C-Suite Network™

Books Sales Training Skills

An exclusive interview with BOB BURG, world renowned Sales & Entrepreneur Expert/Trainer/Keynote Speaker.

Bob Burg has been successfully showing entrepreneurs, leaders, & sales pros for over 30 yrs, how to build relationships, communicate their value, & accelerate their business growth as one of the top Sales and Entrepreneur trainers in the world.  Though for years he was best known for his sales classic, Endless Referrals, it’s his business parable he co-authored, The Go-Giver, that has created a worldwide movement.  While part of a four-book series, The Go-Giver itself has sold well over a million copies & been translated into 30 languages. It was rated #10 on Inc. Magazine’s list of The Most Motivational Books Ever Written, & was on HubSpot’s 20 Most Highly Rated Sales Books of All Time.

An advocate, supporter, & defender of the Free Enterprise system, Bob believes that the amount of money one makes is directly proportional to how many people they serve.

Listen to this exclusive interview on the C-Suite Network’s podcast THE MOTIVATION SHOW.   Link to listen:https://c-suitenetwork.com/radio/shows/the-motivation-show/

You will learn:

-Most people just laugh when they hear that the secret to success is giving…Then again, most people are nowhere near as successful as they wish they were.”

-Examples of what a salesperson or entrepreneur can give a prospective client

-Change focus from getting to giving…putting others interests first & adding value to their lives ultimately leads to unexpected returns. Give & You Shall Receive.”

-“Don’t give as a quid pro quo, not as a strategy to get ahead, but because it is, in & of itself, a satisfying & fulfilling way to be.”

-Five Laws of Stratospheric Success.

-How do you turn a Cold Call into a Warm Call?

-How can you have business organically flow to you instead of always trying to push, persuade, cajole, hype or any other artificial way of making a sale?

-How do you deal with the prospect you know is your perfect client, but just won’t give you the time of day.  They don’t return your email, phone calls or texts.

-One golden nugget of advice from a “drive-by mentor” totally shifted Bob’s perspective and played a big role in his success.

-One thing to absolutely AVOID doing when seeking out a mentor.

-What’s the best way to find a mentor?

-Why being a “Go-Giver” is absolutely congruent with — and even honors — human nature.


[PRESS RELEASE] C-Suite Network™ Announces the Launch of “C-Suite Best Seller List™” – A New Benchmark for Non-Fiction Writers

[New York, NY, January 15, 2024] — The C-Suite Network™, the world’s most trusted network of C-Suite leaders, is announcing the launch of “C-Suite Best Seller List™,” an innovative platform designed to revolutionize the landscape of non-fiction writing. This groundbreaking initiative sets a new standard in business literature, providing unparalleled exposure and opportunities for authors to connect with an influential audience.

More than just a best-seller list, the C-Suite Best Seller List™ introduces a unique way for non-fiction writers and authors to extend their reach and gain targeted exposure to a highly influential group of C-Suite leaders. Authors whose books meet the criteria for inclusion in the C-Suite Best Seller List™, can tap into new audiences using the Network’s resources across social media, book signing opportunities, purchase options, and media interviews, reaching broader, more engaged audiences.

The notoriety of the C-Suite Best Seller List™ lies not only in the volume of readers it can reach, but also in the quality of its readership. With a reach of hundreds of thousands, the C-Suite Network™ is comprised of influential decision-makers, creating a domino effect leading to long-term success, strategic partnerships and pivotal business opportunities.

For authors that qualify, the benefits of being featured on the C-Suite Best Seller List™ are multifold. Beyond significant exposure and the potential for increased book sales, recognition on this list positions an author as a thought leader in their field. It opens doors to networking opportunities, speaking engagements, and collaborations with top-tier business professionals, while giving audiences the opportunity to purchase copies of the book through the site. Furthermore, the endorsement from a reputable and influential organization like C-Suite Network™ adds a layer of credibility and prestige to both the author and their work.

“At the C-Suite Network™ we take pride in being on the cutting edge of business. By providing our audience with access to some of the most influential business authors, we create a repository of knowledge that’s unparalleled,” said Chairman and Founder of the C-Suite Network™, Jeffrey Hayzlett. “As a best-selling author myself, the value we are able to provide creates multiple opportunities, not just for the authors, but our own community as well.”

The ambition driving the C-Suite Best Seller List™ is to become the leading non-fiction best-seller list globally – a goal that directly aligns with the network’s commitment to excellence and its focus on catering to a discerning, influential audience.

“With decades of experience in delivering on the credibility of top media assets, thought leadership and international award programs, there is no question that this platform will create and celebrate extraordinary success in the non-fiction space,” said Tricia Benn, CEO of the C-Suite Network™. “In the ever-changing business landscape, C-Suite Network™ is dedicated to using its credibility, influence and capabilities to elevate great businesses and their brands to deliver exceptional outcomes.”

This new initiative marks a significant milestone in business literature, promising to elevate authors and their works to unprecedented levels of recognition and influence.

For more information and updates on the C-Suite Best Seller List™, go to: www.c-suitenetwork.com or https://c-suitenetwork.com/c-suite-best-seller/.

Books Health and Wellness Personal Development

Interview with Neale Donald Walsch, author of global best selling phenomenom Conversations With God

𝐍𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐝 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐜𝐡 is the author of the international best seller 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐆𝐨𝐝, published in 1995, which became a global publishing phenomenon, staying on the New York Times Best Sellers List for 137 weeks. He is the author now of 𝐆𝐨𝐝𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤: Experiences of Humanity’s Connections with a Higher Power.

In this epic interview, Eli and Neale discuss:

-Why Neale feels Conversations With God resonated with so many people
-Did he always believe in God and why he is 100% convinced there is a God
-Can anyone talk with God
-How 2 way communication with this very real God can change your life
-How one can be sure the communication is not just one way
-What inspired him to write Godtalk and what makes it different from Conversations With God and his other books
-Why divine intervention has led you as a listener to choose to listen to this specific interview among the trillions of choices available to you. Why the necessary steps were divinely set up for you so you decide to listen right now when you need to most. Neale says “Don’t Look Now, but God is talking to you.”
-How God is engaging with everyone who actively seeks a conversation & how God is also communicating with us all the time even when we are not actively seeking conversation.

