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Capital Investing Wealth

Unleash Your Immortal Legacy: Exercising Unprecedented Power from Beyond the Grave

In life, we strive to accumulate wealth and power, but have you ever considered the possibility of exercising that power even after you’re gone? Money holds an incredible potential to shape lives and influence the world, allowing you to leave a lasting impact even from beyond the grave. In this exhilarating article, we will delve into the transformative concept of harnessing your financial power to create a legacy that transcends time and empowers generations to come.

  1. Money: The Key to Immortality: Money possesses a unique quality that surpasses all others – the ability to keep your influence alive even after your physical presence has faded away. By accumulating wealth, you can ensure that your power and impact extend far beyond your own lifetime.
  2. Empowering Future Generations: By exercising your financial power, you have the opportunity to empower your loved ones and future generations. Through strategic financial planning and responsible wealth management, you can provide your descendants with a solid foundation and endless possibilities for success.
  3. Funding Noble Causes: Why limit the impact of your wealth to your personal sphere? Through philanthropy, you can support and fund noble causes that align with your values, leaving an indelible mark on society. Your wealth can fuel progress, drive innovation, and uplift communities long after you’re gone.
  4. Creating Lasting Memorials: Monuments and institutions serve as a testament to your influence and legacy. By utilizing your financial power, you can establish enduring memorials that bear your name, symbolizing the positive change you brought to the world. These tributes will inspire future generations and ensure that your impact is never forgotten.
  5. Cultivating a Generous Spirit: Exercising power from your grave is not solely about accumulating wealth; it’s about cultivating a generous spirit that extends beyond your lifetime. By prioritizing giving and generosity, you can create a ripple effect of kindness and compassion that transcends boundaries and inspires others to do the same.
  6. Inspiring Others to Follow Suit: Your actions have the power to inspire and ignite change in others. By exercising your financial power from the grave, you set an example for others to follow. Your legacy becomes a catalyst for a new generation of empowered individuals who seek to make a difference in their own unique ways.
  7. Making an Impact on the World: The world is in constant need of transformative change. By exercising power from your grave, you become an agent of that change. Your financial influence can address social, environmental, and economic challenges, leaving a lasting impact on the world and shaping a better future for all.

Embracing the concept of exercising power from beyond the grave opens up a world of endless possibilities. By recognizing the true potential of your financial resources, you can create a legacy that resonates with power, compassion, and transformative change. So, join us on this exhilarating journey of harnessing the power of money to make a difference that reverberates through time and inspires generations to come.

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Legacy Wealth Strategist #1 Bestselling Author, Speaker & Educator

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30+ years of experience assisting others to grow & protect their wealth. Helped more than 6,000 families avoid financial disaster by strategically planning for their futures. Not one person has lost a single dime on her watch. Her clients learn how to change their families’ financial realities and create incomes they will never outlive

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Advice Negotiations Wealth

Secure Your Future: 10 Compelling Reasons Why You Need a Prenuptial Agreement

Love is in the air, and you’re eagerly planning your journey to happily ever after. Amidst the excitement, it’s essential to have open conversations about protecting your individual assets and ensuring a secure future for both partners. In this captivating article, we’ll unveil ten compelling reasons why a prenuptial agreement is an absolute must-have, igniting a spark of inspiration and empowering you to make informed decisions for your relationship.

