptions. This means the SaaS CMO must focus not only on customer acquisition but also on retention, upselling, and reducing churn.
  • Lifecycle Marketing: SaaS CMOs need to develop strategies that engage customers throughout their entire lifecycle, from awareness to onboarding, retention, and renewal.

Traditional CMO:

  • Sales-Driven Focus: Traditional CMOs often focus more on driving sales through campaigns, brand awareness, and product launches.
  • One-Time Sales: In industries where one-time purchases are more common, the focus is on generating immediate sales rather than long-term customer engagement.

2. Data and Analytics Proficiency


  • Data-Driven Decision Making: SaaS CMOs rely heavily on data and analytics to track user behavior, measure campaign performance, and optimize customer journeys. They use metrics such as customer acquisition cost (CAC), lifetime value (LTV), and churn rate.
  • Marketing Automation: They leverage advanced marketing automation tools to personalize communication, automate workflows, and nurture leads through complex sales funnels.

Traditional CMO:

  • Brand Metrics: Traditional CMOs might focus more on brand metrics such as brand awareness, market share, and campaign reach.
  • Less Reliance on Automation: While traditional CMOs use data, the extent and type of data may vary, and they might not rely as heavily on automation technologies.

3. Product and Customer Alignment


  • Product Marketing Integration: SaaS CMOs often work closely with product teams to understand features, user feedback, and the overall product roadmap. This helps in crafting messaging that resonates with users and addresses their pain points.
  • Customer Success Collaboration: They collaborate with customer success teams to ensure a seamless customer experience and gather insights to improve marketing strategies.

Traditional CMO:

  • Product Launch Focus: Traditional CMOs may focus more on the initial product launch and less on continuous product marketing integration.
  • Customer Insights: While they also value customer insights, the level of ongoing collaboration with customer success might be less intensive.

4. Agile and Growth-Oriented Mindset


  • Agile Marketing: SaaS CMOs need to be agile, continuously testing and iterating their strategies to respond quickly to market changes and user feedback.
  • Growth Hacking: They often employ growth hacking techniques to find innovative, low-cost strategies to grow the user base quickly and efficiently.

Traditional CMO:

  • Campaign-Based Approach: Traditional CMOs might follow more structured, longer-term campaign cycles with fixed budgets and timelines.
  • Brand Building Focus: They emphasize long-term brand building and may not prioritize rapid experimentation to the same extent.


The role of a SaaS CMO is distinct from that of a traditional CMO due to the unique challenges and dynamics of the SaaS business model. SaaS CMOs must be adept at data-driven marketing, customer lifecycle management, and agile strategies. Their focus on subscription revenue, customer retention, and deep integration with product and customer success teams sets them apart from their traditional counterparts. As the SaaS industry continues to evolve, the demand for CMOs with this specialized skill set will only increase, highlighting the importance of understanding these key differences.

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