C-Suite Network™

Entrepreneurship Marketing Personal Development Sales

Let’s Not Talk About This





Enough already.

Acknowledge the current hard reality and uncertain conditions we’re all working under?

Sure – yes – please.

It’s important.

We’re not delusional and we’re not in denial.

Things are bad.

AND they’re going to get better.

And they’ll get a whole lot better, a whole lot sooner if you…

Refocus on your gratitude.

Reboot your enthusiasm.

Reimagine your future.

Redraw your plans.

Reinvent your business.

Reignite your team.

Restart your entrepreneurial engines.

Reconnect with family and friends

Rekindle your joy.

Rediscover why you started this crazy, wonderful, amazing business to begin with.

And then…

Begin again.

Be radically generous and radically helpful.

With purpose, heart, and the spirit of serving others.

Go, go, go!!!

Entrepreneurship Marketing Skills

7 WTFs for You

What does my focused mind like to do?

Five things:

1. Sell stuff

2. Help our clients sell stuff

3. Record videos about selling stuff

4. Talk to my smart friends about how THEY sell stuff 

5. Make up funny titles for your enjoyment :o) 

Here’s what made me think of this:

WTF = Wants To Fail. 

Who in the world wants to fail?

Here’s what I mean…

Are you already successful? Good!

By all accounts, including your bank account, you may be ‘successful.’

But it’s very possible that the brand of success that you created has a price which can best be described with the saying, “Nothing fails like Success!”

Imagine yourself after your initial success…

Speaking 50+ dates a year at good fees; coaching dozens of senior executives a month; selling 10-15,000 books under your own steam; consulting and running seminars for your roster of Fortune 500 clients…

BUT today…

You are working way too hard…

And there’s no time to market your services, develop new products, write more books, or live your life!

After reaching your initial success, you’re now trapped by it!

If you see that, but don’t DO something about it – well then you Want To Fail

That’s one flavor of WTF…

Here are 6 more… 

But before we even get to that, for those of you that this particular article resonates with – let’s help you reboot, reignite, and reimagine your business for its next level of success. 

1. Won’t Try Failing – if you’re not willing to try new things (and fail at some of them), you’ll never dial in your success ingredients or get different results

2. Whines Too Frequently – self-explanatory (I hope!)

3. Will Too Flaccid – you need an iron will and a crystal clear vision of where you’d like your business to GO in order to get there via the shortest, surest, quickest path

4. Worse Than Failure – the only thing worse than failure is giving up on your dream before you ever get the chance to succeed

5. Wait Til Friday – procrastination, delay, and denial are not the path that will get you to ANY worthwhile destination. No more waiting. Now is your time!

6. Whatever That’s Fine – settling for whatever business falls in your lap or whatever referrals you occasionally get isn’t a survival nor a growth plan – it’s an abdication of your entrepreneurial dream.

Don’t settle.

Don’t wait.

Our time is shorter than we think.

It’s game time – you’re primed – you’re pumped – you’re ready.

Let’s DO THIS.

Entrepreneurship Marketing Sales Skills

Think vs. Doing for Your Marketing Success

As a marketing mentor for consultants, speakers, and experts, I’m often asked some variation of the following questions:

  • What’s more important – a focused marketing plan or consistent marketing activity?
  • Do I need to change my marketing strategy?
  • What should I be doing more of – and less of – to get more clients?
  • How do I know the kind of marketing that will work for what I offer?
  • How can I stop spinning my wheels and do a FEW simple things consistently to generate leads, prospects and sales?

Here’s my answer in very sophisticated and technical marketing lingo:

“Wow… I dunno.”

Now before you dismiss me as a complete marketing moron, let me put that insightful statement into some context for you.

If you don’t know who you’re marketing to, what they want, what they’re willing to pay for, and how to position yourself as the “Ah – at last!!” solution they’ve been looking for, then these questions will merely:

  • Confuse you
  • Scare you
  • Piss you off

And it’s hard to be a successful entrepreneur when you’re running around confused, scared and pissed off all the time.

So stop it.

The first thing you need to decide is – which do YOU need more of?

A new master plan (more THINKING)?

Or some healthy ass-kicking to IMPLEMENT (more DOING) what you ALREADY know you need to do?

My advice?

Follow the Teddy Roosevelt principle:

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” 

If you want some strategic help with that then check out https://www.expertprofitformula.com/

If you need a little more DOING, then…

GO ALREADY – start doing the work!

