C-Suite Network™

Growth Leadership Personal Development

The Truth About Building a Business: Embracing Challenges at Every Level

As entrepreneurs, we often find ourselves thinking, “Once I reach [insert your revenue goal here], everything will be easier.” It’s a comforting thought, but as someone who’s been through the entrepreneurial journey, I can tell you it’s not quite that simple.

The reality is that building a business is challenging at every level. Each stage of growth brings its own unique set of obstacles. The key to success isn’t avoiding these challenges—it’s learning how to navigate them effectively.

The Evolution of Business Challenges

Let’s break down the challenges you might face at different revenue levels:

1. At 6 Figures:

At this stage, you’re likely wearing multiple hats and working long hours. You’re the CEO, the marketing department, the sales team, and often the delivery person all rolled into one. The challenge here is managing your time effectively and avoiding burnout.

2. At 7 Figures:

As you cross the million-dollar mark, new challenges emerge. You’re now managing team dynamics and outgrowing systems that worked well when you were smaller. The processes that got you to seven figures often break down as you try to scale further.

3. At 8 Figures:

At this level, you’re navigating complex strategies and significant market shifts. The decisions you make have larger consequences, and you’re dealing with more sophisticated competitors. You might be expanding into new markets or product lines, each with its own set of challenges.

The truth is, the challenges don’t disappear—they evolve. As your business grows, you’re constantly facing new and different obstacles. So, how do we approach this ongoing journey of growth and challenges?

Strategies for Thriving Amid Constant Change

Based on my experience and work with numerous entrepreneurs, here are some strategies I’ve found to be effective:

1. Embrace Difficulty:

Instead of viewing challenges as roadblocks, recognize them as an integral part of the entrepreneurial journey. Each difficulty you face is an opportunity to learn and grow. When you embrace challenges, you become more resilient and adaptable.

2. Prioritize Personal Growth:

Your business can only grow as much as you do. Invest in your own development—whether that’s through reading, courses, coaching, or experiences. As you expand your knowledge and skills, you’ll be better equipped to handle the evolving demands of your business.

3. Build Resilience:

Mental toughness is crucial for long-term success in business. Develop practices that help you bounce back from setbacks. This might include mindfulness techniques, regular exercise, or having a strong support network.

4. Celebrate Progress:

In the midst of challenges, it’s easy to lose sight of how far you’ve come. Make it a habit to acknowledge and celebrate small wins along the way. These moments of recognition can provide the motivation you need to keep pushing forward.

5. Seek Support:

No successful entrepreneur goes it alone. Whether it’s a coach, a mastermind group, or a mentor, find people who can provide guidance, share experiences, and offer a fresh perspective on your challenges.

6. Anticipate Obstacles:

Instead of hoping for smooth sailing, prepare for potential challenges. This proactive approach allows you to create contingency plans and respond more effectively when issues arise.

7. Connect with Your Purpose:

When things get tough, your ‘why’ will keep you motivated. Regularly reconnect with the reasons you started your business in the first place. This sense of purpose can provide the drive you need to push through difficult times.

The Mindset Shift: From Avoiding to Embracing Challenges

Remember, the goal isn’t to make entrepreneurship easy. It’s to become the kind of leader who can navigate whatever comes your way. This requires a fundamental shift in mindset—from seeing challenges as something to be avoided to viewing them as opportunities for growth and innovation.

Every obstacle you overcome makes you and your business stronger. It builds your confidence, expands your capabilities, and prepares you for the next level of challenges.

Moreover, the ability to effectively handle challenges becomes a competitive advantage. While others may

crumble under pressure, your resilience and problem-solving skills will set you apart in the marketplace.

Putting It Into Practice

As you continue on your business journey, keep these strategies in mind. Here are some practical steps you can take:

1. Regularly assess your business and identify potential challenges on the horizon.

2. Develop a personal growth plan that aligns with your business goals.

3. Create a support network of fellow entrepreneurs, mentors, or coaches.

4. Implement a system for tracking and celebrating progress in your business.

5. Practice stress-management techniques to build your mental resilience.

6. Regularly revisit and refine your business’s mission and vision.

Remember, every successful entrepreneur you admire has faced their own set of challenges. What sets them apart is not the absence of difficulties, but their approach to overcoming them.


Building a business is a journey filled with challenges, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. By embracing difficulties, focusing on personal growth, building resilience, celebrating progress, seeking support, anticipating obstacles, and staying connected to your purpose, you can navigate these challenges successfully.

