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Business Innovator

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Unicorn Makers

The top 1% of these Business innovators are also known as Unicorn Makers and as such, are in ultra-high demand, but often come at a fair price as they typically hedge their long-term value to success so it is a true win-win. Typical as a Fraction C-Suite Leader, Independent Director, or Consultant, these unicorn makers are often Non-exclusive and have several deals going at the same time, which is actually valuable to the business as you get all the brain trust and intellectual capital at a fraction of the price.


Types of Business Innovators


A “business innovator” is a broad term that can encompass various types of innovation within a business context, including technological and profit-related innovations. However, when you specify a “tech innovator” or a “profit innovator,” you’re narrowing down to more specialized domains. Here’s how they differ:

Tech Innovator

A tech innovator focuses specifically on technological advancements and applying these technologies to create new or improved products, services, or processes. Their work is rooted in technical knowledge and is often associated with the development of new software, hardware, platforms, or integration of emerging technologies like AI, blockchain, or IoT into existing systems. The primary goal is to leverage technology to solve problems or create opportunities that didn’t previously exist.

Key Aspects:

  • Develops or utilizes new technologies.
  • Focuses on technological solutions to improve efficiency, capabilities, or user experiences.
  • Stays abreast of the latest technological trends and advancements.
  • Often works in fields like IT, software development, engineering, or data science.


  • Can lead to technological breakthroughs that redefine industries.
  • Often results in patents or intellectual property related to tech innovation.
  • Enhances the technical competencies of a business.

Profit Innovator

A profit innovator, on the other hand, is primarily focused on strategies that increase a company’s profitability. This could involve finding cost-saving measures, developing new revenue streams, restructuring the organization for financial efficiency, or identifying lucrative market opportunities. Profit innovation isn’t necessarily tied to product or technology innovation; it could just as well involve financial restructuring or business model innovation.

Key Aspects:

  • Prioritizes financial outcomes and profitability.
  • Looks for innovative pricing strategies, cost reductions, and efficiency improvements.
  • Focuses on the bottom line, return on investment, and shareholder value.
  • Works closely with financial models and business strategy.


  • Directly influences the financial health and growth potential of a company.
  • May involve changing business practices, adopting new business models, or rethinking market approaches.
  • Often measured by financial metrics and growth indicators.

Business Innovator

A business innovator is a more inclusive term that encapsulates both tech and profit innovators, along with other types of innovation. They could be driving changes in management practices, corporate culture, operational procedures, or market expansion strategies.

Key Aspects:

  • Broad focus on any type of innovation that can improve business operations, growth, or sustainability.
  • May incorporate aspects of tech innovation, profit innovation, and beyond.
  • Seeks to foster a culture of continuous improvement and adaptability.


  • May lead to comprehensive transformations within the company.
  • Can influence all aspects of the business, from internal processes to customer interactions.
  • Aims for long-term sustainability and market relevance.

In conclusion, while a tech innovator is focused on technological advancements and a profit innovator is focused on financial performance, a business innovator could be engaged in driving change in any number of areas within a business. Each plays a crucial role in the overall health and progress of a company, but they focus on different aspects of innovation.

Fractional Business Innovator

A business innovator is someone who introduces new ideas, workflows, products, services, or methodologies into a business environment. Innovators in business are typically seen as leaders and drivers of growth, guiding their organizations towards new markets, increased efficiency, and higher profitability through creative and often disruptive strategies. Here are some key aspects of a business innovator:

Characteristics of a Business Innovator:

  1. Visionary Thinking: Business innovators often have the ability to see beyond the current market and operational limitations to envision future possibilities.
  2. Risk-Taking: They are willing to take calculated risks to implement new ideas, understanding that innovation involves the potential for failure.
  3. Problem-Solving: Innovators excel at identifying problems and are adept at finding unique solutions that improve business outcomes.
  4. Adaptability: They can adapt to changing environments and pivot their strategies accordingly.
  5. Collaborative: True innovators understand the power of collaboration and are skilled at harnessing the collective talents and insights of their teams.
  6. Persistence: They often face resistance to change and must have the persistence to see their ideas through to fruition.

Roles of a Business Innovator:

  1. Product Innovation: Developing new products or enhancing existing ones to better meet customer needs and stand out in the marketplace.
  2. Process Innovation: Creating or improving business processes to increase efficiency, reduce costs, or enhance quality.
  3. Business Model Innovation: Rethinking the way business is done, which can include changing revenue streams, distribution channels, or customer engagement strategies.
  4. Technology Adoption: Integrating cutting-edge technology to stay ahead of competitors and improve business operations.
  5. Cultural Innovation: Shaping the company culture to be more accepting of change, fostering an environment where innovation can thrive.