You can listen to the 𝐍𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐝 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐜𝐡 interview on 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐰 podcast on C-Suite Network Radio: https://c-suitenetwork.com/radio/shows/the-motivation-show/ or any podcast listening platform To contact Eli, email 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐚𝟐𝐳@𝐠𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐥.𝐜𝐨𝐦.

Books Health and Wellness Skills

Neuroplasticity Exercises for Team Building

What is Neuroplasticity Exercises for Team Building?

Neuroplasticity exercises for team building focus on activities that stimulate the brain’s ability to form and reorganize synaptic connections, especially in response to learning or experience. These exercises are designed to enhance cognitive flexibility, creativity, problem-solving skills, and adaptability among team members. The idea is to create a more dynamic, innovative, and collaborative team environment. Here are some examples of such exercises:

  1. Brainstorming Sessions: Encourage free-flowing, creative thinking without immediate judgment or criticism. This can help in generating new ideas and fosters an environment of open communication and innovation.
  2. Problem-Solving Challenges: Present the team with complex problems that require creative solutions. This encourages team members to think differently and work collaboratively.
  3. Role Swapping: Have team members switch roles or responsibilities for a short period. This exercise helps in developing empathy and understanding of different job roles, enhancing teamwork and communication.
  4. Learning New Skills: Encourage team members to learn something new, either related or unrelated to their work. This could be a new language, a coding language, a musical instrument, etc. Learning new skills stimulates the brain and fosters a culture of continuous personal and professional development.
  5. Memory Games: Engage in games that challenge and improve memory. This could be remembering details about each other or recalling complex sequences of information. Such games enhance cognitive function and team bonding.
  6. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practices like mindfulness and meditation can help in reducing stress, improving focus, and increasing cognitive flexibility. Team meditation sessions can also enhance group cohesion.
  7. Storytelling Exercises: Encourage team members to share stories, either personal or fictional. This helps in fostering creativity, empathy, and understanding within the team.
  8. Physical Activities: Engage in physical exercises or sports as a team. Physical activity is known to boost brain health, and doing it as a team can strengthen relationships and team spirit.
  9. Improvisation Workshops: Improv activities require quick thinking and adaptability, encouraging team members to be more spontaneous and innovative.
  10. Puzzles and Brain Teasers: Solving complex puzzles and brain teasers as a team can improve problem-solving skills and encourage collaborative thinking.
  11. Cross-Training: Allow team members to train in different aspects of the company’s operations. This not only increases the team’s overall skill set but also promotes a better understanding of different roles and functions within the organization.

These exercises can be tailored to suit the specific needs and characteristics of a team. The key is to engage in activities that are challenging, fun, and different from the team’s regular routines, thereby stimulating neuroplasticity and fostering a more dynamic and effective team environment.

Neuroplasticity Exercises

Neuroplasticity exercises are activities designed to stimulate the brain’s ability to change and adapt by forming new neural connections. These exercises can enhance cognitive abilities, improve memory, and help in recovering from brain injuries or overcoming learning difficulties. Here are some effective neuroplasticity exercises:

  1. Brain Teasers and Puzzles: Engaging in brain teasers, puzzles like Sudoku, crosswords, or jigsaw puzzles stimulates different parts of the brain, improving problem-solving skills and attention to detail.
  2. Learning New Skills: Taking up a new hobby or learning a new skill, such as playing a musical instrument, learning a new language, or even a new sport, can enhance brain function and encourage the growth of new neural pathways.
  3. Physical Exercise: Regular physical exercise, especially aerobic exercises like walking, running, swimming, or cycling, increases blood flow to the brain and can improve overall brain health and cognitive function.
  4. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practices like mindfulness and meditation have been shown to alter brain structures involved in attention, self-awareness, and compassion. They can also reduce stress, which is beneficial for brain health.
  5. Memory Training: Engaging in memory exercises, like trying to remember lists, practicing recall of past events, or using mnemonic devices, can enhance memory and cognitive abilities.
  6. Reading and Continuous Learning: Regular reading and keeping oneself engaged in continuous learning challenge the brain and keep it active, which is essential for maintaining cognitive health.
  7. Social Interaction: Engaging in meaningful social interactions stimulates regions of the brain involved in emotional regulation and complex thinking. Social activities also often involve memory and attentive listening, which are good for brain health.
  8. Healthy Diet: Consuming a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins can support brain health and promote neuroplasticity. Foods like fish, nuts, berries, and leafy greens are particularly beneficial.
  9. Sleep and Rest: Adequate sleep is crucial for brain health. Sleep helps consolidate memory and allows the brain to rest and repair itself, enhancing its plasticity.
  10. Art and Creativity: Activities like drawing, painting, or crafting engage different parts of the brain and can stimulate creativity and problem-solving skills.
  11. Changing Routines: Altering daily routines, such as using the non-dominant hand for regular tasks, exploring new routes to work, or rearranging the workspace, can challenge the brain and foster flexibility.
  12. Mental Visualization: The practice of visualizing actions, processes, or outcomes engages the brain in a similar way to actually performing the action and can be a powerful tool for enhancing motor skills and cognitive function.

Incorporating these exercises into daily life can help in maintaining and improving brain health and cognitive function over time. It’s important to choose activities that are both challenging and enjoyable to ensure consistent engagement.

Neuroplasticity Books

Our Network Member provides the needed training in several formats using the method that:

We exist because we have a fundamental belief in the power of humanity.

We exist to help human beings reach a potential they previously only dreamed of.

We exist to see our clients get results in real life, not in games on their phones.

We exist to help our clients see success in exactly the areas they want to succeed.

We exist to foster new ways to help the brain and body work as one, to help create a healthier, happier and more successful world.

We exist to brings teams of people together in instinctive harmony, rather than individual conflict.

We exist to bring enlightenment of the brain’s true capabilities, so that humanity can tap into its own innate strengths.

Most of all, we exist to be a force for good in a world where good isn’t always prized.