  1. Financial Clarity: A prenuptial agreement provides a clear roadmap for your financial future. It outlines how assets and debts will be divided, eliminating any ambiguity and potential disputes down the road. With financial clarity, you can focus on building a strong and harmonious partnership.
  2. Protect Individual Assets: Preserve your hard-earned assets by clearly defining what belongs to each spouse before entering into marriage. A prenuptial agreement safeguards your individual property and ensures its rightful ownership, promoting trust and harmony within your relationship.
  3. Plan for the Unexpected: Life is unpredictable, and a prenuptial agreement allows you to plan for unforeseen circumstances. It addresses potential scenarios such as disability, death, or changes in financial circumstances, providing peace of mind and a sense of security for both partners.
  4. Minimize Conflict: By setting clear guidelines in advance, a prenuptial agreement minimizes the potential for conflicts and lengthy legal battles in the event of a divorce. It promotes open communication and fair resolution, protecting the emotional well-being of both partners.
  5. Preserve Family Legacies: If you have family heirlooms, businesses, or inheritances, a prenuptial agreement ensures their preservation within your bloodline. It safeguards the legacy you wish to pass on to future generations, maintaining the integrity of your family’s heritage.
  6. Support Future Financial Goals: A prenuptial agreement enables you to outline financial goals and aspirations as a couple. It paves the way for joint investments, savings, and future planning, aligning your visions for a prosperous and fulfilling life together.
  7. Protect Against Debt: Don’t let financial burdens strain your relationship. A prenuptial agreement can shield you from your partner’s existing debts, ensuring that you both maintain financial independence and stability throughout your marriage.
  8. Save Time and Money: In the unfortunate event of a divorce, a prenuptial agreement streamlines the legal process, saving you valuable time, money, and emotional stress. By establishing clear guidelines beforehand, you can navigate the dissolution of your marriage more efficiently.
  9. Foster Trust and Open Communication: Discussing and creating a prenuptial agreement requires open and honest communication between partners. It fosters trust, respect, and understanding, setting a solid foundation for a healthy and transparent relationship.
  10. Embrace Empowerment: By proactively creating a prenuptial agreement, you take control of your financial future and empower yourself and your partner. It demonstrates a commitment to transparency, responsibility, and shared decision-making, fostering a strong and lasting bond.

A prenuptial agreement is not a sign of distrust or a prediction of failure—it is a tool for building a strong and secure foundation for your marriage. It allows you to celebrate love while also prioritizing financial well-being and personal growth.

So, why wait? Embrace the power of a prenuptial agreement and embark on your journey to a harmonious and prosperous union. By taking proactive steps today, you can safeguard your future and create a love story that thrives, both emotionally and financially.

Unlock the potential of your partnership. Discover the peace of mind that comes with financial security. It’s time to have the conversation, explore your options, and create a prenupt

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Advice Investing Wealth

Shield Your Finances from Illness: How to Thrive Despite Health Challenges

Life is full of surprises, and unfortunately, some of those surprises can be unwelcome health issues that wreak havoc on your financial stability. When illness strikes, it’s not just your physical well-being that suffers; your financial life can also take a catastrophic hit. But fear not! In this empowering article, we will explore powerful strategies to keep the illness from becoming a financial catastrophe and ensure that you continue to thrive even in the face of health challenges.

  1. Prioritize Your Health: The old saying “prevention is better than cure” holds true when it comes to safeguarding your financial well-being. Take proactive steps to maintain good health by adopting a healthy lifestyle, exercising regularly, and prioritizing self-care.
  2. Build an Emergency Fund: Establishing an emergency fund is essential to cushion the financial impact of unexpected medical expenses. Set aside a portion of your income each month to create a financial safety net that can provide peace of mind during challenging times.
  3. Secure Health Insurance: Investing in comprehensive health insurance is a vital step in protecting your finances from the financial burdens of illness. Choose a plan that suits your needs and covers a wide range of medical services, ensuring you have access to quality care without depleting your savings.
  4. Plan for the Unexpected: No one can predict when illness will strike, so it’s crucial to have a contingency plan in place. Consider purchasing critical illness insurance or disability insurance to provide a financial cushion in case you are unable to work or face substantial medical expenses.
  5. Communicate with Your Healthcare Providers: Open and honest communication with your healthcare providers is key to managing your health and finances effectively. Discuss treatment options, costs, and potential alternatives to ensure you receive the care you need while also considering the financial implications.
  6. Research Assistance Programs: Many organizations and institutions offer financial assistance programs for individuals facing medical challenges. Explore these resources to alleviate the burden of medical expenses and receive the support you need.
  7. Seek Professional Financial Advice: When navigating the complexities of healthcare costs and insurance claims, consulting a financial advisor who specializes in healthcare finance can be invaluable. They can provide guidance on managing medical expenses, negotiating bills, and exploring financial assistance options.
  8. Embrace a Positive Mindset: Dealing with illness can be emotionally and mentally challenging, but maintaining a positive mindset is crucial. Surround yourself with a supportive network of family, friends, and professionals who uplift and inspire you during your journey toward better health and financial stability.

