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Who Are You Being When You Market? Tips For Mindful Leadership in Your Marketing

Marketing, like mindfulness, is a huge nebulous word that we all think we understand but few of us actually do.  That got me thinking, what happens when you combine the two. What I learned was they both strengthen one another.

The American Marketing Association defines Marketing as “the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.”  

You may think of marketing as all of the “stuff” that happens before a buying and selling experience. Things like your website, videos, brochures, emails, coupons, flyers, trade show displays, giveaways.  


Would you do business with you?  What message does your marketing convey to your target customers?  Who are you BEING when you are Marketing?   

Mindfulness is being fully present in the moment. What is the presence you want to convey in these items?  What do you want your customers to experience when they receive your marketing message?

Before you begin a mindful marketing campaign, start with a clear vision on your desired outcome.  Be respectful and as you define your target audience. Is the purpose to educate, acquire or retain customers?  Have you considered your customers preferred method of receiving your marketing messages? What platform(s) will you use to engage with your customers?


As a Mindful Leader, set a positive intention for your marketing campaign. Think about both the desired outcome, whether financial or another key performance metric you want to attain as a direct result of the campaign.  Also, consider the feeling you want to invoke and what you hope to inspire.  

For example, you have an incredible product portfolio; however, you have not connected to your ideal customer.  Sales are down and you are feeling the pressure to produce results. As a CEO, CMO or CRO, where do you begin? Visualize your new marketing campaign.  Does it engage all of your senses? Does it align with your values? Does it speak to your mission statement?

Marketing and sales are closely integrated, and today’s marketing campaigns are often linked directly to lead generation and sales conversion.  

Would you like more information on mindful sales and marketing?   Please visit https://leadershipsolutionsintl.com. We welcome the opportunity to continue this discussion with you and your organization. 

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“Your Um Is The Killer Of Your Opportunities” – Negotiation Insight

“The quickest killer of your opportunities is not representing who you are in the moment.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language expert (Click to Tweet)        Click to get the book!


“Your Um Is The Killer Of Your Opportunities”


His ums were the killer of his present and future opportunities. Are you doing that to yours?

He passed out his presentation to the 12 participants in the room. He thought this is going to be a make or break opportunity for me. If I do well, my career could take off like a rocket! And then he started.

Um, good morning. Um, thank you for allowing me to present this morning. I know, um, you’re going to find what I have to say to be, um, very interesting. And in a moment, um, I’ll begin. But first, um, I’d like to ask you a question. One attendee leaned towards another and said, when is he going to talk about what we came to hear? And if he says, um, one more time, I’m going to scream!

Not only had the presenter alienated his audience, but he’d also decreased his chances for a successful outcome. His ums, and his delay in getting to the point was a turnoff.

Are your ums and dullness killing your opportunities?

People make snap judgments about you based on how quickly you captivate them, which compresses the way you speak, the words you use, and the pace at which you deliver your words. Thus, the reception of your message, in part, depends on those variables.

So, before you attempt to implement any activity that you want others to embrace, consider the variables that will move them to adopt your position faster, versus what might cause them to hesitate. Your outcome potential will hang in the balance.


The pace of speaking

Be it in a negotiation (you’re always negotiating), a personal conversation with friends or a loved one, the speed at which you speak influences the perception of the listener. Thus, if you talk too fast, and the receiver of your message can’t keep up, they may become frustrated inwardly and stop listening to your message. Worse, they may stop listening to you but continue issuing body language and nonverbal signals (i.e., head nodding, grunting, etc.). In that case, they’d give the appearance that they’re attuned to what you’re saying when in reality, they will have tuned you out.

When it comes to delivering your message at some point, stop and ask the other person a question about what they’ve heard and what they understand the intent to be of your message. Do that to discern their understanding and reception of your message. But even more, monitor their emotional displays (i.e., mouth agape, widen eyes, foot movement, etc.) to assess the impact your message is having on them. And you can take note of the expressions of different people in a larger audience to make the same assessment.

The point is, to deliver a concise message, you should consider matching the pace of its delivery to the speed the receiver needs to hear it. That means you should provide it at a pace that allows them to understand and sense it at an emotional level as the result of having received and perceived it. Sometimes that’ll mean talking quickly to induce excitement, or slowing down the tempo to produce a more solemn mode.


Filler Words

When you use filler words (i.e., ums, you know, etc.), those words can distract the listener from the message you’re delivering. And that distraction decreases the perception of you as someone knowledgeable about what you’re saying. Note: In a negotiation, if you wish to cast yourself as someone unsure of his position as a ploy, you might use filler words and stammer to enhance the effect of the role you’re playing. If you don’t wish to project that image, eliminate the fillers.


Another point to consider when you’re attempting to sway someone to adopt your position is how you’ll position the result of them doing so. By painting a picture of what the outcome might be if someone does or does not embrace your perspective, you cast their thoughts into the future. That’s a distinction to be made from having them reflect on their past, which is not bad in all cases.