Neuroplasticity Therapy

Training for business, while it can involve some elements that stimulate neuroplasticity, is not the same as neuroplasticity therapy. Let’s differentiate between the two:

  1. Business Training: Business training typically focuses on developing specific skills relevant to business functions, such as leadership, management, communication, financial acumen, strategy, and technical skills relevant to a particular industry or role. The primary goal is to improve job performance, enhance productivity, and drive business success. While business training can challenge the brain and encourage learning and adaptability (which are related to neuroplasticity), its primary focus is not on altering brain function or structure.
  2. Neuroplasticity Therapy: Neuroplasticity therapy, on the other hand, is often used in a clinical or rehabilitative context. It aims to leverage the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections. This type of therapy is used to recover lost functions (such as after a stroke or brain injury), manage neurological conditions, or overcome learning disabilities. It involves exercises and activities specifically designed to stimulate brain function and promote the formation of new neural pathways.

While there is some overlap – both business training and neuroplasticity therapy involve learning and adapting – their objectives and methodologies are distinct. Business training is about acquiring and refining skills and knowledge for professional development, whereas neuroplasticity therapy is a therapeutic approach aimed at healing or improving cognitive functions through targeted brain exercises.

However, it’s worth noting that engaging in continuous learning and challenging one’s cognitive abilities through business training can have positive effects on the brain, akin to the principles of neuroplasticity. Learning new skills, problem-solving, and adapting to new challenges can all contribute to maintaining a healthy, adaptable brain, but this is a byproduct of business training, not its primary goal.

Neuroplastician Leadership Coach

How to hire an expert Neuroplastician for your business or team!

Books Economics

Dr. Kara Tan Bhala Sheds Light on Ethical Finance in Exclusive Interview: From Seven Pillars Institute to Her Latest Book

Kara Tan Bhala is the President and Founder of Seven Pillars Institute for Global Finance and Ethics, USA, the world’s only independent think tank for research, education, and promotion of financial ethics. She was an Honorary Research Fellow at Queen Mary University of London, U.K., currently sits as a Jury Member for the Ethics and Trust in Finance Global Prize based in Switzerland, and is the U.S. Ambassador for the Transparency Task Force (U.K.). Dr. Tan Bhala has a rare combination of professional training and extensive experience in both global finance and moral philosophy. She has nearly 30 years of experience in global finance, much of which was gained through working on Wall Street. She has been a sell-side equity analyst, a sell-side equity salesperson, a buy-side equity analyst, a portfolio manager, and a lecturer in finance. For 18 years she ran her own international financial markets consulting firm. Dr. Tan Bhala has five degrees across three disciplines: a Bachelors (City, University of London, UK) and Masters (Oxford University, UK) in Business, a Masters in Liberal Studies (New York University, USA), and a Masters and PhD in Philosophy (University of Kansas, USA). She has lived and worked in London, Oxford, Singapore, Hong Kong, New York, Washington DC., and currently resides in Kansas City, MO. She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, USA, and the Royal Society for Asian Affairs, UK. 

Could you please share the inspiration behind the Seven Pillars Institute for Global Finance and Ethics? What motivated you to establish an organization focused on the intersection of finance and ethics?

I worked on Wall Street in the 80s and 90s when ethics in finance was not derided, as it currently is, as an oxymoron. I completed my PhD in moral philosophy in 2009 right after the Great Financial Crisis. That event shook me.  Greed, regulatory capture, and moral indifference resulted in financial catastrophe. So, I decided to use my experience in finance and my background in philosophy to do something about putting ethics back into finance, both at a theoretical level and in practice. I’ve been quite fortunate in my life. I guess I wanted to pay it forward by setting up a non-profit think tank to help educate and promote financial ethics.


Ethics in finance is a topic of great significance, especially in today’s global financial landscape. How do you envision the Seven Pillars Institute contributing to the ongoing conversation about ethical practices in the financial industry?


Seven Pillars Institute (SPI) has been around for over thirteen years. During that time, we have researched and published on a range of financial ethics issues. We put our ideas out there to contribute to the conversations about ethics in finance and in economics. I’d like to think SPI has had some influence in a variety of finance related subjects. For instance, the stakeholder versus shareholder debate, on ESG (Ethics, Sustainability, and Governance) investing, a field currently in its epistemological infancy, on climate finance, and on cryptocurrencies. These are Big Topics, but we don’t shy away from giving our perspectives on such matters. Each piece we write considers the ethics elements in the case. In keeping with our mission of education, SPI has embarked on a Financial Ethics 101 series to give our readers a brief introduction to topics such as insider trading, and money laundering. The series aims to give readers a sense and an understanding of these concepts. 


Your extensive background includes work in academia, finance, and advocacy. How do these diverse experiences converge in your leadership of the Seven Pillars Institute, and how do they shape the institute’s approach to promoting ethical behavior in finance?


I try to marry the theoretical with the practical. While in the academy I saw a focus on theory and the drive to get papers published in prestigious journals read by a select few, but little attention paid to what was happening on the ground. In my work in finance, practitioners wanted to get deals done to achieve above benchmark profit performance. Theory came in useful only if it helped elevate profits. So, in my advocacy work, I provide practical guidance, underpinned by reasoned arguments, based largely on well worked theories. I encourage SPI researchers to write in an approachable way – comprehensible and yet comprehensive. We try to serve up useful research, including training videos, that educate as well as promote ethics in finance. 


Ethical considerations in finance often intersect with complex regulatory frameworks and competitive pressures. How do you believe your book’s insights can help professionals strike a balance between ethical conduct and the demands of the financial industry?


Well, the industry uses a well-worn phrase that, “doing good is good business.” In the main, I suppose that saying is true in the long run. But we understand there are times when doing good adversely hits the profit line. The good way may also be the harder road to travel. And, to use yet another exhausting cliché, “you can’t have your cake and eat it” – not all the time anyway. The main takeaway from my book is not to seek perfection in the practice of ethics. We are expected to try our best, but we are not expected to be right all the time. There may be good reasons to support an argument about the right action to take, but it may be difficult to persuade some people to agree with your conclusions. We are human, we aim for the good, but it’s okay if we don’t always succeed. 


