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5 tips to handle school-from-home

If you’re a parent or caregiver to a school-aged kid, chances are you’ve found yourself learning grammar or long division again — only this time, the teacher is on Zoom. And you’re fighting with the technology of uploading your child’s digital work. And trying to run a household. And maybe attempting to work yourself.

For many families around the world, school from home will be around for at least a few more months. While it’s not easy to juggle all those priorities (and all that tech!), it’s possible to make the experience a little better for both you and your kids.

The expectations around school and the pressure parents put on their kids can create a lot of stress. Whether your child is co-working with you at the living room table or back in the classroom, these 5 tips will help you both ace the semester:

  1. Discover your child’s learning style. Some kids find it easy to work independently while others need activity and collaboration. Find out which learning styles your child responds to best and help shape their experiences accordingly. Independent thinker? Give them time and space to study and work on their own. Collaborative mind? Encourage them to schedule more Zoom sessions with their classmates. Catering to their unique style will help your kid have a more positive experience.
  2. Encourage their hobbies. Who says education has to be by the book? Let your kids explore and expand their non-academic skills, like cooking, baking, drawing, or dancing. These skills are just as important as geometry or social studies. What matters is that they find ways to become engaged with something they care about. Their hobbies may change over time, but the ability to dig into an area of interest has lifelong benefits.
  3. Use the resources available. Look around you: you have a wealth of educational resources online and in your neighborhood. Coordinate a book swap with a classmate or neighbor. Hold biology class outside to look for real-life examples of the concepts your child is learning. Sign up for online guitar lessons (Youtube can teach you to do just about anything these days). Let your own creativity expand the options beyond the school’s lesson plan and the oh-so-many online worksheets.
  4. Design a schedule for learning. Children thrive with some structure in place — adults, too! It’s important that children have a dedicated time and place for school activities. Work with your child to develop their own little study nook in the house, and help them identify the best time for activities like homework and studying. While they may not be able to dictate their entire schedule, your child should definitely have input in this process.
  5. Don’t focus on the grades. Try not to be overly preoccupied with your child’s grades, especially during this wild and crazy year. Becoming too grade-obsessed can give a kid the impression that their confidence or self-worth should be tied to competency. We have to constantly remind our children that love is not something they have to earn or acquire by doing well in school or being a “perfect” human. We are worthy of love and belonging simply because we’re alive and breathing. Work to be more forgiving if your child scores lower than expected on a test. And forgive yourself if you feel like a less-than-perfect teacher. Our children’s achievements are not a reflection of us!
  6. One thing is certain: the school-from-home era has been a learning experience for all of us. Learning always means growth, which gives you and your child the opportunity to deepen your relationship and come together as a team. Besides, not everyone gets a chance to relive their school days. 🙂

If you and your child struggle to talk about school, my free eBook may help. I wrote 7 Strategies to Keep Your Relationship With Your Kids from Hitting the Boiling Point to give every parent the tools they need to improve their communication with their child, especially around hot-button issues like homework and grades. Grab your copy today.

Growth Leadership Personal Development

Strengthen Your Integrity with these Easy Tips

Being honest and having strong moral principles takes conviction and confidence. Doing the right thing…even when no one is looking, means living in integrity. When integrity is a priority, it actually makes life simpler. Others can more easily trust you and you remove the need to second guess yourself and your intentions. You say what you mean and you mean what you say. There’s no hidden agenda or deceitful motivation behind your words, actions, and behavior. Want to show up more powerfully, purposefully, and with more integrity this coming year?

Here are a few tips I hope you find helpful:

