C-Suite Network™

Growth Personal Development Women In Business

Working Women: A Historic Look Back to Shine H.O.P.E. on Our Future


During the pandemic, we experience a flurry of fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) similar to how we navigate our personal and professional lives. FUD prevents us from taking risks and living the lives we dream. Complacency sets in and every day feel the same with little hope of change. However, with change comes opportunity. Many of us find ourselves wading in the waters of indecision. Although, as we grapple with the pandemic’s uncertainties, those quandaries springboard us into rebirth.


Looking into the past gives visibility into our future. The trailblazing 1920s Flappers – the women who redefined fashion and rose up from traditional household roles to be in the workplace – were denoted as the first generation of independent women. They broke barriers. After the 1918 pandemic, the household mavens of the Roaring Twenties re-emerged with a desire to earn a paycheck while tending to their families. They took advantage of opportunities beyond wearing an apron.


Women slayed the dragons for their future sisterhood, paving the way for equality. The Roaring Twenties was an era of hope as women rematerialized from unprecedented times. Women’s fashion complemented their spirit of movement – from dancing the Charleston to feeling empowered outside the home. As their hemlines allowed for more movement, so did their spirits. Their voices were heard.


The women of the Roaring Twenties gave us encouragement to not let FUD get in the way. They forged ahead, creating positive momentum which led to the women’s right to vote, fashion trends, and paying careers. Even though roles have evolved over the past century, society needs to continue to showcase successful female professions to keep our aspirations in reach. If we see flourishing female roles, we can aspire to become them. It is up to our generation to carry the torch, strengthen the flame, and not lose sight of our career dreams, even if the pandemic has dimmed our light.


Because of pandemic stressors, more women are leaving the workforce. Instead of climbing the corporate ladder, we are descending in search of balance. We feel sandwiched between our careers and families. The biggest differentiator between women’s evolution over the last century will be defined by the ones playing tug of war between their professional and motherly duties. In 2020, women held just over 50% of paid jobs in the United States vs. a decade ago. However, we saw women leave the workplace whether they left on their own accord or lost their jobs. Already removed from the workplace, it minimized their risk of reinvention and allowed time for reflection.


Lindsey Seavert of Minneapolis, MN is among the over 2.2 million women who recently left the workforce realizing she needed more flexibility to execute distance learning during the pandemic.  She left a two-decade career as a reporter and started her own business. She focuses on freelancing and documentaries she produces on her own time, nestled between mastering her children’s eLearning, doctor appointments, and making certain dinner is on the table.  As her homefront to-do list grows, so does her entrepreneurial spirit.

“We are all pressed with limited capacity right now, but if there’s anything that I have learned from my decades as a journalist, it’s that following the light has yet to fail me,” said Seavert. “I’ve always clung to stories centered around hope, or tales of the triumphant underdog. I’ve learned to listen, recognize these moments, and right now, I have realized I need to live my own story.”


Hope.  It keeps us going.  We cannot lose sight of taking a risk as we paint our own portraits during this season of life.  There is good that comes from a pandemic – stronger sisterhood tribes are formed; people’s resilience grows, and they hope to take that leap of faith into the unknown enriches.  We must remain curious and courageous.  All-the-while tapping into our H.O.P.E. – Heroines of our 2020 era reinventing ourselves in search for more balance | Optimism for our souls | Perseverance to overcome our challenges | Empowerment to be our best selves.


2021 marks a season of renewal.  The Flappers taught us anything is possible if we ignite the fire in our bellies. Fast forward to the 2020 presidential election which brought us our first female Vice President-elect.  We owe gratitude towards the women of the 1920s who began to pave the way.  Ultimately, their courage gave women a voice.  It is our duty to continue to break the glass ceiling for our legacy and shine a light on H.O.P.E. for our future.


Let’s raise a glass of courage and toast to nurturing our families and career aspirations – to taste the feeling of fulfillment.


This article is dedicated to Marion Eleanor Hunter (born in the Roaring Twenties) who passed away on December 11, 2020, one day after her 93rd birthday.  “Auntie Marion” was a heroine of her time – a working single mother who lived her life with H.O.P.E., love,  strength, fashion, and grace.

About the author: Follow me at www.gaylekeller.org (launching Spring 2021)

Growth Personal Development

Don’t Trust Your Gut! Overcoming Cognitive Bias in Business

King Chess Piece

Go with your gut.

You hear that all the time, but it turns out; it might not be the best advice.

“Unfortunately, this message is so flawed,” Dr. Gleb Tsipursky told me during a recent C-Suite Network Digital Discussion. “It feels very comfortable, intuitively, but it often leads to disastrous decisions.”

He continued, “Your feelings, your intuitions are unfortunately going to lead you astray.”

