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Living Your Life Beyond the Labels Assigned to You by Others

There’s an insidious epidemic that has happened to many of us internally that’s not widely discussed, but which can be just as crippling as the pandemic we just survived. And if not addressed consciously and mindfully, can affect us for our whole life.

I’m talking about the impact of imprinting and conditioning that starts when we’re young and builds over time. Simply put, the effect of others labeling us – and ultimately labeling ourselves – without regard to the often serious consequences.

No Surgeon General’s Warning

We know packs of cigarettes have a warning about how smoking could be harmful to your health (duh!)? Well, unfortunately, there’s no such warning about the impact of imposing (nearly always false!) labels on others and ourselves – I wish there were.

Did anyone ever tell you that you weren’t good enough at something? Or that you’d never amount to anything? Or that you weren’t smart enough? Or that you weren’t creative?

That kind of labeling starts when we’re young, and it can leave a lasting, lingering imprint if we don’t address it. By contrast, when we have parents, relatives and teachers who encourage our individual gifts and talents, we’re far more likely to thrive – in school, at work and in life.

As an avid reader as a child (and something of a loner inherently), I was told I wasn’t good at sports and should stay focused on my intellectual side. As a result, I never engaged in team sports and didn’t pursue athletics in any way other than as an observer. No surprise, when people were chosen for sports teams in school, I was always among the last to be picked.

My mom encouraged my sister and me to engage in arts and crafts. Even though I actually won awards for my projects, my sister was dubbed “the artistic one,” and me, “the intellectual.”

When John Lennon was five, his teacher asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up. He wrote down “Happy.” She told him he didn’t understand the assignment, and he told her that she didn’t understand life. Wise beyond his years even then at five years old!

More recently my friend rocker Paul Stanley of KISS recently observed something similar. A mother tweeted how her six-year-old daughter painted an amazing scene in an after-school art club and the art teacher told her she’d done it wrong. She was so upset as art was her favorite thing to do. Paul was mortified. He responded to the child through her mother, “your art is AWESOME!! There is no such thing as doing art ‘wrong.’ There are only teachers who are wrong! Keep doing exactly what you’re doing; I LOVE it!”

How about you? What labels have you carried throughout your life, and how have they impacted how you saw and interacted with the world in terms of barriers or constraints?


Busting Through (Usually False) Labels Is Liberating

As a result of growing up and living with these false labels, we adopt belief systems about who we are and what we are and aren’t capable of. And we diminish our capabilities, hold ourselves back, and limit our life circumstances – all because of things others said that we took on as being true about us.

When you realize that you’re not the labels others have imposed on you, you can free yourself to take back your power and choose to see yourself differently. When you see that those were just belief systems that no longer serve you (and never did – and weren’t even true!), you’re free to take on whatever is calling to you to be and do now.

For example, you’re being led to take up painting (maybe for the first time ever) – but you’ve held that you weren’t creative all your life – try taking a class and dabbling in it; wade in and prove that in fact that believe was a lie.

One highly effective tool to begin breaking loose from these old beliefs and thought patterns about ourselves is to question the truth about them. Byron Katie is an author and speaker who teaches a method of self-inquiry known as “The Work” (and has published books and courses on this approach). Effectively it encourages us with four powerful but simple questions to address stressful beliefs, anxieties, and assumptions that may have held us in their grip for years and gently moves us to self-evaluate whether these are really true – and to re-frame new possibilities that are likely to be more positive and freeing allowing us to move forward in our lives with peace and ease.

What Might Be Possible if You Embrace the Label of “Creator” (Get Curious)

A colleague of mine, Steve Chandler, is an inspiring coach and author. One of my favorite books of his addresses this topic head-on – and it’s simply called “Creator” (I highly recommend it).

Can you see how powerful it can be to make some time for introspection to consider where you may have held yourself back by living old beliefs, labels, and limitations that others (or you yourself) have imposed on you that have resulted in you playing small or holding yourself back in life? Can you also see the promise and potential in terms of what’s possible in your life when you shift out of those debilitating mindsets?

I hope you’ll make the time and effort to get curious, take a closer look and evaluate this for yourself. You owe it to yourself and to those you love to take the reins of your life, embrace the truth about your gifts and talents and who you really are, and plot a truly empowered course from here forward. I’d love to hear what you learn. Reach out to me if you want more support with this or just want to share your insights.


Best Practices Entrepreneurship Leadership Personal Development

How To Ethically Create New Capital From Thin Air

Finance and Legal

How To Ethically Create New Capital From Thin Air

On Capitalizing Your Cashflow even if sales or income are on a low curve

*Disclaimer: The contents of this article are solely meant for your own personal considerations and thus they are in no way meant as any legal, financial, medical or other professional advice for which you would otherwise consult or hire an expert or respective specialist. In other words, this article is solely meant for you to think and ponder the meaning of certain concepts and ideas without tying direct practical or productive consequences to them. Doing that is dependent on where you are now, what kind of business you run, and the responsibilities and actions you take to get to where you want to go. So, the author cannot be held responsible for those consequences. You are responsible for your own actions and deeds that could follow from working with these concepts and ideas. It’s about ethics, both in terms of business ethics as well as in terms of even higher standards of general human conduct. Respect and honor that, for yourself, for your loved ones, for your colleagues and even for humankind as a whole.