But that means you need to STOP procrastinating and “getting ready to get ready” until…

  • You get your next professional certification…
  • You finish writing your book…
  • Your kids are a little older…
  • You build your updated website…
  • You have a few more clients…
  • You start making more money…


Can you SMELL the stinky pile of rotten excuses suffocating you with their disgusting stench?

Do you need a rock-solid marketing/business STRATEGY?

The short answer is screaming YES with racing stripes and flames coming out the tailpipes.

Do you need a 60-page marketing/business plan with charts and graphs and financial projections for the next 5 years?

NO, you do not.

Do you want some help in seeing what ingredients you might be missing – and how to start closing those gaps and improving those aspects of your business that will bring more and bigger checks in the door?

Now is the time. More thinking. More doing.

Best Practices Entrepreneurship Human Resources Management Marketing Negotiations Sales Skills Women In Business

“Do You Want To Know How To Make Better Decisions” – Negotiation Insight

“The best decision you’ll ever make is the one you corrected when it hurt the most.” –Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert (Click to Tweet)


“Do You Want To Know How To Make Better Decisions”


People don’t realize; they’re always negotiating.

Are you aware of the number of decisions you make every day in your life? The answer is, probably not. A lot of your choices are automatic. And yet some decisions are more critical than others because they have a significant impact on your life. You can make better decisions, which will allow you to achieve better outcomes in your life. And here’s how you can improve your decision-making abilities.


Ask The Right Questions

Asking questions will always garner additional information. But the wrong queries can take you down an unwanted path. That can cause rebound difficulties. And, once you rebound, you’ll be back where you started. Which means you will have wasted time.

First, you must know your core values. That will assist in leading you to ask better questions, which in turn will lead to better decisions. If your choices don’t align with your core values, you could find yourself seesawing between preferences that don’t serve your goals. Meaning, you’ll make decisions like a rudderless boat in the middle of a stormy ocean, wondering why it’s challenging to reconcile adverse conditions.

To decrease the chances of being rudderless, be mindful of the questions you ask, and where the answers may lead. If you don’t like where they may lead, ask better questions. And don’t stop asking questions until you’re satisfied that you have the right answers.


Know Your Biases

Everyone possesses preferences, which are their biases. And your preferences will color your perspective when you make decisions. Thus, you must guard them during your evaluation process when determining the course of action you’ll adopt. It would help if you were mindful of four particular kinds of biases when making decisions.

  • Sunk Cost Fallacy

How many times have you said to yourself, well, I’ve gone this far – I might as well go further? And then, later, you kicked yourself for not getting out of a situation sooner. When you went through that experience, sunk cost fallacy afflicted your thought process.

To make better decisions, understand how you arrived at your present destination. In particular, assess where you thought you’d be versus where you are. It would have behooved you to have installed points of measurement for that purpose.

The point is, don’t allow a decision that turns bad to pull you deeper into worse decisions. Have a cutoff point. And don’t worry about what you’ve invested thus far. Just be aware that what’s gone is gone. Don’t lose more by chasing what you’ve lost. By cutting your losses at a predetermined point, you’ll save more resources going forward. And that will enhance your decision-making abilities.


  • Self-Serving

Some decisions you’ll evaluate will appear more pleasing because they cast you as the person of success in the outcome. You may think, and what’s wrong with that? After all, you’re attempting to make decisions that improve your plight in life.

The problem with seeing yourself in that role is, it could blot out alternatives that might offer better choices. And, since you see yourself as the heroic character, you may become inclined to accepting more thoughts that lead to making more decisions along that path. Then, you’d be stuck if that was the wrong path. Thus, your challenge becomes, seek answers that lead to improving your decision-making abilities. But don’t pursue solutions for the sake of merely confirming your biases. That would be self-serving.

  • Cognitive Fluency

Cognitive fluency entails how you perceive something based on its appearance or ease of consumption. Thus, if something is more pleasing to you, you’ll have a higher propensity to look upon it favorably. Accordingly, as you seek to make decisions, you’ll accept data that are more aligned with what you think it should represent.

Again, your biases will be an underlining force that’s guiding your decision-making process. That’s not to say that it’s wrong. It’s to say, if it sounds too right, be aware of how you’re coming to the conclusions you’re making when reaching your decisions.

