C-Suite Network™

Branding Leadership Marketing

The NBA’s All-Star Weekend Impact from Hoopbus to HBCU Celebration

As the NBA All-Star 2024 festivities unfolded in Indianapolis, the event offered a blend of high-octane basketball, entertainment, and a deeper, more nuanced engagement with the community. While the on-court spectacles captured the imagination of fans worldwide, it was the NBA’s concerted efforts off the court that painted a fuller picture of the league’s commitment to societal impact. While League Assists was not directly involved, the myriad of philanthropic endeavors undertaken around this event mirrors the essence of what we aim to support and foster in future sports philanthropy.

The NBA’s Community Embrace

The All-Star weekend is traditionally a celebration of the sport’s finest talents, but in recent years, it has increasingly become a platform for the NBA to engage in meaningful community outreach. This year, the league, in partnership with Pacers Sports & Entertainment, undertook an ambitious program to host over 50 social impact and youth basketball events across Indianapolis. These efforts aimed at not just leaving a temporary mark but fostering a lasting legacy in the host city.

One notable initiative was the NBA Cares All-Star Legacy Project, which focused on renovating the Christamore House, a beacon for local youth and family services. This project symbolizes the tangible impacts that such events can have on local communities, beyond the ephemeral excitement they generate. More about this initiative can be read on the NBA Cares page.

The HBCU Classic: A Game-Changer

Amid the flurry of activities, the 2024 NBA HBCU Classic stood out as a poignant celebration of the rich heritage and contribution of Historically Black Colleges and Universities to the sport and society at large. This event not only showcased the athletic prowess of students from Virginia Union and Winston-Salem State but also spotlighted the NBA’s broader commitment to diversity, inclusion, and educational empowerment.

The HBCU Classic transcended the boundaries of a mere basketball game, serving as a platform for dialogue on social justice, providing networking opportunities, and contributing financially to HBCU scholarships. It underscored the NBA’s dedication to leveraging its platform for broader societal conversations and changes. Details on the event can be found here.

Grassroots Impact: Hoopbus, The Church, and Beyond

Parallel to the NBA’s large-scale initiatives, grassroots collaborations like those involving Hoopbus, The Church, Electrolicit, and Local Hoops demonstrated the power of local engagement and the ripple effect of small-scale, community-focused efforts. Hoopbus’s visit to The Church, alongside Electrolicit and Local Hoops, showcased an exemplary model of how sports can unite communities, promote health and wellness, and inspire the next generation of athletes.

These initiatives, characterized by their creative approach to community engagement and empowerment, offer a blueprint for how sports can be a catalyst for societal benefit. Through basketball clinics, wellness workshops, and cultural celebrations, these collaborations bridged the gap between the NBA’s global reach and the local community’s needs. The impactful journey of Hoopbus can be explored here.

League Assists: Vision for the Future

At League Assists, we are deeply encouraged by the comprehensive approach to community engagement and the impactful work of collaborations like those seen with Hoopbus and The Church. As an entity positioned at the intersection of sports and social impact, League Assists sees immense potential in these types of initiatives.

The All-Star weekend’s endeavors align with League Assists’ mission to harness the power of sports for community development and social change. There’s a shared belief that while significant strides have been made, there’s still more to be done. Looking ahead, League Assists aims to contribute its strategic expertise and creative philanthropy to similar initiatives, whether at future All-Star events or other sports gatherings, to amplify the impact of these efforts and ensure they leave a lasting legacy.


The NBA All-Star 2024 weekend in Indianapolis served as a powerful reminder of the multifaceted role sports, and specifically basketball, can play in society. From celebrating the historical significance of HBCUs to engaging in grassroots community efforts and setting a stage for organizations like League Assists to envision future collaborations, the event underscored the expansive potential of sports as a vehicle for positive societal impact. As the NBA continues to broaden its court beyond the game, the path forward is ripe with opportunities for deeper, more meaningful engagement with communities across the nation and beyond.

Branding Marketing Strategy

Strategizing Impact: Daniel Gafford’s On-Court Excellence as a Catalyst for Off-Court Initiatives

The acquisition of Daniel Gafford by the Dallas Mavericks represents more than a pivotal moment in his athletic career; it heralds an opportunity for strategic brand and community impact. Gafford’s impressive track record of community service in Washington, coupled with his deep roots in El Dorado, Arkansas, positions him uniquely to leverage his expanding influence and fanbase in Dallas for substantial philanthropic endeavors.

Gafford’s Washington Legacy: A Strategic Foundation for Future Endeavors
In Washington, Daniel Gafford distinguished himself beyond his NBA achievements; he emerged as a foundational figure in community engagement. His recognition with the Dr. E.B. Henderson Team Award underscores a commitment to leveraging sports visibility for tangible community benefits. This groundwork in Washington serves as a strategic base, demonstrating the potential for athletes to drive meaningful change within their communities.

El Dorado: Strengthening Roots with Purposeful Engagement
Gafford’s contributions in El Dorado have already made significant marks, from community events to youth support. The potential for expanding this impact is significant. Strengthening his philanthropic presence in El Dorado through targeted initiatives can serve as a model for athlete-led community development, emphasizing the strategic importance of nurturing connections to one’s roots for broader societal benefit.

Dallas: Expanding Influence Through Community Integration
Gafford’s rapid ascension as a fan favorite in Dallas offers a prime opportunity to extend his influence beyond the basketball court. The city’s dynamic community and established network of charitable organizations provide a fertile ground for initiatives that align with Gafford’s philanthropic vision. Strategic collaborations in areas such as youth mentorship, educational equity, and health underscore a holistic approach to sports philanthropy, emphasizing the role of athletes in catalyzing social progress.

The Strategic Role of Partnerships in Philanthropy
Effective philanthropy for public figures like Gafford relies heavily on the power of strategic partnerships. Collaboration with seasoned entities in the philanthropic sector, like League Assists, can enhance the scope and sustainability of community initiatives. By aligning with organizations that share his vision, Gafford can ensure that his contributions are both impactful and enduring, thereby maximizing the return on investment in community initiatives.

