C-Suite Network™


Training in the New World of Business

One of the clear blessings of the past pandemic is people have become much more computer friendly, less nervous about technology, and much more willing to do online or virtual training. And that is a clear benefit to businesses.

From an economic point of view, virtual training is significantly less expensive than flying everybody in to do live training in a central location. And if done well, virtual training can be equally effective. And companies that use e-learning effectively enjoy other benefits too, including:

  • The ability to train personnel to deliver more consistent and more effective training.
  • A chance to strengthen the brand.
  • The option to send out focused training programs that address new products, new priorities, and training employees who have been recently hired, even in new territories and regions of the country.
  • The ability to adapt and fine-tune training to different people . . . and we know that different people learn in different ways.
  • A chance to repeat critical lessons as needed, at no additional training cost . . . and repetition is sometimes an effective way to get people to learn.
  • The opportunity to deliver focused Just In Time (JIT) service and other training to employees right where they are, not in a company training center.
  • A chance to develop blended training – a mixture of live and virtual training that can be highly customized and effective.

And That Is Only the Beginning

It is very important for you to create a training path for all new hires, and a training path for your current people so everyone can keep growing and becoming better at what they do.

But your overall training success – and therefore, the overall success of your company – hinges today on virtual training. As Covid-19 begins to fade into memory, your people are ready to embrace virtual training. Our abilities to improve and expand our companies have never been better.


Brand Awareness Metrics 

Brand awareness, as the name implies, is the attention your brand gets. It’s about whether or not people know how you are, and what they know about you.


Whatever it is that comes to mind when consumers hear your brand name matters. Even if it’s nothing, the fact that it’s nothing means something to your brand.


Brand awareness plays a major role in many aspects of your business, and in the digital age, it’s especially easy to keep track of.


The metrics of brand awareness will not only help you track how your brand is doing overall. They’ll show you what specifically is helping your brand awareness improve, and what isn’t.


Website Traffic

Website traffic is an easy and efficient metric to measure, and perhaps one of the most obvious. If people get to your website, they’re aware of who you are, or else they’re made aware as soon as they arrive.


You can track not only the number of visits people make to the site but also the source by which they get there. Depending on what you’re using to get people to visit your site, you want to know what’s working and where you should keep spending money. 


Social Followers and Engagements

Engagements are the interactions your brand has with individuals and the community. These interactions, made at different levels and at different times, create an overall experience.


Your customers are communicating something with and to you. They’re opening lines of communication, after which you choose how to react, and that all adds up to relationships.


These opportunities, the online interactions, can be examined as a major contributor brand awareness.


Blog Visits

If you run a blog associated with your brand, this is another easy and essential metric to follow. Look at traffic both to new posts and old ones to help you measure brand awareness. You can even use that information for generating future content.


The same can be applied to all content you put out, whether it’s strictly blog posts, or videos and documents as well. If you’re sharing on multiple platforms, keep track of which ones are driving visits. 


Branded Keywords

At some point, customers will know who you are and go looking for you. The searches they conduct use something called “branded keywords.”


They use your brand name alone or in phrases, and you can track these searches. Additionally, there are direct visits to your website, which happens when customers type in your URL directly. Once people know who you are, they’ll go looking for you in these ways.


Customer Surveys

You can also just go straight to the consumers themselves and ask them direct questions. Find out how your brand awareness is fairing with survey responses, and make the appropriate changes.


A lot of these pieces of data give you possible actionable responses. Keep that in mind. Any campaign needs measurable metrics to make sure you’re getting the ROI you want, and those metrics should inform your subsequent actions.


The Influence of Global Trends on Small Businesses


In an increasingly interconnected world, the influence of global trends on small businesses is more significant than ever. These trends, which encompass various aspects such as technological advancements, economic shifts, and social changes, can profoundly impact how small businesses operate and grow. Understanding these global trends is crucial for small businesses as it allows them to adapt, innovate, and stay competitive in the ever-evolving marketplace. By keeping up with these trends, small businesses can seize new opportunities, mitigate potential risks, and ensure their long-term sustainability and success.