In your new book, you present case studies from your own experiences on Wall Street. Could you share one example that stands out to you as particularly illustrative of the ethical challenges women might face in the finance industry, and how you navigated them?

In Chapter 5, I tell the story of how women were excluded from a room where only male executives mingled together during annual holiday parties. Using theory, I explain why gender discrimination is wrong according to every ethics framework we have, both secular and religious. From a practical standpoint, I give suggestions on what women can do when they encounter such gender-based exclusion. In general, I structure the cases in the book the same way: a story, the theory, and suggested actions.

For more information, visit  Seven Pillars Institute for Global Finance and Ethics


Renowned author, speaker, and wellness coach, Aryana Charise, shares details on the release of your new book, “Harmonic Healing”

Aryana Charise, a renowned author, speaker, and wellness coach, has showcased remarkable leadership skills in her mission to uplift and heal others. A distinguished graduate of Emory University in Atlanta, GA, Aryana’s life is dedicated to nurturing, loving, and enhancing the well-being of her great-grandmother, grandparents, and parents.

Through her inspiring choices and intentional living, Aryana has become a beacon of motivation for countless individuals, encouraging them to embrace life with purpose. Her journey has led to the creation of a truly beautiful and profoundly fulfilling existence, brimming with boundless happiness.

Aryana’s impactful speeches, coaching, and inspiration empower people to embrace a fulfilling life while making a positive impact on others. Based in Atlanta, GA, she finds joy in exploring new places, indulging in hiking, cycling, and sailing adventures.

“Harmonic Healing” seems to cover various modalities and practices. Could you highlight some of the most impactful techniques readers will find in the book and how they can incorporate them into their daily routines?

Optimal cellular health is attainable by embracing a holistic and proactive approach in creating healthy habits including consistent physical activity, stress management, eating a diet that is well balanced in essential nutrients, sufficient sleep and eliminating detrimental habits such as exposure to toxins, excessive alcohol consumption, and smoking.

Writing a book on healing and personal growth can be a transformative process for the author as well. How did writing “Harmonic Healing” impact you personally, and did it lead to any unexpected discoveries or realizations?

This healing journey began for me as a teenager when I became a caregiver for my great grandmother, grandparents and parents.  I was inspired to research and implement techniques to provide healing and pain relief.  These techniques transformed my life and the lives of others seeking methods to enhance their health and overcome challenges physically, emotionally, and mentally.

Your book appears to touch on spiritual aspects as well. How do you address spirituality in “Harmonic Healing,” and how can readers from different belief systems benefit from your insights?

Optimal cellular health has a profound impact on our mental, physical as well as spiritual health. The techniques shared in Harmonic Healing are universal and can be implemented by all regardless of belief system. When readers apply spiritual insights into their routine the results are transformative on all levels. Faith is foundational and essential in achieving overall vitality and quality of life.

As an author, you have likely researched and delved into a wide range of topics related to healing. Were there any findings or ideas that surprised you during your writing process, and if so, how did they shape the content of your book?

My findings were surprising with regard to the damaging negative impact that factors such as chronic social isolation, loneliness, and declining mental health have on depression, increased cellular stress, and inflammation.  Establishing and maintaining healthy relationships, participating in activities that foster joy and relaxation can positively impact cellular health and well being. 

“Harmonic Healing” has the potential to resonate with a diverse audience. What message or main takeaway do you hope readers will carry with them after reading your book, and how do you envision it making a positive impact on their lives?

“Harmonic Healing” is much more than a guide to health; it is a journey towards self-discovery and personal growth.  My expert and empathetic guidance demystifies the realm of holistic health, breaking down complex concepts into understandable, actionable steps.  I envision readers taking control of their health and achieving a happier and healthier lifestyle.

Click here to download Aryana’s new book Harmonic Healing

Art Books

Unveiling Creativity: The Multi-Faceted Artistry of Author, Director, and VFX Artist Matt Hartle

Venturing into the world of creativity during the late 90s at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California, Matt Hartle has evolved into a multi-talented virtuoso. As a Writer, Painter, Director, Designer, and VFX artist, his artistic compass guides him through diverse mediums.

Honing his skills at illustrious studios like Illusion Arts, BLT Communications, and Deva Studios, Hartle’s journey led him to his current roles – Partner, Executive Creative Director, and Director at Baked Studios, spanning both Culver City, CA, and New York, NY.

Recently, Hartle etched a significant chapter in his artistic narrative with the publication of his bestselling book ‘Of Courage And Sacrifice—Book One of the Bot Trilogy,’ a testament to his writing prowess. The saga continues with ‘The Magu Program,’ a visionary delve into a CyberPunk/Blade Runner-inspired future. Meanwhile, Book Two of the Bot Trilogy unfurls, exemplifying Matt Hartle’s unwavering dedication to the art of storytelling.

I was thrilled to have a chance to find out more about this creative thought leader.

As a successful author and filmmaker, how do you define effective leadership in the business and creative industries? What qualities or characteristics do you believe make a great leader?

This is an interesting question; there are varying answers depending on which hat I’m wearing.  

I believe effective leadership strategies in business can sometimes differ from those in a creative field, but there are also similarities.  In business, it’s important to thoroughly understand the playing field before making decisions.  You need to have a strong sense of your goals and be adaptable but also decisive.  Money ramifications must be considered, but people are always at the forefront.  Many companies, especially ours, are entirely based on the people we have and the skills and abilities they bring.  We work in a service industry, and our primary efforts must be to offer the best services we can efficiently and sustainably and provide the best possible customer experience while also prioritizing our team.