Daniel Gafford’s transition to the Dallas Mavericks, combined with his ongoing connection to El Dorado, underscores a strategic opportunity to redefine the scope of athlete-driven philanthropy. Leveraging his expanding platform in Dallas for community benefit exemplifies a forward-thinking approach to brand and community engagement. As Gafford continues to excel on the court, his potential to drive off-court initiatives offers a compelling case study in the strategic alignment of sports, philanthropy, and brand development.

Branding Investing

Whisky Cask Investment

Whisky Cask Investment Class

Whisky Cask Investment helps achieve your investment goals and structure your wealth management by investing in whisky casks, one of the most secure and fastest-growing asset classes on the market.

Whisky has blossomed into an enormous industry that generates more than £5 billion in annual sales volume. Many manufacturers, distilleries and investors have managed to make great fortunes as the spirit has proliferated around the globe. Now, you have the opportunity to add whisky investments to your portfolio.

but there is so much more; as an executive, we are always looking for ways to set our brand apart. Let’s think out of the box:

Branded Whisky Cask

Whisky is not only a popular investment, but a “HUGE WIN” for client relationships, top customer gifts, sales incentives especially if you BRAND YOUR OWN CASK, use it as an investment and then bottle a PREMIUM WHISKY and YOU LOGO!!! You would be shocked not only at the response but the price once you calculate the cost to carry, investment income, and the GOODWILL in marketing you will get from the marketing opportunity.

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Whisky as an investment class?

Whisky Cask Investment refers to the practice of investing in the ownership of whisky casks with the expectation that the value of the whisky will increase over time as it matures. This type of investment is considered an alternative investment class also know as LifeStyle Investing, outside the traditional categories of stocks, bonds, and real estate. Here’s a deeper look into what it entails:

  1. The Basics: When you invest in whisky casks, you are buying the physical cask of whisky at a certain age, with the anticipation that it will appreciate in value as it ages further. The whisky industry has seen significant growth, and aged whiskies have become more desirable and valuable, making this investment potentially profitable.
  2. Maturation Process: Whisky typically matures in oak casks over several years, and it’s during this aging process that it develops its flavors and character. The length of time whisky is aged can significantly affect its value; generally, the longer the maturation, the more valuable the whisky can become, assuming it’s of good quality and stored correctly.
  3. Market Demand: The demand for rare and aged whisky has been rising, driven by both collectors and consumers. Limited editions, single malts, and whiskies from closed distilleries can fetch high prices. This demand underpins the investment thesis for whisky cask investment.
  4. Risks and Considerations: Like any investment, whisky cask investment carries risks. These include the risk of spoilage, the cost of insurance and storage, potential changes in market demand, and the illiquid nature of the investment. Investors need to do thorough due diligence, considering factors such as the distillery’s reputation, the quality and type of cask, and storage conditions.
  5. Exit Strategy: To realize the investment’s value, the investor will eventually need to sell the cask. This can be done through private sales, auctions, or by bottling the whisky and selling it. The exit strategy should be considered at the outset, as it can affect the overall return on investment.
  6. Regulatory and Tax Considerations: Investors need to be aware of the regulatory environment, including licenses required to own and sell whisky by the cask, and the tax implications in their jurisdiction.

Whisky cask investment offers an interesting opportunity but requires a good understanding of the whisky market, a long-term perspective, and a tolerance for the unique risks associated with this asset class. It’s also wise to consult with financial advisors or investment professionals who have experience with alternative investments to make informed decisions.


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Best Practices Branding Growth

Speaking Engagements – How to Get More

Alright, let’s dive into the world of how to get speaking engagements! Whether you’re an author with a story to tell or a coach with wisdom to share, this is your guide to stepping onto more stages and making an impact with your words.


Public Speaking Engagements in Your Niche

Understanding your specific niche is like having a treasure map. As an author, your niche could be the genre or themes of your books. As a coach, it’s the specific area you help people with. This isn’t just what you do; it’s what sets you apart. Tailor your speaking topics to reflect this unique angle, and you’ll attract engagements that are a perfect fit.

Craft Your Story

People don’t just buy into your knowledge; they buy into your story. Create a compelling narrative about your journey, your challenges, and your victories. This makes you relatable and engaging. As an author, share the behind-the-scenes of your writing process. As a coach, talk about what led you to help others. A good story opens more doors than you might think!

Build a Speaker Profile

Imagine a one-stop-shop showcasing your expertise. Your speaker profile should include your bio, topics, past engagements, testimonials, and a video reel. Make it vibrant, professional, and accessible. Share it on your website, social media, and speaker directories. Think of it as your speaking resume, always ready to impress.

Speaking Engagements Near Me

Start where you are. Local clubs, libraries, and business groups often seek speakers. Visit them as a guest first, get a feel for their vibe, and then offer your expertise. Local engagements are low-hanging fruit waiting to be picked, and they often lead to bigger opportunities through word-of-mouth.

Social Media for Speaking Engagements

Social media isn’t just for memes; it’s a networking powerhouse. Join groups and forums related to your niche. Engage in conversations, offer value, and subtly mention your speaking availability. LinkedIn, in particular, is a goldmine for professional connections. Use these platforms not just to speak but to listen and learn what your audience really needs.

Collaborate and Conquer

Two voices can be louder than one. Partner with other authors or coaches for joint speaking events. This doubles your audience reach and halves your marketing efforts. Collaboration also means sharing insights, which can lead to a richer, more engaging presentation.

Pitch Perfect

Crafting the perfect pitch is an art. Whether you’re reaching out to conference organizers or local clubs, tailor your proposal to their needs. Highlight what you bring to the table and how it benefits their audience. Remember, it’s not about why you want to speak; it’s about why they should want you to speak.

Set Your Stage Online

The digital world is your oyster. Webinars, online workshops, and virtual summits allow you to reach global audiences from the comfort of your home. Platforms like Zoom and WebinarJam make this easier than ever. Plus, online events are often easier to secure and a great way to hone your speaking skills.

How Much Should I Charge for a Speaking Engagement

Determining your fee can feel like walking a tightrope. Start by understanding the going rates in your industry. Consider factors like the event’s size, location, and your own experience. It’s okay to start modestly or even speak for free if the opportunity offers significant exposure or networking. As you grow, so will your fees. Just remember, never undersell your value.