Globalization and Small Businesses

Globalization refers to the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide. It’s a complex process influenced by both human evolution and technological progress, leading to a more interconnected and interdependent world. For small businesses, globalization presents a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it opens up new markets and opportunities for expansion. Businesses can sell their products or services to customers around the globe with relative ease, thanks to advancements in technology and logistics. On the other hand, it also means increased competition as businesses are not only competing with local businesses but also with companies across the globe. Therefore, understanding and adapting to globalization is crucial for small businesses to thrive in today’s global market.

Technological Advancements

Technological advancements are reshaping the business landscape at an unprecedented pace. From artificial intelligence and machine learning to cloud computing and blockchain, these technological trends are revolutionizing the way businesses operate. For small businesses, embracing these technologies can offer numerous benefits. Artificial intelligence can automate routine tasks, freeing up time for strategic thinking and innovation. Cloud computing allows small businesses to access sophisticated technology without significant upfront investment. Blockchain can enhance transparency and security in transactions. By staying current with these technological trends, small businesses can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and gain a competitive edge in the market.

Economic Shifts

Economic shifts are a significant global trend that can greatly influence small businesses. Recently, the world has experienced several economic changes, including fluctuations in currency exchange rates, shifts in consumer behavior due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and changes in trade policies. These shifts can have both positive and negative impacts on small businesses. On the positive side, a favorable exchange rate can make a business’s products or services more competitive in the global market. On the negative side, changes in consumer behavior can affect demand for a business’s products or services, and changes in trade policies can impact a business’s ability to export or import goods. Therefore, it’s crucial for small businesses to stay informed about these economic shifts and adapt their strategies accordingly.

Environmental Consciousness

Environmental consciousness is a rising global trend that is significantly influencing businesses of all sizes, including small businesses. This trend is driven by increasing awareness of the environmental impact of business operations and a growing demand from consumers for environmentally friendly products and services. For small businesses, adapting to this trend can bring several benefits. By implementing sustainable practices, small businesses can not only reduce their environmental footprint but also enhance their brand image, attract environmentally conscious customers, and potentially realize cost savings from resource efficiency. Furthermore, small businesses that proactively address environmental issues can differentiate themselves from competitors and create a unique selling proposition. Therefore, embracing environmental consciousness is not just good for the planet, but also good for business.

Social Changes

In recent years, significant social changes and movements have emerged globally, profoundly influencing the landscape of small businesses. The rise of digitalization and the shift towards a more sustainable and inclusive economy are two notable trends. These social changes have led to a surge in e-commerce and the growth of businesses that prioritize environmental sustainability and social responsibility.


Overall, the influence of global trends on small businesses is undeniable. These trends, driven by significant social changes, present both challenges and opportunities. Small businesses can leverage these trends for growth and success by staying informed and adaptable. Embracing digitalization can expand their market reach while aligning with sustainability and inclusivity can enhance their brand image and customer loyalty.

However, it’s crucial for these businesses to not just passively respond to these trends but to proactively engage with them. By anticipating future changes and innovating accordingly, small businesses can turn these global trends into strategic advantages, ensuring their growth and success in the ever-evolving global marketplace.


Business Innovator

Million Dollar Ideas for Sale

Many companies and boards are looking for that next strategic advantage to their current success to either make more profit or increase IP VALUE. In either case, a 3rd Party Outsider may be the answer.

Unicorn Makers

The top 1% of these Business innovators are also known as Unicorn Makers and as such, are in ultra-high demand, but often come at a fair price as they typically hedge their long-term value to success so it is a true win-win. Typical as a Fraction C-Suite Leader, Independent Director, or Consultant, these unicorn makers are often Non-exclusive and have several deals going at the same time, which is actually valuable to the business as you get all the brain trust and intellectual capital at a fraction of the price.


Types of Business Innovators


A “business innovator” is a broad term that can encompass various types of innovation within a business context, including technological and profit-related innovations. However, when you specify a “tech innovator” or a “profit innovator,” you’re narrowing down to more specialized domains. Here’s how they differ:

Tech Innovator

A tech innovator focuses specifically on technological advancements and applying these technologies to create new or improved products, services, or processes. Their work is rooted in technical knowledge and is often associated with the development of new software, hardware, platforms, or integration of emerging technologies like AI, blockchain, or IoT into existing systems. The primary goal is to leverage technology to solve problems or create opportunities that didn’t previously exist.