  • Confirmation Bias

Most people have a sense of pleasure knowing that they’re right about a matter. Thus, they seek information from sources that confirm their position. And that can become a problem when making decisions.

If you only seek data that supports your current position, you’ll tend to ignore data that opposes it. And that will leave your decisions wanting for input that might have led to a better outcome. To thwart the exclusion of insights that may oppose your position, keep an open mind, and be willing to hear opposing opinions. Doing so will allow you to make more decisive and better decisions.



Everyone is intuitive – but everyone doesn’t observe their intuition. When you ‘have a feeling about something,’ that’s your intuition signaling. When making decisions, they must become finely tuned to your intuition – because intuition is the messenger delivering signals from your subconscious mind to your state of consciousness.

Every day you’re bombarded with thousands of sensory perceptions. As your brain assesses what’s vital for your wellbeing, it determines what to pass to your consciousness. Things that it deems as less critical don’t make that trip. But you do sense some of them lightly. And that’s intuition, which is why it’s essential to pay attention to it when making decisions.



When weighing decisions, consider conspirators that may be waiting to thwart your efforts because those efforts would threaten their goals. Being aware of secret forces that are against you will help you make better decisions. In some situations, that insight will sway you from engaging in choices that may have put you on a collision course, which could be a colossal waste of time. Just be mindful that every decision you make impacts someone. The more powerful that entity is, and the degree they’re opposed to your choices, the more careful you should be about making such decisions.



Since your decisions rule many aspects of your life, the sooner you begin making better decisions, the more significant will be the outcomes. That will also enhance your opportunities and growth. If that’s what you seek, I suggest you embrace the thoughts that I presented. And everything will be right with the world.


Remember, you’re always negotiating!


Listen to Greg’s podcast at https://c-suitenetwork.com/radio/shows/greg-williams-the-master-negotiator-and-body-language-expert-podcast/


After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com


To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Negotiation Insight” click here https://www.themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/



#Decisions #BodyLanguageSecrets #csuitenetwork #thoughtcouncil #Negotiator #NegotiatingWithABully #Bodylanguage #readingbodylanguage #Negotiation #NegotiationStrategies #NegotiationProcess #NegotiationSkillsTraining #NegotiationExamples #NegotiationTypes #negotiationPsychology #HowToNegotiateBetter #ReadingBodyLanguage #BodyLanguage #Nonverbal #Negotiate #Business #SmallBusiness #Power #Perception #emotionalcontrol #relationships #BodyLanguageExpert #CSuite #TheMasterNegotiator #ControlEmotions #GregWilliams #success #Howtowinmore #self-improvement #howtodealwithdifficultpeople #Self-development #Control #Conversations #Howtocontrolanegotiation #howtobesuccessful #HowToImproveyourself


Entrepreneurship Marketing Personal Development

Imagine Yourself


1. Imagine you’re focused

2. Imagine it’s working

3. Imagine you’ve mastered marketing

4. Imagine you truly enjoy selling

5. Imagine clients must qualify for you

6. Imagine you’re worth premium fees

7. Imagine you have unlimited prospects

8. Imagine money flowing easily to you

9. Imagine punching people in the face with value

10. Imagine your money worries fading away

11. Imagine a clear game plan that you execute on daily

12. Imagine your business doubling, then tripling

13. Imagine working only when you want

14. Imagine doing only work you want to do and delegating or outsourcing everything else

15. Imagine you are #1

16. Imagine you’re a rock star in your industry

17. Imagine you’re booked solid

18. Imagine you have your pick of high-profit projects

19. Imagine moving from five figures to six figures – or from six figures to multiple six figures on your way to seven!

20. Imagine speaking to hundreds of people regularly

21. Imagine partnering with other experts whom you look up to as role models and now are lucky enough to call friends

22. Imagine generating thousands of web visitors

23. Imagine building a huge tribe of loyal followers, fans, and subscribers

24. Imagine doing this all in 18 days, 18 weeks, 18 months, or if you’re really slow and silly (like me) 18 years

25. You can do it.

Do your future self a favor:




Entrepreneurship Human Resources Marketing Negotiations Sales Skills Women In Business

“Negotiator – This Is How To Avoid Manipulation Of False Choices” – Negotiation Tip of the Week

“To avoid manipulation from offering false choices, know their intent.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert (Click to Tweet)

“Negotiator – This Is How To Avoid Manipulation Of False Choices”


As a kid, when my friends and I played games that required choosing who’d go first, we flipped a coin. While one person flipped the coin, the other person would call heads or tail. Then, one day before a coin flip, one of my friends said to the other, “heads I win, tails, you lose.” And after the coin flip, he won the call. We were very young, and initially, we were unaware of the manipulation that had occurred. Later in life, as a negotiator, I understood how choices could lead to manipulation and how manipulation can lead people to engage in actions that are against their self-interest.

