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The Value of Reading Body Language to Gain Influence in Negotiations

“The value of reading body language is like possessing the keys of influence to unlock someone’s mind, by gaining unguarded access to their hidden thoughts.” –Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert


You can gain the value of influence in negotiations by reading body language accurately.

Momma told me not to run. Don’t move too quickly! You might miss something right in front of you. No, that’s not an oxymoron. Such were the wise words then and now related to the value of reading body language to gain insight and influence in negotiations.

Take the following insight I gained from my mother on just that topic.

I recall a time when I was 17; I’d saved my money to buy an advertised car I saw at a dealership. My mother and I went to the dealership only to find out that the car had just been sold. The salesperson said ‘not to worry’, as he showed us another car; it cost slightly more than the original car that was advertised.

My mother attempted to get a lower price for the car, but the salesperson only budged a little and wouldn’t go any lower after that. He said that was his best price. After sparring in several negotiation sessions after that, my mother got up to leave; I was dejected, dispirited, and disappointed at not getting a car, and it showed on my face. The salesperson looked at my face and said to my mother, “You don’t want to disappoint your son, do you?” To which my mother replied, “You’d be the one disappointing him. He came here on good faith to buy the car you advertised. Now, you’re telling us the car was just sold (defiant look of disbelief). How does that sound to you? Would you want someone to do that to your son or daughter?” The salesperson replied, with a fallen-face, “You can have the car at the same price as the one advertised.”

Is was at that moment that I observed the effect that body language could have on a negotiation, along with how to utilize a negotiation strategy based on the body language being discussed. With one-fell-swoop, my mother turned the body language strategy the salesperson attempted to use on us (i.e. my sadness/disappointment) against him and into one of reflection. She did so by invoking fairness when she asked the salesperson if he’d like that dejected feeling I was displaying thrust upon one of his kids. She went deeper into his emotional psyche when she implied, with added emphasis via her body language, the disbelief she possessed that the advertised car had just been sold. Note that she didn’t confront him by saying so, she let her body language speak for her.

From the time two people shake hands at the start of a negotiation, they’re negotiating. Actually, they started negotiating before they reached the formal negotiation via any communications they’ve had. That occurs even if it was in the form of one person gathering information about the other and developing strategies based on what was gleaned.

If you wish to gain influence in your negotiations, learn to read body language more accurately. You see and sense the appropriate times to employ negotiation strategies, based on the body language signals you see. Once you add reading body language to your negotiation rapport, you’ll become a more dynamic negotiator … and everything will be right with the world.

Remember, you’re always negotiating!


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Avoiding "Death by PowerPoint"

Avoiding “Death By PowerPoint” in 3 Easy Steps   

“Death by PowerPoint…” This expression is so common that it has practically become a household phrase. PowerPoint… “the deck…” slides… no matter what you call it (or what software you actually use), you probably have a love-hate relationship with it. You understand its importance, but typically, slides are unpleasant to look at, dense and confusing, and distract the audience from whatever the speaker is saying.

But the bigger problem is that, arguably, “death by PowerPoint” is actually a two-part crime; a “murder-suicide,” so to speak. Because in the process, you are boring the audience to death, and killing your own success and reputation at the same time.

So short of abandoning visuals altogether, what’s the solution?

Here are three quick and easy suggestions for how to use slides as an enhancement tool rather than a crutch, to maximize audience engagement, and enhance your reputation as a great public speaker.

  1. Follow the “5×5 Rule”

The point of this rule is to limit the amount of information on any given slide: maximum 5 bullets per slide, with a maximum of 5 words per bullet. This gives you about 25 words per slide, but the 5×5 parameters are an average. You could just as easily have three bullets with eight words, or six bullets averaging 4 words apiece.

This forces you to include nothing but the most critical keywords in your text. So instead of seeing this:

  • As of January 1, 2018, all new vendors will be required to submit appropriate vendor pre-qualification forms before payment processing can begin

your audience would only see this:

  • 1/1/18 – Vendor pre-qualification forms required.

Your original bullet with all of its explanation is what you can use as your talking points. The audience gets the gist from what they briefly scan, then they turn to you for additional information, making you “the expert” rather than just “the soundtrack.”

  1. Sometimes MORE slides ARE better

There’s a commonly-held belief that it’s best to limit the number of slides in your deck. If your slides all look like a page out of the New York Times, then yes, please have the minimal courtesy of having as few of these as possible. But that’s setting the bar really low.

Instead, think of it this way: Rather than have one slide with five bullets on it, requiring you to spend 10 minutes on that single slide, consider giving each point its own slide. Address the single point on each slide using the same minute or two you otherwise would have, and then click to the next slide, and the next.

Doing it this way has two key benefits: First, the frequent slide changes add visual interest and help to maintain people’s attention. Second, the audience is only focusing on the exact point you’re discussing; nothing more, nothing less. That helps them focus their attention and process your message more easily, while also significantly increasing your opportunity to connect with them.

  1. Use a “visual bullseye” 

Sometimes you have to show something that is visually complicated like a spreadsheet, decision tree or process diagram. In these situations try highlighting whatever component you are talking about, letting a yellow arrow pop up and point to it, or a red circle surround it. This draws people’s attention directly to it like a bullseye, and temporarily ignore everything else that surrounds it. Then the arrow or circle can move around the slide with you as you address different components.