Key Aspects:

  • Develops or utilizes new technologies.
  • Focuses on technological solutions to improve efficiency, capabilities, or user experiences.
  • Stays abreast of the latest technological trends and advancements.
  • Often works in fields like IT, software development, engineering, or data science.


  • Can lead to technological breakthroughs that redefine industries.
  • Often results in patents or intellectual property related to tech innovation.
  • Enhances the technical competencies of a business.

Profit Innovator

A profit innovator, on the other hand, is primarily focused on strategies that increase a company’s profitability. This could involve finding cost-saving measures, developing new revenue streams, restructuring the organization for financial efficiency, or identifying lucrative market opportunities. Profit innovation isn’t necessarily tied to product or technology innovation; it could just as well involve financial restructuring or business model innovation.

Key Aspects:

  • Prioritizes financial outcomes and profitability.
  • Looks for innovative pricing strategies, cost reductions, and efficiency improvements.
  • Focuses on the bottom line, return on investment, and shareholder value.
  • Works closely with financial models and business strategy.


  • Directly influences the financial health and growth potential of a company.
  • May involve changing business practices, adopting new business models, or rethinking market approaches.
  • Often measured by financial metrics and growth indicators.

Business Innovator

A business innovator is a more inclusive term that encapsulates both tech and profit innovators, along with other types of innovation. They could be driving changes in management practices, corporate culture, operational procedures, or market expansion strategies.

Key Aspects:

  • Broad focus on any type of innovation that can improve business operations, growth, or sustainability.
  • May incorporate aspects of tech innovation, profit innovation, and beyond.
  • Seeks to foster a culture of continuous improvement and adaptability.


  • May lead to comprehensive transformations within the company.
  • Can influence all aspects of the business, from internal processes to customer interactions.
  • Aims for long-term sustainability and market relevance.

In conclusion, while a tech innovator is focused on technological advancements and a profit innovator is focused on financial performance, a business innovator could be engaged in driving change in any number of areas within a business. Each plays a crucial role in the overall health and progress of a company, but they focus on different aspects of innovation.

Fractional Business Innovator

A business innovator is someone who introduces new ideas, workflows, products, services, or methodologies into a business environment. Innovators in business are typically seen as leaders and drivers of growth, guiding their organizations towards new markets, increased efficiency, and higher profitability through creative and often disruptive strategies. Here are some key aspects of a business innovator:

Characteristics of a Business Innovator:

  1. Visionary Thinking: Business innovators often have the ability to see beyond the current market and operational limitations to envision future possibilities.
  2. Risk-Taking: They are willing to take calculated risks to implement new ideas, understanding that innovation involves the potential for failure.
  3. Problem-Solving: Innovators excel at identifying problems and are adept at finding unique solutions that improve business outcomes.
  4. Adaptability: They can adapt to changing environments and pivot their strategies accordingly.
  5. Collaborative: True innovators understand the power of collaboration and are skilled at harnessing the collective talents and insights of their teams.
  6. Persistence: They often face resistance to change and must have the persistence to see their ideas through to fruition.

Roles of a Business Innovator:

  1. Product Innovation: Developing new products or enhancing existing ones to better meet customer needs and stand out in the marketplace.
  2. Process Innovation: Creating or improving business processes to increase efficiency, reduce costs, or enhance quality.
  3. Business Model Innovation: Rethinking the way business is done, which can include changing revenue streams, distribution channels, or customer engagement strategies.
  4. Technology Adoption: Integrating cutting-edge technology to stay ahead of competitors and improve business operations.
  5. Cultural Innovation: Shaping the company culture to be more accepting of change, fostering an environment where innovation can thrive.

Examples of Business Innovators:

  1. Entrepreneurs: Individuals like Steve Jobs or Elon Musk who have founded companies based on innovative products or services.
  2. Intrapreneurs: Employees within larger corporations who drive innovation, such as developing a new business line within an existing company.
  3. Research and Development Leaders: Those who head R&D departments tasked with bringing new ideas to life.
  4. Strategic Planners: Professionals who develop forward-thinking strategies to help a company navigate future challenges.
  5. Technology Evangelists: Individuals who champion the adoption of new technologies within their organization.