The following information will help you avoid being manipulated, as a result of people offering you false choices.



A good negotiator is aware of setting goals for a negotiation. And she’s doubly conscious that she’ll have to make choices throughout the talks to achieve her goals. Part of that process is setting the expectations of the opposing negotiator, such that he will have a perspective of what he can achieve. The setting of expectations also assists in avoiding being manipulated by an opposer that might offer false choices.

Thus, before, and sometimes during a negotiation, the better you are at setting expectations, the lower the probability will become that false options will thwart you. And that will enhance your negotiation abilities, interactions with the other negotiator, along with a smoother negotiation process.


Identifying Choices

Okay. Now that you’ve set expectations, what should you be aware of when offered choices during the negotiation? The answer is, it depends. It depends on the strategy you’ve set per what you thought would occur during the process. And you should take into account the events that happen during the negotiation that you’d not anticipated. Per the latter, if someone offers you a choice such as the “heads I win, tails you lose” scenario, which you now know is an attempt to manipulate you into a false choice, you can turn the tables. One way to do that is to let the other negotiator know you’re aware of the manipulation attempts that might occur. If she asks why you’re making that statement, tell her you’re stating it so both of you can avoid them, which will make the negotiation process less challenging.


Weighing Options

There’s another facet to consider when weighing choices. Some negotiators will offer options in a yes or no format or an either-or perspective. The point is, some choices lead you to a false premise. Those choices limit your options, and the ability to improve your outcome.

Be aware of when a negotiator offers such decisions to you. And be mindful of when someone is attempting to place you in an untenable position. By being alert to their efforts, it’ll help you slip the bind they try to put you in with false choices. So, make sure you weigh your options and consider where someone’s attempts may be attempting to take you.



An antithesis is a direct opposite of what’s said or done prior. Thus, you should be aware of when a negotiator presents a choice in this manner because it can be the beginning stage of manipulation. The reason being, an option offered in this manner, might be akin to a good cop, bad cop offer.

That means, if you don’t accept the first choice, the second one will be worse, and the following options will be worse than the preceding ones. Thus, if you’re not mentally alert to what’s occurring, you could find your emotions pulling you down a path that you should be avoiding. Why? Because the pathway will be taking you further away from your goals.


Negative Thoughts

Another form of manipulation stems from negative thoughts your opponent has about you or those you have about her. That’s why you should assess her thoughts before the beginning of a negotiation – because negative thoughts impact one’s perception, and it influences their interaction.

Suppose you’re aware that negative thoughts exist between negotiators. What should you do? It would be best if you attempted to improve the relationship before you negotiate. If you don’t, both of you may become drawn into a manipulative course of negative actions as the result of ill feelings.

To combat negative emotions, offer to be collaborative in your efforts to achieve an acceptable outcome. In a worst-case scenario, your opponent may reject your offer. If she does, you might consider asking her how, or if, she’d like to proceed. If she says she doesn’t want to continue, you may have avoided a tumultuous experience from which you’ll probably be better off. On the positive side, if she’s amenable to your offer, you may be able to lower your guard. But don’t drop it too much, you may have to raise it quickly.



Above all, when engaging in a negotiation, control your emotions. Don’t let anger shade your decisions or how you view the other negotiator. If you don’t control anger, you invite the opportunity for manipulation to foster choices that may not be pertinent per the solution required.

When you sense anger is on the rise, get away from the environment. Call a time out. When you’re in an angered state, it’s best to calm yourself before engaging in any action. Doing that will save you future challenges and problems in the negotiation.



To a degree, it’s a negotiator’s job during a negotiation to pose questions that help her maximize her outcome. Thus, it behooves her to offer manipulation choices that take her counterpart in the direction that suits her goals. As her counter negotiator, it’s your job to present her with manipulation choices. Thus, both of your efforts are to thwart the other’s attempt from causing the outcome to be lopsided against themselves. Therefore, by being attentive to the choices offered, and where those choices may lead, you can avoid the manipulation that’s inherent in every negotiation. And everything will be right with the world.


