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The perils of ignoring customer feedback, should Nokia have paid more attention to AT&T?

It’s critical to be in touch with your customers although too often we fall into the trap of wanting to share all the great things we can bring to them, to help them in their business. What must be a two-way dialogue can become more of a monologue if we are not mindful to stop and listen.

That’s probably truer now than it has ever been, due in no small part to the enormous changes everyone has faced in the last few months with Covid-19 and its impact on all of our customers’ business and their changing needs. It’s essential to make listening to customers an ongoing process, even when you are being hugely successful, growing strongly, and enjoying significant market share. And it’s not just engineers and product people who need to listen to customers. In fact, great sales teams make it a point to listen to their customers and help identify unmet needs. If you fall into the trap of thinking all of your customer’s needs are being satisfied you end up being blindsided to what’s coming.

A stark example of this for me was the later stages of my time at Nokia. In the mobile phone world, Nokia was the acknowledged leading vendor. Market share across Europe and the Middle East was 40%, closer to 80% in China and India, and many other parts of Asia. Central and South America were also growing rapidly, with the only real gap being in the US, where Motorola and RIM/Blackberry, had taken the leadership position.

Our largest ‘customer’ in the US, AT&T, was giving us feedback on our user interface, complex menu approach, and product design. This was difficult to hear based on a long history of leading the industry with the intuitiveness and simplicity of our devices. The feedback was also discounted because it came from a country Nokia considered to be “behind” in terms of mobile phone technology and design and because Nokia’s US revenue was low compared with the market potential.

Clearly, with 2020 hindsight (pun intended), we didn’t listen well and we didn’t act on what we heard. As you may recall AT&T was initially the exclusive seller of Apple’s iPhone, the pioneer in a mass-market touch screen interface on mobile devices as well as offering simplicity and application access in an intuitive and friendly UI. And the iPhone’s rapid acceptance was a humbling surprise for Nokia.

The moral of course is always listen to your customers, even when their feedback is hard to hear or perhaps especially when it’s hard to hear.

Best Practices Body Language Entrepreneurship Human Resources Management Negotiations Sales Skills Women In Business

“This Is How To Be Better At Concealing Body Language” – Negotiation Insight

“Your body language speaks, even when your words are absent.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert (Click to Tweet)

   Click here to get the book!

“This Is How To Be Better At Concealing Body Language”


People don’t realize; they’re always negotiating.

What does your body language say about you? A married couple was discussing selling their home when the topic turned to the realtor they’d use. So, they reached out to a few realtor services to begin their selection process. During the interviews, they informed one realtor that they had several other realtors with whom they’d be speaking. The realtor asked who the others were. The male spouse mentioned the name of one realtor in particular, and the realtor to whom he was speaking slumped noticeably. When asked why his body sank, he said, “she’s good,” referring to the realtor that the spouse mentioned!

The display of someone’s body language gives you insight into their thoughts and what’s behind the actions they commit. And the exhibition the realtor’s body language displayed indicated that he sensed he’d lost our couple’s listing before they determined with whom they’d list their property. FYI, the couple did list with the realtor’s competition, the one the realtor stated was good.

To discover how you can conceal some of the body language signals that don’t benefit you …

Click here to continue.


Remember, you’re always negotiating!


Listen to Greg’s podcast at https://c-suitenetwork.com/radio/shows/greg-williams-the-master-negotiator-and-body-language-expert-podcast/


After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com


To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Negotiation Insight,” click here https://themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/



Entrepreneurship Human Resources Management Marketing Negotiations Sales Skills Women In Business

“This Is How To Be Better at Negotiations With Bots” – Negotiation Tip of the Week


People don’t realize; they’re always negotiating.

As negotiations become more intricate, smart negotiators are finding value in incorporating bots into the negotiation process. And while some bots can differ in their purpose, chatbots, as they’re also known, are tools that more negotiators have begun using in their negotiations.

By using bots in your negotiations, you can improve your negotiation position and outcome. Discover how to use chatbots to enhance your negotiation efforts! https://bit.ly/31XQCE9


Remember, you’re always negotiating!


Listen to Greg’s podcast at https://c-suitenetwork.com/radio/shows/greg-williams-the-master-negotiator-and-body-language-expert-podcast/


After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com


To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Negotiation Insight” click here https://themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/


Best Practices Entrepreneurship Sales Skills

33 Ways to Improve Your Year

1. Fewer resolutions. More resolve.

2. Increase your daily level of optimism. AMAZING things will start to happen!

3. Be a lamp. Or a lifeboat. Or a ladder.

4. Mean people suck. Don’t become one of them. Not even for a second.

5. Write more. Journaling, blogging, morning pages, notes to friends, and loved ones.

6. Feature and leverage other people.

7. Be more gracious and more grateful.

8. Less excitement. More execution.

9. Let it go. Yes, you know EXACTLY what I mean. (Thanks again, Joe Calloway!)

10. Create a mastermind alliance or partnership. It will make all the difference.

11. Write your damn book already.

12. Drink more water.

13. In case of emergency, oxygen masks will drop from the overhead compartment. Secure your own mask before assisting others.