Impact of Business Innovators:

  • Competitive Advantage: They can give a company the edge it needs to outperform competitors.
  • Market Leadership: Innovators often help companies become market leaders by setting industry standards.
  • Growth and Scaling: Innovative products and services can open new markets and revenue streams, facilitating growth.
  • Resilience: Innovation can make a company more resilient to market shifts and disruptions.

Being a business innovator is not exclusive to company founders or top executives; it can come from any level within an organization. It’s about a mindset and a proactive approach to seeking and implementing change that can bring about significant positive transformations in the business.


Industry Trailblazer Andy Cunningham Empowers Readers with Cutting-Edge Business Strategies

In the ever-changing realm of business, certain individuals stand out for their extraordinary vision, unparalleled expertise, and unwavering dedication. One such luminary is Andy Cunningham, an acclaimed author, CEO, and entrepreneur, whose impact on the domains of branding and marketing strategy is unforgettable.

Andy Cunningham’s journey is a tapestry woven with exceptional accomplishments and transformative experiences. From collaborating with industry legends like Steve Jobs to founding her own thriving companies, she has charted a distinct course that continues to inspire entrepreneurs and professionals on a global scale.

As an author, Andy Cunningham’s profound insights and wisdom come to life in her highly praised book, “Get to Aha! Discover Your Positioning DNA and Dominate Your Competition.” This literary treasure serves as a guide for those seeking to build a robust and distinctive brand that deeply connects with their target audience. With her expertise in strategic brand positioning, Andy Cunningham has revolutionized the marketing landscape, empowering countless leaders to unlock their full potential.

At the helm of Cunningham Collective, a strategic communications and marketing advisory firm, Andy Cunningham continues to empower leadership teams with the indispensable tools for positioning their companies for triumph. Her proven framework, honed through collaborations with numerous enterprises, ensures that every brand she touches achieves resounding success.

This interview delves into the brilliance of Andy Cunningham, exploring her early career journey, the pivotal moments that shaped her approach, and the invaluable lessons she has learned along the way. Through insightful discussions, we uncover her unique perspective on brand positioning, marketing trends, and the future of entrepreneurship in the digital age.

Discover the strategies, techniques, and philosophies that have propelled her to the forefront of the industry and find inspiration to unlock your own brand’s limitless potential.

The path to success is illuminated by those who dare to think differently, challenge the status quo, and pioneer new frontiers. Andy Cunningham embodies this spirit of innovation, and her transformative contributions continue to shape the modern branding landscape.

Prepare to be inspired, enlightened, and equipped with the tools to navigate the ever-changing currents of the business world.

Can you share some of the early challenges you faced when starting your career, and how did you overcome them?

Like most women of my generation, I did have a handful of male chauvinist challenges early in my career. I had a managing editor who chased me around his desk, a publisher who said women can’t write feature articles about trucks, clients who tried to kiss me, men who sat next to me with their hand in my thigh, etc. This is where I made a life decision to actively not make gender an issue in any circumstance. It is refreshing and exciting to see women reclaim their power and continue to shatter glass ceilings. We have a long way to go, but I love watching my daughter soar, knowing she hasn’t endured the same level of sexism in the workplace that I did at her age. 

 What role do you think innovation plays in entrepreneurship, and how do you foster a culture of innovation within your ventures?

I think entrepreneurship requires a great deal of innovation, and vice versa. No matter how many business books exist, there really isn’t a playbook for every situation you come across as an entrepreneur. Simply starting a business requires some innovative thinking. And true innovation requires an entrepreneurial approach to bring it to market. 

I’ve always viewed my purpose as bringing innovation to market, so it’s incredibly important that I foster a culture of innovation in my companies. I try to do so by listening to and implementing new ideas, encouraging my employees to challenge the status quo and take intelligent risks, and giving people the freedom to experiment and lead within their roles. It goes back to building a culture of action built on values of substance. In my case, those values are outlined in The Cunningham Way. 

Can you share a case study or example from your book that illustrates how the principles

outlined in “Get to Aha!” have helped a company achieve significant breakthroughs?