Remember, you’re always negotiating!


Listen to Greg’s podcast at https://c-suitenetwork.com/radio/shows/greg-williams-the-master-negotiator-and-body-language-expert-podcast/


After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com


To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Negotiation Insight” click here https://www.themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/



#Choices #Manipulation #BodyLanguageSecrets #csuitenetwork #thoughtcouncil #Negotiator #NegotiatingWithABully #Bodylanguage #readingbodylanguage #Negotiation #NegotiationStrategies #NegotiationProcess #NegotiationSkillsTraining #NegotiationExamples #NegotiationTypes #negotiationPsychology #HowToNegotiateBetter #ReadingBodyLanguage #BodyLanguage #Nonverbal #Negotiate #Business #SmallBusiness #Power #Perception #emotionalcontrol #relationships #BodyLanguageExpert #CSuite #TheMasterNegotiator #ControlEmotions #GregWilliams #success #Howtowinmore #self-improvement #howtodealwithdifficultpeople #Self-development #Control #Conversations #Howtocontrolanegotiation #howtobesuccessful #HowToImproveyourself


Marketing Personal Development

Why You Should Consider Reallocating Marketing Budget To Promote Client Loyalty

Looking for creative ways to keep your ideal clients happy, especially during the frustrating challenges that we currently face, is smart business. According to recent Bain & Company research, increasing customer retention by 5% increases profit by 25% to upwards of 95% depending on your industry. 

Wow! That is some compelling data.

In the Bain & Company report, Fred Reichheld says: “Systematically rank all of your customer acquisition campaigns on the basis of their yield of loyal customers. Shift resources towards programs that attract the richest mix of loyal customers.” He goes on to conclude that many firms are wasting half their marketing expenses on disloyal customers who will never stick around long enough to pay back the acquisition investment!

What could you do to increase client loyalty and thus improve your profitability? Here are some ideas to consider.

First, Identify Your Ideal Clients

The first step is to identify your Ideal Clients. As Mike Michalowicz says in The Pumpkin Plan, not all clients are created equally. Similar to Pareto’s 80/20 rule, there is a segment of your clients that are a great fit for your company. They value what you do. They are loyal. They are candidates for everything you sell. They give references. 

You need to clearly identify these clients. Mark them in your ERP, CRM, and marketing automation systems. Make sure everyone knows that these are your A-list clients.

While you are doing this, create an Ideal Client Profile. This will help you identify the prospects (aka future Ideal Clients) for your sales team’s target account program. (You can find an Ideal Client Profile worksheet in the Revenue Growth Engine Free Tool Kit.)

Next, Invest In Creating an Ideal Client Experience

Once you have identified your ideal clients, consider how you could improve the experience they have with your company. Here are five ideas to get you started:

1. Create a Client Loyalty Program 

As a speaker and growth strategist, I travel a lot, making me an ideal client for an airline. I enjoy the perks of the American Airlines AAdvantage program. In addition to gathering points for vacation travel, the airline also gives me free luggage checks, priority boarding, and an occasional upgrade. Most of all, my status makes me feel special—something that is even more apparent when I have to fly on another airline where I get relegated to cattle class. When it comes time to book travel, I will go out of my way to fly American because of these perks.

What could you do to create perks for your clients? In Revenue Growth Engine I talk in detail about how you could enhance loyalty and drive additional purchases through a client loyalty program. Look at other client loyalty programs you are a part of (airlines, credit cards, grocery stores, restaurants…) and consider what aspects of these programs could be adapted to your own business.

2. Introduce an Element of Surprise 

Good service is expected these days. In The Experience Economy, Pine and Gilmore make the point that just like products have become commodities, in many cases, great service has as well. They assert that the path to differentiation is by creating a great experience. 

One aspect of a great experience is the element of surprise. They define this as, “the difference between what a customer gets to perceive and what they expect to get.”

Go to a Cajun restaurant and you will probably get a lagniappe, “a small gift given to a customer by a merchant at the time of purchase.” What small things could you do to surprise and delight your clients? 

3. Conduct Periodic Business Reviews 

Many companies assume their clients are OK as long as they are not having problems. When there is a problem, they jump to solve it, patting themselves on the back for responding.

