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New Mom Must – Haves and Effective Parenting Strategies: A Guide to Navigating Parenthood

Taking care of yourself as a new mom and adjusting to your new role can be both exciting and challenging. With so many changes happening, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed or unsure of what to do next. However, having a support system and the right tools and knowledge can help you navigate this transition with more ease and confidence. By the end, we will cover some essential must-haves for new moms, how to support a new mom, and effective parenting strategies for new parents.

Understanding My Emotional Needs

As a new mom, it is essential to prioritize your emotional well-being. You may feel overwhelmed or anxious at times, but it is crucial to recognize these feelings and address them. Here are some tips on how to take care of yourself emotionally:

  • Rest whenever you can and accept help when it’s offered
  • Eat nutritious meals and stay hydrated
  • Connect with other new moms for support and advice
  • Take care of your physical and emotional health

By focusing on self-care, you can take care of your baby more effectively.

Must-Haves for New Moms

Having the right tools and items can make your life easier as you care for your new baby. Here are some must-haves:

  • Diapers and wipes
  • Baby clothes and blankets
  • Nursing bras and breast pads (if breastfeeding)
  • Bottles and formula (if bottle-feeding)
  • Baby carrier or sling
  • Baby monitor
  • Changing table or mat
  • Stroller or baby carrier

Preparing for the baby’s arrival can also make the transition easier. Set up a nursery or designated space for the baby, create a registry, stock up on essentials in advance, and prepare meals in advance or arrange for meal delivery.

Supporting a New Mom

As a partner, family member, or friend, supporting a new mom can make a big difference during this exciting but challenging time. Here are some ways to offer support:

  • Understand that new moms may feel overwhelmed or anxious
  • Listen and offer encouragement
  • Help identify and address any feelings of guilt or inadequacy
  • Offer to help with household chores or running errands
  • Bring over a meal or offer to cook
  • Provide a listening ear and offer advice if asked
  • Offer to watch the baby so the new mom can have a break
  • Remind her of her strengths and abilities
  • Validate her feelings and experiences
  • Help her connect with other new moms for additional support

Effective Parenting Strategies for New Parents

As new parents, it’s normal to feel uncertain about how to best support your child’s development. Here are some effective parenting strategies to help you navigate this exciting but challenging time:

  • Focus on finding solutions rather than dwelling on problems
  • Cultivate a positive mindset and focus on what’s going well
  • Acknowledge what’s working well and build on it
  • Identify areas for improvement and set goals for positive change
  • Use positive reinforcement to encourage desired behaviors
  • Set clear expectations and boundaries
  • Use natural consequences for misbehavior
  • Reframe negative behaviors by focusing on positive alternatives
  • Use a guidance approach to parenting that emphasizes problem-solving and collaboration
  • Practice assertiveness and set clear expectations while respecting your child’s needs and feelings
  • Encourage self-regulation and self-motivation in your child
  • Use stress-reducing techniques like mindfulness or exercise
  • Create a peaceful and supportive home environment

Additionally, it’s important to note that every family is different and what works for one family may not work for another. As a new parent, it’s okay to experiment with different strategies and find what works best for you and your child.

Another crucial aspect of effective parenting is establishing a routine and structure for your child. A consistent routine can provide a sense of stability and predictability for your child, which can be especially important during times of change or transition. This can include setting regular bedtimes and meal times, establishing a daily schedule for activities, and creating a designated space for playtime.

It’s also important to foster a positive and nurturing environment for your child. This can include providing praise and encouragement for their accomplishments, expressing love and affection, and creating opportunities for bonding and quality time together. Remember that children thrive in environments where they feel safe, supported, and loved.

By implementing these effective parenting strategies, you can raise confident and resilient children while reducing stress in your household.

Becoming a new mom is an exciting and challenging time, but with the right support and effective parenting strategies, you can navigate this transition with more ease and confidence. By prioritizing your emotional well-being, having the right tools and items, and seeking support from others, you can take care of your baby more.

Love and Blessings,


P.S.: Looking for more weekly guidance? Join me in my private Facebook group for tips every Tuesday!

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Is Your Small Business Ready to Franchise? . . . A Checklist of Basic Considerations

Many owners of small to medium-sized businesses dream of turning their companies into franchises, and with good reason. Becoming a franchise could let your company expand rapidly into new regions, become a nationally recognized brand, increase your bottom line, and offer other meaningful returns.

But the reality is, not all companies are ready to transition and become franchises. Another reality is that a number of companies try to become franchises but fail in that attempt because they are not prepared.

With that said, what are some of the basic assets you should have in place before you try to franchise your business? Here is a checklist for you to review.

Do you have the following?