Examples of Business Innovators:

  1. Entrepreneurs: Individuals like Steve Jobs or Elon Musk who have founded companies based on innovative products or services.
  2. Intrapreneurs: Employees within larger corporations who drive innovation, such as developing a new business line within an existing company.
  3. Research and Development Leaders: Those who head R&D departments tasked with bringing new ideas to life.
  4. Strategic Planners: Professionals who develop forward-thinking strategies to help a company navigate future challenges.
  5. Technology Evangelists: Individuals who champion the adoption of new technologies within their organization.

Impact of Business Innovators:

  • Competitive Advantage: They can give a company the edge it needs to outperform competitors.
  • Market Leadership: Innovators often help companies become market leaders by setting industry standards.
  • Growth and Scaling: Innovative products and services can open new markets and revenue streams, facilitating growth.
  • Resilience: Innovation can make a company more resilient to market shifts and disruptions.

Being a business innovator is not exclusive to company founders or top executives; it can come from any level within an organization. It’s about a mindset and a proactive approach to seeking and implementing change that can bring about significant positive transformations in the business.

Life Insurance Retirement Plan

Life Insurance for Retirement as part of Executive Comp Plan

Executive & C-suite compensation plans are more than just a salary from options to long-term planning, using life insurance retirement planning as a way to provide value, options, tax benefits and more for the executive that is thinking 5 steps ahead!

By: Jeff Cline founder 1-800-MEDIGAP

Life insurance can be an integral part of retirement planning, providing financial security and other benefits. To get the most out of life insurance for retirement planning, consider the following strategies:

Choose the Right Type of Life Insurance for your retirement planning.

  1. Whole Life Insurance: Offers a death benefit and accumulates cash value over time, which can be used during retirement.
  2. Universal Life Insurance: Provides more flexibility with premium payments and death benefits and also has a cash value component.
  3. Variable Life Insurance: Includes a cash value investment fund, which can grow tax-deferred and be utilized during retirement.
  4. Indexed Universal Life Insurance: Allows the cash value to grow based on a stock index, with certain protections against market declines.

Strategies for Maximizing Benefits

  1. Understand Tax Advantages: Life insurance policies can offer tax-deferred growth of cash value, tax-free death benefits, and potentially tax-free loans and withdrawals.
  2. Start Early: The earlier you purchase life insurance, the more time your policy has to accumulate cash value, which can be used in retirement.
  3. Leverage Cash Value: Use the policy’s cash value as a tax-free loan to supplement retirement income when needed, but be cautious of the terms to avoid diminishing the death benefit.
  4. Policy Review and Adjustment: Regularly review your policy to ensure it aligns with your retirement goals and make adjustments as necessary.
  5. Diversify Investments within Policies: If you have variable life insurance, diversify the investments within the cash value account to optimize growth and manage risk.
  6. Consider a Life Settlement: If a policy is no longer needed, a life settlement could be an option to gain more value than surrendering the policy.
  7. Use Riders Wisely: Add riders like Long-Term Care (LTC) riders that can provide benefits in case you need long-term care services.
  8. Benefit from Estate Planning: Use life insurance to provide for heirs, ensuring that your retirement savings are used for your needs first.

Considerations for Retirement Planning

  1. Assess Coverage Needs: Ensure that the amount of life insurance coverage aligns with your retirement goals and estate planning needs.
  2. Understand Policy Costs: Be aware of the costs associated with the policy, as these can impact the cash value and overall benefits.
  3. Evaluate Financial Stability of Insurer: Choose a reputable insurance company with strong financial stability to reduce the risk of default.
  4. Consult with Professionals: Work with a financial advisor or a life insurance specialist to tailor your life insurance to your specific retirement planning needs.
  5. Stay Informed on Policy Changes: Keep abreast of any changes in the life insurance policy that may affect your retirement planning, such as changes in tax laws or policy terms.
  6. Balance with Other Retirement Vehicles: Integrate life insurance with other retirement planning tools like IRAs, 401(k)s, and annuities for a well-rounded approach.