One of the most successful positioning projects of my career, and possibly of all time, is Cisco. This is an example of leveraging context to create high value relevancy and viewing category as a strategy, not a given. It was the mid-nineties. Cisco was successfully selling hubs and routers. But CEO John Chambers knew the company stand for so much more, and in turn could be work so much more. So he reached out to me to discuss how we might help him elevate the company above the day-to-day hubs and routers business. Reviewing the market through the Six Cs of positioning, we correctly surmised that the emerging Internet would change the face of communications forever. Cisco provided the plumbing that made the Internet hum. This is an example of observing contextual trends, identifying the right waves to ride, and associating the brand with the next big thing. 

We developed a thought leadership platform called “Cisco and the Internet Economy.” At the time, there were only two CEOs who dominated the technology airwaves: Intel’s Andy Grove represented hardware and Microsoft’s Bill Gates represented software. No one but us saw the opportunity to turn this duopoly into a triad. We established John’s credibility as a thought leader in the space and strategically started to position him as a peer to Andy Grove and Bill Gates. We limited his speaking engagements to events at which only Grove and Gates were speaking, quite literally positioning John Chambers and Cisco as a critical component of the Internet Economy. The press ate it up and Cisco was forever connected to the Internet. This is an example of using category as a strategy, not a given. It can be tempting to operate within the confines of your current category, but you don’t have to! We created what I call a ‘cluster category’ in which we clustered Cisco with two complementary technologies (and John Chambers with two influential leaders). 

This changed the game entirely. Cisco was no longer talking about hubs and routers, selling widgets and features. It started talking about the future of the internet and sold a dream. John’s cachet skyrocketed as he joined the tech industry’s pantheon of most important CEOs, Cisco’s valuation climbed from $1.2 billion in 1995 to $43 billion in 1997, and with new found vision, its employees banded together to create products that ultimately would make the Internet economy reliant on Cisco. 

The key takeaway? Start with strategy and examine the market to find your position of maximum opportunity. 

Were there any specific mentors or individuals who played a significant role in shaping your early career? If so, how did they influence you?

I feel like this has been answered at nauseum. See above. 

Can you share a funny or memorable anecdote from your professional life?

  1. It was the late 1990s and I had just bought myself a Corvette. I parked at the Pacific Athletic Club where the who’s who of Silicon Valley worked out in those days. As I was getting out of the car, a man pulled up next to me and said, with genuine admiration, “Is that your car?” I said, “Yes, it is.” And he says, without missing a beat, “Wow! You must type really fast!” I thought about calling out his sexist comment, but chuckled to myself instead and replied, “You know what, I do!” It’s a story that reflects the time in which it took place, highlights the progress that has been made, and still makes me laugh to this day. 

Click Here to Connect with the Cunningham Collective: https://www.cunninghamcollective.com


For Press Inquiries Contact Michael Beas of Atlas Elite Publishing via info@atlaselitepublishing.com


The Problem with Hiring People Who Are Just Like You

By Evan Hackel

An excerpt from my forthcoming book Ingaging Leadership Meets the Younger Generation

Many company owners, managers, and executives make the mistake of hiring people who are just like they are or putting together teams of similarly minded people. Software engineers tend to like to work with other software engineers, for example, and people who launched businesses by selling assertively tend to hire assertive sales professionals. As a result, their organizations fail to have the balance that they need for peak performance.

Instead, look at what’s happening within your organization. As you look at your team, do you see people who are doing only what they are required to do, rather than what they love to do and at which they excel? If this is the case, your company and your team could be better served if you recruit a mix of people who together provide all the skills necessary for success.

Imagine that your business is like a symphony orchestra. Now imagine your orchestra is made up only of musicians who can play strings and tympani. What kind of music will it make? Granted, it might sound okay, but it will not make beautiful music. A full symphony orchestra usually has a group of musicians who play more than 13 different instruments, not just one or two. Chances are that your organization needs people who can perform well in a dozen or more specific roles.

When considering your business teams, think of yourself as a conductor who, with the right mix of Ingaged people and a beautiful score, can achieve brilliant success.

Consider the variety of people in your company. Are there gaps in ability, attitude, or experience that are preventing your organization from achieving its greatest potential? If you were starting up today, what kind of staff would allow the business to grow and prosper?

Hire and Support People Who Have the Right Attitude

Attitude is the most important trait among your people.

Attitude is a game-changer. If you populate your organization with people who are positive, they will lift others and lead them to excel. On the other side of the equation, negative people can drain the energy out of everyone around them. Negative people in an organization can kill your chances of success.

