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Six Customer Service Amazement Tools

Ask 10 people about the best customer service companies, and you would expect to hear names like Nordstrom, Ritz-Carlton, Apple, Amazon, Zappos, and a few others. When Business Week listed the top companies last year, those names were on the list, along with some others as well, including Ace Hardware.

Ace Hardware is a chain of small, locally owned stores that manage to thrive in a very competitive marketplace among “big box” stores that are 10 times larger and spend 30 times more on advertising. How do they do it? Ace has successfully instilled a special brand of customer service built on being helpful. Ace employees will help with a weekend project, locate an obscure part … do whatever they can to be helpful.

If you are striving to build a successful business, customer service must be the foundation. If you come to the competitive world of business without a sound customer service strategy, your may watch your plans crumble as your customers seek a better experience. Study the “rock stars” of customer service like Ace Hardware to learn what sets them apart. Here are some basic strategies the top companies use to set themselves apart and reach a higher level of customer service:

  • Customize your style of service and make it part of your brand. Like Ace with its focus on helpful, deliver a special version of customer service that is unique to your business. Ace promises to be the most helpful hardware store on the planet – not just the nicest (although that’s part of it) – and judging by its continuous success in the customer service arena, Ace is living its promise.


  • Don’t make it too complicated. The best companies can clearly state their vision, and all employees are working together to achieve it. State your vision (or motto, mantra, etc.) in a clear and concise phrase or sentence. Ace is “the helpful hardware place.” The Ritz-Carlton’s employees know its credo, “We are ladies and gentlemen serving ladies and gentlemen.” By knowing and following these simple brand statements, company personnel deliver amazing customer service that customers appreciate and remember.


  • Hire the right people. Consider the mission and vision of the company as well as the personality you want the company to project, and then hire people who will fulfill the mission. It takes the right people to create a service-oriented culture.


  • After hiring right, train the employees properly. This means not only teaching the technical skills, but also, you guessed it, customer service.


  • Trust and empower the employees to do the job you hired them to do. After they are trained in all aspects of the job, let them do it and trust them to do their best.


  • Don’t forget to celebrate success. Once you have trained your employees and empowered them to take ownership of their responsibilities, let them know you appreciate their hard work by celebrating their successes.

Shep Hyken is a customer service and experience expert, award-winning keynote speaker, and New York Times bestselling business author. For information, contact 314-692-2200 or www.hyken.com. For information on The Customer Focus™ customer service training programs, go to www.thecustomerfocus.com. Follow on Twitter: @Hyken

Human Resources Management Marketing Personal Development Women In Business

Developing a Curious Mindset

James Taylor recently interviewed me regarding developing a curiosity mindset. James is a keynote speaker, author and entrepreneur on a mission to help people and organizations maximize, market and monetize their creativity.

To hear the interview, you can go to: https://www.jamestaylor.me/diane-hamilton/

The following are highlights of what we discussed in the interview:

  • Curiosity and its decline
  • Creativity and AI
  • Beginning of current fascination
  • Uniqueness of the next generation
  • Data from assessments
  • Muse and inspiration
  • Disagreeing with other’s vision
  • Daniel Goleman and Reuven Baron
  • Promising and delivering
  • Benefits of working under pressure
Best Practices Growth Personal Development

Rebrand with Your Brand Equity Intact

Rebranding is risky! Be careful! Ever notice that so many brands disappear right after they’re acquired? It’s because the acquirers thought they could do whatever they want with the brand—they thought they “owned” it.

Perhaps the new acquisition is just another label to them, or maybe a new outlet for their raw materials. Or, maybe they wanted a blank slate for their marketing team to redesign. Maybe they wanted it to feel like their other brands. Whatever the reason may be, the brand they acquired was, and is, owned by the customers! This makes the acquirer more of a brand representative than a brand owner.

Serious changes to the catchphrase, logo, packaging, or positioning can diminish the brand’s equity the acquirers thought they purchased. Why? Ultimately, because brand equity is customer loyalty. The brand isn’t strong enough to keep its present customers through any changes that dissatisfy them. It’s delicate, and it’s risky to mess with.

When the brand’s customer base feels a significant change, they become suspicious. The brand’s perception of authenticity and entrepreneurial look may have kept them faithful. It could’ve been the reliable positioning and familiarity that kept them coming back. It was their brand, but someone has “degraded” and “ruined” it, giving a friendly, original label a boring, “corporate” look.

When it comes to rebranding, we recommend evolution, not revolution! Be cautious as to not drop your supporters and customers along the way. Keep in mind, consumers don’t want to shop for new brands. They are only so faithful and forgiving because finding a new brand leads to uncertainty, anxiety, and potential disappointment. So, take it slow. Be patient. Rebranding while keeping your customers is an art. You need a sharp sensitivity to your consumer’s concerns—those who actually own the brand.

What do devoted customers expect the brand to look like? What do they think it represents? What do they expect quality, price, and status to be like? What kinds of changes will lead to suspicion, doubt, and loss of trust? Get this all figured out first! Unless you want to rebuild your customer base from scratch, you may not have the privilege of making big, drastic changes. We like to say, “Competition doesn’t kill brands. Self-inflicted wounds do!” Rebranding an already-established brand, especially when it comes to larger corporations, can be a death sentence.

One of the most frequent errors we’ve seen in rebranding is corporate standardization—for standardization’s sake. It makes things easier for the corporation (as if that’s a real reason to disappoint the customer). Quality ques are the first to go. The use of pricier treatments and inks in labels, like silver and gold, are eliminated. The logo comes next. It’s usually simplified into a version with less color, character, and individuality. It is now apparent to the customer that this is just part of a wide range of brands owned by a giant corporation, not an entrepreneur’s only brand. To the customer, the brand is losing its individuality and even breaking its promise.

After rebranding, there’s always discussion in the press about whether the new or old brand is better. But we think successful rebranding should be delicately phased—there is no debate because the change was so gradual that nobody even noticed. Of course, being noticed is the fundamental goal of rebranding. Drastic changes will be noticed alright—Just be prepared to rebuild when you rebrand!

For more, read on: http://csnetworkadvis.staging.wpengine.com/advisor/michael-houlihan-and-bonnie-harvey/

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