By incorporating these strategies, you can use life insurance as an effective tool in your retirement planning, ensuring that it complements your overall long-term financial goals. It’s important to regularly assess and adjust your life insurance policies as part of your broader retirement plan to respond to changing circumstances and financial needs. Many of our network members can assist in this process along with related needs starting at our directory for Insurance.

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Key Person Accident Insurance

Key Person Cancer Insurance

Buy-Sell Agreement funded by Life Insurance

Key Person Accident Insurance, often part of a broader Key Person Insurance policy, is a specialized insurance product designed to protect a company from the financial impact of losing a key employee due to an accident resulting in death or disability. This type of insurance is crucial for businesses that depend heavily on the knowledge, skills, or contributions of specific individuals whose sudden absence could pose a serious financial threat to the company’s operations.

Accident Insurance

How Key Person Accident Insurance Works:

  • Identification of Key Persons: A company identifies individuals whose absence would significantly disrupt business operations or threaten financial stability.
  • Policy Purchase: The company purchases an accident insurance policy on the life of the key person(s).
  • Beneficiary: The company is the beneficiary of the policy, meaning it receives the insurance payout.
  • Coverage: The policy typically covers accidental death and may include dismemberment or permanent total disability due to an accident.

Use Cases for the Payout:

  • Recruitment and Training: Funds can be used to recruit and train a replacement for the key person.
  • Debt Protection: The payout can help settle any outstanding debts or financial obligations that may be challenging to meet without the key person.
  • Revenue Bridge: Compensation for estimated lost revenue during the transition period following the key person’s accident.
  • Shareholder/Partner Reassurance: Provides financial reassurance to shareholders or partners that the business can sustain operations and maintain its value.
  • Business Continuation: Ensures that the business has the financial means to continue operating until it can recover from the loss.

Key Considerations:

  • Assessment of Value: The insured amount should correlate with the estimated financial loss the company would suffer.
  • Disclosure and Consent: The key person must be informed about the insurance policy, and their consent is typically required.
  • Policy Terms: The company should understand the terms, including what types of accidents are covered, exclusions, and any disability clauses.
  • Cost: Premiums for key person accident insurance depend on the coverage amount, the key person’s role, and the level of risk associated with their job or lifestyle.
  • Tax Implications: The premiums are generally not tax-deductible as a business expense, but the proceeds are usually received tax-free.

Implementation Strategy:

  1. Conduct a Risk Assessment: Evaluate which roles are critical and the financial impact of their potential loss.
  2. Choose the Right Policy: Work with an insurance broker to find the best policy that fits the company’s needs.
  3. Regularly Review and Update Coverage: As the company grows and roles change, insurance needs may also evolve.
  4. Integrate with Business Continuity Planning: Ensure that the key person accident insurance aligns with the broader business continuity plan.

Key Person Accident Insurance is an important risk management tool that provides financial protection and peace of mind, ensuring business stability in the face of unforeseen events. Companies should work closely with financial advisors and insurance professionals to tailor the insurance policy to their unique business needs.

Key Person Cancer Insurance is a specialized form of insurance designed to provide financial protection to a business in the event that a key employee is diagnosed with cancer. The loss of a key employee to a prolonged battle with cancer can be financially destabilizing to a company, especially if that individual holds critical knowledge, relationships, or skills that are vital to the organization’s operations.

Key Features of Key Person Cancer Insurance:

  1. Diagnosis-Based Payouts: Unlike traditional health insurance, key person cancer insurance typically pays out upon diagnosis of cancer, allowing the business to access funds quickly.
  2. Use of Proceeds: The payout can be used to cover the loss of revenue associated with the key employee’s absence, recruit temporary or permanent replacements, or even contribute to the individual’s treatment costs if the policy allows.
  3. Flexibility: Some policies offer flexibility in how the proceeds can be used, which can be particularly beneficial if the key person needs to take an extended leave for treatment and recovery.
  4. Coverage Amount: The amount of coverage is generally based on the key person’s value to the company, such as their contribution to profits or the cost of replacing their skill set.
  5. Premiums: Premium costs will vary based on factors such as the key person’s age, health status, and the amount of coverage purchased.

Cancer Insurance

Why Key Person Cancer Insurance is Important:

  1. Risk Management: It’s a proactive way to manage the risk of losing a key employee to cancer, which can have a significant impact on a business’s operations and finances.
  2. Business Continuity: The insurance helps ensure business continuity by providing financial support during a potentially challenging time.
  3. Employee Value: Demonstrates to key employees that they are valued, as the company is willing to take steps to mitigate the impact of their potential absence.
  4. Financial Planning: Aids in financial planning by providing a predictable benefit that can be accounted for in the company’s long-term financial strategies.