14. Clean up. De-clutter. De-pile.

15. Make more lists and use them wisely.

16. When it comes to social media: Post value (not ego); Retweet generously; Shout-out loudly; Thank abundantly.

17. Carry a notebook everywhere. Got an idea? Write it down. With today’s date. And a “next action” step. Repeat.

18. Get more sleep.

19. Do more of what makes you happy.

20. If you speak or present regularly, your ideas deserve beautiful slides. This might help.

21. If you DON’T speak or present regularly, you are missing out on the #1 way to boost your career, grow your business, and magnify your impact on the world.

22. Nobody buys your products, services, or ideas “sight unseen.” So go get seen!

23. “If everything seems under control, you’re not going fast enough.” ~ Mario Andretti

24. Read Getting Things Done by David Allen.

25. Master your inbox once and for all. Massive freedom will follow.

26. Tap into trends to generate more and better ideas for both your business and your life. Start here or here. (Read this to see how Harvard Business Review connects trend hunting with sales success, too.)

27. Stop worrying about the HOW. Focus on your bigass WHY and a small set of very specific WHATs. The rest will take care of itself. Honest.

28. Become more in tune with the time/space continuum. Seriously. Rather than wanting everything to happen “Now, now, and now” (which only causes overwhelm and frustration) focus more consistently on what you need to do “Next, next, and next.”

29. The three factors to your long-term success: 1. Your Authenticity 2. Your Expertise 3. Your Enthusiasm.

30. Replace “Who’s going to let me?” with “Who’s going to stop me?” (Hint: Maybe no one?)

31. Reflect on the shortness of life. And pack as much goodness as you possibly can (for you and for others) into every single day.

32. Always pick up the check and leave a big tip.

33. You’re pumped… You’re peaked… It’s game time… Bring it!

Entrepreneurship Marketing Sales Skills

8 Powerful Book Marketing Lessons

1. Aim higher. Are you writing the book to just “have a book” or are you writing the book that your fans, subscribers, followers, clients, prospects, customers, and influencers want to read? The second one takes more careful thought and strategic action. But it will also skyrocket your book’s influence, impact, and income.

2. Act faster. How long have you been noodling on your book idea? According to surveys, 81% of people say they want to write a book but only a tiny fraction of a percentage take action on it. If you’re tired of years and years of wishing and you’re ready to start doing – now is your time.

3. Your book needs to FLOP. FLOP is an acronym for “Feature and Leverage Other People.” And you specifically need 3 groups of people to help propel your book’s sales – your endorsement posse, your contributor tribe, and your launch partners. Nothing great is ever achieved alone.

4. Books don’t sell themselves. Just like “good work should speak for itself” is a complete myth, good books don’t speak for themselves, either. You need to promote, market, catalyze, tease, tempt, help, and serve your readers in lots of ways – and your book is just one of those primary ways.

5. Offer value, invite engagement. Nobody likes to be talked at. But we all love to be talked with and listened to. Make your book marketing and promotion campaign more like a conversation and less like a data dump. Interact, interview, be radically generous, be radically helpful, seek to converse, and not to convince… and the sales will come flooding in.

6. Marketing your book = Marketing YOU. Don’t think about marketing your book as a one-off project. If you’ve written the right kind of book, it will serve and support your business for years to come and vice versa. In fact, the activities that you need to be doing to market the book are the same activities that you need to be doing to market your business!

7. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Don’t fall into the trap of short-term thinking. Your book launch is the beginning – not the end – of your book marketing journey.

8. Focus is everything. If you make your book the focal point of your business, it will become the central driver of your high-payoff marketing, sales, and business development activities. Put massive goals in place and then create a game plan to take baby steps every single day. Rain or shine. Happy or sad. Feel like it or not. That’s the fast path to results.

Best Practices Entrepreneurship Human Resources Investing Management Marketing Negotiations Sales Skills Women In Business

“This Is How To Negotiate Better On Social Media” – Negotiation Insight

People have asked me, should you negotiate the same way on social media as over the phone, or in-person? And my answer, like always, is, it depends. Every negotiation has nuances that make it different from those prior. That’s true, even when the same people are involved in a negotiation. Social media is an environment that possesses opportunities to use tools, such as bots, that you may not be familiar with in a negotiation. Take note of the following to discover how you can become more proficient when negotiating on social media.  https://bit.ly/3bcPa3N

Remember, you’re always negotiating!

