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Marketing Personal Development

Why There is No Silver Bullet in Marketing

Why There is No Silver Bullet in Marketing

For this #kTip, I discuss why there is no silver bullet solution in marketing. 

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Hello, all you fans out there. Kak Varley here with another kTip. 

I wanted to talk about why there is no silver bullet in marketing. You see it all the time in ads. They’re going to make you a million dollars tomorrow, from what I understand, and there’s always a new tool. There are a ton of tools in the digital marketing space that tells you that they’re going to get the job done, they’re going to make you money or make your job easier. And it is true. There are plenty of them and they do a great job. They do what they say they’re going to do in terms of functionality. But here’s the first thing I ask my clients when they come across a new tool, do you know how to use it?

Do you know how to use it? Do you know how to set it up? That’s the question. The second question I always ask is, what kind of marketing principles are you going to apply to this tool to make it provide results? Because the tool itself isn’t going to do what you want it to do in terms of goals. It’s the marketing principles that you apply that will have an effect. 

If you have any questions, please contact me at KakVarley.com. I’m going to keep on doing these tips, but I don’t do them on a regular basis, I do them in batches. If you want to know when the next one’s coming out, please hit the subscribe button over here. I’d like to keep on providing you with this kind of help.

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Marketing Personal Development

The Myth That No One Has Money


For this #kTip, we discuss a myth going around about no one having money…

Most recently I had a customer tell me about their business. They were saying that nobody has money, and I believe that to be a myth. I know that we’re going through some hard times but I don’t believe that nobody has funds. And the reason I say that is this: experience. I’ve been doing sales for 25+ years and let me tell you something – there has never been a single customer who has told me they have enough budget. 

Debunking the Myth

Every single customer I’ve ever come across has always said, “Well I don’t really have the budget, can you reduce your price?” Everybody is going to say that they don’t have monetary means right now. If they really don’t have enough dough, then ultimately, we have to find different customers. There are customers out there that do have money. 

A Matter of Finding the Money

So, the reason I want to bring this message to you is to give you the confidence and understanding that there is money out there. You just have to find the customers that have the funds. 

Find out more about marketing strategies at KakVarley.com

Marketing Personal Development

How the Good, Fast, and Cheap Logic Works in Your Favor

Good Fast and Cheap

In the service business, there’s a phrase often referenced that goes like this: “Good, Fast, and Cheap…Which two to do you want?” The concept is that every service offering has those 3 components, and you will only get 2 out of the 3 of those components. 

Imagine this is a game show and you have three buttons to push – Quality, Speed, and Cost. Let’s say you hit the Quality button. That means you can only choose Speed or Cost, not both.

At this point is where people will say to me, “Well, why can’t I get all three?” My reply to that is, “Give me an example where you’ve gotten all three”, and invariably, I will show them that they didn’t truly get all three. To me, if you get all three components, you’ve found a unicorn. And of course, unicorns don’t exist in my world.

Setting Expectations for a Healthier Experience

Regardless if you want to argue the point of only getting 2 out of 3, the real benefits of this logic come around when you enter into a deal or purchase. By choosing the two that are most important to you, you will be able to negotiate a deal and qualify a service provider much better.

You are also reducing your overall stress because you’re not asking a provider to do something that is outside their core competencies. 

When I go into negotiations with any service person, I will go so far as to tell them which one of one of those three are not as important to me. I will say, “I really need a quality job done and have it turned around fast, so I understand that might cost more.” Every time I do that, the experience is so much smoother because it:

  • Shows respect for the services being provided.
  • Comforts the provider in knowing that they can achieve the goals.
  • Eliminates my anxiety because I know I don’t have to micromanage their work.

Wedding Example

Let’s talk about a wedding… Let’s say you just got engaged, so you decide to start looking for a wedding planner. Research, interviews, and proposal gathering ensues…

In the interview process, your Mother (or future Mother-In-Law) states that she is so excited that she wants you to get married sooner than later, which shortens the timeline considerably. You talk it over with your future spouse and agree to her request. By shortening the timeline, you’ve pushed the imaginary Speed button. 

First button pushed…

Now that you have your selection of planners that are available for your proposed (pun intended) wedding date, you start looking at proposals. You talk it over and you pick the cheapest proposal.  You’ve now hit the imaginary Cost button.

Second button pushed…and you can probably guess what happens next… 

You hire the planner but you find out that you’re not really getting the planner you spoke to. Rather, to meet your Cost needs, the planner has assigned a new understudy to your wedding. 