Remember, you have the power to overcome any obstacle, including the financial impact of illness. By taking proactive steps to protect your health, build a financial safety net, and seek assistance when needed, you can navigate the challenging terrain of illness without sacrificing your financial well-being.

Don’t let illness derail your financial life. Arm yourself with knowledge, resilience, and a proactive mindset. Start implementing these strategies today and take charge of your health and financial future. Together, let’s conquer the challenges and create a life of abundance and well-being, no matter what health surprises may come our way.

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Advice Investing Wealth

Unlock the Power of Roth-IRA: Your Path to Multi-Millionaire Status

Imagine a future where your hard-earned money not only grows steadily but multiplies exponentially, paving the way to a life of financial abundance. With Roth-IRA, this dream can become your reality. In this exciting and inspiring article, we will reveal the secrets to using your Roth-IRA to harness its remarkable potential for wealth creation. Get ready to embark on a journey towards becoming a multi-millionaire and securing your financial freedom.

  1. The Magic of Compound Interest: Roth-IRA offers an incredible opportunity for wealth accumulation through the power of compound interest. With an impressive average growth rate of 14%, your money can double in just four years. By reinvesting your earnings, you unlock the potential for exponential wealth growth over time.
  2. Invest Strategically: To maximize the potential of your Roth-IRA, it’s crucial to invest strategically. Conduct thorough research, seek guidance from financial experts, and identify promising investment opportunities. Whether it’s stocks, bonds, real estate, or other assets, make informed choices that align with your financial goals and risk tolerance.
  3. Take Advantage of Tax Benefits: One of the key advantages of a Roth-IRA is the tax benefits it offers. Contributions are made with after-tax dollars, meaning you won’t be taxed on withdrawals in the future. This tax-efficient structure allows your investments to grow unhindered, ensuring more substantial returns over time.
  4. Plan for the Long Term: Building wealth with a Roth-IRA requires a long-term perspective. Resist the temptation to make impulsive decisions based on short-term market fluctuations. Stay focused on your financial goals, maintain a diversified portfolio, and be patient. Remember, true wealth is accumulated over time.
  5. Maximize Contributions: To fast-track your journey to multi-millionaire status, aim to contribute the maximum allowable amount to your Roth-IRA each year. By consistently maximizing your contributions, you take full advantage of the growth potential and maximize the tax benefits associated with these accounts.
  6. Seek Professional Guidance: Navigating the complexities of wealth creation requires expertise. Consider consulting with a financial advisor who specializes in retirement planning and Roth-IRAs. They can help you develop a tailored investment strategy, optimize your contributions, and ensure you’re on track to achieve your financial goals.
  7. Embrace Financial Education: Empower yourself with knowledge about personal finance, investment strategies, and retirement planning. Educate yourself through books, podcasts, seminars, and online resources. The more you understand about managing your finances, the better equipped you’ll be to make informed decisions and capitalize on the potential of your Roth-IRA.
  8. Stay Disciplined and Stay the Course: Wealth creation is a journey that requires discipline and perseverance. Stay committed to your long-term financial plan and resist the temptation to deviate from it. Be proactive in monitoring your investments, adjusting your strategy as needed, and staying the course, even during times of market volatility.

With the remarkable potential of Roth-IRAs, you have the opportunity to transform your financial future and become a multi-millionaire. By harnessing the power of compound interest, strategic investing, and taking advantage of tax benefits, you can unlock the door to extraordinary wealth. Remember to plan for the long term, maximize your contributions, seek professional guidance, and continuously educate yourself. Embrace the journey towards financial freedom, and watch as your Roth-IRA propels you towards a life of abundance.