By having someone focus on their future, you set the expectation for things to come, while allowing them to influence that occurrence. Thus, if you wanted them to see themselves in a better position in the future, depending on the individual, you might consider painting a future scene that’s bright with happiness, excitement, and worry-free. If you wanted them to see what they might forgo as the result of not adopting your suggestion, you might consider painting a doom and gloom picture. Just be aware that people tend to move away from something quicker than they’ll move towards something. That means they’re more likely to avoid pain before they seek pleasure.



Once you’ve addressed the variables mentioned, give severe and prolonged consideration to how you’ll implement your plan, strategy, request, etc. In particular, think about the timing of your implementation. Ask yourself, how might it impact or be impacted by other occurrences? Who might be most upset or pleased by your application, and what might key people do to assist or challenge it?

To have the most significant opportunity of a successful implementation, you must consider the variables that will impact its chance to achieve the outcome you’re seeking. Then, you should address the potential negative influencers that might challenge it and addressing the concerns they have in opposition. That will require modifications to your plans. But that’ll still allow you to implement them with less resistance had you not addressed those that were in opposition. And that will enhance your chance of greater success.


There will always be variables to address to overcome obstacles that’ll stand between what you want and what you have to do to obtain what you want. The better you are at addressing those variables and aligning the forces you’ll need to aid your efforts, the faster you’ll be at implementing more of your plans, with fewer obstacles, and more allies. And everything will be right with the world.


Remember, you’re always negotiating!


Listen to Greg’s podcast at https://anchor.fm/themasternegotiator


After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com


To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Sunday Negotiation Insight” click here https://www.themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/



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“Danger Is The Cost For Crossing A Negotiation Line“ – Negotiation Tip of the Week

“The danger in crossing a line is ending on the wrong side.”

-Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert (Click to Tweet)



(Click to get the book)



“Danger Is The Cost For Crossing A Negotiation Line“


He stated, with a sense of exasperation, “you’re getting very close to the line! If I can’t walk away feeling like I got something out of this deal, both of us will walk away with that feeling.” With that statement, he’d tossed the gauntlet down and drew the line indicating how far the other negotiator had gone. Yes, it could have been his ploy to signal where his disdain laid per the offer made. But it was also his way of heightening the tension in the negotiation.

There’ll be times when you get caught in situations that lead to crises. Some will stem from the fostered efforts of others. That’ll be their attempt to entangle you in the trap of indecisiveness and uncertainty. If you’re fleet of mind, you’ll slip the snare and avoid a potential crisis. And here’s how to do that.


Using And Applying Pressure


When an accident victim is badly bleeding, first responders use a tourniquet to apply pressure to the wound. That’s an effort to control blood loss. If you use too little or too much force, you risk further harming the victim. And the same is true in a negotiation. You must know when to and when not to apply pressure. There are three ways to do that if you sense someone’s getting close to crossing a line.


  1. Time – Most people know you can use time as a form of pressure. But if you wish to use it as a deterrent to indicate someone should not cross a line, you need to have incremental line points. As an example, let’s say you extended an offer with a time deadline. Instead of stating it expires at 11:37 a.m. on Thursday, you might structure your offering to have the best deal expire on the prior Monday. You could have incremental offers between Monday and Thursday too. And at each point, the deal would become worse. In this case, your efforts would become geared to inducing this individual to act sooner than later. Because the longer inaction occurs on his behalf, the higher the cost he’ll bear. And, if he waits until Thursday to accept your offer, he will have crossed several lines, which will be the penalty he incurred for doing so.


  1. Scarcity Factor – Another tried-and-true inducement is the scarcity factor – only two left, 14 people are watching this item, etc. You see it in some form of your everyday activities. Its purpose is to get someone to act quickly.

Depending on your position at that point in the negotiation, you can state that you’ll wait for a better offer before doing anything. With that, you’ll be moving the line closer or pushing it off into the distance. Just be aware that there’ll be a cost for readjusting the line.


  1. Boogyman/Phantom – Another buyer is waiting for this. So, you’d better get it while it’s still available. This maneuver encompasses both the time and the scarcity factor. And it can be an excellent ploy to use against a less sophisticated negotiator. Before him, you’ve placed the proverbial line. But a more astute negotiator may mark you as being the one that lacks sophistication if you attempt this with him. So, assess the negotiator’s astuteness before you employ this tactic.



You must set the right tone in any interaction, less your actions set out for failure. Thus, before you set the line you’ll use to induce activity, you must consider the role and demeanor you’ll use to enhance that effort.


Being Too Soft (soft line) – Recall a time when you were making a purchase or selling something, and there was no pressure or rush to complete the transaction. How did you feel? If you were the seller, you might have experienced some form of angst if you wanted to complete the deal quickly. If you were the buyer and you sought to acquire the item fast, and could not do so expeditiously, you may have had the same sensation. The point is, sometimes taking a soft approach is not the right approach to use. With some people, the more time you give them to complete a transaction, the more time they’ll take, which may lead to them not adopting an action at all.


Pushing Too Hard (hardline) – Darn, he was pushy. That’s what someone might have said about you, or you might have said about someone you dealt with about and effort to excessively close a deal. While the soft line approach can be less daunting for some to deal with, being a hardliner can cause someone to run from you. Always know the difference between when to use one approach versus another. And that will dictate which demeanor and line you should adopt.