I am not recommending a staff made up of people who are irrationally positive all the time like artificially upbeat cheerleaders who have no grounding in practical business. You want resilient people who adopt a strongly positive yet realistic point of view when facing business challenges and setbacks. Those will be the same people who will look for ways to make things better, even at times when everything seems to be going well.

Negativism kills. You can talk to some very skilled people who will say, “I know that everything seems to be going well right now, but I am waiting for the other shoe to drop. Negative things are bound to happen, and things will then get worse.”

Although it is good to look ahead and anticipate future problems, you want people who are going to be positive, and who are going to inspire others realistically. When people are inspired, they will perform better, and your enterprise will prosper.

About Evan Hackel
As author, speaker and entrepreneur, Evan Hackel has been instrumental in launching more than 20 businesses and has managed a portfolio of brands with systemwide sales of more than $5 billion. He is the creator of Ingaged Leadership, is author of the book Ingaging Leadership Meets the Younger Generation and is a thought leader in the fields of leadership and success.
Evan is the CEO of Ingage Consulting, Delta Payment Systems, and an advisor to Tortal Training. Reach Evan at ehackel@ingage.net, 781-820 7609 or visit www.evanhackelspeaks.com


[PRESS RELEASE] C-Suite Network™ Partners with Revolution Media Group to Pioneer New Age in Media Broadcasting with “Bulls, Bears and Blockchain”

Live interactive podcast set to expand distribution on C-Suite Radio as a podcast series to expand distribution, access, and engagement


New York, NY – August 8, 2023 — The C-Suite Network™, the world’s most trusted network of C-Suite leaders, is announcing a partnership with Revolution Media Group, a trailblazer in media innovation, to redefine the landscape of financial broadcasting. This partnership will integrate traditional finance, decentralized finance, and emerging technologies by expanding distribution of the content via C-Suite Network™ and C-Suite Radio, the premier business podcast network.

The collaboration aims to usher in a revolutionary phase in financial broadcasting with the introduction of the highly acclaimed “Bulls, Bears, and Blockchain” (“B3”) podcast series. The Market Masters, a galaxy of finance gurus, along with a constellation of celebrated guests, steer the discourse on traditional finance (TradFi), decentralized finance (DeFi), and associated cutting-edge technologies.

“Business is constantly changing and it’s essential that we stay on top of any emerging technologies and news as they pertain to business,” said Jeffrey Hayzlett, Chairman and Founder, C-Suite Network™ and host of “All Business with Jeffrey Hayzlett on C-Suite Radio. “Having such a successful podcast join our network speaks volumes to their desire to reach a wider audience and delivers on our promise to our community of providing them with the most relevant content to scale their businesses to the next level.”

“Bulls, Bears, and Blockchain” fosters real-time audience engagement paralleling social media live streaming, inviting listeners to contribute during live podcast recordings. Coupled with a myriad of audiograms and posts, it results in a rich, multi-layered experience. The B3 show’s philosophy centers on delivering distinctive educational content and market insights, empowering listeners towards financial self-reliance.

Tune in on Twitter Spaces every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm ET. The vibrant hour is then masterfully shaped into a podcast, released the subsequent day on all podcast and streaming platforms. Integrating that content with C-Suite Radio, extends the show’s distribution, reach, and opportunity for engagement in an on-demand format where listeners download and listen at their own leisure.

“C-Suite’s role as a leader in business-focused podcasts and related content makes this exciting partnership a natural choice for “Bulls, Bears & Blockchain,” says Revolution Media Group Co-Founder and B3 Market Master Marc X. LoPresti.

“Bulls, Bears, and Blockchain” takes pride in its stellar lineup of guests. B3 has hosted financial luminaries such as Anthony Scaramucci of SkyBridge Capital, Thomas Lee from Fundstrat, Grant Cardone, and Peter Schiff, among others. These financial titans bring their own followers to the B3 audience, contributing their extensive experience to dynamic discussions and enriching our shows with exclusive knowledge and insights.

Begin your journey with “Bulls, Bears, and Blockchain” on multiple podcast platforms and engage live through social media spaces. Follow Revolution Media Group and C-Suite Network™ for exciting updates.