  • A proven business model – You should have a proven business model – preferably one that has been successful in multiple locations. If you do, you have a business model that can be replicated in different markets.
  • Strong profits and financial stability – If your company is not performing strongly, don’t expect a franchise structure to cure that problem. Your company should have a strong financial track record with positive cash flow and a healthy balance sheet. This will provide potential franchisees with confidence that they will succeed.
  • Brand recognition – A well differentiated brand is a big consideration. A strong brand is essential for a successful franchise system. Your company should have established brand recognition that can continue to expand.
  • A well-defined customer base – Do you know who your customers are and why they buy from you? If you don’t, you will have a difficult time supporting your franchises as they attract new customers and repeat business.
  • Excellent training – Work with a training development company and create excellent training programs before you start to sell franchises. When prospective franchise owners see that you will train them in all aspects of running your franchise, they will have greater confidence because they will see you are invested in their success.
  • Committed leadership and management teams – The company should have strong leaders who are committed to the success of the franchise system. These executives should have a clear vision for the future of the company and the franchise system.

And Remember, You Can’t Do It All!

Yes, you built your business, and nobody knows it as well as you do. But please be modest enough to accept the fact that you might not personally have all the knowledge that your new franchise will need to succeed. I would encourage you to bring in a franchise consultant – if not permanently, for at least long enough to get your new franchise off to a strong start. And build a top franchise management team that brings you all the legal, business, accounting, supply chain, marketing, and technology knowledge you need to be stronger than your competitors in the marketplace.

Getting the expertise you need can make your franchise a stunning success on the franchising landscape.

Evan Hackel, Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker, Podcaster

As author, speaker and Evan Hackel has been instrumental in launching more than 20 businesses and has managed a portfolio of brands with systemwide sales of more than $5 billion. He is the creator of Ingaged Leadership, is author of the book Ingaging Leadership Meets the Younger Generation and is a thought leader in the fields of leadership and success.

Evan is the CEO of Ingage Consulting, Delta Payment Systems, and an advisor to The Learning Network (formerly Tortal Training). Reach Evan at ehackel@ingage.net, 781-820 7609 or visit www.evanhackelspeaks.com

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Revolutionize Your Marketing Strategy: The Top Email Marketing Software platforms of the Year



As a business, email marketing is an essential tool to reach out to prospects, build relationships, and generate leads. With numerous email marketing platforms available, it can be challenging to determine which one is best suited for your business.

In this article, we will discuss the top email marketing platforms for B2B businesses.


What is B2B Email Marketing?

B2B email marketing is the process of sending promotional messages via email to businesses or individuals who work in businesses. The goal of B2B email marketing is to create awareness, generate leads, and build relationships with prospects that may eventually convert into customers.


Why is Email Marketing Important for B2B Businesses?

Email marketing is a cost-effective way to reach out to prospects, build relationships, and generate leads. It is estimated that for every $1 spent on email marketing, businesses can expect an average return of $42. This makes email marketing a crucial tool for B2B businesses looking to grow their customer base.


Top Email Marketing Platforms for B2B Businesses

Here are the top email marketing platforms for B2B businesses:

1. HubSpot

HubSpot is a popular inbound marketing platform that offers a suite of tools for email marketing, CRM, social media, and content management. With its easy-to-use drag-and-drop email builder, HubSpot allows you to create personalized emails that resonate with your audience. It also provides robust analytics that can help you measure the effectiveness of your email campaigns.


2. Mailchimp

Mailchimp is a cloud-based email marketing platform that allows you to create, send, and track email campaigns. With its user-friendly interface, Mailchimp makes it easy to design and send professional-looking emails. It also offers features such as A/B testing, segmentation, and automation that can help you optimize your email campaigns.


3. Constant Contact

Constant Contact is an email marketing platform that provides a wide range of features such as email templates, list management, and reporting. With its easy-to-use interface, Constant Contact allows you to create and send professional-looking emails that are tailored to your audience. It also provides robust analytics that can help you track the success of your email campaigns.


4. Campaign Monitor

Campaign Monitor is an email marketing platform that offers a variety of features such as drag-and-drop email builder, automation, and segmentation. With its customizable templates and responsive design, Campaign Monitor allows you to create emails that look great on any device. It also provides detailed analytics that can help you measure the effectiveness of your email campaigns.


5. Sendinblue

Sendinblue is a cloud-based email marketing platform that offers features such as email design, list management, and automation. With its intuitive interface, Sendinblue allows you to create and send professional-looking emails that are tailored to your audience. It also provides detailed analytics that can help you track the success of your email campaigns.


6. Pardot

Pardot is a marketing automation platform that offers a suite of tools for email marketing, lead management, and analytics. With its drag-and-drop email builder and automation features, Pardot allows you to create personalized emails that resonate with your audience. It also provides robust analytics that can help you measure the effectiveness of your email campaigns.


7. Marketo

Marketo is a marketing automation platform that provides a variety of features such as email marketing, lead management, and analytics. With its drag-and-drop email builder and automation features, Marketo allows you to create personalized emails that are tailored to your audience. It also provides robust analytics that can help you track the success of your email campaigns.


8. ActiveCampaign

ActiveCampaign is a cloud software platform for small-to-mid-sized businesses and is based in Chicago, Illinois. The company offers software for customer experience automation, which combines the transactional email, email marketing, marketing automation, sales automation, and CRM categories

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