Tip – Always attempt to leave the other negotiator feeling like a winner. And, if he thinks that he slightly got an advantage due to his smarts, he’ll receive greater pleasure from the outcome. The demeanor you cast during your engagement will determine the degree he feels he’s won something, or if you gave it to him. People have a tendency not to appreciate what someone has given them as much as what they’ve achieved on their own merits. Remember that!



Every day, we’re confronted by a line that serves as a boundary between what we want, what others will allow us to have, and what we’ll offer them. Once you become better at drawing a line and knowing how to maneuver someone’s perspective about the value of it, you’ll become better at achieving more significant outcomes from those with whom you engage. And everything will be right with the world.


Remember, you’re always negotiating!


Listen to Greg’s podcast at https://anchor.fm/themasternegotiator


After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com


To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Sunday Negotiation Insight” click here https://www.themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/



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“Do You Know How To Overcome Abusive Gauntlet Attacks” – Negotiation Insight

“You can be put upon by abusive behavior in the time it takes a snake to strike. To avert such gauntlets, know the snake you’re dealing with and where it may lay in wait for you.” – Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert (Click to Tweet)

(Click to get the book)


“Do You Know How To Overcome Abusive Gauntlet Attacks”


Two people were sitting across from one another at the negotiation table.  And one said to the other as he stood to leave, that’s the best damn offer you’re going to get from me. My supporters and I will ruin you if you don’t take my deal.

Such occurrences can happen in any environment. And the gauntlet tossed before you can come in ever-increasing degrees. Some can be chilling and fraught with an abusive tinge, while others may have a tint of seduction attached to them. There are a lot of variables to consider. So, what might you do in that situation?


Point of Challenge

Someone has served you (i.e., offered a challenge)! Now what? How should you handle the test before you? Should you back away, readily accept it, or is there something else you might do? The answer to how you should proceed is, it depends.

When confronted with a challenge, some people shrink, and others rise to the occasion. The pending point as to the direction you choose is dependent on your personality and the form of the challenge that’s before you. Some points you might consider are:



  • Ask yourself, what’s the intention of the challenger? There’s always a source of motivation behind the actions of people. Even when a person says they don’t know why they’re doing something, they’re motivated and moved to take action by some stimuli. Thus, if you can identify what that source is, you’ll have a more significant understanding of what’s motivating them to adopt the action they’re perpetrating against you.


  • Another question to pose is, who do the person’s actions serve, himself, or a more substantial body? An additional point to consider is what forces are behind the perpetrator’s actions against you. And assess if those actions are born out of folly, or do they possess a more sinister intent. That assessment will not only give you insight per how you might refute his actions. It’ll also indicate the forces aligned against you.


  • There’s something else to consider. And that is, is this person being used as a puppet by a puppeteer that wishes to remain anonymous? If so, you may have a more significant challenge than you initially assessed. If you believe that to be true, dig hard and deep to uncover who and what that source might be. You can’t determine the best action to take if you’re not aware of who or what is confronting you.


Possible Responses

  • Opponents’ strong points – When considering someone’s capabilities, related to them putting forth a challenge, I suggest you start by evaluating their strong points. The reasoning is, if you know the degree of their strength, you’ll have a better understanding of the resources they might marshal against you. You should consider that support, the quickness at which they can gather those forces, along with the potency of them. With that judgment completed, you’ll have greater insight per what powers you might want to assemble to combat him and his allies’.


  • Opponents weak points – Sometimes, a challenger will issue you a summons in an attempt to enhance his persona. It can be something akin to an attempt to dethrone the one that sits atop of the preverbal pile, you. Thus, again, you should identify the motivation that’s causing this person to engage you. You should also not dismiss that individual type out of hand. Because they can possess a hidden danger in the form of being or doing something irrational – something you don’t anticipate. And sometimes, dismissing them may be perceived as mockery, which would serve to heighten their attempts to dethrone you.


In either case, try not to over or underestimate the forces against you. The more accurate you are per your assessment, the higher the possibility you’ll have of competing against it successfully.


Response Timing

Depending on a situation, if you don’t perceive it to be dire, you can take a wait-and-see position. This approach will allow time to point the direction the challenge might take. If you adopt this strategy, be sure to monitor it regularly. You don’t want it to become dire due to your lack of attentiveness.

On the other hand, if the challenge requires an immediate response, consider where a hasty action might take you and how quickly you can marshal the forces needed to support your efforts. That means, measure how you’ll respond before doing so. Don’t initiate a massive undertaking when a smaller one might suffice.

The degree of your response will carry with it your perception of the seriousness of the gauntlet. Thus, your comeback should be one that meets your objectives without signaling any angst that might be associated with it. Too strong of a rebuttal will indicate just that, there was angst in your calculation, which might give the perpetrator more incentive to become more dogmatic with his challenges. Correctly apply the right force, and you’re more than likely to subdue his efforts without further recourse from him.



Avoiding an abusive situation can be a daunting gauntlet to overcome. But, it doesn’t have to be if you adhere to the suggestions mentioned. If you choose to adopt the recommendations, you’ll increase your odds of quietly admonishing your foe without riling him or his supporters. And everything will be right with the world.