Feedback Frenzy

Every speaking gig is a learning opportunity. Seek feedback from organizers and attendees. What resonated? What could be better? Use this goldmine of information to refine your future talks. Continuous improvement not only makes you a better speaker but also increases your value and demand.

Education Never Ends

The best speakers are perpetual students. Attend workshops, take speaking courses, or hire a coach to hone your skills. Watch TED Talks or other public speaking forums to learn from the pros. The more you learn, the more you grow, and the more attractive you become as a speaker.

Engage, Engage, Engage

Never underestimate the power of engagement. During your talks, interact with your audience, ask questions, and encourage participation. After your talks, connect with attendees on social media or through newsletters. Engagement turns passive listeners into active fans who are more likely to recommend or rebook you.

Chase the Testimonials

Nothing speaks louder than a glowing review. Collect testimonials from every speaking engagement. These golden words are powerful endorsements of your skills and can be the deciding factor for future organizers when choosing between speakers.

Stay in Touch

Networking doesn’t end when the event does. Follow up with organizers and attendees. A simple thank-you email can leave a lasting impression and open doors for future engagements. Remember, in the speaking world, relationships are currency.

Know Your Worth, Show Your Worth

As you gain more experience, your speaking portfolio grows. Update your speaker profile regularly with new topics, testimonials, and videos. Showcasing your growth and success not only boosts your credibility but also justifies increased fees.

Follow the Trends

Stay updated on the latest trends in your niche. Being able to speak on hot topics makes you a desirable choice for organizers looking to offer timely and relevant content to their audience.

Celebrate and Reflect

Last but not least, celebrate every speaking engagement, big or small. Reflect on what went well and what could be improved. Each experience is a step forward in your speaking journey.

Securing speaking engagements is a mix of strategy, skill, and persistence. By understanding your unique value, crafting a compelling narrative, and actively seeking out opportunities, you’re well on your way to becoming a sought-after speaker. So go ahead, step up to the mic, and let the world hear what you have to say!

Branding Marketing

Outsourced Chief Marketing Officer

Outsourced Chief Marketing Officer on the rise, and thinking out of the box

Experiential marketing, also known as engagement marketing, is increasingly recognized as a powerful strategy for brand outreach. This approach focuses on creating immersive, memorable experiences that connect consumers directly with a brand. The rationale behind experiential marketing’s effectiveness and some business case studies can provide insight into why it is considered the future of brand outreach now optimized by top Outsourced Chief Marketing Officers around the world!

Reasons Supporting Experiential Marketing as the Future

  1. Emotional Connection: Experiential marketing creates emotional connections by engaging consumers through interactive, hands-on experiences. This emotional resonance can lead to stronger brand loyalty.
  2. Memorable Impact: Experiences tend to be more memorable than traditional advertising. Memorable brand experiences can lead to word-of-mouth promotion and social media sharing.
  3. Engagement Over Advertisement: Modern consumers, especially younger generations, prefer engaging with brands rather than passively receiving advertising messages. Experiential marketing meets this preference.
  4. Integration with Digital Campaigns: These experiences can be seamlessly integrated with digital marketing campaigns, amplifying the reach through social media sharing and online engagement.
  5. Measurable Impact: With advancements in technology, companies can now more accurately measure the ROI of experiential marketing campaigns through data analytics.

Case Studies

1. Red Bull: Stratos Jump

  • Campaign: Red Bull sponsored Felix Baumgartner’s jump from the stratosphere in 2012.
  • Result: The event was live-streamed on YouTube and watched by millions worldwide, creating a massive buzz and reinforcing Red Bull’s brand image of extreme adventure and sports.

2. Coca-Cola: Share a Coke Campaign

  • Campaign: Coca-Cola replaced its traditional logo with common names on bottles, encouraging consumers to find a bottle with their name or gift one to a friend.
  • Result: This campaign created a personal connection with the brand and led to increased sales, social media sharing, and consumer engagement.

3. IKEA: Sleepovers in Showrooms

  • Campaign: IKEA invited customers to spend a night in their showroom as part of a promotional event.
  • Result: The event generated considerable media attention, enhancing customer engagement and showcasing IKEA’s products in a unique, memorable way.

4. Adobe: Adobe Summit

  • Campaign: Adobe’s annual summit offers a mix of informational sessions, workshops, and networking opportunities for creative professionals.
  • Result: The summit not only educates participants about Adobe products but also fosters a community around the Adobe brand.

5. L.L. Bean: Be an Outsider at Work

  • Campaign: L.L. Bean created outdoor office spaces to encourage people to work outside, aligning with their brand ethos of outdoor activities.
  • Result: The campaign received extensive media coverage, reinforcing the brand’s commitment to outdoor lifestyles and attracting a broader consumer base.


Experiential marketing’s ability to create personal and emotional connections with brands, combined with its potential for wide-reaching impact through social media and word-of-mouth, positions it as a forward-thinking strategy for brand outreach. The successful campaigns of Red Bull, Coca-Cola, IKEA, Adobe, and L.L. Bean illustrate how creating memorable brand experiences can lead to increased engagement, loyalty, and ultimately, business success. As consumers continue to value authenticity and unique experiences, experiential marketing is likely to play an increasingly important role in brand strategies.

Outsourced Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)

An Outsourced Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) is a professional service arrangement where a company hires an external expert to serve as its Chief Marketing Officer on a part-time, temporary, or project basis. This approach can provide businesses with senior-level marketing expertise without the commitment or cost of hiring a full-time executive. Here’s an overview of the role, benefits, and considerations:

Role and Responsibilities

  1. Strategic Planning: Developing and overseeing the implementation of a comprehensive marketing strategy aligned with the company’s business goals.
  2. Brand Management: Establishing and maintaining the company’s brand identity and reputation.
  3. Digital Marketing: Overseeing digital marketing efforts, including social media, SEO, content marketing, and online advertising.
  4. Market Research: Conducting or supervising market research to inform marketing strategies and understand customer preferences and trends.
  5. Product Development and Positioning: Assisting in product development and positioning, ensuring they meet market demands and align with the company’s brand.
  6. Budget Management: Managing the marketing budget and ensuring ROI on marketing investments.
  7. Team Leadership and Coordination: Leading and coordinating internal marketing teams and external agencies.