Third button cannot be selected unless you deselect one of the other buttons…

The Good, Fast, and Cheap Secret

I take this ‘good, fast, and cheap’ logic one step further to bring it home for people…

There’s a big secret when it comes to your Quality, Speed, and Cost buttons – they are not equal in power. As it turns out, your Cost button has more power than the other two. Rather than thinking of your Cost button being equal in shape and equidistant to each other, imagine the Cost button being the fulcrum to the other buttons that are on opposite ends of a seesaw.

The Cost button is the dominant driver in what goes on with the other two buttons. When you push the Cost button, one of the other two will not be able to be pushed. It’s as simple as that.

The reason why cost is a dominant factor is because it just is. It always is. In my 50 years of living, and 35+ years in sales, I have yet to have anyone come to me saying they got all the money in the world to spend with me. That just doesn’t happen because that’s how our brains are wired. It’s a behavioral trait in us humans that spans across all cultures of the globe.

It’s no wonder that there’s hundreds of sales negotiation books that teach you how to aim high, knowing full well the customer will aim low. 

So, in the end, we will ALWAYS push the Cost button when we play the services game…

Manifesting Better Outcomes

Remember that, by accepting this ‘Good, Fast and Cheap’ logic, your overall day-to-day business interactions will become far more trouble-free. That, in turn, means less anxiety. Less anxiety leads to better energy. Better energy manifests better outcomes.

Find out more about marketing strategies at KakVarley.com…

Marketing Personal Development

Best Practices When Writing a Blog Post


When it comes to a blog (or blogging), you will hear the phrase “content is king” a lot. They are referring to the fact that people frequently search for content online. Thus, by having your own content online, they are suggesting that people would…

  • Find your content.
  • Consume your content.
  • Discover your business.

Google, of course, influences this because their search engine algorithms focus on content, and they give preference to people creating that content. In other words, they have an insatiable need for content. Without it, searching online wouldn’t be as fruitful.

Thus, content is king…

However, simply putting content into the digital landscape is not enough. In fact, it is a colossal waste of time without a strategy. In order to be discovered, the content must be structured so that the search engines, like Google, can recognize your content as valuable and serve it up to the people searching. This structuring is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

There are many parts to SEO, but in this article, I will focus on the blog post itself. These are best practices that must be followed consistently in order to increase the likelihood of your blogs being discovered online. So here they are…

Keyword or Key Phrase

You need to have a keyword or keyphrase chosen even before you write the blog. If you don’t do that, you’ll find yourself having to rewrite your blog post to meet the parameters of your keyword or key phrase.

That being a fact, I highly suggest that you first come up with the subject matter you want to write about. Then do your keyword research as the very next step. Once the keywords are decided on, you may write the blog entry with those keywords or phrases in mind.

When you write the article, the keyword or key phrase must be in the…

  • Title of the article.
  • Very first sentence.
  • Body of the article (2-5 times depending on the size of the article).
  • One or more of the subheadings.

Blog Subheadings

For ease of reading, break up the body of your blog content with subheadings. The idea is to give the reader breaks on the page. So it’s good to have a subheading for every 250 words.


Once again, it’s best to stay at a 4th-grade reading level and shorter sentences for the ease of reading. This one trips up many writers out there because they would prefer to write at a higher level to look smart. What they are missing is that to keep a reader engaged, writing on a lower reading level is a good idea.

There are exceptions to this rule. If you’re a scientist or a doctor, you will naturally have to write at a higher reading level. Forcing your writing to a lower reading level would only be allowing the ‘tail to wag the dog’ and come off inauthentic. Use your best judgment here. Know your audience.

Active Sentences

There are both active (i.e. ‘you will’) and passive (i.e. ‘you could’) types of sentences. Having your writing be far more active than passive will allow your written voice to be seen as having more confidence. That confidence will gain the trust of the reader.


Linking is an important part of blogging because that’s what ties content together online. Those ties help the Google algorithms recognize the content (if it’s structured correctly) as your web of content builds over time.

At a minimum, you will want to link to something internally (i.e., your own web page and/or an anchor post) and to something externally (referencing someone else’s content).


Always make sure to add a relevant image so that it breaks up the reading for the viewer. It’s also important to make sure you add the keyword or key phrase to the Alt-Text of the image. This is just another part of the keyword building blocks.


Lastly, you should always include a single call-to-action on each post so that people can continue down their digital journey with you.