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Advice Wealth

Navigating the Rapids: How to Sail Smoothly Through Mid-Life Financial Challenges

Life is full of twists and turns, and sometimes unexpected financial storms can catch us off guard. While we can’t control all external factors, we can empower ourselves to navigate through mid-life financial challenges with resilience and preparedness. In this exciting and inspiring article, we will explore valuable strategies to help you avoid a mid-life financial crisis and steer your financial ship towards calmer waters.

  1. Embrace Mindful Spending: At the heart of financial stability lies mindful spending. Evaluate your expenses and identify areas where you can cut back without sacrificing your happiness. By being intentional with your purchases, you can control your cash flow and build a strong financial foundation.
  2. Supercharge Your Savings: Saving isn’t just about setting money aside; it’s a powerful tool for securing your future. Establish a savings plan and set aside a portion of your income regularly. Whether it’s for emergencies, retirement, or fulfilling your dreams, a robust savings account provides a safety net and empowers you to weather any financial storm.
  3. Invest for Growth: Money has the potential to grow if invested wisely. Explore investment options that align with your risk tolerance and financial goals. Seek the guidance of financial advisors and explore avenues such as stocks, real estate, or mutual funds. Investing strategically can safeguard your financial future and provide a cushion during challenging times.
  4. Diversify Your Income Streams: Relying solely on a single source of income can leave you vulnerable. Consider diversifying your income streams by exploring side businesses, freelance opportunities, or passive income sources. Multiple streams of income not only provide stability but also open up new avenues for financial growth and success.
  5. Prepare for the Unexpected: Life is unpredictable, and being prepared for the unexpected is essential. Build an emergency fund to cover unforeseen expenses and create a safety net in case of job loss or health emergencies. Having a financial cushion provides peace of mind and allows you to face any challenges with confidence.
  6. Seek Knowledge and Education: Financial literacy is a powerful tool in navigating the complex world of money. Educate yourself about personal finance, investment strategies, and wealth management. Take advantage of books, podcasts, and courses that can expand your knowledge and equip you with the skills to make informed financial decisions.
  7. Foster a Supportive Network: Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who prioritize financial stability and growth. Join financial communities, attend workshops, and engage in discussions with people who share similar goals. A supportive network can provide guidance, accountability, and valuable insights along your financial journey.
  8. Stay Flexible and Adapt: Financial challenges may arise unexpectedly, requiring you to adapt and adjust your strategies. Stay flexible in your approach and be willing to reassess your financial plan as circumstances change. Embrace resilience and view challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.

Mid-life financial challenges can be daunting, but with the right mindset and proactive strategies, you can sail through them successfully. By embracing mindful spending, savings, and investments, and diversifying your income, you can build a sturdy financial ship capable of withstanding any storm. Stay prepared, seek knowledge, and surround yourself with a supportive network. Remember, you have the power to shape your financial future and create a life of abundance and security.

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Advice Wealth

Unlock the Secrets to Keeping Your Hard-Earned Money: 5 Ways to Defeat Double Taxation

Taxes – a word that can send a shiver down anyone’s spine. We all know that paying taxes is a necessary part of life, as it fuels the growth and development of our society. But what if there was a way to save your money from being double-taxed? In this exciting article, we will reveal five powerful strategies that can help you retain more of your earnings and pave the way toward financial freedom.

  1. Supercharge Your Retirement Fund: One of the most effective ways to minimize double taxation is by contributing to your employer’s retirement fund. Not only will this boost your nest egg for the future, but it will also reduce your taxable income, ultimately lightening the burden of double taxation.
  2. Harness the Power of Organization: To stay one step ahead of the taxman, it’s essential to keep your tax receipts and documents in order. By maintaining a clear record of your expenses and deductions, you can maximize your savings and minimize the risk of double taxation.
  3. The Art of Smart Purchasing: Avoid falling victim to double taxation by diligently tracking your purchases. Keep records of what you buy, when you buy it, and the taxes you have already paid. This way, you can ensure that you don’t pay taxes twice on the same item, saving your hard-earned money from unnecessary drains.
  4. Knowledge is Power: Arm yourself with knowledge and become a tax-saving champion. Take the time to educate yourself about the intricacies of tax laws, exemptions, and credits. By understanding the rules of the game, you can navigate the system more effectively, uncovering opportunities to save your money from being double-taxed.
  5. Embrace the Journey of Learning: The world of taxes is vast and ever-evolving. By continuously expanding your knowledge and seeking expert advice, you can stay ahead of the curve. Attend seminars, read books, and explore online resources that delve into the intricacies of tax planning. The more you know, the better equipped you’ll be to protect your finances from double taxation.