In creative leadership, a clear vision and collaboration are critical, as well as working to bring something new and original.  I have a somewhat unique perspective as I am both a partner and a creative at our company and have had this split role at the several companies I have been at.  As an artist, it’s important for me that I don’t focus on deadlines and budgets. While critical to the overall production, those things make it hard to find a creative spark. Sometimes the artist’s job is executing a process that’s been utilized many times before. Other times, it’s finding a novel approach or solution. When working with a client, it’s our job to hear the objectives and notes but also to understand what is being asked for. It can be challenging to articulate a feeling or emotion, and a good supervisor will ask questions that help to decode the intentions. As an artist, I’ve been on the receiving end of notes like, “The client didn’t like it.” Or “They want it to be more organic and original.” Those are examples of feedback that are very hard to execute. Artists need specific information, even if it’s loose. Imagine building a house and telling your contractor with a wave of your hand, “I’d like a wall over there.” That builder will begin measuring, cutting, and nailing – all specific actions. The goal is to provide enough information to make the wall while allowing for creative interpretation.

So there’s a balance:  a strong sense of goals and fiscal responsibility but a willingness to encourage and embrace the creative process to achieve something great.  

Could you share a specific example from your career where you had to exercise strong leadership skills to navigate a challenging business or production situation? How did you approach it, and what were the outcomes?

Many of the challenges we face in a production environment involve navigating schedules, allocating resources, and addressing production challenges.  Many of these things are handled by having a good pipeline and a strong team.  Organization is essential when dealing with long-term, multi-faceted challenges.  On the creative side, it’s about creating a space where artists can be productive and bring their best work.

I find in leadership, as in life, you must decide what kind of person you want to be.  I remember, many years ago, I was teaching a class at a college in San Francisco.  I was somewhat new to teaching then and had only been doing it for several years.  I had a class where the students were not following through from week to week.  Assignments went unfinished; their remedial questions reflected their lack of effort.  I studied at The Art Center College Of Design in Pasadena, CA.  While in school there, I remember a class where the teacher asked us to put our paintings on the critique rail.  Then he sent us off for a coffee.  When we returned, the teacher explained the paintings had been arranged from best to worst.  He then proceeded to rip into everyone, tearing down the work, the artists.  It was quite dramatic and sobering.  In my situation with my class, I decided to try this approach with the misbehaving students.  I was harsh and on point and gave bleeding critiques.  By the end, the class was quiet – I certainly had everyone’s attention.  The following week, progress had been made.  People were turning in work. The questions were on point.  But, I could tell every person in that classroom harbored great disdain toward me.  I came away from that having learned much about myself and what I wanted from my time on this planet.  While being a teacher, leader, or professional isn’t necessarily about nurturing friendships, all things can be approached professionally, with kindness, honesty, and respect.  Yelling and coercion can get things done, but it’s not for me.

In your experience, what role does effective communication play in leadership? How do you ensure clear and open lines of communication within your team or organization?

In our business, communication is at the center of everything we do.  As a professional, I have been a creative director for film advertising and our visual effects company.  Often, the projects we work on can be high-concept.  It’s important we share any information we have with our artists to ensure everyone is headed in the right direction.  We have a variety of approaches to accomplish this.

In addition to our administrative and sales meetings, we have weekly, all-employee meetings where we go through projects and regular office business.  We discuss any areas of concern people may have with their particular shots and workflow.  Doing it as a group helps promote team building which is very important when we are mostly remote – but it also allows us all to benefit from the diverse ideas that come from the group.  Often there are resources, bits of advice, or just encouragement that can help everyone soldier through another week.

We use video conferencing for these meetings but also have many running Slack channels for each project.  There is a constant flow of information through these channels, updating everyone as things progress.  Slack has a ‘huddle’ feature allowing instant video and voice conferencing.  You can also share screens which is a huge help when working with other artists.  It allows me to look at their screen or share mine with them to work through a problem together.  To keep projects coordinated, we use another industry standard application called ShotGrid.  ShotGrid is essentially a database that allows information sharing about individual shots, tracked statuses, and relayed notes.  It goes far beyond that with customizability and workflow connections.

To me, the best kind of leadership is hands-on and in the trenches.  While this may not always be possible, it is critical to understand the daily issues that arise, team building, and developing expertise in your field.  People prefer to work with someone more than working for someone.  Sometimes the differences are subtle, but it’s an overall approach to communication.  It can be easy to set up a caste system within a company accidentally.  We all have different responsibilities, but the work we do matters.  Also, confrontational management styles promote environments of uncertainty and fear – both destroy creativity.  A person needs to feel supported and accepted like they have a place at the table, to be at their most effective.  From a purely managerial perspective, that’s just good business.  Productive people are profitable people.  However, from a human perspective, I prefer being in the trenches with people I like and respect.

As a leader in the creative industry, how do you balance the need for artistic freedom and creative expression with the practical demands of running a business? How do you foster a creative environment while still achieving business goals?

Deadlines run our business!  This is one reason I need my own creative pursuits, like writing, where things can be far less structured and more open-ended.  For me, it’s important to have these outlets to balance the pressures of a more structured environment. 

At the outset of a project, a survey of the objectives is required to understand what things should be started first and what resources might be necessary.  Do we need to go out of house? Do we have clear direction from the client? Have we been given the assets we need?  Time and resource planning needs to be done at the beginning and continues throughout the production.

We need to have our pipeline in place from the start.  Going back to make corrections to the organizational format can be painful and costly.

Once we have these basic structures in place, we can begin.  In a creative business and as a creative myself, I believe we are selling the work our artists produce.  Of course, every aspect of the process is critical: our organization, efficiency, and ability to communicate effectively.  We can be a well-structured business, but if our product is substandard, it won’t matter.  Conversely, if we have a fantastic offering but do poorly delivering it, we will be equally hindered.

Creative tasks inherently take more time.  If we have shots that require design, those need to be started as early as possible to ensure there’s space to explore and find a good solution. We must prioritize the creative and allow for an artist’s process. Sometimes, in the rush of production, it can be easy to forget that.

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, what do you believe are the key qualities or skills that leaders must possess to successfully adapt to change and drive innovation? How have you personally embraced change and encouraged innovation in your work?

As a business owner, you must accept change and adapt accordingly.  This has manifested in our business in a variety of ways.  Like everyone, we were affected by the Covid pandemic.  A large consequence of that has been decentralized workflows.  Engaging talent wherever they are is key to hiring and maintaining a staff.  Outside of on-set time, our work is done on a computer.  The collaboration tools available are incredibly robust and have been for some time.  It’s our job to utilize these tools to strengthen our business, develop new team-building strategies and optimize non-centralized workflows.  There is something lost in the lack of in-person interactions, but I honestly believe, largely, those days are behind us.  What’s important is how we build connections using the tools we have – it’s an evolution of the work environment.  

