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Growth Management Personal Development

Effective Delegation Strategies for Franchise Success

All successful business people have to learn to delegate. But I would argue that delegation is especially critical for franchise owners who want to own more than one franchise location, and who would like to see all their franchises succeed and grow.

I would also argue that many franchise owners have an especially difficult time learning to delegate to others. Many tend to fall into a pattern like this . . .

An owner starts by buying one franchise and works extra hard to make it successful. That owner learns that in order to succeed, it is necessary to stay on top of every detail of running the business. That owner can have a very difficult time transitioning from being the owner of just one location to being the owner of several or many. And similar difficulties can emerge even in one location if it starts to grow.

One supervisor cannot be hands-on in multiple locations, or in one location when it reaches a certain size. At a certain point, the owner has to hire competent employees, trust them, and delegate responsibility and work to them.

That poses a contradiction for many owners because the same style of supervision that brought success earlier on has to be left behind.

Steps to More Successful Delegation

First, have a clear vision and expectation of the roles you are hiring for. Perhaps you’re hiring a person whose job will be to open up new locations. Or perhaps you’re hiring a person whose job will be to hire and help you staff up – in other words, to be your HR manager. Or maybe you’re hiring someone who will be a retail and sales manager. To succeed, you need to hire people who have the experience, aptitude, and skills to handle the specific tasks you need done. You can then delegate those tasks to them and loosen your control over many details. You can then stop micromanaging and start to concentrate on bigger issues of expanding your business.

As the expression says, you can stop working in your business and start working on your business.

Second, hire people who can be delegated to. Does their experience indicate that they have been in the past and that they are open to input and suggestions? During interviews and screening, do they demonstrate the kind of a cooperative, personable and enthusiastic attitude that tells you they will be open to being delegated to?

Third, hire people who understand and communicate well. You can get a sense of this in interviews. When you explain a current challenge or set of expectations, is the candidate quick to understand and grasp the essence of what you are saying? Is he or she able to listen well and ask questions until a solid level of understanding is achieved? Pay attention to this issue. Hiring managers and then having to explain things repetitively to them is a frustration that can convince you that it is necessary to micromanage. And that is something to avoid.

Fourth, provide excellent training in the critically important skills the job will require. Often, franchise owners like to hire managers and other employees who have lots of prior, applicable experience. Those owners expect that a new employee’s previous experience will take the place of training – in essence, that the employee will arrive on the job “pre-trained.” There may be some truth in that. However, it is always more effective to carefully define the skills your new hires should have, develop metrics to measure them, and to train those abilities.

And Think about Relatability

As you meet with possible hires, ask yourself, “Is this someone I can relate to . . . someone I can see working with closely in the years ahead?”

One way to increase the likelihood of productive, long relationships is to consider offering very promising employees an opportunity to work their way toward limited partnerships in your franchise.

About Evan Hackel

Evan Hackel is a 35-year franchising veteran as both a franchisor and franchisee. He is CEO of Tortal Training, a leading training development company, and principal of Ingage Consulting. He is a speaker, hosts “Training Unleashed,” a podcast covering training for business, and author of Ingaging Leadership. To hire Evan as a speaker, visit evanspeaksfranchising.com. Follow @ehackel or call 781-820-7609. Why not have Evan Hackel address your group about franchising success?

Growth Health and Wellness Skills

Dear Katherine: My Kids Love Video Games—Should I Be Concerned?

Dear Katherine,

My kids love playing video games. They seem to take genuine pleasure in this activity, and while they’re occupied, I have a chance to do household chores and enjoy a little time to myself. 

I know there are better hobbies out there—but if they like gaming and it gives me a bit of space, is that so wrong? Am I making a parenting mistake by letting them play? 


Guilty As Charged

Hey there, Guilty As Charged,

First of all, you have nothing to feel guilty about here! Check your shame at the door. We’re all human.

Gaming—and screen-time in general—is a sore spot in many parent-child relationships. It’s hard to imagine eliminating these activities because, as you said, your kids enjoy playing video games, and you enjoy having some space. Not to mention that screen-time has become an undeniable part of children’s social lives.

But of course, “too much” of anything can be a problem.

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So what constitutes “too much” in terms of gaming? The answer: It depends. 

Rest assured that you probably don’t have to put an end to your kids’ gaming. This kind of hobby can have a place in a healthy, well-rounded child’s life. The issue is when it becomes an addiction.

I did a webinar with Cam Adair (founder of Game Quitters, the world’s largest support platform), who once struggled with video game addiction. He dropped out of school, lied to his parents about having a job, and eventually experienced suicidal ideation. At the height of his problem, he was gaming 16 hours a day.
We talked about how one of the risk factors for full-fledged gaming addiction is using video games as a coping mechanism or a means of escape. The amount of time someone spends gaming matters much less than why they’re gaming in the first place.