What if you took a more proactive approach. Every company has problems that you could solve. That’s likely how you earned the business in the first place. Why not go back and ask them about other problems in their business?

A Periodic Business Review is a regular meeting with your Ideal Clients where you ask about their business, review your performance, and then collaborate to find new ways you could help them solve problems. While you are there, you also set the stage to ask for referrals.

I continue to be shocked at how few companies actually do this. They say, “We provide great service,” but in practice, ignore their clients outside of reacting to support requests. What would it look like if you added a Periodic Business Review process?

4. Help Them Grow Their Network

Every one of your clients wants to grow. My guess is that you know people that would be great clients for them.

Think about ways you can help your clients grow your business. Send them referrals. As you do, you become more than a vendor to them, you become a partner helping them grow their business. 

5. Become a True Business Resource

Every company wants their Ideal Clients to see them as a value-added partner, not just a vendor providing a commodity.

How do you earn the right to be seen as a value-added partner? You add value! Look at the collective knowledge of your team. How could you harness that knowledge to help your Ideal Clients improve their business?

Share that knowledge with seminars, webinars, private portals, and special events for your Ideal Clients. Position your team as a resource to help your clients solve their problems and achieve the business outcomes they want. As you become a true business resource, you build loyalty.

What Could You Do?

Client loyalty boosts profits. What action items could you put in place to enhance your Ideal Client Experience and build loyalty?

Marketing Personal Development

Website Builder or Custom Website. Which is Best for You?

Website Builder

“What do you think of [insert the name of an online website builder here] websites?”

I could criticize do-it-yourself website offerings, but the reality is that the question above really needs to be answered by another question – “What are you looking to achieve with your website?” There is certainly a place for these website building platforms in the marketplace. It just depends on what you expect that website to do for you.

There are many reasons for having a website for your business. Your needs might be simple or more complex. If you want to put information online for people to reference, then building your own website could do the trick. However, if your goals are to get leads, set up appointments, or have customers to serve themselves online, a custom website is the way to go.

Which kinds of websites are best for you? Here are some comparisons to keep in mind as you research your options:


Data is a crucial part of online marketing. Without it, you will be disappointed in not knowing who your audience is or how to appeal to them. Because of this, custom websites are truly the only way to get proper results. Otherwise, you are just hoping for the best, and hope is not a great strategy. Online website builders offer data but in a very limited sense, and sometimes not the specific data you need for your business.

Community and Support

Custom website platforms are going to have a huge user community and support teams that you can rest on. Remember that the point of a DIY website builder offering is that they don’t really want to have to stand up a big support team. They achieve this by having more of a ‘one-size-fits-all’ business model with pre-built templates.

Customization Abilities

The word “custom” says it all, but when you have an advanced business goal for the website, a custom website is likely the way to go. For instance, I have a client that needed their customers to be able to register warranties online. That is definitely a custom requirement. Website Builder templates are made to be simple, so when you need more functionality (if they have it), you will likely be charged to upgrade that functionality.

Unlimited Pages and Contributors

With a custom website, you can make as many pages as you want and have as many people helping you with it as you need. In the online website builder world, you’ll often be bound to having a limited number of pages and users (unless you pay more).

Own Your Domain and Content

The custom website world has always allowed you to own your domain (i.e. kakvarley.com), and even more importantly, own all the content you put on the website. Conversely, it’s rather common for these website builder platforms to supply a vanity URL (i.e. kakvarley.squarespace.com) which can cause legitimacy concerns, and then require you to electronically sign off on them owning any content you put on the website (claiming they can even do whatever they want with it).

Currencies for eCommerce

This is pretty simple. Custom websites will allow you to sell in different currencies if you sell globally.


Hosting is the place (a server) where your website is housed for public access. Website builder platforms include hosting because they have to supply templates. That would seem like a selling point in terms of consolidation, but not all hosting companies are good. If a hosting service goes down, your website is not available to the public. If you want to move the website to a different hosting company, you will have to rebuild your website from scratch. With custom websites, you can move your website to different hosting companies at will.


Because website builders own the features of your website, you have likely signed their electronic terms and conditions. This means they can pull features away without notice. Furthermore, if you compare the number of features available, take WordPress as an example. They have a massive catalog of features (up to 49,000 plug-ins currently). The online website builder programs are only going to offer just enough features to appeal to a small-sized customer.

