Do you suffer from the curse of ‘not enough’? If so, you’re not alone. This curse shows up in a number of ways – from how you value yourself to what it takes for you to feel fulfilled. Because the feeling is uncomfortable, chances are you don’t deal with it … or even acknowledge it. This is a mistake. Unresolved issues around your worth will dog you and hold you back from reaching your full potential. Like a governor on a snowmobile, it will slow you down.
It will translate to a lifetime of self-sabotaging behaviors.
On the one hand, many women are held back in their businesses and in life by baggage around worthiness. It’s no surprise considering it’s still recent history that women weren’t allowed to own property, hold credit, vote or even be recognized as persons in the eyes of the law. When you’re treated as ‘less than’, it’s easy to buy into a belief system that you are ‘less than’.
If you take a moment to think of the consequences of that conditioning, it’s easy to see that if you succumb to feelings of ‘not enoughness’ you aren’t likely to command the pricing, salaries, compensation, clients or relationships you deserve in life. If you can’t own your worth and value internally, how do you expect to project it externally to attract and negotiate for more of what you desire and deserve?
At the other end of the ‘not enough’ dilemma, if you don’t own your internal value with unshakable conviction, you’re likely to go through life trying to get more ‘things’ to establish your merit. Many suffer from the misguided ‘If I just had more, I’d be worth more’ delusion. This scarcity mindset typically results in a lifetime of dissatisfaction as no matter how much you amass, it will never seem to be enough. You will fall into a pattern of comparison where you always see yourself coming up short in some way. Tied to that, is often a fear mindset pattern – fear of losing what you have, fear of not having enough, fear of the unknown, fear of being judged inadequate or ‘not enough’.
I noticed recently that this issue keeps coming up in my interviews for my Art of Feminine Negotiation™ PODCAST series. That’s a sure sign of the significance of the issue. Many of the experts in the women’s empowerment and/or women’s entrepreneurship thought leadership space speak to the critical importance of owning your worth as the starting point to all success.
Check out these episodes to get your healthy injection of self-worth and how to use it to up-level your success in life.
Master Business Coach, Jeanna Gabellini, spoke to the importance of mastering this mindset in our recent Negotiating Your Pricing and Winning Over Ideal Clients episode. Check out that episode to uncover how to liberate yourself from the curse of ‘not enough’ and other game-changing mindset shifts to catapult your business to the next level of success.
Heather Hansen, CEO of Advocate to Win, uncovers how to develop your credibility as the antidote to ‘imposter syndrome’ and tips on ways to improve your self-advocacy, increase your belief in yourself and choose how you show up every day in our Negotiating For Yourself: You Are Your Own Best Advocate episode.
Billionaire brand queen, Tracy Holland shared secrets on how to up-level your powerhouse mindset in our Negotiating Your Way to Powerhouse episode. Discover how to get CEO-level confidence, coming from a place of feminine power. Uncover the key to negotiating with yourself first and how to avoid split energy holding you back from your most powerful self and success.
The Investor Warrior, Kari Lyke, opened us to the possibility of powerful real estate investment using feminine strengths to your advantage for authentic acquisition and exit strategies in our Negotiating to Success as a Woman Investor episode.
CEO of Worth International, Dr. Kelly Schuh, is igniting a Women’s Worth Worldwide movement committed to women entrepreneurs claiming their true worth. In our A Woman’s Worth: Non-Negotiable episode, she shared secrets from her Queen of Worth Sales System, teaching women to grow their businesses while playing to their feminine strengths of faith over fear, collaboration over compensation, and abundance over scarcity. Uncover the obstacles holding women back and how to address them to break through the glass ceilings of what’s possible.
In our Negotiating Your Confidence by Seeing Your Own Beauty episode, award-winning photographer, Marta Perales, shares her insights on why women lose confidence in themselves and a unique way they can reclaim their unshakable confidence.
Mother of 9 and powerhouse CEO of Local Choice Spirits, Paula Dezzutti, blew us away with her insights in our Negotiating Your Value in a Male-Dominated Industry episode. We explored everything from living life on purpose, to feminine innovation, being heard, negotiating value, raising capital and balance in life.
Clearly, there’s a lot to think about when it comes to standing in our value and owning our worth. If any of these episodes resonate with you, and you’re ready to soar to step into your best self, be sure to check them out, share them with other powerful women who could benefit and subscribe to the podcast so you don’t miss future episodes. And, of course, we wouldn’t say no to a 5-star rating or review.
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