Benefits of Hiring an Outsourced CMO

  1. Cost-Effective: More affordable than hiring a full-time executive, especially beneficial for small and medium-sized businesses.
  2. Flexibility: The ability to engage the CMO on a part-time, temporary, or project basis according to the company’s needs.
  3. Expertise: Access to experienced professionals with a broad skill set and industry knowledge.
  4. Fresh Perspective: An external CMO can offer new ideas and perspectives that can be invaluable for innovation and problem-solving.
  5. Scalability: The flexibility to scale up or down the marketing efforts as per the business requirements.
  6. Rapid Implementation: An experienced CMO can quickly assess the company’s needs and implement strategies, reducing the learning curve.

Considerations When Hiring an Outsourced CMO

  1. Alignment with Business Goals: Ensure the outsourced CMO understands and aligns with your company’s vision, culture, and objectives.
  2. Experience and Track Record: Evaluate their past experiences, success stories, and the industries they have worked in.
  3. Communication and Collaboration: Effective communication and the ability to collaborate with existing team members are crucial.
  4. Contract and Expectations: Clearly define the terms of engagement, expectations, and deliverables in the contract.
  5. Integration with the Team: Consider how the outsourced CMO will integrate with your existing team and processes.
  6. Long-term Strategy: Ensure that the strategies implemented by the outsourced CMO are sustainable and align with long-term business goals.


An outsourced CMO can be a strategic addition for businesses looking to enhance their marketing efforts without the overhead of a full-time executive. This arrangement allows companies to leverage expert knowledge and skills on a more flexible and cost-effective basis. However, it’s important to carefully select a professional whose experience and approach align with the company’s specific needs and culture.


Branding Marketing News and Politics


A “Call to Action” (CTA) press release is a specific type of press release that not only informs the audience about a newsworthy event, product, or service but also includes a direct appeal or instruction to the reader to take a specific action. This approach is designed to motivate immediate response or engagement from the target audience. Here’s what typically characterizes a Call to Action press release:

Key Elements of a Call to Action Press Release

  1. Newsworthy Content: Like any press release, it should present information that is of interest to the media and its audience, such as a new product launch, a significant company milestone, an upcoming event, or an important announcement.
  2. Clear and Direct CTA: The Call to Action is the most crucial element. It should be clearly defined, compelling, and easy for the reader to act upon. Examples include visiting a website, registering for an event, downloading a resource, or making a purchase.
  3. Strategic Placement: The CTA should be prominently placed, often at the end of the press release, but it can also be integrated within the body of the text for greater emphasis.
  4. Urgency: To prompt immediate action, the CTA often includes elements of urgency or scarcity, such as limited-time offers, exclusive deals, or deadlines.
  5. Relevance and Value: The CTA should be directly related to the content of the press release and offer clear value to the reader. This ensures that the action feels like a natural next step after reading the information.
  6. Persuasive Language: Using persuasive and action-oriented language helps to motivate the reader to respond.

Purpose and Effectiveness

  • Marketing and Promotional Tool: This type of press release is often used as a marketing tool to drive specific customer actions, making it a blend of traditional public relations and direct marketing.
  • Measurable Outcomes: The effectiveness of a Call to Action press release can often be measured more directly than traditional press releases, through metrics like website visits, sign-ups, downloads, or sales.
  • Target Audience Engagement: It’s designed to engage the target audience more interactively, moving them from passive readers to active participants.

Best Practices

  • Alignment with Goals: The CTA should align with the broader marketing and communication goals of the organization.
  • Clarity and Simplicity: The action you want readers to take should be clear and easy to accomplish.
  • Value Proposition: Explain the benefits of taking the action.
  • Follow-up Strategy: Have a plan for following up with those who respond to the CTA.

In summary, a Call to Action press release is a strategic communication tool that goes beyond informing the audience—it actively encourages them to engage in a specific way, thereby serving as an effective bridge between public relations and direct marketing.

Help A Reporter Out

As a business looking to use Call To Action press releases you will need to find a way to help your local or national reporters help you help them. Reporters some times have many deadlines and stories needing supporting validation or an expert to use for their story, and if you help the reporter by providing good content and validation, you helped a reporter out, which may give you not only access to them and their platform but they may work with media outlets that are syndicated and you may get your CALL TO ACTION PRESS RELEASE and story our across their platforms as well. Earnd media is priceless!

Earned Media Value

Earned Media Value (EMV) is a metric used in marketing and public relations to estimate the value of publicity gained through promotional efforts that are not paid media (like advertising) or owned media (like a company’s website or newsletters). It represents the equivalent cost if that exposure had been bought as an advertisement. Here’s a detailed breakdown:

Understanding Earned Media

  1. Definition: Earned media includes any content about a brand that has been created by someone other than the brand itself. This could be press coverage, social media mentions, reviews, blog posts, or any other type of content generated by third parties.
  2. Sources: It typically comes from public relations efforts, word of mouth, organic social media interactions, customer reviews, and other forms of media exposure that a company hasn’t paid for directly.

Calculating Earned Media Value

  1. Approaches: There are various methods to calculate EMV, and the approach can vary based on the type of media and the objectives of the measurement. Common methods include:
    • Advertising Value Equivalency (AVE): Estimating how much it would cost to buy the same amount of space or time in advertising.
    • Social Media Metrics: Using social media analytics, such as the number of shares, likes, or the potential reach of posts.
    • Custom Metrics: Some organizations develop their own formulas based on factors like brand sentiment, depth of engagement, or conversion rates.
  2. Challenges: EMV is a subjective metric and can be challenging to quantify accurately. The true value of earned media often includes intangible benefits like increased brand credibility and consumer trust.

Importance of Earned Media Value

  1. Cost-Effectiveness: Earned media is often seen as more cost-effective than paid advertising since it relies on organic spread and credibility.
  2. Brand Reputation and Trust: Earned media can significantly enhance brand reputation, as it often comes from credible third-party sources.
  3. Measuring ROI: EMV helps in estimating the return on investment (ROI) for public relations and other non-paid media efforts.
  4. Strategic Planning: Understanding EMV can guide marketing and communication strategies, showing where efforts are most effective.