We live in a technologically dynamic world.  Artificial Intelligence is the latest thing to explode onto the scene.  There has been significant resistance from the creative community, as we have seen with situations like the Writer’s strike and fans rejecting the title sequence for the show, ‘Secret Invasion.’  Much work needs to be done around this technology to establish boundaries as it develops, but it seems clear that whatever solutions are found must also be inclusive.  It’s too powerful and pervasive to expect it won’t be used.  I’m personally cautiously excited about the possibilities it presents for our industry.  There are many repetitive tasks that we perform daily or go out of house for at a high cost.  Technology that can help address these things is fascinating.  Of course, this technology is also being used creatively, and I’m also excited about that.  

I recently finished my next book, ‘The Magu Program.’  Traditionally, after completing my own rounds of editing, I would engage an editor to complete the final polish.  This time, I opted to work with ChatGPT instead.  The reasons were varied – it is significantly cheaper, faster, and offers more of a direct experience.  It was not the same as working with an editor, and I was sure things would be lost in the lack of human interaction.  However, it was an experience I was excited to explore, and I found it quite rewarding – and also frustrating!  As I was working through the edit with the AI, it offered amazing insights but also some confounding ones.  It constantly ‘forgot’ what we were doing and had to be brought back on course. It was annoying, but ultimately I believe the exercise was fruitful, and the story/ book is better for it. It’s exciting to realize this is only the beginning of where this technology will go!

As a business owner, this is an example of adapting to new technology and seeing how to make it work.  Margins in business are often razor thin – discovering and implementing cost-saving measures may significantly impact the bottom line.  Also, likely your competitors are working to adapt them as well.  To stay relevant, a business has to adapt and implement.

For more information about Matt Hartle visit his website.

Books Growth Personal Development

Strategic Engagement on LinkedIn: How to Become Top of Mind for Right-for-You Opportunities

The more you engage on your LinkedIn homepage, the more you’ll be top of mind for opportunities that are ideal for you. When you are consistently active on LinkedIn, you’ll show up in more LinkedIn searches, too. In this month’s article, I share some strategic principles to power your online engagement.

  1. Consistently engaging online is key to becoming top of mind.Develop a cadence that you can keep (daily is best, but if you can manage only once a week, start there). Because it is easier to comment on what others post than it is to initiate a post yourself, ramp up your practice of engaging on LinkedIn by responding to posts that you find particularly interesting or thought-provoking.
  2. Use tagging whenever you mention a person or company. When you do so, LinkedIn notifies the person or company you’ve tagged via email. This ensures that your efforts will be noticed. To form a tag on LinkedIn, use the “@” symbol followed by the name you want to mention. Start typing the name and finish by selecting the correct name from the drop-down options that will appear.
  3. Pay attention to what your customers, clients, and colleagues post. Everyone enjoys attention. Responding to a person’s posts is a way to nurture a relationship. Amplify the posts that come from your company’s communications department. Find people whose posts consistently are thought provoking and worthy. Every response you make creates insight for others into your personal brand. When you start paying attention to specific people consistently, LinkedIn will reward you by making sure that their posts show up more often in your LinkedIn feed and notifications.
  4. When you respond to a post, you add value three ways. You add value to the original person who posted, value to other people that read your comment, and value to yourself. Your LIKE and COMMENT should be thoughtful; it should be the beginning of a conversation between you and the original poster and potentially other readers as well. It takes some time to craft a worthy response, but since every response is a reflection of your personal brand, it’s worth it.
  5. But know that not all responses are created equal. A LIKE by itself is a very small token of appreciation and will generally not get a response from the person who posted. (This includes all “flavors” of LIKE: celebration, support, love, insightful, curious.) In contrast, a LIKE and a COMMENT are more likely to get you noticed. But, comments of fewer than five words are not acknowledged by the LinkedIn algorithm. That means that comments such as “Great article!”, “You go girl!”, and “Congratulations” will NOT result in the post lasting any longer on the homepage feed than if the post had not received those comments.
  6. Never respond on the homepage to material that makes you uncomfortable in any way (i.e., material that is sexist, racist, etc., etc.) If you do respond, you will be sharing that material and uncomfortable feeling with others. Take action instead: click the three dots in the upper right corner to report the post to LinkedIn.
  7. When you have mastered the art of responding thoughtfully to others’ posts, you’re ready to craft your own posts, too. You might curate an article written by someone else or share your own thoughts (in 1,300 characters or fewer). Looking to share at length? Write an article on LinkedIn – but please, only do this if you write well. Everything you post and write online represents your brand and is retrievable into the future.

When you consistently and thoughtfully engage on LinkedIn, people will notice. You will begin to create a network of existing and new friends on LinkedIn. And since every response you make on LinkedIn represents your personal brand, people will begin to associate you with what you do – and recall your name when right-for-you opportunities arise. Being active consistently is a practice I recommend to all my clients.


speaker holding microphone

Named one of six top branding experts in 2022 by The American Reporter, over the past ten years, I’ve helped countless C-level clients use LinkedIn to frame conversations, impress suitors and customers, and introduce themselves before their first conversation takes place. If you are a C-suite executive or senior leader, I can make this easy for you. Based on my knowledge of how LinkedIn works and how people respond to what they see there, I can ensure everything is ready and your profile conveys exactly the message and impression you’re aiming for. Let me help you attract the talent you want to hire, increase your visibility and influence, and steer your career.