Remember, you’re always negotiating!


Listen to Greg’s podcast at https://anchor.fm/themasternegotiator


After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com


To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Sunday Negotiation Insight” click here https://www.themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/



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“To Confront Biases Better – Know How To Empower Truth“ – Negotiation Insight

“Before confronting someone’s biases, know the sources of their beliefs.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert (Click to Tweet)  (Click to get the book)



No matter if you’re negotiating (you’re always negotiating) or in the most serene environment you can imagine, biases confront you. They appear in the form of how others treat you, think about you, and what they say to other people about you. Even if they don’t know you, sometimes they’ve prejudged you based on the biases they have about you. Thus, you should anticipate how people will engage you and how you’ll address them before entering into their domain. You should also do so during the interaction you have with them. That’s especially true when doing so may enhance or prevent opportunities that might await you. One way to do that is to empower the truth as your aide. That means confronting them with the facts of reality. But as we know, some people create alternative realities as their truth. Thus, you should also be astute about the following.


Freudian Slips

When people speak, their words represent the thoughts they’re having. Therefore, if someone makes a Freudian slip (e.g., I think John is great – when they meant to say Bob), the ‘slip’ discloses what was residing in their unconscious mind. And thus, their statement reveals their hidden sentiments about John, not Bob. While they may think Bob is great, too, John is more prominent in their mind. That means the person has higher thoughts about John. And that can prove to be valuable information.

So, what can you do with this information? You can silently thank that person for revealing their real sentiments, knowing that you’ve uncovered their true feelings. Or, you can ask him why he called one name when he meant another (do that while observing how he responds to your query). Note if he becomes frustrated, exasperated, or unnerved? If so, you’ve more than likely probed deeper into beliefs that he’d rather not have exposed. If you believe his bias lacks fairness, and you think it’s appropriate, confront him about it. While doing so, leave room for him to become empowered. Do that by offering him truthful information about his opinion, and back it up with proof. Then, note to what degree, if any, he alters his perspective. His response and altered disposition will lend insight into the type of mindset you’re dealing with, which will allow you to assess the degree of time you’ll exhaust in altering his views. In some cases, it’ll be better to move on. For you, per him, the opinion of the dead can’t be changed.


Body Language Gestures That Might Indicate Biases

While body language gestures can convey an array of sentiments, those that follow indicate a dislike for one in the presence of another.

Nose – The upturned wrinkling of one’s nose indicates that a person finds something unpleasant. If the gesture occurs when you enter that person’s environment, he’s signaling displeasure with you. And it’s most likely revealing a bias the person possesses about you.

Mouth – If you observe one corner of someone’s mouth momentarily turning upward, he’s displaying a signal of contempt. That means he’s disgusted by something he perceives about you. If it occurs multiple times when you speak or when you enter his environment, take note of the action. He may not be aware of it consciously, but he’s signaling his bias. And that’s information you can use.

Click here to watch a brief video about disgust.  

Feet – When people are in small groups, and they’re facing one another, their feet will point towards the most thought-provoking person. Not only is it a way to gain insight into whom they may admire at that time, but it also gives insight into the thoughts that others accept. And that can become a barometer as to how well your sentiments will be received. Thus, if they ignore you, the indication might be that you’re not presenting value per the discussion. It might also indicate that others don’t perceive you as being up to their level. Regardless, be mindful of what’s occurring. And, assess how you’ll use that insight to identify why others might be displaying a bias towards you.


While these gestures don’t necessarily have to indicate a definitive bias, they can give you insight per where one’s thought may lie about you. If you’re unsure of one’s intent, test them. Do that by observing their response to others in the environment, whom they gravitate to, and the views of those that they accept. That information will give you additional insight, which may serve as confirmation about that person’s perspective.



No matter the environment, expect biases to be part of it. Thus, to help yourself, be observant about the body language of others, and adopt procedures to overcome the prejudices they may have about you. The insights mentioned will allow you to do just that.

When using these insights, know that exposing someone to the truth about their beliefs may cause them to reject you. But when confronted by practical information, unless they don’t want to accept your premise due to their biases, they will be left to look foolish. And that will leave them out of step with reality. If that’s so, it may be the best place to dispense of them – move on. Don’t waste your time with them. The people that accept your premise will be the individuals that display an open mind. They’ll also be the ones that’ll aide you most in your quest. And everything will be right with the world.


Remember, you’re always negotiating!


Listen to Greg’s podcast at https://anchor.fm/themasternegotiator


After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com


To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Sunday Negotiation Insight” click here https://www.themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/



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“Negotiator – This Is How To Communicate Better Quickly” – Negotiation Insight

“To communicate better, use impactful words. People will act quicker and follow you faster.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert


“Negotiator – This Is How To Communicate Better Quickly”


“Come go now, and here later,” does not succinctly convey the message, “go now, and come here later.” Even though they are the same words, the intent delivered in the first message can be confusing, which can lead to misunderstandings. Thus, to improve any situation you’re in, you must communicate effectively. But what does that mean exactly?

Sometimes, people speak at, or past one another, and wonder why the intent of their message is not received. It’s usually due to a lack of clarity that contributes to that challenge. But, going forward, you can prevent that from occurring to you, and here’s how.