Nobody wants their hard-earned money to be drained by double taxation. It’s time to take control and implement these five powerful strategies that can make a significant difference in your financial well-being. Discover the secrets to maximizing your savings, reducing your tax burden, and ensuring that your money works for you.

Read this inspiring article to unlock the secrets of defeating double taxation and reclaim the power over your finances. Together, let’s embrace the journey towards financial freedom, where your money is protected, and you can thrive in a world free from unnecessary financial burdens.

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Email me at Kris@HealthyMoneyHappyLIfe.com

Call me at (951) 926-4158

Advice Investing Wealth

Unlock the Secrets to Aging Gracefully: 10 Ways to Embrace Independence and Avoid Nursing Homes

As we journey through life, we cherish our independence and the freedom to make our own choices. When it comes to our later years, the thought of nursing homes may evoke mixed emotions. While some nursing homes provide excellent care, others may fall short of our expectations. So, wouldn’t it be empowering to explore alternatives and take charge of our destiny? In this inspiring article, we will unveil 10 remarkable ways to avoid nursing homes and embrace a fulfilling life on your own terms.

  1. Question the Propaganda: Don’t blindly accept the notion that nursing homes are the only solution. Investigate other options that can provide the care and support you need while allowing you to maintain your independence.
  2. Read the Fine Print: Be cautious when signing any papers related to long-term care. Seek legal advice and fully understand the implications before committing to anything.
  3. Share Your Health Strategically: While it’s important to be open with your loved ones about your health, refrain from constantly discussing your illnesses. Focus on positive aspects of your life and maintain a sense of optimism.
  4. Embrace the Power of Family: Family is a priceless treasure. If circumstances permit, explore the possibility of having your loved ones take care of you at home. Their love, presence, and support can create a nurturing environment that fosters well-being.
  5. Location Matters: If the cost of living becomes burdensome, consider relocating to an area with a more affordable standard of living. By minimizing expenses, you can redirect your resources toward quality care without the need for a nursing home.
  6. Love and Affection: Show your love and affection to those who care for you. Express gratitude, kindness, and appreciation. Creating a positive and loving environment will enhance the overall quality of your life.
  7. Care with Compassion: Being caring and helpful is a fundamental aspect of human connection. Nurture your relationships, lend a helping hand, and foster a community of support. Together, we can navigate the challenges of aging.
  8. At-Home Nursing: Explore the option of hiring nurses who can provide specialized care in the comfort of your own home. This personalized approach ensures your well-being is prioritized while allowing you to maintain your independence.
  9. Secure Your Future: Life insurance can be a valuable asset when planning for the future. It offers financial security and can be used to cover long-term care expenses, reducing the need for nursing home placement.
  10. Saving for Peace of Mind: As we age, it’s crucial to have a solid financial foundation. Prioritize saving for your future, creating a nest egg that provides security and peace of mind.

Remember, your journey through life is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. By exploring these alternatives, you can maintain your independence, dignity, and autonomy while avoiding the limitations often associated with nursing homes. Embrace the possibilities, seize control of your destiny, and live a life filled with joy, purpose, and fulfillment.