Dr. Tsipursky is CEO of Disaster Avoidance Experts, a consulting firm that helps companies with decision making, risk management, and strategic planning. He is also the author of the appropriately titled, Never Go With Your Gut: How Pioneering Leaders Make the Best Decisions and Avoid Business Disasters. I was so impressed with his insights; I spoke with him twice in 2020 – first on my All Business with Jeffrey Hayzlett podcast, then the aforementioned Digital Discussion.

If you’re wondering why you shouldn’t trust your gut instincts, Dr. Tsipursky points to the science.

“Our guts are evolved, not for the modern world, they’re evolved for the ancient savanna,” he said. “The modern world with the Internet and so on (has) really been around since 1990. Do you think we’ve had time to evolve for it?”

If you’re thinking, ‘what about your experiences?’ then you’re not alone. I thought the same. Dr. Tsipursky said not to confuse the two. Your experience comes from what could be years of practice. He used the example of looking at your inbox and differentiating the critical messages from the spam. The same goes for your business experience. If you’ve been in a similar situation before, you have the information you need to make the right decision.

The other reason you shouldn’t trust your gut is rooted in psychology. Dr. Tsipursky says our cognitive biases also get in the way. For anyone without a psychology degree, cognitive biases are flaws in the way we think. Some scientists believe these biases may be hardwired in our brains. There are many types of these biases, but Dr. Tsipursky focused on three:

  • Normalcy Bias: The idea things will continue as normal – such as believing things will return to “normal” when the pandemic is over
  • Confirmation Bias: This is looking for information that confirms our beliefs and feelings. “When you get information that doesn’t (confirm your beliefs), you tend to reject it because it doesn’t feel comfortable,” Dr. Tsipursky said. “You’re letting your emotions drive you in business, and that leads you to make bad mistakes.”
  • Planning Fallacy: This is when we make plans and stick to them but don’t pivot quickly enough when the environment or situation changes.“You need to be aware that your plans
    will be screwed up sometimes. They will not go according to plan and build in a lot of extra resources, time, money, and so on for things that you don’t anticipate,” Dr. Tsipursky said.

One method businesses use to plan for the future is through a SWOT analysis, a system where companies evaluate their Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Dr. Tsipursky says companies that use ‘SWOT’ gives management false comfort.

“You don’t account for all the weaknesses. You don’t account for all the threats,” Dr. Tsipursky said. “One of the fundamental things about SWOT that people look for is information that goes along with what they think.”

“What (companies) should always be doing when they go through a process is try(ing) to prove themselves wrong. That’s not what SWOT is. SWOT is proving yourself right. What you should be doing is trying disconfirm what’s going wrong.”

In place of SWOT, Dr. Tsipursky developed five questions your company needs to ask to avoid decision disasters. He says you can use these 5 questions daily for situations that pop up or in strategic planning sessions:

  1. What important information did I not yet fully consider?
  2. What dangerous judgment errors did I not yet address?
  3. What would a trusted and objective adviser suggest I do?
  4. How have I addressed the ways this could fail?
  5. What new information would cause me to revisit this decision?

“These five questions can be used for any decision. Any decision you don’t want to screw up,” Dr. Tsipursky emphasized. “Especially for a team decision because you can get together, have all members of the team answer this in advance, and have a team decision meeting where you structure the agenda around these five questions.”

He says working on the questions in advance makes for more productive and efficient meetings.

Another bias companies find themselves trapped under is the Sunken Cost Fallacy, or as you hear it referred to sometimes in business, chasing good money after bad. Companies put so much effort into a failing project, and they continue to pour money into it, hoping it will turn around. These costly projects not only damage a company’s bottom line, but it can hurt reputations as well. Dr. Tsipursky used the Boeing 737 Max as an example. Boeing grounded the plane in March 2019, after two fatal crashes. They has also had trouble with its 787 Dreamliner, blamed for engine fires and battery problems.

While Boeing may be an extreme example of sunken costs, every business goes through its version of it in some form or another. So, why does it happen?

“We don’t want to be wrong,” Dr. Tsipursky said. “That feeling of being wrong, it’s driving a lot of egos.”

“One of the most dangerous things to have in business is not (to) have a sense of humility.”

Dr. Tsipursky says trading ego for humility is the driver behind question five: What new information would cause me to revisit this decision? He designed the question to address sunken costs.

“It’s one of the biggest reasons why businesses fail. They don’t pivot in a quickly enough manner. You need to be oriented towards pivoting. You need to be oriented towards humility,” he advised.

There’s another bias Dr. Tsipursky says humility will help you overcome, but you’ll have to listen to our full conversation to hear what it is. You’ll also hear the excellent Q & A from our community as well.

I’d like to thank Dr. Gleb Tsipursky for his eye-opening insight. He never disappoints.  


I’ll be sure to think twice next time I’m tempted to go with my gut.