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Brain Training for Executives with The Kennedy Method

The Kennedy Method

John Kennedy spent much of his life understanding systems, building systems and saving some of the world’s largest companies from defective systems.

In 2007, however, his life took a less than systematic turn.

The US Marine Corps asked him to help train its troops, so that they could perform better in the most arduous situations, thereby reducing casualties.

His method of training the brain and body simultaneously – now called the Kennedy Method — forged an entirely different approach to many personal and organizational problems.

John regularly speaks at military, business, sporting and brain research conferences.

How does The Kennedy Method work?

The Kennedy Method simultaneously stimulates multiple parts of your brain and senses, while coordinating muscle movement.

As your body and brain continually adjust to this stimulation, you experience lasting neuronal changes that positively affect the way you think and do.

This robust stimulation is called applied neuroplasticity.

No other method can produce both performative and therapeutic benefits in this short amount of time, with these types of results.

And it’s all through disarmingly simple, interactive and engaging exercises.

It works at the personal and group level, honing individual skills and tightening team dynamics in engaging, powerful ways.

Moreover, organizations can use the Kennedy Method as an internal tool to enhance efficiency and effectiveness across the whole enterprise.

He works personally with well-known military figures, sports stars, CEOs and organizations.

He lives in Evanston, Illinois and travels to wherever he can be of help.

Neuroplastician, Executive Brain Coach

Got Questions? hello@thekennedymethod.co

Jeffrey Cline
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