Have you ever had a downturn on investments but needed a fast cash injection at the same time?

It can be a rough place to be in indeed. And although it seems like it’s a numbers game mostly, there’s something deeper laying at cause. More on that later.

But first, let’s ponder the question what a cash injection really is these days…

  • Is it coins and bills?
  • Is it currency and flow?
  • Is it new capital and value?
  • Or is it simply a matter of interplaying digits and assets that create a specific type of balance and supply?

There’s merit in all four of these options. And having them working together might very well be the solution to the question we started with.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, for there is a quintessence that makes sense of all four of them. And that quintessence needs to become clear first. More on that in a moment.

Let’s begin though with understanding a bit more about the process of creation. Because the process of creation can help you with capitalizing your cashflow. It could pay you many dividends. Even if sales or income are currently on a low curve.

Thin Air

If you want to have something, that would mean that you don’t have it already. It may exist already in some physical form. But that doesn’t necessarily has to be the case. So, how do you then get from not having it to having it, in other words, from creating the very thing you want as being part of your existence?

>>There is a real order of reality<< When you understand that order you can literally create something ‘from thin air’. An example would be this very article you’re reading right now. It didn’t exist before I wrote it. But I did want to create it. So I tapped into the creation process and constructed it ‘from thin air’.

Now it’s a form of capital in the form of content – an online asset these days. Placed on a website that generates traffic, i.e. readers, it now has also become part of a certain flow, a flow that could lead to currency.

In other words, when you want a fast cash injection, creating something ‘from thin air’ could very well be the way to get that done. And there are indeed many shapes and forms in which this creation process could then play out.

There are too many of those shapes and forms to name here though. But they all have one thing in common – they all create a form of value that could be categorized under the umbrella term ‘new capital’. And here’s why it’s important to indeed value them as such…

New Capital

There are five forms of capital when you categorize them in a general manner. From there you can then further specify it to your specific needs or wants in terms of value.

I won’t dive into these five categories here but if you want to learn more about them you can get a special Infographic that explains them all right here: >>https://www.agilebusinesswisdom.com/ultimate-one-pager<<

What’s important about this general view on new capital creation is the inner coherence by which they exist. Indeed they vary in a delicate interplay that even goes beyond a mere balance of digits and assets. But together they form an infinite supply!

Now, isn’t that the quintessence of what we all want when it comes to capitalizing your cashflow even if sales or income are on a low? That’s right, from an infinite supply there will always be more than enough.

There is one thing though that could disturb that supply. And that disturbance probably lays at cause of the low sales or income in the first place. But when understood and enlightened, it can be turned around.

It’s a delicate thing though. And sadly today, many people don’t even bother to dedicate a single thought to it. But since you’re reading this article, I reckon you’d like to learn a bit more about it.

So let’s dive in…

Ethical Creation

Creation as described before is not just a personal thing, even when done alone in an office, laboratory or somewhere else. For the place itself where that new creation takes place has already been created by others or by something or someone else (depending on your general outlook on life). So it’s safe to say that you never really create alone.

Indeed there’s always some kind of facilitation. You can call it the power of the Master Mind. So, with that in mind, it pays to pay attention to how you create. And it then makes perfect sense to create with all that is present at hand.

  • What is present at hand is the infinite supply through the five categories of capital.
  • What is present at hand is the coins and bills, currency and flow, capital and value, and digits and assets that are existing already somewhere somehow.
  • What is present at hand is the ‘thin air’ from which you can create something new.

Capital, supply and cash injection can so become more aligned in an ethical manner.

Because being aware of this greater coherence opens up the ethical dimension of respecting and honouring other peoples’ work, their contributions and efforts, and their approaches to a life well lived.

Now, to bring it all together, let’s briefly answer the question from the title of this article.

How to Ethically Create New Capital from Thin Air

When we take all the information and knowledge contained in this article and combine it with all the wisdom you already have, you can now ethically create new capital from thin air by using specific agile innovation principles that are applied from a philosophical point of view.

  1. This means that you first gain profound insight in the real order of reality.
  2. You then (re)learn the skills, tools and techniques to ethically align the five general categories of capital.
  3. And finally you get the best methodologies in place to apply your infinite supply.

If you want help with that then check the Infographic right here: >>https://www.agilebusinesswisdom.com<<

Thank you for reading this article.

I hope you’ve already received new inspiration to ethically create new capital from thin air now.


Maurits van Sambeek, MA

Founder, >>The Omnibenevolence Council™<<

Author of >>Omnibenevolence<<

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