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Are You Talking Too Much?

“Talk less and you could learn more. Talk more and you could end up not knowing what’s being talked about at all.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert

You talk too much! That could be the thought of someone you converse with. It would mean that you don’t allow that person to exchange her ideas in the conversation, turning what could be a monolog into a dialog. Not only would your actions indicate that what she’s attempting to say is not important, it also states that you believe what you’re saying is so important that it doesn’t require additional input. That can be a serious turnoff when attempting to exchange information. It becomes a more serious problem when two people are in a relationship. Such behavior can be the slow march to the uncoupling of the relationship.

When you’re really interested in someone, display that interest in the way you communicate. That should be done verbally and nonverbally. The nonverbal display can be made by the nodding of your head at appropriate moments, and/or even the sound of a grunt; just be cautious that a grunt is not perceived as a negative disagreement if that’s not your intent.

In order to communicate more effectively with others, you must display the ability to let the other person feel that you’re being attentive to what they’re saying. To do less than that demeans the other person and places you on a pedestal, from which it may be difficult to descend. Even if you do descend, you may have lost the opportunity to gain greater insight per how that person thinks, which could lead to the loss of greater insight from which you could think on a broader perspective.

What does this have to do with negotiations?

When negotiating, the person that speaks the most will tend to give away his negotiation position, and information that might better be kept undisclosed. That information may also be used against him. That’s one reason why good negotiators will ask follow up questions, while great negotiators will answer a question with a question; it’s the latter’s attempt to gather more information.

When engaging in a negotiation, be an astute listener. Listen to what’s said, how it’s said, and listen for what’s missing. Don’t over talk the other negotiator and don’t be so gabby that you miss the opportunity to gather more information. Once you’re adept at listening more and talking less, the more you’ll be able to see and hear what you’re missing in the negotiation. You’ll be able to magically see the other negotiator through a brighter light of transparency. That will leave you in a very powerful negotiation position … and everything will be right with the world.

Remember, you’re always negotiating.

What are you thinking? I’d really like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com

To receive Greg’s free 5-minute video on reading body language or to sign up for the “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Sunday Negotiation Insight” click here http://www.themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/

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Growth Personal Development

Too Busy to Write? Use These Shortcuts

You’d love to see your name on the cover of a book. You know that a book is a powerful tool for an executive for building a brand. It not only helps to establish your expertise in your market, but it can also exponentially expand your audience.

There’s virtually no downside to writing a book. Except the time needed to write it. If you don’t consider yourself a writer, you may think the benefits are out of your reach, but even self-avowed non-authors have options or shortcuts.

Outsource. If you want a book that’s in your voice without having to do the work? Hire a ghostwriter. A ghostwriter is a writer who you pay to write for you. These professionals will work with you to create a book that is uniquely yours, and in the end, you’ll have a well-written book with your name on it, all without typing a word. A ghostwriter typically interviews the author and creates the chapters from the transcripts. The ghostwriter puts in all the time to eliminate the dialogue and make the content organized and coherent.

A ghostwriter is the ideal person to work with when you are busy or lack the writing skills to create well-written content. The best time to use a ghostwriter is when you recognize you should be producing more content, but you’ve been putting it off. You’re not sure how to fit one more thing into your life. Working with a ghostwriter will take time, but far less than if you wrote the content from scratch.

Repurpose. This easy and popular option makes use of the hundreds or even thousands of pages of content you’ve already created. You will need to create an outline, organize the content and group it into chapters to create a smooth flow. In the process of doing so, you will see gaps in the material that you’ll need to write.

Blogs, white papers, podcast transcripts, and articles are all material that you can repurpose. I completed 2 books last month that were solely drawn from podcast transcripts and blogs. After my assistant edited out the transcript dialogue it took me less than a day to complete each book.

Dictate. If you are one of the people who finds it easier to talk than write, dictating content may be the right option for you. After organizing your thoughts, you record your content, get it transcribed and then start rearranging and filling in gaps. You can also create a book based on interviews you record, which form the basis of the content you expand upon.

Having a published book can work wonders for your business growth. It will bring you clients, expand your audience reach, and even attract some press. But it can’t do any of that if you don’t write the book in the first place. Take one of these ideas and get your book written. You won’t regret it.

Pat Iyer is a ghostwriter who works with authors to develop materials that share their brilliance. She has written or edited over 800 chapters, books, online courses, case studies or articles. See her website at editingmybook.com or reach her at patriciaiyer@gmail.com.

Growth Human Resources Management Skills

Engaged Employees Make Happy Customers

Are your employees engaged?

Shep Hyken sits down with Julie Ann Sullivan, author of Blueprint for Employee Engagement: 37 Essential Elements to Influence, Innovate & Inspire, discussing the impact that engaged employees can make on customers.

Top Takeaways:

  • When employees feel like they are making a contribution to the company, they are going to become problem-solvers and idea-makers.


  • When employees feel acknowledged and valued, they exude that to customers. This leads to listening to the customer and showing them that they have value.


  • A few of the Essential Elements to Influence, Innovate & Inspire:


  1. Communication – Even just one word can change the whole meaning of a sentence.


  1. Service – When your job is in customer service, it truly isn’t about you. It’s about the customer. The motive behind service should never be because you have to. The motive should be that you love the company and you want the customer to love it as well.


  1. Patience – You may never fully get rid of your impatience. But if you are aware of when you are impatient and can catch yourself, then you can change.


  1. Purpose – When people know the purpose behind what they are doing, they can do it much better.


  1. Relationships – They grow over time. You don’t meet someone and immediately know them and care for them. Relationships must be nurtured. It’s the same with customers and clients.


  1. Leadership – People need to feel, without fear, that they can ask questions. If you have a business culture where people are too afraid to approach the leadership about problems, more mistakes get made. Leaders must be able to let go. They must trust their people and give them the power to do what is right.


  1. Respect – You must give it to get it. You can’t just demand it.


  1. Gratitude – A little bit goes a long way. The more you are grateful, the more things you find to be grateful for.


Julie Ann Sullivan is the author of Blueprint for Employee Engagement: 37 Essential Elements to Influence, Innovate & Inspire. Julie Ann works with organizations that want to create a workplace environment where people are productive, engaged, and appreciated.

Shep Hyken is a customer service and experience expert, New York Times bestselling author, award-winning keynote speaker, and your host of Amazing Business Radio.


“Customer service is people to people. If the people who are giving out customer service are not happy, that’s what they’re going to portray to the customer.”

“When you have a good workplace culture, people are more productive. And, they’re more careful in what they do so they make less errors.”

“Customer service is easy when everything is going well. I only know how good a company is when things don’t go well.”


  1. How can I engage my employees?
  2. How can I be a better example to my employees?
  3. How can I be more approachable to my employees?
  4. How can I be a better manager?
  5. What can I do about employee turnover?