C-Suite Network™

Scott Landis

C-Suite Leader Since:

Growth, Leadership, Personal Development

10905, 10911, 10906


Scott is a seasoned Performance Coach and the visionary leader behind Awakened Life’s Business Freedom Forum mastermind. With a rich background in psychology and a profound understanding of Relationship Intelligence, Scott has dedicated his career to helping entrepreneurs and business owners not only scale their operations but also achieve a fulfilling work-life balance.

At the core of Scott’s coaching philosophy is the Alignment Operating System, a proprietary framework he developed to harmonize business strategies with personal values and life goals. This approach, combined with the innovative TriMetric Tracking System, allows Scott to provide a unique, data-driven pathway for clients to double their income, expand their business impact, and enhance their personal life quality.

Leading the Business Freedom Forum, Scott fosters a dynamic environment where entrepreneurs transform into Founders with Freedom. Through this mastermind, he cultivates a community of like-minded individuals, all committed to achieving both professional growth and personal well-being. Scott’s expertise in strategic business scaling, alongside his passion for personal development, equips him to guide clients through a holistic journey of growth and discovery.

Beyond business coaching, Scott is deeply committed to the principles of vitality, relationships, freedom, and impact—the Four Pillars of Fulfillment that form the foundation of his coaching practice. His work extends beyond the boardroom, impacting the personal lives of his clients by helping them find balance, purpose, and joy in every aspect of their existence.

In sum, Scott’s role as a Performance Coach at Awakened Life is not just about business metrics and milestones; it’s about inspiring profound, life-changing growth and fulfillment, making him a trusted guide and mentor for entrepreneurs ready to embrace their next level of success and happiness.