For more Healthy Money Tips Listen to our PodCast  “Money 911

Subscribe to my Youtube channel youtube.com/@healthymoneyhappylife

Sign up for a Financial Fitness Strategy Session at Meet with Kris Miller – Financial Fitness Strategy Sessions

Go to my website healthymoneyhappylife.com

Email me at Kris@HealthyMoneyHappyLIfe.com

Call me at (951) 926-4158

Advice Investing Wealth

Secure Your Legacy with Estate Planning: The Benefits of a Living Trust

Have you ever wondered what happens to your property after you pass away? A will is a legally enforceable document that expresses your wishes regarding the distribution of your property. But, is a simple will enough? The answer is, it depends.

A will is a cost-effective way to distribute your assets, but it does not offer much flexibility. In contrast, a living trust provides more control over your estate rights and is a better option if you own real estate and have assets. However, the initial costs are higher in the case of a living trust.

Probate is the legal process through which a court determines how to distribute a person’s assets after their death. In California, if you have $20,000 in real estate or $125,000 in assets, you are set to go to probate. Probate is not only expensive but also a lengthy process that can take up to one or two years or more, and the attorney and court fees can eat up a significant portion of your estate, leaving less for your beneficiaries.

To avoid this complex probate process and ensure your loved ones receive their rightful inheritance, a living trust is the smarter choice. Living trusts have been around since the middle ages and offer many benefits over a simple will. They provide more control and flexibility over your assets, offer privacy, and are generally less expensive than probate.

In my book, “Ready for PREtirement, 3 Secrets for Safe Money and a Fabulous Future,” I talk about the importance of estate planning and how a living trust can help protect your assets and ensure your beneficiaries receive their inheritance without the hassle and expense of probate.

So, whether you have a simple will or are considering a living trust, it’s never too early to start thinking about estate planning. By taking the necessary steps now, you can ensure your assets are protected and your loved ones are taken care of after you’re gone. Start planning today, and read “Ready for PREtirement” to learn the secrets of a safe and secure future!

For more Healthy Money Tips Listen to our PodCast  “Money 911

Subscribe to my Youtube channel youtube.com/@healthymoneyhappylife

Sign up for a Financial Fitness Strategy Session at Meet with Kris Miller – Financial Fitness Strategy Sessions

Go to my website healthymoneyhappylife.com

Email me at Kris@HealthyMoneyHappyLIfe.com

Call me at (951) 926-4158

Growth Personal Development Wealth

What’s the revolutionary way to develop your intuition to become rich and powerful?

“How do I develop my intuition?” is the question I’m asked the most during interviews and TV appearances when I introduce myself as an Intuitive Business Strategist and Master Astrologer and talk about my client’s success stories. My response is always the same.

Everyone is intuitive. Period.




So now that we’ve established you’re intuitive, let’s talk about developing your intuition.

Develop Your Intuition

First, you want to say YES to your intuition. Seriously, say it right now, “I am intuitive”. Take a deep breath and say it again, “I am intuitive”.

Second, you want to be able to hear your intuition and the most common approach is to meditate. I know meditating isn’t easy for a lot of people as life is too busy, your mind is too active or you’ve had failed experiments with meditating. I had the same problem, so I’ve come up with another way.

Third, you want to realize your intuition is your most valuable tool in life and business. Your intuition is your best advisor, your effortless jet pack and your most efficient team member helping you get things done.

Next, you want to use your intuition to help you propel your life and business. Your intuition helps you make better decisions, improve your relationships and create satisfying success.

Your intuition is your most powerful tool. Yet, if the only way to develop your intuition is to meditate and you can’t quite do that, what do you do?

I can’t meditate, now what?

I’ve come up with a revolutionary method to develop your intuition for the those who can’t meditate. The good news, my revolutionary method is familiar for business leaders.  It’s all about the know-like-trust (KLT) factor.

Anyone in marketing and sales knows the KLT factor, as your customers need to know, like and trust you before they work with you as it’s been around for decades.

I learned about it while getting my MBA and have worked with it since my days at Oracle. Being a $MM intuitive business strategist, it was easy to use with all of my clients to get them from where they were income-wise to where they wanted to be.

The better news, my revolutionary Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself™ method is wildly effective. In fact, I used it in my own journey when my corporate career was catapulting into the stratosphere and my son was born with significant issues. When the doctors said he wouldn’t be able to walk up the stairs naturally, throw and catch a ball or have a normal social life – I said absolutely not.