Implementation Strategy:

  1. Identify Key Personnel: Determine who the key individuals are within the company whose absence due to cancer would significantly impact the business.
  2. Assess Financial Impact: Evaluate the potential financial impact of losing each key person, which will help determine the amount of coverage needed.
  3. Consult with Insurance Professionals: Work with insurance brokers and underwriters who specialize in key person insurance to find the best policy.
  4. Communicate with Key Employees: Ensure that key employees understand the purpose of the insurance and obtain their consent.
  5. Review Regularly: The policy should be reviewed periodically to ensure that it remains in line with the company’s changing needs and the key persons’ roles.
  6. Integrate with Overall Benefits: Consider how key person cancer insurance fits with other employee benefits and insurance policies the company holds.

Key Person Cancer Insurance provides a specific kind of financial cushion and reassurance, allowing a business to focus on human compassion and support for the individual during their treatment, without the added pressure of immediate financial concerns. As with all insurance products, it is vital to carefully consider the terms and ensure they align with the company’s requirements and ethical considerations.

Buy-Sell Agreement funded by life insurance

A Buy-Sell Agreement funded by life insurance is a common strategy used in business succession planning, particularly in partnerships or closely held corporations. It is designed to protect a business in the event of an owner’s death, disability, or retirement. Here’s a comprehensive overview:

How It Works:

  1. Agreement Creation: The business owners enter into a Buy-Sell Agreement, which is a legally binding document that outlines how a partner’s share of the business may be reassigned if that partner dies or otherwise leaves the business.
  2. Funding with Life Insurance: The agreement is funded by life insurance policies on the lives of each partner or key owner. Each owner typically holds a policy on every other owner, or the business itself can own the policies on each partner (entity purchase agreement).
  3. Determination of Value: The agreement stipulates the value of the business or the value of each owner’s share, which can be a fixed amount or a formula to determine the value at the time of the event.
  4. Transfer of Ownership: Upon the death of an owner, the life insurance policy provides the funds necessary for the remaining owner(s) to purchase the deceased’s share of the business from their estate.

Benefits of a Life Insurance-Funded Buy-Sell Agreement:

  1. Immediate Liquidity: Life insurance proceeds are available almost immediately upon death, providing the necessary liquidity to purchase the deceased’s interest without the need to sell company assets.
  2. Fair Valuation: Ensures that the surviving family members receive fair compensation for the deceased’s share of the business.
  3. Business Continuity: Allows for smooth transition of ownership and operation without the need for external financing.
  4. Tax Efficiency: Life insurance proceeds are generally income tax-free and can be structured to avoid estate taxes with proper planning.
  5. Fixed Costs: Premiums for life insurance are fixed and known, making it easier to budget for the cost of the agreement.

Types of Buy-Sell Agreements:

  1. Cross-Purchase Agreement: Each business owner purchases a life insurance policy on the other owners. Upon death, the surviving owners use the policy proceeds to buy the deceased owner’s share.
  2. Entity-Purchase Agreement: The business itself purchases life insurance on each owner and is the beneficiary. Upon an owner’s death, the business uses the proceeds to buy the deceased’s share.

Key Considerations:

  1. Policy Ownership and Control: Who owns the policy and who can control its cash value can have significant tax implications.
  2. Accurate Valuation: Regularly update the valuation of the business to reflect growth and ensure the insurance coverage is adequate.
  3. Premium Payments: Decide how premiums will be paid—whether by the business or the individual owners.
  4. Disability Provisions: Consider including disability insurance or riders to cover situations where an owner cannot work due to a disability.
  5. Estate Taxes: Life insurance can be used to pay estate taxes, preventing the need to sell parts of the business for tax payments.

Steps to Implement:

  1. Hire Legal and Financial Advisors: To draft the agreement and ensure that all tax and legal aspects are properly addressed.
  2. Determine the Right Type of Agreement: Based on the number of owners and structure of the business.
  3. Purchase Life Insurance Policies: Select appropriate life insurance products and ensure each owner is insurable.
  4. Communicate with All Parties: All business owners and family members should understand the plan and its implications.
  5. Regular Reviews: The agreement should be reviewed regularly as the business evolves and insurance needs change.

Implementing a Buy-Sell Agreement funded by life insurance requires careful planning and professional advice but can ultimately provide peace of mind and stability for business owners and their families.