As you can see, there’s way more to a blog post than people will let on. So the next time somebody wants to tell you “Content is King,” understand that there’s more to the story.

For a free digital assessment, head over to KakVarley.com

We’ll see you back here next time! Thanks so much, and have a great day!

Marketing Personal Development

Marketing Strategies for Businesses in the Digital World

Marketing Strategies

Having marketing strategies is important because they provide direction. Without them, you don’t have a plan and are merely taking shots in the dark to try to hit your target.

All too often I hear about situations like, “I hired this guy to do this [one thing], but nothing never ever came of it.” Does this sound familiar to you?

This happens because you are stuck in “Tactic Land”. This is where a singular action, tool, or solution is used to come to a result. But here’s the thing – a tactic can only provide a finite 1-to-1 result. For example, one tactic could be getting more Instagram followers by following other profiles. The result is that you’ll get more followers. Nothing more, nothing less. And yet, people will consistently think that this tactic will get them something more, like new clients, etc.

It is not to say that tactics are not valuable. In fact, they are crucial. However, it needs to be understood that tactics live inside marketing strategies. They are small actions that are driven by and support a larger strategy. 

Accountability Framework

I’ve spent over a decade testing all kinds of tools, solutions, and different approaches. Much like anyone else, I started with hundreds of tactics and failed at many of them until I realized the problem – I didn’t have a strategy. 

So how did I get a strategy? It all started with an accountability framework I put in place called “Action Consume”. It’s a mere 80/20 model for my marketing practice. It looks like this:

Action – This means that 80% of the time I am doing something. In other words, I am getting things done. I am taking action. Why is this important? All too often, I see people not taking action, which puts them in a circular situation of not getting results. They are asking themselves, “Why aren’t things happening?” The answer is that they are not taking action. It’s as simple as that.

Consume – 20% of the time I do what I call “L3” – Looking, Listening, and Learning. I continually review everything I do in the action category and take my learnings back into the action category as revisions or improvements. I’ll explain more about this later in the article.

You might think this is pretty basic, and yet, it’s hardly ever practiced. Most people live the opposite way, with 80% of a person’s practice spent in a consumption mode and 20% in the action category. I don’t want to dive too heavily into the psychology of why this happens, but it’s mostly based on some kind of fear of failure or unwillingness to do the work that’s required.

The best example of this is all these ‘Doing Sales on LinkedIn’ courses. I have seen a lot of them, and many of them are legitimate. However, people will spend hundreds of dollars on a course like that, until they figure out that it takes a lot of time and effort, and then they give up. They don’t want to be in the 80% action category. They just want to consume, discover a simple tactic, and hope to get rich off it. However, there’s not a lot of consistent luck that happens in “Tactic Land”.

Marketing Strategies Model

Fast forward in time through all my failures and learnings, and now I can confidently say that I have a strategy that works. I call it the “G3L3” model. So let me break it down…

G3 – Give, Gather, Get

G3 is a values-based model that stems from the ‘Why’ part of my business model (more about that in another article). The overall concept applies across all platforms and even into the physical business life. In fact, almost all of this comes from my 35 years of sales experience in the Physical World. What it boils down to is that I’ve essentially brought real-world sales strategies into my online marketing strategies.

Give – This is where you give something to your audience. It mostly comes in the form of valuable information, inspiration, or even entertainment. This is a crucial part of a marketing strategy because you have to understand that people don’t know who you are online. And because of that, people don’t necessarily trust you. You wouldn’t walk up to a person on the street and say, “Hey, buy this!” We all need to get to know somebody before we buy from them. The best way to prove your value is by reaching out your hand with something to give. 

On a ratio level, you should execute this 4 to 5 times more than the following component. Anything less is going to hamper your opportunity to gain the trust of your audience.

Gather – This is where you gather people together by connecting with the community. People forget that Social Media has the word “social” in it. This is a time to connect, share, and give recognition to others. As an example, this can be done by writing an article about another person or business, or by tagging other entities on social media. This tactic provides a stickiness with your community and helps build a larger community by combining audiences.

On a ratio level, you should do this about 2 to 3 times more than this next component…

Get – This is finally where you get to ask for something. It could be asking people to sign up for your newsletter, buying a product, etc. This is essentially where you’re asking someone to take an action from your content.

On a ratio level, this only happens once after the ratios of the ‘Gives’ and ‘Gathers’ have been met.

That said, this strategy doesn’t end here. Because, even as this strategy unfolds, you still need to understand what tactics worked (and didn’t work) within the strategy. And this is where “L3” becomes important…

L3 – Look, Listen, and Learn

L3 is simply Look, Listen, and Learn. It’s the consumption part of the Action Consume Framework.