As you face your next business challenge, remember: it’s not about making it easy, it’s about becoming the kind of leader who can handle whatever comes your way. Embrace the challenge, learn from it, and use it as a stepping stone to your next level of success.

Your entrepreneurial journey is unique, but you’re not alone in facing challenges. Share your experiences, learn from others, and keep pushing forward. The road may be difficult, but the view from the top is worth it.

If you’d like to learn more, come join us at one of our DRIVE Mastermind Events.

Growth Keynote Speaker Leadership

The Truth About Scaling: It Starts With Your THINKING

The Truth About Scaling: It Starts With Your THINKING

As business owners, we’ve all heard the conventional wisdom: to grow your business, you need to work
around the clock, reinvest every penny, never turn down a client, and keep sacrificing. While this advice might
help get a fledgling business off the ground, when it comes to scaling, it’s not just misguided—it’s downright

I’ll be honest: I used to buy into this myth. I thought that pushing harder, working longer hours, and sacrificing
more would naturally lead to business growth. Spoiler alert: It didn’t work.

What I’ve learned through experience (and yes, some hard knocks) is that scaling a business isn’t about
working harder—it’s about fundamentally changing how you think and operate. It’s an inside job, paired with
smart action.

The Mindset Shift for Scaling

Here are some key insights I’ve gained about truly scaling a business:

1. Inner Work is the Foundation
Before you can change your business, you need to change your mindset. Your business can only grow to the
extent that you do. This means investing in personal development, challenging your assumptions, and being
willing to evolve.

2. Build the Right Team
Scaling requires cultivating a team you can trust. But here’s the catch: to trust others, you first need to trust
yourself. This often means addressing your own insecurities and control issues.

3. Focus on the Future
Instead of getting caught up in day-to-day firefighting, successful scaling requires you to envision your exit
strategy from day one. Your inner clarity about where you’re headed will guide your outer strategy.

4. Align Your Systems with Your Values
As you scale, create processes that align with your core values and vision, not just what seems efficient on
paper. This ensures that your growth is sustainable and meaningful.

5. Invest in Personal Growth
Your personal growth and business growth are inseparable. Invest in both simultaneously for the best results.

6. Prioritize Self-Care
A burnt-out leader can’t scale effectively. Make your well-being a non-negotiable part of your business strategy.

7. Clarify Your Purpose
Know your ‘why’. It will serve as a compass for all your scaling decisions and keep you motivated through

The Reality of Scaling

Scaling isn’t about doing more of what you’re already doing. It’s about fundamentally changing how you
operate and think about your business—and yourself. This involves:

– Building self-awareness and emotional intelligence
– Creating a business that aligns with your core values
– Making decisions from a place of inner strength, not external pressure
– Recognizing that your personal growth directly impacts your business growth

This shift isn’t easy. It requires deep self-reflection, challenging your assumptions, and sometimes feeling
vulnerable. But it’s the only sustainable way to grow—both personally and professionally.

Taking the Next Step

If you’re ready to make this shift but aren’t sure where to start, consider joining us at The Scaling Smart Clinic
in Jacksonville, Florida, September 20-22, 2024. This event is designed as a deep dive into the mindset shifts
and strategies needed to scale your business effectively, starting with you.

We’ll cover everything from personal development to building high-performing teams, all while helping you
create joy and profits in a world that often feels chaotic and overwhelming.

Remember, true scaling starts within. When you transform your thinking, your business will follow. It’s time to
let go of the myth that scaling means endless sacrifice. Instead, embrace the truth that sustainable growth
comes from alignment, clarity, and smart action.

Here’s to scaling smart—from the inside out.

Growth Keynote Speaker Personal Development

Transforming Networking Nightmares into Business Growth Opportunities

Transforming Networking Nightmares into Business Growth Opportunities

As a business owner, you’ve likely experienced the dread of networking events. Crowded rooms, forced small
talk, and endless pitches can feel more like a personal hell than a growth opportunity. But what if I told you that
avoiding these events might be holding you back from crucial business growth?

For years, I made every excuse to avoid networking and masterminds. My reasons were valid – after all, who
enjoys that chaos? However, I didn’t realize that my avoidance was preventing me from building a solid referral
network and collaborating with like-minded entrepreneurs.

The Power of a Strong Network

When we talk about networking, we’re not just referring to client referrals (although those are great). We’re
talking about creating a network of companies that send business your way and building a tribe of fellow
business owners to strategize with. This kind of network can be a game-changer for your business.