  • Not a Precise Science: Calculating EMV accurately is challenging, as it’s hard to assign a dollar value to metrics like consumer trust or brand reputation.
  • Varied Interpretations: Different organizations may use different methods to calculate EMV, making comparisons difficult.

In summary, Earned Media Value is a useful tool for gauging the effectiveness of public relations and other non-paid promotional activities. It helps in understanding the value of organic and third-party endorsements in terms of potential advertising costs. However, it’s important to use EMV as part of a broader set of metrics and understand its subjective nature.

Even though it is not a precise science, earned media management companies and consultants have connections and access to those who write the stories, and can help you get placement in their sphere of influence, providing HUGE VALUE to your Call TO Action Press Release. You may also have such an important CTA that direct pitching may be the route you need to take for your media and press success!

Direct Pitching Service, Consultants and Companies

Direct pitching in the context of public relations, marketing, and media relations refers to the process of directly contacting journalists, editors, bloggers, influencers, or media outlets to propose a story idea, product, event, or piece of content. It’s a targeted approach to gain media coverage or publicity. Here’s an overview of the process and key considerations:

Key Components of Direct Pitching

  1. Targeted Outreach: Identifying and reaching out to specific individuals or media outlets that align with your story, audience, or brand.
  2. Personalized Communication: Crafting a personalized message for each recipient, highlighting the relevance and value of your story to their audience.
  3. Press Release or Media Kit: Providing a well-written press release or a comprehensive media kit that includes all necessary information about the story, product, or event.
  4. Follow-Up: Following up with the contacts to ensure they received the pitch and to address any questions or additional information they might need.

Effective Strategies for Direct Pitching

  1. Research: Understand the media outlet, the type of content they publish, and the interests of their audience. Know the journalist’s or influencer’s beat and previous work.
  2. Relevance: Ensure that your pitch is relevant to the recipient’s area of coverage. Tailor the pitch to show how it fits their audience’s interests.
  3. Clear and Concise Message: Keep your pitch concise and to the point. Clearly state why your story is important and what makes it unique or newsworthy.
  4. Timeliness: Align your pitch with current trends, events, or news cycles when applicable.
  5. Building Relationships: Foster ongoing relationships with media professionals, rather than reaching out only when you need coverage.
  6. Professionalism and Courtesy: Be respectful of the recipient’s time and deadlines. Be professional in all communications.
  7. Multimedia Elements: Include high-quality images, videos, or graphics if they enhance your story and are relevant to the outlet’s format.
  8. Exclusivity: Sometimes offering an exclusive story to a particular journalist or outlet can increase your chances of getting coverage.
  9. Follow-Up Respectfully: If you don’t get a response, a respectful follow-up can be effective, but avoid being overly persistent.

Common Challenges

  • Getting Noticed: Due to the high volume of pitches media professionals receive, standing out can be challenging.
  • Rejection or No Response: Not all pitches will be successful. It’s important to be prepared for rejections or no responses.


  • Public Relations: Used by PR professionals to get coverage for their clients.
  • Marketing: To promote products, services, or events.
  • Startups and Small Businesses: For gaining visibility and reaching a wider audience.

Direct pitching is a key tool in the arsenal of public relations and marketing professionals. It requires skill in crafting a compelling message, understanding the media landscape, and building professional relationships. When done effectively, it can lead to significant media coverage and contribute greatly to a brand’s visibility and credibility.

Branding Economics Networking

Guarding Your Professional Reputation: How to Spot Fake LinkedIn Invitations


Aesop’s age-old wisdom, “A man is known by the company he keeps,” has renewed significance in today’s digital age where LinkedIn is the key platform for professional networking. As noted by Porter Gale, “Your network is your net worth.” An appropriate set of connections on LinkedIn can play a central role in shaping your professional success and reputation. What connections you make is deserving of your attention.

The Importance of Discerning Connections

In a recent encounter shared by my business coach, Kathleen Caldwell, founder of the C-Suite Network’s Women’s Coaching & Consulting Council™ and the Women’s Success Accelerator™, an interaction on LinkedIn raised a red flag. In response to one of Kathleen’s posts, the person wrote, “I saw your post!” and expressed interest in connecting and receiving information about Kathleen’s coaching services. Before replying, Kathleen visited the person’s profile and found their Activity section was filled with the identical message to many coaches. Something seemed amiss. Wisely, Kathleen did not engage. This incident reminds us that our network should consist of individuals we’d proudly associate with, requiring a deliberate and discerning approach to connection requests.

Malicious Invitations and Cybercrime

Your LinkedIn account holds more value than you might realize. Your online reputation and connections are valuable business assets, and not everyone deserves to be in your network. Some people requesting to connect may have malicious intent. In particular, according to the FBI, investment fraudsters pose a “significant threat” to LinkedIn. CNBC reported in 2022 that users around the country lost small fortunes after connecting with someone on LinkedIn who they believed was giving them sound financial advice.

In August 2023, the cybersecurity community began to notice and document an alarming uptick in the hijacking of LinkedIn accounts. This is of concern because cybercriminals can exploit your online identity and reputation to engineer advanced phishing campaigns that target your trusted business connections. This manipulation can lead to severe consequences, damaging your professional reputation and causing harm to your connections.

The Rise and Risks of Fake Profiles

LinkedIn reported that in 2021, it removed more than 32 million fake accounts from its platforms, with its automated defenses stopping 96% of all fake accounts. That year, members reported an additional 127,000 fake profiles that were removed. Fake profiles can expose you to scams and put your own profile and network at risk.

What should you do when invited to connect?

Always vet the profiles of people before accepting (or sending) a connection request. Ask yourself whether you and the other person can add value to each other. If a person requesting to connect is not a good fit for your network, don’t connect. No further investigation is needed.

But, if you are considering connecting, thoroughly examine the profile to assure yourself that it is authentic. Here are two simple steps to follow:

Step 1:  Ask these questions as you read the profile:

  • Does the quality of the text match the headline that attracted you?
  • Are there significant grammatical and spelling errors?
  • Is the job title progression unlikely?
  • Does there seem to be a mismatch between education level and job titles?
  • Are there inconsistencies in dates and locations?
  • Are sections missing?
  • Was the profile created recently?
  • Is the number of connections extremely low?