Peter Drucker said, “If you can’t measure it, it can’t be improved”. 20% of your time should be spent reviewing all that you’ve done so that you can do what worked again, and improve upon what didn’t work. 

Look – Make sure you are backing up all your work with analytics and reporting. If you’re not, you’re shooting in the dark. Analytics and reporting don’t have an agenda. They are your friend in the Digital World. Look at the numbers to find out what is truly going on. I constantly surprise myself by what I see in my own analytics. We all have preconceived notions about what works in our business, but numbers don’t lie. 

Listen – Open up your ears to what the people are saying. In fact, ask your customers for their opinion. Maybe even perform some Persona Development interviews. Whatever it is, always keep your ears open to anything your customers are saying, whether it’s good, bad, or ugly.

Learn – Take everything you consumed in the ‘Look’ and ‘Listen’ components, and apply it back into the ‘G3”.

From here, it’s all about rinsing and repeating these marketing strategies. Follow this framework and model, and I guarantee you much more self-satisfaction in your marketing efforts.

For a free digital assessment, head over to KakVarley.com



Marketing Personal Development

How to Leverage Digital for Sales

Leverage Digital

For this #kTip, we discuss how to leverage digital to help your sales.

Welcome to another #kTip from Kak Varley…

Let us talk about how you can leverage digital for sales. Now, I don’t want to focus on the tools themselves because we kind of already knows the tools, right? Email, social media, etc…

Rather, I’d like to focus on how you can use those tools for your sales. The best way I know how to do that is through a story that was given to me by a friend named Jeffrey Hayzlett. Jeffrey Hayzlett is an accomplished businessman, speaker, author, was the CMO for Kodak, and was a judge on The Celebrity Apprentice.

The Hunt

He once told me a story about how he had wanted to get a speaking engagement with a particular company because he knew that the company paid well for public speakers. So he spent a considerable amount of time trying to get in front of the person that scheduled speakers. But he wasn’t getting anywhere – no replies, stuck in the mud. So he decided to come up with a strategy which looked like this:

He reached out directly to the CEO of the company by email and asked him if he would be considerate enough to do an interview on Jeff’s podcast. The CEO accepted and they did the interview. Jeff didn’t stop there though. He then took that interview and transcribed it into an online release. He then took the link from that online press release and shared it with the CEO by email.

The Catch

The CEO loved it so much that he had it promoted across his company on social media. It was at that time that Jeff got a call from the person that scheduled speakers and ended up getting
a speaking engagement. So he made the sale!

Now I want you to think about that…let’s break it down…

  1. He knew the audience that he wanted to go after.
  2. He did that through a digital tool called email.
  3. He offered him an interview with another digital tool called a podcast.
  4. He took that interview and made it into another digital tool, which is an online release.
  5. Sent it over to the CEO.
  6. The CEO promoted that on another digital tool called social media.

…and so on and so on…

So you can see here that Jeff did not think of digital as being that “other thing”. He didn’t look at it as something mystical. He looked at it as a part of his portfolio in sales. And so he just literally extended his physical sales world into the digital world and used the tools within that to make the sale.
Great story, right?

For a free digital assessment, head over to KakVarley.com

We’ll see you back here next time! Thanks so much and have a great day!

Marketing Personal Development

Website Builder or Custom Website. Which is Best for You?

Website Builder

“What do you think of [insert the name of an online website builder here] websites?”

I could criticize do-it-yourself website offerings, but the reality is that the question above really needs to be answered by another question – “What are you looking to achieve with your website?” There is certainly a place for these website building platforms in the marketplace. It just depends on what you expect that website to do for you.

There are many reasons for having a website for your business. Your needs might be simple or more complex. If you want to put information online for people to reference, then building your own website could do the trick. However, if your goals are to get leads, set up appointments, or have customers to serve themselves online, a custom website is the way to go.

Which kinds of websites are best for you? Here are some comparisons to keep in mind as you research your options:


Data is a crucial part of online marketing. Without it, you will be disappointed in not knowing who your audience is or how to appeal to them. Because of this, custom websites are truly the only way to get proper results. Otherwise, you are just hoping for the best, and hope is not a great strategy. Online website builders offer data but in a very limited sense, and sometimes not the specific data you need for your business.