For a complete playlist of recent episodes, visit: https://c-suitenetwork.com/radio/shows/bulls-bears-blockchain/

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About C-Suite Network™

C-Suite Network™ is the world’s most trusted network of C-Suite leaders, with a focus on providing growth, development and networking opportunities for business executives with titles of vice president and above. The C-Suite Network’s mission is to provide a peer community, networking events, relevant content and services to support c-level executives and other entrepreneurs achieve professional success.


C-Suite Network™ offers invitation-only events as well as custom-tailored content through all its entities: C-Suite TV, C-Suite Radio, C-Suite Book Club, and C-Suite Network Advisors™. Learn more at www.c-suitenetwork.com, or connect on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.


About Revolution Media Group:

Revolution Media Group, the pioneers of media transformation, are reshaping content creation and consumption through innovative media and blockchain technologies. Composing a harmony of audience-centric journalism and community reinforcement, it’s the compass guiding you through unchartered territories. Discover a universe of boundless opportunities at www.getrevradio.com.


Embracing the Journey to a Prosperous Century: Your Guide to Financial Freedom!

In the grand tapestry of life, the threads of our fate intertwine with the enigma of time. As we march towards retirement, the elusive answer to how long our story shall unfold remains veiled in mystery. Will we dance with destiny for a century or be beckoned by the unknown tomorrow? Amidst this captivating riddle lies a quest to ensure that the canvas of our lives is painted with hues of abundance and prosperity! 

  1. Embrace the Uncharted Horizons: Preparing for the Unforeseen

Life’s journey is rife with unpredictability, and preparation is the beacon of tranquility that lights our way. As we toil to build our nest egg, the most intricate part of retirement planning awaits—the calculation of how many years to finance after retirement. As human beings, we cannot predict the length of our threads, but we yearn to ensure that our financial tapestry withstands the test of time. 

Imagine the unthinkable—the absence of financial preparedness. In such moments, we risk becoming a burden to those we cherish, our dreams shackled by unanticipated struggles. To transcend this fate, we must welcome the beautiful gift of life that extends beyond a century!  So when we plan our retirement at 65, we must raise the veil on the extraordinary journey that may extend for 35 years or more. 

  1. Navigating the Seas of Financial Stability: Annuities & Social Security

In this thrilling voyage towards prosperity, two pillars stand tall—Annuities and Social Security—guiding us through the turbulent waters of the future.  Social Security, a melody of financial security, gifts us with lifetime income. A symphony that grows more magnificent when we dance with the allure of patience, claiming its treasure only when we truly need it. 

A second guardian of stability lies in the embrace of a traditional pension—an elixir that blesses the fortunate few with lifelong benefits. If your company offers this timeless gift, seize it and be rewarded for a lifetime! 

  1. Illuminating the Path to Health & Happiness: MediCaid & Long Term Care Insurance

In this tale of prosperity, health is our most treasured asset.  Medicare supplemental policies and MediCaid emerge as our valiant knights, protecting us from the trials of medical expenses that threaten to darken our skies. As the sands of time flow, our need for medical attention may extend beyond a hundred days. In this realm, Long Term Care insurance takes our hand, securing us in times of vulnerability. 

Embarking on this exhilarating odyssey, we unlock the secrets to financial serenity, ensuring that our lives flourish in vibrancy and fulfillment!  As the stars align, we chart our course towards financial freedom, safeguarding our dreams for generations to come! 

So, dear adventurers, let us journey with a heart full of wisdom and readiness!  Secure your legacy, and let your financial tapestry become an eternal masterpiece that illuminates the world! 

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A No BS Guide to Recruiting and Hiring Exceptional Employees

Unveiling the Key to Assembling an Exemplary Team

In the realm of prospering enterprises, the pivotal factor lies in the construction of a robust and proficient team. Your workforce forms the bedrock of your organization, and the acquisition and selection of suitable individuals can be the differentiating factor.

This pragmatic guide delves into the fundamental strategies and valuable insights to aid you in attracting, evaluating, and onboarding top-tier employees who will spearhead your company’s progress.


  1. Crafting an Alluring Job Listing

The initial stride in the recruitment process involves the creation of an enticing job listing that captivates the attention of qualified candidates. Commence by elucidating the job title, responsibilities, and desired qualifications with utmost clarity. Remember, lucidity is of utmost importance! Eschew the utilization of jargon or convoluted language that may perplex prospective applicants.

