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Your Saturday Night Business Plan Has a Fever

Your Saturday Night Business Plan

Has a Fever

Hey there, savvy business connoisseur! You’re Not Wearing Bell Bottoms Anymore, so let’s get with the program. And leave the white suit and mirror ball in the storage shed. Your Saturday Night Business Plan has a fever, and life support is not worth the loss of time nor effort – it’s D.O.A.

Ever tried navigating a Home Depot with a pirate’s map? Or texting with a brick phone? Ridiculous, right? But that’s what clinging to an ancient business model feels like in today’s electric commerce dance-off. Those days are over, thank goodness.

In the vast disco of business (stay with me here), standing still makes you as relevant as last season’s cat meme. Remember when the “Macarena” was all the rage? Yeah, me neither.

In this sassy and rapid age, we’ve got startups sashaying past industry giants with the elegance of Beyoncé and the audacity of a cat meme. But why the need to redefine? Let’s spill the tea: It’s not about the now; it’s about the “wow” and the “how.” And because, like mom’s lasagna, things just get better with a little tweak and twist.

An eBook? Or A Magic Carpet Ride?

So, Vinnie, why should you dive into this digital treasure trove? Think of this eBook as your sassy best friend or that confidant who gives you the down-low while making you laugh so hard you spit your coffee. It’s here to equip you, inspire you, and occasionally slap you with a reality check (in the nicest way possible).

By now, you might be wondering: where’s the metaphor? Think of your business model as a coffee brew. Sometimes you’re all about that robust dark roast, but other times? You’re craving that zesty cold brew with a hint of caramel. Redefining your business model is about catching the right brew vibes for the moment. And let’s face it: no one wants a stale cup of joe.

Welcome to the Future (Or Is It a Soiree?)

Navigating the current business maze is like being at a never-ending party where the DJ keeps changing the tracks, and you’ve got to keep up with the groove. Startups pop and lock, industry giants waltz in, and somewhere in between, there’s you – the life of the party, ready to redefine, remix, and get the crowd jumping.

Redefining isn’t just about keeping up with the Kardashians (or the Joneses, or whoever’s trendy nowadays). It’s about forecasting the next dance craze, predicting the next big TikTok challenge, and always being the one to introduce the newest, juiciest gossip at brunch.

Summing It Up With A Bow (And Maybe Some Glitter)

So, Reader, here’s the deal: redefining your business model isn’t about fitting into the old jeans (although, kudos if you can). It’s about understanding that the jeans might need a bit of spandex or, heck, turning them into fabulous shorts!

Are you ready to put on your dancing shoes and cha-cha with change? To waltz with wonder? To tango with transformation? This eBook is your dance instructor, your DJ, and your cheering squad all rolled into one.

Slide into these digital pages and redefine your business model’s rhythm. And if you need that Two-Day Submersive Dive into the pool of potential (with floaties, of course), reach out. Let’s make waves together!

David Dunworth
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