I realized how powerful my intuitive gifts were, but I had been too busy checking off all of the boxes for my next promotion, so I had forgotten about them. Things were so fraught, I wasn’t able to meditate to access my intuitive guidance. Instead, I had to know myself to follow my own inclinations, instead of following the doctor’s predictions.

I had to like myself enough to listen to my own council, ask for support and coordinate all of this support to heal my son’s brain-body connection.  I had to trust myself enough to follow my own strategies for 8+ years for complete transformation. The results were so successful, I realized turning the KLT factor inside out would work in my business too.

The best news, my revolutionary Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself™ method works for my clients. I have countless stories and here’s one you may relate to as one of my clients had 3 businesses and wasn’t making any real money. She was constantly chasing the marketplace for the next trend. She didn’t know herself to follow her own path. Once I helped her see her unique gifts and the best business approach for her, we crafted her business based on who she is at the core.

Now, she’s running ONE successful business, making high-6 figures, has 40K+ followers and is a magnet in the marketplace.

Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ®

Answering this question isn’t an easy one, however, I have recommendations on stepping into it.

Know yourself to discover your purpose:

  • Follow your gut instinct
  • Start a conversation with your intuition by asking questioning
  • Go within to follow your heart instead of paying attention to other’s success
  • Give more credence to your inner voice than the voices around you

Like yourself to feel your power:

  • Choose to be center stage in your life
  • Be aware of your energy and the energy of others
  • Stay in your own energy
  • Ask for support and receive it when it comes

Trust yourself to manifest prosperity:

  • Commit to yourself – your own needs and desires
  • Leverage opportunities by saying Yes – strategically and with discretion
  • Open your ability to receive – OFTEN and in BIG WAYS
  • Let go of attachment to outcome

When you do follow Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself®, you stop second guessing yourself and start making strong decisions; you stop ineffectively delegating to others and start becoming a great leader and you stop distrusting your value and start increasing your top and bottom lines.

If you would like to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, take my FREE quiz to receive valuable insights and tips that can help you leverage your success.

As always, wishing you satisfying success,


Advice Strategy Wealth

Should My Corporation Or LLC Own A Vehicle

People ask me all the time, should my Corporation or LLC own or lease a vehicle? There are a lot of great benefits for having your entity own or lease a vehicle, such as being able to deduct all vehicle payments, insurance, and maintenance costs. You can additionally take advantage of the Section 179 deduction which allows for accelerated depreciation on vehicles weighing over 6,000 pounds. That is why you see people buying G Wagons and other large SUVs to capture that write off in their company. However, there are some things you need to consider before buying a vehicle in your company. 

First, your entity is assuming ALL of the liability of the vehicle. What do I mean by that you may be asking? This vehicle travels down the road at 50, 60 and sometimes 70 miles an hour. Should that vehicle be involved in an accident, and someone files a lawsuit, the liability is going to fall back to the company and the driver. Now, you may be saying, that is what insurance is for. If someone claims negligence or punitive damages, insurance companies will always find a way out of the equation and not be responsible for paying. This means that if there is a judgement, the creditor could go after the assets of the business and you personally. 

This leads me to the next thing you need to consider. When you switch the vehicle over to an entity, you are now going to have to deal with a whole different type of insurance. Since the vehicle is no longer a personal vehicle, it is now a business vehicle, you will need to obtain fleet insurance. This means that if you do not have a fleet of vehicles, your premiums could be astronomically high. You really need to consider the burden vs. the benefits and speak with an expert! 

So, you may be asking yourself, then how can my business write off a vehicle and not have it be a liability to my primary income source? There are strategies that you might want to consider taking advantage of. Give my office a call at 775-384-8124 or book an appointment with my Sr. Strategist. https://www.controllersltd.com/booking-calendar/complimentary-consultation?referral=service_list_widget. 

Follow me for more tips and tricks and read my next article on: “How To Write Off Your Vehicle Without All The Risk!”