Next, accentuate the distinctive attributes of your organization and its culture. Convey your fervor, mission, and values to entice candidates who resonate with your vision. It is crucial to exhibit authenticity and showcase the personality of your company. Infuse a touch of your personal experiences as a business owner and articulate the reasons behind your passion.


  1. Effective Candidate Screening

Upon receiving a pool of applications, it is imperative to screen candidates effectively. Look beyond the surface-level particulars and focus on their skills, experience, and cultural compatibility. Embark upon the process by scrutinizing their resumes and cover letters, paying close attention to their previous roles and achievements.

In addition to conventional screening methods, contemplate incorporating behavioral and situational inquiries during interviews. This approach aids in assessing how candidates would navigate real-life scenarios they may encounter in the workplace. Share anecdotes from your own experiences to establish a personal connection and provide invaluable insights.



  1. The Art of Conducting Interviews

Conducting interviews is an art form that demands meticulous preparation and execution. Structure your interviews to encompass a blend of technical and behavioral questions, enabling you to gain a comprehensive understanding of the candidate’s capabilities. Eschew generic inquiries and opt for tailored questions that pertain to the specific role and align with your company’s culture.

Remember, interviews should facilitate a two-way exchange. Encourage candidates to seek clarifications about the company, team dynamics, and growth prospects. This open dialogue will afford you a glimpse into their enthusiasm, inquisitiveness, and compatibility with your organization.


  1. Onboarding for Optimal Success

Congratulations! You have discovered the perfect candidate. Now, it is time to set them on the path to success through a comprehensive onboarding process. Commence by extending a warm welcome and introducing them to the team. Cultivate a supportive environment where new employees feel at ease posing queries and seeking guidance.

Develop a structured onboarding plan that encompasses both general orientation and role-specific training. By providing lucid expectations and equipping them with resources, you will enable employees to swiftly acclimate to their responsibilities and comprehend how their work contributes to the overarching goals of the company.



  1. Cultivating a Positive Work Culture

Cultivating a positive work culture is indispensable for employee satisfaction and retention. Foster an environment wherein individuals feel valued, respected, and supported. Encourage open communication and deliver regular feedback to facilitate the professional growth of your employees.

Invest in comprehensive employee development programs, both formal and informal, to augment their skills and knowledge. Create opportunities for advancement within the organization and acknowledge their accomplishments along the way. When employees perceive their contributions to be appreciated and their potential to be nurtured, they are more inclined to exhibit unwavering commitment and motivation.


Conclusion: Assembling an Exemplary Team

The process of recruiting and hiring exceptional employees is an ongoing endeavor that necessitates dedication and diligence. By adhering to the strategies expounded upon in this guide, you will be well-equipped to attract exceptional talent that aligns seamlessly with your company’s objectives and values.

Remember, constructing an exceptional team is not merely about procuring skilled individuals; it is about fostering a supportive culture wherein every member can thrive. Therefore, devote the time and effort required to invest in your employees, and behold the flourishing of your organization as a result.

Prepare to triumph in the realm of recruitment and propel your business to unprecedented heights!













Svetlana Kouznetsova

Do you want to expand the audience for your podcasts, videos, and live events? Provide quality captioning to communicate with people who can’t hear you.

Captioning — converting audio content into text and displaying that text on a screen or monitor — will help you reach people who are deaf and hard-of-hearing, an audience currently estimated at 466 million worldwide. Captioning also can prevent your message from being missed or misunderstood because of other barriers, such as background noise, mumbling, or accented speech.

In the second edition of Sound Is Not Enough: The Art of Captioning for Universal Access, Svetlana Kouznetsova guides you through the process of adding captioning to your communications so that you can go beyond meeting accessibility mandates.

The author, who has given a TEDx talk on how captions increase ROI and audience for media creators, will show you how to capture new viewers and take your audience to a whole new and diverse level.

The book dispels common myths about deaf and hard-of-hearing people, describes the author’s experiences with deafness, and provides examples of quality captioning. The book focuses on speech-to-text translation because of its broader application.

Those who can benefit from Sound Is Not Enough include:

– Business executives;

– Media producers;

– Event organizers;

– Educators;

– Employers.

Let’s think outside the ears!