Here’s a good litmus test: If your child is gaming and you ask them to stop—for dinner, homework, or something else—are they capable of easily walking away? If so, there may not be cause for concern.

If they have trouble walking away, there may not be cause for concern either.  If they are in the middle of getting to that next level at the very moment you call for them, they may just need a few more minutes!

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It’s also important to take a holistic view of your kids’ lives outside of gaming.

Are they doing well in school? 

Do they have nice friends? 

Are they generally kind and happy? 

Do they get proper exercise and nutrition?

The answers to those questions will help you determine if playing video games is a solution for another problem—or just another activity that brings your children joy.

If you are concerned, Game Quitters—Cam’s game addiction support community—is an excellent resource. But first, start a conversation with your kids about their gaming habits. Good old-fashioned quality time and better parent-child communication may be enough to keep them from entering unhealthy territory.

Tell your child that you want to spend time together as a family, and be sure to plan activities that excite them. Steer clear of using power and control because that is guaranteed to activate the 3Rs (retaliation, rebellion and resistance) and generate a resentment flow.

I hope this response gave you some peace of mind, Guilty As Charged. Your kids’ love for video games is likely healthy and normal.

Love and Blessings,


P.S. Do you have a gut feeling that your kid’s gaming obsession is an escape from other unmet needs? Watch our free webinar and take a deeper dive to understand how to get rid of retaliation, rebellion and resistance here.

Best Practices Entrepreneurship Leadership Marketing Personal Development

Adjusting To The New Normal

The past several months leading up to and into 2022 I have been concentrating a great deal of effort preparing my clients and prospects for the New Normal ushered in by the COVID Pandemic. By now I believe that as business owners we can all agree that the old way of doing business has given way to a whole new way that involves:

  • Less personal customer/prospect interaction
  • Streamlined/reduced resources and personnel
  • Increases reliance on technology interfaces, and
  • New means of communicating and connecting

What amazes me is that with all these changes there has also been a growing sense of productivity, focus, and community around family and friends. So, the dilemma is ‘How do we capitalize on the New Normal moving forward as we strive to grow and scale our businesses or careers?’ I have included 5 tips to help weed out the confusion and uncertainty brought about by the changes that have taken place and how to Take Back Control.

Stop listening to all the chatter

The first step in gaining the upper hand in your own life and business is to stop listening to what everyone else is saying. The Pandemic has introduced so-called ‘experts’ introducing shock and awe into an already frightening situation. As responsible individuals, we can choose how we react to what is happening around us and whether we let it govern us or we can take back control.

Take stock of the impact

The Pandemic has really had on us personally. Weigh the Pros and Cons. What seems to be a mess and negatively impacting our lives may also be introducing something that was lost a long time ago. I am constantly hearing stories about how families are reconnecting, workers realizing that chasing the brass ring was taking away from what was important in their lives. I for one have realized that by being confined and working from my home, my productivity has increased three-fold. I no longer am putting 100+ miles a day on my car, ultimately saving time, gas, and maintenance on my car.

Take advantage of looser time restraints 

The Pandemic has introduced a new way of working, allowing more flexibility to spend as ‘ME’ time. Don’t be afraid to take an hour or two here or there during the workweek for downtime. Take a walk around the block, take the kids to the zoo, or spend some quality time with your ‘better’ half. Not being tied to an office 8-9 hours a day, allows you the freedom of flexibility.

Set up a dedicated space for work at home

Although the Pandemic has ushered in some positive advantages, these can easily be squashed when there is not a dedicated work/home life separation. Working from home can make it difficult to shut down, blurring the lines between work and family. Whether growing your own business or working at home in a remote position, you need to be disciplined enough to know when to close the door at work every day.

Pay close attention to trend changes

Now is not the time to become complacent thinking that THIS is the NEW Normal. Things are far from over when it comes to the impact of COVID. We will continue to see new and improved changes in technology, communications, operational management, streamlined systems, and much more as we maneuver the new normal way of working. To succeed in this changing environment it is more important than ever for you to remain apprised of the changes coming down the pike.

2022 will be a year of discovery and restructuring as we Take Back Control of our lives both personally and professionally. MarketAtomy is offering a 5-Day challenge February 21st – 25th “Taking Back Control in 2022” exploring trend changes impacting business growth moving forward. To register go to https://bpchallenge.teawithchris.com/

MarketAtomy, LLC is a growth development-learning environment for small and medium business owners with one goal in mind…to empower them with the tools and knowledge needed to build their business on a rock-solid foundation. Through foresight and fortitude, entrepreneurial dreams become a reality. For more information, please visit marketatomy.com. Visit MarketAtomy.Academy to find out about the only Learning Management System developed for early-stage business growth.

