They say there’s a genius for every season. One for spring. One for summer. One for fall. And One for winter. And, when working with that genius, you can accomplish a great many things in that season.
Even better…
When you have four geniuses, one for each season, it’s like a team that virtually cannot fail! Indeed, it makes sense, that when they work together somehow, there’s a benevolent flow. Like in nature…
There’s a time to sow, a time to grow, a time to reap, and a time to sleep.
But there’s something transcending this metaphor…
And without understanding what that is, the team would get disturbed. We see that disturbance these days in climate change issues, in the problems of crumbling systems, in the capital waste of failing businesses, and we see it in the stories of personal dramatics.
It thus is time to undo those disturbances. But how?
- How can we restore that natural balance of the four seasons to enjoy the Greater Good again without disturbance?
- How can we understand the ‘transcending something’ that actually makes the four seasons make sense in their genius workings?
We can begin to understand it through ‘The Fifth Season Master Mind’… What’s that?
Since ancient times it’s called ‘the quintessence’, the ‘fifth’ element of creation!
In other words, it is the essence of what makes diversity possible. And that diversity then still is a Coherent Whole, at least it is so by Nature – like the four seasons that work in harmony.
In our day and age though, that diversity oftentimes appears to be a manifold of divisions. And that causes conflicts, battles, and all kinds of upheaval, as mentioned in the disturbances.
On the other hand, we see new and greater forms of collaboration, larger groups for doing good, and magnificent ventures for fortunate living and giving.
Now, with a global perspective that beholds both extreme individualistic visions as well as large communal endeavors, it can become quite a momentous task to understand and live in harmony with ‘the quintessence’ of it all.
Enter ‘The Fifth Season Master Mind’ – a co-creative consciousness showing itself in various shapes and forms of genius groups and executive directors. It indeed is the ‘hidden genius’ now becoming explicit and understood.
But it needs counsel for you appropriating it to the expression of the Greater Good.
- Where to find that counsel? >>Right here at The Mastermind Council!<<
- What to use? >>This website with amazing Resources!<<
- How to wisely apply? >>Use This Book!<<
You’re welcome now in The Fifth Season Master Mind.
Maurits van Sambeek, MA
Author of Omni-Benevolence