C-Suite Network™


The Importance of Experiential Marketing in the Digital Age

The way consumers interact with brands has changed drastically over the last decade. Selling products to customers through a TV commercial simply doesn’t cut it anymore. We’re part of an experience economy where customers largely prefer memorable experiences over material possessions. Savvy marketers have recognized this shift and put more emphasis on experiential marketing.

What is Experiential Marketing?

Experiential marketing is an experience of consumption that goes beyond just the purchase. It is a strategy used to help forge an emotional connection between a consumer and a brand by offering a unique and delightful experience. Using this advertising strategy in the digital age will give your brand that extra competitive edge it needs to survive.

Leaving a Lasting Impression

Experiential marketing creates a new way for consumers to experience a brand in an interesting format, which leaves them with a lasting impression. Consumers who participate in branded experiences are much more likely to remember the brand associated with the event than if they were to just see it on a screen. That’s thanks to their handy dandy senses. By interacting with a brand using their senses, consumers get a tangible experience that is more memorable and genuine.

One brand that has left a lasting impression on consumers is Lean Cuisine with their #WeighThis campaign. Lean Cuisine set up a wall of small boards that looked like scales at Grand Central Station and asked women to write down how they truly wanted to be weighed. Instead of focusing solely on weight loss, the initiative encouraged women to think about their accomplishments and things like “caring for others” and “raising three kids” were posted up on the wall. This was an ingenious way of generating positive brand associations!

Building Brand Loyalty

Every time a consumer interacts with a brand their loyalty is either positively or negatively impacted. Experiential marketing allows brands to put their best foot forward by providing a fun and engaging interactive experience. This lays down the groundwork for establishing connections that will lead to deep-seated brand loyalty.

The Glamour Beauty Festival is an excellent example of a brand (in this case Glamour Magazine in partnership with Fiat) creating a sense of community and brand loyalty by putting on a great event. For fashion and beauty enthusiasts, it is the place to be with masterclasses, celebrity appearances, and free pampering services all taking place at this event.

The Gift That Keeps on Giving

Having a strong presence on social media is pretty much a must for all brands in the digital age – it is the cornerstone of modern-day marketing after all. Experiential marketing can be used to leverage a brand’s social media presence by encouraging consumers to share photos of events with their following.


In conclusion, experiential marketing is an essential tool for brands looking to stand out in today’s digital age. By creating memorable experiences for customers, brands can forge emotional connections that lead to deep-seated loyalty and positive associations. The benefits of experiential marketing are clear: it leaves lasting impressions, builds brand loyalty, and leverages social media presence.

Capital Growth Technology

Fractional CFO Services

Fractional CFO (Chief Financial Officer) Services

A Fractional CFO (Chief Financial Officer) is a financial professional who provides part-time or on-demand CFO services to businesses, typically on a contract basis. Fractional CFOs offer the expertise and strategic financial guidance of a traditional CFO but work for multiple clients simultaneously, allowing smaller or emerging companies to access high-level financial expertise without the cost of a full-time executive. Here’s when you should consider hiring a Fractional CFO for your startup or emerging company: (You will need someone to help you calculate your value)

1. Limited Financial Expertise: If you or your team lack in-depth financial knowledge and experience, a Fractional CFO can provide guidance on financial strategy, budgeting, forecasting, capital raises and financial reporting.

2. Financial Complexity: As your business grows, financial complexity increases. If you’re dealing with multiple revenue streams, investments, debt, or complex financial structures, a Fractional CFO can help manage these intricacies.

3. Fundraising: If you’re planning to raise capital through venture capital, angel investors, or loans, a Fractional CFO can assist in preparing financial projections, financial models, and investor communications.

4. Cost Management: Fractional CFOs can help identify cost-saving opportunities and streamline financial processes to improve efficiency.

5. Strategic Planning: They can assist in developing and executing a financial strategy that aligns with your business goals and objectives.

6. Cash Flow Management: Effective cash flow management is critical for startups. A Fractional CFO can help monitor and manage cash flow to ensure the business has enough liquidity to operate smoothly.

7. Risk Management: Identifying and mitigating financial risks is essential. A Fractional CFO can assess financial risks and implement strategies to reduce exposure.

8. Financial Reporting: They can prepare accurate financial statements and reports for internal use and external stakeholders, such as investors or creditors.

9. Exit Planning: If you have plans for an exit strategy, such as selling the company or going public, a Fractional CFO can help prepare for this significant financial event.

10. Cost-Effective Solution: For many startups and emerging companies, hiring a full-time CFO may not be financially feasible. Fractional CFOs offer a cost-effective alternative, providing high-level financial expertise without the full-time salary and benefits.

11. Scalability: As your business grows, you can adjust the level of fractional CFO support to meet your changing needs. This scalability is especially valuable for startups experiencing rapid growth.

12. Short-Term Projects: If you have specific financial projects or initiatives that require specialized expertise, a Fractional CFO can be hired for a short-term engagement.

When considering hiring a Fractional CFO, it’s important to evaluate your company’s specific financial needs, budget, and growth trajectory. Fractional CFOs can offer tailored solutions to help startups and emerging companies navigate financial challenges and achieve their strategic objectives.

Fractional CFO Interview Checklist

Category Questions and Considerations
Qualifications and Experience – Educational background and qualifications
– Years of CFO or senior financial experience
– Past experience with startups or emerging companies
Industry Expertise – Familiarity with your industry or related industries
– Insights on industry-specific financial challenges or opportunities
Services Offered – Specific financial services provided as a Fractional CFO
– Areas of financial expertise or specialization
Availability and Commitment – Weekly or monthly availability
– Concurrent clients and time management strategies
Track Record – References or case studies from previous clients
– Notable achievements or results for other companies
Approach to Financial Strategy – Methods for financial strategy and planning
– Approach to financial forecasting and budgeting
Risk Management – Assessment and mitigation of financial risks
– Examples of effective risk management for clients
Reporting and Communication – Communication with non-financial stakeholders
– Tools or software for financial reporting and analysis
Cost Structure – Fee structure for Fractional CFO services
– Additional costs or expenses to be aware of
Growth Strategy – Assistance in achieving financial growth and scalability
– Insights on funding, mergers, acquisitions, or exits (if applicable)
Problem-Solving Skills – Examples of complex financial problem-solving for clients
– Approach to resolving financial challenges
Cultural Fit – Collaboration with team members and departments
– Alignment of financial goals with company culture and values
Confidentiality – Measures to ensure confidentiality and security of financial information
Communication and Updates – Frequency of financial updates and progress reports
– Contact information for urgent financial matters
Exit Strategy – Plan for transitioning out of the engagement when it concludes
Contract and Terms – Terms of the contract or engagement agreement
– Termination clauses or notice periods

This checklist can help you thoroughly assess a Fractional CFO candidate and determine if they are the right fit for your startup or emerging company’s financial needs and goals.

Business Valuation Gap Analysis Fractional CFO Services can also provide Business Valuation Gap Analysis