Community and Support

Custom website platforms are going to have a huge user community and support teams that you can rest on. Remember that the point of a DIY website builder offering is that they don’t really want to have to stand up a big support team. They achieve this by having more of a ‘one-size-fits-all’ business model with pre-built templates.

Customization Abilities

The word “custom” says it all, but when you have an advanced business goal for the website, a custom website is likely the way to go. For instance, I have a client that needed their customers to be able to register warranties online. That is definitely a custom requirement. Website Builder templates are made to be simple, so when you need more functionality (if they have it), you will likely be charged to upgrade that functionality.

Unlimited Pages and Contributors

With a custom website, you can make as many pages as you want and have as many people helping you with it as you need. In the online website builder world, you’ll often be bound to having a limited number of pages and users (unless you pay more).

Own Your Domain and Content

The custom website world has always allowed you to own your domain (i.e. kakvarley.com), and even more importantly, own all the content you put on the website. Conversely, it’s rather common for these website builder platforms to supply a vanity URL (i.e. kakvarley.squarespace.com) which can cause legitimacy concerns, and then require you to electronically sign off on them owning any content you put on the website (claiming they can even do whatever they want with it).

Currencies for eCommerce

This is pretty simple. Custom websites will allow you to sell in different currencies if you sell globally.


Hosting is the place (a server) where your website is housed for public access. Website builder platforms include hosting because they have to supply templates. That would seem like a selling point in terms of consolidation, but not all hosting companies are good. If a hosting service goes down, your website is not available to the public. If you want to move the website to a different hosting company, you will have to rebuild your website from scratch. With custom websites, you can move your website to different hosting companies at will.


Because website builders own the features of your website, you have likely signed their electronic terms and conditions. This means they can pull features away without notice. Furthermore, if you compare the number of features available, take WordPress as an example. They have a massive catalog of features (up to 49,000 plug-ins currently). The online website builder programs are only going to offer just enough features to appeal to a small-sized customer.

Online Presence

Part of the reason you are even online is for people to find you, but how easy is it for people to find you? One of the most popular ways of getting attention online is through SEO (otherwise known as Search Engine Optimization). It is a technical craft that improves search rankings and drives traffic to websites. Do not let website building platforms or hosting companies fool you into thinking they offer SEO until you know what is truly involved. To get a better understanding of what is involved, sign up for this Free SEO Trial.

One Last Note…

I hope that this information helps you choose which website direction you want to take. However, there’s one last point I really need to express. As your business grows, you will likely need a Custom Website anyway. Website Builders are a great way to get a website up quickly at a rather reasonable monthly price. But as soon as your business grows to a point of needing more from a Website Builder, costs will go up and limitations will become apparent. At that point, you’ll be in a position of creating a whole new Custom Website.

We hope you found this valuable. For a free digital assessment, reach out to us at Ask Kak.

#kakapproved #KTip.

Marketing Personal Development

Sales and Marketing Tools – Best-of-Breed Time Savers

Marketing Tools

Online marketing is a technical sport that requires a lot of administration. That said, marketing tools are essential for managing your website and social media. Thankfully there are a lot of solutions out there to help you with your daily tasks. However, deciding which of these solutions to use is the tough part.

Every business is different. Because of this, I cannot recommend the exact marketing tools you need without knowing your business. However, my personal list will at least get you down the right path.

These are the tools that my customers and I use today:

Website Health Check

Diib starts as a free tool that checks the health of your website in terms of industry ranking. Amazingly, it will tell you what your website’s potential revenue earnings should be and what to do to get those earnings. It even provides social media objectives to improve your traffic.

Website Appointment Scheduling

Acuity Scheduling is a product that integrates into your website and allows people to make an appointment with you online. It syncs with your calendar to show people when you are available so they can choose a time that works for them. Once a time is chosen, they will receive a calendar invite, and you will simultaneously have an appointment in your calendar. Voila!

Acuity Scheduling is highly flexible and feature-rich. I recently used this for a website I did for a massage therapist because she wanted to be able to take SOAP notes in the application.


SpyFu is a highly robust tool. It analyzes the SEO of your website, content, advertising, etc. More than that, it has a clever function that allows you to enter a competitor’s website URL and research their SEO. It will show how your competitors rank, the search terms they are using, and how they compare to your own website.

AnswerThePublic collects keywords or keyphrases from Google’s auto-suggestions. Auto-suggestions is what you see when you begin to type in words or phrases into the Google search engine. Simply type in your term or phrase into this tool, and it will give you a report with all the related suggestions, including ranking.

