C-Suite Network™

The C-Suite Network Mastermind Council is MASTERMINDS of MASTERMINDS.  The official community for all thought leaders leading or wanting to lead peer-to-peer collaboratives communities to create and extend the mastermind principle for others.  The work each member leads is based on the approach outlined and defined it as the “coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.”

It is open to all professional thought leaders and business leaders who have established peer-to-peer groups or masterminds or those same individuals wanting to establish these professional communities.

All members sign a pledge to adhere to a best of class Mastermind practices, a professional code of conduct, and standards of excellence.

It is these standards of excellence, programming, processes, and collaboration that elevates its members above false prophets out there posing as real thought leaders.

And the programing and structure provides members with inspiration and motivation from monthly meetings, hot seats, ideas, proven examples, insight, and joining together with real pros who lead some of the top masterminds in the world.

The C-Suite Network Mastermind Council provides a blueprint to start, build, and grow a mastermind and addresses:

  • Why collaboration is essential to business growth – as individuals and leaders
  • Steps needed to get you started or ramp up your own mastermind
  • Creating a purpose of betterment and a spirit of collaboration
  • How to create systems of accountability to track, and measure, progress
  • How to sell and market your own peer-to-peer groups
  • Share best practices on every aspect of running a mastermind
  • What are the best financial models or how to get the most value
  • Operational considerations for staff, timing, agendas, and venues
  • How to effectively use your own IP and content for to increase Reach, Discovery, and Conversion
  • How to utilize and implement a five-day challenge to build your community
  • And much more like networking, collaboration, and partnering!

The C-Suite Network Mastermind Council provides a framework to scale their mastermind business and implement the secrets of successful masterminds.   It is a collaborative community willing to support you and hold you accountable and for success going forward.


It is open to all thought leaders who are professionals and executives

leading top-level masterminds or wanting to build and lead peer-to-peer collaboratives communities to create and extend the mastermind principle for others.


  • Official Designation as a C-Suite Network Council (for all approved/licensed groups)
  • Your Mastermind Listing on C-Suite Network Mastermind Council page
  • All use of trademarks and professional identification including:
  • Certified C-Suite Network Mastermind Leader
  • Official “Member: C-Suite Network Mastermind Council
  • C-Suite Network Mastermind Council marks on your peer group
  • C-Suite Network Advisor™
  • Regular Council member meetings for collaboration, education, motivation, inspiration, and monetization.
  • Full access to all eligible C-Suite Network meetings, summits, briefings, discussions, mixers and events
  • Library of Resources (templates, program models, logos)


The C-Suite Network Mastermind Council holds digital monthly meetings and, like the Masterminds we lead, they are held in the spirt of a mastermind with collaboration, exclusive insights, and full disclosure of every process, goal, value and tactic— all with a spirit of the best of the best.   We open the books and reveal inside secrets for the best practices for effective -peer-to-peer groups and how to best serve your community.

In addition to the monthly meetings, there will be special in-person meetings held in conjunction with other official meetings of the C-Suite Network.   Members will have full access to meetings of the C-Suite Network including those for Digital Discussions, exclusive Membership MixersExecutive BriefingsC-Suite Network Celebrations, C-Suite Network AdvisorsC-Suite Radio Podcasters Forums, and other official meetings of the C-Suite Network

Schedule and published calendar are available upon request and confirmation of eligibility to the C-Suite Network Mastermind Council.

Programming Focus

  • Purpose of a Mastermind
  • Value Based Masterminds Versus False Prophets/Profits
  • Success Business Models
  • Community Structure
  • Essential Resources
  • Pricing, Dues and additional Revenue Options
  • Operational Considerations
  • Staffing Requirements
  • Content & Programming
  • Partnering
  • Member Retention
  • Effective Marketing Programs
  • Best of Class Sales
  • Retention Tactics
  • Professional Services
  • Efficiency Hacks
  • Motivation & Inspiration

In addition to purpose, values, and business operations, group leaders will also explore how to scale their business by expanding a thought leader’s reach, discovery and growth.  Members will be immersed in the Thought Monetization Model TM to identify additional opportunities that will provide greater acceleration of their business and access to a larger community.


Upon request and confirmation of eligibility to the C-Suite Network Mastermind Council.


Jeffrey Hayzlett is a primetime television host of C-Suite with Jeffrey Hayzlett and Executive Perspectives on C-Suite TV, and business podcast host of All Business with Jeffrey Hayzlett on C-Suite Radio. He is a global business celebrity, speaker, best-selling author, and Chairman and Founder of C-Suite Network, home of the world’s most trusted network of c-suite leaders, the company he founded in 2014.

Hayzlett is most widely known for being a business trend-setter and successfully leading through the transition of one of the largest corporate turnarounds of a Fortune 100 company as the Chief Marketing Officer of Eastman Kodak. In that role, Hayzlett helped the company reinvent the brand, embrace the emergence of new media, was one of the first corporate officers on Twitter and an early ambassador of digital marketing. Following his departure from Kodak, Hayzlett made it his mission to help all types of businesses from Main Street to Wall Street transform themselves using the “adapt, change, or die” adage – a concept found in his best-selling book, The Mirror Test. He’s constantly embracing new opportunities and finding creative solutions to steamroll obstacles.

Hayzlett is a marketing maverick who seeks to return the concept of mastermind to what Napoleon Hill intended it to be in his “Think and Grow Rich” book. Like Hill, Hayzlett believes in the collective approach to betterment for the attainment of a definite purpose. He is spearheading the Mastermind Council to equip everyone with the blueprint to elevate themselves as leaders, experts in their field, and find solutions that helps people grow personally and professionally.

Hayzlett is a Hall of Fame public speaker and author of four best-selling business books: Think Big, Act Bigger: The Rewards of Being Relentless, Running the Gauntlet, The Mirror Test and The Hero Factor: How Great Leaders Transform Organizations and Create Winning Cultures.