Speak the language opponents understand

Most groups have a particular jargon that’s generic to the group. It’s a way members of the group connect, distinguish themselves from other groups, and communicate with one another. And, if you don’t use their lingo, you immediately identify yourself as an outsider. And being recognized as an outsider can instantly put you at a disadvantage sometimes. At other times, it can prove to be the deciding factor for others to assemble for or forgo their support for you. Thus, to enhance situations, when it’s advantageous, sound like those you wish to follow your lead. But also be aware of when to use loftier or modest language to improve your persona. You don’t want to appear too pompous or humble. You have to exact a fine balance between those two perspectives. Therefore, you should base your word choices and how you wish others to perceive them on the actions you want them to adopt, the beliefs of the group, and how difficult it might be to have them alter their perspective.


Keep communications simple

Simple is as simple does. And the simplicity of something is determined by those making the assessment. Do you understand what that means? Depending on the educational level, background, or familiarity with phrases of those with whom you attempt to influence, it may behoove you to keep your communications simple. By doing that, you lower the conception level of the information, and the ease in understanding it, which makes your content easier to grasp.

But, you also have to be mindful of giving the perception that you’re dumbing-down your message. Some will perceive that as a slight or outright insult. As with most things in life, perceived balance is most often the victor. Thus, determine when simplicity or duplicity will serve your purpose best.


Use the opponent’s language to galvanize your supporters

You can also use the words of your opponent to influence and galvanize additional supporters to embrace your opinions and perspective. In such cases, you’d highlight his points in which others disagreed. Your efforts would become geared at positioning him in a less-than-flattering light. If your attempts to do so are successful, you’d also place him on the defensive because he’d have to defend your accusations, lest he runs the risk of being viewed even more unfavorable. While he’s doing that, he’d be less likely to attack you or your position.

To the degree your opponent’s followers see him as not being the person that leads them, you can also use his words to fracture his supporters. To enhance the process, first, note the strength of his base. Ask yourself, to what degree others are committed to following him. While some staunch supporters would go through fire for their leader, that would be the stopping point for others.

When you make that determination, assess what would need to occur to peel-off the less enthused. Then, ferment an occasion that would incite that situation. You can even dig into the archives of your opponent’s past sentiments to manufacture a condition. The point is, you can wreak havoc that leads to chaos for him. And while he’s addressing that, you can promote your perspective with less interference from him.


Use news and social media for credibility

There is a multitude of tools that you can use to shape the perspective of others and alter their thought process. You can use such tools to heighten the perception of your credibility while having your opponent’s credibility lowered. You can use them to better position your suggestions while having dispersions cast about his. They can also be used to create the perspective of fairness or heavy-handedness.

For that purpose, social media is an excellent tool that brings opposing positions together or disperses them. And thus, it does the same for the opinions of people. Social media can also serve as a viable tool to disseminate disinformation. So, be careful about how you use this tool. It runs a two-way thoroughfare that can end up on another unintended path. Thus, you must be very mindful of controlling your message when using it. To do that, prepare to offset a potential backlash you may encounter should others attempt to use your words against you.



When seeking to improve communications, you should attempt to control the narrative. And the best way to do that is to control the message by controlling the words you use. By instituting the information outlined, you’ll enhance your efforts and increase the odds of making situations better. And everything will be right with the world.


Remember, you’re always negotiating!



Listen to Greg’s podcast at https://anchor.fm/themasternegotiator


After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com


To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Sunday Negotiation Insight” click here https://www.themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/



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“How To Avoid Assault By Observing Aggressive Body Language” – Negotiation Tip of the Week

“To foretell assaults, observe someone’s body language. All insights into someone’s mind starts there.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert (Click to Tweet)       (Click to get the book)



“How To Avoid Assault By Observing Aggressive Body Language”


One moment, he was standing there, and everything was fine. Then, in the blink of an eye, he was punched in his eye. As he winced in pain, he thought, I didn’t see that coming. His lack of focus on the changing demeanor of his assailant led him to be unprepared. And now, he was under attack.

Such assaults can occur in business settings and your personal life. And while they may not always be physical, the emotional pain caused by such attacks can still be traumatic. But there are ways you can avoid potential assault, be it verbal or physical, by observing body language that foretells aggressive behavior.


Facial Features

Wincing – Imagine for a moment that some form of annoyance happens to you. What’s your reaction? Depending on the stimuli you imagined, you may have swiped it away, winced at it, or made another gesture to ward it away. Wincing is one such gesture that indicates someone’s annoyance. When you see it, understand what it means and what thoughts may be occurring in the mind of the person displaying the gesture. He’s just given you a glimpse into his mind, notice it and heed the signal he’s sending. It could be the moment a situation begins to escalate to aggressiveness.


Eyes – When someone narrows their eyes and become fixated on you, they’re pinpointing their focus and attention. That means, in their mind, they’re dispersing outside distractions so they can lend their full attention to what’s occurring between you and them. If this happens in a situation that’s begun to become heated, interject an action to defuse it, or prepare for the festering aggression that will follow.