Step 2:  Check Their Activity Section and Photo

Check their Activity section. Is it empty? If not, do responses seem authentic? Does the photo look fake? Does it look like a model? Does the pose look unusual (for example, is the person sitting in a car)? Don’t connect with a person who has used a logo or other image in place of the headshot.

If you want to dig deeper: verify the photo.

Many fake profiles use headshots available on the Internet. Here’s how to definitively check this out. Save the profile photo to your desktop. Submit the image to Google Images or TinEye and see what they return. I’ve identified and reported many fake profiles over the years using reverse image searches that revealed the same headshot used for multiple names across multiple platforms.

What to Do if You Suspect a Fake Profile

If you have reason to suspect that the profile is not genuine, report the profile to LinkedIn by clicking on the three dots in the upper right corner. LinkedIn takes feedback seriously: they will investigate, and if they concur, they will take action.

Additional Good  Practices for Safe Online Reputation Management

  • Don’t click on suspicious links or document attachments.
  • If something sounds too good to be true (job offer, financial advice, etc.), it probably is. Steer clear.
  • Don’t respond to requests for personal information. Be suspicious if someone with whom you’ve been interacting asks to move the conversation to another app or channel.
  • If you get unsolicited messages purporting to be LinkedIn Help, take a screenshot and report that to LinkedIn. LinkedIn Help staff will never charge you for help and will never ask for your login credentials
  • Use a strong LinkedIn password and implement two-factor verification.


In a world where online reputation holds immense value, executives must prioritize safeguarding their professional image. By staying vigilant, employing discernment, and taking proactive security measures, professionals can navigate LinkedIn’s vast network with confidence, ensuring their digital presence aligns with their esteemed offline reputation. Stay safe and protect your valuable online reputation.


If you’re seeking support with personal branding and LinkedIn, visit my website for tailored assistance. I offer an affordable online course and an award-winning book. Additionally, senior leaders can benefit from personalized executive brand coaching and done-for-you profiles.

With over a decade of experience, I’ve assisted numerous C-level and senior executive clients in leveraging LinkedIn to initiate conversations, impress customers, and make impactful introductions. Recognized by The American Reporter as one of the Top 6 Personal Branding Experts, I’ve authored a #1 best-selling book, LinkedIn for the Savvy Executive-2nd Edition. It has earned BookAuthority’s Best LinkedIn Books of All Time award, gold status in two categories from the International Book Awards, and a spot among the Top 100+ Best Business Books by The C-Suite Network.

Let me guide you in exploring your brand pillars, crafting your brand story, and effectively using this essential business tool.

Conduct your due diligence on my website and LinkedIn profile, then reach out for a complimentary Executive Discovery Call.

Branding Growth

How much does a fractional CMO cost?

Fractional CMO Cost
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The cost of hiring a fractional Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) can vary widely depending on several factors, such as the size of your company, the industry you’re in, the experience level of the CMO, and the specific demands of the role. Here are some general guidelines:

  1. Hourly or Day Rates: Fractional CMOs often charge on an hourly or day-rate basis. Rates can range from $200 to $1500 per hour, or even higher for highly experienced CMOs.
  2. Monthly Retainer: Some fractional CMOs may work on a monthly retainer basis, which could range from $5,000 to $30,000 per month or more, depending on the scope of work and the size of the business. (Many come with their own teams, technologies, Contacts and opportunities)
  3. Project-Based Fees: For specific projects, a fractional CMO might charge a flat fee. This can vary greatly depending on the complexity and duration of the project but typically, you will get more from a fractional CMO who has their own team and success than you will from a single in-house team member ESPECIALLY if you include soft costs like rent and computers, as well as benefits, management and related employee expenses!
  4. Experience and Expertise: The cost can also be influenced by the CMO’s level of experience and expertise, particularly if they have a proven track record of success in your industry.
  5. Scope of Work: The broader the scope of work (e.g., strategic planning, team leadership, execution of marketing campaigns), the higher the cost is likely to be.
  6. Company Size and Needs: Larger companies or those with more complex marketing needs may require a more experienced CMO and thus incur higher costs.
  7. Geographical Location: Location can influence rates, with CMOs in major metropolitan areas often charging more than those in smaller cities or rural areas. (MOST CMOs require the company to pay travel, expenses and related costs associated with the project) some however charge a higher retainer and handle that expense, so make sure you know your options and budget accordingly.
  8. Market Demand: The demand for CMO services in your specific market can also affect the cost.

It’s important to clearly define the scope of work and expectations when engaging a fractional CMO to ensure that you get the best value for your investment. Remember to compare the cost against the potential value and return on investment that a skilled marketing executive could bring to your business.


Setting the groundwork, expectations, and goals upfront with a fractional Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) is crucial for several reasons, particularly to minimize project or scope bleed and frustration. Here are the key reasons, along with examples:

  1. Clear Scope of Work: Establishing a clear scope of work ensures that both parties understand what is expected. This minimizes the risk of scope creep, where additional tasks are added gradually without proper planning or budget adjustments.
    • Example: If a company hires a fractional CMO to develop a marketing strategy but does not specify the scope, the CMO might end up handling operational tasks like managing social media accounts, which were not part of the initial agreement. This leads to additional work without clear boundaries or compensation.
  2. Defined Goals and Objectives: Clear goals and objectives help in aligning the CMO’s efforts with the company’s overall strategy and desired outcomes. This prevents misaligned efforts and ensures that the CMO’s work directly contributes to the company’s success.
    • Example: A business aiming to increase its online presence needs to communicate this goal to the fractional CMO. Without this clarity, the CMO might focus more on traditional marketing methods, leading to suboptimal use of resources and time.
  3. Budget Management: Clear communication about the budget upfront helps in managing financial resources effectively and prevents unexpected expenses.
    • Example: A fractional CMO working without a defined budget may invest in high-cost marketing channels, causing financial strain on the company. Setting a budget at the outset would guide the CMO to choose more cost-effective strategies.
  4. Timeframe and Deadlines: Setting clear timeframes and deadlines ensures that marketing initiatives are aligned with business timelines, such as product launches or seasonal peaks.
    • Example: If a company plans to launch a new product in six months, the fractional CMO needs to know this deadline to align the marketing strategy accordingly. Without this information, marketing efforts might not be synchronized with the product launch.
  5. Performance Metrics: Establishing performance metrics upfront allows for the measurement of the CMO’s impact and ensures accountability.
    • Example: If the goal is to increase website traffic by 30% within a quarter, this metric should be communicated to the fractional CMO. Without such specific metrics, assessing the CMO’s performance becomes subjective and potentially contentious.


