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We The People Vote But Does It Count?

What happened to our voting system? It used to be that we, the people voted by mailing in our votes before the actual voting day, early vote, or vote at the polls the day of. Sitting in front of our televisions we found out the results of the election that night or early the next morning. No longer do we have a voting day. It is now a voting week or more. We the people voted, but did it count?

This year after the polls closed, the outcome of several positions including The President of the United States is still unknown. We have more technology connected to voting than ever before, yet we did not receive the results faster than when they were hand-counted.

Mail-in Votes

One of the problems causing the delay is allowing mail-in votes after election day. An excuse we are given is that the US Post Office has trouble getting the mailed votes in on time. Though, not an issue in the last decade, somehow it is now. Is it actually a Post Office problem?

A mail-in ballot is available to those who choose this way to cast their votes, by requesting to receive one. People fill out the ballot and mail it in. Obviously, we all know that in election years the official voting day is the first Tuesday in November. We want to be counted so why would anyone wait.

Unnecessarily, we wait for the results. In the past, we required to have the votes in on or by election day. Why we extended this deadline does not compute. Except for this year because of COVID-19, we all know that our taxes are due by April 15th. The IRS is firm on their rulings, so we do not miss the deadline. Why isn’t voting the same way?

Yet, this year we extended our absentee ballot due date. With all this technology we cannot get the votes in on time and counted efficiently. Surely, the voters want their ballot counted so their motivation is to send them in on or before time.

Instead, as the votes are counted, we observe data dumps in which candidate results are flipped. We also notice a number of votes for candidates disappearing during the counting delays. This is not about late absentee ballots coming in. It is about extending the date for accepting ballots, opening up the possibility of adjusting the results. The extra time allows for higher accessibility for tampering to occur.

The People Wait

The delay in getting the election results in itself, creates a problem, the waiting. While Americans are watching the process with no outcome, frustration and insecurity build as we wonder if our votes are counted correctly. We sit and stew, hearing different excuses for what is going on, realizing that our voting system is broken and our voices are not being heard.

In several close races like The President of the United States, results are still not available. That is disturbing. We watch as the process is manipulated, become aware of suspicious count movements, and observe scenes of legal counting procedures not being followed. What does that tell us about the current system?

The People’s Vote

Voting results so far reveal that Americans are split. We as a nation are divided, a major red flag. There is so much discord in our government it has severed the people instead of bringing us together. Again, the dinosaurs in our government are interested in getting their way instead of helping its people.

Is it time to address term limits, pulling out of office those who work around the system, to fight for themselves? The people will have a chance to elect those who understand the focus – the American people. Is it time to dissolve the two parties and have just one?

The Leaders Actions

A glaring tell is during the State of the Union. Each year half of the room sits when the President is speaking while the other half stands since he is in their party. The politicians have lost respect for the office. When our leader speaks, whether you voted for him or not, you stand up. My candidates have not always won but the office of the President is still the office.

You might have noticed that Democrats and Republicans lately have not put up any worthwhile successors. Are there no capable candidate – material people? Possibly, the best candidates choose not to run because, like the police, they are constantly being attacked. These are clues to be aware of. How can the people work together while we watch our leaders pull further apart!

“It is hardly too strong to say that

the Constitution was made to guard the people

 against the dangers of intentions.

There are men in all ages who mean to govern well,

but they mean to govern.

They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters.”

– Daniel Webster

In due course, from this election, the American people will realize we are a country divided. We need changes in our legislative system. The House and Senate are fighting on their issues and not solving matters for the people.

The People First

For example, during this year’s campaign one of the biggest issues, at least in the top two is the environment. At a time like this is that such an important issue? What about vital issues like COVID-19, Americans out of work, the supply chain is fractured so products are not available. These are the concerns of the American people. The environment can wait.

The first priority is the American people. Sure, there is an environmental problem and an illegal immigrant problem. Now is not the time to sue each other. Americans are hurting so some matters can wait. Take care of our citizens first and put the rest aside. To our leaders, pull together and help us!

How the People React

The American people have been decidedly vocal about our government, which is our right. Unfortunately, it is to the point of anger turning to violence. If our leaders cannot work together and stop their childish displays of actions and words, what is the likelihood of our citizens changing? I’m talking about the Democrats and the Republicans, it is a whole issue, not a party issue. This is not about what side a voter is on. This is about our American right to decide who we want to vote for. Government processes are taking that right away from us.

 People of America

Our government is not going to change. We, the people produce change. It is our duty to correct our government, admonish our media, and help our citizens. We are in this together and the only ones willing to work on it, the only ones that care about us. The politicians are not going to pull it together. The American people can and must.