Contact me through my website https://carolkaemmerer.com for:

  • Executive one-on-one assistance with your online brand
  • Professional speaking engagements on personal brand and LinkedIn
  • An autographed copy of my book, LinkedIn for the Savvy Executive-2ndEdition
  • My self-paced, online course
  • To receive my articles in your email mailbox monthly

For your author-inscribed and signed book or for quantity discounts, order at: https://carolkaemmerer.com/books


My award-winning book, LinkedIn for the Savvy Executive-2nd Edition received BookAuthority’s “Best LinkedIn Books of All Time” award, and was named one of the “Top 100+ Best Business Books” by The C-Suite Network, and is an International Book Awards winner. For your author-inscribed and signed book or for quantity discounts, order at: https://carolkaemmerer.com/books


Books Growth Personal Development

Your Most Powerful 220 Characters: If You Haven’t Customized Your LinkedIn Headline, You’re Missing Out

Your Most Powerful 220 Characters:

If You Haven’t Customized Your LinkedIn Headline, You’re Missing Out

Your LinkedIn headline is the text that appears right below your name on your profile. Unless you’ve customized what it says, LinkedIn fills it for you with your current job title and the name of your company. But they also allow you to customize what it says, providing space for 220 characters for you to do so. Your headline is important! It is the first text people will see associated with your name and it is the first section of the profile that the LinkedIn algorithm searches to see if your profile matches a searcher’s keywords.

Because I have two speaking engagements with attorney audiences coming up, I’ve taken a morning to research how attorneys who practice in the areas of family law and intellectual property have used the Headline section. Of the 50 profiles I perused in each of these categories, about 90% of them had auto-filled headlines, providing a significant advantage for the attorneys who instead customized their headlines.

In this article, using these two areas of law practice, I share how to write a headline that will bring more of the right kinds of clients to your door while discouraging clients whose issues don’t align with your expertise from knocking. Readers who are not attorneys are still encouraged to read on. The formula for writing a stellar headline is similar for everyone.

The Formula for a Powerful Headline:

The first part of the headline is your job title, area of practice (e.g., Managing Partner, Intellectual Property Law), and optionally (for an attorney) the name of the law firm. If your firm is prestigious and has high name recognition, you would want to use it. (If you are not an attorney the first part of your headline is your job title or functional area, with or without the name of your company.)

The second part of the headline is your business story. Tell us who you serve, what you do for them and how you add value.

The character count of the two parts together cannot exceed 220 characters, but that is usually not hard to manage.


In the area of family law, the most common (and not outstanding) headline is Family Law Attorney and the name of the firm. In contrast, here are two headlines that I wrote for family law attorneys using the formula above:

A — Partner, Family Law Attorney and Mediator at [name of firm]: Crafting solutions rather than obstacles to help families live their best lives as they transition through divorce or other family changes.

B — Partner and Family Law Attorney at [name of firm]: Focusing on complex cases involving high marital assets, the valuation of businesses and professional practices, spousal maintenance, and parenting issues.

Both attorneys represented here practice family law, but their ideal clients are different and their practice philosophy differs as well. Both have excellent reputations and high ethical standards, but, which attorney would you consult if you and your spouse want to end your marriage amicably, quickly and at a comparatively low cost? Which attorney would be your choice if you had amassed significant wealth that would be in dispute in a divorce?  Telling people in your LinkedIn headline about what you do and for whom you do it gets the right people to your door much more efficiently than if your headline is the generic “Family Business Attorney.” Your time is valuable! The time you take to customize your headline will be more than repaid by the time you save not having to address approaches from clients who turn out to be inappropriate for your practice. (Non-attorneys, specificity in your own headline will work in these ways for you, too.)

3 Strategies to Let Go of Past Mistakes and Move Forward

In the area of intellectual property, the most common (and not distinctive) headline is Intellectual Property Attorney and the name of the firm. Here are two headlines that I wrote for intellectual property attorneys using the formula above:

C — Intellectual Property Attorney at [name of firm]: Helping small and mid-sized companies monetize, protect, and enforce their intellectual property to protect their inventions and advance their business goals.

D —  Intellectual Property Attorney at [name of firm]: Focusing on complex patent, trademark, trade secret, and technology disputes in plastic formulation and processing, food processing and packaging.

People are adept at using search engines, including LinkedIn. When your LinkedIn headline is specific regarding who and how you serve, right-for-you clients will find you and prospective clients whose issues don’t align with your areas of expertise and service will keep on looking. With an auto-filled headline, you are missing a huge opportunity to attract people whose needs align with your services.


speaker holding microphoneNamed one of six top branding experts in 2022 by The American Reporter, over the past ten years, I’ve helped countless C-level clients use LinkedIn to frame conversations, impress suitors and customers, and introduce themselves before their first conversation takes place. If you are a C-suite executive or senior leader, I can make this easy for you. Based on my knowledge of how LinkedIn works and how people respond to what they see there, I can ensure everything is ready and your profile conveys exactly the message and impression you’re aiming for. Let me help you attract the talent you want to hire, increase your visibility and influence, and steer your career.

Contact me through my website https://carolkaemmerer.com for:

  • Executive one-on-one assistance with your online brand
  • Professional speaking engagements on personal brand and LinkedIn
  • An autographed copy of my book, LinkedIn for the Savvy Executive-2ndEdition
  • My self-paced, online course
  • To receive my articles in your email mailbox monthly

My award-winning book, LinkedIn for the Savvy Executive-2nd Edition received Book Authority’s “Best LinkedIn Books of All Time” award, and was named one of the “Top 100+ Best Business Books” by The C-Suite Network, and is an International Book Awards winner.

For your author-inscribed and signed book or for quantity discounts, order at: https://carolkaemmerer.com/books

Other Articles by Carol Kaemmerer

Strategic Engagement on LinkedIn: How to Become Top of Mind for Right-for-You Opportunities

Three Misconceptions About LinkedIn that Could Be Hurting You

What is a Personal Branding Expert? …And Do You Need One?

Why Senior Leaders Need a Strong Brand NOW — And Why It’s In their Company’s Best Interest to See That They Get One

7 Ways to Elevate Your Online Brand So You Can Love Your LinkedIn Profile

What is a Personal Brand – And How Can You Take Charge of Yours?

Twelve Changes You Can Make in About an Hour to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile

Why Is My LinkedIn Profile Getting So Few Views?

How Can LinkedIn Be Part of Your Company’s Strategy for Responding to the Great Resignation?

Is Your LinkedIn Profile Missing the Mark?