My Personal Transformation

So, what changed for me? It started with a simple lesson on networking at our Sedona retreat this last March.
Coach Kate on our team inspired me to look within and address what was really blocking me from fully
engaging in networking opportunities.

I turned to my own coaching tools – the same ones we use with our clients. Our approach combines emotional
(inside) work with tactical action (outside) to achieve results. Using these powerful techniques, I was able to
heal a block within myself that had been holding me back for years.

The result? A complete transformation in how I approach networking and masterminds.

Reimagining the Networking Experience

Now, I’m all in. Not only have I joined a mastermind group, but I’ve also launched my own – The DRIVE Mastermind.

And it’s different from what you might expect:

1. No crowded bars or inflated egos
2. Expert guidance and focused masterminding sessions
3. Fast-track network building in a way that’s actually fun
4. No drama or sales pitches disguised as education
5. Just dedicated, authentic entrepreneurs driven to reach the next level

The Benefits of a Well-Structured Mastermind
A well-structured mastermind can offer numerous benefits:

– Peer-to-peer learning and support
– Accountability to help you achieve your goals
– Access to diverse perspectives and experiences
– Opportunities for collaboration and partnerships
– A safe space to discuss challenges and brainstorm solutions

Taking Action

If you’re ready to transform your approach to networking and accelerate your business growth, consider joining
a mastermind group. Look for one that aligns with your values and business goals.

For those driving for their first million or scaling between 1M-5M in revenues, feel free to check out our
upcoming events. It’s an opportunity to network, strategize, and grow alongside other dedicated entrepreneurs
in a supportive, ego-free environment.

Remember, the key to successful networking isn’t about enduring uncomfortable situations – it’s about finding
the right environment where you can authentically connect, learn, and grow. When you do, you’ll be amazed at
how quickly your business can transform.

Capital Leadership Personal Development

From Cash Flow Crisis to Mastery: A Business Coach’s Confession and Comeback

Last year, I found myself in a situation that might sound familiar to many business owners. My business was losing money. It wasn’t just a minor dip in revenue – we were facing an all-time high in overhead costs while our income was steadily declining.

Here’s the kicker: I’m a successful business coach. My job is to help other business owners increase their revenues and improve their cash flow. Yet there I was, watching my own business become less and less profitable with each passing month.

You might be wondering, “How did this happen?” 

The answer is embarrassingly simple: I was making excuses. The same excuses I regularly call my clients out on, I was using myself. And the grand-daddy of all excuses? “I’m too busy.”

Yes, I convinced myself I was too busy to slow down and pay attention to my business finances. Too busy to look at my cash flow, trim the overhead, or make tough decisions. And while it wasn’t untrue – I am genuinely very busy – this excuse stood in my way for months and cost me thousands of dollars.

I’m sharing this because I don’t want to see this little doozie cost you too.

You know, tackling your finances can feel a lot like standing in front of a massive obstacle (like me standing in front of an enormous buffalo statue, looking absolutely tiny in comparison). That’s often how we feel when facing our financial challenges – small and overwhelmed. But here’s the thing: you can approach your finances head-on, no matter how daunting they may seem, and when you do they get smaller, and you can even have fun.

The turning point came when I made a decision. Not just any decision, but a capital-D DECISION to make time to work on my finances. When I truly committed, suddenly the time appeared. It’s funny how that works, isn’t it?

Once I dedicated myself to tackling this issue, things changed rapidly. Not only did I get my own cash flow back in line quickly, but I also ended up developing a tool I could use going forward to keep my hands around it – easily. This tool has become an integral part of my financial management strategy, and I still use it to this day.

But the benefits didn’t stop there. I shared this monthly cash flow tool with my clients, and they’ve reaped the rewards too. It’s been incredibly gratifying to see others benefit from a solution born out of my own struggles.

Now, I want to share this knowledge with you. That’s why I’m teaching my Cash Flow Mastery Workshop on August 14th. In this workshop, I’ll take you through the same steps I used to master my cash flow when it was a bit upside down. Normally, this kind of workshop is reserved for our private coaching clients, but I’m opening it up to select members of our community at no charge.

If you’re ready to take back control of your cash flow and master your business finances, I invite you to apply for a free spot. Just click here to get started.

I know it can be a little embarrassing to admit you’re not managing your business finances as well as you should. Trust me, I get it. As a coach, I felt doubly sheepish about my situation. But here’s the thing – if I can turn it around, you absolutely can too.