“Loyalty to country ALWAYS.

Loyalty to government, when it deserves it.”

Mark Twain

Voice of the People to be Heard

We can create change by working together to build each other up and not tear each other down. Riots and protest marches have been tried and do not work. Engaging in verbal and physical fights is not how to fix problems. Only pulling together will produce change.

We start now. It is necessary for us to communicate better with each other. Communication only occurs when the listener understands what the speaker meant, not by interpreting what they thought the speaker meant. When something speaks and you do not agree with them or you feel challenged, don’t judge. Find out where you differ by exchanging information. Nothing will ever become altered if we do not open up conversations among ourselves. To turn our country around, stop pointing fingers and respect each other.

“A patriot must always be ready

 to defend his country against his government.”

Edward Abbey – American author and essayist

We the People

Times have changed. Our leaders are not working for us. It is necessary to pull together to reform our political system. It is our duty to admonish the media, which contrives to keep the people divided. The answer to our problems is up to us, and by working together we reestablish our government.

You are either a solution to a problem or a source of the problem. It starts today! America needs a solution and we the people are it.

Culture Growth Human Resources Leadership Skills

Reinventing Ourselves to get Into Alignment “Take Me Home”

Aren’t we all wanting to “come home to who we really are?” Many movies and songs have referenced “Going Home” in one way or another.


Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz has a famous line after she clicks her ruby red slippers when she says, “There is No Place like Home.” John Denver, in his famous song, “Take Me Home Country Roads” works with the theme in this song that there is nothing like home.  This is evident as Denver constantly says, “Take me home…..To the place I belong,” as he talks about the beautiful scenery that he loves at his “Home.”


This song was a huge hit for John Denver because people can feel the emotion in the melody and lyrics.  It’s upbeat, positive, and takes us back to our own home. Through countless adaptations, the enduring success and familiarity of “Country Roads” seems to lie in its transcendent ability to evoke feelings of home and belonging.


For many of us, this time of year with the holidays just around the corner, going to our “family home” and being with relatives is something we typically do. It might be a bit different this year, but holidays and home seem to come to mind for me during November and December.  Sometimes even that experience can be a bit unnerving, filled with fear and trepidation that our critical Aunt Jane might ask us if “we ate our way through the pandemic” or say something like “you mean you haven’t found a job yet?”


The “home” I am referring to is in a more metaphorical sense. It relates to that inner peace and internal home of joy and comfort we all are seeking.  Whether its during good times or not so good times, I think we all can find comfort coming home to a place of peace and tranquility inside ourselves. There is a lot of attention these days about “mindfulness” or changing mindset practices to assist us in this process, especially in times of much upheaval and uncertainty.


I think really coming home to “who we are” is a process we go through our entire life.  By seeking out new experiences and working through change and conflict can we get there and discover our true self and is similar to getting ourselves into alignment or being true to who we are.  At different stages of our lives, and through sometimes challenging experiences, we are forced to re-evaluate and reinvent ourselves to get into that alignment of our true purpose and life goals. The famous author, Maxwell Maltz, says it like this:


“Creative striving for a goal that is important to you as a result of your own deep-felt needs, aspirations and talents, brings happiness as well as success because you will be functioning as you were meant to function. Man is by nature a goal-striving being.  And because man is “built that way” he is not happy unless he is functioning as he was made to function – as a goal-striver. Thus success and true happiness not only go together but each enhances the other. Creativity also leads to a longer life.  Many creative people produce their greatest works during their senior years. It may also explain why some men die soon after they retire.  They no longer have a creative/productive outlet.”


In my first book, “Revolutionary Recruiting,” I share with readers my wisdom of working with candidates over 25 years and how I assisted them to go on a journey of discovery to find their way home to who they really are.  In my soon to be released workbook, “Revolutionary Reinvention,” I talk about how you can go on your OWN personal discovery through a series of steps to find your way home.  It is designed to reinvent yourself during uncertain times and how to transfer your skills into another area if you have fear of losing your job, already have been a part of a layoff or on a furlough.  The method that is expanded in this “Revolutionary Reinvention Workbook” is The Faremouth Method, a five-step process for us to evaluate important variables to achieve goals in our life. No matter what happens around us, the core “self” is something we need to constantly focus on. Challenges in our life motivate us to improve.


During times of great uncertainty, coming to your “home” to be comforted and to get into alignment with who you really are can be a very important mission for all of us. Sometimes our journey to get back home in a metaphorical way is filled with many roadblocks.  If we let our internal determination and “compass” direct our path and not let external events dictate our journey, we can emerge stronger, happier beings through the process.