    Creating a checklist in a table format can be an efficient way to organize and track the important aspects of hiring a CMO for consulting companies and firms. Here’s a structured checklist:

    Checklist Item Description/Details Notes/Comments
    Define Business Needs Identify specific marketing goals, challenges, and the role a CMO will play in addressing these. Tailor this to the unique needs and scale of your business.
    Establish Budget Determine the budget for the CMO role, including salary, bonuses, and other compensation. Ensure it aligns with industry standards and company capabilities.
    Create a Job Description Draft a detailed job description including responsibilities, qualifications, experience level, and expectations. Make it clear and comprehensive to attract suitable candidates.
    Search for Candidates Utilize various channels like LinkedIn, industry events, and recruitment agencies to find candidates. Look for candidates with relevant experience in similar industries.
    Review Backgrounds Check candidates’ educational qualifications, work history, and track record in marketing leadership roles. Focus on relevant experience and proven success in similar roles.
    Conduct Interviews Schedule and conduct thorough interviews with potential candidates. Include scenario-based questions to gauge practical skills.
    Assess Skills and Fit Evaluate candidates’ strategic thinking, leadership, and cultural fit with your company. Consider personality tests or work simulations if applicable.
    Check References Contact former employers or clients to verify candidates’ experiences and performance. Focus on feedback related to leadership and marketing success.
    Negotiate Terms Discuss and finalize the terms of employment including salary, benefits, and work arrangements. Ensure both parties are clear and agreeable to the terms.
    Onboarding Plan Develop an onboarding plan to integrate the CMO into the company effectively. Include introductions to key team members and training on systems.
    Set Performance Metrics Agree on performance indicators to evaluate the CMO’s impact on business goals. Ensure these are realistic, measurable, and aligned with business objectives.
    Regular Review Meetings Plan for regular check-ins and review meetings to assess progress and address any concerns. Helps in maintaining alignment and adjusting strategies as necessary.

    This checklist provides a structured approach to hiring a CMO for consulting companies and firms, ensuring all critical aspects are considered and addressed throughout the hiring process.

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Outsourced Managed Service Provider Checklist

Branding Marketing Networking

Dressing for Success: Navigating Conference Attire in the Post-COVID Era

In the era following the COVID-19 pandemic, the professional world is witnessing a notable shift in dress codes, particularly evident in conference settings. While remote work allowed for a more relaxed approach to attire, the return to in-person events calls for a reevaluation of what constitutes appropriate and professional clothing. This shift, however, doesn’t necessarily mean a return to the stiff, formal wear of pre-pandemic times. This article aims to guide professionals in selecting conference attire that balances the need for professionalism with the comfort we’ve grown to appreciate.


What is Appropriate to Wear to a Conference

The transition from home offices to conference rooms brings with it the challenge of leaving behind the ultra-casual wear synonymous with remote work. The convenience and comfort of loungewear, while suitable for home, might not convey the right message in a professional setting. As we step back into the world of conferences and face-to-face meetings, there’s an opportunity to redefine professional attire in a way that respects both the traditional norms of business apparel and the contemporary desire for comfort and personal expression.


As professionals across various industries prepare for more in-person interactions, there is a palpable sense of redefining what professional attire looks like in this new era. The goal is to strike a balance—clothes that are not only visually appealing and suitable for professional settings but also provide the ease and comfort that have become so valuable in recent times. This guide will delve into how to make smart, comfortable, and professional choices for your conference wardrobe, ensuring you’re ready to make a positive and lasting impression in any professional gathering.


Moving Beyond Casual Work-from-Home Attire

The pandemic era’s work-from-home model significantly altered perceptions of professional attire, with many adopting a more relaxed approach to dressing. As we pivot back to in-person events such as conferences, the need to transition away from casual home wear becomes evident. The challenge lies in finding a middle ground—professional attire that moves away from the informality of loungewear without reverting to the overly formal and often uncomfortable pre-pandemic styles.


The psychological impact of dressing for the occasion is profound. Clothing choices can influence your mindset, affecting confidence and performance. In a conference setting, where networking and professional impressions are key, attire plays a crucial role. A suit or a well-chosen business casual outfit can project authority and professionalism, helping to create a positive first impression. This doesn’t imply a return to rigid, uncomfortable clothing, but a move towards smart, well-fitted attire that reflects a professional demeanor.


Transitioning to conference-appropriate attire requires a mindset shift. It involves recognizing that what you wear impacts not only how others perceive you but also how you perceive yourself. Dressing professionally for a conference can boost self-esteem and influence your interactions, making you more approachable and engaging. The key is to build a wardrobe that feels authentic to your style while adhering to professional standards. This balance will ensure you feel confident and comfortable as you navigate the conference circuit.


Comfort Meets Professionalism

The ideal conference attire combines comfort with professionalism. The secret lies in selecting the right fabrics and styles that offer flexibility and a polished look. Materials like cotton blends, light wool, and soft synthetics provide breathability and movement, key for long hours spent at conferences. For example, chinos and dress pants with elastane offer a smart look without restricting movement, while for women, shift dresses or skirts in flexible fabrics can be both stylish and comfortable.


The fit of your clothing is just as important as the fabric. Tailored clothing that skims the body offers a professional look while allowing freedom of movement. For men, this might mean opting for shirts with a bit of stretch or suit jackets designed for mobility. Women can explore tailored blazers that are cinched at the waist for a flattering yet comfortable fit. The idea is to move away from anything that feels restrictive, allowing you to focus on the event rather than adjusting your clothing.


In addition to fit and fabric, layering can be a strategic approach to conference attire. Layering allows for adaptability in varying conference environments, from chilly conference rooms to warmer networking settings. Men can layer a smart v-neck sweater over a dress shirt, while women might pair a lightweight cardigan with a blouse. These layers not only add to the outfit’s aesthetic but also provide practical comfort throughout the day.


