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The Value of Paying Attention

ATTENTION is defined as the act of applying the mind to something.

Every day it seems more difficult to do.  With work, family, the world and multiple electronic devices feeding us information at the same time, it’s a wonder we get anything done well.  The value of paying attention though shows up in increased productivity, safer working conditions and higher profitability.  The simple act of paying attention creates higher quality work, whether in services or products. Having fewer failures, errors, quality defects, and accidents leads to an increase in the bottom line and the overall morale of a workplace environment. On an interpersonal level, truly paying attention to a colleague creates a bond that transcends every interaction you have together. In a world where we see millions of bits of information every day, paying attention has become a skill that needs to be reintroduced and retooled.

How can you do this?  Simply take the time to pay more attention to what is going on around you. Deliberately make a choice to create space in your day to notice a colleague doing something well. Acknowledge what you observe directly to them and explain exactly what they did. Instead of a nondescript “Good job”, be specific: “You handled the interaction with Mr. Smith well.” Timely and personal attention is appreciated deeply.

How many times a day do you stop to notice what those around you are doing? How often do you express an encouraging word?

“The quality of your life is determined by the focus of your attention.”

—Cheri Huber

Excerpt from Blueprint for Employee Engagement – 37 Essential Elements to Influence, Innovate & Inspire.

Julie Ann Sullivan has the cure for retaining good talent and increasing productivity. Want a free copy of her book, Talk to Julie Ann @724-942-0486.  Julie Ann hosts the Mere Mortals Unite and Businesses that Care podcasts on C-Suite Radio .  For more information go to http://julieannsullivan.com/

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