Comfortable in Your Job? Uncomfortable Life Lessons to Safeguard Your Career

How to Be Found on LinkedIn: Ten Top Strategies to Rank Well on a LinkedIn Keyword Search

Why Are You Playing Small on LinkedIn?

If You’re Not “Writing to the Margins” on LinkedIn, You’re Missing Out

Don’t Be Hooked Through a Big Phish: Recognize and Avoid Phishing Scams on LinkedIn:

A Small Omission That Undermines Your Credibility on LinkedIn

Tell Me More…” — On LinkedIn

What is Your Poor LinkedIn Profile Costing You?

C-Suite Executives: Stop Hiding Online


3 Strategies to Let Go of Past Mistakes and Move Forward
Books Growth Personal Development

What Can a Sales Conversation Teach You About How to Write Your LinkedIn ABOUT Section?

What Can a Sales Conversation Teach You About How to Write Your LinkedIn ABOUT Section?

The image that leads this article was part of Mimi Brown’s presentation at the National Speakers Association INFLUENCE conference in July 2022 on ways for speakers to increase their sales. The point Brown made is that so many sales conversations start right off with the details of our products and services. That, says Brown, is a fatal flaw that dooms most sales conversations from the beginning. What she says the customer wants to know first is who you are and whether they can know, like and trust you enough to want to buy anything from you. Only when they “buy YOU” will they be interested in knowing about your products and services.

Brown is onto something here. Her point is consistent with how I coach, speak and teach about writing your narrative on LinkedIn: your LinkedIn ABOUT section should be about YOU – not about your company or its products and services. Of course your company and its products or services are important, but the place for that is in your Experience section under your current position. The ABOUT section should be all about YOU because you need to establish your personal credibility and the know, like and trust factors that are critical to all sales.

“I’m not IN sales,” you say? The principle still applies. Whether you’d like to be deemed worthy of promotion, you’re looking for other businesses to partner with, or you’re searching for a new job, people need to know more about you before they are interested in taking the next step with you.

So how do you go about writing a great ABOUT section that is actually about YOU? This section is a maximum of 2,600 characters and spaces, equivalent to around 4 to 5 paragraphs – and the most compelling ABOUT sections will be approximately this long. When we write about ourselves we will naturally use our keywords in context, and that helps LI’s search algorithm find us. People are interested in more than surface information about you; they can see in other areas of your profile your job titles, companies you’ve worked for, and education, so a chronological bio is not necessary. They want to know what makes you tick. Because you will do best by communicating as though you are speaking to a new business acquaintance, I recommend that you write this section in the first person. Yes, you get to use “I” here.

For your ABOUT section to be powerful, start with introspection and planning. Begin your personal brainstorming with these questions:

  • What is my PURPOSE (my WHY)?
  • What is my business passion?
  • What are my principles?
  • What are my differentiators?
  • What three things do I want to be known for in the business world?
  • Is there a thread that unifies my career that might not be apparent to others that I should point out?

Now consider how you will use each of your paragraphs to address these items. Write an outline, then begin filling it in.

If all this sounds beyond you, and you are a candidate for executive branding services, I can help. But, if you will be writing for yourself, remember these basics:

  1. Your ABOUT section should focus on YOU
  2. You have 2,600 characters to work with

Tell us something more about yourself that we can’t intuit by looking at the rest of your profile so that we can know, like and trust you
To your success!
speaker holding microphoneNamed one of six top branding experts in 2022 by The American Reporter, over the past ten years, I’ve helped countless C-level clients use LinkedIn to frame conversations, impress suitors and customers, and introduce themselves before their first conversation takes place. If you are a C-suite executive or senior leader, I can make this easy for you. Based on my knowledge of how LinkedIn works and how people respond to what they see there, I can ensure everything is ready and your profile conveys exactly the message and impression you’re aiming for. Let me help you attract the talent you want to hire, increase your visibility and influence, and steer your career.

Contact me through my website https://carolkaemmerer.com for:

  • Executive one-on-one assistance with your online brand
  • Professional speaking engagements on personal brand and LinkedIn
  • An autographed copy of my book, LinkedIn for the Savvy Executive-2ndEdition
  • My self-paced, online course
  • To receive my articles in your email mailbox monthly

My award-winning book, LinkedIn for the Savvy Executive-2nd Edition received Book Authority’s “Best LinkedIn Books of All Time” award, and was named one of the “Top 100+ Best Business Books” by The C-Suite Network, and is an International Book Awards winner.

For your author-inscribed and signed book or for quantity discounts, order at: https://carolkaemmerer.com/books

Other Articles by Carol Kaemmerer

Your Most Powerful 220 Characters: If You Haven’t Customized Your LinkedIn Headline, You’re Missing Out

Strategic Engagement on LinkedIn: How to Become Top of Mind for Right-for-You Opportunities

Three Misconceptions About LinkedIn that Could Be Hurting You

What is a Personal Branding Expert? …And Do You Need One?

Why Senior Leaders Need a Strong Brand NOW — And Why It’s In their Company’s Best Interest to See That They Get One

7 Ways to Elevate Your Online Brand So You Can Love Your LinkedIn Profile

What is a Personal Brand – And How Can You Take Charge of Yours?

Twelve Changes You Can Make in About an Hour to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile

Why Is My LinkedIn Profile Getting So Few Views?

How Can LinkedIn Be Part of Your Company’s Strategy for Responding to the Great Resignation?

Is Your LinkedIn Profile Missing the Mark?

Comfortable in Your Job? Uncomfortable Life Lessons to Safeguard Your Career

How to Be Found on LinkedIn: Ten Top Strategies to Rank Well on a LinkedIn Keyword Search

Why Are You Playing Small on LinkedIn?

If You’re Not “Writing to the Margins” on LinkedIn, You’re Missing Out

Don’t Be Hooked Through a Big Phish: Recognize and Avoid Phishing Scams on LinkedIn:

A Small Omission That Undermines Your Credibility on LinkedIn

Tell Me More…” — On LinkedIn

What is Your Poor LinkedIn Profile Costing You?

C-Suite Executives: Stop Hiding Online