The Role of Color in Conference Attire

Color plays a significant role in professional attire, especially in a conference setting where making a good impression is crucial. Colors not only affect how others perceive you but also can influence your own mood and confidence. For instance, blues are often associated with trust and competence, making them a solid choice for business settings. Greens can convey a sense of calm and balance, suitable for environments where you want to appear approachable and thoughtful.


However, it’s essential to consider the context of the conference when choosing colors. Creative industries might appreciate more vibrant colors, which can reflect creativity and originality. In more conservative fields, traditional colors like navy, gray, and black are usually preferred as they convey a sense of seriousness and professionalism. Women might consider adding a pop of color with a scarf or a statement piece of jewelry, while men can do so with ties or pocket squares, allowing a bit of personality to shine through.


When selecting colors, also consider the season and location of the conference. Lighter, softer colors may be more appropriate for spring and summer events, while darker, richer tones suit autumn and winter gatherings. Additionally, the lighting of the conference venue can affect how colors look; bright indoor lighting can enhance certain colors and wash out others. Ultimately, the goal is to choose colors that enhance your natural features, boost your confidence, and fit the conference’s overall tone.


Accessorizing and Final Touches

Accessories are the elements that can complete and elevate your conference attire. The right accessories should complement your outfit without overshadowing it. For men, a classic watch or a pair of sophisticated cufflinks can add a touch of elegance. Women might consider a statement necklace or a tasteful handbag to add a unique touch to their ensemble. The key is to choose accessories that are subtle and professional, enhancing your outfit rather than dominating it.


Footwear is an integral part of your conference attire, requiring a careful balance between style and comfort. For men, well-polished, comfortable dress shoes can complement a suit perfectly. Women might consider stylish yet comfortable options like block heels or sleek flats. Always choose shoes that you can comfortably walk and stand in for extended periods. Additionally, consider the event’s venue when selecting shoes; outdoor conferences might require more durable footwear compared to indoor events.


Lastly, personal grooming and attention to detail can significantly impact your overall appearance. Ensure your clothes are neatly pressed and fit well. Pay attention to personal grooming, including hair styling and subtle makeup for women, as these elements contribute to a polished and professional appearance. Remember, your goal is to present yourself in the best possible light, showing attention to detail and a sense of pride in your professional image.


As we navigate the post-pandemic professional landscape, redefining conference attire is an opportunity to blend the comfort we’ve become accustomed to with the professionalism required in face-to-face interactions. The right outfit can not only enhance your confidence but also positively influence how you are perceived in a professional setting. Dressing for success in today’s world means choosing comfortable attire, suits your personal style, and meets the expectations of the professional environment. As you prepare for upcoming conferences, consider these guidelines to create a wardrobe that is both stylish and functional, ensuring you are ready to make a positive impact in any professional gathering. The new era of conference attire is here, offering a perfect blend of style, comfort, and professionalism. And if you need a refresher of how to do proper business introductions, check out this previous blog. 


Transform Your Professional Image and Achieve Remarkable Returns with Sheila Anderson’s Expertise

In the dynamic world of professional branding, the concept of “Return on Image®” is pivotal. Your appearance and personal style are not just about aesthetics; they’re strategic tools that can significantly impact your professional success and influence. Recognizing this, Sheila Anderson specializes in empowering entrepreneurs like you to create a signature style that amplifies your personal brand and delivers a tangible Return on Image®.

Whether you’re looking to make a bold statement in your industry or seeking a subtle yet impactful visual transformation, Sheila is the expert you need. By aligning your external appearance with your professional objectives, she ensures that your visual identity not only reflects your personal brand but also enhances your market presence and credibility.

Don’t let your image be an afterthought. Reach out to Sheila at sheila@imagepowerplay.com and explore how a refined and tailored personal style can be a game-changer for your career and business. Ready to take the first step towards a powerful image transformation? Schedule a 20-minute exploratory call with Sheila today and unlock the potential of a strategic and impactful personal brand.

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Embrace the power of a transformative image and experience the remarkable Return on Image® it can bring to your professional journey.

Branding Growth Marketing

The Most Incredible Free Gift Ever – A Keystone of Contemporary Brand Strategy

The MIFGE, far from being a mere promotional ploy, embodies a holistic and strategic approach to brand building and customer relations. When wielded with precision and care, it is a multidimensional tool that can redefine the landscape of consumer engagement and brand loyalty. Each of the ten tenets discussed—capturing attention, creating perceived value, enhancing brand image, encouraging trials and samples, fueling word-of-mouth marketing, facilitating data collection and leads, inspiring immediate action, setting high benchmarks, and demonstrating confidence—interlock to form a comprehensive framework for sustained market relevance and dominance.
Implementing a MIFGE is a clarion call to the marketplace that heralds a brand’s commitment to excellence. It serves as a magnetic force that attracts customers and retains them through the superior quality and value inherent in the brand’s offerings. A MIFGE positions a brand not as a mere participant in the market but as a leader, setting the pace and direction for others to follow. It challenges competitors to rise to a new standard and inspires customers to reimagine what they can expect from a brand.
Moreover, a MIFGE is a testament to a brand’s confidence—a contagious confidence that fosters a robust and loyal customer base that feels understood, valued, and appreciated. This loyalty translates into a competitive edge that is difficult to replicate. The brand that offers a MIFGE stands out in the present and invests in its future, creating memorable experiences that customers carry with them.
In this rapidly evolving commercial environment, a MIFGE is not just an advantage but a necessity. It embodies a brand’s promise to its customers that goes beyond transactions and enters the realm of relationships. By delivering something truly irresistible and memorable, a brand ensures that it remains etched in the consciousness of its customers, continually reinforcing its position as the only logical choice amidst a plethora of alternatives.
In conclusion, the MIFGE is a dynamic cornerstone in modern branding and marketing architecture. It is a bold statement, a strategic initiative, and a profound commitment to the customer—a beacon that shines brightly, guiding them to a brand that understands their desires and exceeds their expectations. In the sea of competitors, the brand that effectively utilizes the power of a MIFGE does not just navigate the waters but sets sail to new horizons of customer delight and brand success.