The only constant in our lives is change.  Being in alignment in our 20’s might be very different than being in alignment in our 40’s and beyond.  There is always a way to reach our destination to allow our creativity to flourish and bring us the happiness we seek.


How do we do that when our life as we have known it has suddenly taken a major turn in a not so comfortable direction? What if we have lost our job, a spouse, life as we have known it? What is the constant that can keep us going?  Can keep us from falling apart?  Can allow us to be like a huge oak tree with its deep roots in the ground?


Let’s take a look at how a recent candidate, Fred, went on his journey to find his “way back home” using The Faremouth Method.  There are never any guarantees that what worked for one person may work for you, but the process might give you some insight into how you can evaluate your options to make your own journey to get back home to who you really are a positive experience.


Step Number 1 – Do A Self Inventory – Fred had been a senior-level technical sales representative with 15 years of combined experience for a manufacturing/distribution facility and recently lost his job. While doing his Self-Inventory, he decided that his family was deeply rooted in where he currently lived and worked and it was best for the family to not relocate to another city and to instead try to find a job in his current city.  This was an opportunity to combine his skill set and his passion.


Step Number 2 – Ask Better Questions – Fred had two options. He could either look for work in the same field where no one was hiring or he could find work in a new field where he had an applied skill set. He was able to take a temporary job, talk to a career consultant, redo his résumé to put him more in line with an in-demand industry.


Step Number 3 – Step Out of Your Comfort Zone – Fred realized he was always the go-to-guy others always called about a problem with their computer, phone, etc. He had to Step Out Of His  Comfort Zone to make new contacts and expand his circle in this new field.


Step Number 4 – Take The Time To Do It Right – Fred had the opportunity to take his time by working a seasonal part-time job in his new field for experience because his wife had a secure paycheck. While they still had to make cutbacks in their expenditures, it still gave him the Time To Do It Right in landing a new full-time job that would be permanent.


Step Number 5 – Be a Hunter – He employed some of the mechanics of bird hunting by aiming at where the bird would be when he shot his gun and not where it was currently.  He hunted for classes, contacts, a part-time retail job, working afternoons and evenings, in order to advance his new career, pairing it with his knowledge base and passion.


Fred could relate to the song by John Denver, “Take Me Home Country Roads,” and maybe even to Dorothy’s remark about “There is No Place Like Home” from The Wizard of Oz.  During this holiday season, perhaps it will be a virtual get together with relatives from up north who would join in this year.  Coming home to who we really are can be an exciting journey if we decide to change our mindset and realize that our internal process always knows the way back home and will for sure get us there.  No matter what happens we know our core beliefs will always help us achieve our goals.  If we use this Five-Step Method to help us get there in this New Work World, all the better!!   When we trust that internal compass that instinctively knows who we are, there is only one path home.

Entrepreneurship Human Resources Management Marketing Negotiations Sales Skills Women In Business

“This Is What Happens To A Brazen Bully In A Negotiation” – Negotiation Insight

“At some point, every bully loses his powers. But that doesn’t mean the bully becomes powerless.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert (Click to Tweet)   Click here to get the book!

“This Is What Happens To A Brazen Bully In A Negotiation”

People don’t realize; they’re always negotiating.

“She’s gone! It’s over. I guess all good things come to an end,” were her whimsical statements. So do bad things, was the response. And eventually, bad things happen to a bully, especially one that’s brazen. That’s occurred throughout history. A person gains power, abuses it, bully other people, and at some point, people gang-up on the bully to take back their power. Supremacy is always fluid, even while one is taking it from others. That whole process is an extended and drawn-out negotiation. Observe the following to gain insight into how a bully gains power, loses it, and what to guard against that may signal remnants of a bully’s power rising again.

Click here to continue!


Remember, you’re always negotiating!


Listen to Greg’s podcast at https://c-suitenetwork.com/radio/shows/greg-williams-the-master-negotiator-and-body-language-expert-podcast/


After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com


To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Negotiation Insight,” click here https://themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/



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Growth Personal Development

More Than a Beauty Contest – How Ms. America is a Launching Pad for Success

“There she is, Miss America. 


We’ve all heard the song and watched the pageant, but how much do we know about Miss America? I’m not talking about the young woman with the sash and the crown. The Miss America Organization is more than a beauty contest (in fact, I learned during this episode beauty isn’t even part of the competition). It empowers women through college scholarships.  