Wordtracker is a keyword research tool that retrieves 1,000’s of profitable long tail keywords with up to 10.000 results per search. Very fast and easy to use.

Social Media Management

SocialPilot is a tool that allows you to post to multiple social media profiles. Not only that, but you can customize your message for each social channel then schedule everything in minutes. Furthermore, they just added the ability to boost posts on Facebook. There are many competitors in this space, but I have picked this one because it offers more social media integrations. More specifically, I like that they support Google My Business (Google’s answer to the retired Google+).

Tailwind is another excellent social media management tool, but it is specific to Instagram and Pinterest. Since IG and Pinterest are image-based based channels, they require different strategies. One of the most delightful features in Tailwind is how they support hashtags. They have a ‘Recently Used Hashtags’ function that will suggest highly-ranked hashtags and allow you to save your hashtags for future posts. Then there is their SmartLoop feature, which is a way for you to repost your most successful posts regularly.

Email and App Management for Multiple Profiles

Shift is an email and app manager for those that have multiple accounts. With this single tool, you house your multiple email accounts, social media profiles, financial solutions, CRM, and more. To my delight, it does NOT consolidate all my accounts into one account. Rather, it puts everything under one house while keeping everything separate. Very clever!

Email Marketing and Automation

ActiveCampaign is one of many email marketing tools out there today. I have chosen to use this tool for a specific functionality – email automation. Imagine someone signing up with you online, and then you can have ActiveCampaign send relevant email communications to them without you having to lift a finger. On top of that, the price is right! It’s only a few dollars a month.

Password Manager

Keeper is a top-rated password manager app and software that allows you to securely keep all your passwords in one place. We can all relate to the massive amount of passwords we have to keep track of on a personal level. Now just imagine what it’s like when you have the added complexity of tracking business passwords. One of the added benefits of Keeper is its browser extension, which automatically signs you in on websites that are in your Keeper Vault.

Royalty-Free Images, Videos & Music

Shutterstock has over 300 million royalty-free images, videos, and music tracks. While it’s always best to create your own visual and audio assets, not everyone wants to take the time necessary to do that. That said, this platform is one of the best in the business.

Envato Elements is your ultimate creative asset subscription. Get unlimited downloads of themes, plugins, graphics, photos, fonts, and more from just $16.50/month. Everything you need for your next project at one low price.

Graphic Design

Canva is a graphic design tool that anyone can use without spending big bucks on Adobe products. I often use this tool to create posts or infographics and publish to all my social media channels. It doesn’t stop there though. You can design and print business cards, flyers, brochures, and more. It’s free to get started, so check it out.

PlaceIt by Envato enables people of all skill sets to make beautiful designs, logos, mockups & videos in seconds. Our selection of design makers means no design skills or software is required to create professional results.


Sellhack is an online email collector. Have you been burned by buying email lists? The problem with lists is that they are old, while LinkedIn has the most up-to-date career information available. Sellhack allows you to pull email addresses from LinkedIn, verify them, and download them into a spreadsheet for use later. With the Google Chrome Extension, it is insanely easy to use.

Outbound Lead Generation

Replyify is a cold email solution. Traditional email marketing systems are for marketing to existing customers or people that have signed up for something on your website. Replyify is specifically made for the sales prospecting part of the business. It plugs into your email client so that the emails are coming directly from you (a person, not from a system). At the same time, you can create different personalized templates and schedule a series of automated emails. Once you’ve set it up, just load up your email list, schedule the times, and let the Replyify do the rest.

GMass is another cold email solution that is solely for Gmail and Google Docs users. This solution is excellent for companies that are boot-strapping. Their free version allows you to mail-merge and personalizes each email to 50 contacts a day. When you’re ready to invest a little money, it will give you unlimited contacts and auto-follow ups.


Grammarly is an excellent tool to check your writing. It checks your grammar, spelling, vocabulary, and punctuation. More than that though, it helps me keep my writing at an easy reading level for better SEO. It plugs into almost anything like your browser or computer and can inspect nearly any platform you are writing in.

Lead Generation & Conversions

Funnelytics is one of the marketing tools that help you plan, launch, and optimize your online marketing funnels. To boot, they provide funnel templates that others have had success with. If you’re a visual learning person, this is the tool for you!


Better Proposals is an online resource to create great-looking electronic proposals. This product has a load of templates you can use, tracks your prospects’ activity with the proposal, and allows for electronic signatures.

I hope you find these marketing tools valuable. For more information, please contact us at KakVarley.com

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