Someone’s hands can be the most reliable indicator that they’re about to become aggressive, which can then lead to an assault. If you observe someone flexing their hand(s), opening and closing it, take note of the speed at which it occurs. The faster the speed, the more aggressive will be the behavior that follows. The moment someone’s hands close into fists can indeed indicate that there may only be seconds before an attack occurs. Before that happens, take steps to escape the environment or prepare to defend yourself. An alternative is to go on the offense. That can take the form of talking the other party down or taking physical action before he initiates his. Either way, the more equipped you are for the inevitable, the better positioned you’ll be to deal with it.



When two people are confronting one another, and both individuals have their feet directly aligned with the other person, they are in full commitment to each other. That means, if you observe someone pointing their foot away from you after they previously had their feet aligned directly with yours, they’re in the process of disengaging. That doesn’t mean you’re out of harm’s way. They could deliver a sucker punch, physical or verbal, as they depart. So, don’t let your guard down until you’re sure of the act they intend to commit has occurred, and you know you’re safe.


Have you observed when two professional fighters are brought to the center of the ring to hear the rules before the fight confront one another? They cast a no-nonsense demeanor that’s usually accompanied by a death stare to indicate the seriousness that they’re adopting for the battle to come. To a degree, some of the posturing’s are an attempt to psychologically defuse the other fighter’s mental energy, which would cause him to doubt himself and whether he can win against such a worthy opponent.

Anytime you’re in an environment when you note such actions (i.e., someone, in your face), they’re also sending you a message. If you step back, you’re saying, take my space, and I’ll back down. If you hold your ground by not moving, you’re stating, I’m not backing down from you, nor I’m I afraid. Now, what are you going to do? Again, be prepared for what may occur next. If you’ve observed other signs of aggression, at this point, they may escalate or deescalate. Be ready in either case to take control of the situation.


Contradictions can lead to frustration, which can serve as a vehicle that delivers a crisis in confidence. When people become frustrated, they lose a form of rationality. That means, they can become more mentally unstable, which can lead to aggressive actions that they might not have participated in if they were in a calmer state of mind.

Always be aware of someone’s heightening level of frustration. It can be the bellwether to assault-like behavior to come. By becoming psycho astute, which means paying attention to the changing psychological mood of other people, you’ll enhance your vigilance about the mental mood shift of others before it occurs.


Trigger Words

Words cause reactions in people. And some words will generate more of an emotional charge than others. To that point, be aware of terms or phrases that trigger someone to adopt a negative point of view. Such as the ‘N’ word or alligator bait with some people of color, holy roller, or bible thumper for those of some religious persuasions, and Ayrab or Abbie of people from other ethnicities – all such words or phrases can lead one to adopt an unreceptive demeanor. Then, depending on that person’s temperament, it can lead to more significant hostile actions.

As the world becomes smaller through enhanced communication platforms, you should also be aware of how the same words can possess different meanings to people around the globe. In some cases, those words are the doorway to insults, while in other environments throughout the world, they may solicit a mild reproach or lightheartedness. To avoid a costly pitfall, be aware of the meaning that certain words cast.



An environment can become hostile at a moment’s notice, and aggression can ensue that leads to an assault. It can do so while not sounding an alarm about the pending state of change to come. And, if you don’t heed such signs, you leave yourself open to the whims of chance, and that can lead to and leave you in an unwanted place and position.

But if you’re aware of the body language and verbal cues mentioned and you adopt controlling actions, you’ll be more aware of their pending occurrence. That will give you more time to react and control imminent assaults. To untie that knot, once you sense mental angst turning into a potential attack, initiate action. It can be in the form of taking a more forceful position (beware of escalating the situation if you do), or it can be in the way of adopting a milder demeanor (be aware of being perceived as someone weak by the other entity). The point is, take action to confront it. And everything will be right with the world.


Remember, you’re always negotiating!


Listen to Greg’s podcast at https://anchor.fm/themasternegotiator


After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com


To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Sunday Negotiation Insight” click here https://www.themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/



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“7 Wicked Strategies To Unlock Non-Crisis Negotiations” – Negotiation Tip of the Week


“The difference between a crisis and a non-crisis is the difference in perception. To be better prepared to address either, no what separates them.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert  (Click to Tweet)




Click here to get the book



“7 Wicked Strategies To Unlock Non-Crisis Negotiations”


When you engage in crisis negotiation, there’s usually less time to consider what strategies you’ll employ compared to when you negotiate in a non-crisis environment. But, just because a non-crisis negotiation should be less stressful doesn’t mean you should lower your guard.

The following are seven negotiation strategies to consider when negotiating in non-crisis negotiations.



While non-crisis negotiations may not possess the level of stress of crisis discussions, don’t let your demeanor laps into a state of complacency. This means, plan for a less stressful engagement but be prepared for circumstances that might cause provocations. Also, monitor your state of mind before and during the negotiation. Be very much aware of how you’re thinking, where your thoughts are leading you, and what mental interventions might occur to alter any thought path you’re on. You want to be aware of as many variables that might impact your thoughts, so you’re able to control them better.


Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool. You can use it to soften or alter the perspective of those against whom you’ll be negotiating, and to have your viewpoint enhanced. In essence, you can use it as a tool to position the opposing side to be viewed in a particular manner – one that suits your purpose. Another tactic is to have surrogates post positive attributes about you and your position.



The questions you ask, their timing, along with statements you make, can play a pivotal role in the flow and outcome of a negotiation.


Assumptive Questions – You can ask assumptive questions, questions that give the appearance that you may know more than you’ve disclosed (e.g., you’ve awarded this type of contract with a high dollar amount in the past, right?). By posing a question in that manner, the opposition can answer in the affirmative, hesitate in responding, or deny your assertion. Either way, you’ll gain information that you can use in the negotiation. And, a bonus will occur in causing the other side to wonder what additional insights you might have that you’ve not disclosed.

Implied Questions – Ask questions that imply an answer (e.g., why would you only focus on one company that might be involved in corruption, if you state you’re concerned about business fraud throughout the country?) The hidden implication is, you weren’t worried about business crime, you had other thoughts that motivated your actions.

Statements – To alter the momentum of your opponent, make false statements to which he has to respond. If he doesn’t retort, his point is clouded, and your comment becomes perceived as truthful. The point is, by having the other negotiator focus on your false accounts, he’ll have to extend time refuting them. That’ll give you more time to regain momentum in the negotiation. Just be cautious about how outlandish your assertions are. If they’re too far out of the realm of reasoning, you’ll appear buffoonish.


Always attempt to ask questions and make statements when they have the most significant impact on the negotiation.



Timing of Negotiation

There will be optimum times when you should negotiate. Such times will occur when you’re in a dominant position (i.e., you have something that the other negotiator must have quickly), the other negotiator is weakened by internal or external forces (e.g., they need to complete your negotiation to move to something more important). Whatever sources might cause you to have an advantage at a particular time, seek them out – and negotiate then. Doing so will enhance your negotiation efforts.


Single Versus Team Negotiations

The dynamics of a negotiation change whenever multiple people are involved. Even when everyone on your side or that of the opposing party is in agreement about how the negotiation will unfold, there will be occasions when someone says or does something unexpected. Prepare for such occurrences, and when they materialize, take advantage or squelch them.


When you’re alone negotiating against a team, spread your materials out. You want to take up space to combat the appearance of a numerical disadvantage. The intent is to convey mentally and visually that they’re more resources on your side than just you. Psychologically, this will give the appearance that you’re not alone. Also, to strengthen your persona, act with extreme confidence. Your silent message is, you’re not afraid because of the other side’s numerical advantage – you’re ready, prepared, and able to take them on.



Body Language and Nonverbal Cues

When people are in a nonstressful environment, they tend to relax. That’s why in non-crisis negotiations, you should be mindful of when discussions become stressful. There will be degrees of stress – they occur in most negotiations. But if it elevates to an unwarranted point, you should question why it happened and what’s causing it to ensue. The ‘why’ and ‘what’ will offer insight into having something exposed that the other negotiator might want under wraps.



Breathing – When face-to-face or engaged in phone negotiations, take note of the other negotiator’s breathing patterns. At the moment they become short and laboring, he’s entering into a mode of stressfulness. That may be due to his uncomfortableness about the discussion or something he senses that he’d rather avoid. And that’s the reason you should note it. You may be on to an aspect of the negotiation that warrants more in-depth inspection.


Word Choice/Speech Pace – The words a person uses conveys his thinking and how he chooses to represent his thoughts. Thus, when a person begins to speak more deliberately, ask yourself why he’s doing so. Question why he’s cautious about the word choices he uses, and what’s caused him to become more deliberate. Such clues will be the gateway from which more significant insights will follow. Note their occurrence and lineup.


Perspiration and Fidgeting – Another sign of stress reveals itself in self-touching (i.e., forehead, mouth, rubbing eyes, arms, hands, etc.) It can also be seen in someone needlessly fidgeting while standing or sitting. Again, note when this occurs, it indicates a mental shift in the perspective of the person displaying the action.


Negotiation Baiting

Baiting is a strategy employed by savvy negotiators to pull the opposing negotiator into a disadvantaging position. You’d use it by baiting that negotiator to adopt a perspective that appears out of step with commonly held beliefs of the masses or whomever you’re attempting to sway. By positioning him in that manner, his views also seem to be outside the bounds of normalcy, and thus he appears less appealing.



In every environment, there’s a cascade of information to glean about an individual. That’ll give you great insights into how you might motivate that person to adopt one action versus another. By using the prior suggestions, you’ll have a less challenging time in persuading someone to implement your perspective. And everything will be right with the world.


Remember, you’re always negotiating!


Listen to Greg’s podcast at https://anchor.fm/themasternegotiator


After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com


To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Sunday Negotiation Insight” click here https://www.themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/



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“Do You Love To Hate Me Out Of Fear” – Negotiation Insight

“The only reason you hate me is that you fear me. Your fear stems from not knowing me and accepting me and my ways for what they are. You think I’m trying to take something from you. Nothing could be further from the truth. All I’m attempting to do is live the life promised me, which was paid for by the sweat and toil of my ancestors. My voice is that of a cry of a people whose time has arrived.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert (Click to Tweet)  Click here to get the book



“Do You Love To Hate Me Out Of Fear”


The two of them were standing there – they weren’t bothering anyone. Then, a cruising vehicle came to a halt. The occupants began assailing the two individuals with racial slurs and hurled four-letter words at them. While doing so, the occupants of the vehicle were also shouting, “go back where you belong,” which was ironic because the two people were living in the same neighborhood as the vehicle’s occupants.