I know you’re not supposed to ask a lady her age, but next year Miss America will celebrate a key milestone — turning 100. While it’s aged gracefully, Miss America is a long way from its roots as an Atlantic City, NJ swimsuit contest whose original goal was to bring more people to the city’s famed boardwalk for Labor Day Weekend.  


Recently, I had the pleasure of hosting Shantel Krebs, the Chairwoman and interim CEO of the Miss America Organization on All Business with Jeffrey HayzlettNot only is she running the organization, but she was also a contestant. 


“1997, I was Miss South Dakota, and that really shaped who I am today,” Shantel said. “For me, it was a launching pad. It not only was the launching pad for my scholarships that I applied to go to college. I was the first one in my family to attend college and essentially was paid for by Miss America.” 


“We always compare Miss America to the Super Bowl. Is it more likely your daughter compete in Miss America versus your son competing in the Super Bowl? It’s a really difficult process to get on that stage, but the benefits in the process of getting there are so worth it of the lady that you become.” 


While most of us think of Miss America as a national television event, the work making that show possible involves many from across the country. It’s all made possible by volunteers from the state-level all the way up to the boardroom.  


“The whole organization is made up of volunteers, boots on the ground that have these organizations established in local communities. That have local titleholders crowned, and then they go on to the state competition and volunteers really run the state organizations,” Shantel said. “So, when you look at the impact that we have for those 99 years. It’s an organization that’s been run solely by volunteers. You can’t compare that to another nonprofit.” 


Those volunteers and contestants put in countless hours at local, regional, and state competitions. Shantel says even the women who don’t win gain valuable experience you can’t get anywhere else. 

“If you see somebody who’s competed in Miss America on their resume, you need to jump on them. These are the overachievers. The ladies really have it all together,” Shantel said. “At the same time (the contestants) have heart and soul. They’re authentic.” 


“We don’t want to put her on a pedestal and say this is what she is and what everybody thinks she is. She’s the girl next door.” 


She’s also heavily involved in her community. 


“When you talk about how do we make a difference? It is not just with the lives of the scholarships that these young ladies are winning, but it’s in their community. So many of them volunteer or have a particular social initiative that they are advocating for, and they are making a difference in their local community or their state.” 


Miss America is not without controversy. Many believe that it’s a pageant that sexualizes women, exploiting a contestant’s beauty instead of their brains. Shantel says it’s a stigma the organization works hard to rebel against. 


“It’s frustrating,” Shantel said. “Yes, we have a national (TV) network broadcast, but it’s the day-to-day, 365 days a year that we actually are working out there. The social impact initiatives, these causes (the contestants) are supporting, that they’re advocating for in their local communities.” 


She added, “We don’t say you have to be invested in a brand-new dress. We don’t judge in one area of our competition on physical beauty. I know it’s hard to believe.” 


It’s also hard to believe that there isn’t a swimsuit competition, either. Miss America did away with that in 2018.  


“The organization was founded in 1921 on the boardwalk in Atlantic City to extend the vacation season,” Shantel said. “So, they thought, ‘let’s have them parade around in bathing suits.’ Which was very disruptive back then (a swimsuit competition) was something you didn’t do.” 


“What we want to make sure people understand the Miss America candidates is that it’s not about the personal and the beauty physical component of it, we’re judging these ladies on the impacts they’ve made, their education and career and where they want to go with it.” 


Shantel says you should think of Miss America as a job interview that the world can see because becoming Miss America is a full-time job for the winner. It isn’t just a crown, a sash, and a bouquet of roses.  


“What happens if she wins the crown and the title, she gets up before the press and asked what her goals and objectives (are) and what she wants to accomplish. What’s her business plan? So, right off the bat, she’s answering tough questions,” Shantel said. “The next morning, we send her off to the major networks in New York, or wherever it may be, put her on camera the next morning on the major morning shows. From there, she goes right on the road speaking. In a non-pandemic year, she’s traveling every 48 to 72 hours in a new location. Miss America is a 365-day job. She’s totally making a difference.” 


She continued, “Beyond that, not just focusing on Miss America, but all those 50 other state titleholders. They go back to their communities and are continuing to advocate for the cause and make a difference in their states.” 


While the pandemic did slow Miss America down in 2020, the pageant plans to come roaring back in 2021, just in time to celebrate its 100th Birthday. 


This discussion was eye-opening and opened up my understanding of the Miss America Organization and what these young women do year-round. We all could learn a lesson from these future leaders.  


There’s a lot more to our conversation, including talk about sponsorship and branding. Click here to hear the rest of our chat.