Remember that your core job as presenter is to make it as easy as possible for the audience to just “get it.” These simple tips are an easy way to ensure that the audience gets the fullest value from the experience.


Do you have other questions or feedback about how to present with maximum impact? If so, contact me at laura@vocalimpactproductions.com or click here to schedule a 20-minute focus call to discuss it with me personally!




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Cybersecurity Strategy- Do You Have One?

Do you have a security strategy? I don’t mean locks and guards, I am asking if you have a cyber security strategy. Until recently there has been no shortage of frameworks for best cybersecurity practice and more regulations than most organizations know what to do with. But even with all of that, there have been minimal requirements to have a security program and even less enforcement on the issue.

That is, until now. The New York Department of Financial Services (DFS) has established their Cyber Security Requirements for Financial Companies (23 NYCRR 500 ). The new DFS regulation holds an institution’s senior leadership accountable by requiring an annual compliance certificate signed by a senior officer or board member. This is the first state legislation of its kind and I am sure with all the breaches we continue to see that it will not be the last, whether or not you live in New York.

One of the big differentiators in 23 NYCRR is the requirement for covered entities to develop a Cybersecurity Program. Other regulations require risk assessments and information security policies, but I am not familiar with any that have specifically require a cybersecurity program.

You can think of your cybersecurity program as your security strategy, which is important for the same reasons a business plan, a map, or an architectural blueprint is important. Without any of these you don’t know where you are going or how you are going to get there.

I’m here to let you in on a little secret. It’s not that a security strategy is difficult to create, it’s just that you, the organizational executive has never had to create one before. Everyone you talk to about cyber keeps throwing acronyms and technical terms around that you don’t understand and that has kept you largely at arms length from this topic. Because I don’t think you should be responsible for becoming a security expert I want to break down the mystery of a security strategy so that you can see it is doable and necessary.

Policies and Procedures

It all starts with policies and procedures. You already have these for so many areas of your business, it’s a matter of adding those applicable to security and then training your employees and continuing to make them aware. ComputerWeekly reported that a recent survey conducted at Black Hat Security Conference in Las Vegas revealed that 84% of respondents whose company has suffered a cyber attack attribute it, at least in part, to human error. Policies and procedures could have helped stop a large number of those. Sometimes people just don’t know what to do and with a lack of guidance will do what they think is best.

Risk Assessment

You have to know what your risks are to know what to protect and how to protect it and you do this through a risk assessment. This is required in every best practice framework and regulation I have ever seen.

A risk assessment asks a lot of questions to identify risks, severity, and likelihood. Questions like: What sensitive data do we have, How is the data transmitted and stored? What systems are used to host the data,? How are those systems accessible inside and outside your network? Do those systems have all critical security patches applied? Who are your third parties that access your data? How well are you employees and vendors trained? Who are your adversaries?

Most of this can be assessed through interviews with the people who interact with the data or manage your systems and through automated tools like vulnerability scanners. There is also a professional service called penetration testing where ethical hackers mimic what malicious hackers would do so that you truly understand your security posture and risks from the outside and inside of your network.

Risk Management

Prioritize prioritize prioritize, this will become your new mantra. Once you have completed your risk assessment you will be left with a list of low, medium, high, and critical items to remediate and manage. That can be overwhelming and you can’t fix it all at once so don’t try; the answer is the same whether you are trying to remediate your vulnerabilities or eat an elephant – one bite at a time. It’s a matter of understanding what the highest risks are, the easiest to fix first and those that are less important or more long term to solve for. This is where your security team and security executive is there to help. If you don’t have this team or person in place to run security then you bring in a third party to help with remediation and retesting.

Food for thought – The same ComputerWorld article said “Nearly 55% of more than 130 attendees of the 2017 Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas admitted their organizations had been hit by cyber attacks.” The reason I say that is very common to hear “it won’t happen to me.” Risk management is how you help ensure that it won’t happen to you.

Continuous Monitoring

Continuous monitoring, regular control testing, and at least annual risk assessments is how you keep this going. It is not a one and done project. This becomes an operational part of your business just like keeping the lights on. Whether it’s your internal team or third party consultants that help you achieve this, it must become part of your daily culture of security.

This includes implementing and maintaining technologies that can prevent a cybersecurity event and the processes and technologies for detecting cybersecurity events, responding to events and mitigating risks, and recovery from events.

If you are still wondering “how will I accomplish all this?”, don’t worry I understand that is a real question and concern. In my next article in this series I will discuss resources with you and the how you will do this. I want to make this as simple as possible because your organization, people, and customers need to be protected from malicious individuals and from costly errors. Please note I said simple, not easy; with the right people creating the strategy is simple, but it will take time and resources along with a culture of security to make it happen.


If you don’t want to wait for the next article email sharon@c-suiteresults.com to start discussing the resource or strategy questions you have now. Sharon provides virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) services, consults with clients on security strategies, writes policies, and helps organizations of all sizes become and maintain secure and compliant.