Everyone knows the passengers in the car didn’t mean ‘go home’ when they shouted at the other people. They were implying, leave this country. Their sentiments said, leave our country. And that shows how ignorant some people can be. When you speak of the U.S., it’s the native Indians, if anyone, should tell others to go back where they came from – and they don’t.

So, what causes some people to hate others? In most cases, they do so out of fear, which stems from a lack of understanding about the culture or motives of other individuals. In the minds of others, such hatred originates from the way another group has treated a group of people. Such as what occurred during the days of slavery. Even though it happened in the U.S. many decades ago, the remnants of it still linger in today’s culture. And those remnants appear to be growing stronger, versus being eradicated with time.



Imagine being ripped from the land you love, an environment, a place you’ve called home. Your life may not have been everything you wanted, but you were free – and your life was yours to shape and mold as you wished. Then, your life takes an unimaginable turn. It’s a change that was unanticipated, unsought, and unwanted. It’s one that’s unappreciated. Within an instant, your life has changed forever. And that change is one that your lineage will suffer from for generations to come.

Okay, so that didn’t happen to you, your father, or even his father. It occurred so many generations and decades ago that your thought is, why can’t ‘they’ just let it go. To which the reply from ‘them’ might be, you don’t understand me and what’s happened to those like me. And that’s why I can’t let it go. We cannot forget, less you further entrap those like me. Do you wonder why some people of some races despise people of other races? If you do, wonder no more. The hate comes from the scabs of racism. And those scars are still healing while some attempt to pour salt into them.


Off The Plantation

Oh, happy day! That’s what many people thought in the U.S. in 2008. The country had elected its first president of color. The change that so many had hoped for had finally arrived – or so they thought. There were whispers of, “we’re off the plantation now!”

Instead of the new light of hope shining brighter, calls arose demanding that the shackles used to ‘keep them in line’ be reapplied and strengthened. ‘Overcome this,’ was the silent riposte that sought to reinsert itself. It shown in new laws and opened attitudes that had, up to that point, lurked in the shadows of the dark. Then bam – it came into the light for all to see. It bellowed in statements such as, ‘Jews will not replace us.’ For others, it was, ‘go back where you came from.’ While some thought that they’d finally escaped the proverbial plantation, others were sending their surrogates after them in an attempt to reenslave those that sought freedom to live the life that the constitution had guaranteed them.



I’m not your ‘boy,’ respect me – me too! I’m taking a knee to protest injustice.

When the existing powers try to hollow the mind and opportunities of any race continuously, eventually, turmoil will occur. It will start in the form of protest, which may last for decades. And those protests will become even stronger over time. They run the risk of upsetting what some see as the natural order of things. We’ve seen it occur in South Africa and other places around the world. And it can happen in America.

When people become sick and tired of being sick and tired, they’ll seek to eradicate the pain, and ill-will thrust upon them. There mantra has been, and they will be encouraged in shouting, we shall overcome. The question you might consider is when they do, who will you side with – where will you stand?



Do you hear me now? The voices of the oppressed are growing louder. To lend a tone of deafness is to ignore the inevitable. Change always occurs. And thus, you can embrace it or not. If you choose the latter, change will still manifest itself, and you’ll be changed anyway. So, come to grips with the forces that are assembling. Do so by seeking ways to add your voice to those forces. By aligning yourself with it, you’ll have a role in the shaping of what it becomes. That means you’ll have an outlet for your voice to be heard. Without your voice, you’ll become muted by the masses. And for them, everything will still be right with the world – but for you, it won’t.


Remember, you’re always negotiating!


Listen to Greg’s podcast at https://anchor.fm/themasternegotiator


After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com


To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Sunday Negotiation Insight” click here https://www.themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/



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Move Your Customer up the Value Chain with Content

Want to add more value to your customers? Create content to help them.

Content marketing today isn’t about marketing for promotional sake. It’s about providing extremely valuable content to the people that matter most to your business.

The  definition of the value chain are the full set of activities that a firm operating in a specific industry performs in order to deliver a valuable product for the market.

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Leading to the rise of “thought leaders“.

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Starting with free content to create awareness.

The value chain purpose remains the same. The purpose of analyzing a company’s value chain is to increase productive efficiency so that a company may deliver maximum value for the least possible cost.

Small and medium-sized service businesses are taking massive advantage of content marketing by providing content that drives value to their target audience and minimizes the costs associated with traditional advertising and marketing methods in the process.

The bad news? Producing helpful content to your consumers takes time.

The good news? Your competitor knows they should be moving up the “thought” value chain but isn’t getting around to it.

The great news? There has never been an easier time to produce content to become the most helpful and in-turn valuable authority in your industry.

What’s the ROI of contributing content in your field?

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