Entrepreneurship Marketing Sales Skills

Book Marketing Truths

Here are 13 rookie mistakes that kill your book sales:

1. Self-publish your book and wait by the phone – Ugh, been there, done that, it doesn’t work.

2. Traditionally publish your book and wait by the phone – also not recommended. Books don’t sell themselves no matter which publishing route you take.

3. Not establishing your platform sooner – you need reach and visibility to sell books (and anything else for that matter!)

4. No book proposal – Even if you plan to self-publish, creating a proposal serves as a blueprint and roadmap for your book marketing success.

5. Having only books in your arsenal – A book is a “gateway” into all your other investable opportunities. Make sure your high-fee offerings align with the content of your book.

6. Going it alone. You need book endorsers, launch partners, possibly even contributors to help you build a community of promoters around your book.

7. Using expensive PR firms – almost every single author regrets doing this for the simple reason that their campaigns do NOT generate book sales.

8. Paying for “Amazon #1 bestseller” campaigns. As you may know, a dirty sock became an Amazon #1 bestseller and there are a ton of scammers and goofballs promising “guaranteed” bestseller status. We’ll reveal why that’s not the point — and how to hit your goals regardless of this phony metric.

9. Not branding the book. Your book is your brand and you should be able to build your business around that book and its ideas for the next 3-5 years.

10. Being afraid of sales. Don’t worry about hawking your books. Focus instead on selling your ideas, value, impact, results, outcomes, and gifts – and selling everything (including your book) becomes much easier!

11. Buy into an anthology. For most authors, this is a shortcut that seems very appealing until you realize it’s a money-making ploy for the so-called “publisher” and you get very little juice from being in a book with 20 other authors who couldn’t cut the mustard on their own, either. Sigh.

12. Marketing overwhelm. Having no idea what to do – when to do it – how to get it done – and thus ending up frustrated, confused, and doing next to nothing to market your book. Lack of marketing leads to a lack of sales leads to a lack of monetization. That’s called a doom loop.

13. Mistake size for value. If you’re writing your first (or next) book, don’t give in to the false assumption that you have to write a 300-page tome. Many of the highest-grossing and bestselling business books of the past 20 years weigh in at less than 125 small-format pages.

Best Practices Entrepreneurship Human Resources Investing Management Negotiations Sales Skills Women In Business

“This Is How To Detect Fraud In Negotiations Easily” – Negotiation Tip of the Week

“You become susceptible to fraud when your greed outpaces your logic.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert (Click to Tweet)


Click here to get the book!



People don’t realize; they’re always negotiating.

I’ve heard some negotiators say all is fair in love, war, and negotiations. And some of them will stop just short of fraud to obtain a favorable outcome. Others will outright attempt to defraud you. The latter negotiator types are the ones whose shenanigans you must be alert to – they’re the ones that can leave you financially and emotionally devastated.

They’re signs to observe, in both the spoken and written words, that someone uses, that can serve as a forerunner announcing their pending trickeries. Take note of the following. You’ll see what I mean. You’ll also discover how to detect fraud to protect yourself from those that attempt to defraud you in your negotiations.

Do you ever consider how easy it is for someone to commit #fraud against you in your #negotiations? Fraud occurs in one form or another more than you realize. Learn how to detect fraud before it’s unleashed on you. bit.ly/3gASVRN

Best Practices Entrepreneurship Human Resources Investing Management Marketing Negotiations Sales Skills Women In Business

“This Is How To Attack Difficult Choices In Negotiations” – Negotiation Insight

Negotiations can become complicated when presented with difficult choices. But you can attack those difficulties by being cunning, beguiling, and using a little lateral thinking. The following is how you can accomplish that.

Click here to discover how you can make difficult choices easier!


Remember, you’re always negotiating!


Listen to Greg’s podcast at https://c-suitenetwork.com/radio/shows/greg-williams-the-master-negotiator-and-body-language-expert-podcast/


After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com


To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Negotiation Insight” click here https://themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/




Best Practices Entrepreneurship Human Resources Investing Management Marketing Mergers & Acquisition Negotiations Sales Skills Women In Business

“This Is How To Use Leverage To Win Negotiations” – Negotiation Insight

As a #negotiator, #leverage can enhance your #negotiation efforts. But it can become a tool turned against you if you misuse it. Discover how you can use leverage to improve your negotiation outcomes. bit.ly/310PAHc