  1. Work on your personal growth. Developing yourself is an effective way to strengthen your integrity. When you grow, you become more comfortable with yourself, more emotionally mature, and feel less need to be inauthentic.
  2. Be reliable. Be on time, avoid canceling appointments, and do what you say you’re going to do. If you say that you’ll deliver your report by noon on Friday, ensure that it’s done on time. It’s easy to be reliable if you under-promise. Making promises you know you can keep prevents disappointing others while giving you an opportunity to overdeliver.
  3. Be honest with yourself. Before you do or say something, question why you’re doing it. What is your real motivation behind the action? Are you being self-serving at the expense of others, or are your motives honorable? Self-awareness is a primary component of integrity. 
  4. Be gentle, but be honest. Do people believe that you’re an honest person? Do you “bend the truth,” exaggerate or minimize something to be more comfortable or to pretend you’re someone you’re not? When you are honest, are you sharing your views with kindness and compassion? It’s one thing, to be honest, and another to be purposefully hurtful with your words.
  5. Live by your values each day. If you’re unaware of your values, now would be a great time to figure them out and list them. Knowing your values makes it easier to make decisions. It also makes your behavior more predictable, which makes others more comfortable. Know your values and live them each day.
  6. Be willing to say no. When you say yes to things you don’t want to do, you’re not demonstrating integrity because you’re not being true to yourself. You don’t have to take part in every opportunity that’s presented to you. Valuing your time and well-being often means saying no. Be honest and say no when you mean it.
  7. Work on increasing your level of confidence. Confident people are more comfortable in their own skin. It’s when we’re uncomfortable that we risk making decisions that aren’t in our best interest in an attempt to minimize the discomfort. For example, are you calling in sick because you’re terrified to present that report at work? Are you not taking that call because you’re avoiding that awkward conversation? Increasing your confidence allows you to more easily do what you know is the right thing to do. The more uncomfortable you are each day, the more likely your integrity will be challenged. Confidence and self-esteem help us act with integrity. 
  8. Stop doing the things you know you shouldn’t do. Are you stealing pens and post-it notes from work? Stealing napkins from the fast-food restaurant to stock your kitchen? Taking credit for something you didn’t do? Think about your behavior and adjust accordingly.
  9. Be willing to stand up for something. Most of us have values and opinions, but few are willing to even share them, never mind stand up for them. While others won’t always agree with your stance, they will respect you for having one and not compromising it when questioned. That doesn’t mean you’re unwilling to learn a new perspective, it means that peer pressure doesn’t persuade you to do something or go along with something you don’t agree with.

Living with integrity may seem to be a more challenging way to live on the surface, but it’s actually easier in the long run. You don’t have to remember what you said and who you said it to, you don’t have to question your values and beliefs, you don’t have to rebuild trust with someone because you did something intentionally hurtful. You simply have to keep your values a non-negotiable priority with everything you say and do.

Dr. Debi
Founder and CEO, The PBT (Post Betrayal Transformation) Institute

Entrepreneurship Personal Development Women In Business

Taking Back Control In 2022!

The new decade starting in 2020 ushered in a plethora of unexpected turns, from the ongoing economic recession that began during the previous decade to the newest and most impactful economic disruption…COVID19 is not even two months into the new decade! Have the past 24 months set the tone for what we can expect the next eight years to bring? Good or bad… acknowledgment and adaptation to meet the challenges that come with a changing economic infrastructure require critical thinking and strategic implementation.

We can sit back and hope for things to return to normal, or we can accept that what we’re experiencing today is the NEW Normal, and it is now time to Take Back Control! For me, the past two years have seen me pivot considerably in my business. Before 2020, my business engaged primarily in personal interaction through networking, seminars, and conferences for almost ten years. However, once COVID-19 kicked in I had to rethink how I would continue to serve my primary audience and deliver the programs they needed while being sequestered from my home.

Looking Back to Move Forward

I spent the next 20 months developing an online platform designed to educate and connect small and micro business owners. Although, I had always planned on building an online educational platform, COVID-19 just pushed the timeline up a little. Looking back, I realize that being forced to introduce this platform early was a God thing! There hasn’t been a better time to introduce this environment than now. Especially since we have seen almost an 80% increase in new business licenses issued since the beginning of 2020.

What was proposed to be the introduction of 20/20 vision that would enable us to see everything much more clearly than ever before … seems to have missed its mark. Or has it?

I believe that the past 24 months have introduced clarity and shown us what was missing in our personal and professional lives. For so many years we have been driven by our desires for things and the need to earn money to pay for said things. We were living in a rut chasing a speculative future. As a result, our immediate family lives have suffered a severe disconnect.

Priority Mindshift

Reports have indicated that a major part of the rise in business license applications has been a direct result of individuals realizing that time spent reconnecting with family mattered more than the material things they were chasing. They realized that they could afford to cash out and take the leap into business ownership.

However, businesses need to be more resilient, adaptable, and agile to cope with everything that’s going on in the world…and what may still be down the road. The focus moving forward should be made on how to build a business strategy and marketing. Business strategies are the blueprint for how you plan to run your company and how you will mitigate what happens down the road. No matter how much uncertainty exists, entrepreneurs need to build business strategies for 2022 to move forward.

Let’s dive into the business strategies that entrepreneurs build to move forward in 2022

MarketAtomy LLC will be holding a 10-hour virtual annual planning workshop series beginning January 31, 2022. For more information and to register go to https://www.marketatomy.com/gpstrategy-2/


MarketAtomy, LLC is a growth development-learning environment for small and medium business owners with one goal in mind…to empower them with the tools and knowledge needed to build their business on a rock-solid foundation. Through foresight and fortitude, entrepreneurial dreams become a reality. For more information, please visit marketatomy.com. Visit MarketAtomy.Academy to find out about the only Learning Management System developed for early-stage business growth.