C-Suite Network™

Deb Krier

C-Suite Leader Since:

Leadership, Women In Business, Health and Wellness

10911, 10919, 10921

Are you ready to LIVE?


Deb Krier is a coalition builder and warrior who is rewriting the playbook on how to L.I.V.E. with cancer. Diagnosed with Stage 4 Triple Positive Breast Cancer in 2015, and then diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2023, she is on a mission to ensure that we are no longer “fine” with cancer. Her goal is to empower those dealing with cancer to embrace their inner Warrior so that they build a tribe, energize their voices, and expand their choices.

Businesses who have employees on this journey often have many questions regarding how they can support the employee. In addition to Federal and State laws that apply, it’s also important to have empathy in a difficult situation. It’s also important to know how to deal with co-workers, clients, and business associates during this time. Deb works with businesses to help them navigate these challenges.

As an unlikely cancer survivor, she’s experienced the disconnection and despair of a system where cancer is the star of the show while people with cancer are watching silently from the sidelines. Now, she is using her experience and expertise to kill cancer with honesty, communication, and collaboration. She advocates for everyone involved, from the cancer Warrior, to their friends and families, and even the medical personnel who support them.

The narrative for those dealing with cancer must change. These Warriors should never have to face their journey alone. It’s time to build unwavering tribes rooted in selflessness and community support.

Deb founded Wise Women Communications, LLC (WWC), an award-winning, full-service public relations and marketing firm. She hosts the podcast The Business Power Hour™, which began over 10 years ago and is nearing 900 episodes. Based in Atlanta, Georgia, Deb’s a member of the South Cobb Business Association, the Marietta Business Association, and the West Cobb Business Association. She serves as a co-chapter leader for the Atlanta Chapter of the CU-Boulder Alumni Association and is on the Dean’s Executive Committee for CU’s College of Arts & Sciences. She has an MBA degree with an emphasis in marketing from the University of Colorado and an MS in communications management from Colorado State University.


Kathleen Caldwell

Founder, C-Suite Network's Women's Coaching & Consulting Council and The Women's Succedss Accelerator


I have had the profound privilege to witness and support Deb create this world-changing idea and turn it in to a global movement, one person at a time. Deb’s commitment and passion to excellence, education and action inspires me every day! I am proud that Deb is my friend and sister traveler on life’s journey.

Brian Basilico

Author, Speaker, Innovator


Deb Krier embodies trust and empathy, gift and calm, intelligence and curiosity,m and has the experience to know how to guide you through the peril-filled journey you or your loved on is facing (or about to embark on).

Josh Zepess

The Identity Archeologist


When it comes to living, Deb is the exemplar. She has seen the good and felt the bad of cancer and yet every day she shows up with an energy that is both inspiring and contagious. Her determination and drive to succeed are only superseded by her kindness and warmth for people – something exceedingly rare in a world losing its empathy.


Radio Show

Listen to The Business Power Hour with Deb Krier on C-Suite Radio