Online Presence

Part of the reason you are even online is for people to find you, but how easy is it for people to find you? One of the most popular ways of getting attention online is through SEO (otherwise known as Search Engine Optimization). It is a technical craft that improves search rankings and drives traffic to websites. Do not let website building platforms or hosting companies fool you into thinking they offer SEO until you know what is truly involved. To get a better understanding of what is involved, sign up for this Free SEO Trial.

One Last Note…

I hope that this information helps you choose which website direction you want to take. However, there’s one last point I really need to express. As your business grows, you will likely need a Custom Website anyway. Website Builders are a great way to get a website up quickly at a rather reasonable monthly price. But as soon as your business grows to a point of needing more from a Website Builder, costs will go up and limitations will become apparent. At that point, you’ll be in a position of creating a whole new Custom Website.

We hope you found this valuable. For a free digital assessment, reach out to us at Ask Kak.

#kakapproved #KTip.

Entrepreneurship Leadership Marketing Sales Skills

This Is the No-Ego Zone

Onto today’s topic du jour… EGO.

As speakers, consultants, and experts, we MUST take ourselves out of our marketing messages.

Nobody cares about YOU.

The only thing they MIGHT care about is you IN TERMS of THEM.

What problems can you help them solve that others can’t, won’t, or don’t know how to?

How are you different, better, faster, smarter, cooler?

Not in terms of YOU but in terms of what matters to THEM and THEIR company,

THEIR team,

THEIR career,

THEIR association,

THEIR members,

THEIR franchisees,

THEIR leaders,

THEIR salespeople, etc.

Mike Thomson came into our mentoring program as a terrific speaker and coach – but he was all about “I, me, my” messaging and he couldn’t even see it at first.

Listen to his story here.

The moment he flipped his marketing, messaging, and sales conversations from “I, me, my” to “You, you, and you” – everything started to click.

Fees went up.

Repeat and referral business took off.

Sponsorship deals started to close.

Everything that mattered to him – fees, respect, relationship, and freedom and scale in his business – came about when he flipped the switch away from “me” marketing and toward “client-centric” marketing.

THAT was what landed him at the top of the heap for high-fee speaking, training, consulting, and sponsorship deals like never before.

Even though he thought he had it all figured out and had been fairly successful for 30+ years.

If a rock star like Mike can make a switch like that, what could YOU do with your business with some expert guidance, direction, and revenue acceleration?

Here’s where to find out more: https://www.expertprofitformula.com/

Entrepreneurship Leadership Marketing Personal Development

5 Habits of Interesting People

What makes someone interesting?

Or – as they say in marketing lingo – a person of interest to others?

It’s a combination of factors, really… and here are five of them for your consideration:

They are not vanilla

They’re quirky, pugnacious, determined, and they don’t give a rat’s ass what the rest of the world thinks. (They also don’t mind using terms like “rat’s ass” in a blog post.) Bottom line: wolves don’t lose sleep over what sheep think of them. Think Donald Trump or Bill Clinton. How vanilla are YOU?


They are articulate

Love ’em or hate ’em, these folks can articulate a point of view. Opinionated, loud, proud, and never dull. The sound bite “frequently wrong, never in doubt” was made for them. Think Dave Chapelle or Rachel Maddow. How quotable are YOU?


They stand FOR certain things

And they stand AGAINST other things. They energize their followers, antagonize their foes, and polarize the rest of us in the middle. Sound bite: If you don’t risk turning SOME people off, you’ll never turn anybody on. Think Howard Stern or Wanda Sykes. What stand are YOU taking?


They build movements larger than themselves

No matter how big, loud, rich, and famous they are – they’re building something bigger than themselves and strive to make an impact beyond themselves. Think Oprah or Bill Gates. What’s YOUR movement?


They don’t seek media – they ARE the media

They are tastemakers, movers, shakers, interviewers, and relationship-builders. They don’t wait for the media to come knocking – they are more likely to post videos, write articles, and interview others to feed their tribe a steady diet of top-notch content. What media did you create today?

I showed this list to my friend, Jeffrey Gitomer, the King of Sales, and he added a few more:

  • they are attractive – not necessarily pretty
  • their words make you think
  • their ideas inspire you to take new and better action
  • they make you want to connect with them so that you don’t “miss” anything
  • they make you happy to be in their presence (virtually or in person)
  • you will travel to see them
  • they inspire YOU to become more interesting