C-Suite Network™

Your Ideal Prospect Redefined

Your Ideal Prospect Redefined

Who is your ideal prospect anyway? You have an avatar or persona document completed on every variant. If you have lost(?) yours, if you go here, you can download a comprehensive sample and create new ones.

But, avatars or personas as I like to call them, need updates now and then. What was once a composite picture of demographics, psychographics, and behaviors has been modernized to include more information required to home in on where to best attract them to you.

Stop Making Ass-u-me assumptions.

Don’t make the mistake of limiting yourself to a few knowns and make up the rest because YOU think they act a certain way, have particular buying habits, or that you understand them based on people you know seem similar. That’s the wrong way to approach this much-valued exercise.

What are their hobbies? Where do they hang out? What types of magazines do they read? Radio stations? Television shows? All this information can help you better target where to perform your marketing rather than merely rely on Facebook because you’re comfortable with that platform.

What is going on in their heads? What do they think about it? What’s keeping them up at night? These and many other questions must be answered and not guessed at. Read. Research. Interview. Survey. Then compile the information and find the dominant traits.

If you’ve been in business for a while and have a database of former customers, clients, or patients, go back into those files, find their commonalities, and do the same compiling. Believe it or not, more than likely, those that have the most similarities ARE your ideal persona.