Remember, acknowledging the problem is the first step towards solving it. By taking action now, you’re already ahead of where I was when I started this journey. And I can tell you from experience, the peace of mind that comes from having a solid grasp on your cash flow is priceless.

So, let’s do this together. Join me for the Cash Flow Mastery Workshop, and let’s get your finances back on track. It’s time to say goodbye to the “I’m too busy” excuse and hello to financial clarity and control.

Your future self (and your bank account) will thank you for it.

Growth Leadership Personal Development

The Hidden Blessings in Your Business Bruises: Lessons from a Motorcycle Adventure

Ever had one of those moments where you’re living your dream, but it feels more like a comedy of errors? Well, let me tell you about my current adventure. I’m writing this from a hotel room in North Dakota, smack in the middle of an epic motorcycle trip with my husband. We’re riding from New York to Montana and back in just 19 days. Sounds exciting, right?

Before we set off, I had these grand visions of us cruising through stunning landscapes, feeling wild and free, living our best lives. And sure, we’ve had some of those moments. But let me tell you, we’ve also had our fair share of… let’s call them “character-building experiences.”

Picture this:

* Me, trying to secure my gear, when BAM! A bungee cord snaps back and gifts me with a lovely shiner. (Yes, there’s photographic evidence.)

* Tripping over a motorcycle case in the hotel room and introducing my keester to the floor. Hard. (No photos of this one, thank goodness!)

* Our first night camping? More like a mosquito convention where we were the main course. We spent the night huddled in our tent, plotting our escape at first light.

* Oh, and let’s not forget riding into a torrential downpour that had us seeking emergency shelter in a stranger’s garage. Talk about an impromptu pool party!

Now, this trip is a dream come true for us, but as these “obstacles” started piling up, I found myself thinking, “WTF?! This is NOT what I signed up for!” 🤬

But then it hit me – isn’t this exactly how growing a business can feel?

We start with these grand visions of entrepreneurial bliss – being our own boss, controlling our time, living the dream (cue the rainbows and unicorns 🌈🦄). And then reality hits us like a bungee cord to the face, leaving us questioning our life choices.

It’s so easy to fall into the trap of thinking the road to success should be all sunshine and roses. But here’s the truth: it’s actually paved with bumps and bruises.

The real game-changer? It’s how we perceive and react to these challenges. We can’t control everything that happens, but we can control our response. So why not choose to learn and laugh it off?

Take my hotel room tumble. Sure, my booty was scraped up, but it led to some sweet TLC from the hubby. Our camping nightmare? It’s pushed us to discover some wonderful hotels and sparked ideas for making our next outdoor adventure more fun. That storm that nearly washed us away? It introduced us to some lovely people and restored our faith in the kindness of strangers.

(I’m still working on finding the silver lining to my first shiner, but hey, it makes for a great story, right? 🤕)

As you navigate your own road to success this week, remember that bumps and bruises are part of the journey. It happens to all of us, even when we’re living our dreams.

So do your best to roll with it. Learn from the challenges. Heck, even thank them – they’re making you stronger, better, and giving you some killer stories for your next networking event.

After all, the best adventures – in business and in life – are the ones that don’t go exactly as planned. They’re the ones that test us, teach us, and ultimately, transform us.

So here’s to the bumps, the bruises, and the beautiful mess of chasing our dreams. May your journey be as exciting, unpredictable, and ultimately rewarding as a cross-country motorcycle trip!

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some more adventures to chase (and possibly some more bumps to dodge). Wish me luck!

Growth Leadership Personal Development

The Unexpected Benefits of Fighting With Your Husband

Have you ever found yourself in a heated argument with your partner, wondering how you went from loving them deeply to wishing they’d disappear in the blink of an eye? If you’ve been in a long-term relationship, you’re likely familiar with this emotional rollercoaster. It’s not pleasant, but believe it or not, some good can come from these moments of tension.

Let me share a recent experience. Just a couple of days ago, my husband and I had a fight. It’s funny how quickly these things escalate – within minutes, we were yelling at each other over something so trivial I can’t even remember what sparked it.

Before we knew it, we were “diagnosing” each other with statements like, “You need to stop creating stories!” The cherry on top? We were both demanding the other person change in exactly the same way. Picture this: he’s saying, “You need to be more self-aware,” and I’m firing back with the exact same phrase. Ridiculous, right?

Is it stupid? Absolutely. Is it normal? You bet. We all have moments we’re not proud of, and that’s okay. 🤮

The silver lining came after we both cooled off. We managed to have a real conversation and reconnect. It wasn’t smooth sailing at first, but when we both lowered our defenses and stopped pointing fingers, we started making progress.

