C-Suite Leader Since:
A Leadership Coach and So Much More
For over 30 years Dr. Mike Armour has helped leaders, executives, and entrepreneurs
He also is known as a thought-leader on the principles of Trust-Centered Leadership® and the author of Leadership and the Power of Trust, Published by C-Suite Network Press, the second edition of his book quickly became an Amazon best-seller.
Dr. Mike sees his life purpose as “helping people succeed by providing them clarity and insight.” Since founding Strategic Leadership Development International (SLDI) in 2001, he has coached over 800 executives, managers and entrepreneurs and has trained thousands on four continents. His clients range from mom-and-pop startups to Fortune 100 companies. But his expertise goes far beyond coaching and training.
A Veteran Coach with a Proven Leadership Record
Mike knows firsthand the world of demanding leadership responsibilities. His career has encompassed service as a university dean, a college president, a Navy captain, the CIO of a major intelligence community, the CEO of a humanitarian organization in Europe and Asia, a Congressional candidate, and the founder and managing director of a leadership development firm in East Africa. In addition, he has held senior leadership positions and has served on the board for a variety of faith-based organizations.
Drawing on this experience, Mike designs customized engagements for every client, based on the client’s needs and priorities. His engagement may include any combination of coaching and mentoring, training, consulting, strategic facilitation, team-building, and keynotes for corporate events. He also helps organizations develop their own internal mentoring program.
Dr. Mike is particularly astute at assessing the health of corporate cultures and helping leadership teams develop their full potential.
The author of a dozen books, seven in the field of leadership, Dr. Mike has been published in over 20 languages. His podcast Upsize Your Leadership is featured on the C-Suite Radio Network.
Learn more about Mike and his firm’s comprehensive leadership services at www.leaderperfect.com. For more on his keynotes, see
I have worked closely with Mike for over 20 years. He has an exceptional grasp of issues, as well as a willingness to seek out the facts and listen to people’s differing ideas. Mike is at home across a wide variety of subjects, from technology to community building and from management practices to religion. He also, importantly, is a man of the highest personal integrity.