C-Suite Network™

When Life Gives You Hiccups

When Life Gives You Hiccups

You wake up Monday morning, already behind. Your to-do list feels like a threat, not a tool. Coffee doesn’t even taste at all drinkable. Somewhere between brushing your teeth and convincing yourself to open the laptop, you wonder if what you do matters. And just like that—hiccup. A disruption. A pause. A stutter. It’s as if you’ve lost your purpose, your calling, your life’s mission.

We all want our lives to mean something. We long for our work to have a purpose. But a hidden belief, often unspoken but deeply rooted, quietly sabotages us. It whispers, “This part of your life isn’t spiritual. This task, this email, this spreadsheet, this shift—God’s not in it.”

That’s the short circuit.

It’s the faulty wiring in our faith that breaks the connection between heaven and earth, sacred and ordinary. And it’s dangerously convincing. It makes you believe God is only found in church pews, prayer closets, and mission fields—not in boardrooms, break rooms, or broom closets.

But let’s be clear: there is no spiritual-secular divide in the Kingdom of God. That divide is man-made, and when we accept it, we stop flipping the switch that keeps us connected to God’s presence in our daily work.

A short circuit doesn’t mean you’ve lost faith altogether. It just means the current isn’t flowing. You believe in God, but Monday feels godless. You believe He created work, but your work feels disconnected. You know you have gifts, but you’ve stopped seeing them as sacred.

That’s what Monday Morning Atheism looks like—not a loss of belief, but a loss of integration.

Here’s the truth: every part of your life is spiritual because every part belongs to God. Your desk is an altar. Your tools are instruments of praise. Your ideas, your spreadsheets, your customer service calls, your lesson plans, your caregiving shifts—all of it is Kingdom territory. Every moment, every task, every breath is charged with divine potential.

When your life gives you hiccups, those aren’t signs that something sacred is broken. They’re invitations. Small disruptions remind you to realign with the truth that God is already there. He’s not waiting for you to clock out before He speaks. He’s in the middle of the mess, the meetings, and the mundane.

Don’t let a short circuit steal your spark. Every moment you live, every task you do, is part of the divine story God is writing through you. Flip the switch. Let the Spirit flow into your Monday, or any day and time something isn’t flowing properly. And let the hiccups remind you to breathe—because even your interruptions belong to Him.


Devotional Prayer: Reconnecting the Sacred Flow

Dearest Heavenly Father,

Thank You for caring about every part of my life—not just the moments I label “spiritual,” but the quiet ones, the busy ones, the hiccup-filled ones too. You are present in my planning and my pauses, my labor and my longing, my strength and my struggle. Help me to see what You see.

Forgive me for the times I’ve boxed You into Sundays and shut You out of my Mondays. For believing the lie that some things don’t matter to You. For letting frustration or fatigue short-circuit our connection. Rewire my thinking, Lord. Remind me that You dwell not just in temples made by hands, but in my cubicle, my walk to work, my car, my kitchen, my conversations, and my calendar.

Today, I choose to welcome You into every moment. Let my work be worship, my interruptions be invitations, and my heart be fully available to hear Your voice—even in the smallest tasks. Turn every hiccup into a holy pause. Teach me to live with divine flow.

In the name of Jesus—who never divided the sacred from the every day—I pray,