I’m sharing this story because I know some of you might be going through similar struggles with your significant other. Or maybe you’re looking to deepen an already strong connection. Either way, challenges in our intimate relationships can be incredibly stressful, and I’ve been there (clearly).

If you’ve been battling to improve communication with your partner, I want to help. That’s why I’ve signed my husband and I up for a retreat in Costa Rica over Valentine’s Day 2025. Yes, I even yelled this at him during our fight: “This is why I signed us up for Costa Rica!!” Not my finest moment, I admit.

But here’s the thing – I did sign us up because, while we’re typically a loving couple, there are times when our communication breaks down. I genuinely want to improve that aspect of our relationship, and what better way to do it than by taking a luxury trip to the stunning jungles of Costa Rica?

The even better news? Two members of my team are joining us! And the best part? You can come too! 😁🥳

There are still a few spots open if you’d like to join us. Now, I’m not hosting this retreat (in fact, I’m really looking forward to being a participant). It’s being led by Owen Marcus and Dalia Anderman, two of my favorite people, who together have hosted hundreds of Hold Me Tight retreats.

If you’re intrigued and want to learn more, just click here for all the details. Once you see how fabulous this opportunity is, you might be willing to do anything to go. Just remember – you don’t need to get into a fight with your spouse to book the trip. However, if asking nicely doesn’t work… well, it couldn’t hurt, right? 😉

Remember, every couple faces challenges. It’s how we navigate these rough patches that strengthens our bonds and deepens our connections. So whether you join us in Costa Rica or find your own path to better communication, keep working on your relationship. The rewards are worth every effort.

Best Practices Entrepreneurship Leadership

The #1 Reason Why Your Priorities Are Holding You Back: Insights from a High-Level Mastermind

As entrepreneurs, it’s essential to step out of our comfort zones and surround ourselves with successful and inspiring individuals. Recently, I had the privilege of attending the Thought Council mastermind in Dallas hosted by Jeff Hayzeltt where I spent a weekend learning from and collaborating with some of the brightest minds in the business world. While it can be intimidating to realize you’re not the smartest person in the room, the experience proved invaluable, saving me an estimated six months of wasted time and money going of trying to go it alone.

One of the key topics discussed during the mastermind was priorities. As the leader shared his daily planning strategy, it became crystal clear the things he considered most important, such as growing revenues, took center stage in his day.

This got me thinking about my own priorities. I plan my day using the “A” task in my Best Planner Ever. For those unfamiliar, the A task is an activity that is easy to procrastinate or avoid but, when completed, will significantly move the needle forward on your goals.

Examples of A tasks might include:

– Making collection calls when cash is tight (easy to avoid but will get the cash in the bank🤑 )

– Attending networking events to expand your brand and influence (even though meeting new people can be uncomfortable and easy to avoid😨 )

– Doing that workout to improve your fitness (I can come up with dozens of reasons to put off working out 😒)

Upon reflecting on my own priorities, I realized that while most were in line with my goals, a few were actually holding me back. This may seem counterintuitive – how can a priority hold us back?

The answer lies in the way we prioritize certain attitudes and behaviors over others.

For instance:

– Do we prioritize making excuses for why we don’t have enough money over taking action each week to increase our income?

– Do we prioritize the health and well-being of others over our own, using that as an excuse for not eating right or exercising?

– Do we prioritize people-pleasing over scheduling ourselves with balance? Remember much overwhelm is a direct result of over-scheduling.

When examining the results we’re getting in business and life, it’s important to take a hard look at the results we’re not satisfied with, such as a lack of free time, insufficient money, poor health, or strained relationships and then re-prioritize.

I challenge you to evaluate your priorities in the areas where you’d like to see different results.

Is there a priority that’s holding you back from achieving what you want? When you sit down to plan your day, ask yourself, “What’s my A task today?” Then, commit to doing it.

By consciously aligning our priorities with our desired outcomes and taking action on the tasks that truly move the needle, we can break free from the habits and mindsets that hold us back. Remember, success is not just about working hard; it’s about working smart and focusing on the things that matter most. ✅

So, take a moment to reassess your priorities, and don’t be afraid to make the necessary changes to propel yourself towards the life and business you’ve always dreamed of.

With the right mindset and a commitment to taking action, there’s no limit to what you can achieve.

#PrioritizingSuccess #AlignYourPriorities #EntrepreneurMindset