Body Language Culture Health and Wellness

Is Your Tank Running On Empty?

Taking care of your kids starts with taking care of yourself.

Are you overextending yourself to meet your family’s needs? Do you feel trapped in an exhausting juggling act with no end in sight? It’s time to take a step back and practice some self-care.

Parents, we live in extremely stressful times. But prioritizing everyone else’s needs at the expense of our own isn’t the answer. When we fall into this trap, our own health and wellness suffers, preventing us from becoming the parents we want to be.

I know you’re committed to being 100% present for your children—and that means first allowing yourself the bandwidth to fulfill your own needs.

We’re all familiar with the oxygen mask analogy: you have to put your own mask on first. It sounds easy in theory, but in practice, it’s not always easy to prioritize yourself. Know that when you practice self-care, you ARE becoming a better parent for your children.

And taking care of yourself doesn’t have to be overly lavish or take tons of time. It can be doing something simple:

  • Going for a quick walk
  • Calling a friend
  • Spending quality time with your partner (without the kids!)

If there’s one thing you should remember, it’s that taking care of others starts with taking care of yourself. Fill your own tank and your whole family will reap the benefits.

Growth Health and Wellness

How Your Body is Managing Your Stress

Whenever we go through trauma, the body responds. The body has a biochemical reaction to what we’re experiencing in our life, and it’s all for our protection. It’s to help us cope with what we’re facing, help us deal with it as it’s occurring, and help us move beyond the stressful experience once the threat is over. For this process to work successfully, however, our bodies will burn through lots of nutrients, the raw materials that our body is designed to utilize to help us deal with life and deal with stress effectively.

Back in the caveman days, those stressors may have been running from a wild animal. In today’s more modern society, that stress can simply be the stressors of our daily lives. That can look very complex and be incredibly overwhelming; especially when the stress is ongoing.

In order for us to be able to process, address and meet the needs of what we’re going through, (and for healing), we need powerful nutrients. It’s easy to burn through those nutrients quickly under excessive stress and while we can get many of those nutrients from a healthy diet, prolonged or excessive stress requires additional support.

Think of the stress left in the wake of the shattering of trust and/or betrayal. The shock of the experience imprints itself on your body, mind, and heart. That shock ignites the stress response which then lays the groundwork for symptoms, illnesses, conditions, and disease.

For example, in the over 50,000 people who’ve taken the Post Betrayal Syndrome quiz, 45% have a gut issue which can be anything from Crohn’s disease, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), leaky gut, diverticulitis, constipation, diarrhea to name a few. Even if the person continues to eat a healthy diet (and that’s often the last thing someone is thinking about when they’re reeling from a betrayal), they’re not absorbing or retaining the healthy nutrients they’re taking in.

The body has a hierarchy, a protocol for dealing with stress that often involves shutting down digestive processes and increasing stress hormones. That stress revs up your metabolism and makes you require more nutrients. It’s like this; if you were crossing the street and a car was racing towards you, blood and oxygen are sent to your heart, lungs, and limbs so you can quickly move aside or jump the curb to safety. Normal processes are diverted from the digestive system until the dangerous situation is over. Well, under chronic stress, the message is never fully received that you’re safe. So, the digestive system isn’t getting what it needs and it’s a common reason why digestion is suffering.

So, what can you do?

While managing the stress is crucial, it’s helpful to support your body’s needs however you can. One of the simplest places to start is by making sure at least one meal is nutrient-dense, easy to absorb, digest and process. It also has to be simple, quick, and easy because our attention is on finding solid ground to stand on again, and we simply don’t have the mental resources to put towards extensive meal preparation.

For me, that means a daily, nutrient-packed smoothie loaded with superfoods, vitamins, minerals, quality protein, and something that tastes great. At the same time, it’s also important to retain the nutrients we’re taking in, and here’s where digestive enzymes will help.

Most importantly, the body needs to recognize that the threat has passed, that you’re safe, and that everything can find its way back to a place of balance and equilibrium. No simple task when healing from betrayal but absolutely possible, even predictable when you move through The 5 Stages from Betrayal to Breakthrough.

Remember, healing from betrayal and shattered trust requires healing on all levels so whichever level you’re working towards, it’s a great step in a healthy direction.

Dr. Debi, Founder and CEO, The PBT (Post Betrayal Transformation) Institute